Under A Black Sun LoRes Just Story

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Never underestimate the ability of wealth

to make all loyalty disappear.

–Amanza Regalo, Black Sun Vigo

W elcome to Coruscant, the heart of the galaxy. This

planet-spanning city is the seat of the Empire’s
power and home to over a trillion individuals. Even un-
The adventure is presented in three parts, each of
which includes a series of encounters for the PCs to
complete and locations for them to explore. Their goal:
der the iron grasp of the Imperial forces, the sheer size to find a bounty hunter who betrayed their employers
of Coruscant makes it attractive to those who hope to before they end up with a bounty of their own!
make their fortunes, whether through legitimate enter- The first part opens with a high-speed chase through
prise or less-than-legal means. the sprawling city of Coruscant as the characters flee
As Under a Black Sun begins, the PCs are inside a fa- from Black Sun operatives. Part two includes a series of
cility run by the Black Sun criminal organization, slicing locations throughout Imperial city that the heroes can in-
into a computer network to gain information for their vestigate while using their skills and diplomatic abilities
bosses, the Pyke criminal family. The Pyke Syndicate to track down the bounty hunter. Finally, part three con-
consists of a network of spice dealers who maintain cludes the adventure with the PCs’ final showdown against
outposts across the galaxy, and the PCs owe them big. the bounty hunter as they attempt to bring him in to an-
Accessing the secured data networks of the Black Sun swer for his double-crossing ways, dead or alive. After the
is no easy task, however, and the PCs inadvertently trip players have had a chance to look over their character
an alarm the moment they download the files they were sheets and make any additional upgrades, read the open-
sent to retrieve. ing crawl, above. Proceed to Episode I and begin.
Episode I: No Easy Jobs
T he adventure begins with the PCs having tripped an
alarm inside the Black Sun facility and needing to
make a hasty retreat with their data. The Bothan slicer
Characters should keep in mind that stray blaster fire
can injure or kill innocents and will attract the attention
of local police droids or even the Coruscant Underworld
Jovel managed to download the file they were sent to Police themselves (see page 22). If statistics for the
retrieve, but it is heavily encrypted. With alarms blar- Black Sun adversaries are needed, see the Black Sun
ing, there is no time to worry about that now! thug profile, also on page 22.

Encounter 1: Hot Describing the Chase

The characters make their way from the building to a
busy landing platform outside. Luckily, an automated
B e sure to use Coruscant’s sights, sounds, and
smells to the fullest. Hundreds of flashing bill-
boards and neon signs, countless zooming trans-
speeder sits waiting for potential customers. Read or ports and speeders, the hiss of steam and the
paraphrase the following to the players aloud: grind of great machinery—all of these elements
help set the stage for the encounter as the PCs
Klaxons blare overhead as you flee from the facili- fly through the ecumenopolis.
ty with the stolen data. You hear Black Sun agents
scrambling to investigate on the floors above. You Once the PCs have successfully made their escape,
exit the skyscraper onto a bustling landing plat- their contact with the Pykes sends an encrypted trans-
form where a droid-driven airspeeder sits nearby, mission to their comlinks telling them to bring the chip
awaiting a fare. A blaster bolt whizzes past your to Chopper’s in Quadrant L-42 for further instructions.
heads, and the speeder seems like the best (and Proceed to Encounter 2.
only) option for escape! As you jump inside, the
droid quickly zooms away into the streams of traf-
fic. Unfortunately, the Black Sun thugs are not that Encounter 2: Chop Talk
easy to lose, and within seconds they are in hot
pursuit on swoop bikes of their own. More blaster After escaping the thugs and avoiding other obstacles
fire screams past your speeder, when suddenly a they might have encountered during their escape,
lucky shot takes out the piloting droid with a bang! the PCs now have to decide what to do with the in-
formation they collected. Their rendezvous point for

The PCs must decide how to proceed as the chase en-

ters the heavily populated, skyscraper-packed areas of ...And into the Fire
the city. They need to shake the Black Sun thugs off their
tail, and soon. The four thugs start at medium range,
moving one range band closer per round. If the PCs fail to gain control of the speeder in
two rounds, it clips an oncoming transport or
nearby building and spirals out of control. It
One or more characters can attempt to regain con-
trol of their speeder with an Average (π π) Piloting crashes on a nearby platform, skidding to a halt.
(Planetary) check (see the ...And into the Fire side- Each PC suffers 2 strain and is disoriented until
bar, right). The other PCs should look for escape routes the end of his next turn (add a Setback die ∫ to
by making Average (π π) Perception checks. Suc- all skill checks). If they engage the pursuing thugs
cess reveals open air vent tunnels, sewers, alleyways in a firefight, police droids quickly converge on
between buildings, and other potential paths of escape. the area (see page 22). The Player Characters
can try to blend into the crowd, duck into a near-
As long as they remain in the busy thoroughfare, all char- by shop, or flee into an alley or utility shaft with
acters suffer a Setback die ∫ from the traffic, speed, and an Average (π π) Stealth check or the Black
movement of their speeder. If the players come up with a Sun thugs catch up with them and start shooting.
better plan to evade their pursuers, let them run with it.
After a few minutes pass, their comlink lights up
Once they decide on a course, the pilot makes an Easy with a message to hold tight; someone will pick
(π) or Average (π π) Stealth check to hide from their them up soon to bring them to the rendezvous
pursuers depending on how busy or dark their escape point. A patched-together speeder piloted by one
route is. If they vanish into the labyrinthine tunnels of of the pregenerated characters (one not being
Coruscant’s underlevels, the GM might want to add an op- used in the adventure) or by an Ugnaught arrives
tional encounter with a duracrete slug (see page 22). and takes them to Chopper’s in Encounter 2.
the debrief is a small, out-of-the-way garage known “What can you tell us about this bounty hunter?” The
as Chopper’s. This speeder repair shop is the home characters are sure to want to know more about this
of a confidant and employee of the Pykes named bounty hunter they’ve been tasked with tracking. Chop-
Cho’pa’ailor, a Besalisk. Everyone refers to the four- per reveals to them that this particular bounty hunter
armed repairman as “Chopper” due to his skills with a was operating under an alias. He was working for the
laser saw and as a play on his name. Pykes to dispatch a rival smuggler and intercept the
The characters make their way to his shop either in large spice shipment the rival was carrying. The bounty
hunter betrayed the Pykes and took the shipment for
their acquired speeder or by other means (if they
crashed) with the data locked away on Jovel Nial’s himself instead, delivering it to the Black Sun mobsters
equipment. When the PCs enter the establishment, who offered him a bigger bounty. This cost the Pyke
read the following aloud: Syndicate hundreds of thousands of credits, and jobs
with them have dried up ever since. Hopefully, this file
will reveal the hunter’s real name, so that the PCs can
Sparks fly from numerous locations throughout the bring him to justice for his betrayal and ensure that the
large, cluttered repair shop. Everywhere you look, Pykes will have work for them in the future.
piles of speeder parts, half-built droids, and strang-
er contraptions are stacked to the ceiling. Several “Do they want him dead or alive?” The Pykes have a bit
groups of Ugnaughts are welding and working away of unfinished business with the bounty hunter that they’d
on a disassembled airspeeder, paying you no heed. prefer to wrap up, given the chance, but the syndicate
will look weak if he gets away. If the PCs can’t manage to
capture him, they should instead make sure it’s the last
A booming voice rings out from behind one of the junk time he’ll ever double-cross
piles: “My friends, it is so good to see you again!” A anybody again, or before
large, green-mottled Besalisk emerges, his four arms they know it, they’ll find
opening to hug the nearest member of the party. they have a bounty of
their own.
After Chopper greets the characters, he quickly ushers
them from the floor of the shop and into his private office
in the back. He is anxious to hear how the job went and
asks the PCs numerous questions about how they gained
the file and the ensuing chase. The players can decide
what to reveal; Chopper helps them regardless.
After a brief discussion, Chopper asks to have the
file downloaded to his terminal in the office. He begins
breaking the encryption to furnish the information to
the PCs. While he works on the file, he informs the PCs
of the following news from their mutual employers.

Once we have this bounty hunter’s identity secured,

the Pyke family wants you to bring him down for
his betrayal. He cost the bosses a fortune by steal-
ing a shipment of their spice and bringing it to
Black Sun instead. Unsurprisingly, the Pykes
aren’t happy about it, and they’ll pay well if
you can take care of this problem for them.
They may even forget about a couple of fa-
vors you owe them, you know?

