Application of Higher Diploma Program Training Skills in Classroom Instruction: The Case of Education Faculty, Jimma University (Ethiopia)

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Application of Higher Diploma Program Adula Bekele 51


Application of Higher Diploma Program training skills in

classroom instruction: The case of Education Faculty, Jimma
University (Ethiopia)

Adula Bekele Hunde*

This article examines the application Higher Diploma training skills in classroom
instruction as well as pinning to the possible bottlenecks that hamper the
successful application of the training skills. To this end, graduates of the first two
batches, heads of the ten departments operating under the Faculty of Education
and dean of the faculty were participated in the study. Multiple instruments with
multiple sources were used in data collection in the following order: classroom
observation, interview with the corresponding graduate, interview with the heads
and finally interviewing Faculty Dean. The study implied that graduates were not
applying Higher Diploma Training skills to the expected level. Factors for the
failure of implementing Higher Diploma Program training skills at a classroom
level attributed not only to the physical constraints such as large class size, lack
of learning materials at hand, and mismatch between course content and time
allotted but also to the absence of interest from instructors and students side and
absence of well organized follow-up support that enforces or reinforces
instructors to use the training skills. The study wrapped up with some plausible
recommendations that allievate or minimizes the effect of barriers.


1.1 Background of the study (Teacher Education System Overhaul

[TESO], 2003). The study revealed that
An extensive study was conducted by Ethiopian Teachers educators failed to
Ministry of Education in 2002 covering the form spearhead in educational development
overall education system of Ethiopia and endeavor. The teaching learning process
teacher’s education system in particular they were employing so far was teacher

Lecturer, department of Pedagogy, Faculty of Education, Jimma University Academic
Development and Resource Center Expert
Ethiop. J. Educ. & Sc. vol. 4 No. 1 September, 2008 52

dominated talk and blackboard use. The The program is a government initiative and
study attributed the major cause of the the control is highly centralized. Hence, the
problem to the fact that teacher educators same practice is taking place in all TEIs
have received very little or no opportunity and University’s Faculty of Education in
to undertake appropriate and necessary Ethiopia. The program was launched in
staff development that could enable them to 2003/04 and by now (as of August 2008),
perform their key roles in rendering pre- four batches have graduated. Nevertheless,
service and in-service education in line this article focused on analyzing the extent
with a student centred approach. to which graduates of the first two bathes
Consequently, TESO was established under are applying the training skills into their
the ministry of education, with sub classroom instruction.
committees in order to tackle the
underlying problems. 1.2 Statements of the problem
The need for a professional development
Accordingly, the first action taken by program for the teacher educators in
TESO was designing curriculum material Ethiopia has been reflected in Section 1.1
in modular approach following the of this article. In response to this need,
educational policy of Ethiopia that aimed at government has initiated HDP, a
developing the culture of active learning groundbreaking in the history of in-service
and problem-solving approach of training in the country’s education system.
instruction (Federal Democratic Republic It is one year on-job training that provides
of Ethiopia [FDRE], 2004). In order to an opportunity for instructors to try
implement the material, Higher Diploma immediately the training skills in their
Program [HDP] was designed and is being classroom teaching and reflect upon it. The
provided to teacher educators. Of course, presence of classroom observation by the
the objective of HDP is not merely to program leaders and observation from
professionalize teacher educators in line peers during classroom teaching increases
with promoting a student-centred approach the novelty and effectiveness of the
but also emphasize the overall professional program. This process lets the practitioners
growth of teachers. It is on-the-job training to receive constructive feedback as to what
for one academic year targeting at ensuring went good and areas that need
the competence in learning and teaching improvement in their approach. Apart from
methods, assessment methods as well as this, instructors plan their lesson based on
key elements of the roles required of the training they are receiving, conduct a
teachers’ educators: reflection, session, and evaluate the lesson and again
collaborative work, planning and coping to plan for improvement. The leaders will
change. To this end, the training of HDP evaluate progress of each instructor by
comprises the following major teams: referring to the individual teacher
reflective educator, time management, educators’ portfolios.
active learning methods, continuous
assessment, and school placement and Literature on staff development practice
action research. Thus, the successful indicates that the success of a given
completion of the one-year Higher professional development training
Diploma Program Training will be the measured by the degree of the transfer of
prerequisite for receiving a teaching license the training skills into classroom
without which no one can join or stay in instruction (Guskey, 2000). Conducting
the profession in future (TESO, 2003). outcome assessment at the classroom level
Application of Higher Diploma Program Adula Bekele 53

can do this. According to Guskey, outcome 1.3.2 Specific objectives:

