W 9875
W 9875
W 9875
Kathryn M. E. Dominguez
I am grateful to Chang-ching Lin for outstanding research assistance, Olsen and Associates for providing the
FXFX intradaily indicative quotes and the Reuters news tape, Tim Bollerslev and Michael Melvin for sharing
their flexible fourier form regression programs and Alain Chaboud and Steve Weinberg for providing the
daily integrated volatility series. I thank Philippe Bacchetta, Paul DeGrauwe, Charles Goodhart, Rich Lyons,
Richard Olsen, Carol Osler, Mark Taylor and Jonathan Wright for helpful comments and suggestions. The
views expressed herein are those of the author and not necessarily those of the National Bureau of Economic
©2003 by Kathryn M. E. Dominguez. All rights reserved. Short sections of text, not to exceed two
paragraphs, may be quoted without explicit permission provided that full credit, including © notice, is given
to the source.
When Do Central Bank Interventions Influence Intra-Daily and Longer-Term
Exchange Rate Movements?
Kathryn M. E. Dominguez
NBER Working Paper No. 9875
July 2003
JEL No. F31, G14, G15, E58
This paper examines dollar interventions by the G3 governments since 1989, and the reasons
that trader reactions to these interventions might differ over time and across central banks. Market
microstructure theory provides a framework for understanding the process by which sterilized
central bank interventions are observed and interpreted by traders, and how this process, in turn,
might influence exchange rates. Using intra-daily and daily exchange rate and intervention data, the
paper analyzes the influence of interventions on exchange rate volatility, finding evidence of both
within day and daily impact effects, but little evidence that interventions increase longer-term
Kathryn M. E. Dominguez
Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy
University of Michigan
Lorch Hall
611 Tappan Street
Ann Arbor, MI 48109
and NBER
I. Introduction
On May 31, 1995 the U.S. government purchased a total of $500 million against
marks and $500 million against yen on three occasions between the hours of 1:45pm and
2:26pm (Eastern Standard Time), resulting in a 2% increase in the value of the dollar
against both the mark and yen over the course of the day. 1 On other occasions when the
U.S. government intervened in the dollar exchange rate market, however, the dollar either
moved in the opposite direction to that expected, or did not move at all. This paper
examines dollar interventions by the G3 governments since 1989, and the reasons that
market reactions to these interve ntions might differ over time and across central banks.
through which interventions might be expected to influence exchange rates: the portfolio
balance channel and the signaling channel. However, neither of these channels is easily
reconciled with the empirical evidence, which suggests that sometimes intervention
works and sometimes it does not. Of course, standard exchange rate determination
models have a difficult time expla ining (often the lack of) exchange rate reactions to all
One approach to exchange rate modeling that has gone some distance toward
reconciling observed short- term currency movements and economic theory is the market
During New York trading hours on May 31, 1995 the dem-usd rate opened at 1.385 and closed at 1.4135
and the yen-usd rate opened at 82.70 and closed at 84.40. The Bundesbank and the BOJ coordinated their
interventions with the Fed on this day. Reuters reports indicate that the Bundesbank purchased $395.6
million against the mark on two occasions (starting just before the Fed was in the market), and the BOJ
purchased $767.4 million against yen on one occasion (just before the last Fed operation).
framework for understanding the process by which central bank interventions are
observed and interpreted by traders, and how this process, in turn, might result in
exchange rate changes. Even if interventions are informative, for example if they reveal
information that is considered pric e relevant, exchange rates might not react immediately
largely non- informative (and are simply a central bank’s attempt to target exchange rates
away from fundamentals), interventions might still impact prices and volatility in the
very short-run if traders misinterpret the (lack of) information content of the
exchange rates and central bank interventions, and in particular, the availability of high
frequency data, offer new tools with which to shed light on the old question of when
central bank interventions are likely to influence exchange rates. 2 Section II offers a
simple version of a market microstructure model and introduces a role for intervention.
Section III describes the G3 intervention and exchange rate data. Section IV provides an
empirical examination of the intra-day and daily dynamics of interventions and exchange
Wincoop (2003) provides a way to think about why trader heterogeneity (based on
See Dominguez and Frankel (1993ab) and Humpage (1999). Sarno and Taylor (2001) and Edison (1993)
provide excellent surveys of the intervention literature. Also, see Dominguez (2003b), Ito (2002), De
Grauwe and Grimaldi (2003) and Taylor (2003) for recent contributions.
and volatility effects in reaction to information revelation. 3 Interventions can easily be
included in the model with the potential to provide price-relevant information. In this
model, both information-based trades and non- informative trades can move exchange rates
in the short run depending on aggregate market ability to differentiate noise from
fundamentals. The model assumes that longer-term exchange rate behavior is well
explained by fundamentals.
