The Role of Nuclear Energy in Reducing Greenhouse Gas

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International Journal of Energy Research

Volume 2023, Article ID 8823507, 31 pages

Review Article
The Role of Nuclear Energy in Reducing Greenhouse Gas (GHG)
Emissions and Energy Security: A Systematic Review

Emmanuel Kusi Addo ,1,2,3 Amos Tiereyangn Kabo-bah,2,4 Felix Amankwah Diawuo,1,2
and Seth Kofi Debrah5,6
Department of Renewable Energy Engineering, School of Energy University of Energy and Natural Resources (UENR), P.O. Box 214,
Sunyani, Ghana
Regional Center for Energy and Environmental Sustainability (RCEES), Ghana
Secretariat, Ghana Atomic Energy Commission, P.O. Box LG 80, Legon, Accra, Ghana
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, School of Engineering, University of Energy and Natural Resources (UENR),
P.O. Box 214, Sunyani, Ghana
Department of Nuclear Engineering, School of Nuclear and Allied Sciences, Atomic Energy, University of Ghana, Legon, P.O. Box
AE 1, Accra, Ghana
Nuclear Power Institute, Ghana Atomic Energy Commission, P.O. Box LG 80, Legon, Accra, Ghana

Correspondence should be addressed to Emmanuel Kusi Addo;

Received 8 March 2023; Revised 16 October 2023; Accepted 9 November 2023; Published 4 December 2023

Academic Editor: Pawan Kumar Kulriya

Copyright © 2023 Emmanuel Kusi Addo et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is
properly cited.

The energy sector accounts for about two-thirds of all human-related greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions due to the reliance on
fossil-based fuels. This is a significant concern as it can have dire consequences on the survival of humankind and disrupt
other natural processes. The research indicated that some mitigation measures to curb GHG emissions are to increase energy
from low-carbon sources such as nuclear. However, due to the continuous adverse climate change impact, a comprehensive
systematic review of research in this area must be conducted to inform policy practice and future studies. This study attempts
to address this gap by mapping the global reflections on the potential of nuclear technology to mitigate GHG through a
bibliometric review process. A total of 741 studies were retrieved from the Scopus database and a few from Google Scholar,
spanning from 1962 to 2022, and analyzed using a science mapping tool—VOSviewer. The study confirmed that fossil fuels are
a significant source of greenhouse gas emissions and contributor to greenhouse emissions. Those authors concluded that
promoting clean and alternative energy sources to fossil fuels would help reduce carbon emissions. Although renewable energy
has proven to be very efficient among pollution and climate change mitigation sources, nuclear energy is the most dependable
option for meeting national and regional CO2 emission targets while meeting energy supply needs. The bibliometric analysis
with VOSviewer suggested that only five African countries, including Ghana, have contributed to the research area with
limited collaboration. As a result, it calls for stakeholders to make informed decisions to invest resources in research to address
the challenge on the continent. The MESSAGE planning model is recommended for the study.

1. Introduction growth. Global demand for primary energy has doubled in

the previous 40 years, increasing at 2%-3% each year [6].
Energy security and sustainability of the environment remain Energy consumption is expanding faster than ever, particu-
a concern to socioeconomic growth and the rapidly accelerat- larly in developing countries, making energy security an essen-
ing climate change in the world [1–5]. Energy security is one tial component of national security. Energy security is also a
of the significant factors to ensure a country’s long-term significant component and source of interdependence in
2 International Journal of Energy Research

international relations [7, 8]. Energy security entails constant mate change, which is increasing rapidly with only a mini-
access to various energy resources in adequate quantities and mal chance of avoiding the worst environmental and
at affordable costs, considering environmental and societal socioeconomic impacts [1]. Concerns about the impact of
factors [9, 10]. GHG emissions from electricity generation on climate
Energy security guarantees uninterrupted availability of change have prompted countries worldwide to search for
energy resource supply in a sustainable and timely manner, low-carbon energy sources and limit their dependency on
with energy prices at a level that does not adversely affect conventional fossil fuels [25].
the economic performance of the economy [11, 12]. The The detrimental effects of climate change have been
classical approach to evaluating key energy resource param- expressed in international strategic documents such as the
eters concerning energy security are availability, accessibil- Kyoto Protocol and the current Paris Agreement, which
ity, cost, and acceptability [13]. Energy resource availability most world leaders have adopted as expressions of commit-
and affordability are more important in terms of impact on ment to a global drive to reduce CO2 emissions [26, 27]. The
other aspects of energy security [14]. The primary energy Paris Accord prompted the EU to reconsider its aims of dec-
security elements typically included in the definition of the arbonization and energy transformation since energy issues
term are resource nationalism, diversification of energy are inextricably related to the climate agenda [26, 28]. The
sources in the energy mix, and secure supplies of affordable evidence for relating the energy and climate agendas is based
energy resources [15, 16]. Also, other elements considered in on several studies and extensive research by Intergovern-
the energy security definition are safe transportation (tran- mental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) climatologists.
sit) of energy and fuel, as well as the corresponding infra- The IPCC cautioned that if CO2 emission risk does not peak
structure, prospective geopolitical and market changes, and in 2025 and significantly decreases in the next decade,
threats that are caused by or have an impact on the energy attaining a temperature rise of 1.5°C (compared to preindus-
supply chain [16]. trial levels) will be put at risk by the end of the millennium.
There are about ten main challenges hindering energy If no mitigation measures are adopted, the effects of global
security globally. These are decarbonizing the global econ- warming will be exacerbated, some of which will be perma-
omy, improving energy efficiency and energy savings in nent [21, 22, 26, 29].
buildings, advancing energy technologies, transitioning to The global average surface temperature has risen by
energy systems based on variable renewables, electrifying around 1.1°C during the preindustrial period of 1850-1900,
transportation and some industrial processes, liberalizing increasing the frequency and intensity of climate change
and extending energy markets, integrating energy sectors worldwide [1]. To prevent global temperature rise, the sup-
into smart energy systems, making cities and communities ply of electricity from clean energy sources must double in
smart, and diversifying energy sources [17]. Other security the next eight years; otherwise, there is a risk that climate
risks are terrorism and fraud in nuclear waste management change, more extreme weather, and water stress may weaken
and generating nuclear power [18]. our energy security and even jeopardize renewable energy
The focus on ensuring energy security has increased supply [30].
energy generation, consequently increasing CO2 emissions. Rapid global awareness of the effect of climate change
Energy-related CO2 emissions reached a record high of has compelled nations to implement a variety of CO2 reduc-
36.6 billion tonnes in 2021 [19, 20]. An increase in energy tion policies and set goals to reduce emissions both locally
demand is unavoidable as the world population grows, econ- and globally while optimizing power generation sources
omies develop, and people’s quality of life improves [6]. [31–35]. To address the challenges of energy security and
Human emissions of carbon dioxide and other green- climate change, the world must transition away from fossil
house gases are the leading cause of climate change and fuels, which requires global CO2 emissions to peak by 2025
one of the most significant challenges confronting the world. and reach net zero by 2050. If the world is to thrive in the
This correlation between global temperatures and green- twenty-first century, switching to nuclear and renewable
house gas concentrations, mainly CO2, has existed through- energy sources like solar, wind, and hydropower is essential.
out Earth’s history [21–23]. The energy industry must With the accelerated rate of climate change and the aim to
drastically reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to limit achieve net zero by 2050, the electricity supply from low-
climate change. This will necessitate a significant energy sec- emission sources must be doubled within the next eight
tor restructuring, with a transition from fossil to carbon-free years [30].
energies. Electrification will be a critical enabler of the sus- Unfortunately, the present rate of CO2 emissions is still
tainable energy revolution [6]. incompatible with the Paris Agreement’s aims [36]. The
Sustainable development of the electricity industry is empirical studies on 39 European countries from 1980 to
both a prerequisite and a result of economic progress. It is 2019 demonstrate that increasing the share of renewable,
based on the appropriate management of all risks caused nuclear, and other nonhydrocarbon energy and promoting
by the uncertainty of the external environment, which is energy efficiency could significantly reduce GHG emissions
impractical to achieve without ensuring long-term operation [1]. Furthermore, a study on energy structure and energy
[11]. Electricity generation has been a major contributor to security under climate mitigation scenarios in China indi-
global greenhouse gas emissions in the energy sector as its cates that the country needs to switch its energy mix from
demand is fast rising [24]. The overreliance on rich carbon being dominated by fossil fuels to renewable and nuclear
sources for energy use applications adversely impacts cli- sources to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. These structural
International Journal of Energy Research 3

