Ashabani 4
Ashabani 4
Ashabani 4
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This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.
Conductance between DGs and . and employing a virtual impedance loop is to mimic the SG’s
equivalent impedance. However, a PLL is necessary during
Suseptance between DGs and .
steady-state which may deteriorate system stability and does
not allow the controller to yield the self-synchronization ability
similar to [5] and [9]. The virtual inertia of an SG’s rotor
I. INTRODUCTION and power sharing are simultaneously achieved in [12] by a
modified droop control by adding an extra derivative term to
the conventional droop. In [13], the dynamic behavior of an
the primary level and frequency and voltage restoration are em- The main assumptions in the conventional control methods are
bedded in the second level. These confirm necessity for a new that the load angle is small and the line is inductive. In this
family of controllers-managers for the VSCs in smart grids. case, the real power is controllable through the load angle
This paper introduces a new family of universal control and reactive power is regulated by the voltage amplitude. The
topologies which can fulfill typical MG operation requirements method which is usually employed for the power sharing is to
in the smart grid environment via the concept of synchronous drop frequency as a function of the real power and drop voltage
converter. This work expands the work reported in [7], [13], amplitude proportional to the reactive power. The and
and [34] to provide a framework for the next generation of droop controls are addressed as
MG controllers in smart grids with SGs characteristics. The
controllers offer the following advantages as compared to [7],
and [13], [34]: they present a comprehensive set of topolo- (4)
gies giving wide variety of choices and combinations for a
where and are the average real and reactive powers,
designer whereas both CC-VSC and VC-VSC characteristics
respectively, which are adopted instead of their instantaneous
are available; operate seamlessly in both operational modes
values to eliminate VSC switching effects and avoid interfer-
without a need for reconfiguration and islanding detection;
ence between power and current loops using a low-pass filter
offer steady-state rated frequency operation; and emulate SGs
and are expressed by
dynamic behavior while eliminating the PLL. The drooping
variables can be either current or power providing either current (5)
or power management. A novel controller topology is proposed
in which current sharing-management, current regulation, (6)
current limitation, mimicking SGs’ behavior are integrated in
one compact and neat structure. Moreover, hybrid voltage- and Since the goal of power sharing is to minimize the circulating
current-source based operation is also possible as the controller current among DG units, an alternative is to use current compo-
can generate preset voltage amplitude and current components, nents as drooping variables and consequently apply direct cur-
simultaneously. The concept of hybrid polar-vector control is rent sharing instead of conventional power sharing. Toward this,
proposed in this paper. The controllers do not need complicated if (1)–(2) are presented in the - frame, the following equations
angle reference tuning similar to [7]. Moreover, [7], [13], and are derived
[34] do not deal with the reactive power management and
voltage control of MGs. Furthermore, this paper also provides a (7)
general and computationally-efficient framework for modeling (8)
and analysis of power management strategies in an MG with
which in steady-state are simplified to
multiple DG units, which facilities MG dynamic studies in
large MGs with multiple DG units. (9)
This means that real and reactive powers are proportional and
Fig. 1 shows a typical MG including two DG units, local
controllable through and , respectively. Therefore, and
loads and common load connected at the point of common cou-
can be replaced with and to realize a direct current sharing
pling (PCC). The MG is connected to the utility grid at the PCC
and control. The governing equations in this case are
through a static switch. If the static switch is closed, the MG
is in the grid-connected mode whereas if it is opened, an is- (11)
landed MG is formed. To improve system reliability and guar-
antee continuous power supply of the critical and sensitive local
loads, the islanding operation of MGs is becoming an essential Similar to power sharing, the average current components are
requirement of smart grids [1]. As mentioned earlier, in an is- adopted for drooping, and they are given by
landed MG, it is required that DG units share total power de-
mand among themselves proportional to their power capaci- (13)
ties. In a grid connected mode, a DG unit should generate its
preset power or current. The basic theory of power and current (14)
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.
