Master's Thesis (Jo Marie Garcia) - 015022

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Education plays a significant role in the lives of men. It has been the

platform of change to gain achievement and prosperity. In this contemporary

society, individuals should be educated enough to face challenges and

endeavors to stay alive with peace and harmony. Consequently, most

countries pay high regard to education. Philippines, for instance, has been

allocating the biggest budget for education. This urges Philippines to extend

its full commitment to develop its educational system to attain progress.

Basically, the Philippine educational system gives more emphasis on

mathematics needs. The Philippine Basic Education Act of 2001 clearly stated

that Filipino learners should be equipped with basic competencies in

numeracy, critical thinking and learning skills. With this, schools should equip

students with the relevant knowledge and skills in mathematics and provide

activities which would hone their problem solving skills, communicating and

reasoning ability for them to be globally competitive in nature.

However, it is sad to note that the quality of Philippines’ education

concerning mathematics is declining. It is evident in the results of national and

even international examinations all over the world. For example, Trends in

International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS, 2010) survey showed


that the Philippines were at the bottom three with an average lower than the

median. This shows that Filipino students know little in mathematics compared

to students in other countries. Also, National Achievement Tests (NAT) show

test results which were disappointing and alarming. Even the National Career

Assessment Examinations (NCAE) indicate that there is a large number of

students having low mathematical ability. Hence, fewer students were inclined

to fields related to mathematics. This confirms that many students find

mathematics as a difficult subject and leads them to be uncomfortable and

gives little effort in studying the said subject matter.

Several studies were conducted to resolve this problem. Probably, one

of the biggest transformations done by the government to resolve this problem

is changing the curriculum from 2002 Basic Education Curriculum (BEC) to

K+12 Basic Education Curriculum Program – a curriculum program patterned

in other developing countries. In reality, the curriculum in both Basic and

Higher Education is changing. However, this issue is also attributed to several

factors. Teacher factor is one of the most seen factors that affect the quality of

education. The quality of learning depends on how teachers develop

instructional practices for them to contribute to the optimum learning of

students. Meanwhile, the government is doing its best to maintain its

objectives of improving quality personnel in the teaching profession. This also

implies that the Philippine government recognizes the fact that the quality of

education depends on the instructional practices done by teachers.


Instructional practices are those applications that fuel effective and

efficient classroom interaction to drive students on their journey of discovery in

a learning experience. Instructional practices also depend on what the teacher

brings to the classroom. Professional competence is believed to be a crucial

factor in classroom and school practices (Campbell et at., 2004; Baumert and

Kunter, 2006).

Improvement of students’ achievement is a combination of several

factors. Teachers equipped with precise instructional practices promotes

critical thinking and problem solving skills among students and considered the

most influential factor that would help them not just in their academic

performance but also in deciding the course they would take in college.

Exposure of students to problems which apply real world situations, including

those problems they would encounter in the specific courses they would take

in college would help them in deciding what they want to pursue.

Hence, it is considered essential to determine the degree of how

teachers’ profile affects their instructional practices in teaching mathematics. It

is also important to understand how the dimensions of instructional practices

the teachers use relate with each other.

This inspires the researcher to undertake this research study primarily

to assess the instructional practices used among the public secondary school

teachers of Talibon II district, Bohol in teaching mathematics. The researcher


is also motivated to study this research to help develop the quality of teaching

mathematics and to give significant knowledge and valuable understandings in

creating learning more meaningful to students.

Theoretical Background

This study is anchored on the following theories.

Robert M. Gagne’s Theory of Instruction. This theory stresses that

instruction consists of a set of events external to the learner designed to

support the internal process of learning. Gagne (1985) states that the events

of instruction are designed to make it possible for learners to proceed from

where they are to the achievement on the capability identified as the target

objective. Gagne formulated the Nine Events of Instruction (1992) namely:

gaining attention, informing students of the objectives, stimulating recall of the

prior learning, presenting content, providing learning guidance, eliciting

performance, providing feedback about performance, assessing performance,

and enhancing retention and transfer of learning.

With this, instructional practices in teaching mathematics may mean

offering support for the development of learning mathematics such as

articulating what mathematical ideas that the students are expected to learn,

incorporating tasks, roles and interactions consistent with investigative

mathematics in lessons, and making appropriate connections to other areas of

mathematics, other disciplines and to the real world contexts.


Lev Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Cognitive Theory. This theory states

that cognitive development is dependent on one’s interaction with those

around him or her. Vygostsky believed that activities take place in human

settings and cannot be understood apart from it. He added that individual

learns or acquires new skills and information through scaffolding. This is the

process wherein an adult (parents or teachers) facilitates and gradually

allowing students to do more on their own. He called this area of learning as

zone of proximal development (ZPD).

Albert Bandura’s Social Learning Theory. According to Bandura

(1993), individual learns specific cognitive structures or acquire social

behaviors from observing the behavior of others. It also embodies the

principles of vicarious reinforcements where reinforcement obtained by the

model is sufficient to reinforce behavior. This implies that when teacher

demonstrates a skill or solves a mathematics problem in front of the students,

the latter will likely to learn from the demonstration shown by their teacher.

Jerome Bruner’s Discovery Learning Theory (1915). This theory

asserts that learning is effective when it progresses through three stages of

intellectual development namely: enactive, iconic and symbolic. Enactive

means that one learns through actions on objects, iconic means one learn

through model and pictures, and symbolic means one learns through abstract

terms. This theory also states that teachers assist the students, see the

problem as the learners see it, and provide information consistent with the

learners’ perspectives.

This theory suggests that teachers should provide instructional

practices that would help make an independent learner who makes

corrections and adjustments in his mathematics problem-solving strategy as a

result of errors perceived and to be able to defend his mathematical ideas or


John Dewey’s Theory of Experiential Learning. This is a philosophy

and methodology in which educators purposefully engage with students in

direct experience and focused reflection in order to increase knowledge,

develop skills and clarify values. Experiential learning also referred to as

learning through action, learning by doing, learning through experience and

learning through discovery and exploration. This theory also states that

experience is the best source of learning.

Accordingly, Greeno (2003) viewed learning mathematics as an active

process. He recognized that students construct their learning through

experience by engaging in meaningful and purposeful activities.

Therefore, there is a need for teachers to provide various instructional

practices in teaching mathematics in order to produce worthwhile learning

experiences to students. This could be possible through giving tasks which

stimulate complex and non-algorithmic thinking, encouraging students to


search for multiple solution strategies and employ multiple representations

and tools, and letting them think beyond the immediate problem.

Legal Bases

To ensure the rights and welfare of every Filipino, several laws are

being regulated in the country. Every citizen is given equal privilege to claim

licit security and authority they are allowed to have. The 1987 Philippine

Constitution Article XVI, Sections 1 and 2 state that:

The State shall protect and promote the right of all citizens to quality
education at all levels and shall take appropriate steps to make such
education accessible to all.

The State shall establish, maintain and support a complete, adequate,

and integrated system of education relevant to the needs of the people
and society.

The above stated sections of the constitution mandate quality education

for all in line with the current needs of the citizens and the country. It clearly

stipulates that the State shall provide the necessary equipment in order to

offer education to every individual and that educational institutions play a

significant role in the development of every learner. The Department of

Education reinforces the above stated sections with their mission: to protect

and promote the right of every Filipino to quality, equitable, culture-based, and

complete basic education.” Therefore, schools must provide learning


opportunities that will develop one person as a whole and ensure that learning

conditions must contribute to individual’s optimum learning.

According to Education Act of 1982, Section 2, the students in schools

have the rights to receive, primarily through competent instruction, relevant

quality education with national goals and conducive to their full development

as a person with human dignity. In relation to this, the objective of all

academes should be directed to providing the learners with the relevant

knowledge, skills and attitude that will make them morally upright, intellectual,

skilful and productive citizens. Moreover, mathematics teachers should

carefully plan suitable instructional practices since students will likely develop

their mathematical abilities and skills if they receive competent instruction and

support from their teachers.

In addition to this, Section 16 of Education Act of 1982 states that:

Every teacher shall be accountable for the efficient and effective

attainment of specified learning objectives pursuance of national
development goals within the limits of available resources.

In relation to this, the teacher is obliged to select the ways and

practices of instruction corresponding to the requirements and objectives for

each learner entrusted to his care. The teacher plays a vital role in attaining

quality education since he is seen to be the one who is responsible for

effective and proficient realization of the teaching-learning process. Thus,


teachers need to be innovative and resourceful by using the materials at hand

or present in his community.

Article III, Section 1 of the Code of Ethics for Professional

Teachers emphasizes that a teacher is a facilitator of learning and of the

development of the youth; he shall, therefore, render the best service by

providing an environment conducive to such learning growth. In a

mathematics class, teachers must provide the students with a nurturing

learning environment to help them gain more learning. Likewise, students

must feel that their answers are valued and their opinions about certain

mathematical ideas are considered.

Related Literature

Mathematics is a form of reasoning. Thinking mathematically consists

of thinking in a logical manner, formulating and testing conjectures, making

sense of things, and forming or justifying judgments, inferences, and

conclusions. We demonstrate mathematical behavior when we recognize and

describe patterns, construct physical and conceptual models of phenomena,

create symbol systems to help us represent, manipulate, and reflect on ideas,

and invent procedures to solve problems (Battista, 1999).

Concurrently, mathematics is foundational in many ways that informs

our decisions in areas of our lives. Teaching and learning mathematics is at

the heart of education. Learning mathematics aims to link school to everyday


life, provide skill acquisition, prepare students for the workforce, and foster

mathematical thinking. Mathematics involves learning to solve problems,

investigate, represent, and communicate mathematical concepts and ideas,

and making connections to everyday life (Ontario Ministry of Education, 2005).