changes will increase energy security by increasing energy (COP27) in 2022, nuclear energy was acknowledged to sub-
self-sufficiency. Ultimately, developing low-carbon energy stantially impact climate mitigation by keeping global warm-
infrastructure improves energy security, enhances the econ- ing to 1.5°C and reducing temperatures below 2°C [39, 40].
omy, and inadvertently mitigates climate change [37]. The As part of a bigger goal to decarbonize the economy, the
growing concerns about the accelerated rate of climate United States (US) has already set aside billions of dollars
change and constrained global power supplies have made to keep current nuclear power facilities operational and
some policymakers consider nuclear energy, an industry that plans to promote new initiatives. Although Russia’s invasion
has struggled for years to attract investment due to concerns of Ukraine’s nuclear power plant at Zaporizhzhia has height-
about radioactive waste, safety, and the high cost of instal- ened concerns about nuclear safety, according to Rafael
ling a reactor [38]. To reach carbon neutrality and limit Grossi, President of the IAEA, security concerns in Ukraine
global warming to 1.5°C while addressing energy security should not deter countries from constructing nuclear power
risks and sustainability concerns, power sector investment plants [38].
must be increased and directed towards cleaner, more sus- According to the UN Environment Programme (UNEP),
tainable technologies that promote climate change mitiga- unless immediate and systemic transformation occurs, there
tion and adaptation, especially nuclear energy [39, 40]. are presently no reliable ways to limit global temperature to
Decarbonization of electricity generation has garnered about 1.5°C and slow global warming, hence a call for seri-
much attention, with nuclear considered an important option ous inclusion of nuclear energy in electricity generation
to provide a steady electricity supply while curbing greenhouse globally. Numerous studies have indicated that global
gas emissions and mitigating climate change [41–43]. nuclear energy development exhibited nonlinear fluctuating
Nuclear power is one of the energy sources and technol- growth, especially after Japan’s Fukushima nuclear power
ogies currently available to assist in meeting this desire for plant accident. However, in recent years, as the international
expansion in a climate-friendly manner. Nuclear power pro- situation has changed towards clean, sustainable energy and
duces only a few grammes of GHGs over its life cycle: a the call to curb climate change impact, nuclear power may
median value of 14.9 g CO2-eq/kWh was obtained based once again become a new energy generation technology
on more than 200 unique estimates (for light water reactors) heavily encouraged by governments. For instance, in line
reported in the literature. The majority of nuclear-related with the global concern towards energy security and ways
GHG emissions come from the building phase’s cement pro- to curb greenhouse gas emissions, in February 2022, the
duction, material production, and component manufacture, European Parliament enacted a new green energy invest-
although emissions are also influenced by the carbon inten- ment programme that includes nuclear power in the green
sity of electricity supply and enrichment technologies in the power category, designating qualified nuclear power invest-
uranium enrichment phase [44, 45]. ments as “green investments” [51]. Also, the US has rejoined
The International Energy Agency predicted that by 2050, the Paris Agreement, bolstering international alliances that
nuclear power will account for 15% of all annual greenhouse are critical to addressing the climate catastrophe on a global
gas reductions. It estimates nuclear power’s CO2 emission scale. The US has set an ambitious domestic goal of reducing
coefficient across its life cycle to be 12 tCO2/GWh, a 40- greenhouse gas emissions by 50 to 52% from 2005 levels by
fold reduction from liquefied natural gas’s emission coeffi- 2030, pushing governments worldwide to make their firm
cient of 490 tCO2/GWh, and a 68-fold reduction from coal’s commitments with nuclear power as one of the primary
emission coefficient of 820 tCO2/GWh [46]. The Interna- energy sources to explore [52]. This suggests that the global
tional Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) highlights nuclear development of nuclear power will enter a new period of
power’s importance in promoting sustainable development growth.
and reducing CO2 emissions in underdeveloped countries In the past decade, Ghana has made significant progress
[47]. IAEA expands on nuclear power’s contribution to in increasing the electricity generation access rate to 84%
CO2 reduction by demonstrating that from 1970 to 2013, [53]. However, its environmental performance still needs
hydropower prevented 87 GtCO2, nuclear power avoided to be determined. The electricity expansion policy and
66 GtCO2, and other renewables avoided 10 GtCO2 [44, 48]. energy security concerns have shifted from hydro to ther-
The World Nuclear Association has asserted that despite mal. In 2021, thermal power accounted for about 65.3% of
the ill fame of the Chernobyl and Fukushima disaster, the country’s energy generation, while hydropower contrib-
nuclear power has generated reliable, economical, and uted 34.1% and other renewable energy made up the per-
carbon-free electricity in the last 60 years [49]. Kim et al.’s centage [53]. In the quest to reform the country’s energy
research on public risks and environmental hazards of sector to meet its power demand while reducing carbon
nuclear reactors in Korea concluded that nuclear power dioxide emissions, Ghana has taken the initiative to develop
plants play a significant role in maintaining a healthy envi- its first nuclear power programme to be included in the gen-
ronment, improving air quality, and mitigating climate eration of electricity and to serve a clean baseload energy
change aside from their capacity to serve as the baseload source to support the nation’s industrialization strategy
for electricity generation [50]. Based on historical data from [53–56]. According to the [39, 40] report, Ghana has identi-
Sweden and France, it is asserted that replacing fossil fuel fied nuclear power as critical to the country’s energy trans-
electricity with nuclear within four decades is technically formation plan. It has included it in its electricity
viable to achieve the high greenhouse gas reduction targets. generation mix as well as the 2020 National Determined
At the United Nations Climate Change Conference Contribution (NDC) to the UN framework on climate
4 International Journal of Energy Research

change [39, 40]. Although insightful and qualitative, the ear- of nuclear energy in reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emis-
lier review studies had certain drawbacks. Most review stud- sions because it can reduce bias in the selection of literature
ies have had narrow perspectives, focusing only on country- for the review and allow transparency in the approach. The
specific. Furthermore, the review publications have concen- search strategy improves the review’s replicability. It is fre-
trated on countries with nuclear energy, leaving out quently more helpful than the results of a single study as
nuclear-developing countries. Several studies on nuclear its opportunity allows researchers to know what is already
activities have been conducted over the last six decades. In known and what is still unknown about a subject [65]. The
the previous six decades, several research has been done on approach varies and is typically particular to the type of
nuclear activities in Ghana [57]; however, since this is Gha- study, including investigations of effectiveness, qualitative
na’s first nuclear energy power programme, only a few stud- research, economic evaluation, and the prevalence of an
ies on emissions from energy generation and its impact on activity. The procedure is thorough enough to ensure consis-
climate change have been conducted [58]. tency in research findings and is generalizable across con-
In an attempt to address the limitations of the previous texts and groups [66].
review studies, this study provides a comprehensive system- Unlike the systematic scoping review, rapid reviews are
atic review and bibliometric analysis from the Scopus data- less comprehensive and more prone to bias than systematic
base and a few from Google Scholar to explore the and scoping reviews [63]. Also, the advantage of systematic
opportunity offered by nuclear energy technology on energy reviews over narrative reviews is that they are based on the
security and GHG emission reduction for emerging coun- results of comprehensive and systematic literature searches
tries on the field of the research work [59, 60]. in all available resources, with minimal selection bias and
This study intends to map knowledge on nuclear energy no subjective selection bias. In contrast, if written by experts
to guide developing countries in energy analysis, planning, in a specific research area, narrative reviews can provide
management, and policy development towards energy secu- experts with intuitive, experiential, and explicit perspectives
rity and decarbonization. The research reduces the knowl- on particular topics [67]. Also, while with systematic review
edge gap between potential emerging nuclear energy data extraction and synthesis guidelines are based on
countries and countries with nuclear energy. The study adds PRISMA, in narrative review, the overall description of each
value to the literature on nuclear energy generation and study focuses mainly on studies that the authors select [68].
greenhouse gas emission reduction renaissance by under- Furthermore, the advantage of systematic reviews over
standing the trends and patterns, identifying main research narrative reviews is that they are based on the results of com-
interests, and links amongst countries, authors, and prehensive and systematic literature searches in all available
researchers. To gain a broad understanding of the scope of resources, with minimal selection bias and no subjective
the work done on nuclear energy for mitigating climate selection bias. In contrast, if written by experts in a specific
change, the study intends to map the current knowledge research area, narrative reviews can provide experts with
on the contribution of nuclear energy in repower greenhouse intuitive, experiential, and explicit perspectives on particular
gas (GHG) emissions from a comprehensive database. topics [67]. Also, while with systematic review data extrac-
The following objectives guide this research: (1) to iden- tion and synthesis guidelines are based on PRISMA, in
tify existing literature on the contribution of nuclear energy narrative review, the overall description of each study
in the decarbonization of emissions from the electricity gen- focuses mainly on studies that the authors select [68].
eration sector, (2) to synthesize research knowledge on the The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and
contribution of nuclear energy development in the decarbo- Meta-Analysis Extension for Scoping Reviews (PRISMA-ScR)
nization of the electricity sector to guide future studies, (3) to was utilized to accomplish study objectives 1 and 2. PRISMA-
evaluate the contribution of researchers to the study, and (4) ScR is a method for synthesizing information that uses a step-
to identify current research collaborations on the subject by-step process to identify ideas, resources, and knowledge
among countries the topic under study. gaps while providing evidence on a research issue [62, 63,
69]. A random sample of review articles published from
2. Materials and Methods 1962 to 2022 was used for the analysis; however, conference
proceedings were not included. The search was limited to
Considering existing literature and identifying the gap in peer-reviewed journal papers written in English. The articles
knowledge that empirical study addresses, various methods considered had quality content with a nexus among energy,
such as scoping review, rapid review, narrative review, GHG emissions, nuclear power, and climate change.
meta-analysis and mixed studies could be used for the liter-
ature review [61]. In this research, a systematic scoping liter- 2.1. Identifying Electronic Databases and Eligibility Criteria.
ature review and bibliometric analysis were undertaken by Although the database of these publishers has a strict docu-
choosing articles indexed by the Scopus database and Google ment indexing process, bibliometric information is easy to
Scholar because of the advantages it offers over the other retrieve and analyze. Moreover, these databases possess
review methods [62, 63]. Considering a large number of arti- quality, resilience, and a sizable amount of data that can also
cles, the advanced Boolean search defined the field of inter- be found in other databases [70, 71]. For further processing
est. This enabled tracking how the research has evolved in Microsoft Office Excel, the search results were exported as
and altered over the years [64]. The systematic scoping liter- comma-separated values (.csv) files for analysis. Table 1 pro-
ature review was used to evaluate the potential contribution vides a summary of the inclusion and exclusion criteria.
International Journal of Energy Research 5

