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1 s2.0 S0360544223007776 Main
journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/energy
Handling Editor: Isabel Soares Renewable energy consumption is deemed imperative to attain higher economic growth without affecting
environmental degradation. Hence, probing its influencing factors is an indispensable field of research in the
JEL classification: literature on energy economics. The existing literature discerns several influencing factors of renewable energy
Q20 consumption, however, the dynamic relationship between climate policy uncertainty and renewable energy
consumption remains ignored. Hence, we probe the dynamic impact of climate policy uncertainty on renewable
energy consumption. Using monthly dataset for the US, the findings from the novel Fourier augmented autor
egressive distributed lag model reveal that climate policy uncertainty plunges renewable energy consumption
Renewable energy
across the long- and short-run. Finally, the study proposes to reduce the uncertainty in climate policies to upsurge
Fourier augmented ARDL approach
Climate policy uncertainty renewable energy consumption.
SOR unit Root test
1. Introduction the proportion of REN in the global energy consumption has been about
19% which is yet very low, with non-renewable energy consumption
It is a well-established point that renewable energy is immensely being still very high. Therefore, discerning the drivers for REN is inev
important for both the economy and the environment. Renewable en itable. This aforementioned investigation would help policymakers
ergy reduces the dependence on finite energy sources, such as petro devise policies to achieve SDGs, which will increase the well-being of the
leum, gas, and coal. Likewise, it improves energy security and stability, human race.
which are highly imperative issues nowadays. It contributes to economic The current literature identifies several factors affecting REN, such as
growth (EG) and also provides employment opportunities [1,2]. EG [8], energy prices [9], and environmental degradation [10,11],
Renewable energy yields a cost-effective solution to increased energy among others. However, the literature yet remains relatively scarce
demand. On top of this, it helps to curb greenhouse gas emissions and, about the nexus between uncertainty in environmental/climate policies
hence, aids in mitigating climate change [3–7]. Hence, to escalate EG (CPU) and REN. We have found two papers that examine this issue [12]
without affecting the environmental quality, renewable energy could be probe the impact of CPU on REN using the TVP-SVAR model. The study
the right choice. Therefore, the entire world is striving to increase highlight that CPU escalates REN in the short and long run, whereas it
renewable energy consumption (REN). However, the high installation mitigates REN in the medium run. Similarly, [13] employ the ARDL
cost of renewables coupled with social, economic, and political factors model to explore the impact of CPU on REN. Their findings report that
discourages REN. According to the World Energy Outlook report 2020,2 CPU does not affect REN in the short and long run.3
* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: qasimrazasyed.economics@gmail.com (Q.R. Syed), napergis@unipi.gr (N. Apergis), sookhoongoh@gmail.com (S.K. Goh).
All authors equally contributed.
Although [13] reported a positive long-run relationship between CPU and REN in the abstract of their paper, the authors reported an insignificant relationship
between CPU and REN in the result section, as shown in Table 6, p. 662.
Received 8 July 2022; Received in revised form 16 February 2023; Accepted 29 March 2023
Available online 11 April 2023
0360-5442/© 2023 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Q.R. Syed et al. Energy 275 (2023) 127383
The contrasting outcomes indicate that there exists more than one and data. Section 4 discusses the empirical findings. Section 5 provides
theoretical channel that connects CPU with REN. Hence, this paper concluding remarks, policy implications, and future research avenues.
discusses the three channels that link CPU with REN. First, the ‘positive
channel/effect’ suggests that CPU compels investors to start investing in 2. Review of related literature
clean technologies since CPU escalates the risk of using non-renewable
energy [14]. As a result, REN will increase [15,16]. In contrast, the There are several drivers found in the REN modeling. In general, the
‘negative channel/effect’ suggests that CPU impedes the level of in literature broadly segregates the drivers of REN into economic and
vestments in green technologies, R&D, and innovation [17,18]. Hence, environmental indicators. Factors, such as EG, inflation, and energy
REN is expected to decrease [19]. The third channel is the ‘energy prices prices are key economic indicators that affect the demand for renew
channel’, which points out that CPU decreases oil prices [20], thereby ables, whereas CO2 emissions are the most inevitable environmental
the demand for non-renewable energy will experience an increase and, factor which impacts REN.
hence, REN witnesses a reduction over time [21]. It is worth noting that EG is the most widely used economic indicator
Overall, it is crucial to explore the CPU-REN nexus to confirm the net while modeling REN. Empirical studies find that EG leads to higher
impact of CPU on REN. The inevitability of investigating the CPU-REN levels of income which makes renewable energy afforable). As a result,
nexus can be based on the fact that in the recent United Nations EG promotes REN. Several research outlets reach this conclusion. For
Climate Conference (COP26), the prime objective of the member nations instance, Soytas and Sari [25] investigate the causal relationships be
has been to escalate REN and to explore the factors which are imperative tween REN and EG in the case of G7 countries. Their results document
for the energy transition process. It was also discussed that governance, that REN and EG are positively associated. Sadorsky [8] notes that EG is
through environmental policies, can help economies to escalate the pace an influencing factor of REN. For Ghana, [26] test the causal relation
of energy transition. However, the uncertainty related to CPU could be ship between REN and economic growth. The study claims that EG
the key factor that affects REN. Thus, probing the nexus between CPU- contributes to REN. Likewise, [27] note that EG, financial development,
REN will definitely help to achieve COP26 targets (i.e., upsurge REN and globalization enhance REN. Parallel to this, [28] probe the
to curb carbon emissions). REN-industrial production nexus. They report that bidirectional cau
In light of the above-mentioned points, our goal is to test whether sality exists between REN and industrial production.
