BALLB-syllabus - All Semester
BALLB-syllabus - All Semester
BALLB-syllabus - All Semester
B.A. LL.B.
Note: In all theory papers of this course, the question paper is divided
into two Parts. Part- A will carry total 08 (eight) questions of 04 marks
each and the candidate shall be required to attempt any 05(five)
questions. Part B will carry total 08 (eight) questions (of 20 marks each),
two each from the 04(four) Units of the syllabus. The candidate shall be
required to attempt total 04 (four) questions, one each from every Unit.
I. Semester
Pre-Law Papers:
1. English – I
2. History – I
3.Sociology – I
4.Political Science -I
Compulsory Law Papers:
5. Constitutional Law - I
II. Semester
Pre-Law Papers:
1. English – II
2. History – II
3. Sociology - II
4.Political Science -II
Compulsory Law Papers:
5. Constitutional Law -II
III. Semester
Pre-Law Papers:
1. English – III
2. History of the court in India
3.Political Science – III
4.Economics - I
Compulsory Law Papers:
1. Family Law –I
IV. Semester
Pre-Law Papers:
1. English – IV
2. Political Science – IV
3. Economics – II
4. Computer Fundamental
Compulsory Law Papers:
5. Family Law –II
V. Semester
Pre-Law Papers:
1. Political Science – V
2.History of legislature and legal profession in India
Compulsory Law Papers:
3. Contract –I
4. Tort, Motor Vehicle Act & Consumer Protection Act
5. Criminal Law (I.P.C.)
First Internship -: for 3 weeks during vacation
VI. Semester
Pre-Law Papers:
1. Political Science – VI
2.Legal Methods & Legal Writing
Compulsory Law Papers:
3. Contract - II
4. Public International Law
5. Environmental Law
Second Internship -: for 3 weeks during vacations
VII. Semester
1. Jurisprudence
2. Administrative Law
3. Property Law (Transfer of Property Act and Easement Act)
4. Company Law
Practical Papers:
5. Professional Ethics , Accountancy for Lawyer and Bar Bench Relations [ Written Exam : 60
Marks; Clinical Works Assessment : 30 ; Viva 10 Marks)
Third Internship -: for 3 weeks during vacations
VIII. Semester
1. Civil Procedure Code
2. Criminal Procedure Code
3. Law of Evidence
4. Law Relating to Crime against Women
Offences Against Child & Juvenile Offence
Practical Papers:
5. Alternative Dispute Resolution [ Written Exam : 60 Marks; Clinical Works Assessment : 30 ; Viva
10 Marks)
Forth Internship -: for 4 weeks during vacations
IX. Semester
1. Labour Laws-I
2. Land Laws
Cyber Law
3. Insurance Law
Competition Law
4. International Environmental Law
Intellectual Property Rights
Practical Papers:
5. Drafting, Pleading and Conveyancing [ Written Exam : 60 Marks; Clinical Works Assessment : 30 ;
Viva 10 Marks)
Fifth Internship -: for 3 weeks during vacation
X. Semester
1. Principal of Taxation Law
2. Labour Laws –II (Social Security and Social Welfare Laws)
3. Interpretation of Statutes
Banking Law
4. Media and law
Human Rights: Law and Practice
Practical Papers:
5. Moot Court, Pre-Trial and Internship [ Moots : 30 Marks; Pre-Trial and Internship : 60 Marks ;
Viva 10 Marks)
Sixth Internship-: for 4 weeks during vacation
B.A.LL.B - I. Semester
English – I
1. Correct Use of Article
2. Questions tags and short responses
3. Homonyms
1. Prepositions (simple)
2. One word substitutions
1. Legal Terms
2. ab initio
3. ad valorem
4. casus belli
5. de fecto
6. de jure
7. Actus non facit reum nisi mens sit rea
8. Bona fides
9. non patitur ut bis idem exigatur
10. Caveat emptor
11. qui ignorare non debuit quod jus ahenum emit
12. Damnus sine injuria, esse potest
13. Extra territorium jus dicenti impune non paretur
1. Antonyms, Synonyms
2..Paragraph Writing (50-100 words)
1. English Grammar Wren and Martin
2. Letter Writing L.A.Well (Oxford University Press)
3. Legal Language Legal Writing & Legal Essay Anirudh Prasad
4. Living English Structure W.Stannard Allin, (Orient Longman, New Delhi)
5. Advanced Learning Dictionary
B.A.LL.B - I. Semester
History – I
Unit – 1
Ancient India Introduction a. Varna- Ashrama- Dharma b. Caste System- Evolution of classes
and castes Sanskaras: a. Meaning and Importance b. Different Sanskaras Institutions: a.
Marriage: Types of Marriage-Divorce-Widowhood-Prostitution. b. Position of the women in
Ancient India- Education-Marriage –Divorce- Widowhood, Anuloma and Pratiloma, Marriage –
Women in Public Life –Women and proprietary rights. Political Conditions Historical
evolution of the State: Origin of kingship- Coronation , Ceremony – Functions of the king-
Development of the kingship in Ancient India. Monarchy: Growth of Monarchy with Special
reference to Mauryas and Guptas- Maurayan Administration- Centralization- Guptas
Admistration- Decentralization.
Unit – 2
Unit – 3
Unit – 4
Medieval Period RISE OF ISLAM: Main features of Islam – Influence of Islam on Ancient
Indian Culture- Evolution of Synthetic culture. BHAKTI MOVEMENT: Origin, Upanishads,
BhagvadGita, Alvars and Nayanars- Manifestation during Medieval Period –Shankara –
Ramananda- Kabir-Meerabai-Nanak. Position of Women in Medieval period.
