ch1 Solar Cell and Sun energy-IN - 20190820
ch1 Solar Cell and Sun energy-IN - 20190820
ch1 Solar Cell and Sun energy-IN - 20190820
and Processes
Solar Cell Technology and Lab - Index
In a few minutes, the sun can supplies the energy the mankind
consumes in 1 year
(Source: Renewable Energy Scenario to 2040, published by the European Renewable Energy Council (EREC)
Power Cost Targets for Solar Power Generation
Photovoltaic market
Photovoltaic market in China
Photovoltaic market in Europe
Top 10 Countries in PV market (2017)
Top 10 Countries in PV market (2018)
Installed capacity of coal power plants worldwide as of 2018
Proposed Coal-Fired Plants in Asia (2015)
more than 500 coal-fired plants were built in Asia alone in 2015
PV contribution to electricity demand (2017)
more than 500 coal-fired plants were built in Asia alone in 2015
Silicon Solar Cell Technologies
Photo Voltaic Production Technologies and Market
Average Module Sales Price
Contributions to Multi-Si OV module prices
Solar Cells
Solar Cells
Principle of Solar Cell
Principle of Solar Cell
• 1st step
Sun light gives electrons energy
high energy
Sun light
low energy
Principle of Solar Cell
• 2nd step
Electrons go to external circuit with this energy
high energy
low energy
Principle of Solar Cell
• 2nd step
Electrons go to external circuit with this energy
high energy
Do work
low energy
Principle of Solar Cell
• 2nd step
Electrons go to external circuit with this energy
high energy
Do work
Do work
low energy
Any electric plug has at least two poles to close this cycle
high energy
Do work
Sun light
low energy
Power of the Sun
Solar Radiation
ℎ𝑐 𝑐0
𝒆𝒏𝒆𝒓𝒈𝒚 𝑬 ↔ 𝒘𝒂𝒗𝒆𝒍𝒆𝒏𝒈𝒕𝒉 𝝀 : 𝐸= 𝑐= ,
𝜆 𝑛
𝑐0 = 3 × 10 𝑠 , 𝑛 = 𝑟𝑒𝑓𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒 𝑖𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑥
𝐻 1
sin 𝛼 = → 𝑋=
𝑋𝐻 sin 𝛼
Terrestrial Solar Radiation
Terrestrial Solar Radiation
Terrestrial Solar Radiation
Terrestrial Solar Radiation
Terrestrial Solar Radiation
• Absorption of sunlight
Energy [W/cm2m]
Which light rays
get absorbed?
Space x
Absorption of Sunlight
Energie E
Ort x
Energy [W/cm2m]
• 1st loss mechanism:
no absorption in the IR
above 1.15 m wavelength
Absorption of light
Electron receives energy
Absorption of Sunlight
Solar spectrum
Energy [W/cm2m]
• 2nd loss mechanism:
radiative recombination
is reverse to absorption
Absorption of Sunlight
Energie E
Ort x
Absorption of Sunlight
non-radiative recombination
• Conclusion:
Most of Indonesia lies close to the equator with maximum sun intensity year-round. An average daily insolation
said to range from 4.5 to 5.1 kWh/m2, indicating good solar potential, especially suitable for remote islands
and communities with limited or no grid connections. The country’s current installed solar capacity is low
(27.23 MW) relative to its potential, but PLN has plans to scale up solar capacity before 2020, particularly to
displace isolated diesel power. These plans include 140 MW of solar PV by 2015 and 620 MW of solar power
plants by 2020 (including solar thermal power plants)
Solar energy development in Indonesia is appropriate for mini-grids for lighting and thermal purposes, in
isolated grids (with possibility for urban loads outside the country’s main power centers), solar home
systems in very remote, off-grid areas of rural Indonesia, or solar rooftops in urban areas. MEMR and PLN
have created three main development categories for solar power by size: (i) below 100 kilowatt peak (kWp),
to be implemented by MEMR through its own procurement system and by PLN; (ii) between 100 kWp and 1
MWp, intended by PLN as hybrid systems with existing small-scale power plants (mostly diesel); and (iii)
above 1 MWp, intended for IPPs. The government is also interested in pursuing solar PV rooftop power as a
way to supplement power in urban grids, and a new regulation is expected to be issued in 2015.