CPU affects REN in the US. The motivation for choosing the US for this Another line of research posits that EG has an adverse impact on
analysis is that the US stands first in terms of the biggest economy, while REN. As economies grow, there may be greater demand for energy from
it is the second-largest carbon emitter [22]. Furthermore, according to a fossil fuels, which are cheaper and more readily available than renew
recent report by the Energy Information Administration,4 the US is able sources. Next, governments may reduce subsidies for renewable
among the top countries that uses REN. Moreover, in terms of renewable energy, making renewable energy less economically viable. Moreover,
installed capacity, the US lies among the top three countries. Consid in some countries, there may be a lack of infrastructure to support the
ering the level of carbon emissions in the US, REN is indispensable to growth of renewable energy, hindering its development and consump
achieving sustainable development. There are various environmental tion. Based on these aforementioned arguments, certain studies justify
policies in the US. However, the risk factor is associated with them. For the adverse impact of EG on REN. For instance, Refs. [29,30] explore the
instance, federal carbon taxes have not yet been levied in the US, but the causal impact of various sources of renewables and EG in the US. They
higher growth in emissions has been creating the likelihood of carbon report that EG has a detrimental impact on a few renewable energy
taxation in the near future and, hence, escalating CPU in the US. In sources. In addition, there are a few empirical studies which note that
addition, the announcement to withdraw from the Paris Agreement has EG has an insignificant impact on REN. For instance, Ref. [31] employ
upsurged CPU in the US. Similarly, the variations in tariffs and other the VAR model to examine the connectedness between REN and EG.
taxes (i.e., levied on renewables) originate uncertainty in environmental Their study concludes that EG does not affect REN in the US. Similarly,
policies in the US. Thus, it is essential to explore the impact of CPU as [32] report that IPI has an insignificant impact on REN in the case of the
one of the determinants of REN. US.
The contribution of this paper is as follows. First, the current liter The level of prices is another essential determinant of REN. Theo
ature on the dynamic impact of CPU on REN is still scant and provides retically, a higher general price level (inflation) plummets the cost of
contradictory findings. Hence, our analysis reinvestigates the impact of buying/purchasing and, hence, REN is expected to decrease over time.
CPU on REN to provide complementary findings, which will help to In the case of Turkey, [33] conclude that inflation (CPI) posits an
reach a more definitive conclusion. Second, the previous studies on the adverse impact on REN in the long run. In the case of African countries,
CPU-REN nexus ignore a detailed discussion of the theoretical linkages [34] note that CPI impedes REN in the long run. In contrast, several
between CPU and REN; however, our work aims to fill this gap by dis researchers claim that CPI escalates REN. For instance, in the case of the
cussing the theoretical aspects which link CPU with REN. Third, our European Union (EU) countries, [35] illustrate that CPI upsurges REN
work performs a novel smooth and sharp structural breaks unit root test [36] highlight that CPI positively impacts REN at lower quantiles in
recommended by Shahbaz et al. [23] (henceforth, the SOR test) to BRICS countries, whereas CPI and REN are negatively linked at higher
investigate the order of integration. The SOR unit root test handles more quantiles.
than one structural break of various dynamic natures, providing more In addition to CPI, oil prices have also been incorporated as a key
trustworthy results. Fourth, we use the novel Fourier augmented ARDL independent variable while modeling REN. Higher oil prices plunge non-
approach (FA-ARDL) that outperforms the contemporary methods in renewable energy consumption. Since renewable and non-renewable
two aspects: i) it makes use of the augmented ARDL of [24] which probes energy is substituted for each other, a decline in non-renewables esca
cointegration by applying three tests (see the methodology section for lates REN [37] investigate whether non-renewable energy prices affect
more details); ii) it applies the Fourier transformation to cover multiple REN in the US. The authors report that a shock in non-renewable energy
structural breaks of different dynamic natures. Finally, we perform two prices enhances REN [38] explore the impact of oil prices on REN for 97
sensitivity analyses to discern whether the findings are consistent with selected countries. The authors report that higher oil prices promote
the baseline results. REN. In the case of the US, [39] adopt the NARDL approach that pro
This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 contains a review of the vides evidence in favor of the positive impact of oil prices on REN [40]
literature. Section 3 presents a description of the model, methodology, conclude that a positive shock in oil prices enhances REN in Tunisia. For
selected Asian economies, [41] show that oil prices raise REN.