B.A.LL.B - I. Semester
Unit – 1
1. Sociology- definition, subject matter and scope
2. Sociology as a science and its relationship with Psychology, Political Science,
Anthropology and Law
3. Steps of Scientific enquiry; Methods and Techniques.
Unit – 1
1. Basic Concepts :
2. Society- Community and Social Groups/ Study of Indian society
3. Association and Institution
4. Social Process- Associative and Dissociative
5. Status and Role
Unit – 3
1. Socialization – Agencies, Stages, Theories
2. Stratification – Bases and Changing patterns.
3. Social Control- Formal and Informal
Unit – 4
1. Religion – Definitions, Theories of origin
2. Culture & Civilization
3. Family and Diversity of Indian Society
4. Personality – factors those influence personality development
5. Norms & values
6. Cast- Origin, structure and change Scheduled and Backward castes.
1. Sociology: A Guide to Problems and Literature--- T.B. Botomore.
2. An Introduction to Sociology (For Pre-Law)--- N.K. Thakur. Central Law Agency,
3. Hindu Social Organization--- P.N. Prabhu. Popular.
4. Social Stratification--- Dipankar Gupta.
5. Human Society---K. Davis. Surjeet Publications, India, 2000.
6. Society: An Introductory Analysis--- McIver and Page. McMillan India Ltd. New Delhi.
B.A.LL.B - I. Semester
Political Science –I
Unit – 1
Introduction to Political Science
1. Meaning
2. Definition
3. Scope of Political Science.
4. Importance and its Nature- Its really a science?
5. Relation of Political Science with Law, Economics, Sociology, Ethics and
Unit – 2
(a) The State:
1. Meaning of State
2. Definition of State and Nation
3. Distinction between State and Nation
4. Distinction between State and Association
5. Distinction between State and Society-Population/Territory Government/International
(b) Elements of State-
1. Population,
2. Territory,
3. Government,
4. International Recognition
Unit – 3
1. Meaning, Characteristic and kinds
2. Austin’s Theory of Sovereignty and its criticism of jurists
3. Pluralists and internationalists
4. Distinction between sovereignty and Power, and authority
5. Distinction between Power and Authority,
6. Distinction between Authority and Legitimacy
7. Basic of coercive power of state
8. Law Liberty Equality Rights & obligations
Unit – 4
Theories of Origin of State-
1. Theory of Divine origin of State
2. Patriarchal and Matriarchal theory
3. Force theory
4. Social contract theory
5. Theory of evolution as the origin of state
6. Ideas of Hobbes, Locke and Rousseau on the nature of man; state of nature, contract and
1. Political Theory: Ideas and Institutions--- Amal Ray and Mohit Bhattacharya.
2. An Introduction to Political Theory--- O.P. Gauba. MacMillan
3. Principles of Political Science---A.C. Kapoor. S. Chand and Co
4. Principles of Social and Political Theory--- Ernest Barkar. Surjit Publictions
5. Political Theory and Organization--- S. Rathore and Haqqui. EBC
B.A.LL.B - I. Semester
Constitutional Law-I
1- Salient Feature of Indian Constitution
2- Nature of the Indian Constitution
3- Preamble of Indian Constitution
1- Fundamental Rights: Article 12 to Article 21 A
1- Fundamental Rights : Article 22 to Article 32
2- Directive Principles of State Policy
3- Fundamental Duties
1- Executive – Union and State
2- Legislature- Union- and State
1- Constitution of India D.D. Basu
2- Constitution of India H.M. Seervai
3- Constitution of India M.P. Jain
4- Constitution of India V.N. Shukla
5- Constitutional Law of India J.N. Pandey
6- Constitutional Law of India Narender Kumar
7- Introduction to Constitution of India B K Sharma
B.A.LL.B- II. Semester
English - II
1. Conjunctions (Simple Conjunctions and Co – relative Conjunctions)
2. Important Latin and English affixes
1. Reading comprehension – Word meaning – using them in sentences,
2. Précis Writing (60-100words), Short Questions-Answers
Legal Terms (Common Words)
1. compos mentis
2. Fait accompli
3. Impasse
4. Infra dignitum
5. Modus operandi
6. Ignorantia legis neminem excusat
7. In judicion non creditur nisi juratis
8. In pari causa possessor potior haberi debet
9. Judicium redditur in inviturm
10. Matrimonia debent esse libera
1. Composition (Topics Concerning Legal System, Society, Judiciary)260-300 words
2. Letter Writing (Formal, Legal Correspondence)
1. Legal Language and Legal Writing- P.K. Mishra.
2. Legal Language- S.C. Tripathi.
3. Legal Language, Writing and General English‐ J.S. Singh.
Medieval Period 1.DELHI SULTANATE: Administration- Theocratic-Central Administration.
Judiciary During Delhi Sultanat: Organization of the Judiciary- Hindu and Muslim code-
MUGHALS: Administration – Central and Munsubdari System- Religious Policy of Akbar 4.
Judiciary under Mughals
Modern India
1. Advent of Europeans – Establishment of British Rule in India 1740-1764 – Camatic Wars
Battle of Plassey and Battle of Buxar.
2. British Rule upto 1857.
1. Factors for the birth of Indian Nationalism
2. First Phase of the Freedom Struggle-1885-1916.
3. Second phase of the Freedom Struggle-1916-1935.
1. Outlines of Indian Legal History- M.P. Jain.
2. Landmarks of India Legal and Constitutional History- V.D. Kulshrestha.
3. Constitutional History of India- Abdul Hamid.
4. Legal History- J.K. Mittal
5. British Rule in India- Garrette and Thompson
6. British India-V.Smith
1. Caste- Definition, Characteristics, Prohibitions, Dominant Caste & OBCs
2. Class- Characteristics and as the basis of emerging stratification in our society
3. Tribe- Definition, Characteristics, Social Scenario in India
4. Scheduled Caste- Problems and Laws
5. Scheduled Tribe- Problems and Laws
1. Identity, Dignity & Social Justice
2. Women- status, empowerment, Problems and
3. Ethenic minorities- Problems and Solutions
4. Children & Aged- Problems, changing perspective and Laws
1. Concept of crime,
2. Factors of crime,
3. Theories of crime
1. Hindu Social organization: A study in Socio-Psychological and Ideological Foundations;
Popular Prakashan, Bombay
2. Caste, Class and Power: Changing Patterns of Stratification in a Tanjore Village; Oxford
University Press, New Delhi, 2002 Singh, Y.
3. Social Change in India: Crisis and Resilience; Har-Anand Publications Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi;