Table 1: Document qualification criteria. ric maps, compared to most computer programmes used for
bibliometric mapping [74]. The software makes it possible to
Participation necessities create, view, and evaluate bibliometric networks for research
Articles published in English writers, journals, organizations, and individual publications
Selected period 1962 to 2022 and generate network diagrams of related keywords gleaned
The research focused on electricity, nuclear energy, greenhouse from research paper abstracts and main text. These networks
gas emissions, and mitigation can be viewed using VOSviewer at rates and scales achiev-
Types of documents are articles, conference papers, reviews, and able only with manual techniques or antiquated software
book chapters tools. These mappings are built through citation, biblio-
Studies focused on the contribution of nuclear energy in reducing graphic coupling, cocitation, or coauthorship relationships
GHG emissions from electricity generation of journals, researchers, and articles [75]. For the study, the
Exemption criteria scoping review framework initially developed by Arksey
Studies that do not relate to nuclear energy development and
and O’Malley was adopted [76].
GHG emissions
Articles without access to the full text
3. Results and Discussions
Articles without clear linkage to electricity, greenhouse emissions, The study’s results are presented in this section, and conclu-
and nuclear energy
sions are drawn to enhance knowledge of the topic using
Duplicate entry
Articles with missing bibliometric data scoping and bibliometric techniques. Also, a systematic
review was undertaken to analyze various research findings
based on the scoping review data of the study area.
2.2. Article Screening and Selection. For the preliminary
3.1. Scoping Review. The titles and abstracts of the retrieved
search, the article title, abstract, and keywords in the field
articles were reviewed, and the area of research was limited
of study were used within the advanced search tool of the
to energy, engineering, and environment to ascertain their
Scopus database website ( An
eligibility before reviewing the published articles’ complete
exhaustive list of iterative constructed key phrases and
content. The search articles were then reduced to 741. The
words such as electricity, energy, greenhouse gas, emissions,
full text of every article that might have qualified was later
nuclear energy, mitigation, and reduce was coupled employ-
reviewed, as shown in Figure 2, to determine whether they
ing Boolean logic. The Scopus database was searched using
should be included. In sorting out the required pieces from
simple and advanced Boolean logic concepts. It was then fil-
the bibliometric data, 386 papers were initially excluded.
tered to obtain as many articles as possible relevant to the
Although the articles were on energy applications and
research objectives [72]. The search result was filtered
related emissions, they were unrelated to electricity genera-
according to publication year, subject area, document type,
tion. In all, seventy-five articles met the requirement listed
and source type and restricted to English language peer-
in the full-text screening criterion. However, only 19 publi-
reviewed journals and articles.
cations out of the 75 qualified articles were assessed since
The strings and keywords used for the simple Boolean
they had full-text screening.
query and advanced Boolean query search in the Scopus data-
base initially unveiled 1486 articles. The percentage of articles 3.1.1. Data Charting. The following stage of the study
in each category of the search subject area summarized in involved “charting” relevant data that matched the eligibility
Figure 1 provides further information on the interest and vol- criteria [76]. The charting format includes author(s), the
ume of research contributions to electricity generation sources article’s title, publication year, first author’s nation, study
and their GHG emission. The extracted data were classified objective(s), methodology, and results/findings. Using
into subtitle categories using the document title and abstract Microsoft Excel, the data was charted and extrapolated into
to help understand the study trend. The categorization reveals a data charting format to form the basis for the analysis.
that most publications were in energy, engineering, and envi- The articles studied are summarized in Table 2.
ronment, with a combined percentage of 73.5%. After limiting
the search to energy, engineering, environmental science, and 3.2. Systematic Literature Review. The fast industrialization
journals in English only, the remaining articles were 741. and economic expansion of most nations are contributing to
increased environmental issues. Economic growth necessitates
2.3. Bibliometric Analysis. For objectives 3 and 4, a biblio- a greater need for energy primarily from fossil fuels, which
metric analysis was utilized to analyze knowledge domains, impacts greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions [80]—a recent
collaborations, and prospective future research trends. Some study claimed that emissions depend on the kind of energy
tools used for bibliometric analysis include CiteSpace, Sci2, sources used and concluded that using renewable energy
RStudio, BibExcel, and Netdraw. However, the VOSviewer reduced emissions while using nonrenewable energy for elec-
software tool, which is used to assess and illustrate the con- tricity generation increased emissions. Although past studies
tributions of scientists to research, was employed to conduct on the effects of low-carbon energy on environmental quality
the bibliometric mapping or network analysis [69, 73]. Com- have been conflicting, the use of fossil fuel production of elec-
pared to other bibliometric analyses, the VOSviewer gives tricity has been proven to have a detrimental effect on the
special consideration to the graphical portrayal of bibliomet- environment [78, 94, 95]. With the tremendous increase in
6 International Journal of Energy Research

Other (7.7%)
Business, manag... (2.3%)
Physics and ast... (2.4%)
Energy (31.3%)
Social sciences... (2.6%)
Chemical engine... (2.7%)
Mathematics (2.8%)
Materials scien... (3.0%)
Earth and plane... (3.0%)

Environmental s... (20.5%)

Engineering (21.7%)

Figure 1: Pie chart on categories of research subject area.


Records identified through

scopus database searching.
(n = 741)

386 Articles excluded:

(i) Not focused on emissions from

355 Titles and abstracts electricity generation

screened. (ii) Content out of scope of study

312 Full texts excluded with reasons:


Full text articles assessed for

eligibility. (i) Full text not available online
(75) (ii) Emissions mitigation does not
include nuclear energy.

Studies included in final


qualitative analysis.
(n = 19)

Figure 2: PRISMA-ScR flowchart diagram.

global warming and climate change, economies are shifting to used different methods and models in their studies, each
ecofriendly energy alternatives and technologies, which help research had distinct parameters of interest to analyze, span-
to mitigate environmental pollution [80]. ning the various energy sources such as fossil fuel, renewables,
When evaluating carbon emissions and environmental and nuclear, their greenhouse gas emission level, and their
harm, both the energy generation mix and the carbon inten- mitigation impact on climate. Various countries and
sity of electricity production must be considered [96, 97]. researchers have used models such as LEAP, MESSAGE,
The decision on the choice of energy supply source vis-a-vis MARKAL, EnergyPLAN, MAED, LCA, MoMANI-OSe-
their greenhouse gas emissions and decarbonization mitiga- MOSYS, SIMPACTS, and WASP for energy planning to meet
tion impact is crucial for energy planning. Table 2 summarizes demand while considering greenhouse gas reduction.
the aims and conclusions of the published journals examined
in the study. It also depicts some of the models employed in 3.2.1. Energy Generation and Their GHG Emissions. The
energy planning and informs of scenarios developed in evalu- energy industry has been one of the primary sources of
ating the impact of nuclear energy as a mitigation source of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions mainly due to overreliance
greenhouse gas emission reduction. Although the researchers on fossil fuels [5, 89, 98]. The energy industry causes three-
Table 2: Summarized results of scoping review adapting Arksey and O’Malley’s framework.

S/ of the
Author(s) Title Objectives Methods Key findings Cite
N first
The modelling indicated the vital role
of offshore wind power and nuclear
The market allocation (MARKAL) energy in reducing the impact of
Develop optimization paths of the
modelling framework was used to GHG emissions from electricity
energy sector to curb the
Modelling Long-Term Transition build and implement energy systems generation in Poland. The BAU
Jaskólski environmental impact of coal-fired
from Coal-Reliant to Low- for producing electricity and heat scenario modelling recommends
1 and Bucko Poland power plants in Poland to 1
Emission Power Grid and District generation network structures. keeping the coal technologies while
[77] accomplish long-term strategic goals
Heating Systems in Poland Two scenarios were presented: adopting carbon capture and storage
while reducing the detrimental effect
business as usual (BAU) and systems. The WFC scenario
on the consumers’ household budget.
International Journal of Energy Research

withdrawal from coal (WFC). recommended the replacement of

coal plants with gas-fired power
plants to minimize CO2 emissions.
The GMM estimators substantiate
that fossil fuels are significant sources
of pollution and a factor in carbon
Two methods were used: the
Furthermore, the use of nuclear and
empirical investigation method and
renewable energy reduces pollution
Analyze the impact of nuclear, the generalized method of moments
on a global scale. Wind energy
renewable (hydro, wind, solar, and (GMM). Across a global panel of 163
The role of distinct electricity sources emerged as the most efficient
biofuel), and fossil (oil, coal, and gas) nations, an empirical study examined
Horobet sources on pollution abatement: among all energy sources for
2 Romania energy sources on pollution using the alternative energy sources’ impact on 0
et al. [78] Evidence from a comprehensive pollution and climate change
global average of greenhouse gases greenhouse gas emissions from 2000
global panel mitigation. Furthermore, the study
(GHGs) from electricity generation to 2020. The GMM model was used
indicated that biofuels increase
in 163 nations. to evaluate the effects of various
carbon intensity (CI); however,
energy sources of carbon emission
global carbon trade reduces the CI of
intensity from electricity production.
electricity production. The findings
concluded that the energy forming
the energy mix is crucial when
reducing GHG carbon intensity.
Table 2: Continued.

S/ of the
Author(s) Title Objectives Methods Key findings Cite
N first
The study showed that the EKC
hypothesis is valid for these
countries. Also, from the results,
The autoregressive distributed lag
The study’s objective was to energy prices and nuclear energy
(ARDL) approach was employed for
determine how nuclear energy, generation minimize CO2 emissions,
The impact of nuclear energy use, the analysis, based on a panel dataset
energy imports, and energy pricing while emissions increase with rising
energy prices and energy imports for ten rising economies from 1990
affected CO2 emissions in 10
Naimoğlu on CO2 emissions: Evidence from to 2019. The appropriate energy imports.
3 Turkey developing countries with nuclear 1
[79] energy importer emerging intermediate estimators PMG, MG, When expressed as a coefficient, a 1%
energy. Also, the study uses GDP to
economies which use nuclear and DFE were applied to achieve the increase in energy costs and the
evaluate the liability of the
energy objectives. The robustness of the
environmental Kuznets curve (EKC) usage of nuclear power results in
ARDL results was evaluated using
hypothesis using GDP. CO2 emission reductions of 0.02%
the DOLS and FMOLS estimators.
and 0.04%, respectively. However, a
1% increase in energy imports causes
a 0.09% increase in CO2 emissions.
The NARDL results demonstrated
that low adoption of nuclear power,
renewable energy, and
The study’s objective was to examine environmental technology has a
The nonlinear autoregressive
the nonlinear relationship between more significant long-term and
distributive lag (NARDL) approach
Pakistan’s environmental short-term impact on ecological
was used in the current study to
technologies (ERT), renewable and footprints than positive impacts.
Do Nuclear Energy, Renewable assess the asymmetric impacts of
nuclear energies, and environmental Except for renewable energy, which
Energy, and Environmental- nuclear energy, ERT, and renewable
pollution from 1990 to 2020, demonstrated a negligible short-term
Usman Related Technologies energy on Pakistan’s environment
4 China considering the rise in global asymmetric connection with an 20
et al. [80] Asymmetrically Reduce from 1991 to 2020. To verify the
warming and climate change. To ecological footprint, the Wald test
Ecological Footprint? Evidence integrated (unit root) order of the
meet this objective, the current study revealed that all energy sources
from Pakistan various technologies, the augmented
closely examines the asymmetric showed asymmetric links to the
Dickey-Fuller (ADF) and Phillips
impacts of nuclear energy, renewable ecological footprint in both the long
and Perron (PP) model’s unit root
energy, and ERT on Pakistan’s and short runs.
tests were done.
ecological footprint. To keep up with the ongoing
industrialization trend, Pakistan
should develop alternate and clean
energy sources.
International Journal of Energy Research
Table 2: Continued.

