Life Sciences Grade 11 Chapter 2 Biodiversity of Plants

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Life Sciences Grade 11 Chapter 2 Biodiversity of plants

Life Sciences (High School - South Africa)

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2: Biodiversity of plants

The four major plant divisions
Adaptation of flowers for
Division Bryophyta pollination

Division Pteridophytes … through insects

Division Gymnosperms … through birds

Division Angiosperms … through wind

The decreasing dependence on water Activity 1: Pollination

for reproduction and parts of flowers

Asexual and sexual reproduction The significance of seeds

The advantages of asexual Seed banks

Activity 2: Seed
The disadvantages of asexual banks
Seeds as a food source
The advantages of sexual
Endemic seeds as a food
The disadvantages of sexual
End of topic exercises
Flowers as reproductive structures


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All plants are thought to have evolved from simple unicellular algae. Four major plant
groups exist namely:
 Division Bryophyta.
 Division Pteridophyta.
 Division Gymnospermae (Gymnosperms)
 Division Angiospermae (Angiosperms)

A cladogram illustrating the relationship between these divisions is illustrated in

Figure 1.

mosses ferns conifers flowering plants

Bryophytes Pteridophytes Gymnosperm Angiosperm

non-vascular seedless pollen and flowers and
land plants vascular plants ‗naked‘ seeds fruit

flowers & fruit

pollen and seeds


vascular system

common ancestor

Figure 1: Cladogram showing the evolutionary relationship between the major plant


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The four major plant divisions

Key terminology
multicellular an organism made up of many cells.
any single or multicellular group of organisms that have a
membrane-bound nucleus containing genetic material
organisms which can synthesize their own food e.g. green
plants, algae and some bacteria.
a diagram which shows the evolutionary relationship between
a plant body that is not differentiated into stem and leaves and
thallus lacks true roots and a vascular system; thalli are typical of
algae, fungi, lichens, and some liverworts
a filamentous outgrowth or root hair on the underside of the
thallus in some lower plants, especially mosses and liverworts,
serving both to anchor the plant and (in terrestrial forms) to
conduct water
gametophyte the gamete-producing generation
sporophyte the spore-producing generation
sporangium spore producing structure
zygote formed by the union of the sperm cell and the egg cell
haploid is the term used when a cell has half the usual number
of chromosomes
having two sets of chromosomes or double the haploid
number of chromosomes in the germ cell

The four groups (divisions) of plants belong to the Kingdom Plantae. They have the
following in common:
 multicellular
 eukaryotic (cells have a membrane bound nucleus)
 cell walls are made of cellulose
 most are autotrophic and have chloroplasts for photosynthesis
 a life cycle involving two generations: a diploid, spore producing generation
called a sporophyte and a haploid, gamete producing generation called a
gametophyte – referred to as an alternation of generation


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The characteristics used to place a plant into one of the four groups depends on:
 the presence or absence of true conducting tissues such as xylem and
 the presence or absence of true, roots, stems and leaves
 the type of reproduction and reproductive structures formed
 the degree of dependence on water for reproduction

Division Bryophyta

Bryophytes are the most primitive terrestrial plants. The division Bryophyta includes
mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Mosses are commonly found in damp shady
areas (Figure 2).

Figure 2: Mosses growing in a shady area

Characteristics of Bryophytes
 Mosses are generally small (< 20 cm).
 They do not have true roots, stems or leaves. For this reason, the plant body
is referred to as a thallus.


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 Water can be absorbed directly through the leaves because there is not a
waxy cuticle covering the leaves.
 The leaves are not true leaves and are often referred to as ‗leaflets‘.
 The size of mosses is limited because they do not have any conducting
tissues i.e. no xylem or phloem (vascular tissue) is present.
 Rhizoids at the base of the plant are responsible for anchoring the plant to a
 Bryophytes can reproduce either asexually or sexually.
 The gametophyte generation is the dominant generation and consists of a
green leafy plant, capable of photosynthesis.
 No fruits or seeds produced.

Division Pteridophytes

The division Pteridophyta includes all ferns. There are approximately 12 000 different
species of ferns. They range in size from tiny plants of only 1 cm in height to tree
ferns which can grow to 25 m in height. Most ferns require a warm, damp, shady
habitat (see Figure 3).

