21 - January 2024

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Recall January 2024

1. Table has options of upper part of vagina receives arterial supply from
(options of the table was : aortic , external iliac , internal iliac , uterine , ovarian )
2. Perianal area supply by > infrarectal nerve
3. Diagram of piriformis muscle
4. Artery injured in appendectomy > deep circumflex artery
5. Embryological origin of trigon of bladder > mesonephric duct
6. Cyst at lateral vaginal wall remnant from > Gartner duct > mesonephric duct
7. Bartholin gland located in > superficial perineal pouch
8. Nerve root of obturator > L2,3,4
9. Protective layer of graafian follicle > theca externa
10. Common iliac artery divided at > S1
11. Dermatome of umbilicus > T10
12. Umbilical cord origin > vitelline duct
13. Diagram : Muscle forming the perineum > levator ani + coccygeus
14. Most common episiotomy in UK > Mediolateral
15. When you do episiotomy you cut > bulbospingous m
16. ADH secreted from > supraoptic paraventricular nuclei
17. Alcock canal contain > pudendal
18. Coronal suture > between parietal and frontal sutures
19. Low level to abolish of uterine > L2
20. Before you do hysterectomy in place ,1st we do > internal iliac ligation
21. To do abdominal colposuspension vault prolapse we do to which ligament
Anterior>> abdominal route > iliopectineal
Posterior >> vaginal route > sacrospinous
Posterior >>abdominal route >> uterosacral
22. Nerve medial to ASIS > lateral cutaneous nerve
23. Middle rectal artery branch from >internal iliac
24. Nerve percies internal oblique muscle to enter deep inguinal canal >> ilioinguinal
25. Aorta bifurcate at > L4
26. Androgen synthetized from > leyding cells
27. Kidney originate from > metanephrons
28. Basis functional unit of kidney is > nephrons
29. Lateral wall of ischiorectal fossa > obturator internus
30. Dimpling of buttocks formed at > posterior superior iliac spine
31. The demarcation between upper cervix and lower uterine segment is through >
reflection of paravesical membrane and cervical internal OS
Uterosacral ligament during hysterectomy differentiate uterus from cervix
32. Presence of portal hypertension leads to > dilated umbilical veins
33. Umbilical hernia dx at > 11 weeks (7-12 weeks )
34. Structure extended from both sides of pubis to bladder give extension to cardinal
ligament > pubocervical fascia
35. Prostaglandin increase during menstrual cycle> PG f2a
36. Ig increase in term pregnant cervix > IgA
37. Ig with allergic reaction > IgE
38. Turner syndrome> 45xo
39. Klinefelter >> tall stature + atrophic gonads , infertile
40. Testosterone to DHT > 5 alpha reductase
41. Hormone responsible for glucose metabolism in fetus >
42. Hco3 absorbed from > PCT
43. Magnesium excreted > unchanged by the kidney
44. Gonads contain > haploid number of chromosome
45. Percentage of congenital uterine anomalies world wide > 5%
46. Q on course of obturator internus >> originate from the pubis and ischium at the
obturator foramen . it travels through the lesser sciatic foramen and attaches onto
the greater trochanter of the femu
47. Piriforms moves from sacrum to greater trochanters >> by greater sciatic notch
48. Cause of female urethral urancle > hypoestrogenism
49. Major buffer in urine > phosphate
50. Hormone responsible on NA regulation > aldosterone
51. GnRH is >> decapeptide
52. Renin is >> protein
53. After protein rich diet > increase insulin + increase glucagon
54. Most common cause of 2ry hyperparathyroidism > chronic renal failure
55. Most common cause of cushing syndrome >
56. ABG in pregnancy > respiratory alkalosis
57. Breast milk contain >lactose
58. When glucose decrease glycogen act by which mechanism > increase hepatic
59. Vitamin K precursor of > factors 2 , 7, 9 , 10
60. Renal blood increase due to > increase in blood flow
61. 27 year old pregnant in 27 weeks with severe right epichondrium pain , headache ,
blurring vision , Bp 160/90 ,proteinuria +++ , normal platelets , normal ALT ,AST
>> preeclampsia
62. Volume decrease in pregnancy > FRC
63. Screening of hemolytic anemia > direct coombs test
64. HPV 16, 18 responsible for >> 70% cervix cancer
65. Responsible for anogenital warts > HPV 6, 11
66. Case of old MI from 1 year ECG changes will be > Q wave in lead 2,3, avF
67. Pseudo glandular phase of lung development most likely resemble >> formation
of conducting airway
68. Change of pneumocyte 2 to 1 occur in >> canalicular
69. Call Exner in histopathology > granulosa cell tumor
70. High LDH >> dysgerminoma
71. POP MOA > thickening of cervical mucosa
72. DMPA MOA > inhibition of ovulation
73. In breast feeding which decrease (table ) :