Solar Power in Indonesia
The government has put in place a pricing regime for solar PV power intended to attract IPP investment.
MEMR issued a regulation in 2013 to establish a bidding process to tender out grid-connected solar PV
capacity to IPPs using a ceiling price of $0.25/kwh (or $0.30/kwh if local contents and processes total more
than 40% of the project). This system is intended to bring online 140 MWp of new solar capacity across 82
locations across the country. However, several complications such as proper site selection, lack of solar
resource availability data, grid interconnection, and limited bid preparation times will need to be addressed
before this system can be heavily utilized by IPPs
The government and PLN have also made several trial attempts to launch solar power as a wide-ranging
option for rural electrification. PLN has a longer-term solar development plan called the Thousand Islands
Program, which aims to expand the installed capacity of solar power stations by both PLN and IPPs to 620
MW by 2020. Unfortunately, many of the initial attempts to implement PLN’s Thousand Islands Program
have been delayed by financing and technical difficulties.39 Both PLN and MEMR have also tried using solar
home systems in rural areas, sometimes in overlapping villages, but no sustainable operations or financial
management systems have yet been established to make solar home systems a viable option for off-grid
electrification in rural Indonesia. As a result, many of PLN and MEMR systems are in technical or financial
Solar Power in Indonesia
The solar systems already installed by PLN have faced significant technical difficulties, especially in operation.
After the peak hours of solar power generation during the day, hybrid systems must be switched to
alternative power in the system, usually diesel or biomass. This switching must be done manually, and power
outages in these small grids due to operational errors are frequently reported. Introducing energy
management systems may resolve this issue, but PLN has yet to assess the financial viability of such systems,
especially since panel-only systems have been cheaper at procurement stages. Identifying optimal panel
configuration, management systems and batteries according to the needs of each micro- or small grid is
urgently needed for PLN to optimize solar potential.
As part of its support for the Sumba Iconic Island program, a least-cost electrification study for Sumba
found that off-grid solutions, at the village or household level, would be the least-cost means to supply
almost one third of the un-electrified households on Sumba. Solar PV mini-grid pilot project was designed
and planned to demonstrate a sustainable off-grid electrification model engaging the private sector that
would overcome problems with past efforts. This pilot project could not proceed because: (i) no mechanism
exists to readily engage PLN to operate and maintain grant assets, and (ii) no mechanism exists to engage
the private sector. It is not possible within the current institutional framework to provide the secure, long-
term operational subsidies needed to ensure supply affordability. Moreover, the regulations currently require
that off-grid tariffs be approved by local legislative bodies (DPRD Provinsi) on project-by-project basis,
introducing significant delay and risk to potential projects. The pilot project was canceled, but the
experience prompted a detailed review of Indonesia’s electrification policies and programs.
Solar Power in Indonesia
For large-scale, IPP-based solar projects, it may be necessary to develop several trial projects intended to
evaluate the effectiveness of new regulations on the ceiling price and auction system for solar energy.
Current regulations require IPPs to reach several key milestones very quickly, including financial close and
starting construction. Moreover, ADB’s experience in Sumba highlights several key regulations that will need
to be revised before private investment in off-grid solar becomes realistic.
Cost Estimation of PV
Incident solar power: 1000 W/m2
Electrical power (15% system): 150 W/m2
For 100kW PV system: 667 m2 100 𝑘𝑊 ÷ 150 𝑊/ 𝑚2
By-product gas
Fuel Cell
System Marginal Price (SMP, ₩) in Korea (2017)
(Won, ₩ )