OCR ExamBuilder Test Export
OCR ExamBuilder Test Export
OCR ExamBuilder Test Export
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Duration: Not set
Candidates answer on the Question paper.
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• Write your name, centre number and candidate number in the boxes above. Please write clearly and in capital letters.
• Use black ink. HB pencil may be used for graphs and diagrams only.
• Answer all the questions, unless your teacher tells you otherwise.
• Read each question carefully. Make sure you know what you have to do before starting your answer.
• Where space is provided below the question, please write your answer there.
• You may use additional paper, or a specific Answer sheet if one is provided, but you must clearly show your candidate
number, centre number and question number(s).
Explain the buses and registers used when the line SUB one is executed.
(b) Explain, giving an example, how pipelining in a CPU could speed up the execution of this program.
3 A processor contains a number of special registers.
Describe how the following forms of output will be used by the software.
(i) Animation
Name and describe three buses used to convey information between the special registers.
Discuss the different approaches that can be taken to provide increasingly larger amounts of computing power
and the types of problem they are suited to.
Discuss what measures can be taken to improve Dan’s computer’s performance. You should explain what these
measures are, why they improve the performance and justify whether you would recommend them.
entry DAT 10
ten DAT 1
one DAT
(i) Give one instruction in the program that when executed, changes the value in the Accumulator.
(ii) Give one instruction in the program that when executed, changes the value in the Program Counter.
(iv) State the value the code outputs for the input 37.
9 The Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) is responsible for monitoring communications in order
to keep the UK secure. A large part of its job involves trying to break into encrypted messages.
The code breakers at GCHQ have access to supercomputers (computers with many processors).
Little Man Computer operates on a computer system based on the Von Neumann Architecture.
(ii) Describe one feature, not part of the standard Von Neumann Architecture, which contemporary CPUs may
have in order to improve performance.
(b) Part of the coffee making machine’s code asks the user to press a button to select strength. The code outputs 1
which will switch on a green light to indicate a valid selection or outputs 0 to indicate an invalid selection.
STA entry
LDA max
SUB entry
BRP accept
LDA redLight
BRA printAndEnd
accept LDA greenLight
printAndEnd OUT
greenLight DAT 1
redLight DAT 0
max DAT 5
entry DAT
Fig. 1
(i) Tick the appropriate boxes below to indicate which inputs will result in a green light (i.e. code outputs 1) and
which with a red light.
(ii) Explain which registers and buses are used, and the values they store/carry, when the line LDA redLight
is executed (after it has been fetched and decoded). You should assume the address redLight refers to
memory location 11.
(iii) Write code in a high-level language or pseudocode that has the same functionality as the code in Fig. 1.
(iv) * Discuss the differences between assembly code and high-level languages. You should refer to:
The new OCR Smart Watch:
1. Uses the CB2 RISC processor for long battery life
2. Stores up to 20hrs of music
3. Tracks fitness
Download The Factsheet
(i) Write the HTML to produce the extract from the webpage above. You can assume it will be placed within the
<body> tags of a pre-existing page. You do not need to specify the font.
(ii) Explain what happens when a search engine indexes the page. You do not need to discuss ranking.
(iii) Explain why using a RISC processor rather than a CISC processor is likely to result in increased battery life.
Fig. 1
(i) Describe what happens during the ‘Fetch’ stage shown in Fig. 1.
(ii) A CPU may need to stop running the Fetch-Decode-Execute-cycle in order to handle an interrupt.
Mnemonic Instruction
SUB Subtract
LDA Load
Branch always
INP Input
OUT Output
End program
Write a program using the Little Man Computer instruction set that will allow a user to input two numbers and
then output the larger of the two numbers. The program should loop continuously.
(i) Describe two ways that an operating system could manage physical memory.
(iii) Describe how virtual memory allows a user to run programs when physical memory is full.
Identify the stage(s) and instruction(s) run during each pipeline below.
Pipeline 1
Pipeline 2
Pipeline 3
Pipeline 4
(b) * OCR Insurance’s computer system uses secondary storage across the company in servers, client machines
and for backup purposes.