Figure 3: Ferns growing on a forest floor

Key terminology
frond the leaf of a fern usually with many divisions
rhizome a stem which grows horizontally
adventitious roots roots which arise at the nodes of stems
sori a cluster of sporangia found on the underside of fern leaves


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Characteristics of Pteridiophytes
 Ferns have true leaves, roots and stems.
 Fern leaves are covered by a waxy cuticle to prevent excessive loss of water.
 The leaves are often divided into smaller leaflets. A leaf which is divided into
smaller leaflets is called a compound leaf. Fern leaves are referred to as a
 The presence of vascular tissues allows ferns to grow taller than mosses.
They have both xylem and phloem which transport water and photosynthetic
products respectively.
 The stems of most ferns grow horizontally and are called rhizomes. The
rhizomes are usually protected by brown scale-like leaves.
 Adventitious roots grow from the nodes of the horizontal stem. These are
true roots because they have xylem and phloem and absorb water for the
plant. The roots also anchor the plant in the soil.
 Ferns reproduce both sexually and asexually. The dominant generation in
ferns is the sporophyte generation. Spores are produced in sporangia
arranged in sori under the leaf (Figure 4).
 No fruit or seeds are produce.

Figure 4: Sori on the under-surface of a fern frond

Division Gymnosperms

The division Gymnosperms includes cycads, Gingko biloba, Welwitschia and pine
trees (Figures 5A to 5D). Gymnosperms all produce seeds which develop into cones.


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Figure 5A: Cycad Figure 5B: Gingko biloba

Figure 5C: Welwitschia Figure 5D: Pine

Characteristics of Gymnosperms
In gymnosperms the sporophyte generation is dominant and the most visible e.g. the
pine tree.
 Gymnosperms have true roots, stems and leaves.
 Vascular tissues, namely xylem and phloem are present. Unlike higher plants,
the xylem in pine trees does not have vessel elements. Only xylem tracheids
are present to transport water. This is the reason why the wood of pine trees
is softer than the wood of higher plants.
 The leaves of pine trees are needle-like (Figure 6) and have a cuticle to
reduce the loss of water through evaporation.
 The natural habitat of a pine tree is very cold in winter. The reduced volume of
the leaves, prevents ice crystals from forming which would damage the leaves
internally. The shape of the tree also stops snow from collecting on the


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Figure 6: The needle-like leaves of a pine tree

 Pine trees have well developed root systems.

 Gymnosperms do not produce flowers. They form both male and female
cones. It is important to note that fertilization is not dependent on water.
Pollen is carried by the wind from a male cone to the female cone.
 The seeds of the pine are said to be ―naked‖ because they are not protected
by a fruit. The seeds are carried on the exposed scales of the female cone.
When the seeds are ripe, they fall out of the cone and are carried by wind to
another location. Each seed has a wing to help with wind dispersal (Figure 7).
It is important for the survival of the species that the seed does not fall under
the tree. If it germinates under the mother tree it will be in the shade and in
competition with the mother tree for water and nutrients.
 Pine trees are not indigenous to South Africa and are able to make better use
of available water than the natural vegetation because of their extensive root


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Figure 7: Pine seeds

Did you know? Pine trees are commercially very important. Pine trees are
cultivated in South Africa in huge plantations. The wood is used to make paper
and furniture. Pine nuts are the seeds of pine trees. They are used to flavour
drinks and make pesto.

Division Angiosperms

Angiosperms are commonly referred to as ―flowering plants‖ and are the most varied
and successful group of plants. Most angiosperms are autotrophic, but some are
parasitic, while others are saprophytes. Angiosperms typically produce seeds which
are found inside fruits.

Key terminology
fibrous/ formed by many thin, moderately branching roots growing from the
stem – common in monocotyledons
root system
tap root characterized by a main root or primary root system, growing
system vertically downward – common in dicotyledonous plants

Characteristics of Angiosperms
 The sporophyte generation is the dominant generation in angiosperms. It
consists of true roots, stems and leaves.
 Xylem and phloem are responsible for transporting water and photosynthetic
products, respectively. The structure of a typical angiosperm sporophyte is
illustrated in Figure 8.