Postpartum , ovarian ca ,breast ca , rheumatoid arthritis , vascular demensia
74. Enzyme responsible for ammonia products >glutaminase
75. Enzyme buffer blood CO2 >> ( carbonic anhydrogenase )
76. Pregnant lady with severe itching blood result , high bile acids > obstetric
77. 27 y.o female with heavy menstrual cycle for 2 years treated with mefenamic acid
2 months she not complaining no longer from heavy menstrual cycle .high
prolactin 1200 , and BHCG 7500 .your interpretation ? (pregnancy )
78. Most common side effect of fibroid > heavy menstrual cycle
79. MOA of atosiban > oxytocin antagonist
80. MOA of methotrexate > DHFR
81. Which antiemetic drug contraindicated in pregnancy
b. metoclopramide
e. doxalamine
82. Suxamethimum don’t cross placenta due to >> high ionization
83. Haldane effect refer to >> increase capacity of deoxygenated blood to carry Co2
84. Which type of cell junction helps in transmission of small molecules from one cell
to another >> gap junction
85. Diagnostic test of hemolysis in body > direct coombs test
86. 45 y.o women with type 2 DM under goes abdominal hysterectomy for fibroid and
excess vaginal bleeding ,chest Xray bilateral hilar vascular marks with mild pleural
effusion sodium 110 >> SAIDH hyponatremia
87. Jarish herxheimer reaction occurs with treat > syphilis
88. 25 year old female PH =7.1 , HCO3 =8 , PCO2 =low >> metabolic acidosis
89. Hormone decrease appetite >> leptin
90. Hepatitis serology case HbsAg +ve , HbsAb +ve , Hbc antigen -ve , HbeAB > chronic
91. DNA nucleotide binds with > histone
92. Nifedipine MOA > calcium channel blocker
93. Hydralazine MOA > smooth muscle relaxant
94. Streptococcus on agar , green color with hemolysis agar
95. Drug contraindicated in pregnancy > sulphanamids
96. Hb patient advice about breast feeding > to breast feed and avoid nipple cracks
97. Which circulating blood cell capable of differentiate into plasma cell > b
98. Which neurotransmitter inhibited by atrophic > acetylcholine
99. Iodine accumulation in thyroid cell involves > symport with NA
100. Which secrete histamine and serotonin > basophilic
101. Brunners gland are situated in which anatomical structure > duodenum
102. Case come in follow up GP U/S report showing cyst 4.3 x 3.3 x 4.6 other
finding was normal your diagnosis > simple follicular cyst
103. Main intracellular cation >> K
104. In DNA adenine bind to > thymine
105. RNA analysis > Northen blotting
106. Conversion of Fe+3 to Fe+2 in gut require which vitamins > vit c
107. Regarding cell cycle chromatids separated seperates to opposite poles in
which phase > anaphase
108. Metabolic process produce most energy needed for uterine contraction
during parturition > oxidative phosphorylation
109. From what parent compound are most eicosanoids derived > arachidonic
110. Replication of DNA which phase > s phase
111. How many carbon in estrogen >> 18
112. Which organism typically cause IUCD associated genital tract infection >
113. In vaginal infection there is depletion of > lactobacilli
114. Zidovudine is >> NRTI
115. To reverse myto suppression caused by methotrexate > folinic acid
116. Drug cause kernictus > sulphamides
117. What is Entonox = 50: 50
118. Brca1 gene lifetime risk > 75% breast , 35% ovary
119. Tubertaline > b2 agonist
120. ACE inhibitor affect which organ > kidney
121. Drosperidone unique feature > anti androgenic
122. Case with offensive greenish PH 6 most common causative organism >
123. Case with offensive fishy odor vaginal discharge PH > 4.5 >> bacterial
124. Which of following is contraindicated of use of oxybutynin > narrow angle
125. Lithium cause which anomaly > ebstein anomaly
126. Agent cant be used as tocolytic > prostacyclin
127. Hyperprolactinemia as aside effect occur with the use of > antiemetic
128. Paroxetine is teratogenic to which organ > CVS
129. Botulinum toxin exert its action through >inhibit the release of
acetylcholine from the neurons
130. Letrozole MOA >> aromatase inhibitor
131. MOA tranexamic acid > antifibrinolytic
132. Percentage T4 >> 1%
133. Drug inhibit RNA synthesis >> azathioprine
134. % of infants with congenital CMV infection are asymptomatic >> 10-15%
135. Neisseria is >> gram -ve aerobic diplococci
136. VDRL + ve ,TPPA –ve ,VTA -ve >> likely false +ve
137. Incidence of pneumonia with CMV >> 10-15%
138. Incidence of rupture with VBAC >> 1/250
139. HIV >> CD4+ TH cells
140. Viral infection > CD8+ cytotoxic cell
141. Most common cause of post menopausal bleeding > atrophic vaginitis and
atrophic endometritis
142. Most common ca with vulva > squamous
143. RMI postmenopausal 5 cm cystic bilateral with ascites ,ca 125 50 >> 450
144. Biggest organelle in human cell > nucleus

