The Virtues The Roles in Islaam MuslimsLife

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Be sure that Allah is severe in punishment and that Allah is Very-Forgiving, Very-

Merciful. (Al-Mā'idah 5:98)

Tell My servants that I am the Most-Forgiving, the Very-Merciful and that My

punishment is the painful punishment (Al Hajr 15; 49,50.)


(English Translation of Pages of Book written by Sheikh Abul Hasan Ali Nadvi in urdu)


Sheikh Abul Hasan Ali Nadvi

Brief Life Sketch of Sheikh Nadvi the Writer of this Article

Sheikh Abul Hasan Ali Hasani Nadwi Rahimullah

(Born December 5, 1913 Died December 31, 1999 )

(To know all detail about Sheikh visit

Maulana Sayyid Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi was indisputably one of the greatest Islamic Scholar,
Historian, exponents of Islam in the second half of the twentieth century. He believed firmly
Islam as only path of Success for Mankind not only in Life after death but in this world also. He
considered Islam as blessing for mankind and as most positive most critical and creative factor
in human history. His Arabic book Maza Khasiral Alam be Inhitat al-Muslimeen, translated into
English as Islam and the World had a great impact increased his visibility in the Arab world at a
time of turmoil in the middle of Last century.

(Islam and the World is the title given in English .The literal translation of his original title will be “Effect of
Rise and Fall of Muslims on whole world”. Arabic Title is Mazakhasrul Aalam bi Inhitatil Muslimeen, Urdu Title
is Insani Dunia Par Musalamanon ke Urooj o Zawaal ka Asar)

He was a man who personified Islamic values, soft-spoken, cultured and courteous to the core,
humility and modesty, patience and tolerance, moderation and balance, generosity and
compassion – all Islamic values – marked his personality. Neither a politician, nor a publicist,
essentially a scholar, a man of religion, a spiritual person, a modern Dervish, a Mard-e-Momin
who combined in himself the highest values of the Shariah and the Tariqat, of orthodoxy and
Sufism and who commanded respect for his transparent sincerity, for his simple living and for
his selfless devotion to the common cause of the Community and the Nation, a man who lived
for Allah alone and who wanted nothing but the good of all is no more. His demise is the end
of an era in the history of the Muslim India and has created a void impossible to fill in the
foreseeable future. May his soul rest in eternal peace, Ameen!

Honours and Awards

• 1956 Visiting member of Arabic Academy Damascus

• 1962 Secretary of the first inaugural session and foundation of World Muslim League in
Makkah Mukaramah.
• 1963 Member of the advisory council, Madinah University Madinah Munawarah.

• 1980 King Faisal Award

• 1980 Chairman of Islamic Centre Oxford.

• 1981 Honorary Degree of Ph.D. from Kashmir University.

• 1999 ‘The personality of the year’ award by UAE.

• 1999 Sultan Brunei Award by Oxford Islamic Center on his work of ‘Tareekh Dawat-o-

Institutional positions and affiliations

• Maulana was a founder member of the Muslim World League (Rabita Alam e Islami), a
member of the Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC), a member of the World
Supreme Council of Mosques, and a member of the Fiqh Council of Rabita. He was also a
member of Advisory Council of the Islamic University of Madinah al Munawwarah,
• A member of its Supreme Council, and a member of the Academy of Arts and Letters of
Damascus, Syria. He was also a founder member of the League of the Islamic Literature
in India.
• This was in addition to his participation in many other activities through Islamic
organizations and institutions such as the World Assembly of Muslim Youth (WAMY).
• In India, he was the President of All India Muslim Personal Law Board an Umbrella
organization of Muslims in India. He was rector of Nadwatul Ulama, and president of
the Academy of Islamic Research and Publications. He was highly respected by Ulama
and political leaders alike,