Consider a standard asset pricing model of exchange rates in which the current
exchange rate, et, is the discounted present value of expected macro fundamental
differentials, Mt+k , and a risk premium, rpt+k , associated with non-fundamentals trade. 4
Assume traders have higher order expectations, Etk (such that the exchange rate at time t
depends on the fundamental at time t, and the average expectation of the fundamental in all
1 ∞
β k
(1.1) et =
1+ β
∑ E t ( M t +k − rpt + k ),
k=0 1+ β
participants receive information (or signals) at time t about future fundamentals, Mt+k , but
this information is not common knowledge (either because people receive difference bits
common average signal among traders (assuming there are large numbers of market
See Lyons (2001) for a thorough discussion of market microstructure in foreign exchange markets as well
as Evans and Lyons (2002ab). For a more general treatment of market microstructure see O’Hara (1995).
In Bacchetta and van Wincoop (2003) the risk premium arises because some proportion of investors have
a noisy expected excess return on foreign bonds and the net supply of foreign bonds resulting from the
expectational error is non-observable (so that the irrational agents do not know their expectational error).
participants) but heterogeneity across individuals (and traders will expect their own
expectation next period to differ from that of others). Bacchetta and van Wincoop (2003)
show that this sort of information heterogeneity leads both to magnification and to
endoge nous persistence of the impact of non- fundamentals trade on the exchange rate.
probability (1- ρ ti ):
where ∑ ηti is the error term that goes to zero if interventions are common knowledge. If
the value of ρ ti is only learned over time, then intervention operations will in the short-
The model implies that, if interventions are “informative” ( ∑ ρti =1) and are
common knowledge ( ∑ ηti =0), then they should help reduce the rational confusion
(between fundamental and non-fundamental induced exchange rate movements) that arises
in the Bacchetta and van Wincoop (2003) model. Likewise, if interventions are not
common knowledge ( ∑ ηti ≠ 0), or if interventions are uninformative ( ∑ ρti <1), then
movements. Over time interventions should become common knowledge and the market
will learn the value of ρ . Therefore, only those interventions that are informative should
be expected to have long-term effects on exchange rates. This suggests that the very
short-run influence of interventions may differ from its longer run effects.
relationship between intervention and exchange rates include Beattie and Fillion (1999),
Cai, Cheung, Lee and Melvin (2001), Chang and Taylo r (1998), Dominguez (2003a),
Evans and Lyons (2001), Fischer and Zurlinden (1999), Goodhart and Hesse (1993),
Neely (2002), Pasquariello (2001, 2002), Payne and Vitale (forthcoming) and Peiers
(1997). Each of these studies focuses on the effects of different central banks over
different sample periods, often using different data sets, making cross study comparisons
difficult. As a general matter, and in contrast to papers that study the longer-term effects
LeBaron’s (1999) finding that intervention days are the source of unusual profits
for traders using technical analysis is noteworthy in this context. He finds that simple
moving average trading rule profits are significant in daily forex data if intervention days
are included in the sample -- when interventions are excluded, profits go to zero. Using
more finely timed data, Neely (2002) however, finds that interventions are unlikely to have
“caused” the increase in trading rule profits, but instead that interventions tend to arise
For example, Peiers (1997) examines how interactions between informed (defined to be indications
provided by Deutsche Bank (DB)) and uninformed foreign exchange traders (indications given by all other
banks) give rise to short-term price leadership during periods of central bank intervention. She finds that,
during the period October 1992 to September 1993, volatility increases five minutes prior to Bundesbank
interventions, and that there is evidence of DB price leadership from 60 to 25 minutes prior to Reuters
during periods when exchange rates are trending in a manner that would likely lead to
The intra-daily exchange rate data used in this paper are the Reuter’s FXFX series
days with no interventions. 6 A limitation of the FXFX data is that because they are quotes
and not transactions they do not provide volume information, so it is not possible to
examine the joint dynamics of volume (or order flow) and price. 7 Another disadvantage of
the data set is that, because it includes only intervent ion days, it is not possible to measure
The FXFX data used in the paper cover 69 days over the period August 1989 to
August 1995 when the Fed intervened in the dem- usd market, and 66 days when the Fed
intervened in the yen-usd market. 8 The propensity to intervene on a given day varied
across the sample period. The U.S, Japanese and German governments all intervened
actively in the early part of the sample, while only the Bank of Japan (BOJ) continued to
actively interve ne after 1992. Figures 1 and 2 show daily U.S. dollar intervention
The data are collected by Olsen and Associates (Research Institute for Applied Economics, Zurich
Switzerland) using O&A proprietary real-time data collection software and are filtered as recommended by
Dacorogna et al. (1993). The control dates were selected to provide a representative sample of non-
intervention days over the period when the intervention operations take place. These data are used to create
the volatility seasonal used in the empirical tests to follow.
Goodhart et al. (1996) and Danielsson and Payne (2002) find that the basic characteristics of 5-minute
FXFX returns closely match those calculated for transactions prices but find that quote frequency and bid-
ask spreads in the FXFX data are not good proxies to transaction volume or spreads.
