BSTD GR 12 P2 Revision Book 2021-1
BSTD GR 12 P2 Revision Book 2021-1
BSTD GR 12 P2 Revision Book 2021-1
2021 - 2024
A Compulsory
Covers BOTH TOPICS Mostly Level 1
Multiple choice: (5 x 2) (10) (Remembering/Recall)
Choose the correct word: (5 x 2) (10) and
Matching items: (5 x 2) (10) Level 2
Different types of short and objective 30 20
questions using various assessment
styles and covering the entire curriculum for
each main topic, e.g. multiple-choice, match
columns and choose the correct word.
B Choose any TWO questions in this
section. (40 marks x 2 questions)
questions of Section A are: QUESTION 1.1 (5 X 2) (10), QUESTION 1.2 (5 X 2) (10)
and QUESTION 1.3 (5 X 2) (10)
Various options are provided as possible answers to the following questions. Choose
the answer and write only the letter (A–D) next to the question numbers (1.1.1 to
1.1.5) in the ANSWER BOOK, e.g. 1.1.6 D.
1.1.3 Mrs King, the insured, must pay a certain amount when a claim is lodged:
A Excess
B Premium
C Book value
D Interest
1.1.4 ONE of the steps that businesses may consider when handling conflict in the
A Implement disciplinary procedures
B Select an appropriate solution
C Provide recreational facilities
D Provide fringe benefits
1.1.5 Creative thinking in the workplace means … to solve business problems.
A using old ways
B generating innovative ideas
C using routine thinking
D allowing one employee
(5 x 2) (10)
Question 1.1 B (DBE SC/NSC /2020)
1.1.1 This form of investment requires a minimum amount of R1 000 to be invested:
A Unit trusts
B Shares
C RSA Retail Savings Bonds
D Fixed deposits
1.1.2 KDG Insurers applied the principle of … when they compensated Gerald Trading for
losses incurred due to a burglary.
A utmost good faith
B indemnification
C security
D insurable interest
1.1.4 Food For All Ltd has identified … as one of their corporate social investment (CSI)
focus areas.
A business ethics
B rural development
C health and safety
D employment equity
1.1.5 A grievance procedure requires an aggrieved employee to first report the matter to
his/her …
A supervisor.
B shop steward.
C senior management.
D trade union. (5 x 2) (10)
1.1.3 An example of a non-verbal presentation is information in the form of
a/an …
A written report.
B data projector.
C video conference.
D oral report.
1.1.4 Thembi allows Joyce time to speak in an angry manner without
attacking her. This is an example of dealing with a/an … personality.
A complaining
B quiet
C expert
D aggressive
1.1.5 Team dynamic theories help businesses to …
A allocate tasks to team members with similar personalities.
B allocate tasks according to the role of each team member.
C establish good relationships with teams
D promote individual satisfaction.
(5 x 2) (10)
1.1.1 Workers with low morale can be inspired by the insight and personality of … leaders.
A democratic
B autocratic
C laissez-faire
D charismatic
1.1.2 A visual presentation of a set of sales figures shown as a series of rectangles:
A Line graph
B Bar graph
C Table
D Diagram
1.1.3 Salon Mandy’s employees claimed from the … fund during the Covid-19 level 5
A unemployment insurance
B compensation for injuries and diseases
C road accident
D compensation
1.1.4 Collaboration means that team members ...
A do not rely on each other
B work effectively on their own.
C are willing to co-operate in the team to achieve objectives.
D are held accountable for their actions.
1.1.5 The principle of the King Code where there must be regular communication between
management and the stakeholders is referred to as …
A transparency.
B accountability.
C responsibility.
D discipline. (5 x 2) (10)
• Ten words are given in box, 5 words are correct and 5 are very close to the
correct answer (distractors)
• Read through the statements underlining key words in the statement.
• Read the list of words in the box.
• Cross out the word (s) that are definitely wrong. You must be able to give the
reason why the word (s) is incorrect
• Choose the correct word (s) which correspond with each statement.
• You must be able justify why you think the word (s) is correct.
• DO NOT GUESS YOUR ANSWERS, go back to the statement and the list of
word (s) you are not sure of at the end of the paper if there is time left.
Complete the following statements by using the word(s) in the list below. Write only
the word(s) next to the question numbers (1.2.1 to 1.2.5) in the ANSWER BOOK.
1.2.2 An investor can only withdraw money from … when he/she reaches a certain age.
1.2.3 A business that appoints an interpreter for meetings is addressing … as a diversity
1.2.4 The responsibility of the … is to provide all the necessary equipment for workers to
perform their duties in a favourable work environment
1.2.5 Sam considered various alternatives before choosing the best solution to solve a
business problem. This is known as …
(5 x 2) (10)
Complete the following statements by using the words provided in the list below.
Write only the word(s) next to the question numbers (1.2.1–1.2.5) in the ANSWER
1.2.1 The portion of an insurance claim that Donald Traders must pay when the business
lodges a claim, is referred to as …
1.2.2 Pablo bought shares at R10 each from Caller Mobile two years ago. The shares are
now worth R20. This return on investment is called …
1.2.3 The … technique provides managers time to think about the question in silence
before responding.
1.2.4 Lunga can lodge a … when he disagrees with the resolution taken by senior
1.2.5 Employing people from different backgrounds, is known as … (5 x 2) (10)
1.3.1 Assurance A power or authority because of the position
into which they are appointed
1.3.2 Liquidity B request each employee to silently generate
ideas on his/her own before sharing it with
the group
1.3.3 Leadership C describing the escalation in the value or
prices which makes the investment
worthless after a period of time
1.3.4 Professionalism D request employees in a group to suggest
ideas at random and for all ideas to be
written on a flip chart
1.3.5 Nominal group E the moral principles that indicate if decisions
technique are right or wrong
F refers to an agreement with an insurer to
financially compensate for risks, such as
damage or loss of property
G the internationally accepted standards/
expectations of people’s conduct and levels
of competence in the workplace
H refers to an agreement with an assurer to
financially compensate for injuries or loss of
I power or influence because of his/her
knowledge or intelligence or skills
J describes the ease and speed with which
investors can convert an investment into
(5 x 2) (10)
1.3.1 Charismatic A guides businesses on how to allocate tasks
leadership style to team members with similar personality
1.3.2 Road Accident B team members share their ideas aloud in
Fund a group
1.3.3 Graphs C leaders reward employees for meeting
1.3.4 Nominal group D shows the appearance of data in a
technique schematic representation
1.3.5 Team dynamic E compensates pedestrians for injuries
theories sustained due to negligent drivers
F show the relationship between two sets of
G leaders use their personality to inspire and
motivate employees
H guide businesses on how to allocate tasks
according to the roles of team members
I team members silently generate ideas on
their own before sharing them with other
group members
J compensates employees for injuries
sustained in the workplace
(5 x 2) (10)
1.3.1 Creative thinking A only young people are considered for
1.3.2 Interactive B useful in brainstorming sessions as
whiteboards suggestions are summarised
1.3.3 Inclusivity C enables consumers to make loans at
financial institutions
1.3.4 Debentures D uses routine methods to solve problems
1.3.5 Economic right E allows employees to have access to health
F enables businesses to make loans from
G useful to capture feedback and new ideas
H people from different backgrounds are
I uses non-routine methods to solve problems
J allows employees to be paid equally for work
of equal value
(5 x 2) (10)
1.3.1 Leadership A employees open up to each other and
confront each other's ideas
1.3.2 Liquidity B alternative solutions are generated and
critically evaluated
1.3.3 Reinstatement C employees come to an agreement and
reach consensus
1.3.4 Decision-making D applicable when property/goods are
1.3.5 Storming E controls systems and procedures to get
the job done
F alternatives are considered before
choosing the best one
G assets are sold to pay creditors due to
a lack of capital or a cash flow problem
H applicable when property/goods are
I inspire staff to trust and support each other
J asset or security can quickly be bought or
sold and can easily be converted into cash
(5 x 2) (10)
1.2.5 decision making√√ (5 x 2) (10)
1.3.1 H √√
1.3.2 J √√
1.3.3 I √√
1.3.4 G √√
1.3.5 B √√ (5 x 2) (10)
• Now answer the questions, pay special attention to action verbs, e.g., Identify the
• Look at the mark allocation as a guide on how many facts should be included in your
• There must be a link on Differentiation questions e.g., Difference between leadership
and management.
• Always show formula when answering calculation questions e.g., calculation of
average clause
You will be required to answer ANY TWO questions in this section.
NOTE: Clearly indicate the QUESTION NUMBER of each question that you choose.
The answer to EACH question must start on a NEW page, e.g. QUESTION 2 on a
new page, QUESTION 3 on a NEW page
2.1 Give THREE examples of non-insurable risks. (3)
2.2 Identify the type of shares represented by EACH statement below.
2.2.1 These shares are issued to shareholders who started the company. (2)
2.2.2 Shares are issued to existing shareholders as compensation for loss of dividends. (2)
2.3 Read the scenario below and answer the questions that follow.
Kwezi bought a business property worth R800 000, but he insured it for
R500 000. A hurricane destroyed a part of the property and damages were
estimated at R300 000.
2.6.1 Name the insurance clause that is applicable to the scenario above. (2)
2.6.2 Calculate the amount that Kwezi will receive as compensation from the insurer. Show (4)
ALL calculations.
2.7 Tabulate the differences between simple and compound interest. (4)
2.1 State any THREE examples of non-insurable risks. (3)
2.2 Outline the functions of the Johannesburg Securities Exchange (JSE). (6)
2.3 Read the scenario below and answer the questions that follow.
Mohammed is a newly appointed manager at Naveed Manufacturers. He
requested his employees to give input on how they could reduce NM's production
2.6.1 Identify the leadership style used by Mohammed. Motivate your answer by quoting (3)
from the scenario above.
2.6.2 Suggest THREE situations in which the leadership style identified in QUESTION (6)
2.6.1 can be applied in the workplace.
2.1 Give FOUR examples of insurable risks. (4)
2.1 State FOUR principles of insurance. (4)
2.3 Tammy allocates tasks to employees according to their level of maturity.
2.3.1 Identify the leadership theory that Tammy is applying. (2)
2.3.2 Discuss the leadership theory identified in QUESTION 2.3.1. (6)
2.4 Distinguish between a private company and a public company. (8)
2.5 Read the scenario below and answer the questions that follow.
Pure Cash Finance believes that good corporate governance, which includes
transparency and accountability, is key to the integrity of their organisation and
their ability to manage risk and perform at optimum levels.
3.5.1 Name TWO King Code principles for good corporate governance from the scenario (2)
3.5.2 Advise PFS on how to apply each King Code principle identified in QUESTION 3.5.1 (8)
to improve their corporate governance.
3.6 Explain how businesses can apply the brainstorming technique to solve their (8)
business problems.
Candice, the team leader at Giant Enterprise, wants to resolve the conflict in
her sales team. Team members constantly criticise each other's ideas, which
delays their progress.
3.2.1 Identify the stage of team development that the sales team is experiencing. Motivate (3)
your answer by quoting from the scenario above.
3.2.2 Advise Candice on how she could handle conflict in the workplace. (6)
3.3 Explain how abuse of work time poses challenges to businesses. (6)
3.4 Read the scenario below and answer the question that follows.
Asanda Dairies invested some of their surplus funds in the community. They offer
bursaries to previously disadvantaged students. AD also uses recycled containers
to package their dairy products.
Identify any TWO elements of the triple bottom line, applicable to AD. Motivate your
answer by quoting from the scenario above.
Use the table below as a GUIDE to answer QUESTION 3.4.
June Traders have been making large profits in the past three years. They
decided to invest in communities by donating school uniforms. Sporting facilities
were also provided by JT to promote a healthy lifestyle
3.3.1 Quote TWO ways in which JT contributed to the well-being of their communities. (2)
3.3.2 Discuss the impact of corporate social investment (CSI) on JT as a business. (4)
3.4 Describe any TWO criteria for successful team performance. (6)
3.5 Read the scenario below and answer the question that follows.
Smooth Furniture Ltd wanted to change the designs of some of their furniture.
Employees were requested to suggest new ideas in a large group without working
individually. These ideas were used to inspire new thoughts. The management of
SF evaluated the advantages and disadvantages of each idea.
Kelly and Keith invested R5 000 in two separate accounts. Kelly invested in a
current account in a building society and receives 12% simple interest per annum.
Keith invested in a fixed deposit at Khula Bank at 12% compounded interest per
annum. The investment period of their accounts is two years.
4.2.1 Calculate the interest amount Kelly will receive after 2 years. (3)
4.2.2 Calculate the interest amount Keith will receive after 2 years. (4)
4.2.3 State the better investment option and motivate the answer. (2)
4.3 Discuss the role of personal attitude in successful leadership. (8)
4.4 Identify the type of difficult personalities applicable to EACH statement below.
4.4.1 Mr Ingwe delays the whole process until a perfect solution is reached. (2)
4.4.2 Sizwe, a technician, is dissatisfied even though management has improved the (2)
employees’ salaries and working conditions.
4.4.3 The supervisor raises his voice and uses nasty words and bullying tactics which (2)
create a hostile environment during discussions.
4.5 Describe the importance of team dynamics theories in improving team performance. (6)
4.6 Recommend strategies that businesses may introduce to deal with employees who (8)
abuse work time.
4.1 Name any TWO types of leadership theories. (2)
4.2 Identify the type of preference share offered by Theta Limited to shareholders in
EACH statement below.
4.2.1 Shareholders can sell their shares back to Theta Limited after a certain period of
4.2.2 Past dividends which were not paid out due to low profits will not be compensated.
4.2.3 Shareholders are entitled to share in any surplus profit of the company. (6)
4.3 Explain the advantages of insurance for businesses. (4)
4.4 Read the scenario below and answer the questions that follow.
4.5 Name any THREE social rights of employees in the workplace. (3)
4.6 Elaborate on the meaning of communication as one of the criteria for successful (4)
team performance.