Jovel can work on the decryption with Chop-

per, adding her slicer skills to the job. The file is
heavily secured; helping to speed up the process
requires a Hard (π π π) Computers check with
a Setback die ∫. If Jovel succeeds in aiding Chopper,
any Advantage ≤ generated grants the characters
bonus information as per the sidebar on the next page.
At this point it’s likely that the players have some
questions for the Besalisk. They can use this time to
gain more information on the matters at hand.


under a black sun
“How much are we going to get paid?” Perhaps the
bounty hunter still has some of the credits Black Sun Bonus Information
paid him for the spice shipment and bounty; this would
go towards helping to offset some of the Pykes’ losses.
The PCs should make sure to bring anything of value If the PCs score a number of Advantages while
assisting with the file, they can potentially un-
lock additional information:
they find on him back with them. Once the PCs success-
fully dispatch the bounty hunter the Pykes will pay them ≤: Scanning through Kaa’to’s file reveals that the
1,000 credits each. If the PCs try to negotiate with Chop- bounty hunter delivered only part of the stolen
per for an advance, it simply isn’t his money to give, but spice shipment. One message’s sender suspects
he’s willing to buy any speeders or swoop bikes off them the Nikto of holding out on the rest.
for 250 to 500 credits, depending on their condition.
≤ ≤: The file also lists a series of pickups from
After answering some questions, Chopper finishes Zelcomm Tower referencing both the 4th floor ter-
his decryption of the file. He informs the PCs that the race and the side street underground entrance.
bounty hunter is Kaa’to Leeachos, a Nikto formerly
bound in servitude to the Hutts. Since gaining his free- ≤ ≤ ≤ or ±: The characters also discover a
dom, Kaa’to has made his reputation with a number seemingly misplaced list of names, ranks, and
of high-risk, unauthorized bounties and is considered associated figures. Perhaps these are Imperial
a formidable operative. Chopper also mentions that he security forces Black Sun paid off?
is familiar with the Nikto hunter and knows of a few
places he frequents or has been seen: the Umbra Club, The brief respite also gives them a prime opportunity
the Spyder, and Zelcomm Tower. He suggests that the ask their other underworld contacts about the loca-
party should consult with any other contacts they have tions. This is a perfect chance for the players to be
to gain more insight on their foe before confronting him. creative (within reason). The GM should encourage
them to use or invent one or two individuals from their
If the players are at a loss or aren’t using the pre-gen-
characters’ background stories whom they could seek
erated PCs, they can first try to succeed at a Charm or
out for information. Perhaps Tray’Essek knows of a fel-
Streetwise check; otherwise, the Besalisk gives them
low clan member in the city, or Sinoca has a fence she
the names associated with the locations detailed in the
dealt with in the past.
Interlude, below, so that they’ll at least know where
and whom to start asking questions. Wishing them well, Whomever the PCs decide to speak with, the follow-
Chopper sends the characters on their way and returns ing information can be provided with a successful Aver-
to his work in the garage. age (π π) Charm or Streetwise check:
• The Umbra Club: A seedy den of death stick deal-
Interlude—Contacts ers, the Umbra Club caters to criminals in Corus-
and Connections cant’s underworld. Speng, a male human death
stick dealer, might have heard about a certain
Before making their way to the locations Chopper men- bounty hunter trying to offload some spice.
tioned, the PCs might wish to rest and recuperate, espe- • The Spyder: A sabacc parlor frequented by many
cially if they suffered any wounds during the speeder chase. gamblers in the employ of the Black Sun, the Spy-
der is known by all the criminals of Coruscant.
There, certain patrons wager information at their
tables, winnable by those with enough skill or
The Pykes dumb luck. The PCs might be able to find out more
about Kaa’to there.
O nce a notable force of preeminent spice dealers
across the galaxy, the Pyke Syndicate has seen
its fortunes dwindle greatly under the Empire. The
• Zelcomm Tower: The skyscraper is the home of Zel-
comm Industries, a shipping company specializing
Pykes themselves are comprised entirely of the in cargo transportation between the Core Worlds
Pyke species. However, after an alliance with the and the Outer Rim. The tower is a known front for
Shadow Collective (a wide-ranging group of crimi- weapons smuggling. It’s possible that Kaa’to might
nal organizations) fell apart, the spice dealers have outfitted himself there. Coruum Sa’dia is the
branched out to expand their power by incorpo- one in charge of the operation.
rating many smaller groups into their cartel. The The PCs can use the information they’ve gained to
Pyke Syndicate is based in the Outer Rim on the help plan their course of action for visiting the loca-
world of Oba Diah, from which the group main- tions. While they move around the city meeting with
tains operations throughout the Core Worlds. The their various contacts, feel free to use the following Op-
increased security of the Empire has made spice tional Encounters to spice up their travels.
dealing difficult, but the Pykes continue to soldier
on, always looking for greater profits.


under a black sun
Optional Encounters Black Sun Minions

Below are various adversaries the PCs might come up While traveling throughout the city, the PCs may en-
against, depending on how they handle their investigation. counter some Black Sun operatives going about their
business. At this stage, the Player Characters are still un-
known to the greater organization, but there is a chance
Coruscant Underworld Police
that they will run afoul of these thugs, deepening the
A recent speeder chase through the city that included potential for animosity between the PCs and Black Sun.
blaster fire has put the Coruscant Underworld Police on
a heightened alert. Local holovids taken from various Black Sun Thug [Minion]
buildings circulate the PCs’ descriptions; a small squad of
police droids might stop and question the Player Charac- 3 2 2 2 1 1
ters about their recent whereabouts and activities. How BRAWN AGILITY intellect cunning willpower PRESENCE
the PCs handle this situation will be crucial—if they end soak value W. Threshold
up in a shootout with police droids, they are likely to find 3 6
a squad of Underworld Police arriving as backup.
Skills (group only): Brawl, Coercion, Ranged (Light).
Police Droid [Minion] Talents: None.
Abilities: None.
In lieu of wasting precious policemen on routine patrols
Equipment: Blaster pistol (Ranged [Light]); Damage 6;
and minor transgressions, the Coruscant Underworld Po-
Critical 3; Range [Medium]; Stun setting).
lice frequently employ droids to help keep the peace. Un-
fortunately, the droids’ literal programming sometimes
Local Vermin
allows crafty criminals to talk their way out of trouble.
Numerous vermin infest the lower levels of Coruscant.
2 2 1 2 1 1
BRAWN AGILITY intellect cunning willpower PRESENCE Duracrete Slug [Rival]
soak value W. Threshold
Named for the material that comprises the bulk of their
3 6 diet, the invasive duracrete slugs are particularly dan-
gerous to buildings, as they eat away at the founda-
Skills (group only): Ranged (Light), Vigilance.
tions. Their tunnels are a common sight in the under-
Talents: None.
Abilities: Droid (does not need to breathe, eat, or world, where slugs may grow up to 10 meters long.
drink, and can survive in vacuum or underwater. Im-
mune to poisons or toxins). 3 2 1 1 1 1
Equipment: Light blaster pistol (Ranged [Light]; Dam- BRAWN AGILITY intellect cunning willpower PRESENCE
age 5; Critical 4; Range [Medium]; Stun setting). soak value W. Threshold

6 10
Coruscant Underworld Police [Rival]
Skills: Brawl 2, Coordination 1, Resilience 2.
Anonymous and imposing in their long leather uniforms Talents: None.
and enclosing helmets, the Underworld Police are a Abilities: Bite (Brawl; Damage 3; Critical 4; Range [En-
mystery to most. However, few who have been on the gaged]), Duracrete plating (melee and ranged attacks tar-
wrong end of their heavy blasters doubt the danger geting it gain a Setback die ∫ due to its armored carapace;
they pose for lawbreakers. characters may aim to hit weak spots and ignore 1 soak).
Equipment: Partially-digested landspeeder identity plate.
3 2 2 2 3 1
BRAWN AGILITY intellect cunning willpower PRESENCE

soak value W. Threshold Reading the stat blocks

4 4
Below is a quick primer on stat block shorthand:
Skills: Brawl 1, Coercion 1, Discipline 1, Melee 1,
• Critical X: Spend X number of Advan-
Ranged (Light) 2, Vigilance 1.
tage ≤ to score a Critical Injury.
Talents: None.
Abilities: None. • Disorient X: Spend 2 Advantage ≤ ≤
Equipment: Heavy blaster pistol (Ranged [Light]; Dam- to add a Setback die ∫ to the target’s
age 7; Critical 3; Range [Medium]; Stun setting), stun skill checks for X rounds.
club (Melee; Damage 5; Range [Engaged]; Disorient 2), • Soak bonuses from equipment have al-
heavy armored coat (+1 soak). ready been factored into the soak value.


under a black sun
Episode II: City of Spires and Strife
W ith a series of locations to investigate, the PCs set
forth into the depths of Coruscant. The locations
here can be visited in any order, and each area changes
patrons or take on the droids. To keep police forces off
the PCs’ trail in the future, the droids’ memories can be
erased with a Hard (π π π) Computers check.
according to the locations the PCs explore beforehand.
Located in Sector 1459 of the city, the Umbra Club is a
Their actions at one venue can drastically change what
cantina and nightclub that caters to a less-than-upstand-
happens at the next if things go poorly.
ing clientele. A frequent haunt of death stick dealers and
The PCs should visit at least one or two of the loca- addicts, this club is not on any must-see lists in the galactic
tions, but stopping at all three requires a significant time travelogues. The elaborate holovids outside the club por-
investment and probably isn’t feasible unless the GM is tray it as an upscale dancing establishment, though that
able to run an extended session or two shorter sessions. is far from the truth. As the PCs enter, read the following:

