Basic of Literature Course Code - FrED 1311 - 081914
Basic of Literature Course Code - FrED 1311 - 081914
Basic of Literature Course Code - FrED 1311 - 081914
Diploma Program:(12+2)
Chr. Hr: 2
Finfine, Oromia
Course Title:Basic of Literature
Course goals:The overall competencies of the course is to introduce the basics of literature in English. While
studying this course, you will learn about the types, characteristics, forms and structures of different kinds of
literary works. In short the course: introduces you to the basic concept of literature in English; to demonstrates how
basic literature elements can be applied to selected literary works in English; sensitizes you to the way you can
undertake literary appreciation in an effective manner, and They will also acquire sufficient knowledge and skills
on how to select Basic of literature genres and apply them in the primary school teachers.
Identify and analyze the origins, development and Reflect on the rationale for studying literature
contributions of basic of literature. They choose studying literature based on the
Analyze the benefits of literature approach for literature approach and practice it in the
students in the learning and teaching process in the classroom.
social life; Develop your reaading skills
Exploit literary works for the Importance of Oral
literature in the Language teaching.
Explanations, summaries and brief notes on the topic Select some of the oral literature in their area
given by the teacher/group, such as folk tales, riddles, lullabies,songs, and
Primary textbooks, draft/framework and syllabus of have them present them to each other in the
Berhanu Matthews. (2009). Fundamentals of written literature can be applied in the practical
Literature. Addis Ababa: Alpha Printers PLC. classrooms of our country and present them to
the class: Eg: Short story, novel etc
Mention the role of literature in language
teaching and discuss in the classroom
Identify and write opinions of various scholars
on the nature of literature and present them to
the class.
. As a teacher, compare and contrast Intrinsic
approach and Extrinsic approach of literature
as language teaching and analyze why it is
useful for them to present it to the classroom.
Unit Two Duration (Week 3-4)
2. Oral Literature
2.1. Function of oral literature
2.2. Characteristics of oral literature
2.3. Genres of oral literature
2.3.1. Proverbs and their uses
2.3.2. Tales/Fables
2.3.3. Folk Tales
2.3.4. Lullabies
2.3.5. Riddles
2.3.6. Ballads
2.4. Puzle questions
Explanations, summaries and brief notes on the Express the oral literature and present their
topic given by the teacher/group, ideas to the classroom.
Scriptures and short articles on the topic prepared Have teacher candidates discuss the following
by various researchers and published on various questions in small groups and present their
social networking sites, etc. ideas to the class; what are charactersitics of
oral literature and their functions, discuss the
Preschool textbooks, draft/framework and syllabus
importance of oral literature?
of the new curriculum developed by the Ministry/
Have them list what genres of literature are and
Bureau of Education.
explain their differences to the class;
Have teacher candidates ask insightful people in
their area or research various sources to compile
proverbs, riddles and present them to the class
as a project.
Melakneh, Mengistu. 2006. Fundamentals of
Literature for Colleges: Third Impression.
3. Fiction
3.1. Types of fiction
3.2. Element of Fiction Character Conflict of View
Academic Learning Competency Practical Learning competency
(fact, concepts, skill/ techniques) (Concepts and Applications)
Describe the nature of the character; Identify and write down the characters in the
They tell the direction of the characters; story they read and present it to the class;
Analyze a narrative based on the structure of the Have them read an example narrative and
narrative; analyze the characters’ attitudes, behaviors,
Identify and analyze the setting, conflict and cultures and interests in the world and present
message in a narrative; them to each other in class in small groups;
Explain narrative point of view in literary text Have them read a story aloud and write
down the setting , conflict and main
message in the story and report it to the
Readings/Resources Sample Activities
Explanations, summaries and brief notes on the topic Have teacher candidates discuss the following
given by the teacher/group, questions in small groups and present their
Scriptures and short articles on the topic prepared by ideas to the class;
various researchers and published on various social Engage in classroom activities dealing with
4. Drama
4.1. Types of Drama
4.1.1. Tragedy
4.1.2. Comedy
4.1.3. Tragicomedy
4.2. Elements of Drama
4.2.1. Dialogue
4.2.2. Staging
4.3. Figuarative Language
4.3.1 Simile
4.3.2 Metaphor
4.3.3 Hyperbole
4.3.4 Metonym, etc
Recognize the different elements of drama Identify and write down the figurative
Analyze a narrative based on the poetry of the language in the story they read and present it
figurative language; to the class;
Identify the figurative language Reflect on the characteristics of drama and
element of drama in the class room
Have them read an example of poetry and
analyze the satire, methopher, hyberbole in
small groups.
Readings/Resources Sample Activities
Explanations, summaries and brief notes on the topic Have them list what element of fiction are and
given by the teacher/group, explain their differences to the class;
Scriptures and short articles on the topic prepared by Have teacher candidates ask insightful people
various researchers and published on various social in their area or research various sources to
1. Berhanu Matthews. (2009). Fundamentals of Literature. Addis Ababa: Alpha Printers PLC.
2. Boynton, Robert W. and Mack, M. 1965. Introduction to the Poem. New York: Hayden
3. Daiches, David. 1981. Critical Approaches to Literature(2nd ed.) London and
4. Jaffe and Scott. 1966. Studies in the Short Stories. USA: Holt, Rinehart andWinston, Inc. Martin’s Press.
5. Kennedy X.J. (2002). Literature: An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry and Drama. New York: Longman.
6. Melakneh, Mengistu. 2006. Fundamentals of Literature for Colleges: Third Impression.
7. Roberts Edgar V. 1999. Writing About Literature: Breif Ninth Edition. Printce - Hall Inc.
8. Sherman, M. et al. 1986. Reading Literature. New York: McDougal, Lit tell Company