model-a, current limitation and regulation are missed which P-V to voltage drooping after transition to islanding by setting
may result in very high current injection during severe con- to zero which is not the case in this paper.
tingencies and poor current quality. Otherwise, if inner loops Fig. 3(b) represents a current-controlled constant reactive
are adopted, they may degrade system overall stability and the power bus in which the voltage reference in the outer reactive
response speed. If the output vector voltage is directly applied power regulation loop is adjusted to compensate the reactive
to the VSC, the extra internal voltage and current regulation power error and -axis current component is regulated as a
loops shown in Fig. 2(a) can be eliminated which results in very function of voltage amplitude error. Similar to model-b of
fast response with very high bandwidth. Another major advan- the real power controller, since this topology cannot usually
tage of model-c is that it operates as a current-source-based guarantee voltage regulation within acceptable limits during
VSC with high equivalent parallel impedance which in turn islanding, the current controlled method is mainly applicable to
facilitates smooth grid synchronization [2]. a grid-connected DG unit. Therefore, to realize a CC-VSC con-
trol, topologies shown in Figs. 2(b) and 3(b) should be adopted
B. Reactive Power Management and Voltage Control for the real and reactive power management, respectively.
The proposed topologies are shown in Fig. 3. They consist of To have a voltage-controlled constant- bus, the sequence
sequential voltage and reactive power loops. The model shown of reactive power and voltage loops are reversed in Fig. 3(c).
in Fig. 3(a) provides a constant voltage operation with proper re- Suitable for the grid-connected mode, the constant- bus is not
active power adjustment. Although constant voltage operation appropriate for the autonomous mode and may lead to severe
can be applied to both grid-connected and islanded DG units, it under- or over-voltage and even instability. Moreover, the reac-
is not the common approach for an islanded MG. On the con- tive power sharing is also not fulfilled in an autonomous MG.
trary, the voltage drooping is applicable for both operational In other words, if a DG unit is employed as a constant-Q bus in
modes but it is not an optimal solution for a grid-connected the grid-connected mode, it may suffer from poor voltage regu-
MG since voltage regulation is violated. It is recommended in lation and instability subsequent to islanding. If the integrator is
[9] that for the sake of constant voltage regulation, one DG removed , the proportional gain becomes equal
unit works in constant voltage mode whereas other units should to the voltage drooping constant :
participate in the reactive power sharing. To obtain a general
topology for both modes, the integrator must be eliminated. In (19)
the case of , the characteristics equation is obtained as (20)
D. Discussion (21)
The proposed real power management strategies involve The frequency dynamic is governed by
power drooping voltage-controlled (model-a), power drooping
current controlled (model-b) and current drooping voltage-con- (22)
trolled VSC (model-c). For the sake of voltage regulation and
reactive power control, the constant voltage operation, constant Considering (5), the average power derivative is expressed by
reactive power operation and voltage drooping are proposed.