4.7 Read the scenario below and answer the questions that follow.
4.5.1 Team members compare each other's ideas and fight for a leadership position.
4.5.2 The team is aware of its aims and makes decisions without supervision.
4.5.3 Team members gather information about the task that must be performed. (6)
4.6 Explain ways in which businesses could contribute time and effort to improve the
well-being of employees. (6)
4.7 Read the scenario below and answer the questions that follow
• Employees may become bored/lose creativity √ as they have to follow rules/
procedures. √
• A transactional leader will have to monitor the work performance of
employees √ to ensure that expectations are met. √
• Managing/controlling employees √ may be time-consuming. √
• Some employees may be demoralised/udemotivated √ if they fail to
reach/meet targets despite having worked very hard. √
• Not suitable for team work as all team members can be punished √ for poor
performance caused by one team member. √
• Any other relevant answer related to a negative impact/disadvantages of a
transactional leadership style. Max. (8)
NOTE: Accept relevant facts, if the autocratic style was incorrectly
identified as answer in QUESTION 2.3.1.
2.4 Situations in which the democratic and laissez faire leadership styles can be
applied in the workplace
2.4.1 Democratic leadership style
This leadership style can be used when:
• Group members are skilled and eager to share their ideas. √√
• - The leader does not have all the information needed to make a
• decision and employees have valuable information to
• contribute. √√
• - Cooperation is needed between a leader and a team. √√
• - Decisions need to be looked at from several perspectives. √√
• - Any other relevant answer related to situations in which the
• democratic leadership style may be applied in the workplace.
Max. (4)
2.4.2 Laissez-faire/ Free reign
This leadership style can be used when:
• Subordinates are experts and know what they want/can take responsibility for
their actions. √√
• The leader is very busy and delegation of tasks will increase productivity. √√
• Team members need to improve/develop leadership skills. √√
• Suitable when employees are highly experienced and know more
about the task than the leader. √√
• Any other relevant answer related to a situation in which laissezfaire/free-
reign leadership style may be applied in the workplace.
Max. (4)
2.5 Meaning of debentures
• It is issued to raise borrowed capital √ from the public. √
• The lender/debenture holder agrees to lend money to the company √ on
certain conditions for a certain period. √
• Debenture holders are creditors, √ as the company is liable to repay the
amount of the debentures. √
• Most types of debentures can be traded √ on the JSE. √
• Debenture holders receive annual interest payments √ based on the
terms/ amount of debentures held. √
• Any other relevant answer related to the meaning of debentures.
Max. (4) (4)
2.6 Insurance
2.6.1 Average clause √√ (2)
2.6.2 Insured amount x Loss/Damages √
Market value
= 500 000
800 000 x 300 000 √
= R187 500 √√
NOTE: 1. Allocate full marks (4) if the answer is correct and no workings are
2. If workings were shown correctly, but the final answer is wrong,
award a maximum of TWO (2) marks.
3. If the answer is incorrect, award a maximum of ONE mark for the
understanding of concept and method.
Max. (4) (4)
2.7 Difference between simple and compound interest
2.1 3
2.2 4
2.3.1 3
2.3.2 8
2.4.1 4
2.4.2 4
2.5. 4
2.6.1 2
2.6.2 4
2.7 4
2.1 Examples of non-insurable risks
• Nuclear weapons/war/political disturbances√
• Changes in fashion√
• Improvement/Changes in technology√
• Irrecoverable debts√
• Financial loss due to bad management√
• Possible failure of a business√
• Shoplifting during business hours√
• Loss of income if stock is not received in time/ Time that elapses between the
placing of orders and delivery√
• Losses caused by the marketing malpractices of the business√
• Changes in price levels from one place to another/Different prices in different
• Any other relevant examples of non-insurable risks.
NOTE: Mark the first THREE (3) only. (3)
(3 x 1)
2.2 Functions of the Johannesburg Securities Exchange/JSE
• Gives opportunities to financial institutions such as insurance companies to
invest their funds in shares.√√
• Serves as a barometer/indicator of economic conditions in South Africa.√√
• Keeps investors informed on share prices by publishing the share prices
• Acts as a link between investors and public companies.√√
• Shares are valued and assessed by experts.√√
• Small investors are invited to take part in the economy of the country through
the buying/selling of shares.√√
• Venture capital market is made available on the open market.√√
• Orderly market for securities serves as a disciplined market for securities.√√
• Mobilises the funds of insurance companies and other institutions.√√
• Raises primary capital by encouraging new investments in listed companies.
• Regulates the market for dealing with shares.√√
• Plans, researches and advises on investment possibilities.√√
• Ensures that the market operates in a transparent manner.√√
• Provides protection for investors through tough regulations/law.√√
• Encourages short term investments.
• Facilitates electronic trading of shares/STRATE.√√
• Any other relevant answer related to the functions of the Johannesburg
Securities Exchange/JSE.
Max (6)
2.3 Insurance
2.3.1 Average clause√√
2.3.2 Calculation of average clause
Insured amount
Market value X Loss/Damage √
R300 000
R400 000 √ X R30 000√
= R 22 500√√√√
NOTE: 1. Award full marks (4) if the answer is correct and no workings are
2. If the formula and workings were shown correctly but the final answer
is wrong, award a maximum of THREE (3) marks.
3. If the workings and the answer are incorrect, award a maximum of
ONE mark for the formula.
Max (4)
2.4 Difference between limited and unlimited liability
2. Do not award marks for the motivation if the leadership style was
incorrectly identified.
Max (3)
2.6.2 Situations in which a democratic leadership style can be applied in the
This leadership style can be used when:
• Group members are skilled and eager to share their ideas.√√
• The leader does not have all the information needed to make a decision and
employees have valuable information to contribute.√√
• Cooperation is needed between the leader and the team.√√
• Decisions need to be looked at from several perspectives.√√
• Small dynamic companies rely on innovative and creative ideas.√√
• Any other relevant answer related to the situations in which a democratic
leadership style can be applied in the workplace.
NOTE: Mark the first THREE (3) only.
(3 x 2) (6)
2.1 3
2.2 6
2.3.1 2
2.3.2 4
2.4 4
2.5 6
2.6.1 3
2.6.2 6
• Different leadership characteristics√ are needed for different situations.√
• The task/situation dictates the leadership style that should be applied√, so
leaders are adaptable/flexible/self-assured.√
• Effective application of this theory may enable leaders√ to accomplish their
• Relationships between leaders and employees√ are based on mutual
• Leaders have the ability to analyse the situation/get the most suitable people
in the right positions√ to complete tasks successfully.√
• Leaders analyse group members/objectives/time constraints√, to adopt a
suitable/relevant leadership style.√
• May lead to conflict√ when leaders use different leadership styles/when
managing employees in different situations.√
• The success of this theory depends on the kind of relationship that exists√
between the leader and followers/subordinates/employees.√
• Any other relevant answer related to the situational leadership theory.
NOTE: Accept relevant facts if the situational leadership theory was
incorrectly identified in QUESTION 2.3.1.
2.4 Distinction between a private company and a public company
(2 x 1) (2) (2)
2.5.2 Impact of democratic leadership style
• Employees participate in the decision making process√, so they feel
empowered/positive. √
• Staff gives a variety of ideas/inputs/feedback/viewpoints √ that can lead to
innovation/improved production methods/increased sales. √
• Clear/Two-way communication ensures group commitment√ to final
• Authority is delegated which can motivate/inspire workers√ to be more
productive. √
• Complex decisions can be made with inputs√ from specialists/skilled
• Any other relevant answer related to the positive impact/advantages of the
democratic leadership style on MH as a business.
• Incorrect decisions may be made√ if staff is inexperienced/not fully informed.
• Decision making may be time consuming√ because stakeholders have to be
consulted. √
• Employees may feel discouraged√ if their opinions/inputs are not considered.
• The leader can rely too much on the input of the followers√ and fail to make a
final decision. √
• Not effective in times of crisis√ when quick decisions need to be made.√
• Some employees only pretend to participate in decision making√ and their
feedback may not always be accurate. √
• Any other relevant answer related to the negative impact/disadvantages of
the democratic leadership style on MH as a business. (8)
2.6 Impact of a PowerPoint presentation as a visual aid
• Graphic programmes have the capacity to convey ideas√ and support what
the presenter says. √
• Easy to combine√ with sound/video clips. √
• Simple/Less cluttered slides√ may capture the interest of the audience. √
• Video clips can provide variety√ and capture the attention of the audience. √
• Variation of colour/background/sound immediately captures the attention of
the audience√ and retain their interest throughout the presentation. √
• Slides should only be used√ where they can enhance the facts or summarise
information. √
• Any other relevant answer related to the positive impact/advantages of a
PowerPoint presentation as a visual aid.
• Unprofessional handling of the data projector/PowerPoint presentation
material√ may lead to irritation/may result in the audience losing interest. √
• Less effective√ to people with visual impairments. √
• Simply reading off the slides√ makes a presentation boring/meaningless. √
• Unable to show slides√ without electricity/data projector. √
• Any other relevant answer related to the negative impact/disadvantages of a
2.1 4
2.2 4
2.3.1 2
2.3.2 6
2.4 8
2.5.1 2
2.5.2 8
2.6 6
• Informed decisions can be made as forces for √ and against are critically
evaluated. √
• Enables businesses to strengthen the driving forces √ and weaken the
restraining forces. √
• Businesses are able to have an idea of the timeline required √ and the
requirements of additional resources. √
• Any other relevant answer related to the advantages of force-field analysis.
Max. (8) (8)
3.4 Difference between problem-solving and decision-making.
- Problems can be solved by a group/ - It is often done by one person/a
team √ or an individual team member. √ member of senior management √ who
makes it authoritarian. √
- Alternative solutions are generated/ -Various alternatives are considered √
identified √ and critically evaluated. √ before deciding on the best one. √
- Process of analysing a situation √ to - It is part of the problem solving cycle √
identify strategies to bring about as decisions need to be taken in each
change. √ step. √
- Any other relevant answer related to - Any other relevant answer related to
problem-solving decision-making.
Submax. (2) Submax. (2)
3.5 King Code principles
3.5.1 Transparency √
Accountability √ (2 x 1) (2)
3.5.2 Application of each King Code principle
Principle Application
Transparency - Decisions/Actions must be clear to all
stakeholders. √√
- Businesses should give details of
shareholder’s voting rights to them
before/ at Annual General Meeting. √√
- Business dealings/transactions must
be open/honest. √√
- Business policies and processes must
be clear and understood by all
- The board of directors must report on
both the negative and positive impact of
the business on the community
/environment. √√
- Any other relevant answer related to
how businesses can apply transparency
as a King Code principle for good
corporate governance.
Submax. (4)
Accountability - Businesses should be
accountable/responsible for their
decisions. √√
- Businesses should present accurate
annual reports to shareholders at the
Annual General Meeting (AGM). √√
- Top management should ensure that
other levels of top management are
clear about their roles and
responsibilities to improve
accountability. √√
- Any other relevant answer related to
how businesses can apply
accountability as a King Code principle
for good corporate governance.
Submax. (4)
NOTE: 1. The answer does not have to be in tabular format.
2. The application in QUESTION 3.5.2 must link to the correct King Code
principles in QUESTION 3.5.1. (8)
3.6 Application of brainstorming technique
• State/Define the business problem clearly, √ so that all participants/stake-
holders understand the problem. √
• Members state possible causes √ of the business problems. √
• Set a time limit √ for each brainstorming session. √
• Record/Write ideas down, √ where all participants can see it. √/Ideas may
also be shared online √ during an e-brainstorming session. √
• Use each suggestion √ to inspire new thoughts/ideas. √
• Do not judge/criticise/discuss the ideas, √ so that many ideas could be
generated as quickly as possible. √
• All members of the group √ randomly make suggestions. √
• The group rates ideas √ according to its usefulness/success/difficulty/cost to
implement. √
• The group evaluates all ideas, √ and combines similar ones/draw up a refined
list. √
• Discuss a plan of action √ on how to implement the best ideas. √
• Any other relevant answer related to the application of the brainstorming
technique to solve business problems.
Max. (8)
3.1 3
3.2 4
3.3.1 3
3.3.2 8
3.4 4
3.5.1 2
3.5.2 8
3.6 8
3.2 Team performance and conflict resolution
3.2.1 Stage of team development from the scenario
Storming√√ (2)
Team members constantly criticise each other’s ideas which delays their progress.√
NOTE: 1. Award marks for the stage of team development even if the quote is
2. Do not award marks for the motivation if the stage of team
development was incorrectly identified.
Max (3)
3.2.2 Handling of conflict in the workplace
• Acknowledge that there is conflict in the workplace.√√
• Candice should identify the cause of the conflict.√√
• Arrange pre-negotiations where workers/complainants will be allowed to state
their case/views separately.√√
• Arrange a time and place for negotiations where all employees involved are
• Candice should arrange a meeting between conflicting
• Make intentions for intervention clear so that parties involved may feel at
• Each party has the opportunity to express his/her own opinions/feelings.√√
• Conflicting parties may recognise that their views are different during the
• Analyse/Evaluate the cause(s) of conflict by breaking it down into different
• Blame shifting should be avoided and a joint effort should be made.√√
• Direct conflicting parties towards finding/focusing on solutions.√√
• Devise/Brainstorm possible ways of resolving the conflict.√√
• Conflicting parties agree on criteria to evaluate the alternatives.√√
• Select and implement the best solution.√√
• Provide opportunities for parties to agree on the best solution.√√
• Evaluate/Follow up on the implementation of the solution(s).√√
• Monitor progress to ensure that the conflict has been resolved.√√
• Source experts on handling conflict from outside the business.√√
• Any other relevant answer related to how Candice/businesses could handle
conflict in the workplace.