S/ of the
Author(s) Title Objectives Methods Key findings Cite
N first
Due to Ghana’s excessive
The Model for Energy Supply
dependence on fossil fuels, its
Strategy and their General Including low-carbon emission
aspirations to become a middle-
Environmental Effect (MESSAGE) energy conversion technologies, such
Estimation of CO2 Emissions of income country have escalated the
Nyasapoh analytical tool was used in this study as nuclear and renewable energy, into
Fossil-Fueled Power Plants in energy demand, which inevitably
5 et al. [56, Ghana to conduct a quantitative modelling the energy mix has proven to be the 1
Ghana: Message Analytical leads to increased GHG emissions.
58] and simulation of the power key to reducing carbon dioxide
Model The country intends to develop and
generation system and the (CO2) emissions in Ghana’s energy
implement a long-term, low-carbon,
environmental impacts of various sector.
sustainable energy supply strategy to
fuel options.
International Journal of Energy Research

meet the electricity demand.

Following the decommissioning of
Angra 1 and Angra 2, according to
the low and reference scenarios,
The goal of the Brazil National nuclear energy use will decline from
Energy Planning was to create The integration of a nuclear energy 2019 to 2050. The high scenario
medium- to long-term plans based programme as a complementary demonstrates the possibility of
on a thorough analysis of all available option in Brazil’s electricity developing new nuclear power plants
Estanislau Integrated analysis of the
6 Brazil energy sources, restricting generation mix from its inception in in the country’s energy mix within 0
et al. [81] Brazilian nuclear energy system
alternatives, and identifying trends 1983 until 2050 was examined and the same period. According to the
that would help the energy sector evaluated using the MESSAGE report, Brazil has sufficient energy
grow while reducing greenhouse gas modelling tool. reserves to support the development
emissions. of nuclear energy as a low-carbon
technology, act as a baseload source
to supplement renewable energies,
and replace fossil fuel thermal plants.
As a result of the MESSAGE, it was
The Model for Energy Supply
determined that nuclear power
Strategy Alternatives and their
plants (NPPs) and fossil fuels are the
General Environmental Effect
best solutions for providing
(MESSAGE) was used to optimize
With the production of power electricity in Nigeria in the future.
future energy supply systems in
Modelling long-term electricity relying on fossil fuels to roughly 80%, However, according to the
Nigeria. The Simple Method to
Kim et al. generation planning to reduce South the study is aimed at suggesting a SIMPACTS code, NPP is the
7 Assessing Electricity Generation’s 3
[82] carbon dioxide emissions in Korea different energy source mix to satisfy technology that is least damaging to
External Costs and Effects
Nigeria Nigeria’s future electrical demand the environment and is most
(SIMPACTS) code was used to assess
while lowering CO2 emissions. ecologically benign. As a result, the
the environmental effects and
NPP is a crucial choice for
associated costs of damage caused by
optimizing future electrical
the various electricity production
technology to satisfy domestic
demand and lower CO2 emissions.
Table 2: Continued.

S/ of the
Author(s) Title Objectives Methods Key findings Cite
N first
Results indicated that China’s carbon
emission must reach its highest level
in 2023 and decline to 3.56 GtCO2 by
the middle of the century. The
projected limits for the remaining
carbon budget are 234 GtCO2.
Throughout the planning period of
In order to contribute to climate In order to identify the energy
2020–2050, the power industry was
change mitigation, the objective was demand, carbon emissions, and
the largest contributor, followed by
Energy system transformations to accelerate China’s energy structure technology needed at the national
the industrial, transportation and
Zhao et al. and carbon emission mitigation transition to a low-carbon one and and sectoral levels to stay under the
China construction sectors, with a total 29
[83] for China to achieve global 2°C keep the preindustrial level to a 2°C climate target, the project
decrease in emissions of
climate target maximum global mean temperature employed a bottom-up national
° 165.3 GtCO2. The forecasts state that
rise of 2 C, in fulfilment of the Paris energy technology model C3IAM/
China’s primary energy consumption
Agreement. NET, a linear optimization model.
must peak before 2040 and that
nonfossil energy sources will
comprise 76% of the country’s energy
structure by the year 2050, with
nuclear and renewable sources
producing 88.4% of the nation’s
Almost 90% of Egypt’s power is
produced by conventional thermal The study used two computer
facilities. In order to minimize models: the simplified method for
greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in estimating the environmental The results demonstrated that gas
the energy industry and limit the use impacts of power generation and nuclear power plants are
of natural gas to produce power, the (SIMPACTS) and the model for dependable long-term suppliers of
Egyptian government’s Vision 2030 energy supply strategy options and electricity. While operating normally,
Optimization of electricity
Abdel- energy strategy calls for increasing their general environmental nuclear power plants (NPPs) have
generation technologies to reduce
9 Hameed Egypt renewable energy. Based on these consequences (MESSAGE). The less influence on the environment 3
carbon dioxide emissions in
et al. [84] three guiding principles, the project energy supply systems were modelled and incur lower expenses for external
must choose future electricity supply using MESSAGE to find the best damage. According to the project’s
options among various power plant energy supply technology to satisfy findings, NPPs are Egypt’s best long-
technologies. The initiative future demands. SIMPACTS term solution for generating power
compared the adverse effects of analyzed the damage costs and to fulfil future demand.
Egypt’s nuclear, hydroelectric, and environmental effects of producing
fossil fuel power facilities on the power.
International Journal of Energy Research
Table 2: Continued.

S/ of the
Author(s) Title Objectives Methods Key findings Cite
N first
According to the study’s findings, the
Sumatra region of Indonesia has the
The PLN energy model was used to potential to achieve 100%
According to Indonesia’s national
examine decarbonization and decarbonization by 2050 using
energy strategy, new and renewable
determine the long-term supply and nuclear power plants. The 21.3 GW
energy will make up 23% and 31% of
Decarbonizing the electricity demand for power. To create hydropower plant can cut emissions
the country’s energy mix in 2025 and
Andani system in the Sumatra region scenarios that considered population by 79.2%, while the 7.4 GW
10 Indonesia 2050, respectively. The goal is to 0
et al. [85] using nuclear and renewable and gross regional domestic product geothermal power plant can also
ensure that the nation fulfils its
energy-based power generation (GRDP) development, the energy minimize emissions by 27.4% within
obligation to take part in initiatives
International Journal of Energy Research

demand was forecast using an the same period. However, the

to mitigate global climate change
econometric technique based on decarbonization of the energy grid in
within the time.
historical data on power demand. the Sumatra area depends on the
combination of these three power
generation facilities.
The review introduced a correlation
between the long-term point of view
on the future with the improvement
of nuclear energy stations and the
assortment of atomic reactors in
Considering the rising energy
Iran’s energy blend. The outcomes
demand, the objective is to accelerate
demonstrated that the Gen IV
Effects of the move towards Gen the construction of a cost-effective The WASP software was employed
Bamshad reactors have the most innovation
IV reactors in capacity expansion and low-emission new electricity for the energy expansion planning in
and among different force plants to lessen
11 planning by total generation cost Iran generation power plant in Iran. This Iran to investigate the impact of the 6
Safarzadeh the working expenses and
and environmental impact aims to introduce a combined cycle inclusion of Gen reactors on
[86] emanations when presented in Iran’s
optimization of a thermal and nuclear power plant operating costs and emissions.
customary nuclear power blend. The
in Iran’s traditional thermal energy
findings showed that Gen IV reactors
and combined cycle thermal power
plants cut costs and emissions by
72% and 16%, respectively,
compared to Gen II NPPs and
traditional thermal power plants.
Table 2: Continued.

S/ of the
Author(s) Title Objectives Methods Key findings Cite
N first
Based on empirical estimation, this The findings showed that (i) the cross-
study utilized the advanced panel sectional dependence test
Numerous studies have shown in
data techniques of continuously demonstrated that the sample
recent times inconclusive results on
updated fully modified (CUP-FM) countries depend on one another, (ii)
the nuclear energy and carbon dioxide
Is nuclear energy a better and continuously updated bias- the LM bootstrap cointegration
(CO2) emission nexus. To better
Hassan alternative for mitigating CO2 corrected (CUP-BC). The BRICS’ demonstrated that the variables under
12 China understand the nuclear energy 59
et al. [87] emissions in BRICS countries? CO2 emissions, income per capita, consideration are somehow connected,
pollution nexuses, this study examines
An empirical analysis and energy consumption during the and (iii) according to the CUP-FM and
how nuclear energy affects the
study period were considered when CUP-BC estimation results, nuclear
decrease of pollution for the BRICS
determining the impact of nuclear energy consumption reduces CO2
nations using data from 1993 to 2017.
and renewable energy per capita emissions and significantly impacts
GDP on CO2 emissions. climate change mitigation.
The fossil fuels used to power thermal
power plants are depleting and may
run out by early 2030, while
undeveloped hydro supplies are
Ghana intends to incorporate
equally limited and unreliable.
nuclear energy into its energy mix to The motivations behind including
Although renewable resources are
achieve a cost-effective, dependable, nuclear energy in the country’s
Debrah Drivers for Nuclear Energy numerous, they are unreliable, are
13 Ghana and sustainable energy supply in a energy mix were identified through 4
et al. [55] Inclusion in Ghana’s Energy Mix intermittently available, and do not
safe environment. The main factors an empirical study and a systematic
provide a baseload option. The
that led to including nuclear energy review of the relevant literature.
research concludes that there is a need
in the energy mix are discussed.
for an update of the country’s policy
framework and diversification of its
energy mix to include nuclear energy
and other low-carbon energy sources.
To reduce its reliance on fossil fuels
in the power sector, Indonesia plans
to use new and renewable energy As a model for generation expansion
The outcome demonstrates that
(N&RE) as an alternative energy planning (GEP), this study employed
implementing the N&RE objective
source. According to the nation’s MoMANI-OSeMOSYS. The “business
Achieving New and Renewable increases generation costs while
National Energy Policy (NEP), as usual,” “renewable energy,” and
Sarjiya Energy Target: A Case Study of decreasing CO2 emissions. Nuclear
14 Indonesia N&RE should reach 23% in 2025 and “new and renewable energy” scenarios 4
et al. [88] Java-Bali Power System, energy is required for Indonesia’s
31% in 2050. By considering were developed. Optimization results
Indonesia National Energy Policy (NEP) to meet
alternative approaches to achieve its based on the least-cost objective
its new and renewable energy targets
goal in Indonesia’s Java-Bali power function were analyzed to determine
of 23% in 2025 and 31% in 2050.
system, a strategy for generation the appropriate energy mix.
expansion planning (GEP) needs to
be developed.
International Journal of Energy Research
Table 2: Continued.