Every individual needs mathematics regardless of gender, socio-

economic status, cultural background or religion. It is clear that mathematical

knowledge is used in dealing with most of our daily activities like buying,

selling, cooking, measuring distances, calculating time and a range of daily

tasks. Thus, it makes our lives organized and prevents chaos.

Mathematics can be noted to be the cradle of all creations, without

which, the world cannot move an inch. Be it a farmer, a carpenter, or a

mechanic, a shopkeeper, a doctor, an engineer or a scientist, a musician or a

magician, everyone needs mathematics in their day-to-day life. Moreover,

there are qualities which are nurtured by mathematics such as power of

reasoning, creativity, abstract or spatial thinking, critical thinking, problem-

solving ability and even effective communication skills (Guwani News, August


In today’s driven world, educational institutions continuously adopt with

the change of technology and the needs of society in their everyday living. In

the Philippines, it was reported that there is a high demand of jobs waiting for

graduates who would be pursuing careers such as mathematics but only half

of the demand were produced as graduates in this field. The low performance

of Philippines in the Trends in Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) in

2003 and 2010 strengthen the need to attend to the problem in the

performance in mathematics (IJSBAR, 2014).

To address the need to develop mathematics performance of students,

the Philippine government encourages schools to improve mathematics

instruction. Employment of teaching strategy is one of the factors seen to be of

great help in the students’ learning process.

Instructional Practices in Teaching Mathematics

Student-centered instructional practices in teaching are employed in a

mathematics class more than the traditional, chalk-board method of teaching.

It was mentioned by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM)

in 2000 that mathematics education needs to be employed by reformed

teacher instructional practices. It was stated that the use of logical and

mathematical evidence to verify results must be encouraged rather than

relying on teacher as authority during classroom instructions. Also, the

implementation of emphasizing mathematical reasoning, focusing on

conjecture, inventing, problem solving, and making connections among ideas

and applications of mathematics must be preferred rather than memorizing

procedures, mechanical answer finding, and seeing mathematics as isolated


concepts and procedures (Journal for Research in Mathematics Education,


Teachers’ competency in employing variety of instructional practices in

teaching is one of the key factors to achieve the aims of education (Tindugan,

Delia T., 2005). According to Prisciliano Bauzon (2009) in attaining the

objectives of educational experience, greater attention must be given to

higher-level knowledge outcomes such as understanding of concepts and

principles, problem solving, interpreting data and the ability to use tools of

inquiry. Mathematics teacher should use cooperative learning to develop and

enhance both basic and integrated mathematical process skills among

students (IJSBAR, 2014). Thus, it is important that schools see to it that

mathematics teachers are equipped and well trained to execute using variety

of instructional practices effectively in their classes.

Robert Gagne (1992) proposed a series of events which follow a

systematic instructional design process that share the behaviourist approach

to learning, with a focus on the outcomes or behaviors of instruction or

training. Each of the nine events of instruction is highlighted to help implement

the events in teacher’s instruction. These nine events of instruction are in

conjunction with Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy to design engaging and

meaningful instruction.

The following nine steps have been adapted from Gagne, Briggs and

Wager (1992).

1. Gain attention of the students. Guarantee that the learners are ready

to learn and participate in activities by presenting an incitement to gain their


2. Inform students of the objectives. This is needed in order to help

students understand and appreciate what they are to learn during the class.

Teachers should provide objectives before the instruction begins.

3. Stimulate recall of prior learning. Help students comprehend and

understand new information by relating it to something they already know or

something they are already experienced.

4. Present the content. Use methods to present and cue lesson content

to provide more effective, efficient instruction. Organize and classify content in

a meaningful way. Provide explanations after demonstrations.

5. Provide learning guidance. Advise students of strategies to aid them

in learning content and of resources available.

6. Elicit performance (practice). Activate student to help them

internalize new skills and knowledge and confirm correct understanding of

these concepts.

7. Provide feedback. Providing immediate feedback of students’

performance evaluates and simplifies learning.

8. Assess performance. In order to appraise the effectiveness of the

instructional events, you must test whether the expected learning outcomes

have been achieved. Performance should be based on previously stated


9. Enhance retention and transfer to the job. To assist in helping

students develop expertise, they must be able to internalize new knowledge

and apply skills.

Gagne’s Nine Events of Instruction can aid in building the foundation in

preparing and delivering instructional content. Preferably, one should prepare

course goals and learning objectives before implementing the nine events.

These nine events of instruction can then be modified to fit both the content to

be presented and students’ level of knowledge.

Many studies have described aspects of instructional practices which

are related to effective classroom learning and student outcomes (Brophy and

Good, 1986; Wang, Haertel and Walberg, 1993). Close monitoring, adequate

pacing and classroom management as well as clarity of presentation, well-

structured lessons and informative and encouraging feedback (known as key

aspects of direct instruction) have generally been shown to have a positive

impact on student achievement.


Accordingly, another factor considered in the success of curriculum is

the availability of instructional materials used in teaching. The aim of

education is to determine the curriculum, the kind of teaching procedure and

instructional materials that should be used in the classroom. The curriculum

has to mean all the experience of the child in and out of the school for which

the school is responsible (Bauzon, Prisciliano, 2009).

It has been demonstrated that quality of instruction is fundamental to

student learning. For instance, Wang, Haertel and Warburg (1993) showed

that the classroom management and classroom interactions had effects similar

in size to students’ cognitive competencies and their home environment.

Likewise, when reviewing contemporary research on school effectiveness,

Scheerens and Bosker (1997) concluded that the characteristics of instruction

have a greater effect on student achievement than those of the school

environment. However, researchers agree that there is no single, well-defined

best way of teaching. The effectiveness of classroom practice is domain-

specific as well as goal-specific; it depends on the cultural context and

professional traditions.

Research shows that the link between classroom behavior and

instruction is a powerful one. Certain instructional practices are associated

with increased task-appropriate behaviour. Effective instructional practices are

the key to achieving desired student outcomes for developmental programs

(Student Achievement Division, 2011).


In a study made by Dr.Yasemin Copur Gencturk (2012) of the

University of Illinois for her doctorate degree, she mentioned four different

dimensions of instructional practices in teaching mathematics. Below are the

following dimensions:

1. Lesson Design and Implementation. This dimension includes what

level the teacher carefully plans and organizes lessons, incorporates tasks or

roles and interactions consistent with investigative math, creates lessons with

problem-centered structure, and clearly articulates what mathematical ideas

and procedures that the students were expected to learn. Similarly, it identifies

what level the teacher appears confident in his ability to teach and applies

connection to other areas of mathematics, to other disciplines, or to the real

world context.

2. Mathematical Discourse and Sense Making. This dimension

focuses more on students’ behaviour during their class. This aspect comprises

what level the students ask questions to clarify their learning of mathematical

ideas or procedures, listen intently and actively to the ideas of others,

challenge ideas which seems to be invalid, defend mathematical ideas or

procedures, and draw upon variety of method (verbal, visual, numerical,

algebraic or graphical) to represent and communicate their mathematical

ideas or procedures. Likewise, it aims to identify what level teacher and

students engage in meaning making at the end of the activity or instruction


and what level does the teacher productively probe mathematics in students’


3. Task Implementation. This dimension gives attention to the tasks

given by the teacher to students. It includes knowing on what level the teacher

give tasks which focus on understanding important and relevant mathematical

concepts and relationships, stimulate complex, non-algorithmic thinking,

create mathematical productivity among students and encourage them to

search for multiple solutions to problems. Equally, it determines on what level

the teacher gives tasks which encourage students to think beyond the

immediate problem and make connections to other related mathematical


4. Classroom Culture. This dimension focuses on the learning

environment of the students. This context identifies what level do active

participation is being encouraged and valued, respect for students’ ideas,

questions, and contributions are displayed, and interactions reflect a

productive working relationship between teacher and the students. It also

emphasizes on what level the teachers treated wrong answers as worthwhile

learning opportunities, the willingness of students to discuss their thinking and

reasoning skills.

In the study of Dr. Gencturk, he found out that teachers created more

positive response when their mathematical knowledge increased.


Mathematical knowledge can be increased through teachers’ development,

such as certification, years in teaching, professional development activities,

and completing mathematics content and method courses (Borko et al., 1992;

Hill et al., 2008).

In a research study conducted by Havat Mohamed Abdalla Al Hosani

(2015) of the United Arab Emirates University, he gives recommendations

related to teachers’ instructional practices. He stated that teachers should

stimulate students towards production and innovation by having them involved

in producing useful projects such as creating educational boards or performing

scientific experiments to be used in other subjects to enhance the correlation

between the different subjects which is definitely a positive way to use different

thinking skills. Teachers should design activities and tasks that require

students to make effective use of higher-order thinking skills such as finding a

solution to a specific problem or thinking deeply about what they have

implemented in class. He added that teachers should encourage students to

express themselves freely and discuss the most important issues by

organizing debates and seminars.

Sabean and Bavaria (2005) have synthesized a list of the most

significant principles related to mathematics teaching and learning. This list

includes the expectations that teachers know what students need to learn

based on what they know, teachers ask questions focused on developing

conceptual understanding, experiences and prior knowledge provide the basis


for learning mathematics with understanding, students provide written

justification for problem solving strategies, problem based activities focus on

concepts and skills, and that the mathematics curriculum emphasizes

conceptual understanding. Concurrently, best practices for implementing

effective standards-based math lessons should be followed according to

Sabean and Bavaria (2005). These include students’ engagement is at a high

level, tasks are built on students’ prior knowledge, scaffolding takes place,

making connections to concepts, procedures, and understanding, high-level

performance is modelled, students are expected to explain thinking and

meaning, students self-monitor their progress, and appropriate amount of time

is devoted to tasks (Teaching Today, 2005).

Friend (2006) conducted a study and found that the teacher’s sex did

not have a significant impact on their instructional practices. Johannesson

(2004) argued that there is no evidence that male teachers did any better than

female teacher in regards to their instructional practices specifically in

administering discipline. This finding is also in line with Kong (2008) who

declared that there is no relationship between teachers’ sex and their

effectiveness as teachers.

