6 Markars
6 Markars
6 Markars
6 markars
CS teacher
Please note that you may see slight differences between
this paper and the original.
Duration: Not set
Candidates answer on the Question paper.
• Write your name, centre number and candidate number in the boxes above. Please write clearly and in capital letters.
• Use black ink. HB pencil may be used for graphs and diagrams only.
• Answer all the questions, unless your teacher tells you otherwise.
• Read each question carefully. Make sure you know what you have to do before starting your answer.
• Where space is provided below the question, please write your answer there.
• You may use additional paper, or a specific Answer sheet if one is provided, but you must clearly show your candidate
number, centre number and question number(s).
Fig. 18.2
A loudspeaker is placed at the open end of the tube. The loudspeaker emits sound of constant frequency.
A small microphone is placed inside the tube. The microphone is connected to an oscilloscope. The microphone
is slowly moved from the open end of the tube towards its closed end. The signal detected by the microphone
shows regions of maximum and minimum intensity of sound. The distance between adjacent positions of
maximum signal is 0.26 m.
Fig. 18.3 shows the signal displayed on the oscilloscope when the output signal from the microphone is
maximum. The time-base on the oscilloscope is set at 0.50 ms div−1.
Explain the presence of the regions of maximum and minimum intensities of sound within the tube and
determine the speed of sound.
Fig. 19 shows incomplete graphs of KEmax against f from the groups A and B.
The value of the Planck constant h is determined from the completed KEmax against f graphs.
The result from each group is shown below.
Explain how a graph of KEmax against f can be used to determine h. Discuss the accuracy and precision of the
results from each group.
Fig. 18.1
The cell has e.m.f. 1.5 V. The cell and the variable power supply both have negligible internal resistance.
I = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A [3]
(ii) The e.m.f. of the variable supply is now slowly decreased from 4.2 V to 0 V.
Describe the effect on the current I in the 33 Ω resistor.
A group of students are investigating the power dissipated in a variable resistor connected across the
terminals of a cell. The cell has e.m.f. 1.5 V.
The students determine the power P dissipated in the variable resistor of resistance R.
Fig. 18.2 shows the data points plotted by the students on a graph of P (y-axis) against
Fig. 18.2
The group of students know that maximum power is dissipated in the variable resistor when R is equal to the
internal resistance r of the cell.
Describe, with the help of a suitable circuit diagram, how the students may have determined P and R.
Use Fig. 18.2 to estimate the internal resistance r of the cell and discuss any limitations of the data plotted by the
A metal circular plate is rotated at a constant frequency by an electric motor.
The plate has a small hole close to its rim.
Fig. 17.1 shows an arrangement used by a student to determine the frequency of the rotating plate.
A light-dependent resistor (LDR) and a fixed resistor of resistance 1.2 kΩ are connected in series to a battery.
The battery has e.m.f. 4.5 V and has negligible internal resistance. The potential difference V across the resistor
is monitored using a data-logger.
Fig. 17.2
Use your knowledge and understanding of potential divider circuits to explain the shape of the graph shown in
Fig. 17.2. Include in your answer the maximum and minimum values of the resistance of the LDR.
Describe how the student can determine the frequency of the rotating plate.
where V is the potential difference (p.d.) across the LED, λ is the wavelength of the light emitted, c is the speed
of light in vacuum and e is the elementary charge.
*Describe how an experiment can be carried out in the laboratory to determine h from a graph. Your description
must include how V and λ are accurately determined. Assume that the values of e and c are known.
0 marks
No response or no response worthy of
Total 6
Total 6
I = 0.037 (A)
A1 Allow 2 marks for
Examiner’s Comment
The success in this question hinged on
understanding the effect of two opposing
e.m.f.s in a circuit and determining the total
resistance of the circuit. About a third of
the candidates produced well-structured
and reasoned answer leading to the
correct current of 0.037 A. Most candidates
picked up a mark for determining the total
resistance of the two parallel resistors
(40 Ω). The total e.m.f. in the circuit is
2.7 V and the total resistance is 73 Ω.
Those using a total e.m.f. of 5.7 V ended
up with the incorrect current of 0.078 A;
two marks were awarded for this answer. A
small number of candidates tried to
calculate the current using either using 1.5
V or 4.2 V or 33 Ω.
0 marks Limitations
Examiner’s Comment
This was a level of response (LoR)
question had three ingredients - drawing a
viable circuit diagram that would enable the
data shown in Fig.18.2 to be reproduced,
using the figure to estimate the internal
resistance of the cell and finally outlining
any limitations of the data displayed in the
figure. There is no one perfect model
answer for a level of response question. A
variety of good answers did score top
marks. Most circuit diagrams were correct
and well-drawn. There was the occasional
mistake with the circuit symbol for a
variable resistor; the thermistor symbol
was a regular substitute. Most candidates
drew a smooth curve on Fig. 18.2 and
used this to estimate the internal
resistance of the cell. Many also realised
that the data points showed no evidence of
averaging or error bars and that there were
missing data points between 1.0 Ω and
3.0 Ω. Some candidates wanted ‘more
data points spaced regularly at interval of
0.5 Ω’, which was a sensible suggestion.
Some weaker candidates attempted to
draw a straight line of best-fit through the
data points and then tried to determine the
internal resistance from the gradient. There
was a good spread of marks amongst the
three levels.
Total 11
Examiner’s Comments
Exemplar 7
Exemplar 8
Total 6
h = (gradient × e ) / c or h = gradient / c
(allow numerical values for e and/or c)
Examiner’s Comments
Total 6