S/ of the
Author(s) Title Objectives Methods Key findings Cite
N first
The study finds that wind power
In this project, the potential
The energy sector has been identified technology has the most
environmental effects of the three
as one of the major producers of environmental effects compared to
power generation technologies were
greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. other renewable energy sources. The
assessed using the CML 2001 method
China’s top three clean energy importance of nuclear power is
developed by the Semipros LCA
A comparative life-cycle technologies are hydropower, second only to hydropower in
Wang et al. software. In the research, five kinds
15 assessment of hydro-, nuclear and China nuclear, and wind power. importance. For instance, compared 57
[89] of emission impacts were evaluated.
wind power: A China study Environmental impact assessments to nuclear power (12.4 ± 1.5 g CO2-
These were human toxicity potential
of various technologies are evaluated eq/kWh) and hydropower (3.5 ± 0.4 g
(HTP), eutrophication potential
International Journal of Energy Research

based on their life cycle analysis to CO2-eq/kWh), wind power has a

(EP), photochemical ozone
ascertain their overall significance to greater life cycle global warming
production potential (POCP), and
climate change. potential (GWP) of 28.6 ± 3.2 g CO2-
global warming potential (GWP100).
eq/kWh of GWP100.
Fossil fuel accounts for about 66% of
electricity generation globally and is For the analysis, it was assumed that
a high source of GHG emissions. nuclear power facilities provide an
The study indicated that global
Nuclear energy is classified as one of equivalent quantity of electricity to a
perception shows that low
the effective technologies for climate coal-fired power station. The
investment in nuclear energy results
change mitigation. The study equation used to determine the
Current perspectives on nuclear in the avoidance of equivalent CO2
Siqueira evaluated the amount of carbon quantity of annual emissions of CO2
16 energy as a global climate change Brazil emission share in future as that of 16
et al. [90] dioxide (CO2) emissions that might (mavoidCO2 ), which nuclear generation
mitigation option today. However, significant
be avoided if coal plants were utilized could avoid, was mavoidCO2 = EFRcoal
investment in nuclear power facilities
for power generation and conducted × GEnuclear , where EFRcoal represents
might contribute more efficiently to
a systematic review of the potential of the emission factor rate to coal-fired
non-CO2 emissions.
nuclear energy development as a power plants and GEnuclear is the
strategic choice to address climate annual nuclear energy generation.
China’s medium- and long-term
energy planning from 2012 to 2050 Using the LEAP-China-Power model
was analyzed using the LEAP-China- in the research, the economic and
The study aims to develop different Power model (bottom-up model), environmental impacts of thermal
electricity generation mix options in with 2012 serving as the base year. power, renewable energy, and
Liya and Scenario analysis of CO2 line with the energy planning policy Developed scenarios of the electricity nuclear energy, technologies were
17 Jianfeng emission abatement effect based China of China to optimize the energy mix demand, energy structure, carbon assessed considering their life cycles. 8
[91] on LEAP aimed at improving the country’s dioxide emissions, and overall costs According to the findings, the carbon
environment and economy between were simulated. capture and storage CCS scenario is
2012 and 2050. A baseline scenario, a CCS scenario, not as good an option as the nuclear
and a nuclear and natural gas and natural gas combined cycle
combined cycle (N&N) scenario (N&N) scenario.
were all created.

Table 2: Continued.

S/ of the
Author(s) Title Objectives Methods Key findings Cite
N first
The yearly CO2 emissions in the
Nuclear energy was realized to be the
UAE have increased tremendously The electricity demand and
most reliable choice in curbing CO2
since 1990 due to the use of fossil greenhouse gas in the UAE up to
emissions than carbon capture and
fuels for electricity generation. 2050 were evaluated using the
renewable energy. Also, nuclear
The potential role of nuclear This research assesses the impact of MESSAGE model. Some energy
AlFarra energy was more economically viable
energy in mitigating CO2 supply/fuel scenarios, including
18 and Abu- UAE the UAE’s proposed inclusion of than electricity generation from fossil 57
emissions in the United Arab business as usual (BAU), the UAE’s
Hijleh [92] nuclear energy in their energy mix in fuels in the UAE. Nuclear energy was
Emirates proposed nuclear strategy
reducing CO2 emissions from the (APR1400), and the clean energy era shown to be cheaper to create power
than fossil fuels, with a cost per kWh
development stage up to the year (CEE) proposed scenarios, were
of only 3.2 cents compared to 8.15
2050 in accordance with the Kyoto developed and simulated.
cents for conventional fuels.
The power generation sector is a
major contributor to GHG emissions
in China. The country is aimed at The study analyzed the development The study indicated that high-
adopting policies and strategies to of new electricity-generating efficiency coal power plants,
minimize GHG emissions. technologies and their impacts on conventional renewable technologies,
New power generation More energy-efficient and less GHG emission reduction in China and nuclear power would contribute
Liu et al. technology options under the carbon emission energy technologies using the energy technology model significantly to the reduction of GHG
19 China 44
[93] greenhouse gas mitigation have been identified as having MESSAGE. The baseline and the in the short term. However,
scenario in China significant potential for GHG mitigation scenarios were developed renewable energy and carbon capture
mitigation. The study’s primary to study the new electricity storage (CCS) will be increasingly
objective was to evaluate the generation technology options under significant in the medium and long
development of various energy various situations. term.
generation technologies and their
impact on GHG emissions in China.
International Journal of Energy Research
International Journal of Energy Research 15

quarters of all anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions from one country may contribute to pollution and global
worldwide. Since 1990, the energy supply, industrial, and warming and negatively impact economic growth in other
transportation sectors have contributed the most to emission nations [107]. The study confirmed that fossil fuel is a major
growth. In 2020, the energy supply sector emissions were source of greenhouse gas emissions and a driver of carbon
estimated at 20 GtCO2e, representing 37% of global emis- intensity [58, 78]. Most authors concluded that promoting
sions. This includes electricity and heat production, which clean and alternative energy sources as an alternative to fos-
contributed 14 GtCO2e in 2020 and accounted for 25% of sil fuels reduces carbon emissions [80, 85, 89].
the emissions [99]. Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from
the combustion of fossil fuels reach around 34 billion tonnes 3.2.3. Nexus between Nuclear Energy Generation and the
(Gt) per year worldwide. About 45% comes from coal, 35% Environment. Among all the low-carbon energy sources,
from oil, and 20% from gas [100]. Although electricity nuclear energy has been the most contentious; its deploy-
accounts for only 20% of total energy use, it accounts for ment has sparked much debate in the literature. Numerous
40% of all energy-related emissions. Hence, achieving net zero conflicting pieces of evidence have been documented on
emissions will require a fundamental overhaul [39, 40, 100]. the impact of nuclear energy and environmental degradation
Both fossil fuel and nonfossil fuel power systems pro- [80]. For instance, some countries, including Germany and
duce greenhouse gas emissions during their life cycle, mainly Italy, have shut down all nuclear power plants and now
due to the energy needed for their manufacture, construc- depend on renewable energy sources, asserting that the risks
tion, and operation, as well as upstream CH4 emissions of nuclear power are uncontrollable. Hence, nuclear phase-
[101]. Approximately 60% of the electricity supply in the out keeps their countries safer and avoids more nuclear
US is generated from fossil fuels, primarily natural gas and waste. Meanwhile, nuclear power is experiencing a renais-
coal. Hence, electricity generates the country’s second- sance in China, Russia, and India to augment their energy
largest share of GHG emissions [102]. Although electricity supply since it is considered clean and safe [108].
generation technologies produce GHG at some point in their Research previously done by Usman et al. [109], Sarko-
life cycle electricity industry, it is the most readily decarbo- die and Adams [110], and Mahmood et al. [111] has demon-
nized sector. Introducing nonfossil, low-carbon energy strated the negative consequences of nuclear energy on
sources such as hydro, nuclear, wind, solar, and other renew- environmental deterioration. Most research conducted on
ables in the power generation mix provide the means to the GHG emission reduction practices of the BRICS nations
decarbonize the electricity industry [100]. between 1993 and 2017 indicated that despite being effective
To evaluate the climate change mitigation potential of at reducing emissions, nuclear energy is suboptimal to
power generation technology, comparing total (direct and renewable energy for promoting pollution reductions
indirect) GHG emissions per unit of electricity produced is [112]. Also, some research has proven that nuclear energy
critical. Due to higher direct combustion emissions, such has a negligible impact on the world’s top five most polluted
as CH4 from fossil fuel extraction and indirect land-use nations (i.e., the United States, China, India, South Korea,
change emissions, coal, gas, bioenergy, and hydropower gen- and Japan) despite the efforts to reduce environmental pol-
erate significantly more specific GHG emissions than lution considering the impact of renewable energy develop-
nuclear, wind, and solar power [102]. ment [78, 112, 113]. Similar results were published by
As the global impact of climate change becomes more Iwata et al. [114] for 11 OECD nations, wherein only Fin-
apparent, the message that greenhouse gas emissions must land, Japan, Korea, and Spain showed that nuclear power
be reduced is unequivocal. Nonetheless, the Emissions Gap had a beneficial effect on carbon dioxide emissions [87]. Fur-
Report (EGR) 2022: The Closing Window - Climate Crisis thermore, some academics, politicians, media, and nongov-
Calls for Rapid Transformation of Societies shows that the ernmental agencies emphasized the adverse effects of
world community is falling well short of the Paris goals, with nuclear energy. These drawbacks include the threat posed
no realistic pathway to 1.5°C in place. Only an immediate by nuclear waste disposal to the environment and human
system-wide shift can avert climate devastation [99]. health, operational risks such as the explosion that can have
lethal consequences, or the huge investments and opera-
3.2.2. Impact of Greenhouse Gas Emissions on Climate tional expenses to establish and operate nuclear reactors
Change. The world has been experiencing environmental [115]. Saidi and Omri [116], Baek and Pride [117], and Ulu-
degradation for decades as a result of an increase in green- cak and Erdogan [118] are some of the known studies that
house gas emissions (GHG) primarily from the fuel and have discovered a negative association between nuclear
technology used for power generation [58, 103] which has energy and environmental deterioration.
led to temperature rise [104] and changes in national and However, recent research has produced findings demon-
region climates [105]. Studies over the decades have shown strating nuclear energy’s efficiency in reducing emissions.
that although all nations have high pollution levels, the more Hence, nuclear energy is projected to replace conventional
industrialized and densely populated nations produce most fossil fuel energy for electricity generation, which discharges
of the world’s pollutants [106]. Despite the economic down- much CO2. Hassan et al. [119] investigated the impact of
turn in many sectors due to the coronavirus pandemic, nuclear power and technical innovation on environmental
global emissions in 2020 exceeded 34 billion tonnes and pollutants. According to the ARDL analysis, nuclear power
had recovered to levels that were nearly prepandemic by is a clean energy source, and technological progress can also
the end of 2022 [78]. However, greenhouse gas emissions assist in reducing environmental damage.
16 International Journal of Energy Research