Parallel to this, many researchers confirm that oil prices decrease
https://www.eia.gov/pressroom/presentations/capuano_01292020.pdf. REN. For instance, Ref. [11] examine the determining factors of REN
Q.R. Syed et al. Energy 275 (2023) 127383
across various countries with different levels of income. Their findings commodity/product is a function of price and income [11,52]. The
document that oil prices decrease REN, implying that both present study also follows the latter strand, as it contains economic
non-renewable energy and renewable energy are complements of each foundations. The empirical model of the present study is reported as
other [42] explore the dynamic impact of oil prices on REN in 64 follows:
selected countries. The authors note that oil prices do not affect REN,
RENt = α + β1 CPUt + β2 IPIt + β3 OILt + β4 CO2t + εt (1)
implying that non-renewable energy and renewable energy are com
plements. In the case of Russia, [43] note that CPI has a detrimental
where REN, CPU, IPI, OIL, and CO2 denote renewable energy, climate
impact on REN [44] report that oil prices decrease REN in the case of policy uncertainty, industrial production index, oil prices, and CO2
Azerbaijan. In the case of Iran, Muhtarov et al. (2022b) reach the same
emissions, respectively. βi (i = 1, …,4) represents the coefficient of the
conclusion. estimates, α represents the intercept, and εt is the error term. Since we
It is worth noting that carbon emissions are a critical environmental
use the neoclassical demand function, it is necessary to incorporate in
indicator that affects REN. A strand of the literature claims that CO2 come and prices as independent variables. To capture the impact of
decreases REN. For instance, Ref. [45] reveal that emissions plunge REN
income, we use IPI due to the unavailability of data on monthly GDP. To
in selected African countries. Similar conclusions have been made by capture the impact of prices, we make use of oil prices as one of the
Ref. [46] who note that carbon emissions impede REN in the African
explanatory variables. Since environmental quality has a profound
region. In contrast, the existing literature also explains the positive impact on economic agents’ preferences/decisions regarding an up
impact of CO2 emissions on REN. For instance, Ref. [47] report that
surge/plunge in REN, we include CO2 (i.e., a proxy of environmental
emissions escalate REN in the OECD countries, while a few studies claim quality) as another explanatory variable.
that emissions do not impact REN [48] conclude that emissions have an
[10] and Shafiullah et al. [32] adopt these explanatory variables (i.
insignificant impact on REN in China.
e., IPI, Oil, and CO2) while modeling REN. The CPU can be either pos
Recently, there were studies examining the nexus between CPU and
itive or negative based on the magnitude of the proposed channels. The
REN [13] aim to discern the short- and long-run impacts of CPU on REN
‘positive channel’ points out that CPU leads to higher investments in
and non-renewable energy consumption. The authors adopt the ADF and
clean energy, R&D, and innovations, with REN witnessing an increase.
[49] unit root tests to probe the order of integration in the dataset, while
Whereas, the ‘negative channel’ notes that CPU impedes R&D, in
the ARDL approach is employed for investigating the short- and long-run
novations, and investments in clean energy and, hence, decreases REN.
estimates. The study concludes that CPU does not affect REN in the short
In addition, the ‘energy prices channel’ delineates that CPU plunges oil
and long run [12] aim at investigating the impact of shock in CPU on prices which in turn enhances non-renewable energy consumption. As a
REN across the short, medium, and long run. The authors use the
result, REN experiences a decline over time. We document the theoret
TVP-SVAR model for probing the short-, medium-, and long-run re ical linkages between CPU and REN in Fig. 1.
lationships. The study notes that CPU and REN are positively associated
Next, if the IPI is positive, suggesting that IPI ameliorates REN [28].
with each other in the short and long run, whilst there exists a negative If the OIL is positive, implying that higher energy prices increase REN.
relationship between them in the medium run. Although the studies of
Finally, if CO2 is negative, suggesting that environmental degradation
[12,13] investigate the CPU-REN nexus, there are some limitations in transmits a signal in the market that policymakers have not been giving
their studies. For instance, Ref. [13] make use of the ARDL testing
priority to the environment and there are odds of still using
approach by Ref. [50] which only applies the overall F-test on all lagged non-renewables.
variables,5 whereas we use the augmented ARDL bounds test of [24] that
covers three tests (see the methodology section for more details). In
addition to this, [13] use dummies to capture the structural breaks, 3.2. SOR unit root test
whereas we use the Fourier transformation, which outperforms the
dummies approach [12] do not cover structural breaks nor develop their Investigating the appearance of stationarity is almost unavoidable in
analysis based on economic theory. However, we use the neoclassical the time series dataset. To discern the stationarity condition, several unit
demand function (which has an economic basis) and counter the root tests, such as the ADF-based tests, LM-based tests, and Fourier-
structural breaks. based tests (e.g., Fourier-ADF and Fourier-LM tests) are commonly
While concluding the literature review of the determinants of REN, it used in empirical studies. However, these tests suffer from certain
is apparent that the existing literature explores various factors as de drawbacks, generating a strong likelihood of wrong inferences [53]. For
terminants of REN. However, the literature on the dynamic impact of instance, the ADF test does not cover the presence of structural breaks.
CPU on REN is scanty. On top of this, the existing line of research related Next, this test has low explanatory power, which makes it unsuitable in
to the CPU-REN nexus provides inconclusive outcomes. Thus, we aim to the case of small datasets [54]. By contrast, [23] propose a two-step
reinvestigate the CPU-REN relationship with a robust methodology as procedure in SOR unit root tests, which can capture state-dependent
describe below. nonlinearity and sharp and smooth breaks without creating
over-fitting problems. Therefore, the analysis uses the SOR test in con
3. Model, methodology, and data cert with several conventional unit root tests (e.g., GLS test and Zivot
and Andrew test). The SOR test outperforms other conventional tests
3.1. Model since it accounts for the data’s sharp and smooth structural breaks,
providing reliable estimates. For deeper insights into the methodology
There exist two strands of opposite literature regarding the de of the novel SOR test, refer to Ref. [23].
terminants of REN. One strand of literature develops the model by
choosing the variables that have previously been employed in different 3.3. Fourier augmented ARDL approach
studies [38,51] while the second strand uses the neoclassical demand
function, which indicates that the quantity demanded of a To examine whether CPU affects REN, we employ the novel Fourier
augmented ARDL (FA-ARDL) approach. This section initially explains
the methodology of augmented ARDL (A-ARDL), while the latter part
There are two tests in the ARDL test by Ref. [50] to determine the status of expounds on how we transform the A-ARDL model into the FA-ARDL
cointegration. These two tests are the overall F- test for all lagged variables and model.