assessment enabled the concerned body to • Determine the extent to which HDP
identify the extent to which the training graduates are applying HDP training skills
skills are realized at the classroom level, (active learning, continuous assessment
point to the possible bottlenecks for the and time management) in their classroom
successful application and taking instruction
progressive action based on the feedback • Identify the barriers for implementing
obtained. This will enhance the HDP training skills in class room
sustainability of the program. However, instruction
outcome assessment of HDP at Jimma • Recommend strategies that could
University in the Faculty of Education with escalate the application of HDP training
the intention of articulating the extent to skills into classroom teaching.
which the graduates are using the training
skills at the actual classroom level has not 1.4 Significance of the study
yet studied. Consequently, this study The study tried to assess the
initiated to cover the gap mentioned but application of HDP training skills at
focusing only on skills that can be observed actual setting and this revealed the real
and assessed during classroom instruction picture of the current status of the
(such as application of active learning, application of the program at
continuous assessment and time classroom instruction. Based on that
management). In addition, the study possible recommendation that would
addressed the possible limitations that maximize the impact of the training
hindered the application of the training have provided. Therefore, this would
skills to the optimal level. Thus, the study help the concerned body at different
guided by the following research questions: level (Ministry of Education, Teacher
Education Institutions, Education
• To what extent HDP graduates faculty as well as the coordinator of
are using the training skills HDP) to revisit their procedure, which
(active learning, continuous result in effectiveness and
assessment and time sustainability of the program.
management) in their classroom Moreover, the study can help as a
teaching? springboard for those who want to
• What are the possible bottlenecks conduct further investigation on
that hinder instructors from using similar area.
HDP training skills in their
classroom instruction? 2. METHODOLOGY
2.1 Research design
1.3 Objective of the study Cross sectional study employed to assess
the outcome of HDP training on the
1.3.1 General objective classroom instruction of the graduates.
This study intended to assess the
application of HDP training on the 2.2 Study site
current classroom instruction of the This study was conducted in education
graduates and pinning to bottlenecks faculty, University of Jimma (Ethiopia).
that inhibit graduates from using skills The Education Faculty was selected for this
to the optimal level. study since HDP has been introduced only
in this faculty. HDP training is rendering to
Ethiop. J. Educ. & Sc. vol. 4 No. 1 September, 2008 54

the eleven departments operating under the and first hand information on the
faculty. Hence, this study included all application of HDP training skills and
departments except department of Physical challenges they have faced in applying the
education for mode of delivery utilized by skills in classroom teaching. All
that department was not conducive for department heads, and Dean of the faculty
classroom observation. Besides, nobody were involved in the study. They are also
was there for interview as graduating staffs valuable source as they are responsible for
from the department have already left for all developments undertaking in their
further study. Although department of respective department and the faculty as a
Psychology and Civics Education were whole. Fullan (1991) put the contributions
involved in the training till recently, they of institution’s head for realization of
were not included in the study since they reformation stating as organizations change
have established as applied science faculty become effective when administrators of
merging with other new departments. the organization play active role in helping
to lead the improvement. Lists of the HDP
2.3 Population gradates is presented in table 1.
The population of this study consisted of
all graduates of HDP working in the Table 1: Lists of Higher Diploma graduates
Faculty of Education. This group of by department in the faculty of Education
instructors was appropriate for this study as Jimma University.
it would help the researcher to get reliable

List of departments

History &








On work 1 1 6 4 4 3 5 2 2 4 2 - 31
Study 3 1 1 - 2 4 2 0 2 2 1 2 20
Left the - - 1 1 - 2 1 2 1 - 1 - 9
Total 4 2 8 5 6 9 8 4 5 6 4 2 64
Source: HDP office, Faculty of Education in Jimma University
Note: All participants were males as no female instructors were employed in the faculty before
* HPE refers to Health and Physical Education

2.4 Sampling impossible) were not convenient for

It can be impossible for the researcher to applying random sampling. As a result, one
interview or conduct classroom observation voluntary graduate was selected for
with all graduates of the HDP. At the same classroom observation and subsequent
time, the population size (see Table 1) for interview from all departments except one
each department and the nature of the study (See Section 2.5).
(i.e. forcing somebody for interview or
classroom observation is difficult if not
Application of Higher Diploma Program Adula Bekele 55

2.5 Instruments office of V/Dean. Then, the researcher

In this study, a variety of instruments were approached to select one HDP graduates
used to collect information about the HDP from each department. The selection took
graduates use of the training skills in place in such away that the researcher
classroom instruction and identifying visited the department in the morning and
factors that might inhibit the successful asked the target instructor, clarifying the
transfer of the skill in actual teaching. objective of the research, if he/she was
willing to be observed during his/her
Classroom observation classroom instruction and then interviewed.
Classroom observation was conducted in Then, the classroom observation, with the
order to collect first hand information help of observation checklist, occurred on
regarding the current use of HDP training the same day in order to observe the
skills in classroom instruction. “natural circumstances”. The observation
Accordingly, nine lessons (one from each focuses on areas of HDP training skills that
department) were observed by means of an can be applied at a classroom level (such as
observation checklist. The observation use of active learning, continuous
checklist were adopted from Thijs (1999) assessment and time management). Data
and Ottenvanger (2001) following the style collection during classroom observation
of HDP. An expert appraisal was used to took place in such away that the researcher
ensure whether the adopted checklists took notes thereby tick as yes, no or not
could fit to the HDP or not. Generally, the applied (N/A) immediately after the
observation checklist focuses on HDP session.
graduates (instructors) use of HDP training
skills: learner centred approach with Then interview was held with the
reference to active learning, continuous respective instructor, then the respective
assessment and time management in their department head and finally with the dean
classroom instruction. To this effect the to investigate further about application of
observation checklist with three parts has HDP training skills and factors they think
prepared: Introduction, Body of the lesson could hindered the application to reach its
and Conclusion. optimal level. Interview used the semi-
structured interview guide that could let the
Interview interview to express his/her feeling freely,
The main instrument used in this study was let the researcher use ideas from the
interview. It helped the researcher to observation (in contrary to the well
collect information from different sources. structured one) and at the same time more
In the first instance, interview used to convenient for analysis purpose than the
collect information from graduates of HDP unstructured interview (see Wragg, 2002;
after the observation as to their use of a Silverman, 1993). Wragg (2002) portrays
HDP training skills and the challenging the significant influence of interview place
factors for the application of the training and time for the validity and reliability of
skills. information provided by the interview. For
that matter, interview places for study were
2.6. Procedures arranged where privacy was maintained
First, the researcher visited the faculty and based on agreement with the interviewee.
met V/dean of the faculty and discussed the Similarly, time for the interview was set in
purpose of the research activity showing such away that the interviewee would not
the support letter, which was later get tired. Wrang, also plea for not to make
distributed to all departments through
Ethiop. J. Educ. & Sc. vol. 4 No. 1 September, 2008 56