45 46
Number of publications

40 37 38 37
36 36
33 32
31 30
30 29
25 24
20 18 19
10 9 9
7 6 8 6 6
5 4 4 4
2 3
1 2 2 1 2 2 1


































Years of publication
2 per. mov. avg (years)

Figure 3: Yearly distribution of the publications reviewed.

According to the IAEA report, in comparison to other including nuclear power in the energy mix is essential for
sources of energy, nuclear power produces one of the fewest achieving GHG emissions and carbon intensity targets while
amounts of greenhouse gases (GHGs) per unit of electricity ensuring adequate energy security [78, 81, 85]. According to
produced [120]. Also, some empirical findings indicate that a study on Egypt’s energy mix, nuclear power plants (NPPs)
nuclear energy aids environmental sustainability [121]. Fur- have low external damage costs and minimal environmental
thermore, empirical results also show that nuclear energy impact during normal operation. This makes nuclear power
consumption improves air quality, recommending a quick plants one of the long-term electricity generation choices for
adoption of nuclear energy in India’s energy mix [122]. the country to satisfy future electricity demands while contrib-
Most research articles asserted that nuclear energy is the uting to combating climate change [84].
most reliable option for achieving national and regional CO2 Although Ghana has some renewable resources, they are
emission mitigation targets while meeting the energy supply unreliable since their supply is sporadic and cannot be
need [81, 82, 84, 88, 89]. Furthermore, along with the rapid depended on as a baseload technology. Nuclear energy must
increase of emerging industrialized countries, the global be included in its energy mix diversification options to meet
geography of the development of nuclear energy is undergo- the country’s long-term energy need and the nationally deter-
ing a spatial reconfiguration phenomenon, as indicated by mined contribution (NDC) of greenhouse gas emission mitiga-
studies on research and collaboration among nations. How- tion target. In view of this, Ghana has initiated developing a
ever, in response to the call on climate change mitigation nuclear power plant to address future energy security and con-
and energy challenges confronting the Middle East and tribute towards reducing greenhouse gas emissions [55, 58].
Africa, some countries in these geographical regions are
incorporating nuclear solutions into their energy and envi-
3.3. The Trend of Publications and Citation. A graph of yearly
ronmental planning strategies, evidenced by the number of
publications on power generation and emissions is shown in
requests for Integrated Nuclear Infrastructure Reviews from
Figure 3. The graph shows that there were no substantial pub-
IAEA Member States (INIR) [39, 40].
lications on the subject between 1962 and 2003. However, the
Although wind energy has proven to be very efficient
Scopus bibliometric analysis data gathered on the contribution
among sources for pollution and climate change mitigation
of nuclear energy towards global decarbonization indicated
[78, 88], comparatively, nuclear and other renewable energy
that the published articles increased from sixteen to forty-
sources have lower global pollution levels [84, 88–90, 92].
five between 2004 and 2022, with the highest number of
Studies conducted by Apergis et al. [123] on data from 19
fifty-two publications in 2021. Overall, an annual average of
industrialized and developing countries between 1984 and
thirty-three articles were published within the period.
2007 showed that using nuclear energy significantly mini-
mizes CO2 emissions [117]. Based on a panel cointegration
analysis of 12 major nuclear generating nations to determine 3.4. Research Contributions and Collaborations among
the impact of nuclear power, energy supply, and income on Countries. The coauthorship network of countries on emis-
CO2 emissions, it was concluded that nuclear energy reduces sions from electricity generation and the contribution of
CO2 emissions [124]. Other researchers have asserted that nuclear energy in GHG mitigation are depicted in Figure 4.
International Journal of Energy Research 17

2020 2018 2016 2014 2012 2010

2022 2020 2018 2016 2014 2012
Figure 5: Network of prolific researchers in the study field.
Figure 4: Network of coauthorship countries. 3.6. Cooccurrence of Author’s Keyword Analysis. The
researcher’s most occurrence keywords in a published paper
The Scopus research data were exported to Excel CVS provide valuable information on the research area of inter-
and analyzed using VOSviewer. In all, 741 cited published est. The author’s keywords indicate their research interests
papers were subjected to a threshold of two in the VOS- and priorities in their chosen field [125]. The keyword anal-
viewer analysis, with contributions from 88 different coun- ysis was essential to the study because it enhanced the arti-
tries. Among all the nations, the United States was the cle’s search, increased its citation, and confirmed the
most prolific contributor with a contribution of 179 docu- dataset extracted concerning the objectives.
ments, 3908 citations, and a total link strength of 73 with In this systematic review, the number of occurrences of a
other countries. Other major contributing countries to the keyword considered by the VOSviewer network for this
research are the United Kingdom, China, France, Canada, analysis was a minimum threshold of five times. In all,
Germany, India, South Korea, Russia, and Taiwan. Few Afri- 1583 keywords were identified, of which forty-three met
can countries, such as Egypt, South Africa, Tunisia, Nigeria, the threshold limit. A network of the cooccurrence keywords
and Ghana, have contributed with limited collaboration to frequently used is illustrated in Figure 7. The cooccurrence
the research. The continent’s contribution to knowledge on network diagram generated has keywords such as nuclear
energy and emission management is limited. power, nuclear energy, renewable energy, GHG, emissions,
The studies show that research on the impact of climate change, electricity generation, energy policy, carbon
nuclear in reducing GHG emissions has generally concen- emission, carbon dioxide, and decarbonization. The quest to
trated on single or several nations, and the research meth- mitigate climate change has increased the interest of
odologies are mostly life cycle evaluation and case studies. researchers through the cooccurrence of the keywords.
However, few researchers have investigated the global spa- The high interest in using the technology for climate
tial distribution of nuclear power generation and the change mitigation has received a fair research effort from
impact of the geographical distribution of nuclear on researchers by the cooccurrence of the keywords such as
global GHG emissions. nuclear power, nuclear energy, greenhouse gas emissions, cli-
mate change, electricity generation, and carbon generation
dioxide, found in its cluster. The benefits of the technology
3.5. Network of Coauthorship among Researchers. The Sco- are included in the studies of scholars as suggested by key-
pus data processed in VOSviewer indicates that Ghanaians words such as climate change mitigation and decarbonization.
authored three documents, made eighty-five citations, and The cooccurrence network diagram inferences further support
collaborated with only the UK, Russia, and Turkey between the authors’ earlier categorization of documents. The network
2020 and 2022. The VOSviewer analysis in Figure 5 shows diagram indicates a gap in research and interest among coun-
that the most prolific publications were from 2010 to 2022. tries which are yet to develop some nuclear plants.
Among several researchers, B.W. Brook has made the most
significant contribution with ten publications, 445 citations, 3.7. Overview of Energy System Planning Tools and GHG
and a link strength of 10 with seven international affiliates. S. Emission Models. Most recent global and national accords
Hoon has produced 7 documents, received 230 references, on energy and environmental nexus necessitate energy plan-
and had a link strength of 7 with the other 7 nations, as ning models (EPM) [126] in the sector’s development at the
shown in Figure 6. regional, national, and international levels to influence
18 International Journal of Energy Research

Brook, B.W.
Forsberg, C.
Hong, S.
Bradshaw, C.J.A.
Duffey, R.B.
Abdussami, M.R.
Gabbar, H.A.
Hammons, T.J.
Limmeechokchai, B.
Miller, A.I.
Omer, A.M.
Rosen, M.A.
Zaman, K.
Adham, M.I.
Forsberg, C.W.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Figure 6: Comparison of the most prolific 15 authors in the study area.