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Figure 8: The structure of a typical angiosperm

 Angiosperms have either fibrous (adventitious) root systems or tap root

systems. The roots are capable of absorbing water and dissolved mineral
 The stems of angiosperms are divided into nodes and internodes. Leaves
form at the nodes on the stem. The leaves are covered in a waxy cuticle to
prevent excessive loss of water by evaporation.
 Angiosperms produce seeds protected by fruit.

The life cycle of angiosperms is similar to that of gymnosperms except that the
seeds in angiosperms are protected by a fruit. Angiosperms produce flowers instead
of cones.

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Decreasing dependence on water for reproduction

As plants have increased in size over millions of years, they have become
progressively less dependent on water for their survival and for the completion of
their life cycles.
Of the four groups studied, the bryophytes are the least adapted to surviving dry
conditions for the following reasons:
 they have no cuticle, no supporting tissues and no vascular tissues
 plant body is a thallus because there are no true roots, stems or leaves
 the gametophyte is the dominant generation
 the sporophyte is totally dependent on the gametophyte for both food and
 the male gametes are motile (capable of motion) and require water to swim to
the female gamete

The pteridophytes are more evolved than the bryophytes but are still dependent on
water for fertilization. They have the following adaptations which enable them to
grow larger than bryophytes:
 leaves with a cuticle to prevent desiccation (drying out)
 vascular tissue to transport food and water
 the sporophyte is the dominant generation and is not dependent on the
gametophyte for water and food once mature

Both the gymnosperms and angiosperms are well adapted to life on land.
Adaptations include:
 leaves with a cuticle
 true roots, stems and leaves
 an embryo enclosed in a seed to prevent drying out
 pollen grains to protect and transfer the sperm cells i.e. water is not needed
for fertilization

Asexual and sexual reproduction

Both animals and plants are capable of asexual and sexual reproduction. In asexual
reproduction only one parent is required, and the new organism is produced by
mitosis. In sexual reproduction a haploid sperm cell fuses with a haploid egg cell to

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produce a diploid zygote. The zygote divides by mitosis to form an embryo and later,
a new organism.

The advantages of asexual reproduction

 Only one parent is required.
 Asexual reproduction is quicker because the parent does not need to find a
 All the offspring are identical and if conditions are favourable, they can crowd
out any competition.
 Asexual reproduction does not rely on pollinators or dispersion agents.

The disadvantages of asexual reproduction

 All the offspring are genetically identical. If conditions become unfavourable,
they will all die.
 Poor characteristics in the parents will be passed on to the offspring.
 Rapid multiplication by asexual reproduction may lead to overcrowding.

The advantages of sexual reproduction

 The offspring are genetically different and are able to withstand a variety of
 Farmers can select organisms with desirable characteristics and cross-breed
with them.

The disadvantages of sexual reproduction

 Two parents are required.
 Plants that reproduce sexually rely on pollinating agents and dispersal agents
to spread their seeds.

Flowers as reproductive structures

Flowers have the following functions:

 contain and protect the reproductive organs
 attract pollinators

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Key terminology
formed by the green structures around the petals (the sepals)
together; serves to protect the flower and its reproductive organs
corolla all the petals of a flower together form the corolla
receptacle the thickened part of a stem from which the flower organs grow
the non-reproductive part of the flower; the calyx and corolla that
form a protective envelope surrounding the sexual organs
male part of the flower consisting of a filament and pollen
producing anthers
female part of the flower consisting of a stigma, style and an ovary
where ovules are produced
a fleshy, often sweet layer, formed around the seeds in
angiosperms following fertilization

All the parts of a flower are actually modified leaves arranged in whorls (circles
around a central point). Each whorl is specialized to perform a specific function. The
four whorls are the:
 calyx
 corolla
 androecium
 gynoecium

In a typical plant, the outermost whorl is called the calyx and consists of a number of
green sepals. All the floral parts are attached to a receptacle. The corolla is made
up of coloured petals to attract pollinators (Figure 9). The calyx and corolla are
known collectively as the perianth.

 male style
pistil –

pedicel receptacle

Figure 9: A longitudinal section through a typical dicotyledonous flower

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The stamens are the male part of the flower. Each stamen consists of a filament
and a bi-lobed anther with four pollen sacs or microsporangia. Pollen grains
(microspores) are haploid and produced by meiosis.
The female part of the flower usually consists of carpels fused together to form one
or more pistils. Each pistil consists of a stigma, style and ovary. Ovules are
formed inside the ovary by meiosis.
When a pollen grain lands on the stigma, it germinates by growing down the style
towards the ovule carrying the male gametes to fertilize the ovule.
The fertilized ovule forms a seed and the ovary wall thickens to become a fruit. In
general, fruit do not develop without fertilization.


