Food Processing - DLL - WEEK 4
Food Processing - DLL - WEEK 4
Food Processing - DLL - WEEK 4
Begin the class by Begin by discussing the Begin the lesson by reviewing
reviewing the previous importance of cleanliness the previous day's topic on the Begin the class by reviewing
lesson on general and safety in food importance of maintaining the previous lesson on the
workplace safety and processing areas. Review cleanliness and sanitation in importance of maintaining
sanitation principles. Ask the types of contaminants food processing. Ask students cleanliness and the operating
students to recall the that can be found in such to recall the different types of conditions of equipment in the
steps for maintaining a environments and the contaminants and the potential food processing industry. Ask
clean and safe work potential risks they pose. hazards they can cause if not students to recall the steps for
environment. Recap the different types properly managed. cleaning and sanitizing
of PPE and their specific equipment, as well as the
uses. reasons why this is crucial for
food safety.
the lesson
C. Presenting Show a video of a well- Show a short video clip of Show a short video clip or Show a video clip or a series
examples/Instances of the maintained a food processing plant in images of food processing of images that depict the
new lesson processing/packaging operation, highlighting the facilities that have suffered from consequences of poor
facility operating importance of a clean sanitation-related issues, and equipment maintenance and
smoothly, followed by a environment to ensure discuss the repercussions (e.g., cleanliness in food processing,
contrasting clip of a food safety. Ask students health outbreaks, business such as food contamination
facility receiving penalties to reflect on how they feel losses). This will highlight the and outbreaks. This will
due to non-compliance when they consume clean importance of today's lesson in highlight the importance of the
with safety and sanitation and safely processed food. preventing such issues. day's lesson and motivate
standards. Discuss the students to understand the
importance of following inspection process.
procedures and
D. Discussing new concepts Activity Split the class into Workshop: PPE Relay "Sanitize the Scene" Conduct a mock inspection
and practicing new skills # small groups and assign Race workshop.
1 each a different scenario
of a Materials Needed: Various Instructions:
processing/packaging PPE items (gloves, masks,
area with specific hair nets, aprons, etc.), Divide the class into small Instructions:
cleaning issues. mock processing area groups.
Provide each group with setup.
a set of workplace Instructions:
Provide each group with a
procedures and Divide the class into small
mock-up of a food Divide the class into small
manufacturer’s groups.
processing/packaging area and groups.
specifications. Each Set up a relay course with
a set of cleaning tools and
group must create a step- stations for different PPE
sanitizers. Provide each group with a
by-step action plan to items.
address the issues while Each group must race to checklist that includes items to
complying with the put on the correct PPE Each group needs to identify inspect in a
provided documents. before proceeding to the equipment and areas that processing/packaging area,
'clean' a section of the need cleaning and sanitizing. such as cleanliness of
Detailed Instructions: processing area. surfaces, correct functioning of
The team that correctly Groups must then perform the equipment, and proper storage
Divide students into wears all PPE and cleans cleaning and sanitizing of tools.
groups of 4-5. their section according to procedures using the provided
Hand out scenario cards guidelines wins. tools and materials, adhering to Set up different stations
and corresponding a checklist of OHS around the classroom that
procedure and requirements and simulate areas of a processing
specification documents. manufacturer’s specifications. plant (e.g., packaging station,
Give students access to mixing area, storage area).
cleaning materials and After completion, each group
safety gear (either actual will explain their process and Assign each group to rotate
or replicas for role-play). why each step is important. through the stations,
Allow 20 minutes for inspecting each one and
discussion and planning. marking their checklists.
Each group presents their
action plan to the class. After the rotation, groups will
discuss their findings and
propose solutions to any
issues they identified.
E. Discussing new concepts
and practicing new skills #
F. Developing mastery Discuss the different Discuss the challenges Facilitate a discussion on the Facilitate a class discussion
(leads to Formative approaches taken by faced during the activity. different methods used by each where each group presents
Assessment 3 each group. Highlight the Ask students which PPE group. Compare and contrast their findings from the mock
importance of were most difficult to use their approaches and highlight
understanding and and why. Emphasize the the best practices that align inspection. Encourage
following the specific importance of each item with workplace procedures and students to analyze the
guidelines for each and how they protect OHS requirements. common issues found during
scenario. Question how workers. inspections and the potential
these procedures can risks associated with them.
affect the safety and
efficiency of a workplace.
G. Finding practical Present a real-life case Real-life Scenario: Present Real-Life Problem: "Clean Present a case study of a real-
application of concepts and study of a local a scenario where a Sweep Challenge" life food processing issue,
skills in daily living processing/packaging processing area has had a such as an outbreak of
facility that faced spill of a potentially Instructions: foodborne illness traced back
challenges complying hazardous material. Ask to a specific processing plant.
with safety and students to outline the Present a scenario in which Ask students to identify what
cleanliness standards. steps they would take to students are employees in a inspection steps could have
Have students propose clean the area, including food processing plant that has been missed or neglected,
solutions based on what the selection and use of just finished a day's production. leading to the problem.
they've learned. appropriate PPE.
Their task is to create a step-
by-step plan for cleaning and
sanitizing the facility, ensuring
that all OHS requirements and
manufacturer’s specifications
are met.