Two additional Fed intervention operations have occurred since August 1995. On June 17, 1998 the Fed
sold $833 million against the yen in cooperation with the BOJ and on September 22, 2000 the Fed
purchased a total of 1.5 billion euros against the dollar in cooperation with the ECB, the BOJ, the Bank of
Canada and the Bank of England.
operations in the mark and yen markets along with the corresponding bilateral exchange
they do not provide the exact timing of interventions, nor do they disclose how many
operations occurred over the course of the day. 10 The only available source of timing
information for G3 interventions comes from Reuters reports of intervent ions (which is
also the most likely source of information for those traders in the market that are not
The Reuters news reports used in this study are from the Reuters AAMM Page
News (Money Market Headline News). Along with reports of central bank intervention,
central bank and government officials and reports of major economic events. In order to
control for the impact of other news on exchange rates, these Reuters news reports are also
included in the empirical work. In particular, dummy variables indicate the timing of all
officia ls of the G-3 central banks on the intervention sample days. Table 1 lists each of the
dummy variables created from the Reuters reports and the day-of-week and average time
In the United States the U.S. Treasury and the Federal Reserve have independent legal authority to
intervene in foreign exchange markets. In practice, the U.S. Treasury and the Fed typically act jointly and
split the costs of intervention equally against their separate accounts. The New York Fed implements
intervention policy for the United States and for this reason I follow the convention of associating U.S.
intervention operations with the Fed in the paper. Similarly, in Japan intervention decisions are made by
the Ministry of Finance and implemented by the Bank of Japan (BOJ). The Bundesbank had sole
jurisdiction over German intervention decisions and implemented intervention operations prior to 1999.
The Swiss National Bank is an exception. The SNB provides exact timing and transaction prices for
interventions (see Fischer and Zurlinden (1999), Payne and Vitale (forthcoming) and Pasquarliello (2001)
for studies using these data).
The Reuters reports indicate that central banks typically intervene during business
intervention suggest that the BOJ is most likely to intervene at 3:56:36 GMT (or around
1pm in Tokyo). The Bundesbank is most likely to intervene at 11:31:16 GMT (or at
12:30pm in Frankfurt). And, the Fed is most likely to intervene at 14:57:10 GMT (or
10am EST). Table 2 shows the relative timing of the Tokyo, Frankfurt and New York
markets using the GMT scale and indicates the times when Reuters reports that each
central bank is most likely to be in the market. It is worth noting that Tokyo business
hours end just as the Frankfurt market opens and the New York market overlaps the
Frankfurt market for two hours. The New York market closes two hours before the
Bollerslev, Diebold and Vega (2003) and Almeida, Goodhart and Payne (1998) suggests
that conditional mean adjustments of exchange rates to macro news occur quickly
(though they also find that conditional variance adjustments are more gradual). Tables 3
and 4 provide descriptive information about the central bank interventions that are
examined in the next section. The Fed intervened on 268 occasions over 104 days (in
either the dem- usd or yen-usd markets) over the sample period August 1989 through
August 1995. Many of the Fed’s intra-daily interventions were clustered in the same hour
of the day. Most Fed interventions occurred during the overlap in New York and
European trading hours. And 31% of Fed interventions were coordinated with the
Neely (2000) provides detailed information about the practice of central bank intervention based on
survey data.
Bundesbank in the dem- usd market, while 54% were coordinated with the BOJ in the
yen-usd market. 12
and macro announcements, it is interesting to examine the 25 largest returns over the
sample period together with the Reuters time-stamped events that surround these
unusually large returns. Tables 4 and 5 present this information for dem- usd and yen- usd
returns, respectively. The timing of large returns and the timing of macro announcements
tends to be very closely aligned. For examp le, many of the large returns are timed within
large returns are only loosely synchronized with interventions. The Reuters time-stamp
typically lags the large returns, sometimes by as much as two hours. Of course, it is
possible that the “cause” of the large return is unrelated to any news event reported by
techniques require regularly spaced data. The approach to irregularly spaced data used in
this paper is to create from these data a regularly spaced time series over a discrete time
interval. Defining the tick-by-tick price (P) as the average of the bid and ask:
[log Pt , h + log Pt , h ]
ask bid
(1.3) Pt, h ≡
In the intra-day context a “coordinated” Fed intervention is defined as an intervention that occurs within
2 hours of a BOJ or Bundesbank intervention.
where t,h is the sequence of tick recording times which is irregularly spaced, then the
[log Pt , n + log Pt , n ]
ask bid
(1.4) Pt, n ≡
where t,n is the sequence of the regular-spaced in time data and n is the time interval. 13
and volatility, Vt,n , is measured as the absolute value of the 5-minute returns.
average 5-minute exchange rate volatility (see, for example, Bollerslev and Domowitz
(1993), Dacorogna et al. (1993) and Guillaume et al. (1997)). This seasonality is also
readily apparent in both the sample of Fed intervention days and the control sample days.
statistical analyses. In this paper de-seasonalization of the volatility series is achieved using
the Anderson and Bollerslev (1997ab, 1998) version of Gallant’s (1981) flexible fourier
Figures 3 and 4 shows average absolute dem-usd and yen- usd returns, respectively,
for each 5-minute interval across both the control sample days and the Fed intervention
days, along with estimated intra-day seasonal. The seasonal is calculated using the
Andersen and Bollerslev (1997a) flexible fourier form framework, which decomposes the
In practice the 5-minute price series used in this paper is formed by averaging the two immediately
adjacent bid and ask observations to the round 5-minute mark with weights proportional to the distance from
the end of the interval.
demeaned 5-minute returns into a daily volatility factor, σt , a periodic component for the
nth intraday interval, st,n and an i.i.d. mean zero unit variance innovation term, Zt,n .
