Abandoned, Lost
Abandoned, Lost
Abandoned, Lost
Keywords: Abandoned, lost, or discarded fishing gear (ALDFG) is considered a major threat to ocean biodiversity. Yet, little
Plastic pollution is known of the interactive impacts of ALDFGs and urban nearshore biodiversity and habitats, especially in
Singapore Southeast Asia where fisheries efforts are increasing. We identified ALDFG hotspots around Singapore–where
Ghost nets
80% of coastal areas are urbanized or anthropogenically modified. Fishing lines and nets were the most common
Ghost fishing
Marine debris
ALDFGs recovered; with strong correlations between ALDFG presence and beaches, intertidal, mangroves, as well
Urbanized shoreline as sites with significant coastal modifications. Plastic polymer nets trapped the highest organism diversity and
Southeast Asia abundance. A total of 1052 trapped individuals comprising 124 species were recovered, the majority in classes
Merostomata, Actinopterygii and Malacostraca. The most abundant trapped species was Carcinoscorpius rotun
dicauda and the highest mortality presentation was in Class Actinopterygii. This study demonstrates that ALDFGs
remain a threat to marine biodiversity within urban coastal habitats and at heavily modified shorelines.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: jaafarz@nus.edu.sg (Z. Jaafar).
Received 16 July 2021; Received in revised form 8 January 2022; Accepted 8 January 2022
Available online 2 February 2022
0025-326X/© 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A.R. Gajanur and Z. Jaafar Marine Pollution Bulletin 175 (2022) 113341
A.R. Gajanur and Z. Jaafar
Table 1
Description of sites surveyed from September 2018 to March 2019.
Site Latitude Longitude Length of Region (as per Ecotype Number of
shoreline Fig. 1) times surveyed
Ecosystem types Mariculture facilities Coastal modifications Protected areas
(within a 5 km radius)
Changi Beach Park 1.392220 103.989974 1.21 Eastern Beaches and intertidal (rubble- Yes Reclaimed Yes 2
shorelines algae-seagrasss matrix) (naturalized) +
East Beach at NSRCC (National 1.31614 103.97531 1.33 South-eastern Beaches and intertidal (rubble- No Reclaimed No 1
Coast Service Resort and Country shorelines algae-seagrasss matrix)
Park Club)
Bedok Jetty 1.30521 103.9422 7.78 South-eastern Beaches and intertidal (rubble- No Reclaimed No 1
shorelines algae-seagrasss matrix) (naturalized)
Kallang and Singapore River, and, Marina 7.73 South-eastern Rivers and reservoirs No Reclaimed No 2
Bay shorelines
Pasir Ris Park 1.385 103.94555 2.56 Eastern Beaches and intertidal (rubble- Yes Reclaimed + Yes (mangroves 2
shorelines algae-seagrasss matrix) + armoured only)
Pulau Semakau 1.20648 103.77091 3.84 Pulau Semakau Beaches and intertidal (rubble- Yes Reclaimed Yes 3
algae-seagrasss matrix) + (naturalized) +
mangroves armoured
Pulau Eastern Mangroves 1.407419 103.980842 1.56 Pulau Ubin Mangroves Yes Natural Yes 2
Ubin Jelutong Beach 1.40115 103.96755 0.91 Pulau Ubin Beaches and intertidal (rubble- Yes Natural Yes 4
algae-seagrasss matrix) +
Main Jetty 1.40158 103.97024 0.61 Pulau Ubin Beaches and intertidal (rubble- Yes Natural Yes 3
algae-seagrasss matrix) +
Ketam Beach 1.41029 103.94671 1.13 Pulau Ubin Beaches and intertidal (rubble- Yes Natural Yes 4
algae-seagrasss matrix) +
Sungei Ubin 1.4043 103.97411 0.64 Pulau Ubin Mangroves Yes Natural Yes 4
Punggol Point Park 1.42178 103.91068 1.15 Eastern Beaches and intertidal (rubble- No Reclaimed No 2
shorelines algae-seagrasss matrix) (naturalized) +
Sembawang Park 1.46305 103.83891 1.30 Northern Beaches and intertidal (rubble- Yes Reclaimed + No 3
shorelines algae-seagrasss matrix) armoured
Fig. 1. ALDFG hotspots based on type and abundance from 2003 to 2019, overlaid on an ecotone map showing two habitat types and year of coastal reclamation and
*Total ALDFG values for Southern Islands excluding Pulau Semakau.