By the proper combination of real and reactive power control
strategies, current-controlled-based, voltage-controlled-based The voltage dynamic is calculated based on Fig. 3(a) as follows:
and hybrid voltage-current-control-based operation can be ob-
tained. For example, if the current-controlled-based (model-c) (24)
management and constant voltage regulation [Fig. 3(a)] strate-
gies are adopted, hybrid current- and voltage-controlled VSC
is realized. Alternatively, polar vector and hybrid polar-vector (25)
control are various available variants as model-a, model-b
and model-c work in polar, vector and hybrid coordinates, and is the perturbation of the feedback voltage. Equation
respectively. The controllers also augment the secondary and (25) is written for the voltage drooping case with . If a con-
primary controllers in one neat compact controller as they stant voltage bus is required, (24) is rewritten as
provide nominal frequency and voltage restoration, and voltage
and current regulation in one topology. Since the model-b is a (26)
current controlled one and cannot guarantee voltage regulation, (27)
it is not commonly a good candidate for the islanding mode and
consequently cannot realize a universal strategy. The power Thus, the new state variable which is the output of the in-
drooping voltage controlled strategy is not able to guarantee tegrator , is introduced to the system. The perturbation of
current limitation and regulation without the inner loops. Inner the real and reactive powers at an operating point is obtained by
current and voltage loops can provide voltage and current linearization of (1) and (2):
regulation and limit the current amplitude during fault and tran- (28)
sients; however they reduce the overall controller bandwidth
and response speed and may degrade system stability. This
control strategy can work in both modes without controller where the variables and are given by
switching. Model-c can provide current management, regula-
tion and limitation in one compact and neat scheme without the (30)
need to inner loops. It is a hybrid polar-vector controller with
ability to work as both current source-based and hybrid current- (31)
and voltage-source-based controller. The same concept is valid
for the reactive power/voltage controller with inner -axis (32)
current loop [Fig. 3(a)] where voltage and current regulation,
limitation and sharing are achieved simultaneously. Table I (33)
shows a comparison between the characteristics of the proposed
controllers and the conventional control strategy. It should be Equations (21)–(27) along with algebraic equations (28)–(33)
noted that all the proposed controllers need a synchronization present the overall small-signal analysis of the power manager.
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.
A. Grid-Connected Mode
Fig. 11 shows controllers responses of model-a and model-c
in the grid-connected mode of operation. The system is ini-
Fig. 9. Loci of MG’s eigenvalue as by variations of the reactive power manager tially in the steady-state and at time instant s the con-
parameters, (a) , (b) verter is subjected to a 20% step reduction in the reference
and (c)
. power (model-a) and current (model-c). Fig. 11 shows that both
model-a and model-c properly regulate the real and reactive
powers, and current oscillations are well damped. Model-a of-
set points change in the grid connected mode, frequency varia- fers slightly faster response and system settles within 0.07 s
tion of the grid, transition from to islanding, and disconnection whereas in model-c the settling time is about 0.1 s. The wave-
of DG1. During the autonomous mode, both transient and forms of reactive power and are shown in Figs. 11(c) and
static characteristics are studied. The cascaded voltage-reactive (d), respectively, showing that for the case of model-a, the re-
power loops shown in Fig. 3(a) is adopted for the voltage active powers of DG1 and DG2 before the reference change are
control. It is assumed that DG3 works as a constant voltage bus equal to 720 and 870 MVAr, representing acceptable sharing
and two other DG units are used for reactive power sharing; accuracy. Since DG3 works as a constant voltage bus, it does
therefore, their integrator gains are set to zero. In the not participate in the reactive power sharing. For model-c, the
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.
Fig. 11. System waveforms subsequent to the reference change, (a) Real power waveforms of model-a, (b) -axis current waveforms of model-c, (c) Reactive
power of model-a, and (d) -axis current of model-c.
Fig. 12. Frequency waveforms subsequent to frequency disturbance in the grid, (a) model-a and (b) model-c.
-axis currents of DG1 and DG2 before the reference change current sharing error in this case is less than 1% which proves
are A and A, representing satisfactory the effectiveness of the proposed current drooping method for
load sharing accuracy. At s, it is supposed a fault oc- the current sharing. In this case, since current sharing and cur-
curs in the main grid and the grid frequency is reduced by 0.5 rent regulation are embedded within the power manager, there
Hz. Fig. 12 depicts frequency variations of DG units during is no need for the inner current and voltage loops as shown in
this disturbance which proves that the system is able to track Fig. 2(a) which provides higher bandwidth. It is also assumed
grid frequency variations without a PLL similar to synchronous that the MG has enough power capacity to supply the local loads
machines. Both models present satisfactory performance sub- after islanding.