NOTE: Accept the steps in any order Max (6)
3.3 Challenges posed by abuse of work time
• It may result in many employees√ often abusing work time.√
• Abuse of work time could result in losing customers√ or not meeting the
deadlines/conflict amongst workers.√
• Wasting time costs the business money√ and affects productivity.√
• Abuse of work time results in a decline in profits√ which could damage the
financial wealth of the business. √
• Effective customer services may not be rendered √ resulting in the negative
image of the business. √
• Any other relevant answer related to how abuse of work time poses
challenges to businesses.
Max (6)
3.4 Triple bottom line
3.4.1 Elements of Triple bottom line from the scenario
1. Profit/Economic/People/Social√√ Asanda Dairies invested some of their
surplus funds in the community. √
2. People/Social√√ They offer bursaries to previously
disadvantaged students/Asanda
Dairies invested some of their surplus
funds in the community. √
3. Planet/Environment√√ AD also uses recycled containers to
package their dairy products.√
Submax. (4) Submax. (4)
Max (6)
3.6 Advantages of the Delphi technique in solving complex business problems
• Businesses may use a group of experts√ without bringing them together.√
• The experts will give the business clear ideas/solutions√ on how to improve
on productivity/profitability.√
• Information received from experts can be used√ to solve complex business
• Experts may give honest/credible opinions√ as they do not have a
direct/personal interest in the business.√
• Conflict may be avoided√ especially if all employees are knowledgeable and
well qualified.√
• Dominating employees may not take over the process√ as they do not form
part of the problem-solving process.√
• It reduces noise levels in an office environment√ since there is no group
• Any other relevant answer related to the advantages of the Delphi technique
in solving complex business problems.
3.7 Ways in which businesses could protect the environment and human health
in the workplace
• Laws and regulations should be adhered to so that profits are not generated
at the expense of the environment.√√
• Pollution and other environmental issues should always be considered in all
business activities, e.g. safe disposal of waste/dumping of toxic waste√√.
• Become involved in environmental awareness programs.√√
• The environment can be protected by altering production techniques in favour
of cleaner and greener technologies.√√
• Water for human consumption should be tested before it is used.√√
• Promote nature conservation by looking after natural resources.√√
• Minimise pollution, by re-using, reducing and recycling.√√
• Reduce consumption of goods/services which are environmentally
• Register/Engage with recognised institutions/bodies that promote green
• Physical working conditions should always be worker friendly, safe and
promote occupational health.√√
• Physical working conditions such as adequate lighting/ventilation should be
available and functional.√√
• Machines must be serviced/maintained regularly.√√
• Educate employees about hygiene issues.√√
• Encourage employees to do regular health checks.√√
• Conduct regular inspections on buildings/machinery to minimise potential
dangers to human health. √√
• Any other relevant answer related to ways in which businesses could protect
the environment and human health in the workplace.
Max (6)
3.1 3
3.2.1 3
3.2.2 6
3.3 6
3.4 6
3.5 6
3.6 4
3.7 6
• The government is less likely to enforce issues through legislation√ to
businesses that voluntarily participate in CSI projects.√
• Employees feel as if they are making a difference√ in working for the
• t helps to retain staff/lower staff turnover√ as employees' health and safety
are considered.√
• Improves the health of its employees√ through focused CSI projects.√
• JT can become more community-based√ by working closely with the
community to roll out skills development projects.√
• Any other relevant answer related to the positive impact/advantages of CSI
on JT as a business.
• JT may not be supported/Customers may not buy their products/services√
resulting in a decrease in sales.√
• Small and medium enterprises find it difficult√ to implement CSI
• Detailed reports must be drawn up√, which can be time consuming.√
• Social spending reduces business/economic efficiency√ which makes it less
• Social involvement is funded from business profits√ which could have been
used to the benefit of customers/reduce prices.√
• CSI activities distract business focus√ from its core business functions.√
• JT finds it difficult√ to adhere to legislation governing CSI.√
• It can increase financial risk√, as programmes cost money and may impact
negatively on profits.√
• It is difficult to accurately measure√ the effectiveness of social investment.√
• It is not easy to determine the exact needs of the communities√, which may
result in fruitless expenditure on CSI.√
• Most managers are not trained/lack experience√ to handle social
• Employees may spend more time working on CSI projects√ instead of
focusing on their core duties.√
• Providing goods/services that meet the needs of consumers is√, according to
some stakeholders, already socially responsible.√
• Shareholders/Stakeholders may receive less dividends√, as some profits are
spent on CSI.√
• Some shareholders/stakeholders might withdraw their support from the
business√ as they feel that social issues should be the government's
• Any other relevant answer related to the negative impact/disadvantages of
CSI on JT as a business.
Max (4)
3.4 Criteria for successful team performance
Interpersonal attitudes and behaviour√√
• Members have a positive attitude of support and motivation towards each
• Good/Sound interpersonal relationships will ensure job satisfaction/increase
productivity of the team.√
• Members are committed / passionate towards achieving a common goal/
• Team leader acknowledges/gives credit to members for positive
• Any other relevant answer related to interpersonal attitudes and behaviour as
criteria for successful team performance.
Criteria (2)
Description (1)
Submax (3)
Shared values/Mutual trust and support√√
• Shows loyalty/respect/trust towards team members despite differences.√
• Shows respect for the knowledge/skills of other members.√
• Perform team tasks with integrity/pursuing responsibility/meeting team
deadlines with necessary commitment to team goals.√
• Any other relevant answer related to shared values/mutual trust and support
as criteria for successful team performance
Criteria (2)
Description (1)
Submax (3)
• A clear set of processes/procedures for team work ensures that every team
member understands his/her role.√
• Efficient/Good communication between team members may result in quick
• Quality feedback improves the morale of the team.√
• Open/Honest discussions lead to effective solutions of problems.√
• Continuous review of team progress ensures that team members can rectify
mistakes/act pro-actively to ensure that goals/targets are reached.√
• Any other relevant answer related to communication as criteria for successful
team performance.
Criteria (2)
Description (1)
Submax (3)
• Clearly defined realistic goals are set, so that all members know exactly what
is to be accomplished.√
• Willingness to co-operate as a unit to achieve team objectives.√
• Co-operate with management to achieve team/business objectives.√
• Agree on methods/ways to get the job done effectively without wasting time
on conflict resolution.√
• All members take part in decision making.√
• A balanced composition of skills/knowledge/experience/expertise ensures
that teams achieve their objectives.√
• Any other relevant answer related to co-operation/collaboration as criteria for
Criteria (2)
Description (1)
Submax (3)
NOTE: Mark the first TWO (2) only. (2 x 3) (6)
3.5 Problem solving techniques from the scenario
individually/These ideas were used to
inspire new thoughts.√
2. Force-field analysis√√ The management of SF evaluated the
advantages and disadvantages of each
Submax. (4) Submax. (2)
NOTE: 1. Award marks for the problem solving technique even if the quote is
2. Do not award marks for the motivation if the problem solving
techniques were incorrectly identified.
Max (6)
• Respond enthusiastically to all ideas and never let anyone feel less
• Reward creativity with reward schemes for teams/individuals that come up
with creative ideas.√√
• Provide a working environment conducive to creativity, free from
• Any other relevant answer related to ways in which businesses could create
an environment that stimulates creative thinking in the workplace.
NOTE: The emphasis is on ‘ways businesses could create an
environment that stimulates creative thinking' not advantages. (6)
3.1 4
3.2. 4
3.3.1 2
3.3.2 4
3.4 6
3.5 6
3.6 8
3.7 6
R5 000 √ x (1+12/100)2 √
R5 000 x (1,12)2 = R6 272 √
Total interest = R6 272 – R5 000
= R1 272 √
NOTE: 1. Allocate full marks (4) if the answer is correct and no workings are
2. If workings were shown correctly, but the final answer is wrong,
award a maximum of THREE (3) marks.
3. If there are no workings shown and the answer is incorrect, allocate
a ZERO mark.
Max. (4)
4.2.3 Better investment option
Keith √/An investment on compounded/compound interest is
better. √ (1)
Keith receives more interest/R72 more interest/has a higher return on his investment
over 2 years/earns interest on interest accrued.√ (1)
Max. (2)
4.3 Role of personal attitude in successful leadership
• Positive attitude releases √ leadership potential. √
• A leader’s good/bad attitude √ can influence the success/failure of the
business. √
• Leaders must know their strengths and weaknesses √ to apply their
leadership styles effectively. √
• Great leaders understand that the right attitude √ will set the right
atmosphere. √
• Leaders' attitude may influence √ employees'/teams' thoughts/behaviour. √
• Leaders should model the behaviour√ that they want to see in team
members. √
• Successful leaders consider the abilities/skills of team members √ to
allocate tasks/roles effectively. √
• Enthusiasm√ produces confidence in a leader. √
• A positive attitude is critical for good leadership √ because good leaders will
stay with the task regardless of difficulties/challenges. √
• Successful employees and leaders have a constant desire to work √ and
achieve personal/professional success. √
• Leaders with a positive attitude know√ that there is always more to
learn/space to grow. √
Any other relevant answer related to the role of personal attitude in
successful leadership. (8)
4.4 Difficult personalities
4.4.1 Indecisive √√ (2)
4.4.2 Complainer √√ (2)
4.4.3 Aggressive √√ (2)
4.5 Importance of team dynamics theories in improving team performance
• Team dynamics theories explain how effective teams √ work/operate.√
• Businesses are able to allocate tasks √ according to the roles of team
members. √
• Team members can maximise performance √ as tasks are allocated
according to their abilities/skills/attributes/personalities. √
• Team members with similar strengths may compete for team tasks/
responsibilities √ that best suit their abilities/competencies. √
• Theories assist team leaders to understand the personality types of team
members √ so that tasks are assigned more effectively. √
• Conflict may be minimised √ when team members perform different roles. √
• Any other relevant answer related to the importance of team dynamic
theories in improving team performance.
Max. (6)
4.6 Strategies that businesses may introduce to deal with employees who abuse
work time
• Speak directly to those employees who abuse work time. √√
• Code of conduct/ethics should contain clear rules about abuse of work time.
• Conduct training on the contents of the code of conduct/ethics. √√
• Code of conduct/ethics should be signed by all employees so that they are
aware of its contents. √√
• Monitor employees to ensure that tasks are completed.√√
• Structure working hours in such a way that employees have free/flexible
time for personal matters. √√
• Create a culture of responsibility/strengthen team spirit in order for all
employees to feel responsible for what has to be achieved.√√
• Remind employees that profit will decrease resulting in fewer
incentives/bonuses pay-outs. √√
• Any other relevant answer related to strategies to deal with employees who
abuse work time as an unethical/unprofessional business practice.
Max. (8)
4.1 3
4.2.1 4
4.2.2 4
4.2.3 2
4.3 8
4.4 6
4.5 6
4.6 8
• Transfers the risk from businesses/insured√ to an insurance
• Transfer of risk is subject to the terms and conditions√ of the insurance
• Protects businesses against theft/loss of stock and/or damages√ caused by
natural disasters such as floods, storm damage√, etc.
• Businesses will be compensated for insurable losses√, e.g. destruction of
property through fire.√
• Businesses' assets, e.g. vehicles/equipment/buildings need to be insured√
against damage and/or theft.√
• Businesses are protected against the loss of earnings√, e.g. strikes by
employees which result in losses worth millions.√
• Protects businesses√ against dishonest employees.√
• Life insurance can be taken on the life of partners in a partnership√ to prevent
unexpected loss of capital.√
• Should the services of key personnel be lost due to accidents/death√, the
proceeds of an insurance policy can be paid out to businesses/beneficiaries.√
• Replacement costs for damaged machinery/equipment are very high√,
therefore insurance can reduce/cover such costs.√
• Protects businesses from claims made by members of the public for
damages√ that the business is responsible for.√
• Protects businesses against losses√ due to death of a debtor.√
• Any other relevant answer related to the advantages of insurance for
4.4 Presentation
4.4.1 Factors that must be considered when preparing for a presentation from the
• He is fully conversant with the objectives of the presentation.√
• Zama also created visual aids that will support and enhance his information.√
NOTE: 1. Mark the first TWO (2) only.
2. Only award marks for responses that are quoted from the
(2 x 1) (2)
4.4.2 Factors that must be considered while presenting
• Establish credibility by introducing yourself as the presenter at the start.√√
• Mention/Show the most important information first.√√
• Make the purpose/main points of the presentation clear at the start of the
• Use suitable section titles/headings/sub-headings/bullets.√√
• Zama should summarise the main points of the presentation to conclude the
• Stand in a good position/upright, where the audience can clearly see the
• Avoid hiding behind equipment.√√
• Do not ramble on at the start, to avoid losing the audience/their interest.√√
• Capture listeners' attention/Involve the audience with a variety of methods,
e.g. short video clips/sound effects/humour, etc.√√
• Maintain eye contact with the audience.√√
• Be audible/loud and clear to all listeners/audience.√√
• Vary the tone of voice/tempo within certain sections to prevent monotony.√√
• Make the presentation interesting with visual aids/anecdotes/examples/Use
visual aids effectively.√√
• Use appropriate gestures to emphasize certain points.√√
• Speak with energy and enthusiasm.√√
• Pace yourself/Do not rush or talk too slowly.√√
• Keep the presentation short and simple.√√
• Zama should conclude/end with a strong/striking ending that will be
• Ensure that the audience will leave with/take away specific
• Manage time effectively to allow time for questions.√√
• Any other relevant answer related to factors that Zama must consider while
4.5 Social rights of employees in the workplace
• Access to clean water/Social security √
• Education√
• Protection√
• Health care√
NOTE: Mark the first THREE (3) only.
(3 x 1) (3)
4.6 Communication as criteria for successful team performance
• A clear set of processes/procedures for team work√ ensures that every team
• member understands his/her role.√
• Efficient/Good communication between team members√ may result in quick
• Quality feedback improves√ the morale of the team.√
• Open/Honest discussions lead√ to effective solutions of problems.√
• Continuous review of team progress ensures that team members can rectify
mistakes/act pro-actively√ to ensure that goals/targets are reached.√
• Any other relevant answer related to communication as one of the criteria for
successful team performance.