1993 Srinivas, M.N.
4. Social Change in Modern India, Orient Longman Ltd. 1980 Sabharwal, G.
5. Ethnicity and Class Social Divisions in an Indian City; Oxford university Press; New Delhi;
2006 Vir,
6. Dharam Kinship, Family and Marriage: Changing Perspectives (Edited), New Academic Pub.
New Delhi; 2006
1. Rule of Law
2. Separation of Power
3. Meaning, Application to modern government with special reference of USA, UK and
4. Check and Balance Theory with special reference to U.S., U.K. &
1. Principles of Political Science - F.W. Garner
2. Principles of Political Science- A.C. Kapoor
3. Principles of Political Science- R.C. Aggarwal
4. Essays on Indian Federalism- S.P. Aiyer & U.Mehta
5. An Introduction to Constitution of India- D.D. Basu
6. The Indian Constitution: Corner stone of a Nation -G. Austin
1. Composition (Topics Concerning Legal System, Society, Judiciary)260-300 words
2. Letter Writing (Formal, Legal Correspondence)
1. mutatis mutandis
2. obiter dictum
3. pari passu
4. raison d’etre
5. Tour de force
6. Nemo dat quod non habet
7. Nemo ejusdem tenementi simul potest esse heres et dominus
8. Nosciture a sociis
9. Nudi consenses obligation contrario consensus dissolvitur
10. PACTA conventa quae naque contra leges neque delo malo inita sunt omninodo
observanda sunt
Important Latin and English affixes
(example : illegal,unconstitutional,adjournment,unlawful etc)
Meaning, context and use of English words commonly used in legal language
1. Alibi
2. Arbitration
3. Bail
4. Bench secretary
5. Caveat
6. Mutation
7. Notice
8. Plea bargaining
9. Probate
10. Power of attorney
11. Remand
12. Solicitor
13. Stay application
14. Will
15. Counter affidavit
1. English Grammar-Wren and Martin
2. Law Dictionary-P.H.Collin, universal Book stall, New Delhi
3. Letter Writing-L.A.Well (Oxford University Press)
4. A Solution of Legal Maxims-Herbert Brown
5. Legal Language Legal Writing & General English-G.S. Sharma
6. Legal Glossary Ministry of Law Justice and Company Affairs Government of India
Unit –II
The Charter of 1726
1. The mayor’s court
2. The court of request (Under Charter of 1753)
3. Regulating Act of 1773
4. Supreme court of 1774
Unit –III
Legal System
1. Warren Hasting –Judicial Plan of 1772, 1774, 1780
2. Lord Cornwillis –Judicial Plan of 1787, 1790, 1793
3. Reforms of Sir John Shore 1793
4. Lord William Bentick 1828, (with special four on appraisal of criminal law)
Unit –IV
Land Mark Cases
1. Trial of Raja Nand Kumar (1775)
2. Kamaluddin Case (1775)
3. The Patna Case (1775-79)
4. The Cassijurah Case (1779-1780)
1. A Constitutional History of India – A B Keith
2. Constitutional History of India – M V Pylee
3. Outline of India Legal History Wadhwa – M P Jain
4. Landmark in Indian Legal & Constitutional History- V D Kulshreshta
1. Political Thinkers- Bhandari.
2. Western Political Thought Vol. –I, II, III & IV- J.P. Sood.
3. A History of Political Theories- G.H. Sabine.
4. Western Political Thought- William Ebbenstein.
5. Paschatiya Rajnitik Vicharak- Vol. 1-4,- J.P. Sood
6. Paschatiya Rajnitik Chintan ka Itihaas- B.L. Fadia
Theory of Consumer Behavior-Marginal Utility analysis- Indifference curve analysis
characteristics; Concepts of Demand and Supply, Law of Demand, Elasticity of demand;
Measurement of price elasticity.
Theory of Production- Production Function: Laws of Returns to scale. Law of variable
Theory of Market- Concept of cost-Fixed ,Variable, Average, Marginal and Total cost.
Market structure with features. Types of market Determination of output and price under
perfect competition,
1. Economics--- Samuelson.
2. Bilas Microeconomic Theory---McGrow Hill Intedn, 2nd edn.
3. Modern Microeonomics--- A. Koutsoyinnis. Macmillan.
4. Principles of Economics--- M.L. Seth.
5. Advanced Economic Theory: Micro Economic Analysis--- H.L. Ahuja.
1- Dr. Paras Diwan- Private International Law Statutes
2- Civil Procedure Code, 1973
3- Hindu Succession Act, 1925
4- The Hague Draft Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of
5- Foreign Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters
6- Guidelines for Inter Country Adoptions, 1994
7- Refernces: (i) Cheshire (ii) Morris
B.A.LL.B.- IV. Semester
Comprehension of Legal Texts (derived from statutes) word-meanings, Question-answers.
Legal Maxim
1. A posterior
2. A propos
3. Sine qua non
4. Impromptu
5. Locus standi
6. Res ipsa loquitur
7. Res judicata pro veritate accipitur
8. Summun jus, summa injuria
9. Ubi jus, ibi remedium
10. Volenti non fit injuria
Full forms of abbreviations of some legal reports and journals, viz.
1. A.C.
2. A.I.R.
3. A.L.J.
4. All.E.R.
5. A.T.C.
6. Bom.L.R.
7. C.C.J.
8. Ch.D.
9. C.P.J.
10. Cr.L.R.
11. I.T.R.
12. Harv.L.Rev.,
13. J.I.L.I.B.Rev.,
14. LabI.C.,
15. L.L.J.,
16. M.L.J.,
17. L.Q.R.,
18. M.L.R.,
19. Q.B.,
20. S.C.C.,
21. S.C.R.,
22. S.L.J.,
23. S.T.C,
24. Yale L.J.
Meaning, context and use of English words commonly used in legal language. (Ten words to
be attempted in examination out of 13 words given in the question paper):
1. Adjournment
2. Adjudication
3. Appeal
4. Court
5. Tribunal
6. Sale Deed
7. Complaint
8. First Information Report (FIR)
9. Charge Sheet
10. Case Diary
11. Order
12. Decree
13. Amendment
14. Plaint
15. Written Statement
Composition Skill (Essay writing on topics of Legal interest) 250-300 words. For example-
Judicial Review; Child Labour in India; Law relating to Prisoners and under trials etc.
1. English Grammar-Wren and Martin
2. Law Dictionary-P.H.Collin, universal Book stall, New Delhi
3. Letter Writing-L.A.Well (Oxford University Press)
4. A Solution of Legal Maxims-Herbert Brown
5. Legal Language Legal Writing & General English-G.S. Sharma
6. Legal Glossary Ministry of Law Justice and Company Affairs Government of India
Unit –I
Idealist Tradition
(a) G.W.F. Hegal
1. General Introduction
2. Philosophy of History
3. Individuals quest for freedom
4. Emancipation from slavery
(b) T.H. Green
1. General introduction
2. Concept of moral freedom
3. Theory of rights
4. Foundation of political obligation
Marxist Tradition
1. Scientific Socialism.
2. Historical Materialism.
3. Theory of Class struggle & Revolution.
4. Theory of State.
Gandhism and Sarvodaya
1. Life sketch of Gandhi Ji and his contribution
2. Meaning of Gnadhism and Gandhi Ji’s views about religion and society
3. Non-voilence (Ahinsa) and satyagrah
4. Concept of true Swaraj and non violence state
5. Gandhi ji’s influence on Modern India
6. Comparison and contracts between Gandhism and Marxism.
Main Currents of Political Thoughts
1. Utilitarianism
2. Individualism
3. Idealism
4. Anarchism
5. Socialism
6. Communism
1. Political Thinkers- Bhandari.
2. Western Political Thought Vol. –I, II, III & IV- J.P. Sood.
3. A History of Political Theories- G.H. Sabine.. Western
4. Political Thought-William Ebbenstein.
5. Western Political Thought- C.C. Maxey.
6. Paschatiya Rajnitik Vicharak- Vol. 1-4- J.P. Sood
7. Paschatiya Rajnitik Chintan ka Itihaas- B.L. Fadia
B.A.LL.B.- IV. Semester
Economics- II
Macro-Economics 1.