σ t st , n Zt ,n
(1.6) Rt, n − E ( Rt , n ) = 1
model for dem- usd and yen-usd fitted over 1752 daily returns from January 1989 though
December 1995. And the seasonal component is estimated using a flexible fourier form
(FFF) regression. Following Andersen and Bollerslev (1997a), and defining xt,n from
(1.7) xt, n ≡ 2log[ Rt, n − E ( Rt ,n ) ] − log σ t2 + log N =log st2,n +log Zt2, n
the approach is then based on a non-linear regression in the intraday time interval, n, and
In the actual implementation the non- linear regression function is approximated by the
n n2 D P
2π p 2π p
f (θ ; σ t , n) = ∑ σ tj[ µ 0 j + µ1 j + µ2 j + ∑ λij In = di + ∑ (γ pj cos n + δ pj sin n)]
j =0 N1 N 2 i=1 i =1 N N
where N1 =(N+1)/2 and N2 =(N+1)(N+2)/6 are normalized constants, N refers to the number
of return intervals per day (N=288), the tuning parameter P (P=8) determines the order of
the expansion14, the J flexible fourier forms are parameterized by quadratic components
Andersen and Bollerslev (1997a, 1998) and Cai, Cheung, Lee and Melvin (2001) find that P=6 fits the
dem-usd FXFX data over the sample 92-93 and the yen-usd FXFX data in 1998. Experimentation with
(terms with µ-coefficients), a number of sinusoids (the γ and δ coefficients) and time-
procedure where $x t, n was replaced by the sample mean of the 5- minute returns and treated
as the dependent variable in the regression defined by equations (1.6) and (1.7). Defining
µf as the resulting estimate for the right hand side of equation (1.7), then the intraday
t, n
$s t, n = T gexp( µf t, n /2)
∑ t=1 ∑ n=1 exp(µf t,n /2)
T /N N
intervention (and other macro announcements) on exchange rate volatility. 15 The general
where Dk denotes the (time-stamped to the nearest 5-minute) intervention and other
announcement dummy variables and $s t, n is the FFF volatility seasonal estimated over the
control sample days. 16 Using this general regression specification it is possible to test for
the impact and intra-day effects of intervention (and other macro news) by examining
P=4,6 and 8 using both the control sample and Fed intervention day samples (over the years 1989-1995),
indicate that P=8 offers the best fit with these data.
See Dominguez (2003a) for a similar “event study” approach using returns rather than volatility.
Estimates of the intra -daily seasonal using the Fed intervention days produced very similar results.
Control sample days were used under the assumption that volatility on intervention days may differ from
non-intervention days (indeed figures 3 and 4 suggest that especially for the yen-usd market Fed
intervention days are more volatile than the control sample days), and while it is necessary to control for
intra-day cycles, it is also important not to inadvertently explain away what is unusual about intervention
days by only using intervention days to calculate the seasonal. I am grateful to Michael Melvin for
suggesting I use the control sample days for this purpose.
Interventions in the event study by all three central banks take the value 1 if they
involve a purchase or sale of dollars and 0 otherwise. Interventions are included as (1,0)
dummy variables both because the dollar magnitudes are generally only available at a
daily (not intra-daily) frequency, and because there is some evidence that the sizes of
Table 7 presents the results of the volatility event-study regression using the FXFX
five- minute dem-usd data. Significant one-hour leads were found for intervention
operations by all three central banks, suggesting that some traders know about these
operations well before the Reuters new release.17 Bundesbank interventions in the sample
had the largest (positive) influence on volatility by a factor of two relative either to Fed or
BOJ interventions. Fed interventions continued to influence dem-usd volatility for one hour
after the Reuters report, while Bundesbank interventions had effects for 25 minutes after
the report, and BOJ interventions had effects for just 10 minutes after the report. Only
announcements by the Fed significantly influenced volatility. Seven of the twelve U.S. and
German macro announcements are also found to be significant, with the significant lags
varying from impact to fifteen minutes after the Reuters time-stamp. The announcement
with the largest average influence on dem-usd variability is U.S. GNP. The intra-day
controls and seasonal together explain just under 25% of intra-day dem-usd volatility.
Various regression specifications were attempted, including imposing a polynomial distributed lag (pdl)
structure on the leads and lags of the intervention variables. Tests of the pdl restrictions suggested that the data
do not conform to this specification. Experimentation with various lead and lag combinations indicated that a
[-1hr,+2hr] window for the intervention variables and a [0,1hr] window for the macroeconomic
announcements was appropriate.