the t-test for the lagged of dependent variable. Goh and McNown (2015) show To investigate the cointegration across variables, [50] (PSS here
that performing only one of the tests may create spurious cointegration status. after) put forward the ARDL bounds test. According to the relevant
Q.R. Syed et al. Energy 275 (2023) 127383
literature, it is believed that the aforementioned bounds testing pro concern by rendering a new F-test (i.e., F-test(2)). Hence, cointegration
cedure is superior to other methods (e.g., FMOLS, etc.) due to its ability exists if the H1 of the aforementioned tests is not rejected. Due to this,
to provide reliable findings if the dataset has mixed ordering [55]. In the the A-ARDL method seems to be relatively superior since it shows a
ARDL specification, Equation (2) can be specified as follows: comprehensive image of cointegration.
y p q The A-ARDL approach is not capable of covering smooth and sharp
∑ ∑ ∑
ΔRENt = α+ φi ΔRENt− i + βi ΔCO2t− i + γ i ΔCPUt− i
structural breaks [53] reported that disregarding the breaks may lead to
i=1 i=0 i=0 weak inferences. Thus, this study uses the Fourier approximation
m ∑
because it can handle the presence of smooth and sharp breaks [57,58].
+ ωi ΔIPIt− i + ∂i ΔOILt− i + π1 RENt− 1 + π2 CO2t− 1 + π3 CPUt−
i=0 i=0
It is worth noting that the Fourier approximation does not require any
prior information about the nature, frequency, and date/time of struc
+ π 4 IPIt− 1 + π5 OILt− 1 + vt
tural breaks. Moreover, unlike structural break dummies, the Fourier
(2) approximation does not require several parameters and, hence, provides
good size and power properties [53]. Based on the above arguments, the
In Equation (8), α is the intercept, while φi , βi , γi , ωi , and ∂i are short-run
analysis employs the A-ARDL model with the Fourier approximation (i.
coefficients. Furthermore, πi delineates estimates retrieved in the long
e., the Fourier augmented ARDL approach) to explore the impact of CPU
run. Next, y, p, q, m, and n denote the lag order, and v t is the error term.
on REN. The final expression of the FA-ARDL model yields:
A critical assumption of the ARDL bounds test is that there does not exist
any impact of the dependent variable on the independent variable(s), y
∑ p
∑ q
implying that the considered variables are (weakly) exogenous. None ΔRENt = α+ φi ΔRENt− i + βi ΔCO2t− i + γi ΔCPUt− i
Next, PSS suggested two tests to confirm the cointegration. That is, + π3 CPUt− 1 + π 4 IPIt− 1 + π5 OILt− 1
( ) ( )
the F-test (Ho: π1 = π2 = π3 = π4 = π5 = 0) on all lagged-level vari 2πkt 2π kt
+ μ1 sin + μ2 cos + vt
ables (henceforth F-test(1)) and the t-test (Ho: π1 = 0) on the lagged- T T
level dependent variable (t-test(1)). Nevertheless, in the A-ARDL pro
cedure, supplementary F-tests (henceforth F-test(2)) on the lagged level where μ1 is amplitude whereas μ2 is the displacement of the frequency
independent variables (Ho: π 2 = π3 = π4 = π5 = 0) is proposed [24, component. Next, π = 3.14, k denotes the frequency of Fourier, t denotes
56], which is complementary to the aforesaid F-test(1) and t-test(1) by the trend, and T represents the sample size. For further details related to
PSS [24,56] claim that these three tests should be employed to segregate the FA-ARDL modeling, the reader is advised to see the studies of [59].
cointegration and non-cointegration in consort with degenerate cases. Based on the aforesaid discussion, the analysis employs FA-ARDL
There are two degenerate cases (i.e., degenerate case-I and case-II in modeling because it not only covers multiple structural breaks of
ARDL modeling,6 with both of them inferring that there does not exist different dynamics/nature but also provides a clear/complete situation
any cointegration across the variables. The dependent variable must be of cointegration with the help of an additional F-test.
integrated at I (1) to avoid degenerate case-I. Parallel to this, conven
tional unit root tests are notorious for their low power, hence, they can 3.4. Data
render unreliable results [23]. Thus, the A-ARDL test handles this
The current study adopts monthly time-series data for the US for the
period 2000–2020. Next, the dependent variable is total/aggregate
Degenerate case-I appears when lagged-level independent variable(s) are renewable energy consumption (REN), measured as trillion British
found to be insignificant in the A-ARDL model while degenerate case II appears thermal units. It is worth noting that REN is a combination/sum of
when the lagged level dependent variable is found to be insignificant. various renewable energy sources, such as geothermal energy, solar
Q.R. Syed et al. Energy 275 (2023) 127383
energy, wood energy, hydroelectric power energy, wind energy, ethanol of [23].