were mariculture -cage nets; these were typically found at the eastern Interestingly, coral reefs had a different distribution of ALDFGs
and south-eastern coastal areas of Singapore as well as throughout compared to other ecotypes; in addition to fishing lines, lures, sinkers,
shorelines of Pulau Ubin. Lures, sinkers, hooks and rods, floats and hooks and rods were the most abundant at reefs (Figs. 1 and 2). Many
buoys, as well as traps and pots were also frequently found. ALDFGs (63.3%) were also recovered from sites within 5 km of mari
The Z-score analyses and hierarchical clustering revealed the strong culture facilities.
correlation of fishing lines with the following sites: mariculture facil
ities, protected areas, coral reefs, beaches and intertidal areas, and at 3.1. Organisms encountered in ALDFGs
sites with coastal modifications (Fig. 2). Nets also exhibited similar
trends in correlation to sites: mariculture facilities, protected areas, A total of 1052 individuals comprising 124 species from 74 families,
seagrass meadows, mangroves, beaches and intertidal areas, as well as 29 orders and 11 classes were trapped in the ALDFGs. Thirty-four per
modified coastlines (Fig. 2). Lures, sinkers, hooks, rods, floats, buoys and cent of all individuals trapped were found dead.
traps were clustered together, indicating similarity in ecotype Most common organisms trapped were from classes Merostomata,
interactions. Actinopterygii and Malacostraca, accounting for 63.4%, 15.4% and
The ALDFGs were mostly recovered from, and strongly correlated to, 14.4% of all trapped individuals, respectively (Fig. 3, Table 2). Thirty-
beaches and intertidal areas (74% of all ALDFG in the dataset), followed nine trapped individuals belonged to the class Chondrichthyes. The
by mangroves (Fig. 2). Ironically, even though fishing is prohibited in number of trapped individuals from other seven classes ranged from one
these protected areas, more than half of all ALDFGs in our data (63.8%) to twelve individuals (Table 2).
occurred in marine reserves and protected shorelines (Fig. 2). Majority Within the Merostomata, two horseshoe crab species were identi
of these ALDFG were fishing lines (40.3% of all ALDFG recovered at fied—Carcinoscorpius rotundicauda and Tachypleus gigas. The former
protected areas), followed by nets (33.1% of all ALDFG recovered at species made up 94.6% of all horseshoe crabs, and 60% of all organisms,
protected areas). Notably, 56.7% of ALDFGs found in reserves and trapped. However, the rate of mortality in this species was low, as 76.9%
protected areas were also at mangrove areas. Further, ALDFGs were of the trapped individuals were found alive. A total of 162 individuals
strongly correlated with sites that had previously undergone coastal from 77 species of Actinopterygii fishes were found trapped, and
reclamation (79.5%) or coastal armouring (with seawalls; 77.2%) exhibited high mortality (74.7%). Within Actinopterygii, Perciformes
(Figs. 1 and 2). At sites with coastal modifications, fishing lines were the were the most abundant (84 individuals) and speciose (47 species) taxa.
most abundant, followed by nets (Figs. 1 and 2). The type and abun Mortality rate of members from Actinopterygii was high, with 71.4% of
dance of gear recovered at modified coastal sites were very similar to individuals found dead. Of the 151 individuals from twenty-one species
ALDFGs found at beaches and intertidal areas (Figs. 1 and 2). of Malacostraca found trapped, 64.9% were alive (Table 2).
A.R. Gajanur and Z. Jaafar Marine Pollution Bulletin 175 (2022) 113341
Fig. 2. Correlation of ALDFG to four parameters (i.e. associated ecosystems, coastal modifications, protection status and proximity to mariculture facilities) using Z-
score. MRF = mariculture facilities, NMRPS = nature and marine reserves and protected areas, CR = coral reefs, RR = rocky reefs, SG = seagrass meadows, MG =
mangroves, BI – beaches and intertidal areas (rubble-algae-seagrass matrices), RAR = rivers and reservoirs, RS – reclaimed shorelines, SW = seawalls. Number within
each cell shows raw count of ALDFGs. Dendrogram clusters show ALDFGs distributed similarly across site types.