The results of the yen-usd volatility event-study regression are presented in Table 8.
statistically significant. There is evidence of one-hour Reuters announcement lags for both
the Fed and the BOJ. Fed interventions continue to have effects for an hour and a half after
the Reuters report, and BOJ interventions continue to have effects for one hour after the
report. Both Fed and BOJ central bank announcements also influence volality. Six of
twelve U.S. and Japanese macro announcements are significant. U.S. GNP again has the
largest effect.
Tables 7 and 8 include results from three alternative regression specifications. The
first of these alternative hypotheses asks whether the relationship between interventions
and volatility is related to the volume of trade. In particular, the regressions test whether
Fed interventions that occurred during the overlap in New York and European trading,
when volume is generally highest, had different effects than those that occurred during
other time periods. The results for both the dem-usd and yen-usd suggest that, regardless
of volume, Fed interventions have statistically significant effects over the 36 (5-min) leads
and lags. In both the high and low trade volume times, Fed interventions continued to have
one-hour lead effects and roughly one-hour lag effects in the dem-usd market, and one-
hour and twenty minute lag effects in the yen-usd market. Results for the remaining
variables in the regression were little changed by the inclusion of the interactive trade
volume dummy. The relative size of the coefficients on Fed intervention in low and high
volume trade volume suggests Fed interventions during high volume periods in the yen-usd
market had a slightly larger overall effect, and it is worth noting that 61% of Fed
The second alternative specification serves as a test of whether interventions that
are timed close to a (scheduled) macro announcement have different effects than those that
are not. The dummy variable distinguishing those interventions that occurred within a two-
hour window of a macro announcement are significant in both the dem-usd and yen-usd
volatility regressions. The relative size of the coefficients on the interactive dummy
suggests that these interventions have larger effects on volatility than interventions that are
not timed close to other announcements (although these continue to be significant in the
regressions). One possible explanation for this result is that traders are more sensitive to
news (including intervention news) at times when other major announcements are
The final set of alternative specifications examines the extent to which coordination
matters. Interventions are defined as being “coordinated” if at least one other of the G3
central banks intervened within a two hour window (and in the same direction). In the case
of the dem-usd market, 31% of all Fed interventions over this period were coordinated with
the Bundesbank. The results suggest that those interventions that were coordinated have a
slightly larger influence on volatility than unilateral interventions. Interestingly, the lag
effects for coordinated interventions last a good hour beyond those for unilateral
interventions. In the yen-usd market, 54% of all Fed interventions over this period were
coordinated with the BOJ. Results again suggest that both coordinated and unilateral Fed
interventions influence volatility, though the size of the effect is actually larger for
Evans and Lyons (2002b) also find that currency trades have greater price impact if they are closely
timed with macro announcements.
significant lag effects on yen-usd volatility for an hour and a half after the Reuters report,
while the influence of unilateral interventions lasted for about forty- five minutes.
intra-day exchange rate volatility over the sample period examined, August 1989 through
August 1995. The coefficient estimates indicate that Reuters reports generally lag
interventions by one hour, and intervention continues to influence volatility up to one and a
half hours after the Reuters report release, suggesting that intervention is neither common
knowledge, nor perfectly informative. It is also worth noting that all the coefficients on
intervention in tables 7 and 8 are positive, indicating that in the very short run interventions
The next set of tests, reported in Tables 9, 10 and 11, examine the influence of G3
interventions on daily volatility19. Recall from the model in section II that trader
heterogeneity can make even informative intervention increase very short run exchange
rate volatility, though over time interventions should become common knowledge, and
traders should sort out any misinterpretation of intervention’s information content. Daily
realized dem-usd and yen-usd volatility is measured using the intra-daily returns data.
Following Anderson and Bollerslev (1998) we sum the squared 5-minute FXFX indicative
quote returns over each day (through GMT22) 20, such that:
(1.12) σ tFXFX = ∑R
n =1
t, n
A number of papers have examined the influence of intervention on daily exchange rate volatility. See,
for example, Bonser-Neal and Tanner (1996), Dominguez (1998), Chaboud and LeBaron (2001), Galati,
Melick and Micu (2002), Frenkel, Pierdzioch, and Stadtmann (2003) and Beine (2003).
The daily integrated volatilities were created by Steve Weinberg. The daily cutoff is GMT22 when
volatility is generally very low. Weekends are excluded and the volatilities are expressed as annualized
standard deviations.
to create a daily integrated volatility series. This measure better captures current volatility
(2003) explain,
“Suppose, for example, that the true volatility has been low for many days,
t=1,...T-1, so that both realized and GARCH volatilities are presently low as well.
Now suppose that the true volatility increases sharply on day T and that the effect
is highly persistent as is typical. Realized volatility for day, T, which makes
effective use of the day-T information, will increase sharply as well, as is
appropriate. GARCH or RiskMetrics volatility, in contrast, will not change at all
on day T, as they depend only on squared returns from days T-1, T-2,..., and they
will increase only gradually on subsequent days, as they approximate volatility
via a long and slowly decaying exponentially weighted moving average.”
important that our measure of volatility reflect current (and not necessarily past) market
conditions. Figures 5 and 6 show the integrated volatility series as well as a MA(1)-
GARCH(1,1) volatility measure for the dem- usd and yen- usd, respectively.