Max (4)
4.7 Problem-solving and creative thinking
4.7.1 Problem-solving technique from the scenario
Force field analysis√√ (2)
They asked employees to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the
proposed change.√ (1)
NOTE: 1. Award marks for the problem-solving technique even if the quote is
2. Do not award marks for the motivation if the problem-solving
technique was incorrectly identified.
Max (3)
4.7.2 Advantages of creative thinking in the workplace
• Better/Unique/Unconventional ideas/solutions√ are generated.√
• May give the business a competitive advantage√ if unusual/unique solutions/
ideas/strategies are implemented.√
• Complex business problems√ may be solved.√
• Productivity increases√ as management/employees may quickly generate
multiple ideas which utilises time and money more effectively.√
• Managers/Employees have more confidence√ as they can live up to their full
• Managers will be better leaders√ as they will be able to handle/manage
change(s) positively and creatively.√
• Managers/Employees can develop a completely new outlook√, which may be
applied to any task(s) they may do.√
• Leads to more positive attitudes√ as managers/employees feel that they have
contributed towards problem solving.√
• Improves motivation√ amongst staff members.√
• Managers/Employees have a feeling of great accomplishment√ and they will
not resist/obstruct the process once they solved a problem/contributed
towards the success of the business.√
• Management/employees may keep up√ with fast changing technology.√
• Stimulates initiative from employees/managers√, as they are continuously
pushed out of their comfort zone.√
• Creativity may lead to new inventions√ which improves the general standard
of living.√
• Any other relevant answer related to the advantages of creative thinking in (4)
the workplace. Max
4.8 Dealing with unemployment as a socio-economic issue
• Provide skills development programmes through learnerships.√√
• Offer bursaries to the community to improve the level of education.√√
• Create jobs for members of the community.√√
• Provide entrepreneurial programmes that can promote self-employment.√√
• Support government/stakeholders’ initiatives/small businesses in addressing
issues of unemployment. √√
• Any other relevant answer related to ways in which businesses could deal
with unemployment as a socio-economic issue.
Max (6)
4.1 2
4.2 6
4.3 4
4.4.1 2
4.4.2 6
4.5 3
4.6 4
4.7.1 3
4.7.2 4
4.8 6
• Fully conversant with the content/objectives of the presentation.√√
• Background/diversity/size/pre-knowledge of the audience to determine the
appropriate visual aids.√√
• Prepare a rough draft of the presentation with a logical structure/format with
an introduction, body and conclusion.√√
• The conclusion must summarise the key facts and how it relates to the
objectives/shows that all aspects have been addressed.√√
• Create visual aids/graphics that will consolidate the information/facts to be
conveyed to the board of directors.√√
• Find out about the venue for the presentation, e.g. what equipment is
available/appropriate/availability of generators as backup to load shedding.√√
• Consider the time frame for presentation, e.g. fifteen minutes allowed.√√
• Rehearse to ensure a confident presentation/effective use of time
• Prepare for the feedback session, by anticipating possible questions/
comments. √√
• Any other relevant answer related to factors that should be considered when
preparing for a presentation.
NOTE: Mark the first TWO (2) only. (2 x 2) (4)
4.3 Return on investment as a factor to consider when making investment
• Refers to income from the investment√, namely interest/dividends/increased
capital growth on the original amount invested.√
• The return should be expressed as net after-tax gains√ on the investment.√
• High risk investments √ yield higher returns.√
• Generally, there will be a direct link√ between risk and return.√
• Returns can be in the form of capital gains√ where the asset appreciates in
value over time.√
• The net after-tax return√ should be higher than the inflation rate.√
• Any other relevant answer related to return on investment as a factor that
may be considered when making investment decisions.
Max (4)
4.4 Differences between leadership and management
- Influences human behaviour. √ - Guides human behaviour. √
- Communicates by means√ of inter- - Communicates through management
action/behaviour/vision/values/ functions√, e.g. line function√
charisma. √
- Encourages new ideas√ to increase - Administers plans/programs/tasks√ to
productivity. √ reach targets. √
- Focuses on what√ and why√ - Focuses on how√ and when. √
- Does the right things. √ - Does things right. √
- Focuses on the horizon √ to take long- - Focuses on the bottom line to take√
term decisions. √ short-/medium-/long-term decisions.√
- Leaders are born√ with natural/ - A person becomes a manager
instinctive leadership skills.√ because he/she is appointed√ in the
position/trained/qualified. √
- Guides/Leads people to√ become - Manages the process of getting things
active participants. √ done√ by exercising authority. √
- Have power/influence√ because of - Have power/authority √ because of the
his/her knowledge/intelligence/skills. √ position into which they are appointed.
- Always trying to find more efficient - Enforce rules on subordinates√ to
ways√ of completing tasks.√ ensure that tasks are completed.√
- Motivational/Inspirational√ in their - Instructional√ in their approach.√
approach. √
- People orientated. √ √ - Task orientated. √
- Lead by √ example/trust/respect. √ - Manage √ by planning/organising/
leading/ control. √
- Any other relevant answer related to - Any other relevant answer related to
leadership. management.
Submax. (4) Submax. (2)
NOTE: 1. The answer does not have to be in a tabular format.
2. The differences do not have to link, but must be clear.
3. Award a maximum of FOUR (4) marks if the differences are not
clear/Mark either leadership or management only.
Max (8)
4.5 Stages of team development
4.5.1 Storming√√
4.5.2 Performing stage/Working as a team towards a goal√√
4.5.3 Forming√√ (6)
4.6 Ways in which businesses could contribute time and effort in improving the
well-being of employees
• Pay fair wages/salaries to the workers√ based on the nature of their work/the
prevailing economic conditions in the market.√
• Pay fair bonuses, based on business earnings√, as acknowledgement for
hard work and commitment.√
• Offer financial assistance in the case of any hardship√ caused by unexpected
medical costs.√
• Working conditions√ should include safety/medical/canteen facilities/ benefits
like housing/leave/retirement√ etc.
• Offer annual√ physical/medical assessments to workers.√
• Make trauma debriefing/counselling/assistance available to any employee√
who requires these services.√
• Offer support programmes√ for employees infected and affected by
• Start a nutritional programme√ so that employees can enjoy one meal per
day to keep them in a healthy condition.√
• Encourage employees to stay fit and healthy by getting them involved in
health activities√ to minimise stress/substance abuse/obesity.√
• Provide recreational facilities√ for employees.√
• Provide for employees' participation in decision making√ that affects them.√
• Allow flexible working hours√ to enhance productivity.√
• Make childcare facilities available√ on the premises for working mothers in
the business.√
• Give time to staff√ to get involved in projects they choose√/Allow staff to use
some of the working hours√ to participate in the projects of their choice.√
• Provide transport for employees√ who work unusually long hours.√
• Establish coaching and mentoring programmes√ for junior employees.√
• Conduct team-building sessions√ to improve employees' morale.√
• Encourage employees√ to attend capacity-building workshops/training
programmes/staff-development programmes/team-development
• Any other relevant answer related to ways in which businesses could
contribute time and effort in improving the well-being of employees.
Max (6)
4.7.1 Roles of the health and safety representatives from the scenario
• They will be responsible for checking the effectiveness of LCM's health and
safety measures.√
• They should also identify potential dangers in the workplace.√
NOTE: 1. Mark the first TWO (2) only.
2. Only award marks for responses that are quoted from the scenario.
(2 x 1) (2)
4.7.2 Other roles of health and safety representatives in the workplace
• Investigate incidents/complaints from workers about health and safety.√√
• Initiate/Promote/Maintain/Review measures for ensuring the health and safety
of the workers. √√
• Attend to any formal inquiry/investigation into an accident/health related
incident in the workplace. √√
• Ensure that protective clothing is provided /available to all workers. √√
• Ensure that all equipment that is necessary to perform work are provided/
maintained regularly. √√
• Promote safety training so that employees may avoid potential dangers/act
pro-actively. √√
• Ensure that dangerous equipment is used under the supervision of
trained/qualified workers. √√
• Ensure that workers’ health and safety is not endangered by hazards
resulting from production/processing/storage/transportation of
material/equipment. √√
• Co-operate with the employer to investigate any accidents/complaints from
the workers concerning health and safety in the workplace. √√
• Ensure that employers comply with COIDA. √√
• Any other relevant answer related to the other roles of health and safety
representatives in the workplace.
NOTE: Do not award marks for responses quoted in QUESTION 4.7.1. (6)
4.1 4
4.2 4
4.3 4
4.4 8
4.5 6
4.6 6
4.7.1 2
4.7.2 6
SECTION C: Consists of TWO questions. Answer any ONE of the two questions in this
The criteria for the success or failure of private companies are more appealing than
that of partnerships. Many partnerships convert to private companies so that they can
benefit from these criteria. Some businesses consider the investment factors before
investing in fixed deposits.
Write an essay on forms of ownership and investment in which you include the
following aspects:
• Outline the disadvantages of a partnership.
• Explain how the following criteria could contribute to the success and/or failure
of a private company:
• Discuss FOUR factors that should be considered when making investment
• Advise businesses on the impact of fixed deposits as a form of investment. [40]
Peter and Teko are partners in P & T Consultancy. They are considering investing their
surplus funds in the RSA retail savings bonds/Government retail bonds and also in
preference shares of companies listed on the JSE.
Keeping the above scenario in mind, write an essay on investments and forms of
ownership in which you include the following aspects:
• Outline the functions of the JSE.
• Describe FOUR types of preference shares.
• Evaluate the impact of the RSA retail savings bonds/Government retail bonds
on investors.
• Advise Peter and Teko on how the following factors could contribute to the
success and/or failure of their partnership:
o Management
o Legislation [40]
With reference to the scenario above, write an essay on the following aspects:
• Outline the aspects that Lindy should consider when designing a
multimedia presentation.
• Explain the factors that Lindy should keep in mind while presenting.
• Discuss the advantages of PowerPoint slides and handouts as types of
visual aids.
• Advise Lindy on how to respond to questions after the presentation. [40]
Keeping the above scenario in mind, write an essay on presentation in which you
include the following aspects:
• Outline the factors that Mr Meyer should consider during his presentation.
• Discuss any THREE principles of insurance.
• Evaluate the impact of a PowerPoint presentation.
• Advise Mr Meyer on how he can improve on his next presentation. [40]
Write an essay on investments and presentations in which you include the following
• Differentiate between ordinary and preference shares.
• Discuss the following factors that must be considered when making an
investment decision:
o Risk
o Taxation
o Investment period
• Explain to Mario the factors that he should consider during a presentation.
• Recommend ways in which Mario can improve on his next presentation. [40]
Managers and leaders have realised that they need both management and leadership
skills for successful business ventures. They are also in agreement that personal attitude
plays an important role in promoting a good team spirit.
With reference to the statement above, write an essay on the following aspects:
• Give THREE differences between management and leadership.
• Discuss the role of personal attitude in successful leadership.
• Analyse the impact of democratic and laissez-faire/free reign leadership styles
on businesses.
• Recommend situations in which the above-mentioned leadership styles could
be applied in the workplace.
Businesses are required to respect the economic rights and safety of their employees in
the workplace. The health and safety representatives play an important role in protecting
the workplace environment. Adherence to human rights enables businesses to deal with
diversity in the workplace.
Write an essay on human rights, inclusivity and environmental issues in which you
include the following aspects:
• Outline the economic rights of employees in the workplace.
• Explain the roles of the health and safety representatives in protecting the
workplace environment.
• Discuss the benefits of diversity in the workplace.
• Recommend ways in which businesses could deal with the following diversity
issues in the workplace:
o Gender
o Disability. [40]
According to the King Code principles, businesses are expected to conduct their
operations in an ethical and professional manner. Many businesses develop strategies
to address unethical business practices remain competitive and sustainable.
Write an essay on ethics and professionalism in which you address the following
• Elaborate on the meaning of ethical behaviour.
• Explain how the following unethical business practices can pose a challenge to
o Unfair advertising
o Pricing of goods in rural areas
o Taxation/Tax evasion
• Advise businesses on how they could apply accountability and transparency as
King Code principles for good corporate governance.
• Suggest ways in which professional, responsible, ethical and effective business
practice should be conducted. [40]
South Africa is facing many socio-economic issues that affect all its citizens. Many
businesses are trying to solve these challenges by investing their time, money and skills
in social programmes through corporate social investment (CSI). Corporate social
responsibility encourages businesses to meet the requirements of the triple bottom line.
Keeping the above statement in mind, write an essay on the following aspects:
• Outline the purpose of CSI.
• Explain the link between social responsibility and triple bottom line.
• Evaluate the impact of CSI on businesses.
• Suggest ways in which businesses can contribute time and effort in
improving the well-being of employees. [40]
Write an essay on team performance and conflict management in which you address
the following aspects:
(SCE/NSC 2019)
According to the King Code principles, businesses are expected to conduct their
operations in a professional and ethical manner. Many businesses develop strategies to
address unethical business practices to remain competitive and sustainable.
Write an essay on professionalism and ethics in which you address the following
Businesses must ensure that the economic rights of employees are observed and
respected at all times. However, employees also have the responsibility to protect the
workplace environment with the support of the health and safety representatives
1.1 Introduction
• The A partnership has two or more partners that share the
responsibilities and management of the business.√
• Entrepreneurs should conduct research on the criteria that
contributes to the success and/or failure of a private company.√
• Investors have a range of investment opportunities to choose from.√
• Investors should have sound knowledge of the factors that must be
considered when making investment decisions.√
• A fixed deposit is one of the investment opportunities that enable a
business to seize business opportunities. √
• Any other relevant introduction related to disadvantages of a
partnership/criteria that could contribute to success and/or failure of
a private company /investment decisions/ impact of fixed deposits.
