Second Formative Lesson Plan
Second Formative Lesson Plan
Second Formative Lesson Plan
Based on a simplified version of Understanding by Design (UBD) and the IB Middle Year Program Planner
Lesson • The teacher will review the expectations outlined • Students will know that the
Timing in the previously agreed upon classroom numerator of a fraction shows how
contract. many parts we have out of the
• The teacher will ask students to share what they
• Students will know that the
know about fractions. The teacher will scaffold
denominator shows how many equal
students to identify important information if
parts there are in total.
necessary. For example, students will clarify
what the numerator and denominator of a
fraction represent.
• The teacher will maintain a public record of
students’ thinking on the board.
As the students share their answers, the teacher To solve problems:
will indicate this on the board by circling the
cookies into groups. Students will also consider Students will implement the key feature
how many cookies will be in each pile and then of “to test a solution”. They will choose a
solve the quantity of a quarter of the total number possible solution for how many fruits
of cookies. represent a part of a fraction. They will
• The teacher will not explicitly state that we are then evaluate its effectiveness. They will
using division, but rather emphasize and then determine and try another possible
highlight students’ thinking who recognize that solution if necessary. As students
division is used to determine a fraction of a independently work on applying their
whole. knowledge to other questions they will
• Subsequently, the teacher will present a set of adopt a flexible approach by redoing the
fruits. The teacher will ask students to share how preceding steps in the same or different
many fruits there are. Then students will consider order in order to solve the problem.
how many fruits they would eat if they ate 1/5 of
the fruits. As a challenge, students will also Broad Areas of Learning:
determine the quantity of 3/5 of the fruits. Citizenship and community life:
• The teacher will share clear expectations
regarding the fruit. The teacher will emphasize Students will participate in the class
that the fruits are for visual demonstration and instruction and activities with a spirit of
should not be eaten. When students are cooperation and solidarity. For example,
completing their independent work time the they will share their ideas regarding the
teacher will pass around sliced fruit. Students questions answered as a class. They will
who are on task will be able to choose a piece to also demonstrate respect towards other
eat. students’ ideas and questions. They will
• The class will work together to solve 3 word also adopt rules established by the
problems. If students feel comfortable, they can classroom.
come up to the board and show their work to the
class. Universal Design for Learning/
• Students will have 25 minutes to practice finding
a fraction of a set in their fraction packet. The Students will be asked to share what
teacher will emphasize that the packet contains they remember regarding fractions
questions of various difficulty and students can during the hook of the lesson. This will
determine where they need to focus their own stimulate interest in fractions of a set
learning. For example, a student who requires a because students’ will be sharing their
challenge can start working on identifying own ideas and experiences.
fractions of a set where the numerator is greater
than one by working on a code-breaking activity. Information will be presented in
different ways because explanations will
be written on the board and repeated
verbally. Additionally tangible and visual
fruits will be utilized. Thus, visual
spatial and verbal linguistic learning
styles will be honored throughout the
lesson. Students will also be able to use
counters or the fruit as manipulatives to
create groups which supports kinesthetic
confused and five fingers raised indicates that they are about their understanding. If necessary,
comfortable teaching the topic to another person. - the teacher can also collect students’
Students will also have one more opportunity to ask any booklets to determine their understanding
questions they have. The teacher will answer these and where they may need more support.
questions in the next class period if there is insufficient The teacher will record their notes about
time to answer them during this lesson. students’ progress to determine what they
understand and what needs more
FORMATIVE - Assessment AS
SUMMATIVE - Assessment OF
Work from this lesson will not be used as
evidence for summative assessment.
Further considerations:
Following this lesson, students will further develop their ability to find fractions of a set by finding a fraction
of a set where the numerator they are considering is greater than one. To help students develop their
understanding of this topic they will be shown visual representations of sets using images of objects. Students
will be guided to consider that finding a fraction requires both division and multiplication. Subsequently,
students will apply the numerical method to their work.
Professional Competencies:
Competency 2 Master the language of instruction:
In this lesson, I will work to master the language of instruction by communicating appropriately in the
language of instruction both orally and in writing. One way I will do this is by including both Swedish and
English translations for questions on the board. Furthermore, I will provide resources in both Swedish and
English and students can determine which version they would prefer to use. I will demonstrate an ability to
present ideas of how to find a fraction of a set coherently, intelligibly, and at an appropriate level in both my
writing and speaking. Throughout the lesson, I will also check the quality of students’ language and provide
frequent feedback to help them correct themselves. For example, I will provide feedback if students say the
denominator before the numerator when reading a fraction.