Nets, of which 92.3% were monofilament plastic gill nets, trapped originated from fishery and fishing activities within the Straits of Johor
the highest diversity of species and the most individuals—88.2% and and the Straits of Singapore (Fig. 1). Collectively, countries in Southeast
96% respectively. Traps (synthetic plastic material and metal), hooks, Asia contribute 21.6% to global fisheries production annually although
and fishing lines (all plastic) accounted for 5.8% of the species diversity within these, Singapore and Brunei factor lowest in fisheries productions
and 3.5% of all individuals recovered. (SEAFDEC, 2017). Commercial fishing vessels operating within the EEZ
of Singapore are trawlers, but these are few in numbers when compared
4. Discussion to neighboring countries. Further, only about 1.5 km2 of the sea space
(12% of the Singapore's EEZ) are used for farmed fish production and
Abandoned, lost, or discarded fishing gear persists within marine mariculture facilities (Lim et al., 2020). Conversely, smaller-scale fish
ecosystems, but their impacts are not well understood in tropical urban ery activities such as artisanal and recreational fishing are common and
coastlines. The ALDFGs recovered in our study were likely to have extract significant biomass from wild fishery resources and are equally
A.R. Gajanur and Z. Jaafar Marine Pollution Bulletin 175 (2022) 113341
Table 2
Species list and abundance of trapped individuals recovered from ALDFGs.
Class Order Family Species Individuals recovered
A.R. Gajanur and Z. Jaafar Marine Pollution Bulletin 175 (2022) 113341
Table 2 (continued )
Class Order Family Species Individuals recovered
Lutjanus carponotatus 2 0 2
Mullidae Upeneus tragula 1 0 1
Nemipteridae Pentapodus sp. 1 0 1
Scolopsis cilatus 1 0 1
Scolopsis monogramma 2 1 1
Pempheridae Pempheris oualensis 1 0 1
Pomacanthidae Chaetodontoplus mesoleucus 3 3 0
Pomacentridae Abudefduf bengalensis 1 0 1
Dischistodus fasciatus 1 0 1
Dischistodus prosopotaenia 2 0 2
Hemiglyphidodon plagiometopon 1 0 1
Scaridae Scarus rivulatus 1 0 1
Scatophagidae Scatophagus argus 1 1 0
Serranidae Cromileptes altivelis 1 1 0
Epinephelinae 6 6 0
Epinephelus coioides 1 0 1
Epinephelus malabaricus 1 1 0
Siganidae Siganus canaliculatus 5 0 5
Siganus guttatus 5 1 4
Siganus javus 1 0 1
Sillaginidae Sillago aeolus 1 0 1
Sillago sihama 2 0 2
Terapontidae Pelates quadrilineatus 1 0 1
Toxotidae Toxotes jaculatrix 1 0 1
Uranoscopidae Icthyscopus lebeck 1 1 0
Pleuronectiformes Cynoglossidae Cynoglossus sp. 4 0 4
Soleidae Soleidae 2 0 2
Scorpaeniformes Platycephalidae Elates ransonnetii 4 0 4
Platycephalus sp. 2 0 2
Scorpaenidae Parascorpaena cf. picta 2 0 2
Parascorpaena picta 4 1 3
Siluriformes Ariidae Hexanematichthys sagor 2 2 0
Plicofolis nella 2 0 2
Plotosidae Plotosus canius 3 0 3
Plotosus lineatus 2 0 2
Syngnathiformes Syngnathidae Hippocampus sp. 1 1 0
Tetraodontiformes Diodontidae Diodon liturosus 1 1 0
Monacanthidae Acreichthys tomentosus 2 0 2
Chaetodermis penicilligerus 1 1 0
Monocanthus chinensis 10 10 0
Monocanthus sp. 1 0 1
Triacanthidae Triacanthus biculeatus 2 1 1
Reptilia Crocodilia Crocodylidae Crocodylus porosus 1 0 1
Squamata Acrochordidae Acrochordus granulatus 1 0 1
Squamata Varanidae Varanus salvator 2 2 0
Testudines Cheloniidae Chelonia mydas 2 0 2
Emydidae Trachemys scripta elegans 1 0 1
Aves Ciconiiformes Ardeidae Ardea cinerea 1 1 0
Pelecaniformes Ardeidae Nycticorax nycticorax 1 1 0