Unsurprisingly the GARCH series are much smoother than the integrated volatility series,
for dem- usd and yen-usd, over the full sample period as well as on intervention days. For
the full sample (and non-intervention days sample) the measures of skewness and
kurtosis suggest the series are approximately Gaussian and the Ljung-Box statistics
indicate strong serial correlation. 21 Further, the estimates of the degree of fractional
Five observations in the dem-usd realized volatility series were significant outliers and are excluded
from the sample. Realized volatility on September 14, 1992 is two times higher than the second highest
day and realized volatilities on Septemb er 3-4, 1991and May 12-13, 1994 are three times smaller than the
next lowest day. We replaced these outliers with values from the next highest (or lowest) realized
volatilities in the sample distribution. Replacing these outliers does not significantly change the regression
results in Table 10, but does influence the skewness and kurtosis statistics for the full and non-intervention
integration, d, are significantly greater than zero and less than .5, which indicates
that on “all” interventions days, and particularly on coordinated intervention days, the
mean realized volatility is significantly larger than on non- intervention days. Realized
volatility on the day after an intervention remains higher for the dem- usd but not for yen-
usd, and volatility on the day before an intervention is no higher, on average, than on
The statistics in table 9 suggest that the long-memory dynamics of the realized
the two realized volatility series suggests that for the dem- usd an ARFIMA(1,d,0) best
describes the data, while for the yen-usd we use an ARFIMA(0,d,0) model. In order to
test whether daily interventions are correlated with realized volatility we include a
holiday dummy variable (H) to control for holiday and market closure effects as well as
(1 − L ) d (1 − φ L)( vt − µt ) = ε t ,
(1.13) µt = α 0 + α1k ' Dtk + α 2 Ht ,
ε t : N (0, ω )
where d is the fractional parameter, L denotes the lag operator, φ denotes the AR
parameter (set to 0 in the case of yen-usd), v t denotes the log of the integrated volatility
samples in Table 9. There were no apparent outliers in the yen-usd realized volatility series.
( σ FXFX ) at time t, α 0 is an intercept, α1k is the intervention parameter vector, and α 2 is the
holiday parameter. 22
there is no evidence that the influence of coordinated interventions extends beyond the day
operations all influence daily realized volatility in both markets. In the yen-usd market
unilateral Fed interventions are marginally significant after 3 days. The relative magnitudes
of the coefficients in the daily regressions suggest that coordinated interventions have a
operations were also significant in the intra-day tests, though the relative size of the
coefficients on coordinated and unilateral operations were similar. This suggests that over
the course of the day the influence of coordinated operations (which may have a lower
tables 7-10 indicate that interventions by all three central banks positively influenced intra-
day and daily (contemporaneous) exchange rate volatility. There is little evidence that
Estimation is based on the numerical quasi-maximum likelihood (QML) algorithm, where the likelihood
function is based on the Wold representation of the ARFIMA(1,d,0) processes with a Gaussian assumption.
The t-statistics reported in the tables are calculated using the corresponding heteroskedastic-consistent
standard errors based on finite difference approximation.
One day leads of coordinated and unilateral Fed interventions were also included in the regression
specification but lead coefficients were never statistically significant and are not reported in table 10.
These results are available from the author upon request.
regressions tests whether this assumption is valid by allowing the persistence of volatility
ν t = α0n + ν tn + ν tI + α 2 DtI + α 3 Ht + εt
ν tn = α1n (1 − DtI−1 )εt −1 + β nν tn−1
ν tI = DtI−1 (α 0I + α1I εt −1) + β Iν tI−1
ε t ~ N (0, ω )
where ν tn and ν tI are daily realized volatility on non- intervention and intervention days,
an ARMA(1,1) model. Regression estimates of this model are given in Table 11 and
indicate that the persistence of shocks on intervention and non- intervention days is not
statistically different. The likelihood ratio statistics suggest that we cannot reject the joint
hypothesis that α 0I = 0 , α1n = α1I and β n = β I . Further, the estimates of β I (the coefficient
on lagged volatility on intervention days) suggest that the effects of shocks to volatility
on intervention days fall by half in 1.5 days for dem-usd and 3 days for yen-usd.
V. Conclusions
exchange rates. Microstructure theory suggests that trader heterogeneity can cause
exchange rates to move away from fundamentals in the short-run. Introducing intervention
operations into an already confused market, in turn, can increase the influence of non-
fundamentals trading on exchange rate movements. Over time, however, interventions are
common knowledge and traders should be able to distinguish informative from non-
Jones, Lamont and Lumsdaine (1998) estimate a similar model to measure the influence of
macroeconomic information on the persistence of bond market volatility.
informative interventions. This suggests that the influence of interventions on exchange
rates may well differ over the very short and longer runs.