Concepts of National Income, Significance of National Income., Unemployment : Concept and
Types, Concepts of full Employment.
Inflation- Types, Causes, , Concepts of Deflation, Reflation, Disinflation and Stagflation.
Monetary Policy : Objectives and Instruments. Functions of Reserve Bank of India.
Fiscal Policy : Objectives and Instruments- Taxation: Principles and Kinds of Taxes.
Structure and features of Indian Economy, Trends of National and Per Capita Income. features,
Population Policy. Problem of Unemployed and poverty in India. A brief review of employment
generation , Poverty alleviation programmes.
Importance of agriculture in Indian economy, Green revolution, land reforms, agricultural
finance and credit. Problems of agricultural labour.. Role of Public, Private and small scale
industries in Indian economy
1. Indian Economy – D C Agarwal
2. Indian Economy – A N Agarwal
3. The Indian Economy –its Growing Dimensions –D K Dhar
4. Macro Economics: Theory & Policy – H L Ahuja
5. Public Finance : Theory & Practice – V G Mankar
1. Definition of Electronic Computer
2. History
3. Generations
4. Classification of Computers
Computer Hardware & Software
1. Computer Types
2. CPU
4. Mother Board
5. Various I/O Devices
6. Storage Media
7. Windows Explorer
1. Operating System Type, Function
2. Windows Operating System
3. Computer Network , Type, Topologies
4. Hardware Requirement for Computer Network and Internet Connection
1. World Wide Web , Web Browsers
2. Search Engines, E-Mail, Download, Attachments
3. M S Word, M S Excel, M S Power Point
1. Computer Fundamental – P K Sinha
2. Computer Fundamental – D P Nagpal
3. First Course in Computers – Sanjay Saxena
1. General Features.
2. The President – Election, Powers & Functions.
3. U.S. Congress – Composition & Functions.
4. U.S. Supreme Court: - Composition & Functions.
5. Judicial Review
6. Comparative study of American President & British Prime Minister
7. U.S. Supreme Court & House of Lords of British
1. Salient Features.
2. Swiss Federal Parliament: Composition Powers and Functions.
3. Federal Council: Organization and Functions.
4. Swiss Federal Tribunal: Composition & Organization, Its Jurisdiction.
5. Direct Democracy In Switzerland.
Constitution of China
1. Salient features
2. The constitution of 1982- Concept of fundamental rights and duties of the citizens
3. The national people’s congress (legislature)
4. The president of republic (Executive)
5. Judicial system (judiciary)
6. The communist party of china
1. A Constitutional History of India – A B Keith
2. Constitutional History of India – M V Pylee
3. Outline of India Legal History Wadhwa – M P Jain
4. Landmark in Indian Legal & Constitutional History- V D Kulshreshta
B.A.LL.B.- V. Semester
Contract –I
(General Principles of Law of Contracts (Section 1 to Section 75) and Specific Relief)
5-Viod Agreement
B.A.LL.B.- V. Semester
Law of Torts, Motor Vehicle Act & Consumer Protection
1. Remoteness of damage
2. Vicarious Liability
3. Tort against persons-Assault, Battery, False-Imprisonment, Defamation
1. Negligence
2. Nuisance
3. Malicious Prosecution
4. Absolute Liability
1. Consumer Protection Act 1986 Definitions
2. Dispute Redressal Agencies
3. Appeals, Limitation Period
4. Motor Vehicle Act, 1988
Compulsory Insurance
Nature and Extent of Insurer’s Liability
1- Consumer Protection Act
2- Law of Torts- Salmond and Heuston
3- Torts – Winfield and Jolowitz
4- The Law of Torts- Ratan Lal and Dheerajlal
5- Law of Torts- RK Bangia
B.A.LL.B.- V. Semester
Criminal Law (IPC)
1- The Indian Penal Code, 1860 (Bare Act)
2- Criminal Law - P.S.A. Pillai
3- Principles of Criminal Law - Jeroma Hall
4- Criminal Law - R.C. Nigam
5- Indian Penal Code - Ratan Lal & Dhiraj Lal
6- Criminal law, Cases and Materials - K.D. Gaur
7- The Indian Penal Code - M.P. Tandon
B.A.LL.B-VI. Semester
Political Science- VI
1. General Features.
2. French Executive: Powers and Functions of the President.
3. French Prime Minister and Cabinet.
4. French Parliament: Composition & Functions.
5. Supreme Court of France: Organization, Powers & Functions.
1. Salient Features
2. Dominion Executive: Governor – General’s appointment, Powers and Functions.
3. Canadian Prime Minister & His Cabinet.
4. Dominion Parliament: Organization, Powers & Functions.
5. Privy Council & Supreme Court.
1. Main Features.
2. Australian Executive: Powers of the Crown and Governor- General.
3. Prime Minister and Federal Executive Council.
4. Federal Parliament: Composition, Powers & Functions.
5. Federal Judiciary: The High Court,
Its Organization & Jurisdiction
1. General features
2. Fundamental rights
3. Japanese executive
4. The diet
5. The judiciary
1. World Constitutions- Herman Finer.
2. World Constitutions-C.F. Strong.
3. World Constitutions- A.C. Kapoor.
4. World Constitutions- Vishnoo Bhagwan.
5. Aadhunik Shaasan Pranaliyan (In Hindi)- Babu Lal Fadia
6. Vishwa Ke Pramukh Samvidhaan ( Hindi)- Iqbal Nar
B.A.LL.B-VI. Semester
Legal Methods & Legal Research
Unit – I:
Unit – II:
Sources of Law
1. Custom
2. Precedent
3. Legislation
Unit – III:
1. Common Law
2. Constitution as the Basic Law
3. Rule of Law
4. Separation of Powers
5. Judicial system in India
Unit – IV:
1. Learning the Law--- Glanville Willains.
2. Jurisprudence (Legal Theory)--- Nomita Aggarwal.
3. Indian Legal System--- ILI Publication.
4. Legal Research and Methodology--- ILI Publication.
1- Dr.R.K.Bangia-Law of contract II
2- Dr.Avtar Singh-Law of Contract II
3- Krishnan Nair-Law of Contract
4- Indian Partnership Act
5- Indian sale of Goods Act
6- Hire Purchase.
