Syllabus and Scheme of BOC 12-7-16
Syllabus and Scheme of BOC 12-7-16
Syllabus and Scheme of BOC 12-7-16
Subject Code : BITL104 Course Title : Basics of Computing Applicable to Programmes - Semester
Contact Hours : L :02 T : ---- P : 02
1. B.E. –I/II
Examination Duration (Hrs.) : Theory 02 H
Course Objective
1. To apply knowledge of Operating System and Linux Commands and Networking.
2. Able to Design algorithm for solving a problem.
3. Able to solve a problem by using various C concepts.
4. Able to apply advanced concept in various areas.
Details of Course :
Enumerated data types, Renaming data types with typedef( ), Type casting,
Bit wise operators. and bit manipulation. pointer to pointer, Pointers to
functions, Functions Returning pointers, Functions with variable number of
arguments, Dynamic memory allocation. Programming Examples.
12 MOOCs CO6