For each of these, discuss whether magnetic storage or solid state storage would be most suitable, taking into
account the advantages and disadvantages of both.
Explain why the Harvard architecture is suitable for a device like this.
(i) Describe how the accumulator is used during the Fetch-Decode-Execute cycle.
(ii) Describe how the program counter is used during the Fetch-Decode-Execute cycle.
(iii) State the name of three other registers that are used during the Fetch-Decode-Execute cycle.
(b) * A charity has several desktop computers in their office that use a CISC processor. They are considering buying
mobile devices for their staff to use when they are not in the office.
1 Mark Band 3–High Level (7–9 marks) 9 AO1: Knowledge and Understanding
The candidate demonstrates a thorough
knowledge and understanding of Magnetic The following is indicative of possible
and Flash storage. The material is factors / evidence that candidates may
generally accurate and detailed. refer to but is not prescriptive or
The candidate is able to apply their – Magnetic hard drives work by magnetic
knowledge and understanding directly and patterns being read off platters that
consistently to the context provided. mechanically spin at high speeds.
Evidence / examples will be explicitly – Flash hard drives use memory chips.
relevant to the explanation. These can have their contents erased and
subsequently overwritten when an
The candidate provides a thorough electrical charge is applied.
discussion which is well balanced. – Magnetic hard drives are cheaper per GB
Evaluative comments are consistently and tend to be sold in much higher
relevant and well-considered. capacities than flash hard drives.
– Flash hard drives tend to have much
There is a well-developed line of reasoning higher read / write speeds than magnetic
which is clear and logically structured. The hard disks.
information presented is relevant and – Flash hard disks have no moving parts
substantiated. and therefore tend to have lower power
consumption and are not affected by their
Mark Band 2–Mid Level (4–6 marks) device moving.
The candidate demonstrates reasonable
knowledge and understanding of a
Magnetic and Flash based storage; the AO2.1: Application
material is generally accurate but at times
underdeveloped. The selected knowledge / examples should
be directly related to the specific question.
The candidate is able to apply their The following is indicative of possible
knowledge and understanding directly to factors / evidence that candidates may
the context provided although one or two refer to but is not prescriptive or
opportunities are missed. Evidence / exhaustive:
examples are for the most part implicitly
relevant to the explanation. – Many games tend to incorporate a lot of
media and as such a keen gamer is likely
The candidate provides a sound to need a lot of storage space.
discussion, the majority of which is – Games are fast paced and often
focused. Evaluative comments are for the competitive. High loading speeds can be
most part appropriate, although one or two beneficial.
opportunities for development are missed. – High performance is often important to
gamers and as such will pick highest
There is a line of reasoning presented with performing components.
some structure. The information presented – Hybrid approaches exist which offer ‘the
is in the most part relevant and supported best of both worlds’.
by some evidence. – Magnetic hard drives can be noisy (due
to parts moving at high speed), this can be
Mark Band 1–Low Level (1–3 marks) undesirable and distracting whilst gaming.
The candidate demonstrates a basic Conversely flash drives operate silently.
Total 9
Total 10
Total 6
4 i Movement of images on the screen 2 Two mark points are: Movement and
Used to illustrate weather systems weather systems
which would otherwise not be possible
Examiner's Comments
ii The next image / stage presented is 2 Two mark points are: Output determined
determined by the input determined by by student input and an example (eg
the user question asked and answered or hyperlink
Questions may be asked about one / hot button chosen)
stage and the software will move to a
next stage determined by the response Examiner's Comments
to the question given
It was important to indicate that the output
from the software would be influenced by
the input from the student even if it was
only indicating whether answers to
questions were correct or not.
Total 4
Examiner's Comments
Total 6
6 Mark Band 3–High Level (9–12 marks) 2 Answers may include, but are not limited
to, some of the points below.
The candidate is able to apply their 5 Processors can have multiple cores.
knowledge and understanding directly and Super computers can have multiple
consistently to the context provided. processors (and GPUs).
Evidence/examples will be explicitly GPUs can be applied to problems other
relevant to the explanation. than graphics processing.