1. An Introduction to International Law - J.G. Starke
2. Cases and Material on International Law - D.J. Harris
3. Public International Law - H.O. Aggarwal
4. Public International Law - S. K. Kapoor
5. International Law - Oppenheim
1. Concept of Environment
2. Ecosystem
3. Biosphere
4. Factors responsible for degradation of environment
5. Population explosion
6. Industrial development
7. Urbanization
8. excess use of technology
9. energy
10. Unplanned development
11. agricultural development
12. Major, environmental hazards
13. Climate change
14. Green house effect, depletion of ozone layer
1. Constitutional provision and environment 42nd Amendment Act
2. The Directive Principles of State Policy
3. Article 253 and environmental legislation
4. fundamental Duties and environment
5. Environmental Protection and Fundamental Rights
- Right to Wholesome Environment
6. Right to livelihood
7. Right to equality
8. Freedom of Trade vis-à-vis environment
9. Role of Judiciary -PIL
1. Deforestation-causes and effects
2. Role o of forests in Himalyan ecosystem
3. Forest Act,1927-Definition of Forest
4. Kinds-Reserved forests, Protected forests, Village Forests and Van Panchayats, Private
5. Forest Offences
6. Forest ( Conservation ) Act,
7. Definition and scope of forests
8. Non forest purpose
9. Wildlife (Protection) Act
10. Definition-animal, animal article, hunting, National park, sanctuary, wild animal ,wild life.
11. Authorities- Director Wildlife, Chief Wild Life Warden, Wild Life Advisory Board
12. Hunting of Wild animals
13. Sanctuaries, National Parks and closed Areas
14. Central Zoo Authority and Recognition of zoos
15. Trade or Commerce in Wild Animals
16. Animal Articles and Trophies
17. Environmental (Protection) Act
18. Objects
19. Definitions
20. General powers of Central government
21. rule making power
22. Prevention, control and abatement of environmental pollution
23. Penalties and offences by the companies and government department
1. UN Conference on Human Environment,1972 (The Stockholm Conference)
2. Declaration
3. UN Conference on Environment and Development, 1992 ( The Earth Summit)
4. Rio-declaration
5. Agenda -21
1- Armin Rosencraouz, Syam Diwan - Environmental Law & Policy in India: Cases
2- Marthal L. Noble Material & Statements
3- Rama Krishna - The Emergence of Environmental Law in Developing Countries- A Case
Study of India
4- P. S. Jaswal and Nishta Jaswal - Environmental Law
5- R.G. Chaturvedi & M.N. Chaturvedi - Law on Protection of Environment and Prevention of
B.A.LL.B.- VII- Semester
1. -The need to study legal theory
2. -The relationship of legal theory to the development of just society
3. -Use of terms: Legal theory, Jurisprudence, Concept of Law, the need to understand the
differences between theory and concept etc.
1. -Administration of Justice-Administration of Criminal Justice and Theories of
2. -An introductory study of Analytical, Historical, sociological ,Realist and Natural Law
School, Pure Theory of Law
1. -Sources of Law-Custom, Precedent and Legislation
2. -Legal Personality
1. -Rights and Duties
2. -Ownership and Possession
3. -Liability
1. Jurisprudence and Legal Theory - Mahajan Dr. V. D.
2. An Introduction to Jurisprudence - Mani Tripathi Dr. B. N.
3. Jurisprudence - Salmond J.W.
4. A Text Book of Jurisprudence - Paton G. W.
5. Jurisprudence - Dias R. W. M.
6. Legal Theory - Friedmann W.
7. Legal Theory - B.N.M. Tripathi
1. Administrative Discretion
2. Statutory inquires including those under the commissions of inquiry Act.1952
3. Special Tribunals growth and importance including the tribunals established under the
administrative tribunals Act. 1985. Role of administrative tribunals and their future.
1. Governmental liability in contract and torts.
2. Public Corporations.
3. Redressal of citizens grievances- Central Vigilance Commission and the Institutions of
Lokpal and Lokayukta.
1. Administrative Law - H.W.R. Wade
2. Administrative Law - P.P. Craig
3. Judicial Review of Administrative Action - De. Smith
4. Administrative Law - C.K. Thakkar
5. Administrative Law - I.P. Massey
6. Principles of Administrative Law - Jain & Jain
5. Doctrine of Election
6. Transfer by Qualified Owners: Sections 38, 41, 43;
7. Lis Pendens & Part Performance
8. Sale of Immovable property
9. Mortgage – Definition, Kinds, Rights & Liabilities of Mortgagor and Mortgagee, Charge
10. Gift
11. Lease under T. P. Act -Definition, How made, Rights and Liabilities of Lessor and Lessee
12. Easement Act, 1882:
i. Easement: Nature , Definition & Kinds
ii. Creation of Easement
iii. License – Nature, definition & its distinction from Lease
1. The Transfer of Property Act - Lahiri S.M.
2. The Transfer of Property Act – Mulla
3. The Transfer of Property Act - Shukla S.N.
4. The Transfer of Property Act - Tripathi G.P.
5. The Transfer of Property Act - Sinha R.K.
1. Company Law-Definition Nature and Kinds of a Company, Distinction Between
Partnership firm and Company
2. Advantages and disadvantages incorporation
3. Formation of a Company-Registration and Incorporation.
4. Memorandum of Association-Various Clauses, Alteration therein, Doctrine of ultra virus
5. Articles of association, binding force, alternation-doctrine of Indoor management.
1. Prospectus: Issue, Contents- liability of mis-statement Remedies for misrepresentation
criminal liability.
2. Promoters- Position, duties and liability.
3. Shares- General principle of shares, Definition, allotment, statutory restriction & Transfer
of shares- Procedure, practice and Government and SEBI guidelines.
4. Debentures- Definition, Kinds, Fixed and Floating charges, Remedies of debenture
holders and shareholders.
5. General Meetings of share holders. Kinds and procedure, voting
1. Management of company- concept of corporate Governance.
2. Directors and other managerial persons- Position, Qualification, Disqualification.
Appointment and Removed, Powers, Duties, Remuneration and liability.
3. Meetings of a company.
4. Corporate social responsibly (S.135)
1. Protection of minority Right-Rule in Fox V. Harbottle: prevention of oppression and
mismanagement Company law board and powers.
2. Winding up of company-Meaning and types of winding up-grounds of winding up by
3. Appointment, Powers and duties of liquidator, contributories, contemporary issues in
company law.
4. E- Governance. E filling.
1. Avtar singh –Indian Company law
2. N.V.Paranjape- Company law
3. S.M.Shah Lectures on Company Law
4. Company law Act 2013
B.A.LL.B.- VII- Semester
Practical Training : Professional Ethics, Accountancy for Lawyers
and Bar-Bench Relations
1- Bar against soliciting work
1- Bar against soliciting work
2- Under cutting: An unethical practice
3- Brief –Stealing
4- Lawyers not to advertise
5- Not to use touting
6- Fee structure- Black money and high fees
7- Accountability to the client
8- Self regulation/Legal regulation.