Partial List of Books by Fazilatus Sheikh Abul Hasan Ali Nadvi Rahimullah

• Islam and the world

(Effect of Rise and Fall of Muslims on whole world, Translation of his Arabic Book
Mazakhasrul Aalam bi Inhitatil Muslimeen, Urdu book Insani Dunia Par
Musalamanon ke Urooj o Zawaal ka Asar)
• Saviours of Islamic spirit Vol 1-5 (His Five Volume Book Tareekh e Dawat O
• A misunderstood reformer
• Appreciation and interpretation of religion in the modern age
• The basis of a new social order
• Calamity of linguistics
• Faith versus materialism
• From the depth of the heart in America
• Glory of Iqbal
• Inviting to the way of Allah
• Islam and civilization
• Islam and knowledge
• Islam and the earliest Muslims
• Islam and the west
• Islamic code of life and uniform civil code
• Islamic concept of prophethood
• Islamic studies, orientalists and Muslim scholars
• Islam in a changing world
• Islam the perfect religion
• Learn to live with love
• Life and mission of Maulana Mohammad Ilyas
• Live to lead : a call to Indian Muslims
• Mankind's debt to the prophet Mohammad
• Mercy for the world
• Mohammad Rasulallah (sallalahu alaihe wasallam )
• Mohammad, the last prophet
• Muslims in the west ,the message and mission
• Muslims in India
• Only a prophet can do it
• Presidential address
• Prophet Mohammad in the mirror of his supplications
• Qadianism : a critical study
• Qadianism : a critique
• Reconstruction of Indian society what Muslims can do
• Role of hadith in the promotion of Islamic climate and attitudes
• Religion and civilization
• Speaking plainly to the west
• Status of woman in Islam
• Stories of the prophets
• Tales of the prophets
• The Arabs must win
• The country at a dangerous crossing need for urgent attention
• The excellent names of god
• The fifteenth century
• The final prophet & the perfect religion
• The four pillars of Islam
• The hajjs
• The impact of Islam on Indian culture
• The life of caliph 'Ali'
• The miraculous preachings of the glorious Qur’an
• • The Musalman
• • The role and responsibilities of Muslims in the west
• • The new menace and it's answer
• • The pathway to Madinah
• • The place of knowledge
• • The world of Islam today
• • Violence & tyranny
• • Western civilization - Islam and Muslims
• • What Muslim personal law means to Muslims
• Death
Sayyid Abul Hasan Ali Hasani Nadwi died in the month of Ramzan the day of Friday while
Reading Surah Yaseen before Juma Prayer on 23 Ram1420 AH (Dec. 31, 1999) in
Raebareli, India at the age of 86. More than 200,000 people attended his funeral and
the prayer was led by his nephew and successor Mulana Muhammad Rabey Nadwi.

(To know all detail about Sheikh and his books visit
Below is translation of writing of Sheikh Abul
Hasan Ali Nadvi Rahimullah from his urdu book
biography of Sheikh ul Hadith pages 250-54

Original Urdu book from which below translation has been done is available on this link

Translated by Muhammad Abuzar.

Please point out any mistake in Translation on the mail ID

Jazakallah o Khair
The Sheikh Nadvi Articles Translation Starts from Here……………

Series of Books on Virtues (Fazail) and Stories of Sahaba

Karam (The companions of Prophet)
Although the the number of books written by Hazarat Sheikhul Hadith Maulana Zkaria
Rahimullah is more than 100. But his book on Stories of Sahab the companion of prophet and
Series of book on Fazail virtues of actions is most well-known. The Popularity gined by these
books is incomparable in history, at least among the religious and Dawat books in urdu
language Because of it inclusion in the collective Taleem of Tablighi Jamaat and the general
benefit of these books without any ambiguity it can be said that several lakhs copies have
been published.

The benefits of these books with respect to Islamic knowledge and encouragement of
Practicing Islam reached to millions. This statement does not seem an exaggeration by a
famous contemporary Scholar “Thousands of People has reached to state of closeness to Allah
through these books.”

Among these books Hikayat e Sahaba has a special status. This book is very special in
its effect and benefit. This book was written on the demand of Hazrat Maulana Abdul
Qadir Sb Raepuri Rahimullah. He was asking to Hazrat Sheikh for a long time.
Hazrat Raepuri Rahimullah was having great love for the life of Sahaba.
But Hazrat sheikh was too busy in his academic and Hadith teaching appointments. And he
was not able to spare time for this noble work. But accidently in 1357 H he suffered from a
severe bout of Nakseer (Epistaxis/Nose Bleed), he was medically advised to stop all types of
brainstorming works (Dimaghi Kaam). In this time he collected and wrote Hikayat e Sahaba
(Stories of Companions) that got completed in month of Shaban 1358H. This book became
very popular. Apart from its inclusion in the curriculum of Tablighi Jamaat it was also
appreciated by all religious circles. It is a popular Dawah book.

The language is easily understandable, lucid and directly touches the heart.The stories of
sahaba are not only effective in making readers heart soft rather it has revolutionary effect.


Maulana Ilyas Rahmatullah well understood the critical importance of Virtues of actions,
(Belief on eternal rewards in life after death and wordly benefit and Barkat of Islamic Faith and
good deeds i.e.Emaan and Aamal e Slaiha,) in connecting Muslims with the life of Quran and
Hadith (The Islamic way of life).