interview for very brief time that lead to data obtained from classroom checklist was
shallow of information, also not to make it quantitatively analyzed. The data collected
too long for fear of fatigue. He with the help of interview from each
recommends optimal time range for interviewee would be transcribed, and
interview as forty-five minutes to an hour. coded with reference to the research
The number of questions and scope of each questions. The data collected from different
interview guide questions for this study set (group) sources analyzed independently
taking into consideration the following the research questions. Finally,
aforementioned time gap. In order to summary of data from all sources and
determine the time limit for interview as instruments discussed all together. Then
well as validity of the interview guide conclusion and recommendation were
questions, Wragg comments making use of drawn.
pilot study in two ways: Soliciting
comment from the experienced person and 3. RESULTS
trying one or two pilot interviews. This This section presents the findings of the
study used only the former mentioned study. It begins from portraying the general
technique for two reasons: time constraint overview of respondents to describing
to conduct pilot interview for all sources findings from classroom observation and
and limited number of sources (see Table interviews.
As shown in Table 2, all respondents were
2.7 Quality aspect of the data male as far as no female instructors have
Yin (1994) suggests that construct validity undergone HDP during the first two
of a case study can be maintained by using batches. With regard to participants’
multiple sources of information and by educational background, all have their
establishing chain of evidences. This study second degree except two and all of them
is abided by these rules. Accordingly, the have undergone teacher education system
researcher used multiple sources and in either of their degrees despite the fact
multiple instruments. Besides, the that teachers in Ethiopia who have not yet
researcher tried to link the items (classroom received pedagogical training can join
hecklist and interview guide) to the two teaching profession up to the introduction
research questions. Besides, the attempt of HDP. Mean year for teaching experience
done to observe “natural environment” and for participants was 12, with a range of 3 to
the sequence of data collection process 20. The same table also depicted that the
(observation-interview with the observed average teaching load for instructors was
teacher-interview with the heads and dean) 11 hours per week excluding other related
guaranteed the quality it wants. activities such as advising and supervising
CBTP and the average number of courses
2.7 Data analysis taught by the respondents was 2, with a
This research used both qualitative and range of 1 to 3.
quantitative aspect of data analysis. The
Application of Higher Diploma Program Adula Bekele 57

3.1. General overview of the respondents

Table 2: Demographic characteristics of the participants (instructors)

Teaching load

he/she teaches
No of courses




A/ Oromo M BA TS* 15 12 2
Amharic M MA TS 13 15 1
English M MA TS 7 15 3
Mathematics - - - - - -
Geography M MA TS 20 9 2
History M BA TS 3 12 2
Biology M MA TS 16 8 2
Chemistry M MA TS 12 9 2
Physics M MA TS 12 9 3
Pedagogy M MA TS 12 12 1
Mean 12 11 2
S.D 1.6 0.88 0.24
Note: The researcher could not manage to observe any of HDP graduates from
Mathematics department as some of them were not around during data collection while
others reported that they have already completed classes. TS= teaching stream

Similarly, background information about department heads is presented in Table 3.

Table 3: An overview of department heads’ characteristics

Departme Gender Educational Age Experience as a department head

nts level (in year)

A/ Oromo M MA 32 3
Amharic M MA 33 2
English M MA 32 9/12
Mathemati M MSc 35 1
Geography M MA 36 2
History M MA 30 4/12
Biology M MSc 34 2
Chemistry M MSc 30 4/12
Physics M MSc 26 4/12
Pedagogy M MA 30 3
Mean - _ 32 1 5/12
S.D - _ 0.9 .78
Ethiop. J. Educ. & Sc. vol. 4 No. 1 September, 2008 58

As shown in Table 3, all department heads Believing that teaching load of instructors,
have their second degree and they were number of courses taught and the number
found in early adulthood (average age 32 of teaching staffs on duty significantly
years of age). Their experience as a influences the application of HDP training
department head varied from 4 months to 3 skills (active learning methods, continuous
years with mean of almost 1.5. Under the assessment and time management) by
normal condition, position of department competing for time and energy, heads were
head is rotating within 2 years although asked to report situation of their
literatures recommend a minimum length departments. Their responses are presented
of term of office three years (Higher in table 4.
Education System Overhaul [HESO]

Table 4. Average teaching load, number of subjects taught by each teacher and number of
teaching staffs by respective departments
Department Teachin No of subjects taught by Teaching staff
g load each instructor (On duty)
A/ Oromo 9 2 6
Amharic 10 2 7
English 18 1 27
Mathematics 12 2 13
Geography 8 2 7
History 12 2 8
Biology 10 2 9
Chemistry 9 3 12
Physics 12 2 9
pedagogy 12 1 11
Mean 11 2 11
S.D .88 .15 1.9

