Snead 2014
Snead 2014
Snead 2014
DOI: 10.1002/anie.201409093
Continuous Flow Hot Paper
Abstract: In a total residence time of three minutes, ibuprofen We herein report a highly efficient continuous synthesis of
was assembled from its elementary building blocks with an ibuprofen that pushes the limits of existing continuous-flow
average yield of above 90 % for each step. A scale-up of this technologies. Three chemical transformations were per-
five-stage process (3 bond-forming steps, one work-up, and one formed in a total of three minutes (1 min/step), each with
in-line liquid–liquid separation) provided ibuprofen at a rate of a yield in excess of 90 %. Inexpensive and readily available
8.09 g h 1 (equivalent to 70.8 kg y 1) using a system with an reagents were employed (e.g., AlCl3, ICl), and the use of
overall footprint of half the size of a standard laboratory fume solvent was minimized (no additional solvent for the Friedel–
hood. Aside from the high throughput, several other aspects of Crafts acylation or the oxidative 1,2-aryl shift). Aggressive
this synthesis expand the capabilities of continuous-flow reagents, such as a solution of AlCl3 in propionyl chloride (2)
processing, including a Friedel–Crafts acylation run under and neat ICl, were delivered without incident or reactor
neat conditions and promoted by AlCl3, an exothermic in-line fouling for several hours, and in-line pressurized liquid–liquid
quench of high concentrations of precipitation-prone AlCl3, extractions safely neutralized and removed problematic
liquid–liquid separations run at or above 200 psi to provide reagents and byproducts. The risks associated with highly
solvent-free product, and the use of highly aggressive oxidants, exothermic reactions and quenches (Friedel–Crafts acylation
such as iodine monochloride. The use of simple, inexpensive, conducted under neat conditions and at elevated temperature
and readily available reagents thus affords a practical synthesis and oxidative 1,2-aryl shift) were mitigated through a funda-
of this important generic pharmaceutical. mental advantage of continuous flow over batch synthesis;
only a small amount of material relative to the output of the
Continuous-flow organic synthesis is of growing importance system is utilized at any given time. Overall, this synthesis
in research, development, and manufacturing.[1] Particular illustrates many of the features and opportunities offered by
emphasis has been placed on continuous pharmaceutical continuous synthesis.
processing,[2] and a recent program in our laboratory is The Friedel–Crafts acylation of isobutylbenzene (3) with
dedicated to the on-demand production of active pharma- propionyl chloride (2) to produce aryl ketone 4 was first
ceutical ingredients (APIs) through the use of continuous- examined. Whereas a soluble Brønsted acid promoter that is
flow methods.[3] For example, we have developed or are less harsh than TfOH would have been desirable for the
developing such syntheses of several APIs included in the activation of propionyl chloride, none of those examined
World Health Organizations (WHO) list of essential medi- (acetic acid, sulfuric acid, methanesulfonic acid, and hydro-
cines,[4] which includes ibuprofen (1). Inspired by McQuades chloric acid) gave appreciable quantities of 4 (see the
landmark continuous synthesis,[5] we sought to develop Supporting Information for details).
a scalable continuous synthesis of this generic pharmaceut- We thus turned our attention to Lewis acid promoters, in
ical. Compared to McQuades procedure, our main aims were particular the commonly employed AlCl3.[6] Readily available
to avoid the use of triflic acid (TfOH, 5 equiv), effect a more and inexpensive, this classic reagent created several other
economical oxidative rearrangement (to replace PhI(OAc)2), problems. Typical Friedel–Crafts conditions (for example,
and conduct the synthesis in a more concentrated fashion and AlCl3, acid chloride, and arene in dichloromethane) often
shorter time to increase throughput and minimize cost and give heterogeneous mixtures and are generally not appro-
waste. priate for continuous-flow synthesis or, at the very least,
prone to reactor clogging. Possible solutions included the
addition of benzophenone or the use of acetone as the solvent
[*] Dr. D. R. Snead, Prof. Dr. T. F. Jamison to solvate AlCl3 throughout the course of the reaction.