Figure 7: Network of cooccurrence keywords.

policymaking and implementation [127, 128]. Energy plan- centralized decision-making [132]. The multicriteria assess-
ning models are key to energy security and decarbonization ment (MCA) approach can deal with a wide variety of
of the sector [126], allowing multicriteria analyses of the uncertainties and input data, as shown by energy assessment
effects of energy policies on the economy and environment. studies [126, 133, 134]. However, to evaluate the effective-
Scenario analysis is commonly employed in modelling tools ness of GHG mitigation objectives and other decarboniza-
to evaluate various assumptions about technology, environ- tion policies such as sustainable development UNEP
ment, and economic variables. Among their likely deliver- Balancing Energy and climate change policies, many coun-
able outcomes are the system viability, natural resource tries have adopted models such as LEAP, MESSAGE, MAR-
utilization, total financial costs, greenhouse gas emissions, KAL, and AIM among others [135]. The applications and
and energy efficiency of the system analyzed [129]. results of the modelling tools differ due to underlying con-
Effective long-term energy planning and the penetration straints, gaps in the energy industry, and the model’s
of clean energy technologies towards decarbonization [130] categorization.
necessitate incorporating advanced computational tech- According to the research, there are numerous and var-
niques and model software. Many available tools and model ied ways to describe energy system models, but very few, if
software for energy planning include LEAP, MESSAGE, any, models fall into a single clear category. However, Hour-
MARKAL/TIMES, EnergyPLAN, RETScreen, NEM, and cade et al. [136] determine three key differences among
OSeMOSYS [131]. Incorporating multiple models into mul- energy models, including the models’ goals, structures, and
tipurpose energy modelling improves its functionality under external or input assumptions. In order to categorize energy
International Journal of Energy Research 19

models, Grubb et al. [137] mentioned that there are six classi- In China, eight renewable-based scenarios for the effec-
fications of energy-economy models. These are “top-down” tiveness of intended nationally determined contributions
and “bottom-up,” “time horizon,” “optimization and simula- (INDCs) were developed with the EnergyPLAN model
tion techniques,” “level of aggregation,” “sectorial coverage [182]. This software was employed in modelling Tanzania’s
(energy and economy),” and, finally, “geographic coverage, energy sector planning [179] and Malaysia’s 2010 to 2050
trade, and leakage.” Other researchers also categorized energy energy sector development [183]. Moreover, the Energy-
models into seven classifications, which are as follows: simula- PLAN was used to model the Irish energy system [131] as
tion, scenario, equilibrium, bottom-up, top-down, investment well as for researching Latvia’s long-term ambitions for
optimization, and operation optimization modelling tools domestic energy production [184].
[138–142]. Some other classification methods are based on Franco and Salza [185] investigated Italy’s technoopera-
mathematical techniques, the amount of data required, the tional goals for the optimal penetration of inconsistent
models’ complexity, and the models’ flexibility [143]. More- renewable energy sources in intricate energy networks using
over, planning models can be classified into the following cat- ENPEP-BALANCE. Also, the potential renewable electricity
egories: energy planning models, forecasting models, energy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in Macedonia [186] and
supply-demand models, renewable energy models, optimiza- Portugal [187] was evaluated using ENPEP-BALANCE.
tion models, and emission reduction models [144]. Table 3 The MESSAGE, an energy optimization bottom-up
depicts the classification of the energy system models accord- planning tool, is used to determine the efficient and econom-
ing to their analytical approach, type, mathematical approach, ical investment for energy generation [140, 188]. Syria’s
time horizon, coverage and spatial application, sector and long-term energy supply optimization strategy to minimize
scope, and interactive user features and accessibility. the cost of energy generation and supply from 2003 to
Energy system models can be designed to have a broad 2030 was developed with MESSAGE [189]. Malaysia applied
spectrum of applications and scopes, such as international, the model to its financial analysis of energy growth and the
regional, national, municipal, or stand-alone. Most countries related carbon emissions between 2009 and 2030 [172,
develop or use a number of energy models for their energy 190]. Moreover, MESSAGE was used to develop the world
planning and policy development [150]. For instance, energy transition GHG emission scenarios for the World
modelling was used to analyze the long-, medium-, and Energy Council and the Intergovernmental Panel on Cli-
short-term CO2 emission reductions in the United Kingdom mate Change [131]. In Indonesia, it has been applied to eval-
[128, 151], Asia, and South and North America and emerg- uate the contribution of nuclear power and other alternative
ing economies like Africa [139, 144, 152, 153]. electricity generation sources to mitigate greenhouse gas
Energy models have gained significant attention in all emissions [191]. Using the MESSAGE model, the energy
countries; however, each country either develops its own or supply, demand, and associated environmental factors from
adapts one or more models, as depicted by Table 4, depend- the various energy sources in India were analyzed [192]. The
ing on factors such as energy sustainability, planning policy, MESSAGE model was used to assess how Brazil might
or environmental treaties. In Colombia, the LEAP was used expand its electricity supply system while minimizing green-
to forecast the country’s energy need from 2030 to 2050, house gas emissions [81].
considering climatic change, technological advancement, The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has
and demand for clean energy [154]. The effect of power con- offered training to most countries in Latin America, the
servation and emission reduction on the transport sector in Caribbean, and Africa on using MESSAGE for energy plan-
China was evaluated using the Long-range Energy Alterna- ning. Some Latin American and the Caribbean countries
tives Planning (LEAP) tool [98, 155]. The electricity demand that have used MESSAGE for energy planning are Argen-
and supply forecasts, environmental impacts, and costs in tina, Brazil, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Uruguay, and the Domin-
Nigeria were determined using the LEAP modelling tool ican Republic [176]. For instance, an energy study carried
[157] and also for the energy planning in Kenya to analyze out in Brazil employed a combination of MAED and LEAP
the electricity demand, potential atmospheric pollutants, for demand side modelling and MESSAGE model for supply
technology stocks, and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions optimization to identify the most cost-effective solution for
from 2010 to 2040 under various scenarios [157]. As part the projected climate change target by the country’s electric-
of measures to mitigate against the impact of greenhouse ity generation sector from 2005 to 2035 [164]. The Interna-
gas (GHG) emissions from Iran’s electricity generation sec- tional Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) assisted the five
tor, the LEAP software was employed to analyze the electric- African power pool regions (West, Southern, Eastern, Cen-
ity demand, generation costs, and the volume of carbon tral, and North) in developing specific country scenarios
dioxide emissions from its thermal power plants between for the analysis of renewable energy prospects using MES-
2011 and 2030 [98]. To develop an optimal energy genera- SAGE [193].
tion plan from 2010 to 2040 for Ghana, the Open Source MESSAGE is a bottom-up methodology used by govern-
Energy Modelling System (OSeMOSYS) was integrated into ment energy planners worldwide to determine the cost-
LEAP to analyze the economic, technological, and environ- optimal supply mix and accompanying investment require-
mental ramifications of the country’s renewable energy pol- ments [193]. In partnership with the World Energy Council
icies [158]. Also, the OSeMOSYS and the LEAP were utilized (WEC) and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
to optimize energy generation to curtail the impact of green- (IPCC), MESSAGE has been used to create pathways for
house gases [32]. global energy transition, focusing on preserving the climate.
Table 3: Energy system model classification.

Analytical Methodology Time coverage and User interactive features/
representative Developer Sector/scope Reference
approach approach horizon spatial accessibility
Optimization, scenario Local, country, High user friendliness,
Energy demand projections-economic-
MESSAGE IAEA Bottom-up operational approach, Long term regional, and commercial/free to IAEA [92]
environmental analysis
optimization global member state commercial
High user friendliness, free
Simulation, Local, country, Energy planning-environmental impact for academics and
LEAP SEI optimization, scenario Long term regional, and assessment and economic or accounting developing countries [31]
operational approach global and cost analysis nexus Not open source
Top-down Scenario operational Local, country, Energy, environment nexus
MARKAL/ Medium
ETSAP Bottom-up approach, regional, and Energy, environment, and economic High user friendliness [31]
TIMES term
Equilibrium optimization global analysis
Mixed Integer
Linear Simulation, Medium
Bolivia Bottom-up Local Energy-environment-economics [145]
Program optimization term
Scenario operational Energy, environment, and economic
EFOM Bottom-up Long term Global [146]
approach analysis
Energy, environment, and economic
AIM Top-down Simulation Long term Regional, global [147]
Aalborg Simulation/ Local, country,
Long-term Energy planning, environmental cost, High user friendliness, not
EnergyPLAN Univ., Bottom-up optimization, regional, and [126]
operational economic assessment open source
Denmark operational planning global
ENPEP- Argon Energy and environment nexus use for
Top-down Market simulation Long term Global/sectoral High user friendliness [126]
BALANCE National GHG scenario analysis
Local, country, User friendly commercial/
Simulation and
MAED IAEA Bottom-up Long term and regional Energy and environmental nexus free to IAEA member state [148]
levels commercial
Medium- to Local, country,
Top down Optimization, scenario
OSeMOSYS KTH, SEI long-term regional, and Energy planning, cost optimization User friendly
Bottom-up operational approach
planning global
International Journal of Energy Research
Table 3: Continued.
International Journal of Energy Research

Analytical Methodology Time coverage and User interactive features/
representative Developer Sector/scope Reference
approach approach horizon spatial accessibility
Analysis of financial situation,
Simulation and
SUPER OLADE environmental impact, and energy User friendly [126]
The Shift
Rogeaulito Project, Bottom-up Physical accounting Long term Global Energy sectors and the environment [149]
Austria Information on energy technologies and
CO2DB Data inventory User friendly [126]
IIASA their amounts of carbon emissions
Simulation and Local, country, RE technologies, energy efficiency User friendly, Free to
RETScreen Natural [126]
accounting regional assessment cost, and emission analysis download
Table 4: Some countries and the energy planning models they used.