sequent to this sudden frequency drop manifesting fault ride The key issue in seamless transition to islanding is elimi-
through capability of these models. Although there is no PLL, nating the need for reconfiguration and elimination of PLL in
the existence of damping and synchronizing power and cur- the controller. In the conventional strategies, the switching from
rent provide self-synchronization capability [7], [34]. Further- the current-controlled mode to the voltage control strategy sub-
more, as it is seen, the frequencies of various DG units in the sequent to islanding and delays related to islanding detection
steady-state are equal; however, they show different transient may result in severe transients. The frequency waveforms are
responses. illustrated in Fig. 14, which clearly confirm that the controllers
are well capable of preserving frequency stability subsequent
B. Islanding Mode to islanding. The frequencies increase from 59.5 Hz to 60 Hz
In this scenario, the static switch is suddenly opened at subsequent to islanding which indicates frequency restoration
s and the MG is disconnected from the utility grid. The real ability of the controller in islanding mode even in the case that
power, -axis current and instantaneous currents are shown in the initial frequency is less than 60 Hz. Note that the frequency
Fig. 13. Both models offer well damped transient characteristics responses of various DG units are very close. On the contrary,
with minimum oscillations. The controller topology and param- in the conventional frequency droop controllers, a permanent
eters are the same before and after islanding and there is no is- frequency offset is expected. The load sharing with frequency
landing detection strategy. As shown, the transients settle down restoration capability provides better power quality which is an
within 0.2 s. The angle drooping coefficient is adjusted important requirement for sensitive loads, and enables more ac-
such that MG presents accurate real power sharing and is ad- curate load sharing without loss of stability.
justed based on the small-signal analysis to achieve satisfactory At s, DG1 is disconnected from the rest of the grid
dynamic performance. In this case, in model-a, the generated and DG2 and DG3 are responsible to supply the MG total load
power of DG1, DG2 and DG3 are equal to 1.67, 2.01 and 1.341 including the load of DG1. As shown in Fig. 15, in model-a, the
MW, respectively, which indicates the power sharing error is real power of DG2 and DG3 are increased to 2.901 and 1.935
less than 0.5%. In model-c, the steady-state values of of DG1, MW within 0.15 s; in model-c the generated -axis currents of
DG2 and DG3 are 310 A, 375 A and 250 A, respectively. The DG2 and DG3 are smoothly increased to 550 A and 371 A,
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.
Fig. 13. System waveforms subsequent to islanding, (a) Real power waveforms Fig. 15. System waveforms before and subsequent to DG1 disconnection, (a)
of model-a, and (b) -axis current waveforms of model-c. Real power waveforms of model-a, (b) and d-axis current of model-c.
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[26] J. M. Guerrero, L. G. D. Vicuna, J. Matas, M. Castilla, and J. Miret, November 25, 1977. He received the B.Sc. (with honors) and M.Sc. degrees in
“Output impedance design of parallel-connected UPS inverters with electrical engineering from Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt, in 2000 and
wireless load-sharing control,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 52, pp. 2004, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the Uni-
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[27] J. M. Guerrero et al., “Control of distributed power supply systems,” He is currently with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 55, no. 8, pp. 2845–2859, Aug. 2008. University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada, as an Associate Professor.
[28] S. Ahn et al., “Power-sharing method of multiple distributed generators His research interests include dynamics and controls of power converters;
considering modes and configurations of a microgrid,” IEEE Trans. distributed and renewable generation; microgrids, modeling, analysis and
Power Del., vol. 25, no. 3, pp. 2007–2016, Jul. 2010. control of smart grids; electric machines and motor drives.
[29] M. B. Delghavi and A. Yazdani, “A unified control strategy for elec- Dr. Mohamed is an Associate Editor of the IEEE TRANSACTIONS
tronically interfaced distributed energy resources,” IEEE Power Del., ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS. He is also a Guest Editor of the IEEE
vol. 27, no. 2, pp. 803–812, Apr. 2012. TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS Special Section on “Distributed
[30] Q.-C. Zhong, “Robust droop controller for accurate proportional load Generation and Microgrids”. His biography is listed in Marque’s Who is Who
sharing among inverters operated in parallel,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Elec- in the World. He is a registered Professional Engineer in the Province of
tron., vol. 60, no. 4, pp. 1281–1290, 2013. Alberta.