Mammalia Artiodactyla Delphinidae Sousa chinensis 1 1 0
Carnivora Mustelidae Lutrogale perspicillata 6 3 3
likely sources of ALDFGs. In addition, ALDFGs could also have travelled marine debris and plastic pollution in these ecosystems (Gilman et al.,
via currents, from adjacent maritime nations of Malaysia and Indonesia. 2016; Kershaw, 2016). The behaviour of plastic marine debris, including
In the absence of tracking capabilities of ALDFGs, we were unable to ALDFGs, differs when at different habitat types. They are retained in
state with certainty the origin or source of ALDFGs recovered in our mangrove areas longer than other coastal ecosystems (Ivar do Sul et al.,
study. 2014). High rates of retention of plastic marine debris translate to high
Fishing lines and nets (likely of plastic polymer material) were the in-situ degradation, and the consequent release of microplastics to the
most common type of ALDFGs found (Fig. 1), congruent with other immediate environment. The resultant elevated availability of micro
findings from the region (Todd et al., 2010), and likely selected for their plastics increases likelihoods of ingestion or absorption by organisms in
non-degradable quality and low cost (Breen, 1990). Due to their relative the area with unknown consequences (Andrady, 2011; Wright et al.,
prevalence in Singapore's waters when compared to other ALDFGs, 2013). Also unknown are the contributions and effects of other com
monofilament-plastic polymer nets trapped 96% of the organisms re ponents of disintegrated ALDFGs to the ecosystem and organisms
ported in this study. The efficacy of such nets, especially those made of therein.
plastic polymers, have been similarly demonstrated globally (Andrady, Despite mangrove areas covering only 1.2% of total land area of
2000; Derraik, 2002; Gall and Thompson, 2015; Gilman et al., 2016; Singapore (9.6 km2; Friess et al., 2016), ALDFGs occurred at dispro
Moore, 2008). portionately higher frequencies (24% of all ALDFGs in this study) at this
Most ALDFGs were found on beaches as well as at intertidal and habitat type. The complex structures of mangrove plant roots and sap
mangrove areas (Burke et al., 2002; Chou et al., 2018; Lai et al., 2015; lings, in addition to the soft sediment, are likely key factors in initial
Tan et al., 2016a, 2016b) (Fig. 2), and underpins the global problem of entanglement and subsequent retention of ALDFGs. Almost all the
A.R. Gajanur and Z. Jaafar Marine Pollution Bulletin 175 (2022) 113341
mangrove areas where ALDFGs were recovered are under protection, or in fishing gear for 10–16 days, compared to 1–4 days of confinement
gazetted as nature reserves; and therefore, are areas at which fishing (High, 1979). Similar uncertainties exist for entangled organisms that
activities are prohibited. The ALDFGs recovered at these mangrove areas subsequently escape ALDFGs —their survivability as a direct or indirect
likely originated from adjacent sites where fishing activities are not result of entanglement is unknown (Gilman et al., 2016).
restricted, or from undetected illegal fishing activities. Similarly, despite The efficacy of recovered ALDFGs in trapping marine organisms
the small areas of seagrass meadows (~0.2% of total shoreline) and varied significantly. Within our dataset, four ALDFGs contributed
coral reefs and rocky shorelines (~7% of total shoreline, with mean disproportionately to the abundance and diversity of trapped species.