Problems can be distributed across a
The candidate is able to weigh up both number of computers working together.
sides of the argument which results in a
supported and realistic judgment as to AO2.1: Application
which approaches to provide increasingly Having multiple cores can speed up
larger amounts of computing power are smaller problems but this will not be
best. enough for larger problems.
There is a well–developed line of reasoning Supercomputers are prohibitively
which is clear and logically structured. The exceptionally expensive to buy and run for
information presented is relevant and all but large organisations.
substantiated. GPUs are becoming a cost efficient way of
tackling problems. GPUs tend to have
Mark Band 2–Mid Level (5–8 marks) large number of cores so can run on highly
The candidate demonstrates reasonable paralleliseable problems... …but only
knowledge and understanding of methods where the same instruction is being applied
of utilising large amounts of computing to multiple pieces of data (SIMD)
power; the material is generally accurate
but at times underdeveloped.
AO3.3: Evaluation
The candidate is able to apply their Increased clock speed is limited to smaller
knowledge and understanding directly to problems. Even doubling the clock speed
the context provided although one or two would only halve the time taken.
opportunities are missed. Parallel processing isn’t suited to all
Evidence/examples are for the most part problems. Most problems are only partially
implicitly relevant to the explanation. parallelisable. Writing algorithms for
parallel processing is more challenging
The candidate makes a reasonable than
attempt to come to a conclusion showing GPUs suited to a subset of science/
some recognition of which approaches to engineering problems where the same
provide increasingly larger amounts of calculation is repeated on multiple data
computing power are best. sets.
0 marks
No attempt to answer the question or
response is not worthy of credit.
Total 12
Examiner’s Comments
Candidates were assessed on the quality
of their extended response in this question.
Most candidates could cite some methods
for improving performance but not all
managed to then appropriately apply these
to the question. Many candidates did
recommend one or more measures
although some cases needed to include
justification. This resulted in some very
Total 9
8 i LDA (1) 1
SUB (1)
ADD (1) (AO1.2)
INP (1)
(Max 1)
Examiner’s Comments
Most candidates identified correctly, an
instruction which changed the value in the
Accumulator but fewer correctly identified
an instruction which changed the value in
the Program Counter.
ii BRA (1) 1
BRP (1)
BRZ (1) (AO1.2)
(Max 1)
Examiner’s Comments
Most candidates identified correctly, an
instruction which changed the value in the
Accumulator but fewer correctly identified
an instruction which changed the value in
the Program Counter.
iii 20 1
Examiner’s Comments
Candidates invariably gave both correct
output values.
iv 40 1
Examiner’s Comments
Candidates invariably gave both correct
output values.
v Rounds up (the number input)… (1) 2 Rounds to multiple of ten gets one mark.
Total 6
Total 2
Onboard Graphics…
…Built in circuitry for graphics processing.
b i Input Green Light Red Light 2 (AO3.3) Accept T for a tick. Penalise if blank table
elements have content.
1 ✓
2 ✓ Examiner’s Comments
3 ✓
Most candidates achieved the first mark on
4 ✓
this question. The second mark was lost by
5 ✓ those who ticked ‘red light’ for an input of
6 ✓ 5.
7 ✓
8 ✓
9 ✓
iii - Takes in a value from user. 3 (AO Do not credit structured English
- If value is 5 or less it shows green 3.2) Example
- Otherwise it shows Red
value = input("Enter a Value")
(1 Mark per -, max 3) if value <=5 then
Examiner’s Comments
0 marks
No attempt to answer the question or
response is not worthy of credit.
Total 24
11 i - Tags to make “Features” a heading 5 (AO3.2) For making Features a heading only
(accept h1, h2, h3 etc.) accept strong/b if accompanied by code
- Correct use of ol to increase font size.