Location 1: As soon as you enter the cantina you notice the

The Umbra Club smell; the combined odor of stale liquor, burning
death sticks, and other rank substances washes
• First Location Visited: Run the location as written. over you. Inside, a collection of sparse tables, half-
broken chairs, and tattered couches adorns the
• Visited after the Spyder: If the PCs had any trou-
main room. A series of private booths line the right
ble with patrons at the Spyder, word makes it back
wall, each with a ragged curtain pulled shut. In the
to Speng that people are looking for anyone known
center of the room, a large, brightly lit dance floor
to deal with Kaa’to. Speng has his hired thugs sta-
pulses with colored lights in an almost hypnotic
tioned outside his booth when the PCs arrive. The
pattern. A handful of patrons relax at various ta-
characters have to deal with them (either physically
bles and couches, all lost in their own reveries. Be-
or through negotiation) to meet with Speng. The
hind the bar, a gruff Gotal slings drinks to a group
guards’ stats are detailed on page 24.
of humans clustered at one end.
• Visited after the Zelcomm Tower: If the PCs en-
gaged in a firefight with Coruum’s men, the Coruscant
Underworld Police in Black Sun’s employ send a pair Omacala, a Gotal who cares little about what goes on
of police droids (see the preceding page) to search for in his cantina as long as he is paid for the drinks, runs
the trespassers. The PCs can try to hide among the the place. He sees and hears a great deal of what oc-
curs in his establishment, but he is not inclined toward
idle gossip. For the right price, however, he is willing to
share some of his information. PCs who wish to barter
with him for information must make
a Negotiation check with a difficulty
of (π º) to reach a price. If the PCs
are successful, Omacala shares his knowl-
edge about the Black Sun and its minions
for 30 credits. If they fail the roll, he refuses
to divulge anything for less than 50 credits.
“What do you know about Black Sun?” In
addition to the organization’s long-standing
stake in the spice trade, Black Sun seems to be
expanding into the illicit arms trade, especially
now that the fledgling Rebellion has emerged as a
new buyer and its attacks are beginning to chip away
at the Empire’s supply. The Gotal refuses to discuss
Black Sun any further.
“What do you know about Kaa’to Leeachos?” The Go-
tal has seen the Nikto bounty hunter in the cantina
recently, meeting with a skittish death stick dealer
named Speng. The dealer is here now, in a private
booth conducting a transaction.
“What do you know about Speng?” His death stick deal-
ings provide him a decent income, and he does whatever Club Hired Guard [Minion]
he must to maintain his lifestyle. He is constantly on edge
and very nervous, so be careful how you approach him.
3 2 2 2 1 1
“Who is Coruum Sa’dia?” The Ishi Tib works at Zel- BRAWN AGILITY intellect cunning willpower PRESENCE
comm Tower as the owner of a somewhat shady ship- soak value W. Threshold
ping company. More than likely there’s some smug- 4 6
gling happening on the side, and you know what that
means—keep your eyes open for extra entrances. Skills (group only): Brawl, Coercion, Ranged (Light).
If a firefight erupts in the club at any time, the patrons Talents: None.
quickly scatter and head for the street. Omacala dives Abilities: None.
behind the bar until the fighting is over. He stridently Equipment: Blaster pistol (Ranged [Light]; Damage 6;
demands that the PCs pay for any damages to the club, Critical 3; Range [Medium]; Stun setting), brass knuck-
but a simple threat is enough to stifle him. les (Brawl; Damage 4; Critical 4; Range [Engaged]; Dis-
orient 3), flak vest (+1 soak).
If the PCs barge in on Speng in the middle of his deal,
they find him with a hollow-eyed human female who is
handing over a small stack of credits for a black pouch. Speng [Rival]
She quickly scurries away when the PCs enter the booth.
The PCs may make an Average (π π) Deception
2 2 2 3 2 3
check to pose as prospective buyers. Otherwise, Speng BRAWN AGILITY intellect cunning willpower PRESENCE

realizes he might be in for trouble and immediately sum- soak value W. Threshold

mons his guards. If the PCs’ ruse is successful, the PCs 2 12

might try bribing Speng with 200 credits for information
or try to bargain him down with a Negotiation check Skills: Deception 1, Negotiation 2, Ranged (Light) 1,
with a difficulty of (π º º). The information he provides Skulduggery 1, Streetwise 2, Vigilance 2.
is found in the read-aloud text on the following page. Talents: Smooth Talker (when making Negotiation checks,
spend a Triumph ± to gain 2 additional Successes ≥).
The moment the PCs make any threats toward him, Abilities: None.
however, he activates a comlink in his pocket to summon a Equipment: Blaster pistol (Ranged [Light]; Damage 6;
pair of Klatooinian hired guards who are waiting out back. Critical 3; Range [Medium]; Stun setting), 6 death sticks
The guards quickly enter the cantina through a back (induces mild hallucinations, adds a Setback die ∫
door and emerge into the main room with blasters drawn. to any task the character attempts, and prohibits the
They tell the PCs to move away from Speng. If any PC expenditure of Destiny Points for the duration of the
reaches for a weapon or makes an overtly hostile move, combat or scene).
the guards begin firing. Speng attempts to flee from the
cantina once his guards have the PCs’ attention. He heads
into the back alley and tries to lose himself in the crowds.


under a black sun
Tracking Speng through the crowds and alleyways of This encounter should be a fast, furious hit-and-run
Sector 1459 is not easy. Sinoca is best suited to fol- attack, not a final confrontation between the characters
low him due to her Expert Tracker talent. The PCs may and Kaa’to. The bounty hunter is trying to send a mes-
make a series of Hard (π π π) Perception checks or sage that he does not tolerate anyone meddling in his
Average (π π) Survival checks, each with a Setback business, and he’s willing to do anything necessary to
die ∫ to catch glimpses of him or find traces of foot- maintain his freedom. A GM can work this encounter in
prints or torn pieces of his clothing. Speng attempts to wherever he feels it will be most appropriate. Kaa’to’s
lose the PCs and then double back to the club, hoping profile can be found on page 38 of this booklet.
they will not anticipate that he would return there.
When the characters finally catch up to the dealer, Location 2: The Spyder
they find that Speng is a well-dressed human male of
slight build. If the characters attempt to calmly discuss • First Location Visited: Run the location as written.
the bounty hunter with him, Speng remains on guard. • Visited after the Umbra Club: Depending on the
However, he imparts the following information on a suc- PCs’ interactions with Speng, a number of patrons at
cessful Hard (π π π) Coercion check or if the PCs the Spyder might be wary of the PCs, especially if they
have inflicted any wounds on him. He values his own had a shootout in the cantina. Any skill checks made
skin more than his clients’ privacy. while speaking with the gamblers add a Setback die ∫
if the PCs’ visit to the Umbra Club ended in violence.
Kaa’to? Yeah, I know Kaa’to. Comes around here • Visited after the Zelcomm Tower: The Falleen un-
sometimes to move merchandise he acquires on his derboss catches wind of the raid on Zelcomm and
jobs. He likes the sabacc over at the Spyder, and I the Black Sun facility just after his conversation with
hear he owes them a lot of money. That’s why he the PCs. As they leave, he tips off one of his contacts
always brings me valuable objects he finds on his in the Coruscant Underworld Police, and two officers
jobs, since I like the finer things, you know? try to arrest the PCs on their way to their next desti-
nation. Use the profiles on page 22.

If the PCs have already been to the Spyder and Many locations throughout Coruscant offer games of
know about Kaa’to’s gambling debts, or if they de- chance and gambling, but the Spyder has earned a rep-
mand more information than Speng initially provides, utation among the gamblers of the city as a place for
he elaborates with the following on a further Average large payouts and larger sources of information. Many
(π π) Coercion check: high rollers frequent the sabacc tables to make their
fortunes—and more often lose them. As the PCs enter
the location, read the following:
Fine! I know where he stays. He’s been known to
hole up somewhere around the kelerium process-
The sights and sounds of the Spyder are similar to
ing plant in Sector 943. It’s an out-of-the-way place
those of many sabacc parlors, with a central pit of
that no one is supposed to know about. He stays
card tables surrounded by various electronic games.
there when he’s on Coruscant so he can work with-
The establishment is crowded and noisy; the cheers
out prying eyes on him.
that accompany winning hands and lucky rolls ring
out across the room. Behind the bar, a two-headed
Troig deftly passes out drinks using all four arms,
After the PCs have finished with Speng, they can in-
chatting with down-on-their-luck gamblers or himself
vestigate another location. If the club is their last stop,
intermittently. A quick scan of the room shows that
they can put all their information together and pro-
the Nikto bounty hunter is not here, so you must rely
ceed to Episode III.
on the various patrons and employees for information.

Optional Encounter:
First Impressions The right and left heads of the Troig bartender, Pillaat
and Nerro, have worked at the Spyder for many years
As the PCs travel around the city asking questions and are very familiar with the regulars. The Troig loves
about Kaa’to, word is sure to spread back to the to discuss the comings and goings of the city, especially
bounty hunter that people are looking into his deal- the underworld activity, and is quick to share some gos-
ings. The GM should use any Threat ∑ or Despair sip after a few credits pass his way.
µ rolled when PCs are questioning individuals to
If the PCs begin inquiring about Kaa’to, the Troig’s two
represent the fact that Kaa’to is becoming aware
heads exchange furtive glances and seem slightly on edge.
that intruders are poking around where they don’t
The PCs can attempt an Average (π π) Charm check to
belong. During the PCs’ travel between locations,
get him to share what he knows. Pillaat informs the PCs
Kaa’to can confront the characters.
that the bounty hunter is very quick to anger and has in-


under a black sun
jured a number of customers over games that have not he’s found a buyer for the spice shipment (see Episode
gone his way. He avenges these losses outside the estab- III on page 32). He offers the PCs 1,000 credits to
lishment, to keep from negatively affecting his admittance split if they successfully lay a trap for the bounty hunter
into the Spyder. Nerro also shares that Kaa’to owes the and make an example of Kaa’to to other debtors. If the
Spyder’s owner a great deal of money and has only re- PCs try for more with a Hard (π π π) Negotiation
cently begun paying it back. check, he won’t go any higher than 1,500 credits.
Korsin Fenn, a male Bothan and a clansman of Jov- Korsin Fenn also tells the PCs that the spice shipment
el’s, runs the Spyder. He can be found here most nights, Kaa’to offered was bound for Black Sun, which is another
overseeing the operation and resolving any disputes. reason Fenn thinks it’s too hot to take himself.
He is a reserved individual, but he warms quickly to The PCs can surmise that Kaa’to is extremely dangerous
anyone who proves trustworthy. He is particularly fond and known for using any means necessary to achieve his
of fellow Bothans, and recognizes Jovel. goals. The double-crosser is quickly making a great num-
When the PCs question him, Korsin Fenn is very reluc- ber of enemies by turning on his former employers. Fenn
tant to divulge any information on his clients. He knows speculates that it won’t be long before Kaa’to betrays
that maintaining strict confidence is necessary to keep Black Sun, and he wonders aloud if perhaps the organiza-
patrons coming back. If the PCs emphasize that Kaa’to tion should be made aware of this fact. The Bothan has no
has already forfeited his privilege of privacy by betray- particular love for Black Sun, and, if the crime syndicate
ing numerous employers and owing the Spyder some would send some thugs of their own to investigate, it could
credits, Fenn might be swayed. help whittle down the Nikto’s firepower and strength.