However, the studies of Arbuckle and Williams (2003) declared that

male teachers perform better than female teachers in their instructional

practices especially in areas asserting authority and using meaningful voice

tones during teaching. This is still in contrast with the study conducted by

Mwamwenda and Mwamwenda (2002). For them female teachers performed

better than their male counterparts.

In a study conducted by Shirley M. Yates (2006) of the Flinders

University, Adeliade, Australia, she found out that teacher’s age, qualifications

and length of mathematics teaching experience were not significantly related

to their teaching practices.

Kong (2005) discovered that unmarried and married teachers have

higher effectiveness on their instructional practices compared to those

separated and divorced. He added on the year 2009 that single teachers who

do not have any family issues are more dedicated and committed to their jobs.

For Ayeop (2003), married teachers have higher job satisfaction compared to

single teachers, separated or divorced.

Goldhaber and Brewer (2000) found a weak positive association

between high school achievement gains in mathematics and teachers with a

master'’ degree in mathematics versus those without a master’s degree or a

mathematics-related bachelor’s degree. A similar study found no ignificant

evidence of an impact of advanced degrees on achievement gains (Rowan,

Correnti, and Miller, 2002).

Figure 1 shows how the researcher will go through the whole study.

Legal Bases
 Instructional Theory
(Robert M. Gagne)  1987 Philippine Constitution
Article XIV,
 Constructivist Theory Sections 1 and 2
(Jean Piaget)
 Discovery Learning Theory  Education Act of 1982
(Jerome Bruner) (Batas Pambansa 232)
Sections 2 and 16
 Experiential Learning Theory
(John Dewey)  Code of Ethics for Professional
 Social Learning Theory Teachers Article III, Section1
(Albert Bandura)


Data on:
 Profile of Mathematics Teachers
a. Age d. Highest Educational Attainment
b. Sex e. Number of Years in Teaching
c. Civil Status f. School Assignment
 Teachers’ Instructional Practices in Teaching Mathematics in the
Dimensions of Lesson Design and Implementation, Mathematical
Discourse and Sense Making, Task Implementation, and Classroom


Statistical Treatment of Data

 Frequency
 Percentage
 Weighted Mean
 Composite Mean
 Chi-square
 Analysis of Variance
 Scheffe’s Test
Analysis and Interpretation of Data, Summary of Findings,
Conclusions and Recommendations




Figure 1: Research Flow


Statement of the Problem

The main purpose of the study is to determine the instructional

practices in teaching mathematics among the public secondary schools of

Talibon II district, Talibon, Bohol during the school year 2016-2017. The

findings of the study will serve as the basis of formulating recommendations to

address the phenomenon.

Specifically, it sought to answer the following sub-problems:

1. What is the profile of the teachers in terms of:

1.1. age;

1.2. sex;

1.3. civil status;

1.4. highest educational attainment;

1.5. number of years in teaching; and

1.5. school assignment?


2. What are the instructional practices in teaching mathematics among the

respondents in the following dimensions:

2.1. lesson design and implementation;

2.2. mathematical discourse and sense making;

2.3. task implementation; and

2.4. classroom culture?

3. Is there a significant degree of relationship between the profile of the

respondents and instructional practices in teaching mathematics?

4. Is there a significant degree of variance on the instructional practices in

teaching mathematics when the respondents are grouped together

according to their school assignment?

5. Is there a significant degree of variance in the different dimensions of

instructional practices in teaching mathematics?

6. What recommendations can be offered based on the findings of the


Null Hypotheses

This study sought to either accept or reject the following null

hypotheses to be tested at 0.05 level of significance.


Ho1: There is no significant degree of relationship between the profile of the

teachers and instructional practices in teaching mathematics.

Ho2: There is no significant degree variance on the instructional practices in

teaching mathematics when the respondents are grouped together

according to their school assignment.

Ho3: There is no significant degree of variance in the different dimensions of

instructional practices in teaching mathematics.

Significance of the Study

The researcher looks forward that the data collected and results of this

study will give some benefits to the following group of people:

Department of Education (DepEd). The findings of this study will

provide valuable inputs to the department which will serve as an instrument to

continue improving mathematics education and will contribute to the effective

and efficient learning of students.

School Administrators. This study will give them awareness about the

instructional practices of their teachers in teaching mathematics. This study

will also contribute meaningful ideas to formulate and implement plans in

addressing concerns and dilemma for the improvement of mathematics

teachers’ instructional practices.


Mathematics Teachers. This study will inspire teachers to undertake

significant adjustments to be more effective in their instruction to continuously

help students improve their mathematics performance. This will also help them

on how to develop and be equipped with effective instructional practices in

teaching, and this will serve as their guide or reference for the improvement of

their classroom instruction.

Students. The students will gain more achievements when the

teachers are efficient in various aspects of the teaching-learning process. This

will also guide them to have better performance in mathematics and develop

profound appreciation towards the subject.

Parents. This study will help the parents to establish more support and

guidance in alliance with the teachers to gratify the desires of the students in

attaining more learning and better performance in mathematics.

Future Researchers. This study will motivate future researchers to

expand or replicate this study and undergo further research on the

instructional practices in a bigger scope. This will also help them to conduct

further studies that create more avenues for the improvement of quality




This study utilized the descriptive normative survey method of research

in data gathering. It employed the universal purposive sampling technique.

The method is purposive since it intentionally chose public secondary school

teachers who are teaching mathematics subject. It is universal because all

public secondary school teachers of Talibon II district, Talibon, Bohol handling

mathematics subject were considered as respondents. It utilized descriptive

survey questionnaires which determined the respondents’ profile and their

instructional practices.


The Municipality of Talibon is a progressive town on the northern coast

of the island of Bohol in the Philippines, 114.8 kilometers via Tagbilaran North

Road, 149.55 kilometers via Tagbilaran East Road, 108.83 kilometers via

Loay Interior Road. Before it was established into an independent municipality

in 1830, the town was part of Inabanga.


The locales of the study are the six public secondary schools in the

second district of Talibon, Bohol namely: Calituban High School (CHS),

Cataban Integrated School (CIS), Mayor Catalino Y. Casoyla Memorial High

School (MCYCMHS), Ponciana E. Leoligao High School (PELHS), San Jose

National High School (SJNHS) and Zosimo A. Gulle Memorial National High

School (ZAGMNHS). CHS, CIS and MCYCMHS are located in three different

islands of Talibon, Bohol while the other three schools PELHS, SJNHS and

ZAGMNHS are located in the mainland of Talibon.

Calituban High School (CHS) is one of the six public secondary schools

of Talibon. Calituban is an island in Talibon, approximately 12 kilometers

away from Talibon port. The school is reachable by a pump boat which could

travel 45 minutes to 1 hour depending on the weather condition. The school

was founded on 1999 and has a total land area of 592 sq. m. At present, the

school offers only junior high school since it’s not a recipient of senior high

school due to its limited area. There are a total of 18 teachers including the

school in-charge, Mr. Cecilio M. Albios, with 512 students.

Cataban Integrated School (CIS) is the only school located in the island

of Cataban, Talibon, Bohol 9.5 kilometers away from the town proper. The

school offers only junior high school since it has a limited area and population.

The school is headed by its elementary school principal, Mrs. Ana Marie F.

Valmoria. There are a total of 13 high school teachers in the said school, 4 of

them are mathematics teachers who became the respondents of the study.

The total number of students in the high school department is 315.

Mayor Catalino Y. Casoyla Memorial High School (MCYCMHS) is

located near the seaside of Suba, Talibon, Bohol which is the center of Jao

island. The school is 7.5 kilometers away from the town proper and can be

reached by a pump boat around 30 minutes depending on the weather

condition. Now, the school has a population of 776 students with 30 teachers

and 1 principal. The school has a total of 5 building including senior high

school building with 6 classrooms. Senior high is being offered in the school

with different tracks. It specializes Home Economics (HE), Agri-Fishery Arts,

and Communications Technology (ICT) as strands in the Technical Vocational

Livelihood (TVL) track.

Ponciana E. LEoligao High School (PELHS) was founded on 2008 with

Mr. Artiaga as its school in-charge having 99 students and 3 teachers. The

school is located in San Francisco, Talibon, Bohol which is approximately 3

kilometers away from the town proper. It is accessible only to vehicles with up

to 4 wheels such as cars and vans since the road 500 meters from the

barangay road is narrow and not cemented. Now, the school is being

managed by its school head, Mr. Julius I. Maestre, with 25 teachers, 5 of

which became the respondents of the study, and 724 enrolees in junior and

senior high school. The school offers academic and technical vocational

livelihood tracks. They offer General Academic Strand (GAS), Home

Economics (HE), and Information and Communications Technology (ICT).

One of the locales of the study is the biggest public school outside

Tagbilaran City – the San Jose National High School (SJNHS) in Talibon,

Bohol. The school is accessible by all public and private vehicles which is

approximately 2 km away from the town proper. The school currently has 120

teaching staff and 1 principal, Mrs. Marcela R. Bautista. The school offers

senior high school which focuses on almost all tracks. It has a total of 12

buildings with 46 classrooms. The school has complete facilities and

equipment which contribute to students’ learning, no wonder why SJNHS

became the only independent school in Talibon. Bohol. The school has a total

of 2,525 students; 2,104 in the junior high school and 421 in the senior high


Zosimo A. Gulle Memorial National High School was founded on 1977

in honor of Hon. Zosimo A. Gulle. It is located in Bagacay, Talibon, Bohol

which is 13 kilometers away from the town proper and the third barangay

before the town of Getafe, Bohol. It is reachable to all kinds of public and

private vehicles. The school is being managed by Mr. Edwin S. Corbita, its

Principal I, with a total of 45 teachers, 5 of these became the respondents of

the study. There are a total of 888 students in the junior and senior high

school. The school offers General Academic Strand (GAS), Wellnes Massage

(NC II), and Information and Communications Technology (ICT) strands.