Any (2 x 1) (2)
-Managed by at least one - Directors may sometimes act in
competent√ their own interest√, not in the
highly skilled director.√ company’s best interest/ which can
growth and profit maximisation√
- Director’s fees increase the
company’s expenses√ which
reduces the net profit. √
-Any other relevant answer - Any other relevant answer related
related to the contribution of to the contribution of management
management to the success of a to the failure of a private company.
private company.
Sub max (4)
- Procedures to form a private - Formation procedures are time
company√ have been simplified consuming /complicated/
by the new Companies Act 71 of expensive√, as many legal
2008.√ documents need to be
-Limited liability allows for - High formation/establishment
greater risk taking√, which may expenses√ require a large start-up
lead to growth of the business.√ capital.√
- Auditing of financial statements - Annual audit of financial
(if required)√, gives shareholders statements (if required)√ is costly.√
the assurance that the business
is being properly managed and
supports raising additional
- There is no longer a limit√ on -f a private company does not
the number of shareholders in a comply with legislation√, its licence
private company.√ maybe withdrawn by the
Companies and Intellectual
Property Commission (CIPC).√
- A private company can benefit -Directors’ fees increase the
from government programmes√ company’s expenses √ which
if they comply with the relevant reduces the cash flow/net profit. √
- Personal liability of
shareholders√ does not affect
the company's assets. √
- Companies which comply with
legislation√ build a positive
image/may attract investors. √
Continuity of existence√ due to
the legal personality of the
company. √
-Any other relevant answer - Any other relevant answer related
related to the contribution of to the contribution of legislation to
legislation to the success of a the failure of a private company.
private company.
Sub max (4)
-Large amount of capital can -It cannot grow into a very large
be raised√ since there is no business√ since it cannot invite the
limit on the number of public to buy shares.√
- The company can access -Restrictions on transferability of
long term capital√ and shares√ may not attract financially
therefore has good long term strong investors.√
growth opportunities.√
-Even though shares are not -Large amount of capital cannot be
freely obtained√ as capital contribution is
transferable√, large private only limited to private
companies can raise shareholders.√
considerable amount of
-Any other relevant answer - Any other relevant answer related
related to to the contribution of capital to the
the contribution of capital to failure of a private company.
success of a private
Sub max (4)
NOTE: 1. The answer does not have to be in tabular format.
2. Mark either success AND/OR failure of EACH factor.
Max (12)
• Investing in shares has a higher risk√ than investing in a fixed
• Shares have low/medium risk√ over a longer investment period. √
• Shares with higher risks √ have a greater potential for higher
returns. √
• Ordinary shares have the highest risk√ as the investor may lose the
full/part of the investment when the company is
dissolved/bankrupt/liquidated. √
• Preference shareholders' risk is lower√, as they have preferential
claims on the assets of the liquidated company/may receive some
compensation before ordinary shareholders. √
• Share prices are linked to factors such as economic
conditions/operational success of the company√ which investors
cannot always control. √
• Share prices are volatile/unstable/unpredictable/may
increase/decrease sharply within hours√ which contribute to the
uncertainty of the value of an investment in shares on the short
term. √
• Any other relevant answer related to risk as a factor to be
considered when making investment decisions.
Factor (2)
Discussion (2)
Submax (4)
• An amount could be invested in a type of investment√ that can
easily be converted to cash.√
• It is used to describe the ease and speed√ with which investors can
convert an investment into cash.√
• Example: An investment in a savings account/unit trust will be easier
to convert into cash√ than an investment in a fixed deposit which is
usually deposited for a fixed period of time.√
• Any other relevant answer related to liquidity as a factor to be
considered when making investment decisions
Factor (2)
Discussion (2)
Submax (4)
• Refers to a compulsory payment√ made by citizens to the
government. √
• A good investment√ will yield good after-tax returns.√
• Income tax implications must be considered√ in order to ensure a
high net aftertax return.√
• Tax rates are not necessarily the same√ for different investments.√
• Any other relevant answer related to taxation as a factor to be
considered when making investment decisions.
Factor (2)
Discussion (2)
Submax (4)
Inflation rate√√
• Investors/People are affected by a high inflation rate√, because their
money/purchasing power decreases.√
• The return on investment should be higher√ than the inflation rate. √
• Inflation has a positive effect on some investments√ such as
property/shares where the income will increase as inflation
increases. √
• Any other relevant answer related to inflation rate as a factor to be
considered when making investment decisions.
Factor (2)
Discussion (2)
Submax (4)
Investment term/period√√
• This refers to the duration of the investment√ which may influence
the return on investment.√
• It can be short/medium/long term√ depending on the nature of an
investment option.√
• The investment period will depend√ on an investor's personal
needs/goals. √
• The longer the investment period√ the higher the returns. √
• Short term investments enable investors to access√ their money on
a short period if needed. √
• Any other relevant answer related to investment term/period as a
factor to be considered when making investment decisions.
Factor (2)
Discussion (2)
Submax (4)
• The investor cannot withdraw their funds before the maturity date.√√
• May not outperform the effect of inflation over the long term.√√
• Low return compared to other investments.√√
• Any other relevant answer related to the negative
impact/disadvantages of fixed deposits as a form of investment.
Max (8)
1.6 Conclusion
• The partners should make the correct decisions in running the
partnership in order to protect their personal possessions.√√
• The directors of a private company should keep abreast of the latest
legislation on the management of companies.√√
• Choosing an investment opportunity should be informed by research
findings on the investment decision factors. √√
• Businesses should invest surplus funds in fixed deposits for
expansion/unexpected expenses.√√
• A business that is managed successfully will make a number of
investments over a period of time. √√
• Any other relevant conclusion related to disadvantages of
partnership/criteria that contribute to success and/or failure of a
private company /investment decisions/impact of fixed deposits.
Any (1 x 2) (2)
LASO – For each component:
Allocate 2 marks if all requirements are met.
Allocate 1 mark if some requirements are met.
Allocate 0 marks where requirements are not met at all
2.1 Introduction
• The JSE is a formal market comprising of all the public companies
that have been listed.√
• Various services are offered to listed companies by the JSE.√
• Preference shares can be considered as a viable investment option
as investors have various options to choose from.√
• The National Treasury of South Africa issues RSA Retail Savings
Bonds/ Government Retail Bonds to the general public.√
• A partnership is formed by a minimum of two partners and the
maximum number is unlimited.√
• Any other relevant introduction related to the JSE/types of
preference shares/RSA Retail Savings Bonds/Government Retail
Bonds/factors contributing to success/failure of a partnership.
Any (2x1) (2)
2.3 Types of preference shares
Participating preference shares√√
• are guaranteed minimum√ fixed dividends.√
• are entitled to share in any√ surplus company profits.√
• receive higher dividends√ when the company performs well.√
• have preferential rights over ordinary shares√ on repayment when
the company closes down.√
• Any other relevant answer related to participating preference shares.
Identification (2)
Description (2)
Submax (4)
Redeemable preference shares√√
• Shares can be redeemed/bought back at the option of the issuing
company√, either at a fixed price on a specified date/over a certain
period of time.√
• Any other relevant answer related to redeemable preference shares.
Identification (2)
Description (2)
Submax (4)
• It is an affordable type of investment√ for all levels of income
earners including pensioners.√
• Retail bonds are easily/conveniently obtained√ electronically/from
any Post Office/directly from National Treasury.√
• No charges/costs/commissions payable√ on this type of
• Interest is usually higher√ than on fixed deposits.√
• Retail bonds are listed√ on the capital bond markets/on the JSE.√
• Investors younger than 18 years/Minors may invest with the help of
a legal guardian√, which encourages saving from a young age.√
• Any other relevant answer related to the positive impact/advantages
of RSA Retail Savings Bonds/Government Retail Bonds on
• Retail bonds cannot be ceded to banks√ as security for obtaining
• A minimum of R1 000 must be invested√, which may be difficult for
some small investors to accumulate.√
• Retail bonds are not freely transferable√ amongst investors.√
• Investors need to have valid SA identification/should be older than
18 years√ which may discourage foreigners/young people to
• Penalties are charged for early withdrawals√, if the savings is less
than 12 months old.√
• Any other relevant answer related to the negative
impact/disadvantages of RSA Retail Savings Bonds/Government
Retail Bonds on investors.
Max (12)
- Peter and Teko should decide - Peter and Teko may disagree on
who will be actively involved in how to run the partnership, which
management or rather appoint a may lead to tension between
competent manager.√√ them.√√
- They are agents of the partnership
and a bad management decision of
a partner may be forced onto
Different personalities/opinions could
lead to conflict/ disagreements.√√
- Any other relevant answer related Any other relevant answer related to
to the contribution of management the contribution of management to
to the success of a partnership the failure of a partnership.
Submax (4)
2.6 Conclusion
• Listed companies on the JSE will get more exposure to possible
• Businesses should invest extra cash to generate more income
rather than leaving it in the businesses' current account.√√
• Dividends paid out on preference shares will attract more people to
invest in a company.√√
• Anyone can invest in RSA Retail Savings Bonds as it only requires a
minimum amount of one thousand rand.√√
• Various factors must be considered before choosing a form of
• Any other relevant conclusion related to the JSE/types of preference
shares/RSA Retail Savings Bonds/Government Retail Bonds/factors
contributing to success/failure of a partnership.
Any (1 x 2) (2)
Introduction 2
Functions of the JSE 10
Types of preference shares 16
Impact of RSA Retail Savings 12
Bonds/Government Retail Max
Bonds. 32
Factors contributing to the 8
success and/or failure of a
o Management
o Legislation
Conclusion 2
Layout 2
Analysis/Interpretation 2
Synthesis 2 8
Originality/Examples 2
3.1 Introduction
• The purpose of a presentation is to exchange information as it
involves speaking and listening for both the presenter and the
audience. √
• An effective presentation is one in which the desired outcome is
achieved. √
• Various factors need to be considered when designing a multimedia
presentation to make it effective/eye-catching/memorable. √
• PowerPoint enables the presenter to elaborate on important facts. √
• Handouts are presented in a booklet/sheet of paper on which
information is shown. √
• - When responding to audience questions/remarks, the presenter
should not be aggressive/defensive. √
• Any other relevant introduction related to the aspects that should be
considered when designing a multimedia presentation / factors kept
in mind while presenting/ advantages of PowerPoint and handouts
as types of visual aids/ how to respond to questions after the
presentation. Any 2 x 1) (2)
3.2 Aspects of designing a multimedia presentation
• Start with the text which forms the basis of the presentation.
• Select the background to complement/enhance the text.
• Choose images that may help to communicate the message.
• Include/Create graphics to assist the information which is conveyed.
• Add special effects/sound/pictures/animation to make it interesting for
the audience.
• Create hyperlinks to allow quick access to other files/documents/video
• Use legible font and font size so that it is easy to see/read.
• Keep slides/images/graphs/font simple by not mixing different
• Make sure there are no language and spelling errors.
• Use bright colours to increase visibility.
• Structure information in a logical sequence so that the audience can
easily follow the content of the presentation.
• Limit the information on each slide by using key words and not full
Max. (10)
• Any other relevant answer related to the factors to be considered
while presenting. Max. (12)
• Provide feedback as soon as possible after the question was asked
or after the session. √√
• Be direct/honest/sincere when responding to questions. √√
• Use simple language to support the examples used in the
presentation. √√
• Keep answers short and to the point. √√
• Apologise/acknowledge her errors/mistakes if pointed out by the
audience. √√
• Encourage questions from the audience/investors. √√
• Always address the questions and not the person. √√
• Acknowledge good questions to motivate audience to ask more
questions. √√
• The presenter should not involve himself in a debate when
responding to questions. √√
• The presenter should not avoid the questions if he/she does not
know the answer, but rather promise feedback on it. √√
• Address the full audience/investors and not only the person who
posed the question. √√
• Any other relevant answer related on how to respond to questions
after the presentation.
Max. (8)
3.6 Conclusion
• Good designed multimedia presentation enables the presenter to
achieve his/her goals. √√
• A well-presented presentation creates a good impression and will
attract potential investors. √√
• All methods of presentation must be effectively used to retain the
attention of the audience. √√
• Being professional during a presentation/feedback/questions
session should contribute to the success of the presentation. √√
• Any other conclusion related to the aspects that should be
considered when designing a multimedia presentation/factors
kept in mind while presenting/ advantages of PowerPoint and
handouts as types of visual aids/ how to respond to questions
after the presentation. (Any 2 x 1) (2)
Layout 2
Analysis/Interpretation 2
Synthesis 2 8
Originality/Examples 2
• Keep the presentation short and simple. √√
• Manage time effectively to allow time for questions. √√
• Ensure that the audience will leave with/take away specific
• Mr Meyer should summarise the main points of the presentation to
conclude the presentation.√√
• Conclude/End with a strong/striking ending that will be remembered.
• Any other relevant answer related to the factors that Mr Meyer
should consider during his presentation.
Max (12)
4.3 Principles of insurance
• Usually applies to short term insurance√, as the insured is
compensated for specified/proven harm/loss. √
• Insurer agrees to compensate the insured for damages/losses
specified in the insurance contract√, in return for premiums paid by
the insured to the insurer. √
• Protects the insured against the specified event√ that may occur. √
• Pay-outs from insurance companies/insurer will only be made√; if
there is proof that the specified event took place/if the insured can
prove the amount of the loss/damage. √
• The amount of indemnification/compensation is limited to the
amount of provable loss/damage√, even if the amount in the
policy/insurance contract is higher. √
• The insured must be placed in the same position√ as before the
occurrence of the loss/damage √/The insured may not profit √ from
insurance. √
• Any other relevant answer related to indemnification/indemnity as a
principle of insurance.