The empirical tests in this paper examine the influence of G3 interventions on dem-
usd and yen-usd intra-daily (5- minute) indicative quote volatility as well as a measure of
realized daily volatility. Results suggest that intervention operations, especially those that
were coordinated, were consistently associated with increases in intra-day and daily
volatility, while there is little evidence that interventions influenced longer-term volatility.
The fact that interventions did not lead to longer-term increases in volatility may help
explain why governments, who presumably prefer not to increase market volatility,
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Table 1 Timing of Selected Reuters Announcements (1989-1995)
Table 3 G3 Central Bank Intervention Descriptive Statistics 1989-1995
Table 4 Timing of G3 Central Bank Interventions in the dem- usd and yen- usd markets
Dem-usd yen-usd
Percent of Interventions closely timed with macro announcements
1. all interventions (any bank) 7% 10%
2. Fed interventions 7% 13%
3. Buba interventions 6% 15%
4. BOJ interventions 9% 4.5%
Percent of Fed Interventions
1. occurring before 12:00 est 42.6% 57%
2. occurring after 12:00 est 13.4% 16%
3. unknown 0.004% 3%
4. occurring in both the am and pm 44% 24%
Percent of Fed Interventions occurring during European Trading 61% 61%
Percent of Fed Interventions Coordinated
1. with Buba 31%
2. with BOJ 54%
Note: “closely timed” is defined as occurring within 2 hours. Likewise, “coordinated”
Fed interventions are defined as interventions that occur within 2 hours of a BOJ or
Bundesbank intervention.
Table 5 The 25 Largest 5- min dem-usd Returns (1989-95)
NOTE: At least one Fed interventions occurred on each of the days in the sample.
* Events are defined as any macro announcement or central bank intervention that
occurred within a [-1hr,5hr] window of the large return.
Table 6 The 25 Largest 5- min yen-usd Returns (1989-95)
NOTE: At least one Fed intervention occurred on each of the days in the sample.
* Events are defined as any macro announcement or central bank intervention that
occurred within a [-1hr,5hr] window of the large return.
Table 7 Influence of Interventions on Intra-Day dem- usd Volatility
Vt ,n = α 0 + ∑ k ∑ iα 1,ki Dtk, n+i + α 2 $s t, n + ε t ,n
where V is 5- min dem-usd volatility (measured as the absolute value of the 5- min
returns); the Dk s include intervention, official central bank announcements and macro
announcements; i=-1 to +2hrs for the G-3 intervention variables and official
announcements and i=0 to +1hr for the macro announcements; t,n is the sequence of the
regular-spaced (every 5 minutes) intra-daily data for all the days on which the Fed
interve ned against the mark from 1989 to 1995 (69 days and a total of 151 reports of Fed
operations). The reported coefficients are multiplied by 100.
Table 8 Influence of Interventions on Intra-Day yen-usd Volatility
Vt ,n = α 0 + ∑ k ∑ iα 1,ki Dtk, n+i + α 2 $s t, n + ε t ,n
where V is 5- min yen-usd volatility; Dk s include intervention, official central bank
announcements and macro announcements; i=-1 to +2hrs for the G-3 intervention
variables and official announcements and i=0 to +1hr for the macro announcements; t,n is
the sequence of the regular-spaced (every 5 minutes) intra-daily data for all the days on
which the Fed intervened against the yen from 1989 to 1995 (66 days and a total of 192
reports of Fed operations). The reported coefficients are multiplied by 100.
Number of observations= 18,969. 1 High trade volume is defined as the overlap in US and
European trading hours. 2 Interventions that occur within 2 hours of a macro news
announcement are defined as “close”. 3 Coordinated interventions are defined as Fed
interventions that occur on the same day as at least one other of the G-3 central banks.
The coefficient is the sum of the 36 lead and lag coefficients on each of the intervention
variables. **, and * denote statistical significance (of the 36 leads and lags) at the 1% and
5% levels, respectively, using robust standard errors.
Table 9 Summary Statistics for Daily dem- usd and yen-usd Log Realized Volatility
on Intervention and Non-Intervention Days (1989-1995)
I. Full Sample a
Mean Std- max min Skew- Kurt- Q(20) d AR Obs
dev ness osis
Dem-usd -2.224 0.425 -0.967 -5.776 -2.565 20.336 1811.0 0.273 0.203 1564
Yen-usd -2.250 0.396 -0.703 -5.133 -1.204 9.137 3318.8 0.424 0.046 1564
Notes: The sample covers the period August 15, 1989 through August 15, 1995. The daily
realized volatilities are constructed from sums of 5-minute squared returns, and are expressed as
annualized standard deviations. The statistics refer to the distribution of logarithmic realized
standard deviations. The column labeled Q(20) contains Ljung-Box test statistics for up to the
twentieth order serial correlation. The column labeled “d” gives the regression estimate of the
fractional integration parameter, d, from an ARFIMA(1,d,0) model. The column labeled “AR” is
the regression estimate of the autoregressive parameter from the ARFIMA(1,d,0) model.