The respondents of this study were all the teachers of district II of

Talibon, Bohol handling mathematics subject during the school year 2016-

2017. The teachers handling mathematics subject in the whole district of

Talibon II were chosen because there is a limited number of teachers

assigned in each school of the said district. The nine (9) male and twenty five

(25) female teachers from the six (6) public secondary schools in Talibon II

district became the respondents of this study.

Table I
Respondents of the Study

Respondents / School F % Rank

CHS 6 17.65 2
CIS 4 11.76 5
MCYCMHS 3 8.82 6
PELMHS 5 14.71 3.5
SJNHS 11 32.35 1
ZAGMNHS 5 14.71 3.5
Total 34 100.00


This study made use of an instrument patterned from a questionnaire

on teachers’ instructional practices in teaching mathematics – the

Mathematics Instructional Practices Questionnaire (MIPQ) by Dr. Yasemin

Copur Gencturk (2012) of the University of Ilinois about teachers’

mathematical knowledge for teaching, instructional practices and student

outcomes. It is composed of thirty nine (39) items divided into four (4)

dimensions namely: lesson design and implementation which has fourteen

(14) items, mathematical discourse and sense making which has twelve (12)

items, task implementation which has six (6) items, and classroom culture

which has seven (7) items. The researcher used a modified four (4) – point

Likert scale.

The following are the parameters for the instructional practices in

teaching mathematics.

Parameters / Interpretation
Symbol Description Meaning Weight
Scale Symbol Description

A Always The condition is felt all the time. 4 3.25 – 4.00 HP Highly Practiced

The condition is felt at certain Moderately

S Sometimes 3 2.50 – 3.24 MP
times. Practiced
R Rarely The condition is seldom felt. 2 1.75 – 2.49 SP

N Never The condition is never felt. 1 1.00 – 1.74 NP Never Practiced

Gathering Data Procedures


Phase I: Preliminary

The researcher secured permission from the principals or school heads

of the different public secondary schools of Talibon II district to conduct the

study through formal letter signed by the researcher, thesis adviser, and the

director of graduate school and professional studies.

Phase II: Distribution

After the permission was granted, the researcher then requested the

school heads to distribute the questionnaire forms to the intended


Phase III: Retrieval

Each respondent was given enough time to answer the questionnaire.

After which, the accomplished questionnaires were retrieved immediately for

tabulation and analysis.

Statistical Treatment of Data

This study made use of the following statistical tools:


To determine the profile of the respondents in terms of age, sex, civil

status, highest educational attainment, and number of years in service, the

percentage equivalent of each frequency was computed using the formula:


P= x 100

where P=¿Percentage

F=¿ Frequency

N=¿ Number of Respondents

Weighted Mean

For statistical purposes, the responses on instructional practices in

teaching mathematics were categorized into Highly Practiced, Moderately

Practiced, Slightly Practiced and Never Practiced. Hence, the weighted mean

was used.

∑ FX

where WM=¿ Weighted Mean

∑ FX=¿ Summation of Frequency

N=¿ Number of Respondents

To interpret the weighted mean the following scale was used:

Scale Symbol Description

3.25 – 4.00 HP Highly Practiced
2.50 – 3.24 MP Moderately Practiced
1.75 – 2.49 SP Slightly Practiced
1.00 – 1.74 NP Never Practiced

Composite Mean

To determine the over-all level of instructional practices of teachers, the

composite mean was used. The same scale above will be used in interpreting

the composite mean bearing the formula:

CM =
∑ WX

where CM =¿ Composite mean

∑ WX =¿ Summation of Weighted Means

N=¿ Number of Items

Chi-Square Test

To determine the relationship between teachers’ profile and

instructional practices in teaching mathematics, the Chi-square test was

employed by using the formula:

( f 0−f e )
x =∑

where x =¿ Chi-square

f 0=¿ observed frequency

f e =¿ expected frequency

The obtained chi-square value was compared against the tabular value

at 0.05 level of significance.

Analysis of Variance (One-Way ANOVA)


To test if there is a significant degree of variance among the different

dimensions of instructional practices in teaching mathematics, and

when the teachers are grouped according to their school assignment,

the Analysis of Variance was utilized.

Scheffe’s Test

To further test as to where the difference lies when there is a significant

degree of variance, Scheffe’s test was employed. It shows multiple

comparisons of the differences between means.


The terms were operationally defined to place the researcher and the

readers in the same paradigm.

Instructional Practices

These refer to those applications that fuel effective and efficient

classroom interaction used by Mathematics teachers of Talibon II district,

Talibon, Bohol in terms of lesson design and implementation, mathematical

discourse and sense making, task implementation and classroom culture.

Mathematics Teachers

They are the teachers who are presently teaching mathematics subject

in a public secondary school regardless of their specialization taken up in



It refers to the age, sex, civil status, highest educational attainment,

number of years in teaching, and school assignment of the Mathematics

teachers of the second district of Talibon during the school year 2016-2017.

Public Secondary Schools of Talibon II

These refer to all the public high schools in the second district of

Talibon, Bohol namely: Calituban High School, Cataban Integrated School,

Mayor Catalino Y. Casoyla Memorial High School, Ponciana E. Leoligao High

School, San Jose National High School and Zosimo A. Gulle Memorial

National High School.




This chapter presents the data gathered from the Mathematics teachers

of Talibon II district, Talibon, Bohol during the school year 2016-2017. The

data are collated and presented in tables, subjected to statistical analysis, and


Profile of the Mathematics Teachers

Table II presents the profile of the Mathematics teachers in terms of

age, sex, civil status, highest educational attainment, number of years in

teaching, and school assignment.

Table II
Profile of the Mathematics Teachers

Items F % Rank
Age (in years)
21-25 13 38.24 1
26-30 9 26.47 2
31-35 2 5.88 5.5
36-40 3 8.82 3.5
41-45 3 8.82 3.5
46-50 2 5.88 5.5
51-55 1 2.94 7.5
56 and above 1 2.94 7.5
Male 9 26.47 2
Female 25 73.53 1
Civil Status
Single 19 55.88 1
Married 13 38.24 2
Separated 1 2.94 3.5
Widowed 1 2.94 3.5
Highest Educational Attainment
Bachelor's Degree 10 29.41 2
Acquired Master’s Units 13 38.24 1
Master's Degree 9 26.47 3
Acquired Doctoral Units 1 2.94 4.5
Doctor's Degree 1 2.94 4.5
Number of Years in Teaching
Less than 1 year 4 11.76 2
1 to 5 19 55.88 1
6 to 10 2 5.88 5.5
Of 11 to 15 3 8.82 3.5 the
16 to 20 2 5.88 5.5
thirty four
21 to 25 3 8.82 3.5
26 to 30 1 2.94 7
School Assignment
CHS 6 17.65 2
CIS 4 11.76 5
MCYCMHS 3 8.82 6
PELHS 5 14.71 3.5
SJNHS 11 32.35 1
ZAGMNHS 5 14.71 3.5

Mathematics teachers, thirteen teachers (38.24%) aged 21-25. It is then

followed by nine teachers (26.47%) who aged 26-30, three teachers (8.82%)

who aged 36-40 and another three (8.82%) who aged 41-45. There are two

teachers (5.88%) who aged 31-35 and another two (5.88%) who aged 46-50,

one teacher (2.94%) who aged 51-55, and another one (2.94%) who aged 56

and above.

Sex. Of the thirty four Mathematics teachers, twenty five (73.53%) are

females and nine (26.47%) are males.

Civil Status. Of the thirty four teachers, nineteen (55.88%) are single,

thirteen (38.24%) are married, one teacher (2.94%) is widowed and another

one teacher (2.94%) is separated.

Highest Educational Attainment. Among the thirty four teachers,

thirteen teachers (38.24%) have acquired master’s units while eleven teachers

(26.47%) got their master’s degree. It is then followed by ten teachers (29.41)

who have bachelor’s degree. Lastly, there is one teacher (2.94%) who

acquired doctoral units and additional one teacher (2.94%) who gained

doctor’s degree.

Number of Years in Teaching. Out of thirty four teachers, nineteen

teachers (55.88%) are teaching around one to five years, four teachers

(11.76%) are teaching less than a year, three teachers (8.82%) are teaching

around eleven to fifteen years and another three (8.82%) are teaching around

twenty one to twenty five years. It is followed by two teachers (5.88%) who are

teaching for six to ten years and another two teachers (5.88%) who are

teaching for sixteen to twenty years. Lastly there is only one teacher (2.94%)

who is teaching for twenty six to thirty years.

School Assignment. Of the thirty four teachers, eleven teachers

(32.35%) are assigned in San Jose National High School, there are six

teachers (17.65%) assigned in Calituban High School. There is equal number

of teachers in Ponciana E. Leoligao High School and Zosimo A. Gulle

Memorial National High School which have five Mathematics teachers

(14.71%). It is then followed by Cataban Integrated School which has four

Mathematics teachers (11.76%) and Mayor Catalino Y. Casoyla Memorial

High School which has only three Mathematics teachers (8.82%).