Principle (2)
Discussion (2)
Sub max (4)
• Applies to long-term insurance√ where the insurer undertakes to pay
out an agreed amount in the event of loss of life.√
• A predetermined amount will be paid out when the insured reaches
a predetermined age/or gets injured√ due to a predetermined
• Aims to provide financial security to the insured√ at retirement/the
dependents of the deceased.√
• Any other relevant answer related to security/certainty as a principle
of insurance.
Principle (2)
Discussion (2)
Sub max (4)
• Insured has to be honest in supplying details√ when entering in an
insurance contract.√
• Both parties/insurer and insured must disclose√ all relevant facts.√
• Insured must disclose everything that may√ affect the extent of the
• Details/Information supplied when claiming√ should be
• Any other relevant answer related to utmost good faith as a principle
of insurance.
Principle (2)
Discussion (2)
Sub max (4)
Insurable interest√√
• Insured must prove that he/she will suffer a financial loss√ if the
insured object is damaged/lost/ceases to exist.√
• An insurable interest must be expressed√ in financial terms.√
• Insured must have a legal relationship√ with the insured object in the
• Any other relevant answer related to insurable interest as a principle
of insurance.
Principle (2)
Discussion (2)
Sub max (4)
• Less effective√ to people with visual impairments.√
• Simply reading off the slides√ makes a presentation
• Unable to show slides√ without electricity/data projector.√
• Any other relevant answer related to the negative
impact/disadvantages of a PowerPoint presentation.
Max (12)
4.5 Ways to improve on the next presentation
• Mr Meyer should revise objectives that were not achieved.√√
• Humour should be used appropriately.√√
• Always be prepared to update/keep the information relevant.√√
• Reflect on any problem/criticism and avoid it in future
• Reflect on the time/length of the presentation to add/remove
• Increase/Decrease the use of visual aids or replace/remove aids
that did not work well.√√
• Mr Meyer should reflect on the logical flow of the
format/slides/application of visual aids.√√
• Any other relevant answer related to how Mr Meyer can improve on
his next presentation.
Max (10)
4.6 Conclusion
• A well-prepared presentation creates a good impression and will
attract potential investors.√√
• PowerPoint can be used to convey business information. √√
• Effective presentation of business information is one of the key
elements of communicating with various stakeholders.√√
• A presenter should analyse feedback in order to improve on his/her
next presentation.√√
• All methods of presentation must be effectively used to retain the
attention of the audience.√√
• Any other relevant conclusion related to factors to consider during a
presentation/ principle of insurance/impact of a PowerPoint
presentation/area of improvement in the next presentation.
Any (1 x 2) (2)
Conclusion 2
Layout 2
Analysis/Interpretation 2
Synthesis 2 8
Originality/Examples 2
-Non-cumulative preference
shareholders√ will not receive any
outstanding dividends from previous
-Cumulative shareholders√ will
receive outstanding dividends from
previous years.√
- Shareholders have a right to vote√ - Voting rights are restricted√ to
at the Annual General Meeting.√ particular circumstances
-Any other relevant answer related to - Any other relevant answer related
ordinary shares. to preference shares.
Sub max (6) Sub max (6)
• Any other relevant answer related to the investment period as a
factor to be considered when making an investment decision.
Sub max (4)
Max (12)
5.4 Factors to be considered during a presentation
• Establish credibility√ by introducing yourself at the beginning of the
• Do not ramble on at the start√, to avoid losing the audience/their
• Stand in a good position/upright√, where the audience can clearly
see the presenter/presentation.√
• Make the purpose/main points of the presentation clear√ at the start
of the presentation.√
• Use suitable section titles/headings/subheadings/bullets √ to simplify
the presentation.√
• Mention/Show most important√ information first.√
• Add some appropriate humour√ in the presentation.√
• Avoid hiding behind equipment√ as it may give an impression of
• Capture listeners' attention/Involve the audience with a variety of
methods√, e.g. short video clips/sound effects/humour√, etc.
• Make eye contact with the audience√ and look in all directions.√
• Be audible to all listeners/audience√ to keep them focused.√
• Vary the tone of voice/tempo within certain sections√ to prevent
• Make the presentation interesting√ with visual
• Use visual aids effectively.√
• Use appropriate gestures√, e.g. use hands to emphasize points.√
• Speak with energy√ and enthusiasm.√
• Pace yourself√ and do not rush/talk too slowly.√
• Keep the presentation short/simple√ to avoid repetition of facts.√
• Manage time effectively√ to allow time for questions.√
• Ensure that the audience will leave with/take away√ specific
information/ benefits.√
• Summarise the main points of the presentation√ to conclude the
• Conclude/End with a strong/striking ending√ that will be
• Any other relevant answer related to factors to be considered during
a presentation.
Max (12)
5.5 Ways to improve on the next presentation
• Mario should revise objectives that were not achieved.√√
• Use humour appropriately.√√
• Always be prepared to update/keep the information relevant.√√
• Reflect on any problem/criticism and avoid it in future
• Any relevant information received as feedback from a presentation
should be analysed/incorporated/used to update/amend the
• Reflect on the time/length of the presentation to add/remove
• Increase/Decrease the use of visual aids or replace/remove aids
that do not work well.√√
• Reflect on the logical flow of the format/slides/application of visual
• Any other recommendation related to ways in which Mario can
improve on his next presentation.
Max (10)
5.6 Conclusion
• Shares can be sold to others for a higher price than it was
purchased for.√√
• A business that is managed successfully will make a number of
investments over a period of time.√√
• Investors can make informed/calculated decisions after considering
various investment opportunities and risk factors.√√
• A well-prepared presentation creates a good impression and may
attract potential investors.√√
• A good presentation promotes the image of the business/owner/
• Presentation of business information is one of the key aspects in
communicating with various stakeholders.√√
• A presenter should consider both positive and negative feedback for
future improvements.√√
• Any other relevant conclusion related to ordinary shares/preference
shares/investment decisions/factors during a presentation/areas of
improvement. Max
Analysis/Interpretation 2
Synthesis 2 8
Originality/Examples 2
• Guides human behaviour.√√ • Influences human behaviour.√√
• Communicates through • Communicates by means of
management functions, e.g. line interaction /behaviour
function.√√ /vision/values/ charisma.√√
• Administers • Innovates/Encourage new ideas
plans/programs/tasks to reach to increase productivity.√√
targets.√√ • Inspires staff to trust and
• Controls systems and support each another.√√
procedures to get the job • Focuses on what and why.√√
done.√√ • Focuses on the horizon/long
• Focuses on how and when.√√ term.√√
• Focuses on the bottom • Leaders are born with natural/
line/short/ medium/long term.√√ instinctive leadership skills.√√
• A person becomes a manager • Guides/Leads people to become
because of the position in which active participants.
he/she is appointed.√√ • Leaders have power/influence
• Manages the process of getting because of his/her
things done by exercising knowledge/skills/intelligence. √√
• Managers have power because • Always trying to find more
of the position of authority into efficient ways of completing
which they are appointed.√√ tasks.√√
• Enforce rules on • Motivational/Inspirational in their
subordinates/Ensure that tasks approach √√
are completed.√√ • People orientated.√√
• Instructional in their approach.√√ • Lead by example/
• Task orientated.√√ trust/respect.√√
• Manage by planning/organising/ • Does the right things.√√
leading/ control. √√ • Any other relevant answer
• Does things right.√√ related to leadership.
• Any other relevant answer
related to management.
Sub max (6) Sub max (6)
NOTE: 1. The answer does not have to be in tabular form but the
differences must be clear.
2. Mark the first THREE (3) only.
3. Award a maximum of SIX (6) marks if the differences are not
clear/ mark either management or leadership only.
Max (12)
• The leader allows the employees to participate in the decision-
making process√, so they feel empowered/positive. √
• Staff gives a variety of ideas/inputs/feedback/viewpoints√ that can
lead to innovation/improved production methods/increased sales. √
• Clear/Two way communication√ ensures group commitment to final
decision(s). √
• Authority is delegated√ which can motivate/inspire workers to be
more productive. √
• Complex decisions can be made√ with inputs from specialists/skilled
workers. √
• Any other relevant answer related to the positive impact/advantages
of the democratic leadership style on businesses.
• Incorrect decisions may be made√ if staff is inexperienced/not fully
informed. √
• Decision making may be time consuming√ because stakeholders
have to be consulted. √
• Employees may feel discouraged√ if their opinions/inputs are not
considered. √
• Leaders can rely too much on the input of the followers√ and fail to
make a final decision. √
• Not effective in times of crisis√/when quick decisions need to be
made. √
• Some employees only pretend to participate in decision making√
and their feedback may not always be accurate. √
• Any other relevant answer related to the negative
impact/disadvantages of a democratic leadership style on
Sub max (8)
6.4.2 Laissez-faire/Free reign
• Workers/Followers are allowed√ to make decisions on their own
work/ methods.√
• Subordinates have maximum freedom√ and can work
independently. √
• Leader motivates workers by trusting them√ to do things
themselves/on their own. √
• Authority is delegated√, which can be motivating/empowering for
competent workers’/increase productivity. √
• Subordinates are experts√ and know what they want/can take
responsibility for their actions. √
• Suitable for coaching/mentoring√ to motivate employees to achieve
more/better things. √
• It can be empowering for competent followers√ as they are
completely trusted to do their job. √
• Individual team members may improve√/develop leadership skills. √
• Any other relevant answer related to the positive impact/advantages
of a laissez-faire leadership style on businesses.
• Lack of clear direction/leadership√ may be demotivating to
employees. √
• Employees can be held responsible for their own work√ which may
lead to underperformance. √
• Could lead to conflict√ when some team members act as leaders
and dictate to other team members. √
• Workers are expected to solve their own√ conflict situations. √
• Productivity may be compromised√ with a lack of tight control over
workers not meeting deadlines. √
• Productivity might be low√, if employees lack the necessary
knowledge or skills.√
• Any other relevant answer related to the negative
impact/disadvantages of laissez-faire leadership style on
Sub max (8)
Max (16)
6.5 Situations in which the democratic and laissez faire leadership styles
can be
applied in the workplace
6.5.1 Democratic leadership style
• Group members are skilled and eager to share their ideas. √√
• The leader does not have all the information needed to make a
decision and employees have valuable information to contribute. √√
• Cooperation is needed between a leader and a team. √√
• Decisions need to be looked at from several perspectives. √√
• Any other relevant answer related to situations in which the
democratic leadership style may be applied in the workplace.
Sub max (4)
6.5.2 Laissez-faire/ Free reign
This leadership style can be used when:
• Subordinates are experts and know what they want/can take
responsibility for their actions. √√
• The leader is very busy and delegation of tasks will increase
productivity. √√
• Team members need to improve/develop leadership skills. √√
• Suitable when employees are highly experienced and know more
about the task than the leader. √√
• - Any other relevant answer related to a situation in which laissez-
faire/free-reign leadership style may be applied in the workplace.
Sub max (4)
Max (8)
6.6 Conclusion
• Managers can also be successful leaders if they do not only focus
on the task at hand, but also the people/workers who will execute
the task. √√
• Leaders who understand various leadership styles may be able to
lead effectively and handle any situation. √√
• A leader who is positive/enthusiastic/energetic will inspire his
followers to improve /empower/uplift themselves to achieve their
own personal goals. √√
• The democratic leadership style encourages innovative ideas and
boosts the morale of workers. √√
• The laissez-faire leadership style provides experienced employees
with the opportunity for persona/career growth. √√
• The style used depends on the personality of the leader and nature
of the business.√√
• Any other relevant conclusion related to management and
leadership/role of personal attitudes/democratic and laissez-faire
leadership styles/application of democratic and laissez-faire
leadership styles. Max (2) (2)
7.1 Introduction
• Economic rights are one of the fundamental rights contained in the
Bill of Rights that should be respected in the workplace.√
• The health and safety representatives keep their members informed
about the workplace health and safety issues.√
• Economic rights form part of human rights that must be observed in
the workplace. √
• Diversity in the workplace means that employees are different in
terms of age/race/gender/ethnic groups/disabilities etc.√
• Successful businesses develop suitable strategies that are aimed at
addressing different diversity issues in the workplace.√
• Business operations may have a negative impact on the
environment if there are no preventative measures put in place. √
• Any other relevant introduction related to employees’ economic
rights/roles of the health and safety representatives/benefits of
diversity/dealing with diversity issues in the workplace..
Any (2 x 1) (2)
7.2 Economic rights of employees in the workplace
• Free from forced labour.√√
• Free to accept or choose work.√√
• Fair wages/Equal pay/Equal pay for work of equal value.√√
• Reasonable limitation of working hours√√
• Fair labour practice.√√
• Safe and healthy working conditions.√√
• Join/form trade unions.√√
• Right to participate in a legal strike.√√
• Any other relevant answer related to the economic rights of
employees in the workplace.
Max (8)
7.3 Roles of the health and safety representatives in protecting the
• Ensure that protective clothing√ is provided/available to all workers.√
• Identify potential dangers√ in the workplace.√
• Initiate/Promote/Maintain/Review measures√ to ensure the health
and safety of workers.√
• Check/Monitor the effectiveness of health and safety measures√
with management.√
• Ensure that all equipment√ that is necessary to perform the work is
provided/ maintained regularly.√
• Promote safety training√ so that employees may avoid potential
dangers/act pro-actively.√
• Ensure that dangerous equipment√ is used under the supervision
oftrained/qualified workers.√
• Ensure that workers' health and safety is not endangered√ by
hazards resulting from production/processing/storage/transportation
of material/equipment.√
• Work together with the employer, to investigate any
accidents/complaints from the workers√ concerning health and
safety in the workplace.√
• Ensure that employers comply√ with COIDA.√
• Any other relevant answer related to the roles of health and safety
representatives in protecting the workplace environment.