Thus, as shown by Table 4, the average all departments operating in the University.
teaching load of departments ranges from 8 Pedagogy department shared similar
to 18, with mean value of 11. The table characteristics by offering courses for all
also depicted that instructors in the departments within the Education Faculty.
majority of the department occupied 2 On contrary side, A/ Oromo, Geography
courses per semester. The number of and Amharic departments are running with
teaching staff on duty varied from 6 (A/ relatively few staffs (6, 8, & 10,
Oromo department) to 27 (English respectively) but with minimum teaching
department) while the mean was 11. load (9, 8, & 10, respectively).
English department is with high number of
teaching staff (27) and teaching load at the 3.1 Findings of classroom observation
same time. However, on average, they are Classroom observation was used to assess
rendering only one course like Pedagogy how far HDP training skills were used in
department. This happened since English real classroom practice. This provided good
department is offering common courses for insights into the real life application of a
Application of Higher Diploma Program Adula Bekele 59

student-centred approach by graduates of instructor from each department except

HDP. The observation was conducted with Mathematics was observed. Summaries of
the help of checklists addressing the the observed lessons are provided in Table
introduction, body of the lesson and 5 a and b.
conclusion part. Accordingly, one

Table 5a. Summary of findings from observation checklist

List of instructors

*I1 I2 I3 I4 I5 I6 I7 I8 I9 X
Class size** 65 65 80 40 70 40 65 40 40 56
Introduction: Basic teaching skill 60 20 20 20 40 40 20 20 20 29

Learner centred 67 0 0 100 50 67 100 90 50 58
Body of the
Lesson: Basic teaching skill 0 0 25 45 25 25 0 50 50 24
Learner centred 0 0 9 55 28 36 36 50 100 34.5
Conclusion: Basic teaching skill 0 67 0 0 100 100 67 0 33 41
Learner centred 0 25 0 50 100 50 75 50 25 42

Note: Except for class size the other were referring to the percentage of items that marked
as yes. *I= Instructor
** The figure for class size indicated the approximate number of students on the day of
classroom observation, as agreed by researcher and classroom teacher.

As can be seen in table 5a, a student completed the lesson on time, tried to
centred approach was hardly implemented involve students at least by inviting them to
by the majority of the participants. They raise unclear issue while concluding the
failed to move smoothly through the whole lesson.
lesson using a student-centred approach.
Majority of them made good use of In addition to the checklist with detailed
introduction part, except I2 & I3). items to collect information about
However, as they began body of the lesson, classroom practice discussed above, other
which is the most determinant part and for general items focusing on HDP objective
which many items set as teachers are also used to get the general impression of the
expected to devote much time, all lesson. The items were open ended but
instructors with exception of I4, I9 & later, after collection of data taken place,
relatively I8, tended to fall back to the converted into yes, no and N/A for the sake
traditional lecture method. However, of simplicity for analysis. And this can be
majority of respondents who have shown in Table 5b as follow.
Ethiop. J. Educ. & Sc. vol. 4 No. 1 September, 2008 60

Table 5b. General Impression of the lesson

Expected outcome Yes No N/ A
Student teacher talk balance 2 (22%) 7 (78%) 0 (o %)
Use of varieties of active learning Methods 3 (33%) 6 (67%) 0 (0%)
Use of continuous assessment 2 (22%) 7 (78%) 0 (0%)
Time management 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 9 (100%)
As it can be seen in the Table 5b, only two going within the class was difficult for
instructors teaching national and regional some instructors as there was no pass. For
language succeeded in conducting lesson instance, I2 gave activity for his student to
maintaining teacher student talk balance. show him by drawing the picture. Finally,
Specially, it was only these two instructors since no way for students to go to the
that were shown positively encouraging the blackboard and for the teacher to approach
participation of female students. the student, the student showed the picture
by sign remained seating on his bench.
With regard to the use of varieties of active
learning methods, instructors who were One of the objectives of HDP is equipping
observed using other active learning instructors with skill of managing time or
methods in addition to or instead of the adapting to changes. As a result, instructors
normal lecture method, gaped lecture, and are recommended to use lesson plan for
questions were categorized as yes he/she their teaching. However, non of
was using varieties of active learning participants observed using a lesson plan.
methods. Accordingly, only three They informed the researcher that they
instructors ( as shown in Table 5b) were used lesson plan only during classroom
used other active learning methods such as observation by HDP leader or peer during
cross over group ( I9), presentation ( I9 & HDPT. As a result, it was difficult for
I8), individual work ( I4, & I8) and group researcher to generalize about time
discussion ( I4 , I9). management of the observed instructors.

In response to item sought general 3.2 Instructors response on interview

impression about instructors’ use of questions
continuous assessment, specific to use of After classroom observation, instructors
self evaluation, peer evaluation and group were asked to describe the then lesson
evaluation, only the aforementioned inline with a student-centred approach from
language instructors used it. Although not their own point of view. Accordingly, the
able to use the aforementioned techniques interview responses schemed as a student-
of continuous assessment almost all centred approach was implemented,
instructors were checking the implemented but not accurately and not
understanding of their students through implemented. This is provided in table 6
questioning, roaming around and observing below.
what they were doing. However, even
Application of Higher Diploma Program Adula Bekele 61

Table 6. Application of a student centred approach by HDP graduates

Implemented 2x
Implemented but not accurately 4x
Not Implemented 3x

As shown in Table 6, although the I9 mentioned that both at the day of

observation result showed that relatively classroom observation by researcher as
three instructors were applied a student- well as at other time he is continuously
centred approach, it was only two of them using active learning methods. For
that considered their then lesson as instance, he stated the then lesson as
participatory. These two instructors were follow:
teaching national (I8) as well as regional
language (I9). Whereas, relatively high “…as to my observation I believe that I
number of instructors (4x) and (3x) utilized student centred approach
considered their then lesson as a student effectively because they [students] were
centred approach was not accurately contributing to the classroom discussion
applied and not applied at all, respectively. more than I did. As you observed them they
were first dealing with issue individually,
However, from those who claimed that then discussed in pair, then in groups and
their then lesson was a student centred, one finally report their finding through their
instructor (I8) revealed that he usually uses representative where heated discussion
traditional lecture method unlike the then occurred”
lesson. He expressed his idea as follow:

