Mohammadi 2014
Mohammadi 2014
Mohammadi 2014
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This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.
bandwidth of the hysteresis controllers, variable switching fre- As the SVOF is used for the controllers synchronization,
quency of the converters, and deterioration of the controller vanishes and the stator active and reactive power equations are
performance during the machine starting and low-speed opera- simplified to
tions. Although many modified methods have been presented to
overcome these problems [9]–[11], their drawback is complex
online computation.
In order to enjoy the benefits of VC and DTC, the combined
VC and DTC (CVDPC) method has been applied successfully to
induction motor [12]–[14] and permanent magnet synchronous According to the stator flux equations in the synchronous
motors [15], [16]. However, the CVDPC method has not been frame [3], in this condition, the stator currents can be written as
studied appropriately for the DFIG. In this paper, it is focused on
comparison of VC and DPC by looking for similarities between
their principles and searching for a fundamental common basis.
From this common basis, in order to enjoy the benefits of VC and
DPC and to avoid some of the implementation difficulties of
either of two methods, the CVDPC method is proposed for the Subtituting (5) and (6) into (3) and (4) yields
RSC of the DFIG. The proposed CVDPC has several advantages
in comparison with VC, including fast dynamic response, ro-
bustness against the machine parameter variations, lower com-
putation, and simple implementation. On the other hand, it has
benefits in comparison with DPC, including less harmonic
distortion and lower power ripple. The rest of this paper is
organized as follows. In Section II, the VC and DPC methods So, the stator active and reactive powers are controlled through
are described and the common basis of them is investigated. In and , respectively. The block diagram of the RSC-based
Section III, the proposed control system and its basic idea are VC is shown in Fig. 1.
discussed. In Section IV, simulation results are shown, and
finally, in Section V, the conclusion is presented. B. Direct Power Control
In the DPC method, the current control loop is eliminated and
the stator active and reactive powers are controlled directly.
II. COMBINED VECTOR AND DIRECT POWER CONTROL The principles of DPC can be explained by the following stator
active and reactive power equations [7]:
A. Vector Control
VC is the most popular method used in the DFIG-based ' '
WTs. In this method, the stator active and reactive powers are
controlled through the rotor current VC. The current vector is
' ' '
decomposed into the components of the stator active and
reactive power in synchronous reference frame. This decouples
the active power control from the reactive power control. The By assuming constant magnitude for the stator and rotor flux,
stator active and reactive power references are determined by the derivative of (9) can be represented approximately as
the maximum power point tracking (MPPT) strategy and the
grid requirements, respectively. The phase angle of the stator ' '
flux space vector is usually used for the controller synchroni-
zation. However, if the stator flux-oriented frame (SFOF) is
used, the overall performance of VC will be highly dependent Equation (11) shows that the stator active power dynamics
on the accurate estimation of the stator flux position. This can depends on the variation of . Therefore, the fast active power
be a critical problem under the distorted supply voltage control can be achieved by rapidly changing . By assuming
condition or varying machine parameters. Therefore, in this constant magnitude for the stator flux and , the derivative of (10)
paper, the stator-voltage-oriented frame (SVOF) is used for the can be represented approximately as
controller synchronization. In order to extract the synchroni-
zation signal from the stator voltage signal, a simple phase- '
locked-loop (PLL) system is used. The stator active and
reactive powers are expressed as [3]
Equation (12) shows that the stator reactive power dynamics
depend on the rotor flux magnitude variation. Therefore, the fast
reactive power control can be achieved by rapidly changing the
rotor flux magnitude. The variation in the rotor flux can be carried
out by applying the appropriate inverter voltage vectors to the
rotor windings to rotate the rotor flux linkage vector. The rotor
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.
The six inverter voltage vectors can be appropriately used to On the other hand, considering the principles of DPC, Fig. 3
control the position and value of the rotor flux ' by knowing the shows the rotation of the rotor flux vector ' to ' in an inverter
sector in which ' is located. The block diagram of the direct switching period, while ' remains intact at the stator time
power controlled RSC is shown in Fig. 2. The hysteresis con- constant which is much longer than the inverter switching period.
trollers generate flags ( and ) via the stator active and Here, ' is decomposed into its radial component ' and its
reactive power errors to choose the best voltage vector from the tangential component ' , where the former contributes to the
switching table presented in Table I [3]. flux magnitude and the latter provides the flux angle rotation.
According to Fig. 3, (9) and (10), the stator active and reactive
C. Mathematical Similarities Between VC and DPC power variations are obtained as
In this section, the mathematical similarities between VC and
' ' '
DPC are presented to prove that these methods have a common
basis despite their implementation differences. ' ' '
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.
Fig. 8. (a) Stator output current in steady-state conditions and (b)–(d) THD of
rotor. Considering the results, it can be concluded that the Grid filter impedance:
CVDPC responds to the wind speed variations approximately
2) Transmission line parameters:
as fast as that of DPC, which outperform the VC in terms of
Length: 30 km;
dynamic response.
Positive and zero sequence resistances: 0.1153,
In order to compare the proposed CVDPC with VC in terms of
Positive and zero sequence inductances: 1.05, 3.32 mH/km
robustness and decoupled performance, changing is sug-
Positive and zero sequence capacitances: 11.33, 5.01 nF/km
gested. Fig. 10 shows the simulation results in this condition. So,
at , is increased to four times the current value. As a 3) Transformer parameters:
result, the total active power expriences the transient state before : 12 MVA, 585 V/25 KV, impedance:
returning to the steady-state operation. The stator active power : 47 MVA, 25 KV/120 KV, impedance:
increases from 7.58 to 8 MW and the rotor active power
decreases from 1.42 to 1 MW, whereas the stator reactive
4) Network impedance:
power remains unchanged. As it is noticed in Fig. 10, when is
changed, the CVDPC-like DPC operates more robustly in com-
parison with VC. REFERENCES
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This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.
Jafar Mohammadi received the B.Sc. degree in Saeed Afsharnia received the B.Sc. and M.Sc. de-
electrical engineering from the University of grees in electrical engineering from the University of
Mazandaran, Babolsar, Iran, in 2009, and the M.Sc. Amirkabir, Tehran, Iran, in 1987 and 1990, respec-
degree in electrical engineering from the University of tively, and the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering
Tehran, Tehran, Iran, in 2012. from the Institute National Polytechnique de Lorraine
He is currently working as a Research Assistant at (INPL), Lorraine, France, in 1995.
the University of Tehran. His current research inter- Currently, he is an Associate Professor in the
ests include motor drives and application of power School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Uni-
electronics in renewable energy conversion, especial- versity of Tehran, Tehran, Iran. His research interests
ly control and operation of doubly fed induction are the application of power electronics to power-
generator for wind power generation. quality problems and distributed generation.