Pollination can be defined as the transfer of pollen from an anther to the stigma of
the same or the stigma of a different flower of the same species.
Self-pollination occurs when pollen is transferred between flowers of the same
plant or the anther and the stigma of the same flower (Figure 10). Most plants are
adapted to prevent self-pollination. For example, the pollen may ripen before the
stigma. The pollen will then be dispersed before the stigma is mature. In other
flowers, the stigma is mature before the anthers mature and receives pollen from
other plants of the same species. Some flowers are adapted to be incompatible with
their own pollen.

Figure 10: Types of pollination — (A) self-pollination, (B) cross pollination

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Cross-pollination occurs when pollen is transfer from the flower of one plant to the
flower of another plant of the same species (Figure 10). Cross-pollination is
important because it creates genetic diversity. This means that the offspring are
genetically different to the parent. Genetic diversity ensures that a species has a
better chance of surviving unfavourable conditions.
Pollination is vital for the production of fruit crops (e.g. apples and pears) and seed
crops (e.g. maize, legumes, wheat).
Plants rely on wind, water or pollinators such as insects and birds, to transfer pollen
from one flower to another.

Adaptations of flowers for pollination

Flowers show a variety of adaptations to ensure that pollination takes place.

Key terminology
a sugar-rich liquid produced by plants in glands called nectaries to attract

Adaptations for pollination through insects

In South Africa the indigenous salvia flowers are insect pollinated (Figure 11).

Figure 11: Salvia flower species provide a landing platform for insect pollinators

Flowers that are pollinated by insects often have the following characteristics:
 Large, conspicuous petals in bright colours except red. Some insects cannot
tell the difference between red and black.
 Sweet scent to attract moths and butterflies.

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 A reward for the pollinator such as nectar and/or pollen.

 Anthers and stigmas are inside the flower so that the insect must brush past
them to get to the nectar thus transferring the pollen
 Sticky or spiky pollen grains which stick to the insect‘s body.
 Large quantities of pollen are produced because some will be eaten by the
visiting insect.
 Flowers either open during the day for insects that are active during the day
such as bees or at night for insects active at night e.g. moths.
 Flowers have UV markings visible only to insects.

Adaptations for pollination through birds

Examples of indigenous flowers pollinated by birds in South Africa include our

national flower, Strelizia regina (Figure 12).

Figure 12: Bird pollinated Strelitzia regina

Flowers pollinated by birds usually have the following characteristics:

 Produce large quantities of dilute nectar.

 Flowers are bigger than most insect pollinated flowers.
 Stamens and stigmas protrude beyond the petals.
 Open during the day.
 Often red because red can be seen by birds in contrast to insects.
 Generally sturdy.
 Little or no scent because birds have a poor sense of smell.

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 Ovules are protected from probing beaks.

 Pollen grains stick together in clumps so that the bird picks up enough pollen.
to fertilize a large number of ovules with just one visit.
 The flowers are borne above the leaves so that hovering birds can reach

Adaptations for pollination through wind

Wind pollination is not an efficient method of pollination because vast quantities of

pollen must be produced in order for some of it to land on a receptive stigma of the
right species.
Some trees and grasses, restios (Figure 13) and sedges are wind pollinated. Most of
our agricultural crops are wind pollinated e.g. maize, oats and rice.

Figure 13: Indigenous restios are wind pollinated

Wind pollinated flowers have the following characteristics:

 They do not have a scent or nectar.
 Flowers are often small and either green or brown in colour because they do
not need to attract pollinators.