If one of the PCs succeeds in a Charm check with a With this suggestion in mind, the PCs might decide
difficulty of (π º) Fenn decides to loosen his lips. He that sending Black Sun agents against the bounty hunt-
reveals that Kaa’to’s debts have increased greatly due to er would work in their favor to keep suspicions pointed
a bout of bad luck two months ago at the sabacc tables. away from them. Fenn points out a group of Black Sun
He now owes the Spyder close to 20,000 credits, and he members, including an influential underboss, playing
has become desperate to find new sources of income to sabacc at a nearby table. Perhaps someone would like
alleviate this debt. Fenn banned Kaa’to from the Spyder to be dealt into the game?
until the debts are paid, though he is becoming increas-
PCs who wish to join in a game of sabacc must pay a
ingly worried that he will never see his money. The Nikto
25-credit entry fee. This is the starting ante for any of
did offer Fenn a shipment of spice to offset his debts, but
the tables and goes straight to the sabacc pot, while
Fenn wants nothing to do with that business.
10 credits suffices as the wager on additional hands.
The PCs might reveal that they are tasked with deal- Two spots remain open at the Black Sun operatives’
ing with Kaa’to for their own employers, who are famil- table. The Falleen underboss is dismissive of any new-
iar with the spice market, and that perhaps they can comers to the game, convinced that his gaming prow-
help make an example of Kaa’to and get Fenn’s money ess is unsurpassed. Two humans, an Aqualish, and a
in return for the spice shipment. If they are successful Weequay are seated alongside him. If asked, Fenn in-
on an Average (π π) Negotiation check, Fenn agrees dicates that one of the humans and the Aqualish are
to help the PCs by passing along word to Kaa’to that also members of Black Sun.


under a black sun
Sabacc Rules

T he following rules can be used to simulate one

round or hand of sabacc, a popular card game in
the Star Wars universe. In sabacc, players attempt
ture of the cards’ signs. For each dark side
symbol ∏, one Success ≥ and one Ad-
vantage ≤ are converted into a Failure
to develop a hand of ±23 using a deck of 76 chip- ∂ and Threat ∑, respectively. Converse-
cards that shift between positive and negative ver- ly, each light side symbol ∏ changes one
sions of their numbers until they are played. Failure ∂ and one Threat ∑ into a Suc-
1. The table agrees on a wager, and each cess ≥ and Advantage ≤, respectively.
player pays this amount into the pot. 5. To cheat, a character instead uses his De-
2. Use Cool to establish a base dice pool. ception, Skulduggery, or Computers skill
pool for the test. Upgrade the difficulty of
3. The GM adds Difficulty dice π to the play- the skill check once. On a Despair symbol
er’s dice pool based on the difficulty of the µ, the PC is caught cheating, and gambling
game and the skill of the opponents. immediately stops to resolve the discovery.
4. The player rolls the dice pool, leaving the 6. On a Success ≥, the PC wins back his
dice on the table. He then rolls a single wager. For each additional Success ≥, he
Force die º to illustrate the shifting na- wins another wager’s worth from the pot.

Table 1–7: Spending Advantage, Triumph, Threat & Despair in Sabacc

Results Interpretations
≤ Recover 1 strain as one of the cards in your hands unexpectedly flips in your favor.

≤≤ Add a Boost die ∫ to your next roll as you successfully bluff.

≤≤≤ Figure out an opponent’s tells and downgrade the difficulty of your next roll once.

± Reveal a positive or negative 23 and win the entire sabacc pot (determined by the GM).

∑ Suffer 1 strain as one of the cards in your hand unexpectedly flips, forcing you to change your strategy.

∑∑ Add a Setback die ∫ to your next roll as you fall for an opponent’s bluff.

∑∑∑ You lose your ability to concentrate on the game, upgrading the difficulty of your next roll once.

µ If you aren’t cheating, you bomb out, run out of chips, or are otherwise ejected from the game.

Attempts to strike up conversation during the game are not to reveal their direct link to his activities, or Verannis
rebuffed by all players at the table. Their focus is on the could deduce their role in the break-in. Throughout the
game; the players do not have time for pleasantries and discussion, a series of Hard (π π π) Charm or Decep-
discussion. After a few hands at Average (π π) Difficulty tion checks determines how willing he is to listen to the
and perhaps one at Hard (π π π) Difficulty (see the Sa- Player Characters and whether he believes them. Initial
bacc Rules sidebar above for a simple in-game mechan- skill checks should have a Setback die ∫ added to the
ic), the Falleen makes motions to leave the table. If the roll, since Verannis is dubious of the PCs’ claims. (See also
players don’t win the sabacc pot (500 credits), the Falleen the Blood Runs Thicker... sidebar on page 28 to see if
does, then calls to have the house prepare his winnings for Matwe might complicate matters.) If any Despair symbols
transport. At this point, the PCs can mention Kaa’to and µ come up, Verannis realizes that the PCs are the intrud-
try to convince the Black Sun underboss that the bounty ers who broke into the Black Sun facility. This leads to a
hunter is going to turn against the organization. If the PCs direct confrontation between his group and the PCs.
succeed with a Hard (π π π) Streetwise check or man-
If the PCs successfully convince Verannis of Kaa’to’s
aged to beat the Falleen at a hand of cards, he retakes his duplicitous nature, he dispatches his guards to seek out
seat and listens to what the PCs have to say after dismiss- the bounty hunter and bring Kaa’to before him at his
ing the other players (except for his own men). headquarters. He curtly thanks the PCs and leaves.
This is a great opportunity for the PCs to roleplay with If the PCs are unsuccessful, Verannis sends his two
Verannis (as he finally introduces himself to the PCs). lackeys (and possibly a Trandoshan as well—see the
They should make their case for the Black Sun to distrust sidebar Old Wounds on page 28) to shadow the
Kaa’to and either cite their own experiences with his con- PCs and find out what they’re up to.
duct or spin a tale of their own. They need to be careful


under a black sun
Blood Runs Thicker... Location 3:
Zelcomm Tower
D epending on the amount of Obligation Matwe
has taken on, hiding the party’s association
with the Pykes might be more or less difficult.
• First Location Visited: Run the location as written.
• Visited after the Umbra Club: If the PCs learn
In this sector, everyone knows that Matwe’s
from Omacala or from Kaa’to’s files that Zelcomm
younger brother is hopelessly tangled up with
is a front for weapons smuggling, they should be
the spice trade. Verannis might even mention
prepared for a potential fight. In addition, they will
suspiciously, “I recognize you; you’re related to
have received the heads up that there are addition-
that scrub working spice for the Pykes.” Con-
al entrances into the facility. Finding them requires
vincing the underboss that the PCs don’t have
only Easy (π) Perception checks, compared to
an ulterior motive becomes harder, warranting a
the Average difficulty described later.
Setback die ∫ to Deception checks if Matwe has
15 Obligation as well as upgrading the difficulty • Visited after the Spyder: If the PCs engaged in a
of the Deception checks once if he has 20. firefight with Verannis’s men, security at the tower
has been heightened. Guards are posted outside
After this encounter, the PCs can either proceed to the the main entrance (use the Zelcomm Enforcer pro-
next location on their list or prepare to confront Kaa’to if file on page 31), and the internal security sys-
this was the last location visited. Proceed to Episode III. tem has been activated (add 2 Setback dice ∫ ∫
to any slicing attempts).
Verannis, Black Sun Underboss [Rival]
Old Wounds
2 3 3 3 2 3