Department of Chemistry However, these modifications also attenuate the Lewis acidity
Massachusetts Institute of Technology of the promoter, and accordingly, the rate of product
77 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, MA 02139 (USA) formation (4) was sluggish at best.
E-mail: In a similar vein, we thus explored the possibility of using
[**] We are grateful to DARPA for supporting this work and to Prof. propionyl chloride (2) itself as the means of delivering AlCl3
Klavs F. Jensen and Prof. Allan S. Myerson (both MIT Chemical
and thus as the “solvent” (Table 1); approximately 1:1
Engineering) and their research groups for excellent suggestions
and stimulating discussions. We also thank Dr. Andrea Adamo mixtures of these two reagents were stable for at least three
(MIT) for valuable guidance with in-line separation, in particular days. With a slight excess of 2 and AlCl3, the reaction afforded
with fine tuning of the pressure control across a membrane. aryl ketone 4 in high yield (entry 1). Residence times and
Supporting information for this article is available on the WWW reactor temperature could be decreased significantly
under (entries 2–5) before the reaction yield began to suffer
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2014, 53, 1 – 6 2014 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 1
Table 1: Solvent-free and continuous Friedel–Crafts acylation.[a] Table 2: Oxidative 1,2-aryl migration effected by ICl.[a]
2 2014 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2014, 53, 1 – 6
Table 3: Simultaneous quench of excess oxidant and saponification of Separation of aryl ketone 4 from aluminum-containing
ester 5.[a] aqueous fractions was key, as solid formation resulted from
presence of the Lewis acid in the company of subsequent
reagents. To effect the isolation of 4, a pressurized, in-line
liquid–liquid separation system was developed. In situ for-
mation of HCl and vaporization of water in the exothermic
quench could lead to high volumes of gases and inconsistent
flow rates thus disrupting membrane separation. However,
operation under elevated pressure mitigated these concerns
Entry NaOH [m] MeOH/H2O tR [min] Yield[b] [%] and allowed for the smooth isolation of the aqueous and
organic phases. A very fine degree of control over the
1 5 4:1 3 0 (clog)
2 5 2:1 3 0 (clog) pressure was achieved by using back-pressure regulators
3 5 1:1 3 0 (clog) designed by Zaiput, a requisite condition for successful
4 3 0:1 3 0 separation. Separations are highly important in multistep
5 3 1:3 3 12 syntheses. The removal of undesired compounds aids purifi-
6 7 1:3 3 92 cation and decreases the chances of clogging in subsequent
7 7 1:3 1 89
transformations. As such, this strategy will likely find further
[a] See the Supporting Information for the reaction conditions. 4 use in the future.
(1.00 equiv, 0.915 m), TMOF (8.00 equiv, 7.44 m), and DMF (0.25 equiv, Iodine monochloride also caused problems under longer
0.23 m) were combined with ICl (3.00 equiv, 15 m) and n-propanol
continuous operation; however, these difficulties led to the
(0.71 equiv, 3.5 m) in a 120 mL PFA reactor. This reaction stream was
combined with the indicated amounts of 2-mercaptoethanol, NaOH,
development of an even more attractive solution. First, ICl in
MeOH, and H2O in a 200 mL reactor at 250 psi. [b] Yield determined by n-propanol tends to disproportionate over time, forming the
H NMR spectroscopy with an external standard. less soluble I2, which clogs syringes and is of lower reactivity
in the oxidative rearrangement. Second, the aggressive
oxidant could not be pumped by the Asia syringe pump; ICl
seemed to cause over-pressurization of the system as sedi- corroded the pump valves, leading to excessive leaking and
ments sporadically settled, built to a critical mass, and then failure of the system. The latter problem was solved through
flushed through the reactor in concentrated portions. redesign of the pump valve by Syrris.[8] The problem of
The use of a single pumping system (i.e., exclusively disproportionation was solved by eliminating the use of
syringe pumps or exclusively HPLC pumps) was not feasible. n-propanol to liquefy the oxidant (Figure 2).