It was his deep insight and understanding of Quran and Hadith, his cognition and
understanding that he realized its significance and thrilling effect of virtues (Fazail) for deriving
anyone towards the command of Allah and path of Muhammad sallallahu Alaihi wasallam.

It is a fact that the force that is encouraging and moving the steering wheel of our
life and by which the world is racing is actually belief of profit and desire to make
secure future.
This belief of profit and secure future actually drives a farmer out of his bed towards his field
in bitter cold and he reaches the field even before sunrise. And he remains in the field even in
scorching sun perspirating continuously.

The same belief compels a business man out of home and doing travels leaving luxury of
home. The same make for a soldier, death as easy and life as difficult. He leaves his beloved
son at home and go out in the battle field.These are due to certainty of benefit and
expectation of a secure future.

But above all the above mentioned examples one more belief is there that is most certain
and most secure and most result oriented. That is those benefits that the messenger of
Allah used to convey for human being. The message given by Wahee (Divine revelation) in
the books of Allah and prophet words in Hadith has revealed these most truthful news and
confirmed benefits.
That we can name as Reward in life after death and pleasure of Allah.
This is called in Hadith as Eemaan and Ihtisab and this is the most vital deriving force for a
muslim to strive and do good for reward in Akhirah
Maulana Ilyas used to say that knowledge of Fazail virtues take precedence over the
knowledge of Masail (jurisprudence). The virtues gives the belief on the reward in the life
after death.And this is the state of eeman to belief on unseen return blessing and reward. And
a person get ready to do Aamaal e Slaiha. The requirement of knowing the jurisprudence
detail will be only if a person is ready for doing that action. (If a person is not ready for
offering Salat for him what is the use of detail of Faraiz and Sunnan of Salat)

To fulfill this important need Hazrat sheikh compiled the Series of virtues
Most of these books were written on the advice of Maulana Ilyas Rahimullah while Fazaile
Darood and Fazail e Quran has been written on the advice of Maulan Yaseen Nageenvi

Fazaile Haj was started on Shawwal 1366. In the book hearts touching stories are there that
will make the reader shed tears. These all related with the purpose of Hajj. This book is very

The couplet of poetry and its proper selection and placement is also special. He has written
the detail of etiquettes of the journey of Madeenah and has become a loved book of lovers of

In His book Fazaile Sadqat (Virtues of Charity) This book also includes Units on
Social Etiquettes rights of Parents, Relative, Neighbors, Zakat, Rights of Ulema and
the character of pious Ulema summary from Imam Gazhali Book and several others
important topics) the Stories the pious Aulia Allah has further cemented the concept
of Akhirah, critical importance of preparation of life after death the transitory
nature of this world. So all these series of Fazail e Aamal are very effective and
The totality of writing skill of Sheikh.
In general those scholars who remain engaged in high class research and advanced studies,
they do not become successful in writing books for general mass Reformation with plain and
easily comprehensible language. And it is also vice versa those who write books for
reformation may not successful in writing books of research.

But the sheikh has mastered both the Skill of high Quality Academic Research and
Reformative books simultaneously

The example of his Research and Advanced books are Aujazul Masalaik,(Six volume
Commentary on Mauta Imam Malik) Muqadma Lamiuddarari, Hajjatul Wida o Umrat e Nabi
Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam,(The detail Of Haj and Umrah of prophet) Juz Ikhtalafu salat (The
jurisprudencial differential in the fine detail of Namaz) , Ikhtalaful Aimma (The Fiqh difference
of Imams) , Aujazul Muhmat………………………….(Indistinct in original book).

The instance of the second category of writing Reformative books for common mass are these
Fazail books. And the combination of both these is reflected in his book is SHARAH KHASAEL
NABWI (Book on Prophet distinctive character with fine detail of his personality and daily life)
which is translation of JAME SHAMAEL TIRMIDHI.
By this variety of his writing sheikh looks like a Researcher, Muhaddith (Scholar of Hadith) and
advance academician, commentator and Historian at the same time He also looks pure Daee
and Reformer who is well versed with the language of common mass.


Excerpts From Title of book………….

The great Aalim Muhaddith (Hadith Scholar), Murshid e Ruhani (Spritual doctor) Hazrat
Maulana Zkaria Rahimullah Biography his academic and Practicing distinctions (Ilmi aur Aamali
kamalat) and his religious reformative services.

Original Urdu book from which above translation has been done is available on this link

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