Instructional Practices

Teachers’ Level of Lesson Design and Implementation (First Dimension

of Instructional Practices)

Table III
Teachers’ Level of Lesson Design and Implementation
Lesson Design and Implementation Items WM DV Rank
(4) (3) (2) (1)

1. The design of my lesson reflected careful

21 13 0 0 3.62 HP 5.5
planning and organization.
2. The design of my lesson incorporated
12 19 3 0 3.26 HP 14
tasks, roles, and interactions consistent with

investigative mathematics.
3. My lesson had a problem/investigation-
centered structure (e.g. I launched a
12 20 2 0 3.29 HP 13
problem/investigation and I led a
synthesizing discussion).
4. The instructional objectives of my lesson
were clear and I was able to clearly articulate
26 8 0 0 3.76 HP 3
what mathematical ideas and/or procedures
that students were expected to learn.
5. My lesson design provided opportunities
for student discourse around important 21 12 1 0 3.59 HP 7
concepts in mathematics.
6. I portrayed mathematics as a dynamic
body of knowledge continually enriched by
15 18 1 0 3.41 HP 10
conjecture, investigation analysis, and/or
7. I appeared confident in my ability to teach
30 4 0 0 3.88 HP 1
8. My instructional strategies were consistent
15 18 1 0 3.41 HP 10
with investigative mathematics.
9. My questioning strategies for eliciting
student thinking promoted discourse around 19 14 1 0 3.53 HP 8
important concepts in mathematics.
10. The pace of my lesson was appropriate
for the developmental level/needs of the 12 22 0 0 3.35 HP 12
students and the purpose of the lesson.
11. I am flexible and able to take advantage
of “teachable moments,” (including building
27 7 0 0 3.79 HP 2
from students’ ideas – both mathematical
and non-mathematical).
12. My classroom management
style/strategies enhanced the quality of the 22 12 0 0 3.65 HP 4
13. The vast majority of my students were
engaged in the lesson and remained on 14 20 0 0 3.41 HP 10
14. I create appropriate connections to other
areas of mathematics, to other disciplines, 21 13 0 0 3.62 HP 5.5
and/or to real-world contexts.

Composite Mean 3.54 HP

1.00 - 1.74 NP Never Practiced
1.75 - 2.49 SP Slightly Practiced
2.50 - 3.24 MP Moderately Practiced
3.25 - 4.00 HP Highly Practiced

Table III shows the Mathematics teachers’ level of lesson design and

implementation. Based on the table, the teachers’ lesson design and

implementation has a composite mean of 3.54 which is interpreted as Highly

Practiced. It is very remarkable to say that all the items in this dimension of

instructional practices have weighted means which are interpreted as Highly

Practiced. Items 7, 11 and 4 have the highest weighted means of 3.88, 3.79

and 3.76 respectively. Item 7 which has the highest weighted mean indicates

that the teachers appeared confident in their ability to teach mathematics.

Items 11 and 4 imply that the teachers are flexible and able to take advantage

of teachable moments during discussion and the instructional objectives of

their lesson were clear and they are able to clearly articulate what

mathematical ideas and/or procedures that students were expected to learn.

In contrast, items 10, 3 and 2 have the lowest weighted means of 3.35,

3.29 and 3.26 respectively but still understood as Highly Practiced. This

means that the pace of teachers’ lesson is appropriate for the developmental

level/needs of the students and the lesson’s purpose. This also suggests that

the teachers’ lesson has a problem/investigation-centered structure and the

design of their lesson incorporates tasks, roles, and interactions consistent

with investigative mathematics.

The composite mean of 3.54 in the first dimension of instructional

practices which is interpreted as Highly Practiced implies that the teachers are

careful in planning the lesson by making the instructional objectives clear thus

making them confident and flexible in teaching mathematics to the students.

Furthermore, teachers were able to create a problem-centered instruction and

make appropriate connections to other areas of mathematics.

Teachers’ Level of Mathematical Discourse and Sense Making (Second

Dimension of Instructional Practices)

Table IV
Teachers' Level of Mathematical Discourse and Sense Making

Mathematical Discourse and Sense A S R N

WM DV Rank
Making Items (4) (3) (2) (1)
1. My students asked questions to clarify
their understanding of mathematical
ideas or procedures. Logistical 5 16 10 3 2.68 MP 12
questions – “may I sharpen my pencil?”
don’t count.
2. My students shared their
8 14 12 0 2.88 MP 9
3. My students explained mathematical
5 21 8 0 2.91 MP 7.5
ideas and/or procedures.
4. My students justified mathematical
5 21 8 0 2.91 MP 7.5
ideas and/or procedures.
5. My students listened intently and
actively to the ideas and/or procedures
of others for the purpose of 16 16 2 0 3.41 HP 3
understanding someone’s methods or
6. My students challenged each other’s
and their own ideas that did not seem 5 17 11 1 2.76 MP 11
7. My students defended their
5 17 12 0 2.79 MP 10
mathematical ideas and/or procedures.
8. My students determine the
correctness/sensibility of an idea and/or
9 16 9 0 3.00 MP 5.5
procedure based on the reasoning
9. My students made generalizations, or
made generalized conjectures regarding 12 17 5 0 3.21 MP 4
mathematical ideas and procedures.

10. My students drew upon a variety of

methods (verbal, visual, numerical,
algebraic, graphical, etc.) to represent 7 20 7 0 3.00 MP 5.5
and communicate their mathematical
ideas and/or procedures.
11. I and my students engaged in
meaning making at the end of the
activity/instruction. (There was a
19 15 0 0 3.56 HP 1
synthesis or discussion about what was
intended to be learned from doing the
12. I productively probed/“pushed on”
the mathematics in students’ responses
17 17 0 0 3.50 HP 2
(including both correct and incorrect
Composite Mean 3.05 MP

1.00 - 1.74 NP Never Practiced Revealed
1.75 - 2.49 SP Slightly Practiced
in the table 2.50 - 3.24 MP Moderately Practiced is the
3.25 - 4.00 HP Highly Practiced

mathematical discourse and sense making composite mean of 3.05 which is

taken as Moderately Practiced. Based on the indicators, items 11, 12 and 5

have the highest weighted means of 3.56, 3.50 and 3.41 respectively, which

are all interpreted as Highly Practiced. This means that the teachers engage

their students in meaning making at the end of the instruction, they are able to

productively review mathematics in students’ responses, their students share

observations and students listened intently and actively to the ideas and/or

procedures of others for the purpose of understanding someone’s method of


The three least rated items are 7, 6 and 1 which have weighted means

of 2.79, 2.76 and 2.68 respectively, which are all interpreted as Moderately

Practiced. This indicates that students occasionally defend their mathematical

ideas and/or procedures, habitually drew upon variety of methods to represent

and communicate their mathematical ideas and/or procedures, and they

customarily ask questions to clarify their understandings of mathematical ideas

and/or procedures.

The interpretation of Moderately Practiced on the composite mean of

the Mathematics teachers’ level of mathematical discourse and sense making

entails that the students are able to evaluate their learning on mathematical

ideas and procedures thus allowing them to be more engaged in meaning

making at the end of the activity/instruction.

Teachers’ Level of Task Implementation (Third Dimension of

Instructional Practices)

The table on the next page manifests the teachers’ level of task

implementation which has a composite mean of 3.22, interpreted as

Moderately Practiced. Based on the factors, items 1, 6 and 5 have the biggest

weighted means of 3.71, 3.59 and 3.44 respectively, which are all interpreted

as Highly Practiced. This means that the teachers give tasks which are

focused on understanding of important and relevant mathematical concepts,

processes and relationship. It is motivating to note that teachers give tasks


which encourage students to think beyond the immediate problem and make

connections to other related mathematical concepts, and they encouraged

students to employ multiple representations and tools to support their learning,

ideas and/or procedures.

Table V
Teachers' Level of Task Implementation
Task Implementation Items WM DV Rank
(4) (3) (2) (1)
1. I give tasks which are focused on
understanding of important and
24 10 0 0 3.71 HP 1
relevant mathematical concepts,
processes, and relationship.
2. I give tasks which stimulated
2 15 14 3 2.47 SP 6
complex, non-algorithmic thinking.
3. I give tasks which successfully
created mathematically productive 5 23 5 1 2.94 MP 5
disequilibrium among students.
4. I give tasks which encouraged
students to search for multiple solution
strategies and to recognize task 6 27 1 0 3.15 MP 4
constraints that may limit solution
5. I give tasks which encouraged
students to employ multiple
representation and tools to support 16 17 1 0 3.44 HP 3
their learning, ideas and/or
6. I give tasks which encouraged
students to think beyond the
immediate problem and make 21 12 1 0 3.59 HP 2
connections to other related
mathematical concepts.
Composite Mean 3.22 MP

1.00 - 1.74 NP Never Practiced
1.75 - 2.49 SP Slightly Practiced
2.50 - 3.24 MP Moderately Practiced
3.25 - 4.00 HP Highly Practiced

The three smallest rated factors are items 4, 3 and 2 which have

composite means of 3.15, 2.94 and 2.47. Items 4 and 3 are interpreted as

Moderately Practiced while item 2 is construed to be Slightly Practiced. This

means that the teachers often give tasks which encouraged students to

search for multiple solution strategies and which successfully created

mathematically productive disequilibrium among students. In addition to that,

the teachers rarely give tasks which stimulate complex, non-algorithmic


The interpretation of Moderately Practiced on the composite mean of

the teachers’ level of task implementation implies that teachers provide tasks

that would develop students’ critical thinking skills and enhance students

understanding of mathematical concepts and processes.

Teachers’ Level of Classroom Culture (Fourth Dimension of Instructional


The table on the next page displays the classroom culture composite

mean of 3.45 which is interpreted as Highly Practiced. Based on the

indicators, items 5, 1 and 2 have the highest weighted means of 3.82, 3.79

and 3.74 correspondingly, which are all interpreted as Highly Practiced. This

means that teachers treated wrong answers as worthwhile learning

opportunities, active participation of their students was encouraged and valued

and they respect students’ ideas, questions and contributions.