For example, Syrris syringe pumps could not be used for the As ICl melts at low temperatures, it could be pumped
quench with HCl (1n) because the transient delays in the neat, that is, without the use of an alcohol solvent that would
delivery of fluid that occur when the internal pump valves
change direction would create small slugs of unquenched,
concentrated AlCl3, invariably leading to clogging. HPLC
pumps could not be deployed for certain operations because
they are not chemically compatible with the aggressive AlCl3
and ICl reagents.
Nevertheless, a combination of pumps provided a robust
system. For instance, the Syrris Asia pump handled the
mixture of 2 and AlCl3, and an HPLC pump provided smooth,
Figure 2. Oxidative 1,2-aryl shift effected by neat ICl. Reaction condi-
consistent delivery of the quenching solution. In this way, the tions: 4 (1.00 equiv, 0.915 m), TMOF (8.00 equiv, 7.44 m), and DMF
Friedel–Crafts reaction was scaled up in a 1 mL reactor to (0.25 equiv, 0.23 m) were combined with ICl (3.00 equiv, 19 m) in
production rates of 0.540 g of 4 per minute. a 120 mL PFA reactor held at 250 psi.
Figure 1. Scale-up of the three-minute ibuprofen synthesis. See the Experimental Section for details.
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2014, 53, 1 – 6 2014 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 3
promote conversion into I2 and thus promote clogging. 1,2-aryl rearrangement. Current efforts are directed towards
Depending on the source and lot number, ICl is supplied extending the use of continuous-flow methods to even more
commercially as a liquid, solid, or as a mixture of both, the challenging multistep syntheses.
proportion being dependent upon the ratio of the a and b
polymorphs. If the reagent is a solid, it can be pumped either
by gently warming at 35 8C prior to use or by addition of I2 (5– Experimental Section
10 mol %), which melts the solid ICl. With ICl pumped neat, Scale-up of the synthesis of sodium 2-(4-isobutylphenyl)propanoate
91 % yield was obtained with tR = 2.5 min. The residence time (6): A combination of Syrris Asia syringe pumps and Knauer HPLC
pumps were used, and reactors were made from coils of perfluor-
was further shortened to one minute with little effect on yield,
oalkoxyalkane (PFA) tubing (inner diameter: 0.03 inches) immersed
and rates of production of over 500 mg of 5 per minute were in heated oil baths (Friedel–Crafts reaction: 250 mL; oxidative aryl
achieved. shift: 900 mL; hydrolysis: 3.9 mL). Reagent streams were combined
The reagent solution for the ICl quench and ester using Tefzel T-mixers with inner diameters of 0.02 inches (IDEX).
hydrolysis directly joined the reaction mixture feed. With Fine pressure control was required to achieve separation of the
a tR of only one minute, carboxylate 6 was formed in high aqueous and organic phases at elevated pressures. Pressure regulators
yield, thus completing the ibuprofen synthesis. The use of by Zaiput were used to achieve this fine control along with the liquid–
liquid separator previously described,[3a] and the system pressure was
tubing with a narrow inner diameter (0.03 inches) was critical
adjusted to 200 psi. The outlets of the separator were connected to the
to the success of the reaction. When tubing with a larger inner pressure regulator.
diameter was selected, the reaction failed to reach complete Isobutyl benzene was transported with an HPLC pump
conversion owing to inefficient mixing of the aqueous/organic (114 mL min 1) while a Syrris Asia pump was used for the mixture
biphasic system. More alarming was the accompanying steady of propionyl chloride (16.7 mL, 191 mmol) and AlCl3 (24.2 g,
rise in pressure (up to 380 psi). The system would eventually 182 mmol; 136 mL min 1). The reaction was heated just below the
fail, releasing the contents of the reactors. The pressure rise point at which HCl would escape from solution, 87 8C. After the
reaction, 1m HCl was added with an HPLC pump (500 mL min 1). The
was attributed to small amounts of sediment that slowly
quenched solution flowed through a mixing loop (1.5 mL) and then
accumulated and deposited at the bottom of the reactor coils. into the liquid–liquid separator.