Five observations in the dem-usd realized volatility series were significant outliers and are
excluded from the full and non-intervention samples. Realized volatility on September 14, 1992
is two times higher than the second highest day and realized volatilities on September 3-4,
1991and May 12-13, 1994 are three times smaller than the next lowest day. We replaced these
outliers with values from the next highest (or lowest) realized volatilities in the sample
distribution. There were no apparent outliers in the yen-usd realized volatility series.
“All” intervention days include days of unilateral and coordinated Fed, Bundesbank and BOJ
intervention operations.
Coordinated intervention days are defined as days when the Fed intervened with either the
Bundesbank or the BOJ (or both).
The number of days before and after an intervention excludes intervention days that follow or
precede other intervention days.
Table 10 Influence of Interventions on Realized Daily dem- usd and yen-usd Volatility
(1 − L ) d (1 − φ L)( vt − µt ) = ε t ,
µt = α 0 + α1k ' Dtk + α 2 Ht
ε t : N (0, ω )
where vt is the log of the sum of intra-day squared 5- minute returns (through 22GMT)
excluding weekends, Ht is a dummy variable indicating the day after a holiday or market
closure and the Dks are dummy variables that denote daily unilateral and coordinated
intervention operations.
Note: An ARFIMA(1,d,0) was used to model dem- usd integrated volatility and an
ARFIMA(0,d,0) was used to model yen-usd integrated volatility. Results for the
variables of interest (the Dk s) were robust to alternative ARFIMA specifications. **, *
and † denote statistical significance at the 1%, 5% and 10% levels, respectively, using robust
standard errors.
Table 11 Influence of Shocks on Realized Volatility on Non-Intervention
and Intervention Days
ν t = α0n + ν tn + ν tI + α 2 DtI + α 3 Ht + εt
ν tn = α1n (1 − DtI−1 )εt −1 + β nν tn−1
ν tI = DtI−1 (α 0I + α1I εt −1) + β Iν tI−1
ε t ~ N (0, ω )
where ν tn and ν tI are the log of the sum of intra-day squared 5- minute returns (through
22GMT) excluding weekends on non- intervention and intervention days, respectively. Ht
is a dummy variable indicating the day after a holiday or market closure and the DI is a
dummy variable that denotes G3 intervention operations.
Parameter Coeff t-stat Coeff t-stat
α 0n -2.240 -89.848** -2.311 -60.965**
α 0I 0.012 0.239 0.030 1.615
α1n 0.513 4.244** 0.451 5.346**
α1I 0.647 2.364* 0.479 6.706**
α2 0.203 3.857** 0.204 7.536**
α3 0.081 1.258 0.005 0.131
βn 0.633 4.236** 0.849 11.306**
β I
0.736 10.775** 0.838 5.703**
ω 0.123 7.418** 0.085 9.599**
Log Likelihood -576.48 -293.319
Likelihood Ratio Statistic 2.371 4.304
Note: ** and * denote statistical significance at the 1% and 5% levels, respectively, using robust
standard errors. The likelihood ratio statistics suggest that we cannot reject the hypothesis that
α 0I = 0 , α1n = α1I and β n = β I , or in other words, that the persistence of shocks on
intervention and non- intervention days is not statistically different. The β I estimates
suggest that the effects of shocks on intervention days fall by half in 1.5 days for dem-usd
and 3 days for yen- usd.
Figure 1
Dem-USD Exchange Rate and Central Bank Intervention, August 1989-1995
2.25 1500
Intervention ($ Million)
1.75 Buba Intervention
Fed Intervention
1.25 -1000
Aug-89 Aug-90 Aug-91 Aug-92 Aug-93 Aug-94
Figure 2
Yen-USD Exchange Rate and Central Bank Intervent ion, August 1989-1995
180 9000
140 3000
Intervention ($ Million)
120 BOJ Intervention
100 -3000
60 -9000
Aug-89 Aug-90 Aug-91 Aug-92 Aug-93 Aug-94
Figure 3
Dem-USD Intra-day Volatility
Average Volatility
fed sample volatility
8.00E-02 control sample volatility
seasonal volatility
1 13 25 37 49 61 73 85 97 109 121 133 145 157 169 181 193 205 217 229 241 253 265 277
5 Min time
Figure 4
Yen-USD Intra-Day Volatility
Average Volatility
1 13 25 37 49 61 73 85 97 109 121 133 145 157 169 181 193 205 217 229 241 253 265 277
5 min Time
Figure 5
DEM-USD Daily Realized Volatility and MA(1)-GARCH(1,1) Volatility
Realized Volatility
Jan-89 Nov-89 Sep-90 Jul-91 May-92 Mar-93 Jan-94 Nov-94 Sep-95
Figure 6
YEN-USD Daily Realized Volatility and MA(1)-GARCH(1,1) Volatility
Realized Volatility
Jan-89 Nov-89 Sep-90 Jul-91 May-92 Mar-93 Jan-94 Nov-94 Sep-95