Table VI
Teachers' Level of Classroom Culture

Classroom Culture Items WM DV Rank
(4) (3) (2) (1)
1. Active participation of all my
students was encouraged and 27 7 0 0 3.79 HP 2
2. I displayed respect for students’
25 9 0 0 3.74 HP 3
ideas, questions, and contributions.
3. Interactions reflected a
productive working relationship 14 19 1 0 3.38 HP 5
among my students.
4. Interactions reflected a
collaborative working relationship 16 18 0 0 3.47 HP 4
between me and the students.
5. I treated wrong answers as
28 6 0 0 3.82 HP 1
worthwhile learning opportunities.
6. My students were willing to
openly discuss their thinking and 3 20 10 1 2.74 MP 7
7. The classroom climate
encouraged my students to engage 9 24 1 0 3.24 MP 6
in mathematical discourse.
Composite Mean 3.45 HP

1.00 - 1.74 NP Never Practiced
1.75 - 2.49 SP Slightly Practiced
2.50 - 3.24 MP Moderately Practiced
3.25 - 4.00 HP Highly Practiced

The three lowest valued items are 3, 7 and 6 which are interpreted as

Highly Practiced and Moderately Practiced. This result recommended that

interactions frequently reflected a productive working relationship among their

students, there is a pleasant classroom climate which encouraged students to


engage in a mathematical discourse and students are often willing to openly

discuss there thinking and reasoning.

The interpretation of Highly Practiced on the composite mean of the

mathematics teachers’ level of classroom culture denotes that there is

productive interaction inside the classroom since active participation is

encouraged and students are engage to mathematical discourse. However, it

is important to note that students were occasionally open to discuss their

thinking and reasoning.

Summary of the Four Dimensions of Instructional Practices in Teaching


Table VII depicts the summary of the results of the different dimensions

of instructional practices in teaching mathematics.

Table VII
Summary of the Four Dimensions of Instructional Practices in Teaching
Dimensions Weighted Mean Interpretation Rank
A. Lesson Design and
3.54 Highly Practiced 1
B. Mathematical Discourse
3.05 Moderately Practiced 4
and Sense Making
C. Task Implementation 3.22 Moderately Practiced 3
D. Classroom Culture 3.45 Highly Practiced 2
Composite Mean 3.32 Highly Practiced

The table above shows the different instructional practices in teaching

mathematics namely: lesson design and implementation, mathematical

discourse and sense making, task implementation, and classroom culture with

weighted means of 3.54, 3.05, 3.22, and 3.45 respectively.

The interpretation of Highly Practiced in the first dimension implies that

the teachers are careful in planning the lesson by making the instructional

objectives clear thus making them confident and flexible in teaching

mathematics to the students. Also, teachers were regularly able to create a

problem-centered instruction and make appropriate connections to other areas

of mathematics.

Furthermore, the interpretation of Moderately Practiced on the

composite mean of mathematical discourse and sense making entails that the

students habitually evaluate their learning on mathematical ideas and

procedures thus allowing them to be more engaged in meaning making at the

end of the activity/instruction.

In addition, the interpretation of Moderately Practiced on the composite

mean of the teachers’ level of task implementation implies that teachers

frequently provide tasks that would develop students’ critical thinking skills and

enhance students understanding of mathematical concepts and processes.

Lastly, the interpretation of Highly Practiced on the composite mean of

the teachers’ level of classroom culture denotes that there is productive


interaction inside the classroom since active participation is encouraged and

students are engage to mathematical discourse. However, it is important to

note that students were occasionally open to discuss their thinking and


Teachers’ Level of Instructional Practices in Teaching Mathematics

The table below reveals the teachers’ level of instructional practices in

teaching mathematics.
Table VIII
Teachers’ Level of Instructional Practices in Teaching Mathematics
Instructional Mathematical
Lesson Design
Practices Discourse Task Classroom
and CM DV Rank
and Sense Implementation Culture
Teacher Making
1 3.29 3.00 3.33 3.57 3.30 HP 16
2 3.29 2.67 3.33 3.71 3.25 HP 20.5
3 3.86 3.50 3.50 3.71 3.64 HP 7
4 3.93 2.75 3.67 3.71 3.51 HP 11
5 3.57 3.17 3.17 3.00 3.23 MP 22.5
6 3.79 2.75 2.33 2.86 2.93 MP 32
7 3.29 3.17 3.17 3.43 3.26 HP 18
8 3.71 3.33 3.67 3.14 3.46 HP 13.5
9 3.50 2.42 2.83 3.43 3.04 MP 26.5
10 3.36 2.92 3.33 3.43 3.26 HP 18
11 3.79 3.08 3.17 3.86 3.47 HP 12
12 3.21 2.50 3.00 3.14 2.96 MP 31
13 3.07 2.75 3.33 3.86 3.25 HP 20.5
14 3.79 3.33 3.67 3.71 3.62 HP 8.5
15 3.93 3.75 3.83 3.86 3.84 HP 2
16 3.64 3.17 3.33 3.71 3.46 HP 13.5
17 3.36 2.58 3.33 3.57 3.21 MP 24
18 2.93 2.25 3.00 3.29 2.87 MP 33
19 3.36 2.83 2.83 3.00 3.01 MP 29
20 3.43 3.00 3.17 3.43 3.26 HP 18
21 3.93 3.25 3.33 3.71 3.56 HP 10
22 3.43 3.00 2.50 3.00 2.98 MP 30
23 3.86 3.67 3.50 3.71 3.68 HP 4
24 3.93 3.83 4.00 3.86 3.90 HP 1
25 3.57 3.08 3.00 3.71 3.34 HP 15
26 3.43 2.92 2.67 3.14 3.04 MP 26.5

27 4.00 3.42 3.50 3.57 3.62 HP 8.5

28 4.00 3.67 3.50 3.43 3.65 HP 5.5
29 3.79 3.58 3.67 3.57 3.65 HP 5.5
30 3.07 2.92 3.00 3.14 3.03 MP 28
31 3.50 3.00 3.00 3.43 3.23 MP 22.5
32 2.64 2.25 2.17 2.57 2.41 SP 34
33 3.36 2.83 2.83 3.43 3.11 MP 25
34 3.86 3.75 3.50 3.71 3.71 HP 3
3.54 3.05 3.22 3.45 3.32 HP

1.00 - 1.74 NP Never Practiced

1.75 - 2.49 SP Slightly Practiced

2.50 - 3.24 MP Moderately Practiced

3.25 - 4.00 HP Highly Practiced

Based on the list, teacher 24, 15 and 34 have the greatest composite

means of 3.90, 3.84 and 3.71 respectively which are all understood as Highly

Practiced. This means that the teachers effectively and efficiently present the

lesson to the class; students are engaged in meaning making and understand

mathematical ideas and procedures which lead them to justify their learning.

This result also assumes that the teachers give tasks which encouraged

students to search for multiple solution strategies and think beyond the

immediate problem and there is a conducive classroom climate where

students’ participation is encouraged.

Teacher 6, 18 and 32 got the least composite means of 2.93, 2.87 and

2.41 respectively which are taken as Moderately Practiced and Slightly

Practiced. This signifies that the teachers repeatedly incorporate tasks, roles

and interactions consistent with investigative mathematics; they often probe


mathematics in students’ responses and occasionally give tasks which

encourage students to employ multiple representations and tools to support

their learning. Likewise students’ participation is regularly encouraged which

leads to discussing their thinking and reasoning habitually.

The over-all composite mean of 3.32 which is taken as Highly Practiced

entails that teachers are confident and flexible in teaching mathematics to their

students, able to create a problem-centered instruction, and can make

appropriate connections to other areas of mathematics. It also implies that

teachers were able to let their students evaluate their learning on

mathematical ideas and procedures thus allowing them to be more engaged in

meaning making at the end of the activity. Moreover, teachers provide tasks

that would develop students’ critical thinking skills and enhance students

understanding of mathematical concepts and processes. When it comes to

classroom, there is usually a productive interaction since active participation is

encouraged and students are engage to mathematical discourse.

Summary of Teachers’ Level of Instructional Practices in Teaching


Table IX exhibits the summary of teachers’ level of instructional

practices in teaching mathematics.

Table IX
Summary of Teachers’ Level of Instructional Practices in Teaching

Interpretation Frequency Rank

Highly Practiced 21 1
Moderately Practiced 12 2
Slightly Practiced 1 3
Never Practiced 0 4
Sum 34

It can be seen on the table in the preceding page that there are 21

teachers who have highly practiced instructional practices, 12 teachers have

moderately practiced instructional practices, 1 teacher has slightly practiced

instructional practiced, and no teacher in the never practiced category.

It was revealed on the table that highly practiced and moderately

practiced ranked first and second respectively. This means that most of the

teachers were able to apply frequently all the instructional practices in the

dimensions of lesson design and implementation, mathematical discourse and

sense making, task implementation, and classroom culture.

Relationship Between Teachers’ Age and Level of Instructional Practices

in Teaching Mathematics

Table X reveals the relationship between teachers’ age and level of

instructional practices in teaching mathematics.

Shown in the table is the computed chi-square value of 13.5197 which

is lesser than the chi-square critical value of 23.685 at 14 df (0.05). This

explains that there is no significant relationship between teachers’ age and

level of instructional practices. The null hypothesis is therefore accepted. This


result infers that teachers’ age does not affect their level of instructional

practices in teaching mathematics.

Table X
Relationship Between Teachers’ Age and Level of Instructional
Practices in Teaching Mathematics

Practices Moderately
Highly Practiced Slightly Practiced Total
8.0294 4.5882 0.3824
21-25 4 8 1 13
2.0221 2.5370 0.9977
5.5588 3.1765 0.2647
26-30 5 4 0 9
0.0562 0.2135 0.2647
1.2353 0.7059 0.0588
31-35 2 0 0 2
0.4734 0.7059 0.0588
1.8529 1.0588 0.0882
36-40 3 0 0
0.7101 1.0588 0.0882
1.8529 1.0588 0.0882
41-45 3 0 0 3
0.7101 1.0588 0.0882
1.2353 0.7059 0.0588
46-50 2 0 0 2
0.4734 0.7059 0.0588
0.6176 0.3529 0.0294
1 0 0 1
51-55 0.2367 0.3529 0.0294
0.6176 0.3529 0.0294
56-60 1 0 0
0.2367 0.3529 0.0294
Grand Total 21 12 1 34

Chi-square 4.9186 6.9858 1.6154 13.5197

Chi-square = 13.5197

critical value of Chi-square at 14 df (0.05) = 23.685


Result: Insignificant

Decision: Accept Ho

Relationship Between Teacher’s Sex and Level of Instructional Practices

in Teaching Mathematics

Table XI presents the relationship between teachers’ sex and level of

instructional practices in teaching mathematics.