These settled solids seemed to flush through the system in Neat aryl ketone 5 was collected in a scintillation vial acting as
concentrated segments. After the system had been operated a substrate reservoir for the oxidative aryl shift. A Knauer HPLC
for several resident times, these solids accumulated to a level pump enabled the flow of 5 (144 mL min 1), which joined the stream of
that restricted liquid flow. The increase in pressure would TMOF (97.8 mL, 894 mmol) and DMF (2.17 mL, 28.1 mmol), also
transported by an HPLC pump (630 mL min 1). Iodine monochloride
periodically dislodge solids, driving them through the reactor
was added subsequently with an Asia syringe pump (109 mL min 1).
to the narrower inlet of a downstream pressure regulator. The reactor was heated at 90 8C (tR = 1 min).
When reactors were constructed from narrower tubing After the oxidative aryl shift, the hydrolysis mixture (500 mL),
(inner diameter: 0.03 inches), the sediment was observed which consisted of 2-mercaptoethanol (18.0 mL, 265 mmol) and
neither in the reactor nor in the effluent. As a result, NaOH (140 g, 3.5 mol), was dissolved in a 3:1 mixture of water and
a pressure rise was not observed, and the system could be run methanol and added to the flow of the reaction mixture at a rate of
for up to two hours without incident. Possibly explanations 3 mL min 1 with aid of an HPLC pump. The reaction was performed
at 90 8C (tR = 1 min). After the amount corresponding to 15 resident
include that better mixing dissolved the salts or that better
volumes had passed, a sample was collected for analysis. The sample
conversion minimized precipitation. The addition of a second was collected for a period of one minute, and the base was
in-line separation step after the hydrolysis afforded pure immediately neutralized with 1m HCl to pH 3 to prevent further
ibuprofen (> 98 %, analyzed by 1H NMR spectroscopy). hydrolysis of the remaining methyl ester 5. Ibuprofen was extracted
Hexane was used to remove organic impurities, and hydro- three times with hexanes, and the combined organic fractions were
chloric acid precipitated ibuprofen from the aqueous stream. dried with MgSO4. Mesitylene was added as an external standard, and
The synthesis demonstrates the capability of continuous- a 1H NMR spectrum was acquired in CDCl3 to analyze the reaction.
The proton NMR shifts matched those reported in the literature.
flow procedures to handle extreme conditions in the produc- 1
H NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3): d = 7.34 (d, J = 8.0 Hz, 2 H), 7.21 (d, J =
tion of pharmaceutical compounds and to generate large 8.0 Hz, 2 H), 3.81 (q, J = 7.2 Hz, 1 H), 2.56 (d, J = 7.2 Hz, 2 H), 2.04–
quantities of APIs from small-footprint reactors. Three 1.89 (m, 1 H), 1.61 (d, J = 7.2 Hz, 3 H), 1.02 ppm (d, J = 6.6 Hz, 6 H).
synthetic operations were conducted sequentially, and each
reaction was complete within one minute. An overall yield of Received: September 14, 2014
83 % was achieved for the three-minute synthesis of ibupro- Revised: October 27, 2014
fen. Simple, inexpensive, and readily available reagents were Published online: && &&, &&&&
employed, replacing triflic acid with aluminum chloride and
(diacetoxy)iodobenzene with iodine monochloride. The exo-
thermic Friedel–Crafts reaction was conducted not only at
. Keywords: continuous flow · flow techniques · Friedel–
Crafts acylation · ibuprofen · separation techniques
elevated temperature, but also without external solvent.
Starting material 2 and product 4 successfully kept the
inorganic salt AlCl3 in solution, and the small quantities of
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Continuous Flow
D. R. Snead,
T. F. Jamison* &&&&—&&&&
6 2014 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2014, 53, 1 – 6