“As a matter of chance my today’s lesson Moreover, In order to cross check how far
is activity based. It is doing exercises. As a the HDP graduates are using active
result, I used participatory approach. My learning methods learnt during HDP
course is more of theory based that training, they were requested to recall at
obtained from different books. However, least five of them among the many lists
my students are not matured to read and they have/learnt or practice during HDP
understand such books. Therefore, it training. The rationale for this was that if
usually requires me to translate the idea of they are really using these methods, they
such books to the language of instruction could recall at least their names. Their
[one of Ethiopian languages]. As a result, responses were presented in Table 7.
most of the time I utilizes traditional
lecture method”
Ethiop. J. Educ. & Sc. vol. 4 No. 1 September, 2008 62

Table 7. List of active learning methods named with the corresponding instructor’s

Respondent’s department (n= 9)

Name of








Group √ √ √ √ √ 5
Individual √ √ √ √ 4
Questioning √ √ √ √ √ 5
presentation √ √ √ 3
demonstration √ √ √ 3
Buzz Group √ √ 2
Gold fish ball √ √ 2
Gap-lecture √ √ 2
Hot seat √ √ 2
Pair work √ √ 2
Cooperative √ 1
Group work √ 1
Peer √ 1
total 5 5 4 5 2 - 4 5 3

Note: n does not add up to the total as one respondent provided more than one response. 0
* Item addressing the required response was jumped unintentionally for instructor from
Pedagogy department.

As shown in table 7, only instructors from they are not accurately exercising with the
four departments named active learning active learning methods learned during
methods up to five. The methods reported HDP training even though do not abandon
with high frequency were group discussion them at all.
(5x), questioning (5x), and individual work
(4x). These are the commonly known and Instructors who have mentioned that they
used methods. Here, five instructors were did not use a student-centred approach at
named the name of group discussion but all or partly in their lesson have provided
only two instructors were observed using justification for their responses. These are
this approach. Generally, this shows that shown in Table 8 by descending order.
Application of Higher Diploma Program Adula Bekele 63

Table 8. Justification for not applying a student-centred approach as provided by


Reasons for not using a student centred approach N= 7 *

Large class size 4x
The need to cover portion 4x

Lack of learning materials 2x


Lack of interest from the student side 2x

Nature of the lesson 2x
“To behave as usual “ 2x
* N does not add up to total as one respondent provided more than one response.

As shown in Table 11, the need for 3.3 Interview responses from
covering portion (4x) and large class size department heads
(4x) were among the frequently indicated Application of Higher Diploma training
barriers for application of a student-centred skills.
approach reported by instructors. Lack of
learning materials at hand, lack of interest Department heads were asked to explain
from student side, nature of the lesson and how far HDP graduates from their
the request from the researcher to “behave respective department were using student
as usual” were indicated twice as barriers centred approach in their classroom
for applying HDP training skills in teaching. Accordingly, their interview
classroom teaching. responses schemed as: applying as planned,
there is a change but not to the expected
level, and no change at all. This is provided
in Table 9.

Table 9. Application of active learning by graduates of HDP as reported by department


Application of a student centred approach n=10

Applied as planned 1 (A/Oromo)
Change in approach but not as expected 6(Geography, Amharic, Maths,
History, Biology & English)
No change in the previous approach 3 (Pedagogy, Chemistry, Physics)
Ethiop. J. Educ. & Sc. vol. 4 No. 1 September, 2008 64

As represented by Table 9, majority of education except one. The others were new
heads (5) believed that even though there employee; hence, they are attending the
were change in knowledge, attitude and HDP by then. As to the person graduated
skill regarding a student-centred approach from the HDP, he mentioned, he is
as a result of HDP training, instructors confident on him that he is using the skill
were not using the skill in the classroom effectively since he is educator of HDP.
teaching to the required level. The other Evidence from classroom observation and
three heads of departments stated that their interview with the corresponding instructor
staff did not bring change in the way they confirmed the same thing.
were teaching after having graduated from
HDP. Only one head reported that his staffs Department heads whose response
graduating from HDP was applying a categorized as there is a change but not as
student-centred approach as wanted. He expected and no change in approach have
further elaborated that people who have asked for further explanation. And they
graduated from HDP were left for further provided the following justification:

Table 10. Justifications for not applying a student-centred approached to the required level
as reported by department heads.

• Large class size 5x

• Lack of willingness 3x
• Time constraints due to programs overlaps , overload 4x
• Materials constraints (modules prepared but not yet distributed) 3x
• Active learning needs extensive preparation 1x
• Mismatch between content of the course and time allotted 1x
• Lack of follow-up support 1x

