Famous Dictums
Famous Dictums
Famous Dictums
“Form does not necessarily follow function” “Function influence but does not dictate form”
-Antonio Gaudi - Eero Saarinen
"Architecture is the reaching out for the truth" “Form does not necessarily follow function”
-Louis Kahn - Antonio Gaudi
“Cube within a cube” "Form follows function- that has been misunderstood.
- Le Corbusier Form and function should be one, joined in a spiritual
"The house is a machine for living in" -Frank Lloyd Wright
- Le Corbusier
"Every great architect is- necessarily - a great poet.
“A bridge is like a house” He must be a great original interpreter of his time, his
- Robert Maillart (civil engr.) day, his age"
-Frank Lloyd Wright
"Less is a bore"
-Robert Venturi