I f Tray’Essek has accumulated additional Obliga-

BRAWN AGILITY intellect cunning willpower PRESENCE

soak value W. Threshold

tion, his rival, Lar’omx, finds out about the raid
3 12 on the Black Sun facility and decides to zero out
Tray’Essek’s jagannath point score once and for all.
Skills: Charm 2, Coercion 2, Cool 1, Leadership 2, Me- If the conversation with the Falleen goes poorly,
lee 1, Ranged (Light) 1, Skulduggery 1, Streetwise 2, or if Tray’Essek confronts Verannis about his rival,
Vigilance 1. Lar’omx accompanies the human and Aqualish
Talents: Resolve (when the character suffers strain, he Black Sun operatives to “take care of” the PCs.
suffers 1 less strain, to a minimum of 1; this does not Lar’omx has forsaken Trandoshan traditions and
apply to voluntary strain loss). isn’t afraid to fight dirty in order to beat Tray’Essek.
Abilities: Allelochemical Transmitters (the GM may
spend Threat ∑ generated by the PCs to allow the Fal- Lar’omx Clan-scorned [Rival]
leen to evoke fear, desire, anger, doubt, confusion, or
another emotion in the character targeting him, inflict-
ing 1 strain per Threat ∑).
4 2 1 3 2 1
Equipment: Blaster pistol (Ranged [Light]; Damage 6;
BRAWN AGILITY intellect cunning willpower PRESENCE

Critical 3; Range [Medium]; Stun setting). soak value W. Threshold

6 15
Black Sun Lackey [Minion]
Skills: Athletics 2, Brawl 2, Coercion 1, Coor-
dination 1, Perception 1, Ranged (Heavy) 1,
3 2 1 2 2 1 Ranged (Light) 1, Survival 2, Vigilance 1.
BRAWN AGILITY intellect cunning willpower PRESENCE
Talents: Knockdown (after hitting with a Brawl
soak value W. Threshold
or Melee attack, the character may knock the
4 8 target prone by spending a Triumph ±).
Abilities: None.
Skills (group only): Brawl, Coercion, Melee, Ranged Equipment: Heavy blaster pistol (Ranged [Light];
(Light), Stealth. Damage 7; Critical 3; Range [Medium]; Stun set-
Talents: None. ting), poisoned claws (Brawl; Damage 5; Critical 3;
Abilities: None. Range [Engaged]; spend 2 Advantage ≤ ≤ to in-
Equipment: Blaster pistol (Ranged [Light]; Damage 6; flict poison: the target must succeed at an Average
Critical 3; Range [Medium]; Stun setting), switchblade [π π] Resilience check or suffer 5 strain and lose
(Melee; Damage 4; Critical 3; Range [Engaged]), bind- his free maneuver for a number of rounds equal
ers (breaking free of these restraints requires a Daunting to the number of Threat ∑ generated during the
[π π π π] Athletics or Coordination check). Resilience check), padded armor (+2 soak).


under a black sun
Rising above the crime-ridden lower levels of Coruscant,
Zelcomm Tower is the home of Zelcomm Industries, a
small shipping company specializing in cargo deliveries to
the Outer Rim. It is a dark, foreboding building, lacking the
lighting and flair of standard skyscrapers found in the Im-
perial capital. As the PCs approach, read the following:

Looming over its surroundings, the Zelcomm Tower

is home to a shipping company that delivers goods
between the Core Worlds and the Outer Rim terri-
tories. Its headquarters in Sector 1265 is bustling
with visiting clients and traders during business
hours, but now the place is dark and apparently
closed for the day. Nevertheless, there appears to
be some activity going on around the building un-
der the cover of darkness, and a small shuttle de-
parts from an upper docking pad as you approach.

The building appears deserted (unless Player Char-

acter actions at the Spyder have caused guards to be
posted) and closed. If the PCs learned from their con-
tacts that the tower is a front for a weapons smuggling
operation, they also likely know about the secret storage
facilities and hidden entrances that the building contains.
Investigating the outer area of the building, the PCs
find the following options for entry:
• Front Door: The large double doors are securely
locked and have a moderate security system. Access-
ing the building in this manner requires an Average (π
π) Computers check with a Setback die ∫ to bypass
the security system. If the Computers check fails with
Threat ∑, an alarm sounds that alerts building secu-
rity to the intrusion. Anyone who enters the building
• Elevated Terrace: Four stories up, a small terrace
from the front is very visible and exposed to passers-
overlooks the city. The PCs can attempt to enter the
by. These doors lead to a main lobby and two elevators
building through this terrace and the door behind
that provide access to the rest of the building.
it. They can reach the terrace with an airspeeder or
• Maintenance Bay: On the side of the building is a by climbing the side of the wall to the balcony. The
blast door that leads to a maintenance hangar. Open- PCs could spend a light side Destiny Point to have
ing the door requires the same skill checks as above, appropriate climbing gear with them (which adds a
but it is out of the way and not likely to draw attention Boost die ∫ to their skill checks). Scaling the side
from anyone. This door leads to a dark hangar with of the building requires a Hard (π π π) Athletics
two speeders inside. An exit from the hangar takes check. Once the PCs reach the balcony, the door
the PCs to the elevators just off of the main lobby. leading inside requires a Hard (π π π) Skuldug-
With an Average (π π) Perception check, the PCs gery check or Average (π π) Computers check
also find the following: to open. Smashing any windows or shooting any
locks instantly triggers an alarm.
• Ventilation Grates: The PCs discover a series of
ventilation grates on the back side of the build- In the lobby, a Zelcomm Enforcer (see page 31)
ing. These tight passageways lead down to sub- sits behind a series of vid screens at his security desk. If
level 1A. Crawling through the cramped corridors the PCs can dispatch him, slicing into the company da-
is nerve-racking. An Average (π π) Resilience tabase requires an Easy (π) Computers check and re-
check is needed to resist feeling claustrophobic veals that the private offices of Coruum Sa’dia, the arro-
and suffering 2 strain. At various points during the gant and callous Ishi Tib who runs Zelcomm Industries,
crawl, space becomes even more cramped, and are located on the 19th floor of the tower, in the center
the PCs have to work together to get through. An of a maze of smaller offices and corridors. Another se-
Easy (π) Coordination check allows the PCs to curity patrol is visible on the screen, checking various
maneuver through the tunnels safely. floors. The PCs need to be cautious to avoid alerting the


under a black sun
guards to their presence. The security guards become the kelerium processing plant in Sector 943. The re-
aware of the Player Characters if the PCs generate 2 or maining items on the invoice are scheduled to arrive
more Threat ∑ while performing any skill checks. later this evening at the abandoned section of the fac-
Across from the desk in the lobby are three elevators tory. The PCs can gather names of potential contacts in
that connect the various levels. The elevators also go to the Zelcomm organization from the file as well, includ-
basement sublevel 1A, but that level requires an access ing individuals with whom Kaa’to worked in the past.
card. The panel can be sliced with a Daunting (π π π • ≤: Among the items listed on the invoice marked
π) Computers check to override the controls. Alterna- “shipped” is a miniature thermal detonator! Though
tively, the PCs can succeed at an Easy (π) Mechanics not quite as deadly as their larger versions, they still
check or Average (π π) Athletics check to breach pack a punch bigger than any gre-
the elevator cabin and climb into the nade (see page 36). At least
elevator shaft. There, they can the PCs will be forewarned
risk two Average (π π) to when eventually confront-
Hard (π π π) Athletics or ing Kaa’to.
Coordination checks to • ≤ ≤: Not far from
descend to another level, the files detailing Kaa’to’s
and a Hard (π π π) Me- transactions is another
chanics check to force interesting tidbit: a re-
open the elevator doors. call notice from Merr-
Sonn Munitions, Inc.
Coruum’s Office Apparently the latest
batch of miniature
Extensively exploring the
thermal detonators is
various upper floors of
defective: they rarely,
the building yields al-
if ever, detonate prop-
most nothing and is
erly when used.
likely to attract the pa-
trol’s attention. The only • ∑ ∑ ∑ or µ: The
item of interest to find is a system’s security is
kit containing a stimpack, an activated and sends to
emergency repair kit, and two Coruum a signal that
glow rods in a hallway closet. The PCs his computer terminal
must enter Coruum’s office and try to find is being accessed by an
any information that they can use against Kaa’to. unauthorized party, in addi-
Coruum’s office is on the 19th floor and is easily found tion to alerting the guards on-site. Anyone trying
when the PCs exit the elevator. to scan nearby comm frequencies can hear the
guards assembling a force in order to investigate.
The door to Coruum’s private office is locked but can
be picked with an Average (π π) Skulduggery check Meanwhile, non-slicer characters can try searching
or shot open with a blaster. If the PCs fail or generate any through the rest of the room for other leads:
Threat ∑ while doing this, a silent alarm is tripped, alert- • The file cabinets contain stacks of datapads de-
ing the security guards and Coruum that someone is en- tailing a variety of clients. Searching through the
tering his office. This alarm is not detectable by the PCs. pile reveals many Black Sun shipments located in
Inside the office, a neat and orderly desk dominates
the room, and rows of file cabinets line the east wall; the
west wall has windows looking out on the city. A com- A Signature Spike
puter terminal sits on the desk, its locked screen await-
ing a password. A successful Hard (π π π) Computers
check bypasses the password. The PCs can attempt to
slice into the computer three times before the machine
I f Jovel has taken on additional Obligation, the
Bothan has done more than a few jobs on be-
half of the Pykes and Senator Aquem and has
locks down completely and sends an alarm to Coruum. begun to earn a name for herself as a somewhat
infamous slicer. Higher profile security systems
The following outlines the possible results of a suc-
have been specifically updated to better protect
cessful Computers check:
against her style and can even recognize some of
• ≥: The computer files are clearly labeled and include her computer spikes. The Zelcomm Tower securi-
numerous records of shipments, invoices, and balance ty infrastructure is one such system; Jovel must
sheets. A quick search of the system for Kaa’to’s name upgrade the difficulty of any Computers checks
provides an invoice for a partial shipment of weapons inside the building once if she has 15 Obligation,
delivered one day ago, as well as an address: that of or twice if she has 20.