Accordingly, major bottlenecks for Large class size

application of HDP training skills (a “…there is a change in methodology we
student-centred approach) into classroom are using before taking HDP and now.
practice were large class size (4x), time However, I do not mean that we are
constraint due to over load or program applying the skill exactly in the way we
overlap (4x), and lack of willingness (3x). learn to be, as the existing problem [class
Material constraints, the need for extensive size] continue to aggravate. At the
preparation, mismatch between content of beginning of this year 198 fresh students
the course and time allotted as well as lack were assigned to the department and we
of follow-up support were also indicated as were forced to assign them only in to two
barriers. The following quotes referring to sections. … finally the class was
the aforementioned barriers were taken overcrowded, no chair for students, no
from the interview with department heads. space to put chair and every things went
Application of Higher Diploma Program Adula Bekele 65

wrong. After one month trial, we continued With regard to the existence of provision of
debating with university officials and work place support or follow-up service for
finally managed to make three sections, 65 graduates of HDP, all department heads
students per section. Still, 65 is large and reported that their academic staffs have
we could not proceed with active learning received no support although there was a
as expected. We have the knowledge, the plan called Continuous Professional
skill but these all messes lead us to leave Development [CPD] that planned for the
the practice even at all.” aforementioned purpose. However, they
reported that CPD has not yet implemented
Time constraint due to overload or program for unknown reason. Although participants
overlap of this study perceived CPD as a program
designed to provide follow-up support for
“There is a program called CBTP which is HDPT, the objective of CPD is more
amalgamation of Practicum and CBE. general than that. It is designed to up-dated
During this program, instructors are teachers to new policies, reforms
assigned as supervisor and go for introduced that help teachers to renew their
outreach. In our department, one instructor teaching license any time new reforms
is teaching at least two batches. When they introduced (TGE, 1994; TESO, 2003;
go for supervision with one batch, class for MOE; 2006).
other batch will stop. …a student centred
approach is time taking. It needs you to 3.4 Summary of interview responses
have patience until students perform with dean
individually, exchange idea and come to
conclusion by themselves. However, this In response to question addressing the
instructor left his classes for practicum implementation of a student-centred
purpose let say for one month. When he approach by HDP graduates, the dean
came back from practicum, examination responded that at the faculty level he could
period can be approached. Therefore, to not say exactly they are implementing or
cope with this the person forced to cover not as far as no consistent follow up has
the portion by calling make up, then by taken place. However, since he himself is a
telling [lecture method] than employing graduate of HDP, he concluded from his
active learning. experience that HDP training skill is rarely
applied. He attributed the failure to the
Unwillingness of instructors following points.
• Large class size. He witnessed that he
“There are people who are certified with has around 85 students in one class.
HDP. However, they have not yet shown • Lack of readiness from the student side.
any change in their teaching. From the The dean reported that students were not
beginning, our staffs were not interested in welcoming a student-centred approach.
the program. As a result, some of them Unless the instructor used lecture method,
quitted in between like me, while others students did not consider that they were
graduated with low performance. We did learning. Comparing to students from other
not believe in the usefulness of the faulty, he described the Education Faculty
program. We were recommended and students as showing low attempts to learn
forced to take the training without themselves. He said, therefore, at the end of
involving us in the decision”. the day when his students could not learn
what they supposed to learn, he would back
Ethiop. J. Educ. & Sc. vol. 4 No. 1 September, 2008 66

to the traditional method. Therefore, he the leading, they are joining another
said that he was rarely applying the position.
Therefore, the dean stressed that in order to
The dean was asked if there was any confirm the sustainability of the program,
follow-up support arranged for HDP instructors must believe in the value of a
graduates that could enable them to student-centered approach in bringing
implement a student centred approach. radical improvement in the performance of
Accordingly, he gave the following students. This can be done through using of
responses. practical changes in the form of case
studies; showing video evidences of one
There was a program called continuous full class where a student-centered
professional development designed in order approach is all implemented and discussing
to check whether the graduates are about it than blindly forcing instructors.
applying the skill or not. The program was These techniques could accelerate
thought to be conducted by leaders understanding of the program’s value by
involved in HDPT. However, he said that teachers. If so, instructors can force
he was not sure that leaders did it. This themselves to apply a student-centered
might be due to time constraint as these approach without any reinforcement or
leaders are giving courses besides leading enforcement. In addition, making related
HDP. Although the faculty reduces their conditions conducive (such as classroom
teaching load, still they are overloaded with environment, minimizing over load,
additional programs like practicum and assigning one responsible person freed
CBTP. Besides, he mentioned that he was from teaching) can facilitate application of
in doubt that the leaders were thought in a student-centered approach.
depth and planned for continuous
professional development. 4 DISCUSSION

Above all, he said no follow-up plan was As shown in Section 3, instructors with
designed. He mentioned that even he was high teaching experiences and second
worried for the sustainability of HDP than degree holders were participated in the
for the follow-up since HDP is currently study since during training of HDP; priority
supported from Teacher Development Fund has given to people who hold position and
[TDP] where more than 5,000 birr has been with high experiences. As a result, majority
paid for single leader per semester. For this of the young staffs have taken the training
semester, the faculty paid more than 40,000 thereafter. Besides, those people who have
birr for 8 leaders. Therefore, if TDP fund Bachelor degree and have graduated from
terminated he expressed his doubt that the HDP have been already sent for further
University could afford this much money. education. All of the participants have
Another factor for the absence of follow up gone through Teacher education systems.
service, as described by the dean, is The average teaching load for instructors in
attributed to lack of one responsible the faculty of Education in general was 11
organizer. Nowadays, instructors are hours per week excluding other related
running the program side to their normal activities such as advising and supervising
class. No person is assigned or employed CBTP though maximum load set is 12
only for such purpose. Even some people credit hours per week. Therefore, the
after they trained and experienced well for teaching load of participants was not
Application of Higher Diploma Program Adula Bekele 67