coral cover ranging from 0.35% to 49% over several decades (Guest These four ALDFGs, all monofilament plastic gill nets, were efficient in
et al., 2016; Januchowski-Hartley et al., 2020)), an unproportionally trapping a broad diversity of marine organisms. The Mangrove horse
large amount of ALDFGs were recovered from these habitats (6% of all shoe crabs we recovered were mostly from three different monofilament
ALDFG from each type of ecosystem) (Fig. 2). At coral reefs especially, plastic gill nets found between 2005 and 2008. The number of in
angling-specific ALDFGs seem to be a cause for concern as lures, sinkers, dividuals trapped ranged from 100 to 300 per net. A mass of gill nets
hooks, and rods were the second-most abundant ALDFG recovered at found in 2015 contributed 29% of the diversity of all trapped organisms
this ecotype (Fig. 2). Derelict fishing gear is known to cause harm to observed in our data. We recovered 90 trapped individuals, including
seagrass beds and coral reefs, which provide many crucial marine thirteen out of the seventeen of Carcharhinus melanopterus in our dataset,
ecosystem services, through entanglement (Arthur et al., 2014; Consoli within this net; but only 24.4% of all individuals were alive. Such effi
et al., 2019; Fortes et al., 2018; Heery et al., 2018; Valderrama Balles cacy in trapping abilities of ALDFGs is known. Reported examples
teros et al., 2018). The impact of ALDFGs on seagrass meadows is include the hundreds of sharks and fishes found in one derelict net off
especially of concern because less than 1% of global seagrass cover falls the coast of Cayman Islands (Embury-Dennis, 2018), and, 99 seabirds
under a marine protected area even though 50% of seagrass beds are and 200 dead salmon recovered in another derelict net in 1978 (Derraik,
located within Ecologically and Biologically Significant Areas (as 2002). Several factors govern the probability of entanglement and
determined by the Convention of Biological Diversity) (Fortes et al., accumulation of trapped individuals in derelict nets. The re-baiting
2018; Sudo et al., 2021). Fundamental understanding of the behaviour phenomenon is one whereby initial trapped organisms attract preda
and impact of ALDFG on seagrass meadows and coral reefs will benefit tors and scavengers who in turn entangle in the net, rather than a
greatly to cogent management and conservation strategies of these function of direct trapping (Breen, 1990) or due to breeding seasons
imperiled habitats. (C. rotundicauda showed no seasonal breeding pattern (Cartwright-
Coastal alterations impact the initial entanglement and subsequent Taylor et al., 2009)). The decomposing remains of horseshoe crabs for
retention of ALDFGs. In Singapore, much of the coastal landscape was example, attract scavengers, which in turn attract more horseshoe crabs
altered through reclamation of nearshore habitats to increase land area as predators to the scavengers; the cycle repeats until hundreds of
(Lai et al., 2015). Further, to stem the consequences of erosion, 60% of horseshoe crabs and other crustaceans are entangled in the nets (Breen,
the shoreline is protected by seawalls (Lai et al., 2015). Over 70% of 1990; Cartwright-Taylor et al., 2011). It may be that more cases such as
ALDFGs were found at sites that had undergone significant coastal these exist but are not observed or reported as after their demise,
reclamation and 62% at sites with seawalls, suggesting that reclaimed entangled organisms sink rapidly to the seafloor thus evading detection
land, seawalls, as well as breakwaters, jetties and many other anthro (Laist, 1997). ALDFGs may also occur further away from coastlines or in
pogenic coastal structures, are sites at which ALDFG may easily entangle areas with low human populations, and are thus unnoticed (Todd et al.,
and remain. 2010). Trapping rates, specifically, could also decline with the loss of
Sixty-three percent of the ALDFGs were recovered at sites in close overall structural integrity, as demonstrated of gill and trammel nets in
proximity to fish mariculture facilities. In Singapore, there are a total of temperate European waters at depths 15-18 m (Erzini et al., 1997), with
110 sea-based farms, 108 of which are located in the Johor Strait and the the impact of ALDFGs on the environment possibly decreasing as it
remaining 2 in the southern islands (Pulau Semakau and St. John's Is disintegrates (Ayaz et al., 2010; Brown and Macfadyen, 2007; Erzini
land). We encountered seven mariculture-cage nets that ran ashore, with et al., 1997; Santos et al., 2003). Alternatively, the decrease in impact of
mesh sizes ranging between 2.3 cm and 14 cm, all of which were found ALDFGs may also be a consequence of organism adaptability, by using
at Pulau Ubin within the Johor Strait, a site with many artisanal fish ALDFGs for shelter, refuge or dispersal, rather than being solely due to
farms. As they are structurally similar to fishing nets, mariculture-cage the structural integrity of ALDFGs (Kiessling et al., 2015; Angiolillo and
nets could potentially ghost fish once they break away from the facil Fortibuoni, 2020). This underpins the urgent need for systematic studies