9- Collusion with opposite party
1- Professional Misconduct and Control
1. Advocates Act
2. Faction of the Bar Council
3. Disciplinary Committees- Tribunals
4. Appeals to the Supreme Court
5. Contempt Proceedings against Lawyers
1- Types and Classes of Lawyers
1- Advocate on Record : Advocate on roll
2- Touts (Para Professional)
3- Bare Foot Lawyers
4- Senior- Junior Relationship
1- Social Profile of the Legal Profession
1. Professional Opportunities- Upward mobility
2. How far have Underprivileged groups such as SC/ST advanced in the profession
2- Lawyers in Court
1- How to address the Court
2- Attitude towards opponent counsel
1. C.L. Anand: Professional Ethics of the Bar
2. B.K. Goswani: Legal Profession and Its Ethics
3. Anirudh Prasad: Principles of the Ethics of Legal Profession in India
4. Sunil Deshta and Kiran Deshta: Practical Advocacy of Law.
5. S.K. Mookerji: Iyer’s Law of Contempt of Court.
B.A.LL.B. VIII- Semester
Civil Procedure Code
1- Nature of Civil suit
2- Courts and their jurisdiction
3- Essentials of a suit
4- Res judicata
5- Place of Suing
1- Parties and cause of action
2- First stems in suit-Institution of suit, summons to defendant, written statements
3- Documents and Witnesses
4- Hearing and Disposal
1- Execution of Degree
2- Appeals
3- Reference, Review and Revision
1- Period of Limitation for suits, appeals and application
2- Computation of period of limitation
3- Acknowledgement as a ground
4- Acquisition of ownership by possession
1. Civil Procedure Code D.F. Mulla
2. The Code of Civil Procedure M.P. Jain
3. Code of Civil Procedure Justice T.S. Doabia
4. The Indian Limitation Act, 1963 BARE ACT
5. Civil Procedure C.K. Takwani
6. Civil Procedure Code T.P. Tripathi
Definitions-Cognizable offence, non-cognizable offence, bailable offence, non-bailable offcence,
Warrant cases and summons cases, compliant, charge, police station,
Constitution of Criminal Courts and their jurisdiction and powers
Arrest of persons and rights of arrested persons
Information to the police and their powers to investigate
Cognizance of offences by the Magistrate and Court of Sessions
Complaints to Magistrates and commencement of proceedings before Magistrate
Unit –III
Security for Keeping the peace and for good behavior
Maintenance of public order and tranquility
Preventive actions of the police
The Charges
Trials of cases-Sessions trial, warrant trial, summons trial and summary trial
Provisions of Bail and Bonds
Appeals, reference and revision.
1. The Code of Criminal Procedure -Ratan Lal and Dhiraj Lal
2. R.V. Kelkar’s Criminal Procedure -Dr. K.N. Chandrasekharan Pillai
3. The Code of Criminal Procedure 1973 -S.N. Mishra
4. Code of Criminal Procedure - S.C. Sarkar (Two Volumes)
Central Concept of Evidence, Section3, Definition (Fact, relevant fact, evidence, oral and
documentary, presumption, proving and disproving)
Relevance of facts, Doctrine of Res-gestae section,7,8,9,10
Unit II
Admission, Definition, Reason for admissibly of admission from of admission by party to
proceeding Admission in civil cases (Section17 to 23)
Confession, definition, Confession caused by threat, Inducement, Confession to police officer,
Confession by accused while in police custody Section (24 to 30)
Dying declaration, requirement of section 32 dying declaration in English law, need for
corroboration of dying declaration
Who is an expert, expert opinion, value of expert opinion
Oral and documentary evidence, Section (59 to 65)
Examination of witnesses, Cross Examination and Re-examination
-Burden of Proof, On whom burden of proof lies, Burden of proof as to particular Feet, Burden
of proving fact especially within knowledge, (Section 101-113)
1. The Law of Evidence - Ratan Lal and Dhiraj Lal
2. Principle of the Law of Evidence - Dr. Avtar Singh
3. The Text Book on The Law of Evidence - Chief Justice M. Monir
4. Law of Evidence - Vepa P. Sarathi
5. Wigmore on Law of Evidence - Richard D. Friedman.
6. The Law of Evidence (In 2 Volumes)- Chief Justice M. Monir
B.A.LL.B. VIII- Semester
Offences Against Child & Juvenile Offence
1. Special status of Child in the Constitution of India
2. U.N. declaration on Rights of the Child, 1959
3. U.N.Convention on Rights of the Child,1989
- Preamble, Rights of the Childs & Governmental obligation
4. Young Parsons Harmful Publication Act. 1956
5. Suppression of Immoral Traffic Act.,1956
Definition-Child, Brothel, Prostitution, Public Place, Corrective Institution, Protection
Home, Substantive Provisions-Sections 3,4,5,5-A,5-B,7,9 & 10-A
6. Provisions regarding trafficking, Kidnapping & Sexual Abuse of Children Under I.P.C.
7. Cyber pornography in vowing Children:
i) I T Act, 2000: Ss. 67, 67- A,67-B, 67-C
ii) POCSO Act, 2012: Ss.13 to 15
iii) IPC: S.293
8. POCSO Act, 2012: Definitions, Provisions under Ss.(3) to (14)
9. Prevention of Child Marriage Act-2006
Definitions, Provisions Under Ss.3,4,5,9 t0 12,15.
10. Juvenile Justice (Care & Protection of Children)Act,2000
1. Law relating to Women – Dr. Sayed Maqsood
2. Law relating to Women – Dr. S.C. Tripathi
3. Women and Law – Prof. Nomita Aggarwal
4. Women and Law – Dr. Manjula Batra
5. Women and Law – G.P. Reddy
The theory paper will of 60 marks and the practical and viva will be of 30 marks and 10 marks
respectively. Three practical’s of 10 marks each shall be conducted by the department. It be
evaluated for 5 marks for written submissions and 5 marks for oral (advocacy)
A Theory Paper
1. Arbitration: aim and object, Nature and scope
2. Arbitration agreement
3. Power to refer parties to arbitration
4. Interim Measures
5. Composition of Arbitral Tribunal
6. Jurisdiction of Arbitral Proceedings
7. Conduct of Arbitral Proceeding
8. Making of Arbitral Award
9. Recourse against arbitral Award
10. Conciliation, Nature, Scope and Settlement
11. Negotiation’ Lok Adalats
B-Practical Exercise
These practical shall be conducted through simulation and casestudies in the following areas
1. Negotiation skills to be learned with simulated programme
2. Conciliation skills
3. Arbitration Law and Practice including International arbitration and arbitrate rules
B.A.LL.B.- IX- Semester
Labour Law-I
Industrial DisputeAct.1947-Historial Development, object and reasons, Definition, Authorities
under Industrial dispute Act. 1947, Reference of dispute to board and tribunals, sake and lockout,
lay-off and retrenchment.
Workmen Compensation Act-1923,-workamen compensation laws in India, scope and
application, Definition of certain important terms, employer liability for compensation, Amount
of compensation distribution of compensation, employer compensation commissioners, Power of
commissioner’s .