energy, and biomass energy, among others. The data on REN is extracted
from Energy Information Administration (EIA) [32] use the same 4. Results and discussion
proxy/measure for renewable energy consumption to examine the
impact of economic uncertainty on REN in the US. 4.1. Outcomes from unit root tests
To build our model based on the neoclassical demand function, and
avoid the issue of omitted variables bias, we include three control var As depicted in Table 2, the conclusions from the GLS test and ZA tests
iables, namely, the industrial production index (IPI), carbon dioxide document that we could not reject H0 at I(0), indicating that the entire
emissions (CO2), and oil prices (OIL). It is worth noting that data on dataset possesses unit root. In contrast, we do reject the null hypothesis
monthly GDP is unavailable, therefore, we use IPI as a proxy for it. IPI is at I(1), reporting that the entire dataset is stationary in their first dif
measured as the level of production against the base year 2012, CO2 ferences. The break dates highlighted from the ZA unit root test delin
emissions are measured in metric tons, and oil prices are proxied by the eate two events/shocks: the COVID-19 pandemic that covers the period
WTI index (West Texas Intermediate). The data on IPI is sourced from 2020,9 and the global financial crisis event that occurred over the period
the Federal Reserve Economic Data (FRED), whereas OIL and CO2 are 2007–2009. For instance, the break data for CO2 at I(1) is 2020M3,
from the EIA database [10] use the same set of control variables to indicating the COVID-19 pandemic, where strict lockdown policies were
investigate the drivers of renewable energy deployment. implemented across the globe. As a result, consumption and production
Regarding the core/key independent variable of this empirical activities have witnessed a profound decline, which in turn plunged
analysis, the analysis employs the climate policy uncertainty (CPU) carbon emissions.
index, developed by Ref. [60]. It is a point to note that [60] follows the The drawback of the ZA unit root test is its inability to cover multiple
methodology of [61]; who make use of a text-mining approach to breaks. However, the presence of multiple structural breaks can yield
measure economic policy uncertainty from data extracted from leading unreliable findings, while testing the stationarity of the dataset [63]. To
daily newspapers. Therefore, Gavriilidis (2021) measures CPU based on handle this, [23] put forward the SOR unit root test that handles
the frequency of eight leading newspaper articles that report words, structural breaks. The findings from the SOR test are reported in Table 3.
such as climate risk, climate uncertainty, and greenhouse gases [62] The calculated t-statistic values are smaller than the critical values at I
adopt the same variable to probe the nexus between climate policy (0), concluding that we do not reject the null hypothesis at I(0) and thus
uncertainty and tourism in the US. The data on the CPU index is avail report that these variables are not integrated at I(0). Conversely, we
able, on the monthly frequency, at policyuncertainty.com. reject the null hypothesis at I(1), highlighting that the entire dataset
To elaborate the dataset in detail, we plot it in Fig. 2 from 2000 to follows I(1). As mentioned earlier, the SOR unit root test does not
2020. As can be seen from Fig. 1, CPU is the highest in 2019, but is the require any prior knowledge about the exact date, nature, and frequency
lowest during the early 2000s. In 2019, the Trump administration tried of structural breaks. Furthermore, it covers the presence of several sharp
to weaken or relax the existing environmental policies, such as the Clean and smooth structural breaks. Therefore, we do not explicitly report the
Power Plan, Vehicle Emission Standards, and policies related to methane frequency and the date of break events.
emissions, among others. On top of this, there was a conflict between
state and federal governments on climate policies, generating a high 4.2. Results of cointegration using FA-ARDL bounds testing
level of uncertainty. Interestingly, REN follows an increasing trend with
its highest value in 2019. In 2019, the US provided brave incentives for Next, we provide the findings from the FA-ARDL bounds test. We
renewable energy promotion, and also set state-level aims and mandates present the summary of cointegration in Table 4. It is worth mentioning
for renewable energy adoption. In addition, there was a remarkable that all three tests should be performed to get the complete picture of
increase in renewable energy technology in consort with a significant cointegration. As delineated in Table 4, the calculated values of the F-
cut in the cost of renewable energy installation. The combination of all test(1), t-test(1), and F-test(2) are greater than the upper bound values.
these aforementioned factors results in a profound increment in REN in So, we reject the null hypotheses and report that a cointegration status is
2019. found between REN, CPU, CO2, Oil, and IPI.
Parallel to this, the series of IPI witnessed a profound decrease during
the financial crisis (2009) and the COVID-19 pandemic (2020). Oil 4.3. Estimates from novel FA-ARDL approach
prices remained at the highest level just before the inception of the
financial crisis in 2008. The key reasons behind the hike in oil prices In Table 5, section-A delineates the long-run estimates, which are
were a hike in demand in emerging economies, geopolitical tensions (e. statistically significant except for IPI. The coefficient of the CPU is
g., middle-east crisis), a weak dollar, and a decline in supply from the negative, indicating that the CPU plunges REN. Particularly, the value of
mature oil fields. CO2 reached its peak in 2003, while it was at its lowest CPU is − 0.025, inferring that a 1% rise in CPU fosters a 0.025% decrease
level in 2020 (i.e., the COVID-19 pandemic). in REN. We report that the combined effect of the energy prices channel
Next, we convert all variables into their natural logarithmic form to and the negative channel is greater than the magnitude of the positive
handle heteroskedasticity and to provide a meaningful interpretation of channel. The possible reason for these findings could be that CPU
the estimates. Table 1 reports the descriptive statistics of the considered plunges investments in clean technology, R&D, and innovations. As a
dataset. It is worth noting that CO2 has the highest mean value, whereas result, REN witnesses a decrease over time. In addition, CPU may
OIL contains the lowest mean value. The series of OIL contains the decrease energy prices (i.e., oil prices), leading to high non-renewable
highest variation, while IPI has the lowest standard deviation. Except for energy consumption. The higher non-renewable energy consumption
IPI and OIL, all other variables are positively skewed. The series of OIL simultaneously mitigates REN. Uncertainty in climate policies may
has the highest kurtosis. While explaining the distribution of the dataset, indicate that the government is not perceiving the issue of environ
it is worth noting that the entire dataset is non-normally distributed. It is mental degradation as a serious one. This perception encourages in
imperative to explore the unit root/stationary property in the dataset in dividuals to keep using fossil fuel energy based on its cost-effectiveness
order to avoid spurious outcomes. So, we employ the GLS unit root test,7 and, hence, REN will decrease.