under a black sun
different bays of the warehouse in sublevel 1A; The point at which the PCs arrive in this area deter-
it appears that Coruum is a primary supplier of mines how many NPCs are present. Initially there are
weapons to the Black Sun Syndicate. nine workers and enforcers, though some might have left
if the PCs tripped any alarms. Those present in this area
• In a locked drawer in the desk (Easy [π] Skuldug-
are packing a shipment and loading it on board a cargo
gery check) the PCs can find a holdout blaster, a
speeder for transport. The boxes are arranged on a se-
spare security card used to access sublevel 1A,
ries of repulsorlift sleds for ease in loading the vehicle.
and a hand scanner calibrated to check power lev-
els and stress points on weapons systems. From their position on the catwalk, the PCs have a
chance to survey the room and decide on the best van-
If Coruum Sa’dia receives a signal or alarm, he con-
tage point from which to attack the minions below (if
tacts his men working in the storage room below and
they choose to pursue that option). If the PCs decide to
dispatches them to deal with the intruders. The weap-
attack, use the stats for the Zelcomm Enforcers (minion
ons smuggler employs a variety of Duros, Rodian, and
groups of no more than three). When a fight breaks out,
human soldiers. A group of three enforcers arrives on
the smugglers quickly run for the nearest crate in short
the floor to intercept the PCs if needed.
range and open it, replacing their standard blaster pis-
tols with blaster rifles (Ranged [Heavy]; Damage 9; Criti-
Zelcomm Enforcer [Minion]
cal 3; Range [Long]; Stun setting). The thugs use cover (a
Setback die ∫ should be added to shots directed toward
2 2 2 2 1 1 them) and attempt to prep the cargo speeder to make
BRAWN AGILITY intellect cunning willpower PRESENCE their escape. The NPCs use their actions to fire back at
soak value W. Threshold the PCs, but their focus is on getting away with the ship-
4 5 ment, if possible. The GM should use Despair µ gained
to indicate that the minions escape with the weapons.
Skills (group only): Brawl, Coercion, Ranged (Light).
After the combat, the PCs can investigate the crates. The
Talents: None.
weapons shipment consists of blaster rifles (see above),
Abilities: None.
stun grenades (see page 14), and frag grenades (Melee;
Equipment: Heavy blaster pistol (Ranged [Light], Dam-
Damage 8; Critical 4; Range [Short]; Blast 6) (see the Blast
age 7; Critical 3; Range [Medium]; Stun setting), com-
quality in the Mini Thermal Detonator sidebar on page
link, access card to sublevel 1A, Zelcomm Guard uni-
36). The PCs can take some weapons to assist them dur-
forms (+2 soak).
ing their confrontation with Kaa’to. If the characters take a
If guards arrive while the party is in the office, the PCs large quantity of weapons, however, the GM should
hear the elevator doors open and footfalls on the floor. A give them five additional Obligation
gruff voice yells in Basic to “exit the office with your hands points each. The theft brings down
up,” as the enforcers take up positions in the hallway out- the wrath of Coruum Sa’dia and
side the office. The PCs have ample cover (add a Setback Black Sun (the intended recipi-
die ∫ to any enemy shots) for a firefight. When two guards ent of the weapons
have fallen, the remaining enforcer attempts to flee to the shipment).
elevators. If the PCs are unable to stop him from escaping,
he regroups in the storage area with his associates.

Storage Facility
Sublevel 1A, a hidden storage area for the weapons
smuggling operation, is accessible either by the eleva-
tors (with a special card) or through the ventilation
grates at street level.

As you wind down the stairs, you reach a catwalk

that spans a large open area. This subterranean
room is at least thirty meters wide by forty meters
long and filled with a number of crates, loaders, and
other shipping facility equipment. At the far end of
the room is a large set of blast doors, easily large
enough to allow access by cargo speeders and shut-
tles. The door must lead to an underground tunnel
system capable of moving the illicit wares unseen.
Episode III: Endgame
A fter the PCs have gathered all their information, they
must decide on the best way to proceed. The charac-
ters might consider the following options:
The PCs must approach the Works via speeder, either
the one they acquired in the beginning of the adventure
or through a hired transport (around 10 credits). Once
• The players may discover that Kaa’to resides in the they’ve docked on the landing pad (A), the characters
NovaCORE kelerium processing plant in Sector 943. are able to approach on foot safely. To reach Kaa’to’s
There, the PCs explore the factory in order to find location undetected, the PCs have to traverse the pro-
Kaa’to’s base of operations and ship hangar. This cessing plant and avoid the hazards within.
leads to a direct confrontation with the bounty hunter.
• The PCs can attempt to set a trap for the bounty hunt-
NovaCORE factory
er using the weapons shipment he is owed or by pos- The following locations comprise the inside of the kele-
ing as buyers of the spice shipment. The GM should rium processing plant:
let the players determine how and where they want to
challenge him. Once Kaa’to sustains wounds equal to Location A: Landing Pad
more than half his wound threshold, he retreats to the
NovaCORE factory, where he has the advantage. The barely lit landing pad on the southern corner
• If the PCs still have no leads on where to find Kaa’to, of the complex is perpetually covered in waves of
the bounty hunter finds them. He strikes soon after steam emanating from nearby exhaust ports. Small
they leave their final location and tries to pick off the tracks of lights in the center are the only markers to
PCs one by one in the back alleys of the Coruscant un- assist in navigating through the hazards. A number
derworld, making use of his jet pack and cover to strike of crates, boxes, and other neglected shipments sit
from the shadows. If the PCs gain the upper hand, he on the outskirts of the landing pad, still waiting for
flees to his hideout, leaving a trail the PCs can follow. attention from the factory workers.

Sector 943 Once the PCs have landed, they see two paths lead-
ing off of the pad: one to the NovaCORE offices and the
Known as the Works, this once-thriving manufactur-
other toward the kelerium storage tanks that feed the
ing area for companies such as Serv-O-Droid, Inc.;
refinery. If the characters investigate the various crates
Hunvicko; and Nebula Manufacturing is now a run-
on the landing pad, they find tools, machine parts, and
down sprawl where disenfranchised individuals go to
other basic materials.
remain “off the grid.” It is home to smugglers, death
stick addicts, malfunctioning droids, gangsters, bounty
hunters, and countless others. Duracrete slugs, stone Location B: Offices
mites, conduit worms, and worse vermin can be found
throughout the area, and travelers are advised to steer The austere offices of NovaCORE are run by a skele-
clear of the decaying buildings. ton crew. As you enter the building, you see an elevat-
Though much of the industry has moved offworld to ed walkway that overlooks the main floor filled with
cheaper, less restricted factories, many of the plants here shambling worker droids that monitor various screens
still function under long-forgotten automated processes. and equipment for the main factory. Large banks of
The Empire uses a number of facilities in this area for the security screens show most of the main refining plant
production of its TIE fighters, and those plants are kept and the processes taking place inside. Across the
under constant guard by Imperial stormtroopers. building from your vantage point, a small office sits
above the activity, overseeing it all. Behind the large
On the western fringe of Sector 943 lies the Nova- windows, three Mustafarians run the operation.
CORE kelerium processing plant. The mineral is used
in a great number of manufacturing practices, and the
When the PCs enter the area, most of the NovaCORE
plant has been operating for centuries. It is a massive
droid workers are involved with their tasks and do not
complex stretching across a third of the sector. The
pay any attention to their arrival. One droid does notice
plant is nearly 100% automated, with droids carry-
them on its security screen, but seems unsure if they be-
ing out the majority of the work. A small contingent of
long there or not. After a few minutes, it sends an alert to
NovaCORE employees maintains an office in the north
the overseers that there are others in the building.
tower in case of emergencies.
When the employees are alerted to their presence, one
Kaa’to Leeachos stays in an annex of the kelerium
of the Mustafarians comes out of the office to investigate.
plant that is no longer in use. Old exhaust vents are large
He barks at the PCs in his language, demanding to know
enough to safely house his ship, Blade’s Edge, within.