exceeding the maximum load. Similarly, hands. In their view, calling on students
the average number of courses taught by who are not raising hands can increase the
instructors was 2 (see table 2 & 3). participation of all students or at least help
to get their attention as they are expecting
Application of HDP training skills by questions. However, their requirement for
HDP graduates students who are not ready to give answer
could not contribute to an atmosphere that
Accordingly, evidences from lesson encourages students’ involvement in
observation showed that only three discussion. This finding is consistent with
instructors (I4, I8 & I9) were observed previous finding in the case of Ethiopian
going smoothly through all parts of the HEIs (Tolessa, 2004).
lesson using a student-centred approach.
The rest (except I2 & I3) were begun Of course, the success of the
making the lesson participatory in the abovementioned three instructors can be
introduction part but soon fall back to the attributed to different factors. Among the
traditional lecture method. Commonly, observed participants, they were observed
maximum of five minutes is expected to be teaching final year students (except I8 but
devoted on each of introduction and who was also observed teaching small class
conclusion part of the lesson. One period size) who are small in size, unlike the first
corresponds to fifty minutes. Therefore, and second year students. Second, I8 & 9
much time is allocated to the body of the were teaching national and regional
lesson. However, as indicated in the above languages, respectively that are mother
paragraph only three instructors managed tongue for both students and instructors.
to make their instruction a student centred Emerging literatures from South Africa
while carrying out the body of the lesson. context showed that medium of instruction
This implied that other instructors covered (English) became barrier in applying a
the whole periods using lecture method. In student centred approach of instruction in
support to this finding, Daniel (2004) secondary education as far as the language
express lecture method as dominating is not mother tongue for both teachers and
instructional approach that used in higher students (Thijs, 1999; Ottevanger, 2001).
learning institutions of Ethiopia. He goes Therefore, this might be the case in the
on pointing to the drawbacks of this aforementioned point although detailed
method as students tend to depend research has not yet conducted concerning
primarily on lecture notes that highly Ethiopia. This can be potential area for
discourage independent learning. further research. Lastly, I9, who succeeded
in making his lesson student centred, is
Nevertheless, some of them tried to support currently educator of HDP. This also might
their lecture with questioning although still initiate the person to use the skill.
the questions were strictly close ended like
asking for meaning, a word and so on. It is also these two language instructors
Besides, majority of them did not give time observed using different active learning
for students to think and respond. Rather methods; maintaining teacher-student talk
they forwarded the question then responded balance as well as encouraging
themselves without involving students. participation of female students. They were
Specially, three instructors were the only instructors used continuous
continuously using questions but they assessment during classroom observation.
called on students who were not raising None of instructors were observed using
Ethiop. J. Educ. & Sc. vol. 4 No. 1 September, 2008 68

lesson plan so it is difficult to comment on time and all students got chance to express
their time management skill. their view. Moreover, at least the number
of student and the size of the classroom
Evidences derived from interview with the should fit each other so that at least
observed instructors, corresponding instructor gets passage to go within the
department heads and faculty dean even group and guide or monitor students’
revealed less regarding the use of HDP activities. At the same time, students
training skills. Only two instructors (the should also get enough space to move
two language instructors) considered their freely while forming group for discussion
then approach as a student-centred. Even and backing to their seat without disturbing
among them one was said during interview neighboring classes. However, from the
(see section 3) he made his teaching learner researcher’s experience during classroom
centered just on the observation day due to observation and as reported by instructors,
the nature of the then lesson. Moreover, department heads and deans during
among department heads, only one reported interview, these all conditions were not
that HDP graduates from his department observed in the context of education
(the one claimed him self using student faculty. Except for final year classes and
centred approach always) currently using one class from other batch, all batches have
student centred approach effectively. Dean minimum of 65 students in a class. Even
of the faculty also reflected his doubt about sometimes latecomers forced to find chairs
how far instructors are using this approach. from neighboring classes. In this way, the
place for teacher to step on is limited to the
Moreover, analysis of classroom front corridor. The researcher witnessed
observation and interview with instructors this condition from his experience of
showed that instructors were using classroom observation with at least four
traditional learning methods such as departments. In opposite to this view, one
questioning, gapped lecture, and individual instructor, the one observed approximately
work (TESO, 2003). The nature of these teaching 80 students in a class, argued that
methods and also the way they used were he did not belief in idea that large class size
not encouraging the participation of prevents instructors from applying active
students. Use of close ended questions and learning methods. He stressed that if other
forcing student to reply or participate conditions fulfilled besides the presence of
shouldered the aforementioned risk. determination from the instructor side, the
Moreover, the abovementioned methods effect of class size might not be significant.
are not encouraging as they prevent
students learn from each other. The need to cover the portion: the
participants agreed that the contents of the
Factors inhibiting the successful course and time allotted for do not much
application of HDP Training skills at a each other. However, it is known that using
Classroom level of a student-centred approach compared to
traditional lecture method is time taking.
Large class size: In order to conduct a That is why instructors mentioned their
student-centred approach, the number of worries that they could not complete the
students in a given class should be lesson if they used a student-centred
reasonable so that instructors able to approach. In line with this idea, several
identify each student by name; give literatures advocating constructivism argue
feedback to the performance of students on that students should be encouraged to learn
Application of Higher Diploma Program Adula Bekele 69

