Traffic Equipments
Traffic Equipments
Traffic Equipments
Historical Context 2
Where have the signs been installed? 2
What is the aim of the signs 2
Graph 1: A432 Badminton Road, Downend: 24hr speed data 9
Graph 2: Shorthill Rd, Westerleigh (northbound): 24hr speed data 10
Graph 3: A420 Toghill (eastbound): 24hr speed data 11
Graph 4: A420 Marshfield (eastbound) 24hr speed data 12
Graph 5: B4465 Westerleigh Rd, Pucklechurch (southbound): 24 hr speed data 13
Graph 6: A431 Bath Rd, Swineford (eastbound): 24hr speed data 14
Graph 7: B4465 Westerleigh Rd, Pucklechurch (north & southbound): 24hr speed data 15
Vehicle activated signs had been erected in Scole to reinforce the existing 30mph speed limit.
A year after installation, the mean vehicle speed in Scole had been reduced by nearly 6mph
and the 85th percentile speed had been reduced by 8mph¹.
At the time of writing this report, thirty-three vehicle activated signs have been erected in South
Gloucestershire. The types of signs are as follows:
The signs have been erected at sites either where there has been a high level of reported
injury accidents relating to speed, or because of concerns about speed expressed by local
An estimated £200,000 has been spent on providing and erecting the signs in South
Gloucestershire. The cost of routine sign inspections and maintenance is expected to be about
£8000 in 2003/04.
Data collected at the sites before and after the signs were installed show that, on average:
• the percentage of vehicles travelling above the speed limit has reduced by 21%
• eighty fifth percentile traffic speeds have reduced by 4mph
• average traffic speeds have reduced by 4mph, and
• three year accident numbers are estimated to reduce by 7%. (As there is not yet a full 3-
year ‘after’ period for the accident data at most sites this figure has been achieved by
multiplying the number of accidents that have occurred in whatever ‘after’ period exists into
a three year equivalent figure.)
The apparent effectiveness of the signs in reducing traffic speeds is likely to result in requests
for more signs to be put up where there are local concerns about speeding. In order to prevent
a proliferation of the signs on the highway, it is suggested that guidelines are followed before
the installation of a vehicle activated sign will be considered. The guidelines will relate to
recorded injury accident numbers and existing traffic speeds.
The Council has purchased two portable vehicle activated signs that can be easily secured to
an existing post or lamp column. These can be used to determine the suitability of a site for a
permanent vehicle activated sign, collect speed data, and warn speeding traffic to slow down
at particular selected sites. Consideration is being given to purchasing more of these signs,
subject to provision of a revenue budget for operations and maintenance.
(1) Killing Speed – a Good Practice Guide to Speed Management. Published by the Slower Speeds Initiative in 2001.
Historical Context
The first of South Gloucestershire’s vehicle activated signs were installed on the A38 at
Falfield and the A420 at Hanham in October 1998. There are now a total of thirty-three signs in
South Gloucestershire.
The signs have been installed at locations either where there has been a high level of reported
injury accidents relating to speed or because of concerns about speed expressed by local
The aim of the signs is to encourage drivers to reduce their speed to the speed limit or an
appropriate speed for the road layout. Research has shown that the lowering of vehicle speeds
can reduce the number and severity of accidents.
Appendix 1 summarises the data associated with each of the 33 signs. Data collected
• sign locations
• the speed limit in force and and the speed at which the signs will be triggered
• the date each sign became operative, and
• ‘before’ and ‘after’ accident and speed data.
The speed data shows that the 85th percentile traffic speeds, average traffic speeds and the
percentage of vehicles exceeding the speed limits in force have been reduced at nearly all the
sites where data have been collected.
Graphs 1 to 6 (Appendix 2) show the ‘before’ and ‘after’ traffic speeds at six sample sites.
They demonstrate the reduction in the number of vehicles travelling at speeds in excess of the
speed limit.
Graph 7 (Appendix 2) displays results of speed counts taken adjacent to the sign as traffic
approached it in one direction, compared with traffic travelling in the opposite direction. The
results clearly show the traffic speed approaching the sign is lower than the speed of the traffic
in the non-functioning direction of the sign.
The three-year reduction in accidents across all sites is estimated at 7%. However it must be
emphasised that this figure will almost certainly be subject to change, as there is not yet a full
three year ‘after’ period for the accident data at most sites.
Vehicle Activated Signs in South Gloucestershire 3
National research has shown that a 1mph reduction in average speeds can reduce accidents
by 5%. As the overall average speed reduction at vehicle activated sign sites in South
Gloucestershire is 4mph, it could be expected that accidents at the sites would reduce by 20%.
A possible reason why the estimated accident reductions in South Gloucestershire are lower
than this figure is because many of the signs have been installed at locations with either a very
low or no recent history of injury accidents.
A report published by the TRL in 2000 (TRL548), ‘Vehicle activated signs – a large scale
evaluation’ concluded that:
‘Vehicle activated signs appear to be very effective in reducing speeds; in particular, they are
capable of reducing the number of drivers who exceed the speed limit and who contribute
disproportionately to the accident risk, without the need for enforcement such as safety
The signs display a two-part legend, which may be a 30mph or 40mph roundel (Photo 1)
depending on the speed limit of the road, or a standard warning triangle (Photo 2), and a
message “SLOW DOWN”. When activated the fibre optics/LED’s light up and alternately
display the two messages for a fixed time. Two pairs of amber lights above and below the
legend also illuminate alternately.
The majority of the signs in South Gloucestershire have been installed at locations in 30mph
and 40mph speed limits and display a message “SLOW DOWN” with a speed roundel showing
the road’s speed limit. One sign erected in Yate has been sited on the approach to a school
and displays two messages, alternating between “School” and “SLOW DOWN”, and activates
at speeds above 20mph.