under a black sun


C3 D




C C1



under a black sun
why they have entered a restricted area. The PCs can at- C2: Command Tower
tempt to bluff their way past the worker with an Average This large central tower is manned by a dozen droids
(π π) Charm check. If they fail, he summons a group of that oversee the processes throughout the plant. The
four security droids (use the police droids on page 22) tower sits four stories above the floor of the plant and
to escort the PCs out. The Mustafarians aren’t aware that can be reached by way of an elevator on the ground
Kaa’to has a hideout in part of their factory. floor or catwalk level. If the PCs access the tower, the
A firefight with the droids sends the NovaCORE workers droids attempt to keep them from interfering with any
scurrying out of the building to summon more reinforce- of the plant’s operations (use the profile for the police
ments. This takes some time and should not impact the droids on page 22).
rest of the adventure (the GM can have additional security The computer terminals located here control the cru-
forces arrive at the plant as the PCs leave the area). cibles, mechanical arms, and other machines. An Average
(π π) Computers check is required to access the terminal.
Location C: Kelerium Processing Plant
C3: Kelerium Rivers
The dominant structure of the complex, the keleri- As the raw kelerium enters the plant from the hold-
um processing plant is a massive facility sprawling ing towers outside, it is dumped into the molten mate-
across nearly half a kilometer of land. Repulsor- rial below. Once the mineral breaks down in this river,
lift sleds come and go from large hangar doors as it flows in a constant stream that loops through the
crates of processed ore move out of the facility and plant. From here, the crucibles dip down and scoop
empty crates return to be refilled. up the fiery liquid before dumping it into cooling tanks
(C4). The material heats to thousands of degrees and
can melt nearly anything in seconds (including PCs
Inside, rivers of molten kelerium run through artificial
and bounty hunters).
canyons as gigantic crucibles dip down to extract the
material for the next stage of processing. Catwalks C4: Cooling Tanks
crisscross the entire building, many filled with droids
Once the superheated kelerium is taken from the main
tirelessly checking gauges, readouts, and screens.
melting area, it is deposited here. In the cooling tanks,
Intense heat permeates the area, making it obvious
it reaches a normal temperature and then is extracted
why only droids are assigned to this grueling work.
through larger tubes that lead up to another tower for
final processing. In this last tower, it is broken down
into a refined powder and sent underground for to be
Numerous hazards could spell a quick and painful
packed and shipped.
death to the characters as they cover the ground. Be-
cause of the oppressive heat, all characters must pass
an Average (π π) Resilience check or reduce their Location D: Rubble
strain threshold by 2 for the duration of the encounter,
including the showdown with Kaa’to. Like the other rubble scattered about, these piles are
comprised of old droids and droid parts, unprocessed
C1: Catwalks ore, and by-products. The stacked debris here is ar-
A series of catwalks cover the facility, running above the ranged to make a tight path to a large blast door,
kelerium. The catwalks allow the droids to move from partially obscured by the rubble. The door leads to
one end of the plant to the other, checking machinery an unused, forgotten section of the factory, that ap-
and taking readings. Various large platforms connect the pears not to have been opened in decades.
walkways, each with terminals to monitor the tempera-
ture of the kelerium and other processing information.
Below the catwalks, automated crucibles and grasp-
ing claws slide along rails, dipping into the molten min-
eral and moving forward to deposit it into cooling tanks.
If a character attempts to jump onto a moving claw-arm
or crucible, he must make an Average (π π) Athletics
or Coordination check to land safely. A second skill
check is required to jump off and back to the catwalk.
Anyone who falls can attempt a Hard (π π π) Co-
ordination check or spend a light side Destiny Point
to grab on before falling into the kelerium. Hitting the
molten kelerium means instant death.


under a black sun
The blast door at the end of this path is purely for show. hideout. The door at the top of the stairs is locked and re-
Kaa’to sealed the door from the inside. Behind a pile of quires an Average (π π) Skulduggery check, but it can
rubble (found with an Easy [π] Perception check) is a hid- also be blown open with a blaster shot.
den door. The bounty hunter booby-trapped the door with If the PCs convinced the Black Sun to send thugs
a series of charges along the lower edge, concealed among against the bounty hunter during their trip to the Spy-
rubble. These can be detected with an Average (π π) Per- der, they find two bodies lying in the corner near the
ception check and disarmed with a Hard (π π π) Cool stairs, and Kaa’to has suffered one Average Critical Inju-
check. The door is unlocked, tempting intruders to open
ry of the GM’s choosing (see Table 1–6 on page 12).
it and trigger the charges. If the charges are detonated, all
The Black Sun thugs were apparently unsuccessful in
within short range of the door are struck for 5 damage and
their attempt to rein in the Nikto.
knocked prone. Once the trap and door are bypassed, the
PCs can enter the abandoned factory section (E). E1: Conveyer Belts, Centrifuges,
and Compactors
Location E: Abandoned Factory Section If Kaa’to or the PCs manage to turn on the equipment, this
presents a whole new set of hazards. On the conveyer belts,
the players must pass Easy (π) Coordination checks to
As you enter the darkened mineral processing area,
stay balanced. Moving in the same direction as the belt
old conveyer belts, centrifuges, and compactors
requires only an incidental, while moving in the opposite
lie forgotten under a thick layer of dust. Smashed
direction takes two maneuvers. The centrifuges open to the
crates; an ancient, inoperable speeder; and other
side and spin at dangerously high speeds as they separate
forgotten remnants litter the floor. Leading out from
ore particles from the gangue. Unwitting creatures who fall
the cavernous area are a few ladders for climbing
in must escape within one round using a Average (π π)
massive exhaust pipes on one side, and a staircase
Athletics check with a Setback die ∫ or suffer five wounds.
to an abandoned office on the other. A dim light
The compactors are even more lethal, instantly crushing
glows from the room at the top of the stairs.
anyone who doesn’t jump out of the way in time.

Kaa’to does not typically use the main floor of the Location F: Kaa’to’s Hideout
plant’s abandoned section, a remnant of a time when
the ore required more processing prior to smelting. No The old foreman’s office serves as Kaa’to’s home
one has entered the space for many years, and there is while he is on Coruscant. A simple bed sits against
nothing of value to be found within besides archaic ma- the north wall, and eight crates are stacked along
chinery, which is, surprisingly, still operational. A grime- the west wall. These crates resemble those housed
covered control panel can be switched on with a Hard in the Zelcomm Tower, which were remnants of the
(π π π) Mechanics check, bringing the equipment bounty hunter’s last weapons shipment.
whirring back to life.
The stairs lead to Kaa’to’s living quarters. He has booby- Kaa’to’s simple lodgings are kept in disarray. He uses
trapped certain steps, which he avoids. Have the PCs make the bed sporadically but is usually out and about in the
Hard (π π π) Perception checks when they enter the city tracking his prey.
room to try and spot the explosives. Diffusing them re-
Searching the room, the PCs find that three blaster rifles
quires an Average (π π) Cool check. One misstep, and
(see page 31) still remain in the crates, along with two
the charges rip the stairs apart with an explosion (5 dam-
frag grenades (see page 31), four stun grenades (see
age to any in short range), cutting off access to Kaa’to’s
page 14), and a mini thermal detonator (see page 36).


under a black sun
F1: Windows
Mini Thermal Detonator
In the old foreman’s office, two sets of windows look out

over the loading bay. They are grimed over from years of hese insidious devices are half the size of frag
soot and nearly blend in with the surrounding walls. They grenades but have a thermite-baradium cas-
are of poor quality and shatter with a few blaster shots. ing surrounding a baradium core. On detonation,
the resulting fusion reaction creates a particle
Location G: Kaa’to’s Ship “Hangar” wave that disintegrates everything in the blast.
(Exhaust pipes) One mini-detonator can clear a large room. The
stats for them are as follows: (Ranged [Light];
These large exhaust pipes vent directly to the outside Damage 12; Critical 2; Range [Short]; Blast 10).
and haven’t been used in decades. Taking advantage Blast 10 means that the attacker can spend
of this fact, the bounty hunter used one of the pipes 2 Advantage ≤ ≤ to ensure the blast hits ev-
for housing his heavily modified Z-95-AF4 Headhunt- eryone within short range of the original target,
er, Blade’s Edge. The ramp to the ship is down, and dealing 10 damage to each.
the area seems deserted. Cargo sits at the base of Thermal detonators can be either set to deto-
the ramp, including the stolen spice shipment! nate on impact, or be set with a timer to deto-
nate up to 3 rounds after being activated at the
If the PCs return here after the battle and search the beginning of the attacker’s action.
ship, they find a small portion of the spice shipment This particular batch was defective, so the weap-
stolen from the Pykes. The PCs are able to return this to on only detonates if 3 Advantage ≤ ≤ ≤ or a
the Pykes to assist in lessening their Obligations by 5 Triumph ± are spent during the Ranged (Light)
each. Alternatively, the PCs can keep this shipment and check. On a Despair µ it explodes prematurely
sell it on their own. This brings the PCs 10,000 credits in the wielder’s hand.
from the right buyer (a Hard [π π π] Streetwise
check), but costs them an additional 5 Obligation each,
Once the fighting has begun, Kaa’to flees into the kele-
as they too betray their employers; future campaigns
rium processing plant with the PCs in hot pursuit. He
could involve the Pykes exacting their vengeance.
uses his jet pack to move around vertically and avoid the
hazards in the plant, but otherwise follows the standard
Smile, you’re on camera maneuver rules for moving in and out of range bands,
etc. The jet pack can hover in the air for up to two con-

N ovaCORE’s holocam surveillance captures the

PCs fighting and contacts Coruscant Security
Forces for help. If Sinoca has accumulated addi-
secutive rounds before overheating and shutting off.
Next, Kaa’to tries to fly up to the catwalks that criss-
cross the molten kelerium; he is heading towards the Com-
tional Obligation, the police recognize her from their mand Tower (C2). The PCs may try shooting his jet pack
criminal database and move in to arrest her as she to disable it using the aim maneuver. With the machinery
and the rest of her party leaves. If she has 15 Obli- whirring overhead and steam rising throughout the area,
gation, they send four police droids after her, but if however, all ranged attacks have a Setback die ∫ added
she has 20 Obligation, three Coruscant Underworld to their roll. Player Characters should be encouraged to
Police come for her personally (see page 22). spend Destiny Points to succeed against the Nikto.
Kaa’to attempts to fire at the PCs from his vantage
The Showdown point; any combat checks from this elevated position
gain a Boost die ∫. This does not apply if the PCs are
This final battle is an opportunity for the GM to ramp up on the same level as the bounty hunter.
the cinematic action. A firefight in a crowded, hazard-
ous environment is the perfect scene for a final dramatic Once the bounty hunter suffers wounds equal to
battle. Use the sidebar Where’s Kaa’to? on the next three quarters of his wound threshold, he attempts to
page to determine the bounty hunter’s starting location. threaten the PCs with the mini thermal detonator. Un-
beknownst to Kaa’to, the weapon is defective (see the
If the players try to interact with the bounty hunter Mini Thermal Detonator sidebar, above).
before opening fire, he shouts something resembling
the following at them in the guttural Nikto language: The players have three options for trying to defeat
Kaa’to: inflicting enough wounds, dealing enough strain,
or utilizing the environment against him. The PCs will
“Ha, so you’re proud of yourselves for tracking me have to decide whether they can capture him or whether
down so you can put an end to my traitorous ways? they need to resort to more desperate measures. Death
Don’t kid yourselves—you’d have done the same by crushing, piercing, and incineration are all possible
had Black Sun paid better than the Pykes. Now, let’s amid the various machinery, presses, and fusioncutters
see how long it takes me to add you to my kill list.” used in producing the kelerium bars. Perhaps the PCs


under a black sun
Where’s Kaa’to?