Max (12)
7.4 Benefits of diversity in the workplace
• Workforce diversity improves the ability of a business√ to solve
problems/ innovate/cultivate diverse markets.√
• Employees value each other's diversity√ and learn to
connect/communicate across lines of difference.√
• Diversity in the workforce improves√ morale/motivation.√
• Employees demonstrate greater loyalty to the business√ because
they feel respected/accepted/understood.√
• Diversified workforce can give businesses a competitive
advantage√, as they can render better services.√
• Being respectful of differences/demonstrating diversity√ makes good
business sense/improves profitability.√
• Diverse businesses ensure that its policies/practices√ empower
every employee to perform at his/her full potential.√
• Stakeholders increasingly evaluate businesses√ on how they
manage diversity in the workplace.√
• Employees from different backgrounds√ can bring different
perspectives to the business.√
• A diversified workforce stimulates debate√ on new/improved ways of
getting things done.√
• Employees represent various groups√ and are therefore better able
to recognise customer needs and satisfy consumers.√
• Businesses with a diverse workforce are more likely to have a good
public image√ and attract more customers.√
• Any other relevant answer related to the benefits of diversity in the
Max (14)
7.5 Ways in which businesses could deal with diversity issues in the
7.5.1 Dealing with gender in the workplace
• Males and females should be offered equal employment
• Business directors should promote both men and women in
managerial positions.√√
• Women should be employed to comply with EEA.√√
• Targets may be set for gender equity in the business.√√
• New appointments should be based on skills and ability.√√
• Introduce affirmative action by ensuring that male and female
employees are remunerated fairly/equally.√√
• Any other relevant answer related to ways in which businesses
could deal with gender as a diversity issue in the workplace.
Submax (6)
7.5.2 Dealing with disability in the workplace
• Businesses should provide employment opportunities for people
who are physically challenged.√√
• Accommodate people who are physically challenged by providing
facilities/ ramps for wheelchairs√√, etc.
• Ensure that workers with special needs are not marginalised/feel
excluded from workplace activities.√√
• Businesses should be well informed on how to deal with disabled
• Policies and programs should accommodate the needs of people
with disabilities.√√
• Create an organisational culture and climate that is conducive for
people with disabilities.√√
• - Employees should be trained on how to deal with colleagues with
• Businesses should bring in external experts to help with disability
and accommodation issues.√√
• Ensure that employees with disabilities are treated fairly.√√
• Focus on the skills/work performance of the disabled worker, rather
than his/her disability/possible problems he/she may pose in the
• Any other relevant answer related to ways in which businesses
could deal with disability as a diversity issue in the workplace.
Submax (6)
Max (12)
7.6 Conclusion
• Observing economic rights of employees in the workplace may
promote a healthy relationship between employers and
• The health and safety representatives should be provided with
assistance/training needed to perform their duties effectively.√√
• Diversity in the workplace enables businesses to respond positively
to the needs/queries of customers.√√
• Dealing with diversity issues in the workplace enables businesses to
utilise the skills/knowledge/expertise of a diverse workforce.√√
• Any other relevant conclusion related to employees’ economic
rights/roles of the health and safety representatives/benefits of
diversity/dealing with diversity issues in the workplace
. Any (1 x 2) (2)
Introduction 2
Economic rights of employees in 8
the workplace
Roles of the health and safety
representatives in protecting the 12 Max
workplace environment 32
Benefits of diversity in the 14
Ways to deal with the following 12
diversity issues in the workplace:
o Gender
o Disability
Conclusion 2
Layout 2
Analysis/Interpretation 2
Synthesis 2 8
Originality/Examples 2
• Some advertisements may be regarded as discriminatory√ because
they exclude/target some sections of the population.√
• Any other relevant answer related to how unfair advertising can
pose a challenge to businesses.
Submax (6)
Pricing of goods in rural areas
• Some businesses in the rural areas exploit their customers√ by
adding much more than necessary to their prices. √
• Some consumers in rural areas have little economic power√ and are
vulnerable to exploitation.√
• Business may form monopolies in rural areas√ and increase their
prices unilaterally.√
• It may be common practice to pay higher prices√ for goods of
inferior quality in rural areas.√
• Business may form monopolies in rural areas√ and increase their
prices unilaterally.√
• Any other relevant answer related to how pricing of goods in rural
areas can pose a challenge to businesses.
Submax (6)
Taxation/Tax evasion
• Some businesses submit fraudulent/incorrect returns to SARS√
resulting inpenalties.√
• Businesses may not be familiar with√ the latest changes in tax
legislation. √
• They may pay heavy fines√ for evading tax.√
• Tax evasion may negatively impact √ on the business image.√
• Businesses may lose key stakeholders√ if the act of tax evasion is
• The accountant may charge high fees√ for falsifying financial
• Any other relevant answer related to how taxation/ tax evasion can
pose a challenge to businesses.
Submax (6)
Max (18)
8.4 Application of King Code principles
• Businesses should be accountable/responsible for their
• Businesses should present accurate annual reports to shareholders
at the Annual General Meeting (AGM).√√
• Top management should ensure that other levels of management
are clear about their roles and responsibilities to improve
• Any other relevant answer related to how businesses could apply
accountability as a King Code principle for good corporate
Submax (6)
• Decisions/Actions must be clear to all stakeholders.√√
• Businesses should give details of shareholders' voting rights to them
before/at the Annual General Meeting (AGM).√√
• Business dealings/transactions must be open/honest. √√
• Business policies and processes must be clear and understood by
all stakeholders.√√
• The board of directors must report on both the negative and positive
impact of the business on the community/environment.√√
• Any other relevant answer related to how businesses could apply
transparency as a King Code principle for good corporate
Submax (6)
Max (12)
8.6 Conclusion
• A business code of ethics/conduct should improve relationships and
eliminate unethical business practices.√√
• Employees who do not adhere to the code of ethics/conduct should
face disciplinary actions.√√
• The King Code principles can be applied to all entities, private and
public sectors.√√
• Businesses can make use of good corporate governance to address
issues that challenge ethics and professionalism in the workplace.√√
• Any other relevant conclusion related to ethical behaviour/unethical
business practices/application of King Code principles/professional,
responsible, ethical and effective business practice
Any (1 x 2) (2)
9.1 Introduction
• Businesses are corporate citizens and therefore have a
responsibility towards society. √
• Corporate Social Responsibility/CSR is the way a business conducts
its operations ethically and morally, regarding the use of human,
physical and financial resources. √
• CSR improves the lifestyle and quality of life of their human
resources and caring for the environment by ensuring that they have
the most efficient and sustainable resources. √
• CSR programmes and CSI projects should be relevant to the needs
of communities. √
• They should address socio-economic issues that affect business
operations. √
• - CSI is a component of CSR, where social responsibility is the
intention and social investment is the action. √
• Businesses should consider the importance of the well-being of the
community in relation to profitability and productivity. √
• Any other relevant introduction related to the purpose of CSI/link
between social responsibility and triple bottom line/impact of CSI on
businesses/ways in which businesses can contribute time and effort
in improving the well-being of employees. (Any 2 x 1)
9.2 Purpose of CSI
• CSI aims at contributing towards sustainable development of its
immediate communities. √√
• CSI is enforceable by law and government requires business to
make CSI contributions. √√
• CSI projects play a positive role in the development of communities.
• CSI reveals a business’s attitude towards the community in which it
operates. √√
• CSI projects are long-term investments. √√
• It is relevant to the South African context where socio-economic
upliftment is such a priority. √√
• Any other relevant answer related to the purpose of CSI. Max. (10)
9.3 Link between triple bottom line and social responsibility
Profit/Economic √√
• Triple Bottom line means that businesses should not only focus on
profit, √ but should also invest in CSI projects. √
• Businesses should not make a profit √ at the expense of its
community. √
• Any other relevant answer related to the link between profit and
social responsibility.
Aspect (2)
Explanation (2)
Sub-max. (4)
People/Social √√
• Business operations should not have a negative impact on/exploit √
people/employees/customers. √
• Businesses should engage/invest in sustainable community
programmes/projects √ that will benefit/uplift communities. √
• Improve the life style/quality of life √ of their human
resources/employees. √
• Any other relevant answer related to the link between people and
social responsibility.
Aspect (2)
Explanation (2)
Sub-max. (4)
Planet/Environment √√
• Businesses should not exhaust resources/harm the environment √
for production purposes. √
• They may support energy-efficient/eco-friendly
√products/programmes. √
• Recycle/Re-use waste √, e.g. packaging from recycled material. √
Any other relevant answer related to the link between the
planet/environment and social responsibility.
Aspect (2)
Explanation (2)
Sub-max. (4)
Max (12)
9.4 Impact of CSI on businesses
• May attract experienced employees/increase the pool of skilled
labour √ which could increase productivity. √
• Positive/Improved image √ as the business looks after
employees/conducts itself in a responsible way. √
• A business may have a competitive advantage √, resulting in good
publicity/an improved reputation. √
• Promotes customer loyalty √ resulting in more sales. √
• CSI projects √ may be used as a marketing strategy to promote their
products. √
• The business enjoys the goodwill/support √ of communities. √
• CSI projects promote teamwork √ within businesses. √
• CSI helps to attract investors √ because of increased profits/income.
• Gives businesses tax advantages √ such as tax reduction/-rebates.
• Assists in solving socio-economic issues √ like poverty
/unemployment, √ etc.
• The government is less likely to enforce issues through legislation √
to businesses that voluntarily participate in CSI projects. √
• Employees feel as if they are making a difference √ in working for
the business. √
• It helps to retain staff/lower staff turnover √ as employees' health
and safety are considered. √
• Improves the health of its employees √ through focused CSI
projects. √
• Businesses become more community-based √ by working closely
with the community to roll out skills development projects. √
• Any other relevant answer related to the positive impact of CSI on
• Business may not be supported/Customers may not buy their
products/services √ resulting in a decrease in sales. √
• Small and medium enterprises find it difficult √ to implement CSI
programmes. √
• Detailed reports must be drawn up √ which can be time consuming.
• Social spending reduces business/economic efficiency √ which
makes it less competitive. √
• - Social involvement is funded from business profits √ which could
have been used to the benefit of customers/reduce prices. √
• CSI activities distract business focus √ from its core business
functions. √
• Businesses find it difficult to adhere √ to legislation governing CSI. √
• It can increase financial risk, as programmes cost money √ and may
impact negatively on profits. √
• It is difficult to accurately measure √ the effectiveness of social
investment. √
• It is not easy to determine the exact needs of the communities √,
which may result in fruitless expenditure on CSI. √
• Most managers are not trained √ /lack experience to handle social
programmes. √
• Employees may spend more time working on CSI projects √ instead
of focusing on their core duties. √
• Providing goods/services that meet the needs of consumers is,
√according to some stakeholders, already socially responsible. √
• Shareholders may receive less dividends, √ as some profits are
spent on CSI. √
• Some shareholders/stakeholders might withdraw their support from
the business √ as they feel that social issues should be the
government's responsibility. √
• Any other relevant answer related to the negative impact of CSI on
Max. (16)
9.5 Ways of contributing to the well-being of the employees
• Businesses should improve the general quality of life of employees,
e.g. pay fair wages/skills development √√ etc.
• Start a nutritional programme so that employees may enjoy at least
one healthy meal per day. √√
• Provide subsidised housing/accommodation for their employees. √√
• Allow staff to use some working time to get involved/participate in
projects of their choice. √√
• Provide overtime schedules for fair workload distribution. √√
• Provide transport to employees who work unusually long hours. √√
• Establish coaching/mentoring programmes for junior employees. √√
• Conduct team-building sessions to improve employees' morale. √√
• Encourage employees to attend capacity-building
workshops/training/staff development/team-development
• Offer counselling sessions to employees with personal/emotional
challenges. √√
• Encourage employees to stay fit/healthy by getting them involved in
health activities to minimise stress/substance abuse/obesity. √√
• Any other relevant recommendations related to ways in which
businesses may contribute to the well-being of employees. Max. (8)
9.6 Conclusion
• Corporate social responsibility is an obligation required by law and
benefits both business and society. √√
• CSI projects allow businesses to influence people's lives in many
ways. √√
• Businesses use CSR programmes to comply with laws and ethical
business practices. √√
• Any other relevant conclusion to the purpose of CSI/link between
social responsibility and triple bottom line/impact of CSI on
businesses/ways in which businesses can contribute time and effort
in improving the well-being of employees.
(Any 1 x 2) (2)
LASO – For each component:
10.1 Introduction
• Teamwork is the interaction with team members to achieve a
common goal.√
• Teams go through different stages of development that must be
managed carefully.√
• Conflict is inevitable when two or more people work together as a
team. √
• Conflict is sometimes necessary for people to resolve differences
and focus on key objectives. √
• Managers should be well conversant with the causes of conflict and
be able to handle it effectively in the workplace.√
• Difficult employees may influence their colleagues to adapt the
same behaviour/ attitudes if businesses do not handle them in a
correct manner. √
• Any other relevant introduction related to stages of team
development/causes of conflict/conflict resolution/ dealing with
difficult people. Any (2 x 1) (2)
10.2 Stages of team development
• Individuals gather information and impressions about each other√
and the scope of the task and how to approach it.√
• Teams are comfortable√ and polite with each other during this
• People focus on being busy with routines√, such as team
organisation e.g. who does what, when to meet each other,√ etc.
• Any other relevant answer related to forming as a stage of team
Stage (2)
Description (2)
Sub max (4)
• Teams go through a period of unease/conflict√ after formation.√
• Different ideas from team members will compete√ for
• Team members open up to each other√ and confront each other's
ideas/ perspectives.√
• Tension/struggle/arguments occur and upset the team members√,
there may be power struggles for the position of team leader.√
• In some instances storming can be resolved quickly√ while in others
the team never leaves this stage.√
• Many teams fail during this stage√ as they are not focused on their
• This phase can become destructive for the team√/will negatively
impact on team performance, if allowed to get out of control.√
• This stage is necessary/ important√ for the growth of the team.√
• Some team members tolerate each other√ to survive this stage.√
• Any other relevant answer related to storming as a stage of team
Stage (2)
Description (2)
Sub max (4)
• Team members come to an agreement√ and reach consensus.√
• Roles and responsibilities are clear√ and accepted.√
• Processes/working style and respect develop√ amongst members.√
• Team members have the ambition to work√ for the success of the
• Conflict may occur√, but commitment and unity are strong.√
• Any other relevant answer related to norming/settling/reconciliation
as a stage of team development.