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 The male flowers have large anthers

 The flowers are borne on flexible stalks that move in the wind.
 usually very small
 lack a calyx and a corolla
 enormous amounts of pollen are produced
 stigmas are long and feathery

Activity 1: Pollination and parts of flowers

1. Study the pictures below and indicate if they are pollinated by insects, birds
or by wind. Give a reason that is visible in the picture for your answer. (10)


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2. The following table compares flowers which are pollinated by pollinators with
flowers which are wind pollinated. Copy the table into your book and complete it.

Table: The difference between pollinator and wind pollinated flowers.

Feature Pollination by a pollinator Wind pollinated

flower small and inconspicuous







3. Supply labels 1 – 10 for the following diagram. (10)

10 8

4 5
3 6
1 2


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The significance of seeds

A seed is formed from a fertilised ovule.

Key terminology
radicle embryonic root
plumule embryonic shoot
plants that have only one cotyledon; other possible
monocotyledons characteristics: flower parts in multiples of threes (three, six
or nine petals), sepals that make up their flowers

dicotyledons / or having two embryonic leaves or cotyledons


Seeds either have one cotyledon (monocotyledons) or two cotyledons (dicotyle-

dons) which store food for the developing embryo. Seeds are surrounded by a tough,
protective seed coat called a testa (Figure 14A and 14B).




Figure 14A: Dicotyledon




Figure 14B: Monocotyledon

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Seeds are produced by sexual reproduction, so every seed is genetically different.

This increases the chance of survival for the species. Seeds have various
adaptations to ensure that they are dispersed. Some seeds remain dormant until
favourable conditions return.

Seed banks

A seed bank is a facility established to store seeds of both crop plants and wild crops
to ensure that they do not become extinct and to make sure that biodiversity is
maintained. Seeds are also an important food source for birds, animals and humans.
Seed banks often store the seeds of rare or unusual plants. The seeds of the original
plants used to hybridise and produce new, hardier varieties are also stored. Stored
seeds are often used for research purposes.
Seeds are stored at a temperature below freezing point. Before the seeds are frozen,
they are dried to prevent bacteria and fungi from causing them to rot.

Activity 2: Seed banks

1. Give two reasons why seed banks are important. (2)

2. Before seeds are frozen in a seed bank, they are dried. Explain why. (2)

Seeds as a food source

Examples of seeds that humans cultivate, and harvest include coffee, maize, wheat,
peas, soya beans and rice. Seeds such as beans, peas and soya beans are called
pulses. Pulses are a good source of protein whilst the grains such as wheat, rice and
maize are a good source of carbohydrates. Many of these crops form the staple diet
of poorer countries.

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Endemic seeds as a food source

 Endemic seeds occur naturally, only in certain areas. Sorghum is endemic to

Africa but is now grown all over the world. Sorghum is traditionally eaten as a
porridge or used to make a traditional African beer.
 The dried, crushed kernels of maize are used to make samp. Samp is often
cooked with red beans.
 Millet (Figure 15) does not contain gluten and is often used by people who are
allergic to gluten.

Figure 15: Pearl millet in cultivation

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Biodiversity of plants: End of topic exercises

Section A
Question 1

1.1 Various options are provided as possible answers to the following questions.
Choose the correct answer and write only the letter (A – D) next to the
question number (1.1.1 – 1.1.5) on your answer sheet, for example 1.1.6 D

1.1.1 Bryophytes are terrestrial plants that have no…

A cellulose
B rhizoids
C vascular tissue
D sporophyte phase

1.1.2 The sporangia on the under surface of fern leaves are called…

A sporophylls
B sori
C cones
D sporogonia

1.1.3 Conserving endemic seeds in South Africa will enable the following:

A The protection of plants against disease

B A lot of money to be made for South Africa
C The restoration of over-exploited medicinal plants
D Food crops to be grown in dry conditions

1.1.4 Alternation of generations is exhibited by…

A Bryophytes
B Pteridophytes
C Spermatophytes
D All plants (4 × 2) = (8)

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1.2 Give the correct biological term for each of the following descriptions. Write
only the term next to the question number.
1.2.1 Reproduction which uses non-reproductive parts of a plant to
produce new plants.
1.2.2 Plants without true roots, stems and leaves.
1.2.3 Places where seeds are stored to help preserve biodiversity.
1.2.4 A reproductive structure found in gymnosperms and angiosperms
only, consists of a plant embryo with a protective coat.
1.2.5 A group of plants that have seeds enclosed in an ovary.
1.2.6 The part of the plant embryo that develops into the root.
1.2.7 The tough outer coat of a seed.
1.2.8 The part of the flower that the fruit is derived from.
1.2.9 The collective name for a filament and an anther.
(9 × 1) = (9)

1.3 Indicate whether each of the descriptions in Column I applies to A ONLY, B

ONLY, BOTH A AND B or NONE of the items in Column II. Write A only, B
only, both A and B or none next to the question number.

