Adm of Justice-Bombay
Adm of Justice-Bombay
Adm of Justice-Bombay
1. Portuguese were the first to come to India. Vasco-Da- Gama was the first European to
discover the route to India in 1498.
2. The Portuguese were the first to acquire a territory in India. The island of Bombay was
acquired by them in 1534 from the King of Gujarat Sultan Bahadur.
3. In 1661, the Portuguese King Alfonsus VI transferred the island to Charles II, as dowry
on the marriage of his sister Princes Catherine with the British King.
4. At that time, Bombay was a small and poor place, a fishing village having a population of
merely 10000.
5. The British King Charles II found that governing the territory of Bombay was
uneconomic. Therefore, he transferred it to the East India Company in 1668 for an
insignificant annual rent of £ 10.
The administration of justice at Bombay from 1668 to 1726 may be divided into three
parts –
A. The period between 1668 and 1683
B. The period between 1683 and 1690
C. The period between 1690 and 1726
Charter of 1668
1. For the purpose of administration Deputy Governor and Council was appointed in
Bombay and it was put under the control and supervision of Governor and Council at
2. Bombay was divided in 2 divisions. In each division a Court consisting of 5 judges was
3. The custom officer of each division, who was an Englishman, was to be president of the
respective court.
4. Quorum of the court was three.
5. Jurisdiction:The court was to decide the matters of small thefts and civil actions up to
200 xeraphins (nearly 150 rupees).
6. The court was required to keep a register of its proceedings and deliver its copies
quarterly to Deputy Governor and Council.
7. Deputy Governor and Council were to constitute a superior court. It was to hear appeals
from divisional courts where matter was above 200 xeraphins. Also, it was to try capital
and criminal cases. (Thus, the court of Deputy Governor and Council had original as well
as appellate jurisdiction).
8. Criticism: a) Traders were judges, b) Judges had no knowledge of law and c) Judges
were not given any salary.