Table XI
Relationship Between Teacher’s Sex and Level of Instructional
Practices in Teaching Mathematics

Practices Moderately Slightly
Highly Practiced Total
Practiced Practiced

5.5588 3.1765 0.2647

7 2 0 9
Male 0.3736 0.4357 0.2647
15.4412 8.8235 0.7353
Female 14 1 1 25
0.1345 0 0.1569 0.0953

Grand Total 21 12 1 34

Chi-square 0.5081 0.5926 0.3600 1.4607

Chi-square = 1.4607

critical value of Chi-square at 2 df (0.05) = 5.991

Result: Insignificant

Decision: Accept Ho

The table displays that the computed chi-square value of 1.4607 is

lesser than the chi-square critical value of 5.991 at 2 df (0.05). This leads to

the acceptance of the null hypothesis which means that there is no significant

relationship between teachers’ sex and level of instructional practice in

teaching mathematics. It indicates that sex has no bearing on the teachers’

level of instructional practices in teaching mathematics.

Relationship Between Teachers’ Civil Status and Level of Instructional

Practices in Teaching Mathematics

Table XII reveals the relationship between teachers’ civil status and

level of instructional practices in teaching mathematics.

Table XII
Relationship Between Teacher’s Civil Status and Level of Instructional
Practices in Teaching Mathematics
Practices Moderately Slightly
Highly Practiced Total
Practiced Practiced
Civil Status
11.7353 6.7059 0.5588
Single 8 10 1 19
1.1889 1.6182 0.3483
8.0294 4.5882 0.3824
Married 11 2 0 13
1.0990 1.4600 0.3824
0.6176 0.3529 0.0294
Widowed 1 0 0 1
0.2367 0.3529 0.0294
Separated 0.6176 0.3529 0.0294
1 0 0 1

0.2367 0.3529 0.0294

Grand Total 21 12 1 34
Chi-square 2.7613 3.7841 0.7895 7.3349
Chi-square = 7.3349
critical value of Chi-square at 6 df (0.05) = 12.592
Result: Insignificant
Decision: Accept Ho

Based on the table, the computed chi-square value of 7.3349 is lesser

than the chi-square critical value of 12.592 at 6 df (0.05). This leads to the

approval of the null hypothesis which means that there is no significant

relationship between civil status and level of instructional practices in teaching

mathematics. It entails that teachers’ civil status does not affect their

instructional practices in teaching mathematics.

Relationship Between Teachers’ Highest Educational Attainment and

Level of Instructional Practices in Teaching Mathematics

Table XIII presents the relationship between teachers’ highest

educational attainment and the level of instructional practices in teaching


Table XIII
Relationship Between Teachers’ Highest Educational Attainment and
Level of Instructional Practices in Teaching Mathematics
Practices Moderately Slightly
Highest Highly Practiced Total
Practiced Practiced
6.1765 3.5294 0.2941
3 6 1 10
1.6336 1.7294 1.6941

8.0294 4.5882 0.3824

8 5 0 13
Master’s Units
0.0001 0.0370 0.3824
5.5588 3.8824 0.3235
Master’s Degree 8 1 0 9
1.5127 2.1399 0.3235
0.6176 0.3529 0.0294
1 0 0 1
Doctoral Units
0.2367 0.3529 0.0294
0.6176 0.3529 0.0294
Doctor’s Degree 1 0 0 1
0.2367 0.3529 0.0294
Grand Total 21 12 1 34
Chi-square 3.1792 3.9635 2.4000 9.5427
Chi-square = 9.5427
critical value of Chi-square at 8 df (0.05) = 15.507
Result: Insignificant
Decision: Accept Ho

Replicated in the table on the preceding page is the computed chi-

square value of 9.5427 which is lesser than the chi-square critical value of

15.507 at 8 df (0.05). This leads to the acceptance of the null hypothesis

which means that there is an insignificant relationship between teachers’

highest educational attainment and level of instructional practices in teaching

mathematics. It suggests that the teachers’ highest educational attainment

does affect their instructional practices in teaching mathematics.

Relationship Between Teachers’ Number of Years in Teaching and Level

of Instructional Practices in Teaching Mathematics

Table XIV presents the relationship between teachers’ number of years

in teaching and the level of instructional practices in teaching mathematics.


Based on the table, the computed chi-square value of 10.0663 is lesser

than the chi-square critical value of 18.307 at 10 df (0.05). This leads to the

recognition of the null hypothesis which means that there is no significant

correlation between teachers’ number of years in teaching and level of

instructional practices in teaching mathematics. It infers that the number of

years in teaching has no bearing on teachers’ level of instructional practices in

teaching mathematics.

Table XIV
Relationship Between Teachers’ Number of Years in Teaching and Level
of Instructional Practices in Teaching Mathematics

Practices Moderately Slightly
Number Highly Practiced Total
Practiced Practiced
of Years
in Teaching
14.2059 8.1176 0.6765
5 years and
10 12 1 23
1.2452 1.8568 0.1547
1.2353 0.7059 0.0588
6 to 10 2 0 0 2
0.4734 0.7059 0.0588
1.8529 1.0588 0.0882
11 to 15 3 0 0 3
0.7101 1.0588 0.0882
1.2353 0.7059 0.0588
16 to 20 2 0 0 2
0.4734 0.7059 0.0588
21 to 25 1.8529 1.0588 0.0882 3

3 0 0
0.4734 1.0588 0.0882
0.6176 0.3529 0.0294
26 to 30 1 0 0 1
0.2367 0.3529 0.0294
Grand Total 21 12 1 34
Chi-square 3.8489 5.7391 0.4783 10.0663
Chi-square = 10.0663
critical value of Chi-square at 10 df (0.05) = 18.307
Result: Insignificant
Decision: Accept Ho

Relationship Between Teachers’ School Assignment and Level of

Instructional Practices in Teaching Mathematics

Table XV presents the relationship between teachers’ school

assignment and the level of instructional practices in teaching mathematics.

Table XV
Relationship Between Teachers’ School Assignment and Level of
Instructional Practices in Teaching Mathematics
Practices Moderately Slightly
Highly Practiced Total
School Practiced Practiced
3.7059 2.1176 0.1765
CHS 4 2 0 6
0.0233 0.0065 0.1765
CIS 2.4706 1.4118 0.1176
3 1 0 4

0.1134 0.1201 0.1176

1.8529 1.0588 0.0882
MCYCMHS 2 1 0 3
0.0117 0.0033 0.0882
3.0882 1.7647 0.1471
PELMHS 3 2 0 5
0.0025 0.0314 0.1471
6.7941 3.8824 0.3235
SJNHS 8 3 0 11
0.2140 0.2005 0.3235
3.0082 1.7647 0.1471
ZAGMNHS 1 3 1 5
1.4120 0.8647 4.9471
Grand Total 21 12 1 34
Chi-square 1.7771 1.2265 5.8000 8.8036
Chi-square = 8.8036
critical value of Chi-square at 10 df (0.05) = 18.307
Result: Insignificant
Decision: Accept Ho

Established on the table, the computed chi-square value of 8.8036 is

lesser than the chi-square critical value of 18.307 at 10 df (0.05). This leads to

the recognition of the null hypothesis which means that there is no significant

connection between teachers’ school assignment and level of instructional

practices in teaching mathematics. It suggests that teachers’ school

assignment does not affect their level of instructional practices in teaching


Analysis of Variance among the Different Dimensions of Instructional


Calituban High School


Table XVI shows that the F-computed value of 3.3418 is greater than

the F-tabular value of 3.10 at 3 and 20 df (0.05). This means that there is a

significant degree of variance among the different dimensions of instructional

practices used by Calituban High School teachers in teaching mathematics.

The null hypothesis is therefore rejected.

To further determine as to where the difference lies among the

instructional practices used by Calituban High School Mathematics teachers,

the data were subjected to Scheffe’s Test. The table on the next page depicts

that all the pairings resulted to an insignificant relationship among the different

dimensions of instructional practices in teaching mathematics. This means that

even though there is a significant degree of variance among the different

dimensions, the actual difference cannot be determined through Sheffe’s test.

The probable reason of this could be the very slight difference in the computed

and tabular F-value.