Column I Column II
1.3.1 A division of plants with a vascular A: gymnosperm
system, seeds, and no flowers. B: angiosperm
A: attract pollinators
1.3.2 The purpose of flowers.
B: form fruit
A: ferns
1.3.3 Gametophyte is dominant
B. mosses
A: bryophytes
1.3.4 Thallus plant
B: pteridophytes
1.3.5 The part that is formed from a A: seed
fertilized ovule B: fruit

(5 × 2) = (10)

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1.4 The diagram below is a cladogram of plants and their algal ancestors. A, B
and C indicate key structural features in the evolution of higher plants. Study
the diagram and answer the questions which follow.

gymnosperms angiosperms

seedless vascular

1.4.1 Name the most important adaptation(s) that evolved at each of the
positions labels A, B and C. (3)
1.4.2 Which division of plants is represented as non-vascular plants in
the diagram? (1)
1.4.3 Explain why seedless vascular plants are able to grow taller than
the nonvascular plants. (2)
1.4.4 In what way are the seeds of gymnosperms different to seeds of
angiosperms? (2)
1.4.5 What is the collective name for all seed-bearing plants? (1)

1.5 Study the different plant diagrams shown, and answer the questions below.

A – moss B – fern C – pine D – flowering plant

1.5.1 Identify the divisions to which each of the above plants belongs. (4)

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1.5.2 Name one of the divisions identified in question 1.5.1 that is …

A dependent on water for fertilization? (1)
B produces seeds for fertilization? (1)
1.5.3 Mention three similar structural adaptations of the prothallus in ferns
and the gametophyte in mosses, which make them to be poorly
adapted to a terrestrial life. (3)
Section A: [45]
Section B
Question 2

2.1 Study the diagram which shows the phylogenetic tree of four plant species
and answer the questions that follow.
protea bush

maize plant
palm tree
pine tree

Seed coat fused

to fruit wall
3 cenozoic

Millions of years ago

2 cotyledon
in embryo



common ancestor
a shared derived character

2.1.1 Provide a definition of a phylogenetic tree. (1)

2.1.2 State whether the following statements are true or false. In each
case give a reason for your answer.
a) The solid circle numbered 3 represents the common ancestor
of the protea bush, palm tree and maize plant. (2)

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b) The protea bush is more closely related to the pine tree than it
is to the maize plant because they are located next to each
other on the phylogenetic tree, (2)
c) Palm trees evolved from pine trees. (2)
d) Protea bushes, palm trees and maize plants are all flowering
plants. (2)
2.1.3 How many millions of years ago did the ancestor of the palm tree
and maize diverge? (1)

2.2 Study the diagram below showing the structure of a flower.

2.2.1 What type of pollination can be linked to this flower? (1)

2.2.2 Identify the parts labelled A and B. (2)
2.2.3 What do we call F and E together? (1)
2.2.4 Using the number only, identify the following:
a) Part which receives pollen. (1)
b) Structure where a seed can form. (1)
c) Part where pollen is produced. (1)
2.2.5 A seed bank in Norway has been storing seeds of a rare and
endangered plant. To keep the seeds fresh, 120 of the seeds of this
plant were selected to be grown. Of the 120 seeds, only 90
germinated. What percentage of the seeds was not fertile? Show all
your workings. (2)

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2.2.6 Plants have to spend a lot of energy to produce flowers. Explain

why it is still an evolutionary advantage to produce flowers in
plants. (5)

2.3 Tabulate five structural differences between wind-pollinated and insect-

pollinated flowers. (11)

Section B: [35]

Total marks: [80]

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pFad Proxy

pFad v3 Proxy

pFad v4 Proxy