explore their ideas (preferably in traditional and one way approach of

collaboration) and develop deep instruction, we should provide them with
knowledge, and skill (Kwakman, 2003; the appropriate learning resources with
Jonassen, 1999). To ward this end, students which they will interact. If so, the task of
need to be provided with less content with teachers will be limited to facilitator while
ample time (Jonassen, 1991; TESO, 2003; those students will be doer and learner at
Trends in International Mathematics and every time and place. Thus, the teacher
Science Study [TIMSS], 2003). As I shall won’t be worried to cover the portion for
argue later in this paper, it would have been students can do lots of things themselves
possible to make instruction a student outside of the class time.
centred approach despite the vastness of the
lesson, if students have had learning Lack of interest from students and
materials (such as books, modules etc) at teachers side: Other factor mentioned as a
hand. Had it been so it would have been barrier for application of HDP training
possible for instructors to cover the portion skills approach were lack of interest from
through provision of home work, reading student and instructors side in using
assignments, group work, and so on, which student-centered approach. Instructors,
are also methods of active learning. heads and dean agreed that students were
not considering that they learned when
Lack of learning materials at hand: both instructors used active learning methods in
instructors and department heads have delivering the lesson. This might be due to
stressed problems related to lack of the fact that a student centered approach
materials at hand for students. They have requires effort from students in contrary to
mentioned that modules were already the traditional lecture methods, which
prepared but not yet distributed for required them merely to memorize the
students. One instructor emphasized this ready-made note and answer examination.
condition as follow: Besides, in Ethiopia, most students forced
to join Education faculty. These are among
“… in our case, conditions are not students who have low score on National
favorable to make instruction a student examination. As a result, less prepared
centred. Students have no learning students are joining the faculty. Thus, it
materials at their hand. Had it been so or would be difficult for them to lean by
had it been I would have facilities that themselves. Consequently, they are
would helped me to produce and considering that they are not learning while
distributed materials, it would be very easy instructors using a student-centred
to make the lesson attractive. Despite this approach. Regarding instructors, most of
all challenges, sometimes I tried to produce them have trained under the traditional
and distributed materials to students. But lecture method so they might resist for a
the problem is that if you go to office now change as Jonassen (1991) said old habit
and then and ask secretaries for die hard.
photocopies, printer, or duplication, they
get bored and start nagging at you. They “The need to behave as usual”: The
start responding that they do not have objective of the researcher was to observe
paper, ink and so on.” the natural environment of classroom
practice. To do this, an attempt was made
Therefore, if we want students learn to request willingness of an instructor and
themselves leaving aside the passive, observe him/her on the same day.
Ethiop. J. Educ. & Sc. vol. 4 No. 1 September, 2008 70

However, the researcher was not successful and conclusion) except those who were
in doing so for some respondents due to observed teaching national and regional
different factors. As a result some languages. Majority of the instructors
instructors asked him the way he wanted observed supporting their lecture with
them to be in order to organize themselves questioning. However, the way they used
in that way. As a result, he requested them were not encouraging the participation of
to behave as they did before. Finally, two students. Moreover, the graduates were
interviewees reported that they could make applying rarely continuous assessment
the then lesson a student centred but they though it was difficult to decide their skill
did not since they were already informed to of time management for no observed
act as they did teach before. This showed graduates were using lesson plan.
that (as argued later) if there was
something that enforces or reinforces Factors for the failure of implementing
instructors to use a student-centred (HDP HDP training skills at a classroom level
training skills) they would have used it. attributed not only to the physical
This can be consolidated from this writer’s constraints such as large class size, lack of
experiences that most instructors adjust learning materials at hand, and mismatch
themselves to such limitations during peer between course content and time allotted
observation or observation by HDP’s but also to the absence of interest from
managing group. This shows that the instructors and students side and absence of
presence of others pressurized the well organized follow-up support that
instructors to apply the training skill in enforces or reinforces instructors to use the
their classroom instruction. In line with this training skills.
idea, Fullan (2001) indicates the need for
accompanying pressure with support in As the country’s economy level does not
directing teachers toward using of allow constructing many classrooms and
innovation. Because, he argues, teachers employing ample human resource within a
need pressure even in the direction they short time, awaiting the resolution of such
want. physical constraints again could take us a
century to complete the reformation
Lack of well organized workplace envisaged. It is also impractical to raise the
follow-up support: all participants habit and level of students at once so that
confirmed that workplace follow-up application of students’ centred instruction
support that can enforce or reinforce the is possible. The impracticality for having
graduates to use the training skills has not the required instructors both in quality and
yet designed both at the department and in quantity is another factor. It is also
faculty level. This can be attributed as worthwhile to think that teacher educators
major cause for the failure of the cannot be equipped with skill of learner-
application of the training skills. centred instruction within one year training.
Having this in mind, the study recommends
5 Conclusions and recommendations the following strategies as a remedy for the
In general, HDP graduates are not applying prevailing problem:
a student-centred approach in their
classroom teaching to the desired level. • Additional training should be
They couldn’t make their lesson student- provided for instructors on how to
centred at the different phase of the involve learners at different stage
instruction (introduction, body of the lesson of lessen presentation, appropriate
Application of Higher Diploma Program Adula Bekele 71

use of question, and strategies to Fullan, M. (1991). The new meaning of

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continuous assessment in large York: Teacher College Press.
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• Further studies should be
educational change (Third Ed.). New
undertaken so as to identify if
York: Teacher College Press.
medium of instruction is a barrier
for implementing a student- Guskey, Th.R. (2000). Evaluating
centred learning in the context of professional development. Thousand
• Strategies by which the learning Oaks, California: Crown press.
materials (the developed
Higher Education Systems Overhaul
materials) available for students
(2004). Report of the higher education
should be provided soon. It can be
strategy overhaul committee of inquiry
done in such away that enough
into governance, leadership and
copies will be duplicated and
management in Ethiopia’s higher
students should borrow it.
education system. Addis Ababa,
• HDP office should give equal Ethiopia: Ministry of Education.
emphasis to the follow-up service
like that of initial training. There Jonassen, D. H. (1991). Objectivism versus
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that pressurized instructors to use philosophical paradigm? Educational
the training skills. Technology Research and Development,
• Awareness raising activities 39(3), 5-14.
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approach. design theories and models: volume 2-A
new paradigm of instructional theory
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