Photo 1 Photo 2
Two methods of detecting a vehicle’s speed have been used to activate the signs in South
1. The first employs a microwave, which is continuously beamed out from a detector that is
mounted internally or externally on the sign. The beam is then reflected back by the
targeted approaching vehicle and is received by the detector.
This system has been used at sites where the speed limit is 40mph or less, as this appears
to be the optimum range for the microwave detector. It has been found that certain
characteristics of some vehicles such as their shape and colour can affect detection.
2. The second method uses induction loop technology where wire loops are placed across
the carriageway before the sign.
Induction loops have been installed at sites where speeds exceed 40mph with the loops
placed 150 metres before the signs. Signs activated by loops have been used where there
is a history of road traffic accidents at a junction and where the approach speeds on the
main road are high.
The A420 Tormarton crossroads at Marshfield (Photo 2) and the A420 at Toghill (Photo 3)
are two such sites. Both sites are on fast roads where the national speed limit of 60mph
applies. When activated, the signs display the junction warning sign symbol and the
message “SLOW DOWN”.
In both systems, the difference between the transmitted and received times is calculated and
the sign will be activated if the vehicle is travelling at or above the preset threshold speed.
The threshold trigger speed is 34mph for sites with a speed limit of 30mph and 44mph for sites
with a speed limit of 40mph.
Activation threshold speeds at sites on roads with a higher speed limit and sensitive sites such
as schools have been set at 10mph below the speed limit of that road, ie 20mph in a 30mph
speed limit and 50mph on roads with a 60mph speed limit.
The legend displays for 4 seconds and its brightness can vary according to ambient lighting
conditions, as a photosensitive cell controls this.
The siting of signs is crucial for them to be effective. They need to inform drivers clearly and
precisely and allow them to react (ie slow down at an appropriate point). The general principles
of sign siting (to be clearly visible and to inform) apply equally to this type of sign, but a
number of other factors also need to be considered:
1. The microwave detector system needs a clear straight view of the approaching vehicles so
that it can process and clearly display its message to the targeted driver in a suitable time
and without confusing following drivers.
2. Good visibility to the signs has restricted their use in some cases, but other technical
factors such as suitable power supply, insufficient clearance from the running carriageway
and roadside vegetation have also had an effect.
3. To make the use of these signs more flexible they have been installed so that they can be
easily relocated from one base site to another. A Poletech base and socket unit with
integral power supply (Photo 3) has been employed as a standard means of fixing the post
supporting the sign. Other signs have been carefully sited so that they can be rotated
through 180 degrees and operate on traffic flowing in either direction. The signs are
moved/rotated to an arranged programme throughout the year.
The DfT Traffic Advisory Leaflet 1/03 gives recommendations about the circumstances under
which vehicle activated signs should be used. It recommends that:
• the signs should be considered only when there is an accident problem associated with
inappropriate speed that has not been satisfactorily remedied by standard signing and
where safety cameras and related signs are not a cost effective or otherwise appropriate
solution, and
• that vehicle activated signs should only be used when it is clear that the problem cannot be
remedied by improving the fixed signing.
The following developments are taking place in vehicle activated sign technology:
• LED’s are now replacing fibre optics to display messages. These are brighter, require less
energy and thus increase the impact of the sign.
• The next generation of signs will be more intelligent and able to collect and store the
speed/date/time data as vehicles activate the sign. Continuous monitoring results would be
useful for analytical and remedial purposes.
• Signs powered by solar and/or wind generated energy have been developed. This enables
signs to be installed at sites without an electricity supply. One of these has recently been
installed on the A46 on its southbound approach to the A433 junction (Photo on front cover
of this document).
• New electronics will be more compact resulting in a less bulky and less intrusive sign
(Photo 4).
Photo 4
They are easily portable by car and, as it has its own integral power supply, it can be quickly
and easily secured to an existing post or lamp column.
The portability of the sign makes it suitable for numerous applications. It could be used to
determine the suitability of a site for a permanent vehicle activated sign, collect speed data, or
warn speeding traffic to slow down at particular selected sites. It may also be used to
supplement Police enforcement.
The sign is robust and secure, and can be left unattended as it has sufficient battery power to
function for up to twelve days before requiring a recharge. (Photo 5)
When operating, the sign detects an approaching vehicle and displays its speed, in LED
technology, to the driver. It has been found that displaying the vehicle’s speed makes most
drivers reduce their speed.
The sign also records details of its activations such as time, date, and speed of the vehicle.
The message part of the sign can be switched off so that it can be used in its data-recording
mode. The data can be downloaded on site to a computer or via a modem and used for
analysis purposes.
Photo 5
before 11.10.99
after 15.06.00
No of 2500 after 19.10.00
after 21.11.01
<6 6-10 11-15 16-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51-55 56-60 >60
0-16 16-21 21-26 26-31 31-36 36-41 41-46 46-51 51-56 56-60
Speed bands (mph)
No of vehicles
before 03.10.01
after 20.02.02
No of vehicles
0-26 26-31 31-36 36-41 41-46 46-51 51-56 56-61 61-66 66-71 >71
Speed bands (mph)
No of vehicles
0-16 16-21 21-26 26-31 31-36 36-41 41-46 46-51 51-56 56-60 >60
Speed bands
No of vehicles
0-16 16-21 21-26 26-31 31-36 36-41 41-46 46-51 51-56 56-60 >60
Speed bands (mph)
No of vehicles
0-16 16-21 21-26 26-31 31-36 36-41 41-46 46-51 51-56 56-60 >60
Speed bands