Pap Assignment1
Pap Assignment1
Pap Assignment1
Q.No Questions Outcomes
2. Explain the computer hardware architecture along with a neat diagram.. CO1
What are the roles of a programmer? List any two skills required to
be a programmer.
3 What are Python datatypes and expressions? Explain with examples for CO2
4. Demonstrate with example print (), input () and string replication. CO2
5. What are Variables and how they are declared and defined. CO2
Explain Values, Types, Variables and Keywords with example code in detail.
6 List and Explain various flow control statements used in Python with an CO3
7. Explain if, else, for, while, break and continue statements in python with CO3
examples for each.
8. Write a python program to check whether a given number is prime or not CO1
10. Explain counting and summing loops with example programs . CO3