Employees, state Insurance act1948-Histirical background object and application, important
definitions , employment injury, Benefits available under the Act, Maternity Benefits, Medical
Benefits, Constitution of employers Insurance Court, Powers of employees Insurance Court ,
Reference to High Court, appeals.
Trade Union Act 1926- History of trade Union Movement, Registration of Trade Union, rights
and liabilities, of registered trade Union, funds of trade union
Minimum wages Act-1948- Aims and object of minimum wages Act
Fixing of minimum rates of wages, minimum wage, fair wage and living wage.
1. Statutory Material - Trade Union Act, 1926, Induatrial Emplopyment (Standing Orders)
2. 1946 and Industrial Dispute Act, 1947
3. S.C. Srivastava, Industrial Relations and Labour Law, Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi
4. Dr. S.C. Srivastava, Labour Law and Industrial Relations2
5. Dr. S.K. Puri, Labour and Industrial Laws
6. Dr. V.G. Goswami, Labour Law and Industrial Law
7. S.N. Misra, Labour and Industrial Law
8. O.P. Malhotra, Industrial Disputes Act, Vol. I & II
9. Indian Law Institute – Cases and Materials on Labour Law and Labour Relations
1- Uttar Pradesh Land Laws. - R.R. Maurya
2- The Uttar Pradesh Imposition of - Yatindra Singh
3- Ceiling on Land Holding Act, 1960
4- U.P. Zamindari Abolition and Land Reforms Act, 1950
5- The U.P. Land Revenue Act, 1901
1. Defining Cyberspace and Overview of Computer and WebTechnology
2. Internet Governance: Issues and Challenges
3. Introduction to Cyber Law
1. Jurisdiction issues in Cyberspace: Indian and International Approach
2. Electronic Intrusions on Interconnected Computers
3. Cyber offences, Typology of Cybercrimes
1. Cyber offences covered under the Information Technology Act, 2000
2. Cyber offences not covered under IT Act, 2000
3. Issues relating to investigation and adjudication of cyber crimes in India
1. Authorities under the Act
2. Computer Forensics and Digital evidence
3. Liability of ISPs and Other Intermediaries for Online Harms
1- Information Security and Cyber Laws – Pankaj Sharma
2- Information Technology Law and Practice – Vakul Sharma
3- Cyber Laws- Justice Yatindra Singh
B.A.LL.B.- IX- Semester
Insurance Law
1- Definition, Nature ,Scope and kinds of Insurance Contract- Applicability of General
Contract, Standard Contract and Insurance Law
2- General Principles of Insurance Law- Insurable Interest, Utmost good Faith, Indemnity-
Proximate cause, Subrogation Contribution, Warranty.
1- The Risk- Meaning and Scope of Risk and kind
2- Premium- Definition-Method of Payment, Return of Premium.
3- Nomination and Assignment, Difference between Nomination and Assignment.
4- Reinsurance- Kinds and Methods of Reinsurance
5- Double Insurance
1- Life Insurance- Nature and Scope of Life Insurance
2- Nature and kinds of Policy Life Insurance Contract
3- Procedure and Condition of Insurance Contract, Effects of Non-compliance
4- Assignment Claims and Surrender of Policy, days of Grade, Forfeiture, Impact of
Indisputability clause and Suicide, Disability Benefits.
1- General Insurance- Definition, Nature, Scope and Basic Principles of General Insurance
2- State Control on Insurance Business in India-Insurance Regulatory and Development
Authority Act, 1999.
1- M.H.Srinivasam-Principals of Insurance law
2- Mamta Chaturbedi-vk/kqfud chek fof/k
3- Insurance Act 1938
4- L.I.C.corporation Act.1956
Competition Law
1. Background and Introduction
2. Competition law in India
3. Definition
4. Globalization and competition Policy in India
5. Monopoly and the new change.
6. Competitive Agreements and Contracts:
7. Anti-competition agreements and the freedom of Contract (S.23&27 of IC Act);
1. Monopolistic Trade Practices
2. Restrictive Trade Practices
3. Unfair Trade Practices
4. Protection of consumer interests
1. An overview of the Competition Act 2002.
2. Prohibition and Merger:
3. Competition laws
4. The Prohibition of anti-competitive agreements
1. Authorities under Competition Act
2. Function of Commission:
3. Powers, Functions and Jurisdiction of Competition Commission of India.
4. Composition, Powers and Duties of Director
1. S.M. Dugar, Commentary on MRTP Law, Competition Law & Consumer Protection Law
2. P. Satyanarayana Prasad, Competition Law and Cartels, Amicus Books, ICFAI University
3. Vinod Dhall (ed.), Competition Law Today, Oxford University
4. Suresh T. Vishwanathan, Law and Practice of Competition Act, Bharat
5. T. Ramappa, Competition Law in India, Oxford University Press
1- Armin Rosencraouz, Syam Diwan - Environmental Law & Policy in India: Cases
2- Marthal L. Noble Material & Statements
3- Rama Krishna - The Emergence of Environmental Law in
4- Developing
5- Countries- A Case Study of India
6- P. S. Jaswal and Nishta Jaswal - Environmental Law
7- R.G. Chaturvedi & M.N. Chaturvedi - Law on Protection of Environment and
8- Prevention of pollution
1- Intellectual Property - W.R. Cornish
2- Intellectual Property Law - R.K. Nagarajan
3- Copyright Law - P. Narayana
4- Indian Patents Law & Procedure - D. P. Mittal
5- Patent Law - P. Narayanan
6- Law Relating to Intellectual Property - Dr. B.L. Wadehra
B.A.LL.B.- IX- Semester
Practical Training: Drafting, Pleading and Conveyancing
Note: This paper shall consist of THREE parts. Namely
Note: The question paper shall consist of 8 question. The student are required to
attempt 4 questions. Each questions carries 15 marks.
