Rubrics Topics For Impromptu and Extemporabeous Speech 2
Rubrics Topics For Impromptu and Extemporabeous Speech 2
Rubrics Topics For Impromptu and Extemporabeous Speech 2
Scoring Guide:
1 – 51 5 – 61 9 – 72 13 – 83 17 – 93
2 – 53 6 – 64 10 – 75 14 – 85 18 – 95
3 – 56 7 – 66 11 – 78 15 – 88 19 – 98
4 – 58 8 – 69 12 – 80 16 – 90 20 – 100
1. Is peer pressure a good motivator? 11. Performance enhancing drugs should be allowed in
2. Creativity cannot be taught
12. Is renting a house is better than buying?
3. Three things you are the best at
13. Are professional athletes paid too much?
4. How do you deal with loss?
14. Euthanasia is justified
5. Why is a failure the greatest teacher?
15. social media has done more damage than good
6. Do you agree that going to university is not
necessary anymore? 16. Will technology save or destroy the world?
7. Why do earthquakes happen? 17. Art is essential to life
8. Being a vegetarian is healthier than eating meat 18. Conservation is survival
9. How can we make the internet a safer place? 19. Beauty is in the eye of beholder
10. Climate change is a natural occurrence 20. It is impossible to go back to living without
WHERE: Classroom
WHEN: after the impromptu speech presentation of all students (maybe at the end of March or first week of April)
Per day: at least (10 students)
The extemporaneous speech delivery method is when a person appears to be speaking conversationally to their
audience. However, the speaker has carefully practiced and memorized their speech. There are pre-planned pauses in
the speech to seem as though it is a casual conversation with the crowd.
Extemporaneous speeches are carefully rehearsed but seem conversational when the speaker is executing them. It is
prepared but not scripted –this means that speakers prepare their notes, but only in an outline form.
The twenty (20) topics for the speech will be given in advance to be able to research well and present properly. You are
going to randomly pick a topic on the day of the presentation.
Time Limit
1. The students will be given time to prepare regarding the picked topic.
Preparation time: two (1) minute
2. At the end of the preparation time, the student Is not allowed to continue writing or formulating his or her speech.
They would be given a 3 inch by 5-inch index card where they may write their thoughts, this is the only paper that you
can bring in front of the class.
3. The student must deliver a speech at least three (3) minutes in length (with sense or substantial speech) in order to
earn a higher score.
4. On the day of the presentation, no student is allowed to have a copy to read, review or write an idea regarding the
Judging Criteria
Criteria Excellent Good Fair Poor
(4) (3) .5 (2).5 (1).5
Time 3 minutes or longer Two minutes and thirty Two minutes and five One Minute and thirty
seconds seconds seconds
Content and Fully focused topic with The speaker The speaker addresses The speaker fails to
Organization of Ideas clearly communicated demonstrates the prompt and provides address the prompt
understanding of the understanding of the limited supporting and/or supplies very
prompt and provides details. Details may be minimal details to
The judge should speech’s purpose
solid supporting details. redundant or off-topic. elaborate on topic.
evaluate the contestant
on his/her use of logic,
reasoning and
examples in support of
his/her analysis of the
Language Use of sophisticated Use of appropriate, Use of appropriate Use of language
and varied language varied and somewhat language yet lacks a unsuitable to topic,
The judge should suited to topic and sophisticated language, level of sophistication, audience and purpose;
evaluate the audience; language is well-chosen and originality and word choice does little
contestant’s use of well-chosen concise grammatically correct expressiveness; few, if to convey an
language in developing and grammatically any, grammatical appropriate tone;
our understanding of correct. mistakes noticeable error
the topic.
Delivery Combination of Good use of Some use of eye inconsistent use of eye
appropriate and combination of contact; vocal clarity contact, vocal clarity
You demonstrate effective eye contact, appropriate eye and projection and projection; poor
proficiency with: Vocal vocal clarity and contact, vocal clarity adequate; pacing and pacing and awkward
variety, vocal projection projection, tone, pace and projection tone gestures somewhat gestures interrupt the
and volume, speaking and gestures serve to pace and contrived flow
rate, limited verbal enhance speaker’s gestures add to
clutters and fillers, words speech’s
pronunciation, effect
articulation, eye
contact, posture,
gestures and
movement, appropriate
Dead Air 3 seconds 6 seconds 10 seconds 11 seconds or longer
a period of silence
especially during a
Scoring Guide:
1 – 51 5 – 61 9 – 72 13 – 83 17 – 93
2 – 53 6 – 64 10 – 75 14 – 85 18 – 95
3 – 56 7 – 66 11 – 78 15 – 88 19 – 98
4 – 58 8 – 69 12 – 80 16 – 90 20 – 100
6. Do you need to have political powers to help 16. If you were the president of the Philippines, what is
people? Explain. your decision regarding the conflict between the Filipino
and Chinese fishermen on the West Philippine Sea?
7. What are the qualities that a person running for
political posts should possess? 17. Speak on what is the best way to combat internet
crime and piracy.
8. How will you define success?
18. How do you see the killing of animals that keep
9. What can you say about same-sex marriage? happening all over the world to produce food or other
leather materials?
10. What is your view on premarital sex?
19. What is more important: skills or education?
11. How can we best solve our over-reliance on
foreign oil? 20. Should nepotism be absolutely discouraged? Explain.