Zivot and Andrew unit root test (henceforth ZA test),8 and the SOR test
Although the COVID-19 pandemic spans the period 2020 and onwards, the
For details on GLS unit root test, see Elliot et al. (1992). analysis just mentioned the 2020 as COVID-19 pandemic because the data used
For details on ZA unit root test, see Zivot and Andrew (1992). just covers the year 2020.
Q.R. Syed et al. Energy 275 (2023) 127383
Table 1 Table 3
Descriptive statistics. SOR unit root test.
CPU REN CO2 IPI OIL Indicator t-statistic α2 T Γ αK
Mean 1.41 1.87 2.78 1.51 1.38 Findings at level
Std. Dev 0.29 0.36 0.19 0.12 0.75 CO2 − 3.21 1.82 0.49 0.1 − 0.02
Skewness 0.71 0.01 0.03 0.00 0.00 REN − 3.24 6.21 0.47 0.1 0.53
Kurtosis 0.08 0.03 0.51 0.01 0.72 CPU − 2.50 3.36 0.32 1 0.29
Jarque-Bera (0.00)*** (0.00)*** (0.00)*** (0.00)*** (0.00)*** IPI − 3.80 4.54 0.59 0.2 0.06
OIL − 4.62 3.32 0.22 0.2 0.88
*, ** and *** shows level of significance at 10%, 5% and 1% respectively. (.) Findings at first difference
indicates probability value. CO2 − 4.91 1.12 0.79 0.1 − 0.06
REN − 5.21 6.27 0.49 0.2 0.56
CPU − 5.30 5.36 0.39 0.1 0.37
Table 2 IPI − 4.89 4.94 0.79 0.2 0.12
GLS and ZA unit root tests. OIL − 4.92 4.30 0.52 0.2 0.91
GLS test ZA test Note: The critical values at 1%, 5% and 10% are − 4.807, − 4.281, and − 4.007,
respectively. Next, α2, T, γ, and αK are intercept, trend, slope parameter, and
Indicator I(0) I(1) I(0) I(1)
threshold parameters, respectively.
CPU − 1.01 − 7.32*** − 1.01 [2007M12] − 5.90*** [2019M9]
REN − 0.87 − 9.14*** − 1.13 [2020M11] − 6.01*** [2020M1]
CO2 − 1.23 − 5.23*** − 3.00 [2008M1] − 6.27*** [2020M3] One real-life example of the adverse impact of CPU on REN in the US
IPI − 1.46 − 11.15*** − 3.01 [2007M12] − 5.97*** [2020M2] is the fluctuation of the Production Tax Credit (PTC) for wind energy.
OIL − 1.15 − 9.97*** − 1.23 [2020M1] − 6.01*** [2008M7] The PTC provides a per-kilowatt-hour tax credit for wind energy pro
Notes: the critical value of the ZA unit root test at 1% is − 5.34, while it turns duction, helping to make wind energy more economically competitive
− 2.57 in the case of the GLS test. with traditional energy sources. However, PTC has often been extended
[.] reports the break date. on a short-term basis, creating uncertainty for the wind energy industry
*p < 0.10. and making long-term planning and investment more difficult. For
**p < 0.05. example, in 2012, PTC was allowed to expire before being retroactively
***p < 0.01.
Q.R. Syed et al. Energy 275 (2023) 127383
Table 4 consistent with those provided by Ref. [64]. The coefficient of CPU is
Cointegration tests. negative, inferring that climate policy uncertainty discourages the use of
Test Calculated value I (0) I (1) renewables. Particularly, the value of CPU is − 0.011, which indicates
that a 1% upsurge in CPU mitigates REN by 0.011%. The pertinent
F-test(1) 23.67 4.40 5.72
t-test(1) − 9.76 − 3.96 − 4.96 reasons could be that CPU propels individuals to use cheap energy
F-test(2) 12.62 3.56 5.97 sources (i.e., non-renewable energy), which, in turn, plunges REN.
Moreover, higher CPU may discourage investments in clean energy, and,
The critical values of the F-test (1)and t-test (1) are taken from Ref. [50]. The
critical values for F-test (2) are taken from Ref. [24] at k = 4 and n = ∞. These
hence, the use of renewables plunges. In addition, CPU compels in
critical values are gathered at a 1% level. dividuals to adopt the ‘wait and see’ policy. By doing so, individuals use
non-renewables and avoid renewables until a clear climate policy is
introduced. The finding on the short-run impact of CPU on REN is
Table 5 consistent with the findings of [12]. Thereafter, IPI indicates that in
Fourier augmented ARDL (2, 2, 0, 0, 2) estimates. dustrial production does not explain REN in the short run. Next, the
Dependent variable: REN coefficient of OIL is positive, inferring that oil prices upsurge the de
mand for renewables. The coefficient of CO2 is negative, implying that
Variable Coefficient p-value
emissions decrease REN in the short run. In addition, in the short run,
Long-run findings (section-A) the higher levels of emissions imply that there exists leniency related to
CPUt-1 − 0.025* 0.06
environmental protection and the government follows the tolerance
IPIt-1 0.215 0.13
OILt-1 0.058*** 0.00 policy regarding environmental degradation. This transmits a signal to
CO2t-1 − 6.303*** 0.00 the market to use non-renewables in place of renewables due to their low
Short-run findings (section-B) cost. As a result, renewable energy consumption witnesses a decline.