Theory Paper
1. General object and function of pleadings.
2. Rules of pleading.
3. Particulars of pleading.
4. Alternative and Inconsistent stent pleading.
5. Essential requisite of plaint and written statement.
Drafting of the Following-
1. Plaint
2. Written statement
3. Intericutory Application
4. Original Petition
5. Affidavit
6. Execution petition
7. Memorandum of Appeal and revision
8. Petition under art 226 and 32 of the constitution.
1. Complaints
2. Criminal Misc. Petition
3. Bail Application
4. Memorandum of Appeal and Revision.
Part C
Drafting of the following-
(a)Sale Deed (2)Mortgage Deed (3) Lease Deed (4)Gift Deed (5)Promissory Note (6) Power
of Attorney (7) Will
Internal Assessment- The student shall be required to draft I exercises each from part B and
part-C as and when assigned by the Head of the department of Law VIVA-VOCE
Examination-To test the understanding of legal practive in relation to drafting, pleading and
B.A.LL.B.- X-Semester
Principles of Taxation Laws
1- Definitions-Agricultural Income, Assessee, dividend, Income, Person, Charitable
Purpose, Assessment Year, Previous year
2- Income which does not form part of total Income
1- Heads of Income-Salaries ,Income from House Property, Profit and Gains from
Business and Professions, Capital gains, Income from other sources, Income from
other persons to be included in assesses total income
Unit- III
1- Double Taxation Relief
2- Income Tax Authorities - Their constitution, powers and functions
3- Procedure of Assessment- Regular Assessment of escaped income
4- Assessment of Firms, Self-Assessment and Best Judgment Assessment
1- Deduction of Tax at source, Advance payment of tax
2- Appeal, Revision and Reference
3- Penalties and Prosecutions
1. Dinesh Ahuja and Ravi Gupta, Systematic approach to Income Tax, (Latest Edition)
2. Singhania, Student Guide to Income Tax,
3. Taxation Laws-Kailash Rai
4. Taxmann -(Latest Edition).
B.A.LL.B.- X-Semester
Labour Law-II (Social Security & Social Welfare Legislation)
Unit-I Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1986
1- Object
2- Definition
3- Prohibition of employment of children in certain occupation
4- Regulations of conditions of work of children
5- Penalties
1. S.C. Srivastava, Commentaries on Factories Act, 1948, Universal Law Publishing
2. House,Delhi
3. H.L. Kumar, Workmen’s Compensation Act, 1923
4. Dr. S.C. Srivastava, Labour Law and Industrial Relations
5. Dr. S.K. Puri, Labour and Industrial Laws
6. Dr. V.G. Goswami, Labour Law and Industrial Law
7. S.N. Misra, Labour and Industrial Law
B.A.LL.B.- X-Semester
Interpretation of Statutes
1- Basic Principles of Interpretation
2- Statutes
3- Parts of Statutes
4- Kinds of Statutes
5- Intention of Legislature
6- Meaning of Construction and Interpretation
7- Purpose of interpretation
8- Guiding rules of interpretation
9- Literal rule, golden rule and mischief rule (Rule in Haeydon’s case)
1- Rules relating to meaning of general words
2- Nosciture a sociis
3- Ejesdem generis
4- Reddendo singular singulis
5- Internal Aids of Construction
1- Extrinsic Aids of Construction
2- Historical Development
3- Statutes in peri-maeteria
4- Effect of usage and practice
5- Stare-decisis
6- Modification of words to suit intention of legislature-Mandatory and Directory
1- Construction of Penal and Beneficial statutes
2- Distinction between penal and remedial statutes
3- Liberal Construction of remedial statutes
4- Mens-rea in statutory offences
5- Construction of taxing statutes
1. Interpretation of Statutes - Maxwell
2. Interpretation of Statutes - Bindra N.S.
3. Interpretation of Statutes - Singh G.P.
4. Interpretation of Statutes - Bhattacharya T.
5. Interpretation of Statutes - Mathur D.N.
B.A.LL.B.- X-Semester
Banking Law
The nature and development of Banking
Banks, Banking Business, meaning of customer, types of accounts, Banker as Borrower
Contract between Banker and customer their rights and duties.
Banking instruments: Bank notes, Bankers drafts, deposit receipts, letters of
credit, Indemnities, travelers cheques.
The Banking companies Act, 1949: Extent and application: Business of
banking companies; control and management by Reserve Bank.
The Banking Regulation Act, 1949
B.A.LL.B.- X-Semester
Media and law
1- Concept and Nature
2- Development of Media Laws
3- Importance of Media
4- Constitutional Guarantee
1- Mass media and Legislature
i-Meaning of Parliamentary Privileges
ii-Origin, Development of Parliamentary Privileges
iii-Position in India
2- Mass Media and the Court
1- Contempt of Court
2- Under the Constitution
3- Under the Act of 1971
1- Mass Media and the Individual
i- Law of Defamation
ii- Law of Privacy
2- Press Council and its Composition
i--Power and Function of the Press Council
iii- Composition of Board and Advisory Panel
iv- Codification of the Film
1- Regulation of Cable, TV Network ( The Cable Television) Network ( Regulation
Amendment Act,2000)
(i) Regulation of Cable TV
(ii) Seizure and Confiscation of Equipments
(iii) Miscellaneous
2- Journalistic Privileges
i- Journalistic ethics
ii- Advertising Codes
iii- Court room Reporting
iv- Crime Coverage
1. M chalapathi Rau: The Press
2. D D Basu: Press Laws
3. D D Basu: The Law of Press
4. A G Noorani: Freedom of Press in India
5. Parthasarthy , Rangaswami: The history of Journalism in India
6. Natarajan, J: History of Press in India.
7. Sarkar, R.C.S.: The Press in India.
8. Rayudu, C.S.: Mass Media: Laws and Regulations
9. Registrar of Newspapers: The Report of the Press Commissions.
10. Sindhwani, Trilok, N: Newspaper Economics and Management.
11. Gopal SAksena: Television in India,: Changes and Challenges
12. HR Luthra: Indian Broadcasting
13. GNS Raghvan: PTI Story, Origin and Growth of the Indian Press and News Agency
14. J M Marilyn: TV News Ethics
15. Vir Paka and V S Gupta: Handbook of Journalism and Mass Communication
B.A.LL.B.- X-Semester
Human Rights: Law and Practice
1- Concept of Human Rights
2- Origin and Development of Human Right
3- Universal Declaration of Human Rights
1- International Covenants of Human Rights, International Covenants of Civil and Political
Rights, International Covenants of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.
2- International Covenants on Inhuman Acts- Genocide, Apartheids, Torture, Slavery,
Slave Trade, Forced and Compulsory labour, Traffic in Persons and
Prostitution, Women Racial Discrimination.
3- Vulnerable groups and Human Rights, Women, Children and Migrant workers,
Refugees, Older Persons, Disabled person, Indigenous People
1- International Conferences on Human Rights
2- International Humanitarian Laws
3- Human Rights and Terrorism
1- Internal Covenants and the Indian Constitution
2- Human Rights Commission in India : Human Rights Act, 1993
1- The World of Women in Pursuit of Human Rights - Patanjali Nandan Chaturvedi
2- The United Nations & The Human Rights - Patanjali Nandan Chaturvedi
3- Judicial Review of Administrative Actions - De. Smith
4- Human Rights for Children in Indian Evolution - Sudip Chakraborty
5- Policies and Publications
6- Human Rights – An Introduction - Darren J.D’byrne
7- Human Rights - D.D. Basu
8- Human Rights - Thomas Buergenthan
B.A.LL.B.- X-Semester
Moot Court, Pre-Trial Preparations and Internship
(Practical paper)