March 7
March 7
March 7
The arts and crafts of Mindanao are a combination of designs from the indigenous
IV.3. Abstraction people that reside in the region, and the colorful and rich foreign influence which
is mostly Arabic.
When Muslim merchants from Malaysia and Indonesia came to the Sulu islands in
the 13th and early 14th centuries, they quickly converted the indigenous
population of the island to Islam. As Islam spread in Mindanao, distinct form of
art has become an integral part of the identity of its people
•Both the bride and groom wear saruk – a hat worn to add elegance
*Crocodile tooth necklace for fortune
*Triangular amulets with symbols wrapped in black cloth (anting-anting) against
*Snake bone belts to guard from pain
*Maniktegiyas – a necklace or bracelet of beads from dried fruit seeds to protect
from illness caused by evil spirits
*Maniksembulan – necklace or bracelet made of a bamboo stems cut into short
pieces, serves as added protection.
•Functional Articles:
*Pegupaan – a bamboo container for chewing betel nut
*Lutuan – a small bronze box with engravings carried at the waist
•The ceremonial attire of the Bagobos are woven from abaca fibers called t’nalak.
•They use this textile to make t’nalak shorts, undershirt, and coat for men and
wrap-around skirts and blouses for women.
•The bagani or hero wear red-blood clothes and a headkerchief called tangkulu
These articles represent their courage.
Maitum Jar
•It is an earthenware vessel for secondary burial from Sarangani province. This
artifact was first discovered in 1991 and is now in the protection of the National
•It is artistically significant and holds key information of historical and
anthropological importance.
•It is a metallic armor of brass plates, carabao horn and interlocking ringlets. It is a
protective armor of ancient Maranao warriors or the Moro warriors as a
counterpart to the vest used by the Spanish soldiers.
•It as single-edged steel sword with a handle made of hand-carved ivory in a form
of a head of the naga or a serpent, handcrafted gold, and hanged horse hair at the
bottom of the handle. It is native to the Maranao people.
•It is an heirloom teapot or kettle of the Maranaos used for hot water, coffee or
•A distinct form of visual arts of the Yakan is the facial makeup applied on brides
and grooms. After applying a foundation of white powder, dots and lines are
painted in various patterns of the faces, creating the effect of formal and elaborate
masks which match the ornate costumes of the couple.
•Singkíl (or Sayaw sa Kasingkil) is a folk dance of the Maranao people of Lake
•It is a popular dance performed during celebrations and other festive
entertainment. Originally only women, particularly royalty, danced the Singkil,
which serves as an advertisement to potential suitors. The dance takes its name
from the heavy rings worn on the ankles of the Muslim princess. n A kulintang
and agung ensemble always accompanies the dance.
•The costumes used during the singkil are among the most colorful and intricate
Maranao attires. You can also find some Arab influence in the costumes.
VI. Assignment
A. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
B.No. of learners who require
additional activities for
C.Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the lesson
D.No. of learners who
continue to require
E.Which of my teaching
strategies work well? Why did
these work
F.What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me
G. What innovations or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers
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Checked by:
School Head