- Correct use of li tags
- Use of <a tag Around the text <h1>Features</h1>
“Download the Factsheet” The new OCR Smart Watch:
- correct use of href=”factsheet.pdf” <ol>
(1 Mark per -, max 5) <li>Uses the CB2 RISC processor
for long battery life</li>
<li>Stores up to 20hrs of
<li>Tracks fitness</li>
The Factsheet</a>
Examiner’s Comments
Total 11
12 i 1 mark per bullet up to a maximum of 4 4 The bullets must be in the correct order,
marks, e.g.: AO1.1 except BP2, which can come anywhere
(2) from BP2 onwards
Data/address is copied from PC to AO2.1
MAR (2)
PC is incremented (by 1) (this can be
in any location from here down)
Data in MAR is passed onto the
Address Bus
Read signal is sent onto the control
RAM copies the data from the location
specified by the address bus onto the
data bus
Data on the data bus is passed into the
Data is copied from the MDR to the
ii C 1
Total 5
Total 6
14 i Paging 4
ii e.g. 2
Security AO1.2
Total 8
Total 2
A is fetched
Interval 2
A is decoded
B is fetched
Interval 3
A is executed
B is decoded
C is fetched
Interval 4
B is executed
C is decoded
D is fetched
Reduces/removes latency
… CPU is not idle while waiting for next
Next instruction is fetched while current
one is decoded/executed
All parts of the processor can be used
at any instance in time.
Total 6
b Mark Band 3–High Level (7-9 marks) AO1.1 Data stored by altering the magnetic field
The candidate demonstrates a thorough (2), of a small section of the tape or disk; one
knowledge and understanding of magnetic AO1.2 orientation represents a binary value of 1,
and solid state storage. The material is (2), the opposite orientation represents a
generally accurate and detailed. AO2.1 binary value of 0. Written to using a read
(2), head.
The candidate is able to apply their AO3.3. Read head can then read the magnetic
knowledge and understanding directly and (3) field and retrieve the data.
consistently to the context provided. These read and write heads move across
Evidence/examples will be explicitly the disk or the tape moves under the
relevant to the explanation. heads.
Solid state devices store data using
The candidate provides a thorough semiconductors; drives can be based on
discussion which is well balanced. NAND Flash or DRAM. No moving parts
Evaluative comments are consistently are required.
relevant and well-considered. Backup involves copying potentially large
amounts of data to and from storage
There is a well-developed line of reasoning devices at regular intervals.
which is clear and logically structured. The Servers distribute data to client devices.
information presented is relevant and
substantiated. AO2
Magnetic hard drives entirely suitable for
Mark Band 2-Mid Level (4-6 marks) storing operating system, software and
The candidate demonstrates reasonable data. Large capacity, cheap (by
knowledge and understanding of magnetic comparison) purchasing price and
and solid state storage; the material is reliability make them idea for heavy use in
generally accurate but at times an insurance office.
underdeveloped. Solid state drives have no moving parts
and offer an increase in speed and quicker
The candidate is able to apply their access to customer records. However,
knowledge and understanding directly to smaller capacity (in comparison) may be
the context provided although one or two an issue for larger data sets.
opportunities are missed. Backup systems may be required to
Evidence/examples are for the most part maximise storage whereas access speed
implicitly relevant to the explanation. is not so much of an issue
Limited lifespan of SSDs due to limited
The candidate provides a sound read/writes may restrict use in data heavy
discussion, the majority of which is applications.
focused. Evaluative comments are for the Servers will require quick access to data to
most part appropriate, although one or two serve multiple client machines but will also
opportunities for development are missed. be extremely read/write heavy.
Total 12
18 i 1 mark per bullet up to a maximum of 2 2 (AO1.1) Accept unit instead of blocks (BP1)
marks, e.g: (1)
(AO1.2) Examiner’s Comments
Uses separate memory blocks for (1) Some candidates were vague in their
instructions and data response and were not clear that Harvard
Has separate buses (data and has separate memory blocks. Candidates
address) for data and instructions must be specific in their response.
Has fixed memory sizes for data and
Instruction memory may be ROM
Total 4
iii Memory Address Register // MAR 3 Allow Memory Buffer Register for MDR
Memory Data Register // MDR
Current Instruction Register // CIR Examiner’s Comments
Index Register // IR Most candidates gained full marks on this
question and were able to correctly identify
three other registers. Some lost marks for
saying the ALU or control unit were
0 marks
No attempt to answer the question or
response is not worthy of credit.
Total 19