ity. However, as only a negligible number (relative to other ALDFG) of over larger areas to accurately evaluate the efficacy of ALDFGs as active
mariculture-cage nets were found, more systematic studies are needed to trapping devices. Other factors such as reproductive seasons and
determine their ghost fishing capabilities. Future studies can also focus breeding areas could increase the rate of entanglement. Several studies
on sea-based mariculture facilities and quantify their contribution to the have focused on the high entanglement rates of Hawaiian monk seals
ALDFG pollution. (Neomonachus schauinslandi) in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands, a
Our data of 19 years revealed different degrees of vulnerability of location considered as key breeding sites for this species (Donohue et al.,
marine organisms to ALDFGs. The majority of individuals (93%) found 2001; Henderson, 2001). Similarly, the shallow Arafura and Timor Seas
trapped in ALDFGs belonged to one of these three class region is a hotspot of turtle-ghost net interactions because it is a critical
es—Merostomata, Actinopterygii or Malacostraca (Fig. 3). The breeding and foraging area for several populations of turtles (Hardesty
Mangrove horseshoe crab, Carcinoscorpius rotundicauda, was the most et al., 2015). Age of the individuals was also found to affect entangle
commonly-trapped species, accounting for 94.6% of all individuals in ment rates in Hawaiian monk seals—pups and juveniles were more
Merostomata (Table 2), but many of these were recovered alive and likely to be trapped in nets than adults, suggesting that nets are more
released. Conversely, a significantly higher proportion of individuals hazardous in nearshore reefs since weaned pups remain close to shore
from the class Actinopterygii, were recovered dead (Fig. 3, Table 2). The (Henderson, 2001). Bullimore et al. (2001) also linked the rise and fall in
higher survivability observed in C. rotundicauda, as well as other species the catch rate of spider and ghost crabs (Superfamily Majoidea and
from classes Merostomata and Malacostraca, may be attributed to their Family Ocypodidae, respectively) by ALDFGs to the seasonal increase in
ability to withstand brief periods of emersion (U.S. Fish & Wildlife water temperatures. Seasonality can also affect the rate of gear loss. For
Services, 2006), and the protection accorded by their exoskeleton. example, the late-monsoon season in Rayong, Thailand saw an increase
However, the rate of survivability of individuals after their release is in lost squid traps when compared to the pre-monsoon season, likely due
unknown. A study on the Alaskan king crabs for example, showed to stronger waves and currents during late-monsoon (Sukhsangchan
reduced recovery after escape when the crabs were trapped or confined et al., 2020).
A.R. Gajanur and Z. Jaafar Marine Pollution Bulletin 175 (2022) 113341
Measures to effectively reduce the ubiquity of ALDFGs have Declaration of competing interest
remained elusive. The open and interconnected marine system facili
tates the transport of ALDFGs over long distances. Efforts to identify the The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
origin of ALDFGs have met with limited success (Derraik, 2002; Vance interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
and McGregor, 2019). The tagging of fishing gear has been proposed as a the work reported in this paper.
measure to identify origin of ALDFGs. This solution is only partially
viable since there are few examples of successful national gear-tagging Acknowledgments
initiatives—it is mostly still up to individual operators to tag their
gear. Fishing nets especially, remain a challenge to effectively tag We thank Muhammad Irsyad Khalis Daud, Frances Loke Wei and
because of high rates of breakage and disintegration. Moreover, cost- Afreen Chawla for help during field surveys. We are grateful to Sirius Ng
effective tagging devices focused on relocating and retrieval of lost facilitating data analyses, and to Joseph Cham for sharing the base
gear have yet to be developed (Gilman et al., 2016; He and Suuronen, ecotone map. This project would not have been possible without the
2018). assistance of Ria Tan from Wild Singapore who graciously provided field
Trapped organisms and ALDFGs are often encountered by coastal support and made diligent records on ALDFGs at intertidal areas around
communities and stakeholders. Authorities and interest groups over Singapore. We also thank Project Driftnet and Waterways Watch
seeing coastal areas can avail protocol for the safe disposal of ALDFGs to Singapore for sharing their dataset. We acknowledge funds from the
ensure that impact to the habitat is not sustained. Similarly, providing a Department of Biological Sciences, National University of Singapore to
protocol for the disentanglement of trapped live organisms will increase Zeehan Jaafar; and from the Student Research Award, Singapore Insti
the likelihood of survival after release. Dive cleanups (e.g., Project tute of Biology to Anya R. Gajanur.
AWARE) and coastal cleanups (e.g., International Coastal Cleanup) ef
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