− 0.455*** 0.00
In addition, section-C highlights the findings from the Fourier terms.
ΔCPUt − 0.011* 0.07
ΔCO2t − 2.874*** 0.00
As can be seen, the coefficients on μ1 and μ2 are insignificant, revealing
ΔIPIt 0.098 0.35 that sharp and smooth structural breaks do not affect REN. Finally,
ΔOILt 0.026*** 0.00 section-D yields diagnostic tests. The value of adjusted R-squared ex
Fourier terms (section-C) plains that about 46% variation in REN is being explained by the
0.004 0.40
considered independent variables (i.e., IPI, OIL, CO2, and CPU). Next,
μ2 0.004 0.32
the Ramsey RESET set concludes that the model is correctly specified,
Diagnostics (section-D)
whereas the LM test highlights that serial correlation does not exist. The
Test Statistic findings from CUSUM and CUSUM-square test reveal that the estimated
Adjusted-R 2
0.46 model is stable, while the ARCH test notes that there do not exist any
Ramsey RESET test (0.31) heteroskedasticity issues. Finally, the error correction term (ECT) ex
LM test (0.19) pounds that a shock in the long-run equilibrium will abolish about 45%
CUSUM Stable
every month.
CUSUM2 Stable
Jarque-Bera (0.16)
ARCH (0.21) 4.4. Sensitivity analysis
ECT − 0.45***
Note: Although the Fourier augmented ARDL (2, 2, 0, 0, 2) model has been To complement the baseline results from the FA-ARDL approach, this
chosen, we just report the coefficients at the current time. In section-D, (.) is p- part of the analysis performs two types of sensitivity. First, it uses per
value. capita REN (REN2) as a dependent variable, instead of total renewable
*p < 0.10; **p < 0.05; ***p < 0.01. energy consumption. Second, it introduces the consumer price index
(CPI) instead of oil prices to investigate whether other selections of in
extended in 2013. This created a temporary slowdown in new wind dependent variables alter the key findings.
energy installations as developers and investors waited for clarity on the The findings from the FA-ARDL approach, using REN2 as a depen
future of the tax credit. This uncertainty impacted the growth of the dent variable, are reported in Table 6. In the long run, the coefficients on
wind energy industry, decreasing the rate of renewable energy con CPU and CO2 have a negative sign, expounding that CO2 and CPU posit
sumption in the US. This finding is somehow backed by the conclusion of detrimental impacts on renewable energy per capita. Nonetheless, the
[12] who report that CPU discourages REN in the medium run. How coefficient of OIL is positive, implying that oil prices upsurge renewable
ever, our key findings are contrary to the study of [13]; who note that energy per capita. Finally, the coefficient of IPI is statistically insignif
CPU does not impact REN. icant. This explains that industrial production does not explain per
Next, IPI highlights that industrial production does not affect REN. capita renewable energy.
This outcome is consistent with the study of [32] who report that IPI In the short run, both CPU and CO2 are negative, explaining that
does not affect geothermal and solar energy consumption in the US. The climate policy uncertainty and emissions impede renewable energy
proportion of non-renewables in industrial production is far greater than consumption per capita. In contrast, IPI is insignificant, presenting that
its counterpart (i.e., renewable energy) which might be the possible industrial production does not alter the per capita renewable energy
reason for the insignificant coefficient of IPI [28]. The coefficient on OIL consumption in the short run. However, OIL has a positive sign,
is positive, representing that an upsurge in oil prices escalates REN. The reporting that higher oil prices encourage REN2.
increase in oil prices makes non-renewable energy relatively more Next, in the second approach of sensitivity analysis, we use the
costly. As a result, individuals plunge the consumption of non-renewable consumer price index (CPI) instead of oil prices to explore whether the
energy and eventually enhance REN. These findings receive support key findings are sensitive to the choice of the variables. In the current
from Ref. [45]. Finally, the coefficient of CO2 is negative, implying that literature, several studies employ the CPI as a key driver of REN [52].
carbon emissions discourage REN. Table 7 yields the short- and long-run findings extracted through the
Next, section-B depicts the short-run findings. It is worth noting that FA-ARDL model, using the CPI and other selected variables (i.e., CPU,
all short-run coefficients are statistically significant, except IPI. Next, the IPI, and CO2) as control variables.
lag of REN indicates the presence of some persistence. These findings are As delineated in Table 7, in the long run, CPU is negative. This ex
pounds that an upsurge in uncertainty related to climate policy impedes
Q.R. Syed et al. Energy 275 (2023) 127383
Table 6 REN. Regarding the results related to control variables, the coefficient of
Short- and long-run results using REN2. CO2 and CPI is negative and positive, respectively. This indicates that
Dependent variable: REN2 CO2 plunges the REN while CPI escalates it. Next, IPI is insignificant,
yielding that industrial production does not explain the REN. In the
Variable Coefficient p-value
short-run, the CPU is also significant and contains a negative sign, noting
Long-run results (section-A) that the CPU mitigates REN. Next, CO2 and CPI are negative. So, we can
CPUt-1 − 0.014* 0.06
IPIt-1 0.124 0.35
conclude that CPI and CO2 emissions mitigate REN. Finally, IPI is found
OILt-1 0.033*** 0.00 to be insignificant, concluding that IPI does not explain REN.
