Revised English Literature XI-XII With Notified-13-15
Revised English Literature XI-XII With Notified-13-15
Revised English Literature XI-XII With Notified-13-15
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characters, theme, setting, dialogue) the given novel.
Analyze the given drama with respect to Express their personal response to the
various elements overall effect of the given literary text.
Express their personal response to the Analyze writer’s personal point of view or
overall effect of the given literary text. facts as given in the literary text.
Identify facts/opinions in the given
literary text.
C3: Reader’s response and critical analysis of literary texts.
Standard 1: All students will demonstrate ability to Comprehend and critically analyze
literary texts, orally and in writing.
Grade XI Grade XII
Benchmark 1: Benchmark 1:
Critically analyze literary texts Critically analyze literary texts
Student Learning Outcomes
Use pre-reading strategies to predict content Use pre-reading strategies to predict
of a text. content of a text.
Use while-reading strategies to apply critical Use while-reading strategies to apply
thinking, while exploring and interacting with critical thinking, while exploring and
the text. interacting with the text.
Use post- reading strategies to critically Use post- reading strategies to critically
evaluate the text and to give a personal evaluate the text and to give a personal
opinion. opinion.
Analyze how writer has used language and Analyze and discuss how writer has used
style. literary devices/techniques, language and
Know that themes are related to and set in Observe that themes are related to and set
different societies, cultures of different in different societies, cultures of different
times. times.
Understand that a particular theme may be Observe that a particular theme may be
presented differently by writers using their presented differently by writers using their
preferred genres and style. preferred genres and style.
Interpret the literary themes with real life Interpret the literary themes with real life
situations, social and cultural norms. situations, social and cultural norms.
Benchmark 2: Benchmark 2:
Exhibit power of verbal expression creatively, Exhibit power of verbal expression
critically and analytically to formulate responses creatively, critically and analytically to
to literary texts through oral, performative and formulate responses to literary texts through
written means oral, performative and written means
Student Learning Outcomes
Role-play to perform different characters Role-play to perform different characters
given in literary text. given in literary text.
Express personnel responses to the given Express personnel responses to the given
literary text through creativity and literary text through creativity and
imagination. imagination.
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