Country Reference
China ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ [91, 159–161]
Bangkok ✓ [162]
UK ✓ [146]
Germany ✓ [163]
Brazil ✓ ✓ [164]
Ireland ✓ [165]
Iran ✓ ✓ [86, 166, 167]
Nigeria ✓ [168]
Greece ✓ [169]
Norway ✓ [165]
Cote d’Ivoire ✓ [170]
Italy ✓ [147]
Pakistan ✓ ✓ [171]
Namibia ✓ [172]
Ghana ✓ ✓ [31]
Denmark ✓ [131]
[160, 173, 174]
India ✓ ✓ ✓ [175]
Thailand ✓ [177]
Colombia ✓ [103]
South Korea ✓ ✓ [177]
Portugal ✓ [103]
Switzerland ✓ [178]
UAE ✓ [92]
Tanzania ✓ [179]
Quebec ✓ [180]
Argentina ✓ ✓ ✓ [176]
Mexico ✓ [176]
Uruguay ✓ ✓ ✓ [176]
Southeast Asia ✓ [160]
Lithuania ✓ [181]
Poland ✓
Egypt ✓ [84]
International Journal of Energy Research
International Journal of Energy Research 23

MESSAGE can be used to model all the energy sources such (GHGs) in the energy sector. However, the country depends
as renewable energy, thermal generation, nuclear and carbon on natural gas for its electricity generation. The country
sequestration, GHGs, and other radiative materials intended planned to expand its reliance on renewable energies, cut
to stabilize future CO2-equivalent concentrations [194]. CO2 emissions, and limit power production from natural
The extensive use of the MESSAGE software globally has gas. The research was carried out on the environmental con-
proven that the model could be used to study energy and its sequences and external costs of Egypt’s fossil, hydro, and
climate change impact in Ghana. nuclear power plants to provide a complete picture using
MESSAGE and SIMPACTS models. Nuclear and gas power
4. Conclusion plants were shown to be long-term electricity suppliers.
However, the research concluded that nuclear power plants
The increasing concern over the potential adverse effects of are the best long-term alternative source of electricity gener-
climate change on the world’s environment makes energy a ation for Egypt to fulfil future demand [84].
key part of sustainable development. Since carbon emissions As part of Nigeria’s policy to cut emissions to meet the
from fossil fuels for electricity generation are the primary Paris Agreement’s aim of limiting global mean temperature
sources of GHGs, research on carbon neutral development rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius, research was conducted to deter-
path is critical to mitigating the possible consequences of mine the alternative optimal energy mix required by the
this issue in the following decades. Existing studies have country to meet its long-term sustainable electricity demand
debated whether nuclear power can reduce GHG emissions. and reduce CO2 emissions. The MESSAGE and SIMPACTS
Meanwhile, numerous studies have revealed the relevance of models were used in this study to evaluate two case scenarios
nuclear energy in reducing GHG emissions. However, few of Nigerian energy supply systems in order to determine the
researchers have investigated the global spatial distribution optimal energy supply technology to satisfy future demand
of nuclear power generation and the impact of the geograph- and estimate the environmental impacts and resulting dam-
ical distribution of the nuclear on global GHG emissions. age costs during the normal operation of various electricity
Research by Jaskólski and Bucko indicated that energy generation systems. The MESSAGE results show that fossil
systems require technological innovations to achieve climate fuels and nuclear power plants are the best electricity gener-
neutrality. In Poland, where obsolete coal-fired power plants ation technology for meeting Nigeria’s projected energy
dominate the electricity system, efforts to reduce environ- needs. The SIMPACTS code results show that nuclear power
mental effects are coupled with substantial expenditures. plants have the lowest damage costs due to their negligible
As a result, optimal energy sector development paths were environmental impact during normal operation. As a result,
to be identified to achieve ambitious long-term strategic nuclear power plant technology is the most environmentally
goals while minimizing the negative impact on climate friendly and best alternative for optimizing future electrical
change and consumers’ household budgets. A methodology technology to fulfil demand. The findings of this study will
and a model for developing the electricity and heat genera- be used as a reference source in modelling long-term energy
tion structure were developed and implemented in the mar- mix, lowering CO2 emissions in Nigeria (J. [82]).
ket allocation (MARKAL) modelling framework. Two According to the World Nuclear Association’s August
scenarios were presented: baseline (BAU) and withdrawal 2023 report, nuclear energy accounts for around 10% of
from coal (WFC). The research revealed that nuclear energy global electricity generation, with approximately 440 power
and offshore wind power play a substantial role in achieving reactors. Nuclear power is the world’s second-largest low-
climate neutrality in electricity generation. The projected carbon energy source, accounting for 26% of total output
development paths ensure a significant reduction in green- in 2020. Nuclear energy is used in almost 220 research reac-
house gases and industrial emissions [77]. tors in over 50 nations. Nuclear energy is used in around 220
Also, Naimoğlu investigated the effects of nuclear research reactors in over 50 nations. Thirteen countries pro-
energy, energy pricing, and energy imports on CO2 emis- duced at least one-quarter of their electricity from nuclear in
sions in the short and long term for ten energy-importing 2021. Nuclear energy provides around 70% of France’s elec-
rising economies that employ nuclear energy using the auto- tricity, while Ukraine, Slovakia, Belgium, and Hungary
regressive distributed lag (ARDL) technique. The study’s key receive approximately half of their electricity from nuclear
finding was that the EKC hypothesis is valid for these econ- sources [195].
omies. Hence, nuclear energy consumption and energy pric- Like many other African countries, Ghana formulated
ing minimize CO2 emissions. However, energy imports raise developmental and energy policies guided by international
CO2 emissions. When measured as a coefficient, a 1% rise in agreements such as the 2015 Paris Agreement on climate
nuclear energy utilization and energy pricing reduces CO2 change. Although Ghana is endowed with fossil fuel, hydro,
emissions by 0.04% and 0.02%, respectively. However, a and renewable resources to drive its industrial ambitions, the
1% increase in energy imports raises CO2 emissions by indigenous gas fields feeding some thermal plants for elec-
0.09% [79]. tricity production are decreasing. They could run out by
Based on Egypt’s sustainable development policy, the early 2030 unless new fields are discovered, and price volatil-
country’s Vision 2030 was unveiled by the Egyptian govern- ity may also affect them. The untapped hydro resources are
ment in 2016, with energy being a critical component of this also small and unreliable if the country seeks to become a
vision. Renewable energy was given in the country’s 2030 as middle-income country. Despite the abundant renewable
the best alternative for reducing greenhouse gas emissions resources, they are intermittent and do not present a
24 International Journal of Energy Research

baseload option. To safeguard Ghana’s energy security and ling approaches, and the variables used in the models [78,
reduce CO2 emissions, the country seeks to include nuclear 124]. Further, another limitation was the assessment of
energy into its energy mix [55]. numerous publications from one database since publications
In line with the 2015 Paris Agreement, all Parties to the not indexed in the Scopus database may not be considered in
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change the review [196].
(UNFCCC), including Ghana, have concerted to formulate The findings of this research on nuclear energy are cru-
nationally determined contributions (NDCs) to reduce cial for directing Ghana’s energy policy and planning to
GHG emissions to keep the increasing world’s mean surface achieve its objectives on energy supply and the aim to reduce
temperature below 2°C by the end of the century [39, 40]. greenhouse gas emissions, which adversely impact climate
The IAEA 2022 report indicates that Ghana has initiated change. Additionally, these studies on nuclear energy may
the development of nuclear power emerging nuclear pro- not only offer a solution to Ghana’s electricity shortages
gramme to be included in its energy mix since nuclear but could also aid in a smooth transition away from
energy is crucial to the country’s energy transformation plan carbon-based technology to clean energy and less environ-
as well as working towards the realization of its nationally mentally harmful power generation sources [197]. Further-
determined contribution (NDC) to the UN framework on more, the research avails Ghana the opportunity to
climate change. comprehend the gains it stands to make in the development
The study used Scopus data for bibliometric analysis and of its nuclear power programme in energy security and the
systematic review to investigate the role of nuclear energy in mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions.
curbing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from electricity The main objective of this study is to contribute to the
generation and the extent of research on the subject area. knowledge of nuclear energy and the environment with an
This review has highlighted that the development of nuclear enhanced model and variables. For Ghana to be able to work
energy has fewer adverse effects on the environment during towards the feasible achievement of energy security and a
regular operation and is also one of the significant sources sustainable environment, there is the need to fulfil these
for optimizing energy demand. requirements:
Furthermore, along with the rapid increase of emerging
industrialized countries, the global geography of the devel- (i) Understand the current state of the energy system
opment of nuclear energy is undergoing a spatial reconfigu- to identify the potential capacity of the nuclear
ration phenomenon, as indicated by studies on research and energy required to meet the future electricity
collaboration among countries. The bibliometric analysis demand and estimate their impact on GHG emis-
showed that developed countries such as the USA, UK, sion reduction in Ghana
and China endowed with nuclear energy had significantly
contributed to the research area. In contrast, only a few Afri- (ii) Establish quantitative targets for GHG emission
can countries, including Ghana, have contributed to the reductions in the future to meet the country’s
research and have had limited collaboration with other NDC target
countries. The scoping review indicates the continent’s lim- (iii) Develop alternative optimization scenarios consid-
ited contribution to energy and emission management ering the introduction of different capacities of the
knowledge. nuclear power plants within a scheduled time in
The feasibility of future energy systems is a complex correspondence with demand
undertaking that can be accomplished using energy models
based on the system approach. The studies looked at the The transition to a modern, cleaner energy pathway has
classification of various energy models developed or used recently received global attention. Although nuclear energy
by some countries for energy planning and analysis of green- has emerged as a cleaner alternative energy source and is
house gas emissions to assist policymakers with climate garnering significant policy attention, the impact of nuclear
change mitigation-related energy concerns. Effective GHG energy on greenhouse gas emission mitigation remains
reduction measures can be found within the many compo- inconclusive in the existing literature. As a result, this study
nents of energy systems. The energy models can analyze examines the dynamic linkages between GHG emissions
the effectiveness and impact of technologies, energy sources, from electricity generation and the mitigation with the intro-
and other input data parameters of the developed scenarios. duction of nuclear energy in Ghana’s energy mix in the long
The energy models provide insight into the viability of the term. With the stated limitations and Ghana’s status as an
life cycle analysis of several energy sources. There are emerging nuclear country and the need to fulfill these
numerous models for adopting low-carbon energy technolo- requirements, there is a need for further research on the
gies and resources for planning to achieve energy security nuclear power programme to enhance the knowledge level
and curb GHG emissions. However, the MESSAGE model on the policy implementation and the contribution of the
will be used for energy planning in this study. country to climate change mitigation.
Although the systematic review indicates that numerous Although good research has been done on energy
research studies have been carried out on the impact of resources, climate change, and the impact of nuclear energy,
nuclear energy on CO2 emissions, there are some limitations considering the current level and rate of technology progress
with these studies as a result of the available data, the period in the energy sector and the global concerns on the slow pace
of the research, the data utilized, the weaknesses in model- of countries’ transitions towards decarbonization policy
International Journal of Energy Research 25

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