145. Organelle for ATP production > mitochondria

146. Keratin pearls > squamous cell ca

147. Fleshy endometrium under microscope papillary growth > papillary serous

148. Blood group > nominal

149. Robertsonian translocation occurs with > pateau , down

150. Staph aureus > enterotoxin

151. Urinary bladder epithelium type line > transitional

152. Epithelium cell type line of endometriosis > clear cell ca

153. Type of necrosis in the heart > coagulative

154. Type of epithelium in labia majora > stratified squamous epithelium


155. % of leiomyoma turns to sarcoma > 1/1000

156. Autopsy squamous of fetal hair are found in lung > amniotic fluid

157. Choriocarcinoma spread > hematogenous

158. Most common type of fibroid degeneration > hyaline

159. Type of endometrium before ovulation > proliferative

160. Type of ovarian cyst contain hair , nail, teeth >> mature teratoma

161. Most common tumor of ovary predispose to torsion > dermoid cyst

162. Narrowest part of fallopian tube >> isthmus

163. Most common site of ectopic in the fallopian tube > ampulla

164. SEM is SD/ square root n

165. NNT = 1/AAR

166. Specifity calculation = TN/TN + FP

167. NPV calculation = TN/TN + FN

168. Preeclampsia group , diabetes group assumed that these are normally
distributed which non parametric test > Mann – Whitney

169. Intrauterine growth chart shows weight below 5th percentile by gestational
age with reversed end diastolic volume > IUGR

170. The diamond shape forest plot , graph lateral angle represent > 95% CI

171. Bottom and top of box and whisker > lower and upper quartile

172. Perinatal mortality > number of still birth from 22 weeks and 7 days
neonatal deaths

173. Mean 245 , SD = 50 ,calculate median in normally distributed curve

174. Kleihauer test > fetal hemoglobin is resistant to acid resolution

175. Best resolution > axial

176. Type of US probe in obese >> low circumviler 3.5

177. Colposcopy and plate why to use it > to complete high density current

178. 20% of estrogen binds to > SHBG – globin

179. BRCA gene made of inheritance > autosomal dominant

180. Mode of inheritance in which affected males transmit allele to their

daughter not to his son affected female transmit disease to son and female as
carrier > x linked recessive , no male to male transmission

181. 50 years old patient underwent hysterectomy with vaginal repair , urine
output = 300 ml , high urea , creatinine upper limit > dehydration

182. Parathyroid from which cell > chief cell of parathyroid

183. Inhibit release of prolactin > dopamine

184. 27 years old female transferred to emergency unit with myocardial
infection due to over dose of which drug > cocaine

185. Commonest cause of hypothyroidism world wide >> iodine deficiency

186. Prostaglandin are > paracrine

187. Vitamin for DNA synthesis > folic acid

188. Vitamin cause homocysteine deficiency >> vitamin B12

189. In vit B 12 deficiency what is the defect >> intrinsic factor

190. Which regulate NA >> aldosterone

191. Peak of plasma level at 28 weeks

192. In dexa bone mineral density scan the results are reported which two ways

T-score compares individual to young adult who normal greater than -1 , 2 score
compares individual to other of same age and gender

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