CO2t-1 − 3.612*** 0.00 The key findings from both parts of the sensitivity analysis revealed
Short-run results (section-B) that CPU hurts REN in both the short and long run. Thus, the findings are
− 0.455*** 0.00
robust, i.e., the choice of dependent and independent variables does not
ΔCPUt − 0.006* 0.07
ΔCO2t − 0.164*** 0.00 change the baseline findings.
ΔIPIt 0.056 0.34
ΔOILt 0.015*** 0.00 5. Conclusion and policy implication
Fourier terms (section-C)
μ1 0.002 0.41
μ1 0.002 0.31
This study reinvestigated the impact of CPU on REN using a monthly
time series dataset for the US. To evaluate the presence of unit root in the
Diagnostics (section-D)
dataset, the analysis adopted certain unit root tests, including the GLS
Test Statistic test, the [49] test, and the novel SOR test. Using augmented ARDL
Adjusted-R 2
0.46 bounds test, it validated that there was a comovement between CPU and
Ramsey RESET test (0.22) REN in the long run. The findings from the FA-ARDL approach
LM test (0.14) confirmed that CPU mitigated REN in both the short- and long-run.
CUSUM Stable
However, the detrimental impacts of CPU were relatively profound in
CUSUM2 Stable
Jarque-Bera (0.21) the long run, confirming the dominancy of the negative effect/channel
ARCH (0.23) over the positive effect in the long run. Based on the findings, we
ECT − 0.45*** conclude that CPU impedes EG, R&D, technological advancements, and
Note: *, **, *** denotes level of significance at 1%, 5%, and 10%, respectively. In clean energy investment, thereby REN decreases over time. In addition
section-D, (.) is p-value. Although the FA-ARDL (2, 1, 1, 1, 2) model has been to this, we conclude that IPI does not impact REN, Oil escalates REN, and
chosen, we just report the coefficients at the current time. The calculated values CO2 mitigates REN, suggesting that an increase in oil prices will make
for F-test(1), t-test(1), and F-test(2) are 23.70, − 9.76, and 12.64, respectively. consumers move to renewable energy consumption. The study found
These aforementioned values are larger than the respective critical values, that IPI, which is a proxy for monthly GDP, was insignificant in
inferring that cointegration exists. explaining REN. Given these aforementioned results, a number of policy
recommendations could be deduced. More specifically, the study sug
gests that policymakers should take measures to shrink CPU, especially
Table 7
in the long run. Climate policies should be well-defined and should be
Short- and long-run estimates using CPI.
implemented for a longer span to control this uncertainty. Moreover, to
Dependent variable: REN offset the adverse impact of CPU (especially when CPU is relatively
Variable Coefficient p-value high), policymakers should provide special incentives for growth in
Long-run results (section-A) renewable energy. For instance, the tariff on imports of renewables
CPUt-1 − 0.025*** 0.00 should be reduced. Also, the R&D expenditure on renewables should be
IPIt-1 0.036 0.21 escalated. Moreover, interest-free loans for renewable energy invest
CPIt-1 1.364*** 0.00 ment should also be provided. In addition to this, policy
CO2t-1 − 6.342*** 0.00
Short-run results (section-B)
makers/government officials and researchers should incorporate CPU,
ΔREN2t-1 − 0.431*** 0.00 while modeling and forecasting REN in the US. Since CPU is mainly
ΔCPUt − 0.010*** 0.00 coming from the contrasting climate policies of federal- and state-level
ΔCO2t − 1.194*** 0.00 governments, a similar/homogeneous climate policy should be adop
0.101 0.11
ted by both types of governments. It has also been noticed that the new
ΔCPIt − 0.121 0.21
Fourier terms (section-C) government abolishes the climate policies of the previous government,
μ1 0.001 0.12 and introduces its own (new) climate policy, which in turn generates
μ1 0.002 0.14 high levels of CPU. Therefore, it is favourable to sustain the existing
Diagnostics (section-D) climate policies, and introduce new policies very slowly over time.
As for the beneficiaries of this study, it is worth reporting that this
Test Statistic
study will help policymakers to model renewable energy policies. It will
Adjusted-R2 0.44
also assist climate policymakers to understand the imperativeness of
Ramsey RESET test (0.22)
LM test (0.14) CPU with respect to the renewable energy transition. The study will also
CUSUM Stable guide researchers about the theoretical and empirical linkages between
CUSUM2 Stable CPU and REN. Regarding any future research directions, the impact of
Jarque-Bera (0.13) CPU on (non)renewable energy production can be also explored. Next,
ARCH (0.23)
the impact of CPU on sectoral energy (production) consumption can be
ECT − 0.43***
examined. In addition, the nonlinear and/or asymmetric impact of CPU
Note: *, **, *** denotes level of significance at 1%, 5%, and 10%, respectively. In on energy should also be considered in future studies. Since one of the
section-D, (.) is p-value. Although the FA-ARDL (2, 2, 1, 1, 1) model has been limitations of this study is the unavailability of data on CPU for other
chosen, we just report the coefficients at the current time. The calculated values
countries, researchers can generate a CPU index for other countries as
for F-test(1), t-test(1), and F-test(2) are 22.23, − 9.34, and 10.31, respectively.
well, and link it with various energy and environmental indicators to
Also, these aforementioned values are larger than the respective critical values,
inferring that cointegration exists. recommend policies supportive of sustainable development.
Q.R. Syed et al. Energy 275 (2023) 127383
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