Stage (2)
Description (2)
Sub max (4)
• The focus is on the completion√ of the task/ending the project.√
• Breaking up the team may be traumatic√ as team members may find
it difficult to perform as individuals once again.√
• All tasks need to be completed√ before the team finally dissolves.√
• Any other relevant answer related to adjourning/mourning as a stage
of team
Stage (2)
Description (2)
Sub max (4)
Max (16)
10.3 Causes of conflict in the workplace
• Lack of proper communication√ between management and
• Ignoring rules/procedures may result√ in disagreements and
• Management and/or workers may have different√ personalities/
• Different values/levels of knowledge/skills/experience√ of
• Little/no co-operation√ between internal and/or external
• Lack of recognition for good work√, e.g. a manager may not show
appreciation for extra hours worked to meet deadlines.√
• Lack of employee development√ may increase frustration levels as
workers may repeat errors due to a lack of knowledge/skills.√
• Unfair disciplinary procedures√, e.g. favouritism/nepotism.√
• Little/no support from management√ with regards to supplying the
necessary resources and providing guidelines.√
• Leadership styles used√, e.g. autocratic managers may not consider
worker inputs.√
• Unrealistic deadlines/Heavy workloads√ lead to stress resulting in
• Lack of agreement on mutual matters√, e.g. remuneration/working
• Unhealthy competition/Inter-team rivalry√ may cause workers to lose
focus on team targets.√
• Lack of commitment/Distracted by personal objectives√ which may
lead to an inability to meet pre-set targets.√
• Constant changes√ may cause instability√
• Lack of clarity√ regarding employees' roles and responsibilities. √
• Any other relevant answer related to the causes of conflict in the
workplace. Max (12)
10.4 Handling conflict in the workplace
• Acknowledge that there is conflict√ in the workplace.√
• Identify the cause√ of the conflict.√
• Arrange pre-negotiations where workers/complainants will be
allowed√ to state their case/views separately.√
• Arrange time and place for negotiations√ where all employees
involved are present.√
• Arrange a meeting√ between conflicting employers/employees.√
• Make intentions for intervention clear √ so that parties involved may
feel at ease.√
• Each party has the opportunity to express √ his/her own
• Conflicting parties may recognise that their views are different√
during the meeting.√
• Analyse/Evaluate the cause (s) of conflict by breaking it down√ into
different parts.√
• Blame shifting should be avoided√ and a joint effort should be
• Direct conflicting parties√ towards finding/focusing on solutions.√
• Devise/Brainstorm possible ways√ of resolving the conflict.√
• Conflicting parties agree on criteria√ to evaluate the alternatives.√
• Select and implement√ the best solution.√
• Provide opportunities for parties√ to agree on the best solution.√
• Evaluate/Follow up√ on the implementation of the solution(s).√
• Monitor progress√ to ensure that the conflict has been resolved.√
• Source experts on handling conflict√ from outside the business.√
• Any other relevant answer related to how businesses could handle
conflict in the workplace.
NOTE: If problem solving steps do not demonstrate the handling of
conflict (explanation), award a maximum of FOUR (4) marks.
Max (10)
• Keep communication channels open/Encourage employees to
communicate their grievances to management.√√
• Build rapport/sound relations by re-establishing personal connection
with colleagues, instead of relying on e-mails/messaging/social
• Help difficult employees to be realistic about the task at hand.√√
• Remain calm and in control of the situation to get the person(s) to
• Treat people with respect, irrespective of whether they are capable/
competent or not.√√
• Sometimes it may be necessary to ignore and only monitor a difficult
• Identify and provide an appropriate support program to address
areas of weakness.√√
• Any other relevant answer related to ways in which the business
could deal with difficult people in the workplace.
• NOTE: Award a maximum of TWO (2) marks for negative
Dealing with difficult personalities
- Wait for their response. √√
- Prompt them through the process so that they
can give input.√√
- Restrict the time of the discussion. √√
Sub max (2)
Aggressive - Allow them time to speak and blow off.√√
- Be firm, but do not attack them. √√
- Do not allow them to be hostile toward others.√√
Sub max (2)
- Any other relevant answer related to ways in which businesses
could deal with difficult people in the workplace.
10.6 Conclusion
• It is important that business understand the stages of team
development so that they are able to manage conflict effectively.√√
• Businesses should immediately identify the causes of conflict and
ensure that conflict is resolved amicably in the workplace.√√
• Business objectives can be achieved if conflict is resolved
effectively. √√
• Businesses must acknowledge employees' differences and develop
strategies to deal with these differences. √√
• Dealing with difficult personalities will enable businesses to find
better ways to manage employees. √√
• Any other relevant conclusion related to stages of team
development/causes of conflict/conflict resolution/dealing with
difficult people. Any (1 x 2) (2)
o Adequate financing and
Ways in which TQM can 10
reduce cost of quality
Conclusion 2
Layout 2
Analysis/Interpretation 2
Synthesis 2 8
Originality/Examples 2
11.3 Impact of fringe benefits on businesses
11.3.1 Sexual harassment
• A victim may be severely traumatised√ and this may affect other
employees' emotionally.√
• The affected party is normally reluctant to report the incident√ due to
fear of victimisation which can reduce productivity.√
• Businesses could lose female employees√ and attract/retain less
female applicants.√
• Sexual harassment causes discomfort/humiliation√ and negatively
affects work relations in the workplace.√
• The affected party may stay away√ regularly from work. √
• Any other relevant answer related to how sexual harassment can
pose a challenge to businesses. Submax (4)
• Create a good working environment where all employees' rights and
dignity are respected.√√
• Internal investigation should be made in order to determine the
seriousness of the harassment.√√
• Provide a framework for corrective action.√√
• Serious cases/matters on sexual harassment should be reported to
the appropriate institutions such as the South African Police
Services (SAPS).√√
• Ensure compliance with the law/business code of conduct.√√
• Any other relevant recommendation related to ways in which
businesses can deal with sexual harassment as an
unethical/unprofessional business practice. Sub max (6)
11.4.2 Dealing with abuse of work time
• Speak directly to those employees who abuse work time.√√
• Code of conduct/ethics should contain clear rules about abuse of
work time.√√
• Conduct training on the contents of the code of conduct/ ethics.√√
• Code of conduct/ethics should be signed by all employees so that
they are aware of its contents.√√
• Monitor employees to ensure that tasks are completed on time.√√
• Structure working hours in such a way that employees have
free/flexible time for personal matters.√√
• Create a culture of responsibility/strengthen team spirit in order for
all employees to feel responsible for what has to be achieved. √√
• Remind employees that profit will decrease resulting to less
incentives/bonus pay-outs.√√
• Any other relevant recommendation related to ways in which
businesses can deal with abuse of work time as an unethical/
unprofessional business practice. Sub max (6)
11.4.3 Dealing with tax evasion/taxation
• Business should keep an accurate record of income
statements/financial transactions.√√
• The employees' payroll needs to reflect accurate deductions
according to the progressive tax system.√√
• VAT needs to be charged on VAT-able items.√√
• Submit the correct tax returns to SARS on time.√√
• All products should be correctly invoiced and recorded.√√
• Keep abreast with the latest SARS regulations and tax laws.√√
• Businesses that have evaded tax should apply for amnesty and
declare their income.√√
• Effective systems to determine the appropriate amount of tax to be
paid should be in place.√√
• Disclose all sources of income for tax payment purposes.√√
• Any other relevant recommendation related to ways in which
businesses can deal with tax evasion/taxation as an unethical/
unprofessional business practice.
Sub max (6)
Max (18)
NOTE: Award a maximum of TWO (2) marks for negative strategies in
EACH unprofessional business practise.
11.5 Application of King Code principles
11.5.1 Accountability
• Businesses should be accountable/responsible for their
• Businesses should present accurate annual reports to shareholders
at the Annual General Meeting (AGM).√√
• Top management should ensure that other levels of management
are clear about their roles and responsibilities to improve
• Any other relevant answer related to how businesses can apply
accountability as a King Code principle for good corporate
Sub max (4)
11.5.2 Transparency
• Decisions/Actions must be clear to all stakeholders.√√
• Businesses should give details of shareholders' voting rights to them
before/at the Annual General Meeting (AGM).√√
• Business dealings/transactions must be open/honest. √√
• Business policies and processes must be clear and understood by
all stakeholders.√√
• The board of directors must report on both the negative and positive
impact of the business on the community/ environment.√√
• Any other relevant answer related to how businesses can apply
transparency as a King Code principle for good corporate
governance. Sub max (4)
Max (8)
11.6 Conclusion
• A business code of ethics/conduct should improve relationships and
eliminate unethical business practices.√√
• Employees who do not adhere to the code of ethics/conduct should
face disciplinary actions.√√
• Businesses can make use of good corporate governance to address
issues that challenge professionalism and ethics in the workplace.√√
• The King Code principles can be applied to all entities, private and
public sectors.√√
• Any other relevant conclusion related to
ethics/professionalism/unethical business practices/application of
King Code principles. Max (2)
Challenges: 12
o Sexual harassment Max
o Abuse of work time 32
o Tax evasion/Taxation
o Sexual harassment
o Abuse of work time 18
o Tax evasion/Taxation
Application of King Code 8
o Accountability
o Transparency
Conclusion 2
Layout 2
Analysis/Interpretation 2
Synthesis 2 8
Originality/Examples 2
• Any other relevant answer related to the economic rights of
employees in the workplace.
Max (10)
12.3 Responsibilities of employers and employees in protecting the
workplace environment
Responsibilities of employers
• Provide and maintain all the equipment√ that is necessary to
perform the work. √
• Keep the systems to ensure that there will be no harmful impact√ on
the health and safety of workers. √
• Reduce/Remove dangers to workers√ and provide personal
protective clothing. √
• Ensure that that the workers’ health is not damaged√ by hazards
resulting from production/processing/storage/transportation of
materials or equipment. √
• Employers must know where potential dangers might be√ and take
measures to eliminate or limit the harm. √
• Workers must be informed/instructed/trained/and supervised√ to
limit potential dangers to them√/Emergency exit door signs√ should
be visible to all employees.√
• Equipment must be used under the supervision√ of a designated
trained worker.√
• Comply with safety laws which√ seek to promote healthy working
environment. √
• Any other relevant answer related to the responsibilities of
employers in protecting the workplace environment.
Sub max (6)
Responsibilities of employees
• Must take care of their own health√ and safety in the workplace. √
• Co-operate and comply with the rules and procedures√ e.g. wear
prescribed safety clothing. √
• Report unsafe√ or unhealthy conditions. √
• Report accidents√ to the employer by the end of the shift. √
• Use prescribed√ safety equipment. √
• Take reasonable care√ of their own safety. √
• Inform the employer of any illness√ that may affect the ability to
work. √
• Any other relevant answer related to the responsibilities of
employees in protecting the workplace environment.
Sub max (6)
Max (12)
12.4 Roles of health and safety representatives in protecting the workplace
• Ensure that protective clothing√ is provided/available to all workers.
• Identify√ potential dangers in the workplace. √
• Initiate/Promote/Maintain/Review measures√ to ensure the health
and safety of workers. √
• Check/Monitor the effectiveness of health and safety measures√
with management. √
• Ensure that all equipment that is necessary to perform work√ are
provided/maintained regularly. √
• Promote safety training√ so that employees may avoid potential
dangers/act pro-actively. √
• Ensure that dangerous equipment is used√ under the supervision of
trained/qualified workers. √
• Ensure that workers’ health and safety is not endangered√ by
hazards resulting from production/processing/storage/transportation
of material/equipment. √
• Work together with the employer, to investigate any
accidents/complaints from the workers√ concerning health and
safety in the workplace. √
• Ensure that employers comply√ with COIDA. √
• Any other relevant answer related to the roles of health and safety
representatives in protecting the workplace environment.
Max (12)
12.5 Ways to protect the environment and human health
• Laws and regulations should be adhered to so that profits are not
generated at the expense of the environment. √√
• Pollution and other environmental issues should always be
considered in all business activities, e.g. safe disposal of
waste/dumping of toxic waste√√, etc.
• Become involved in environmental awareness programs. √√
• The environment can be protected by altering production techniques
in favour of cleaner and greener technologies. √√
• Water for human consumption should be tested before it is used. √√
• Promote nature conservation by looking after natural resources. √√
• Minimise pollution, by re-using, reducing and recycling. √√
• Reduce consumption of goods/services which are environmentally
unfriendly. √√
• Register/Engage with recognised institutions/bodies that promote
green peace. √√
• Physical working conditions should always be worker friendly, safe
and promote
occupational health. √√
• Physical working conditions, e.g. adequate lighting/ventilation should
be available and functional.√√
• Machines must be serviced/maintained regularly.√√
• Educate people about hygiene issues.√√
• Encourage employees to do regular health checks.√√
• Any other relevant answer related to ways businesses can protect
the environment and promote human health.
Max (12)
12.6 Conclusion
• Businesses should be cognisant of the economic rights of
employees and strive to promote them. √√
• Businesses must ensure that the health and safety representatives
have necessary facilities/assistance/ training in order to represent
their members effectively. √√
• Businesses should assess/control/address all the physical, chemical
and biological factors in the environment. √√
• Environmental and human health are closely linked as human health
depends on
• environmental health. √√
• A polluted environment results in poor human health. √√
• Employees must take responsibility for their own safety and avoid
unnecessary injuries. √√
• Any other relevant conclusion related to economic
rights/responsibilities of employers and employees in protecting the
workplace environment/roles of health and safety
representatives/ways to protect environment and human health.
Max (2)