K aa’to’s starting position depends on how dis-

creetly (or not) the PCs went about investigating
the bounty hunter earlier in the adventure.
dealing delicately with important NPCs,
they have an opportunity to catch Kaa’to
unaware in his hideout (F). He attempts to
pin down the PCs with blaster fire and es-
• If the PCs failed or botched a major- capes into the main section of the plant (C)
ity of locations and encounters, start- through the windows (F1).
ing unnecessary fights or aggravating
important NPCs, the bounty hunter is on • If the players are setting a trap by pos-
high alert and patrols the catwalks of the ing as buyers of the spice shipment or as a
processing plant (C1). The PCs only take contingent from Zelcomm, and they know
him by surprise if they succeed at a Hard to look for him in the abandoned section,
(π π π) Stealth check to approach him. then Kaa’to has taken a vantage point his
hideout’s (F) stairs, and is looking down to
• If the PCs were predominantly successful investigate the visitors. If the PCs have al-
while exploring Coruscant’s underworld, ready had a run-in with the bounty hunter,
minimizing the amount of bloodshed and disguises may be necessary.
manage to dump a crucible of a molten kelerium on
him, or maybe Kaa’to is hit (or pushed) and falls to his Scaling Difficulty
end in the fiery kelerium rivers. A crafty GM could even
have the Nikto fall to his apparent death, but secretly
survive to become a recurring nemesis for the PCs. K aa’to’s default wound threshold is 20. For small
groups, or groups without strong fighters, the
GM may wish to decrease his wound threshold
Kaa’to Leeachos, Kadas’sa’Nikto by 2 to 6. For large or especially battle-hardened
groups, the GM may wish to increase his wound
Bounty Hunter [Nemesis]
threshold by 2 to 6 and perhaps improve his oth-
er combat abilities. Another option is to continue
3 3 2 3 3 1 the combat regardless of his wounds until a suit-
BRAWN AGILITY intellect cunning willpower PRESENCE ably epic or desperate killing blow is dealt to him.
soak value W. Threshold S. Threshold
To further increase the challenge, the GM may
6 20 15 consider adding the following to his talents:
Skills: Brawl 1, Coercion 1, Piloting (Planetary) 2, Adversary (upgrade difficulty of all combat checks
Ranged (Light) 2, Resilience 2, Survival 2. against this target once for the combat’s duration).
Talents: Lethal Blows (adds +10 any Critical Injury rolls in-
flicted on opponents), Resolve (when the character suffers
strain, he suffers 1 less strain, to a minimum of 1; Kadas’sa’Nikto
this does not apply to voluntary strain loss).
Abilities: Enhanced Nemesis Combat Also known as the green Nik-
(the GM should add an additional tos, they are a reptilian spe-
NPC Initiative slot at the end of cies from the forests of
the Initiative order. The nem- the planet Kintan in
esis may take a second turn the Si’klaata Clus-
during the same round in ter, but, like all
this slot. Any effects Niktos, they
that are supposed have been
to end during his enslaved
next turn end in- by the
stead during his next Hutt
turn in the following clans
round. This allows the nemesis to for thousands of years,
keep up with the PCs even if typically serving as enforc-
they have greater numbers). ers. A rare few find freedom
Equipment: after the deaths of their mas-
Heavy blaster pistol ters or find other ways to
(Ranged [Light]; Dam- escape their bonds of servi-
age 7; Critical 3; tude. Niktos are notorious-
Range [Medium]; ly violent, having formed
Stun setting), claws cults centering around
(Brawl; Damage 4; blood sacrifice at various
Critical 3; Range [En- points in galactic history.
gaged]), custom laminate
armor (+2 soak), faulty
jet pack (spend a maneu-
Kaa’to Leeachos
ver to make a Piloting Kaa’to once worked security for a mi-
[Planetary] check nor Hutt named Morbiss, a slaver operating
with a difficulty of [º] from Nar Shaddaa. This depraved Hutt had
to fly as per page many enemies throughout the Outer Rim
36; explodes on a territories, and always kept a large detail
Despair µ or after of thugs and warriors around him. Yet,
sustaining 10 dam- even that could not save him from his
age as if it were a determined rivals. The slave master
frag grenade: see fell victim to a bomb placed in his
page 31). ship’s docking bay while on Malastare
to bet on the Podraces. The explosion
wiped out Morbiss, his ship, his guards, and a


under a black sun
large group of “cargo” the Hutt brought along to sell. It where his new career would begin. While on Rodia,
was only through sheer luck that the Nikto survived. The Kaa’to found himself in the employ of the bounty hunter
enforcer was dealing with a petulant slave who was giving Knoke, a gruff Rodian who took a liking to the Nikto and
his new master a hard time, which kept him at the edge of taught him the ways of the hunt. Knoke was a successful
the docking bay when the bomb detonated. hunter, but he met his end while on a contract to capture
a rogue Jedi during the Great Purge. Kaa’to assumed the
The blast that set Kaa’to free also took his right leg and
contract and finished the job. His reputation quickly grew
burned much of his right arm. Luckily, he had a hidden
after such a high-profile job. Within a few years he was in
stash of credits on his person. When the medics arrived, the
steady employ, with many clients. Knoke left his ship and
Nikto bargained with the Gran who found him to replace his
equipment to Kaa’to, and with these at his disposal, the
leg. It exhausted all his credits, but Kaa’to Leeachos would
Nikto set out to earn a fortune for himself.
live to finally throw off the shackles of the Hutts.
Ultimately, Kaa’to’s pride grew into hubris, and he be-
With his credits wiped out, Kaa’to took to working as
gan to look down on those who employed him, thinking
a hired guard on Malastare until he could buy passage
himself nigh untouchable. Soon after staking out terri-
on a transport offworld. As fate would have it, the only
tory on Coruscant, the Nikto backstabbed the Pykes,
transport he could get took him to the world of Rodia,
bringing the Player Characters down on his trail.

A fter the battle ends, the Player Characters can make
their way back to the hangar and search Kaa’to’s ship
(G). The characters might decide to claim the ship for their
• Black Sun: The PCs had many encounters with
Black Sun during this adventure, and that can con-
tinue as a recurring theme. The Player Characters
own to sell (the starfighter is worth 55,000 credits). On might still be wanted by Black Sun for their break-in
board, a small crate of spice is found in the cargo hold. and theft of data, leading to exciting adventures as
This represents only a fraction of the shipment that Kaa’to they try to evade the galaxy-spanning organization.
stole from the Pykes, but it provides a start for repaying • Fulfilling Obligations: The PCs all have a number
debts or starting their own smuggling business. of Obligations that shape their goals and behav-
For their successful takedown of the bounty hunter, ior. The GM is encouraged to use the Obligation
the Pykes pay each character 1,000 credits in accor- system to craft adventures and give the characters
dance with their previous agreement with Chopper. The greater depth and background.
Pykes also reduce the Obligation of each player charac- • Adapting Starting Adventures: A number of ex-
ter by 5, but the PCs may have accumulated even more citing starting adventures are available to kick off
Obligation over the course of the scenario. your campaign. The adventures inside the Edge
What lies ahead for the Player Characters from here of the Empire Core Rulebook (Trouble Brewing)
is up to the GM. Some possible ways to continue their and Game Master’s Kit (Debts to Pay) are perfect
adventures at the Edge of the Empire include: ways to follow up on this adventure.


A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away....

Amid a backdrop of civil war, the Empire tightens its grip on the galaxy. Yet,
even the Emperor’s influence only extends so far. At the edge of Imperial power
lies a den of smugglers and crime lords, bounty hunters and petty thieves, all
seeking to make their fortunes or just survive another day.
Embark on your own adventures in the Star Wars galaxy with the introductory
adventure, Under a Black Sun. After a spice deal goes awry, the players must
enter the seedy underworld of Coruscant and track down a double-dealing
bounty hunter. Can they dodge Black Sun thugs and Imperial forces to put an
end to his treachery once and for all?
This Free RPG Day booklet also includes:
• Quick-start rules for Star Wars: Edge of the Empire.
• Four pre-generated characters. Play as a human scoundrel, a Rodian
trader, a Bothan slicer, or a Trandoshan marauder.
• A complete planetary overview for Coruscant, rules for playing sabacc,
exclusive adversaries, and an adventure map.


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