Law syllabus for PhD entrance test JISU
Law syllabus for PhD entrance test JISU
Law syllabus for PhD entrance test JISU
The main objective of this course is to acquaint the student of law with the scientific method of social
science research. This course is expected to provide the knowledge of the technique of selection,
collection and interpretation of primary and secondary data in socio legal research.
Emphasis would be laid on practical training in conducting research in this course. By the end of the
course the students are expected to develop a scientific approach to socio legal problems. They should
be able to design and execute small scale research problems. The practical skill in conducting
research will be evaluated on their performance in field research and workshops/seminars.
2. a) The science of research and scientific methodology
3. b) Interrelation between speculation, fact and theory, building some fallacies of scientific
methodology with reference to socio legal research
4. c) Inter-disciplinary research and legal research models
5. d) Arm chair research vis-a-vis empirical research
6. e) Legal research-common law and civil law legal systems
8. a) Workable Hypothesis-formulation and evaluation
9. b) Major steps in research design
1. a) Sampling
2. b) Survey and Case Study method
3. c) Scaling and Content Analysis
2. a) Report/Article writing & legal research
3. b) Use of definitions, maxims, concepts, principles, doctrines in legal research
4. c) Plagiarism & its consequences.
5. d) Citation methodology
6. e) Book review and case comments
Principles of Interpretation:
Territorial Nexus
Plenary Powers and Non-obstante clause
Harmonious Construction and Pith and Substance
Residuary Power
Repugnancy- Direct Conflict, Occupied Field and Intended Occupation
[Cases- State of WB v UOI, State of WB v CPDR, GVK Industries v. UOI, Gujarat Univ. v.
Krishna, Prafulla Kumar v. Bank of Commerce, Khulna, State of Rajasthan v. G. Chawla, UOI v.
Harbhajan Singh Dhillon, Hoechst Pharmaceuticals v. State of Bihar, Deep Chand v. State of UP,
Zaveribhai v. State of Bombay, M ..Karunanidhi v. UOI]
Module IV: Judiciary and its Independence (Article 124-147, 214-227) (6 class hours)
Independence of Judiciary: why so crucial?
Transfer of Judges
Judicial Review- HC powers of Superintendence u/A. 226., Supervision u/A. 227,
Jurisdictions of the SC, Review and Curative Petition, Supreme Court as a Court
of Record- Contempt Power
[Cases-State of Karnataka v UOI, State of Rajasthan v UOI, Pritam Singh v State,
Rupa Hurra v Ashoke Hurra, Delhi Judicial Service Assn.]
Module VI: Amendment to the Constitution and Basic Structure Doctrine (6 class hours)
Understanding A. 368
‘Procedure to Amend’ to ‘Power to Amend’
Impact of 24th and 25th Amendments
42nd Amendment and the A. 368
Evolution of Basic Structure Doctrine- Case Analysis
Pre-Keshavananda Bharati[Cases: Shankari Prasad, Sajjan Singh, IC
Keshavananda Bharati
Post-Keshavananda Bharati [Indira Gandhi, Minerva Mills, Waman Rao,
Nagaraj, IR Coelho]
Suggested Readings:-
Role of courts: the Supreme Court, High Courts and other courts
Statutory commissions- human rights, women's, minority and backward class
Suggested Readings:
1. S.K.Avesti and R.P.Kataria, Law Relating to Human Rights, Chh IV, V, VIII, XIV,
(2000) Orient, New Delhi
2. S.K.Varma, Public International Law (1998), Prentice-Hall, New Delhi
3. Peter J. Van Kricken (ed.), The Exclusion on Clause (1999), Kluwer
4. Human Rights Watch Women's Rights Project, The Human Rights Watch Global
Report on Women's Human Rights (2000), Oxford
5. Ermacora, Nowak and Tretter, International Human Rights (1993), Sweet & Maxwell.
6. Wallace, International Human Rights: Text & Materials (1996), Sweet & Maxwell
7. Muntarbhorn, The Status of Refugees in Asia (1992), Oxford.
8. Human Rights and Global Diversity (2001), Frank Cass, London
9. Nirmal.C.J. (ed.), Human Rights in India (2000), Oxford
10. Nirmal.B.C., The Right to Self determination in International Law (1995),
Deep & Deep. 11.P.R.Gandhi, International Human Rights Documents (1999)
Universal, Delhi.