Table XVI
Analysis of Variance among the Different Dimensions of Instructional
Practices used by Calituban High School Mathematics Teachers

Teacher A (X1) X12 X2 X22 X3 X32 X4 X42

1 3.29 10.8241 3 9 3.33 11.0889 3.57 12.7449

2 3.29 10.8241 2.67 7.1289 3.33 11.0889 3.71 13.7641

3 3.86 14.8996 3.5 12.25 3.5 12.25 3.71 13.7641

4 3.93 15.4449 2.75 7.5625 3.67 13.4689 3.71 13.7641


5 3.57 12.7449 3.17 10.0489 3.17 10.0489 3 9

6 3.79 14.3641 2.75 7.5625 2.33 5.4289 2.86 8.1796

Sum 21.73 79.1017 17.84 53.5528 19.33 63.3745 20.56 71.2168

Mean 3.62 2.97 3.22 3.43

Sources of Degrees of Sum of Mean F-Value

Variation Freedom Squares Squares Computed Tabular

Between Groups 3 1.3913 0.4638 3.3418 3.10

Within Groups 20 2.7756 0.1388

Total 23 4.1670
Result: Significant

Decision: Reject Ho

Table XVII
Multiple Comparison of the Different Dimensions of Instructional
Practices Used by Calituban High School Mathematics Teachers Using
Scheffe’s Test
Mean Mean (F.05)
Between Dimensions F' Interpretation
1 2 (K-1)
Lesson Design Implementation
vs. 3.62 2.97 9.0869 9.3 Insignificant
Mathematical Discourse and
Sense Making
Lesson Design Implementation
vs. 3.62 3.22 3.4582 9.3 Insignificant
Task Implementation
Lesson Design Implementation
vs. 3.62 3.43 0.8219 9.3 Insignificant
Classroom Culture
Mathematical Discourse and 2.97 3.22 1.3336 9.3 Insignificant
Sense Making

Task Implementation
Mathematical Discourse and
Sense Making 2.97 3.43 4.4432 9.3 Insignificant
Classroom Culture
Task Implementation
vs. 3.22 3.43 0.9083 9.3 Insignificant
Classroom Culture

Cataban Integrated School

The table on the next page shows that the F-computed value of 2.2529

is lesser than the F-tabular value of 3.49 at 3 and 12 df (0.05). This means

that there is no significant degree of variance among the different dimensions

of instructional practices used by Cataban Integrated School teachers in

teaching mathematics. The null hypothesis is therefore accepted.

Analysis of Variance among the Different Dimensions of Instructional
Practices used by Cataban Integrated School Mathematics Teachers

Teacher X1 X12 X2 X22 X3 X32 X4 X42

7 3.29 10.8241 3.17 10.0489 3.17 10.0489 3.43 11.7649

8 3.71 13.7641 3.33 11.0889 3.67 13.4689 3.14 9.8596

9 3.5 12.25 2.42 5.8564 2.83 8.0089 3.43 11.7649

10 3.36 11.2896 2.92 8.5264 3.33 11.0889 3.43 11.7649

Sum 13.86 48.1278 11.84 35.5206 13 42.6156 13.43 45.1543

Mean 3.47 2.96 3.25 3.36


Sources of Degrees of Sum of Mean
Variation Freedom Squares Squares Tabular
Between Groups 3 0.5665 0.1888 2.2529 3.49
Within Groups 12 1.0058 0.0838
Total 15 1.5722
Result: Insignificant
Decision: Accept Ho

Mayor Catalino Y. Casoyla Memorial High School

The table on the next page shows that the F-computed value of 3.5099

is lesser than the F-tabular value of 4.07 at 3 and 8 df (0.05). This means that

there is no significant degree of variance among the different dimensions of

instructional practices used by Mayor Catalino Y. Casoyla Memorial High

School teachers in teaching mathematics. The null hypothesis is therefore


Table XIX
Analysis of Variance among the Different Dimensions of Instructional
Practices used by Mayor Catalino Y. Casoyla Memorial High School
Mathematics Teachers

Teacher X1 X12 X2 X22 X3 X32 X4 X42

11 3.79 14.3641 3.08 9.4864 3.17 10.0489 3.86 14.8996

12 3.21 10.3041 2.5 6.25 3 9 3.14 9.8596

13 3.07 9.4249 2.75 7.5625 3.33 11.0889 3.86 14.8996

Sum 10.07 34.0931 8.33 23.2989 9.5 30.1378 10.86 39.6588


Mean 3.36 2.78 3.17 3.62

Sources of Degrees of Sum of Mean F-Value

Variation Freedom Squares Squares Computed Tabular
Between Groups 3 1.1330 0.3777 3.5099 4.07
Within Groups 8 0.8608 0.1076
Total 11 1.9938
Result: Insignificant
Decision: Accept Ho

Ponciana E. Leoligao High School

The succeeding table displays the F-computed value of 2.1677 is lesser

than the F-tabular value of 3.24 at 3 and 16 df (0.05). This means that there is

no significant degree of variance among the different dimensions of

instructional practices used by Ponciana E. Leoligao High School teachers in

teaching mathematics. The null hypothesis is therefore accepted.

Table XX
Analysis of Variance among the Different Dimensions of Instructional
Practices used by Ponciana E. Leoligao High School Mathematics

Teacher X1 X12 X2 X22 X3 X32 X4 X42

14 3.79 14.3641 3.33 11.0889 3.67 13.4689 3.71 13.7641

15 3.93 15.4449 3.75 14.0625 3.83 14.6689 3.86 14.8996

16 3.64 13.2496 3.17 10.0489 3.33 11.0889 3.71 13.7641

17 3.36 11.2896 2.58 6.6564 3.33 11.0889 3.57 12.7449


18 2.93 8.5849 2.25 5.0625 3 9 3.29 10.8241

Sum 17.65 62.9331 15.08 46.9192 17.16 59.3156 18.14 65.9968

Mean 3.53 3.02 3.43 3.63

Sources of Degrees of Sum of Mean
Compute Tabula
Variation Freedom Squares Squares
d r
Between Groups 3 1.0868 0.3623 2.1677 3.24

Within Groups 16 2.6739 0.1671

Total 19 3.7607

Result: Insignificant
Decision: Accept Ho

San Jose National High School

Table XXI
Analysis of Variance among the Different Dimensions of Instructional
Practices used by San Jose National High School Mathematics Teachers

Teacher X1 X12 X2 X22 X3 X32 X4 X42

19 3.36 11.2896 2.83 8.0089 2.83 8.0089 3 9

20 3.43 11.7649 3 9 3.17 10.0489 3.43 11.7649

21 3.93 15.4449 3.25 10.5625 3.33 11.0889 3.71 13.7641

22 3.43 11.7649 3 9 2.5 6.25 3 9


23 3.86 14.8996 3.67 13.4689 3.5 12.25 3.71 13.7641

24 3.93 15.4449 3.83 14.6689 4 16 3.86 14.8996

25 3.57 12.7449 3.08 9.4864 3 9 3.71 13.7641

26 3.43 11.7649 2.92 8.5264 2.67 7.1289 3.14 9.8596

27 4 16 3.42 11.6964 3.5 12.25 3.57 12.7449

28 4 16 3.67 13.4689 3.5 12.25 3.43 11.7649

29 3.79 14.3641 3.58 12.8164 3.67 13.4689 3.57 12.7449

Sum 40.73 151.4827 36.25 120.7037 35.67 117.7445 38.13 133.0711

Mean 3.70 3.30 3.24 3.47

Sources of Degrees of Sum of Mean F-Value

Variation Freedom Squares Squares Computed Tabular
Between Groups 3 1.4172 0.4724 0.3502 4.31
Within Groups 40 4.8892 0.1222

Total 43 6.3064
Result: Insignificant
Decision: Accept Ho
The table shows that the F-computed value of 0.3502 is lesser than the

F-tabular value of 4.31 at 3 and 40 df (0.05). This means that there is no

significant degree of variance among the different dimensions of instructional

practices used by San Jose National High School teachers in teaching

mathematics. The null hypothesis is therefore accepted.

Zosimo A. Gulle Memorial National High School

Table XXII

Analysis of Variance among the Different Dimensions of Instructional

Practices used by Zosimo A. Gulle Memorial National High School
Mathematics Teachers
Teacher X1 X12 X2 X22 X3 X32 X4 X42

30 3.07 9.4249 2.92 8.5264 3 9 3.14 9.8596

31 3.5 12.25 3 9 3 9 3.43 11.7649

32 2.64 6.9696 2.25 5.0625 2.17 4.7089 2.57 6.6049

33 3.36 11.2896 2.83 8.0089 2.83 8.0089 3.43 11.7649

34 3.86 14.8996 3.75 14.0625 3.5 12.25 3.71 13.7641

Sum 16.43 54.8337 14.75 44.6603 14.5 42.9678 16.28 53.7584

Mean 3.29 2.95 2.90 3.256

Sources of Degrees of Sum of Mean F-Value

Variation Freedom Squares Squares Computed Tabular
Between Groups 3 0.6071 0.2024 0.8844 3.24
Within Groups 16 3.6610 0.2288

Total 19 4.2681
Result: Insignificant
Decision: Accept Ho

The table shows that the F-computed value of 0.8844 is lesser than the

F-tabular value of 3.24 at 3 and 16 df (0.05). This means that there is no

significant degree of variance among the different dimensions of instructional

practices used by Zosimo A. Guille Memorial High School teachers in teaching

mathematics. The null hypothesis is therefore accepted.

Over-all Analysis of Variance among the Different Dimensions of

Instructional Practices

It was revealed on table XXIII that the F-computed value of 11.5943 is

greater than the F-tabular value of 2.60 at 3 and 132 df (0.05). This means

that there is a significant degree of variance among the different dimensions of

instructional practices. The null hypothesis is therefore rejected.

To determine as to where the difference lies, the data where further

subjected to Scheffe’s Test. It was revealed on Table XXIV below that the

pairings that yield a significant relationship are lesson design implementation

vs. mathematical discourse and sense making, lesson design implementation

vs. task implementation and mathematical discourse and sense making vs.

classroom culture. The rest of the pairings yield an insignificant relationship.

Analysis of Variance among the Different Dimensions of Instructional
Practices in Teaching Mathematics (Over-all)
Teacher X1 X12 X2 X22 X3 X32 X4 X42
1 3.29 10.8241 3 9 3.33 11.0889 3.57 12.7449
2 3.29 10.8241 2.67 7.1289 3.33 11.0889 3.71 13.7641
3 3.86 14.8996 3.5 12.25 3.5 12.25 3.71 13.7641
4 3.93 15.4449 2.75 7.5625 3.67 13.4689 3.71 13.7641
5 3.57 12.7449 3.17 10.0489 3.17 10.0489 3 9
6 3.79 14.3641 2.75 7.5625 2.33 5.4289 2.86 8.1796
7 3.29 10.8241 3.17 10.0489 3.17 10.0489 3.43 11.7649
8 3.71 13.7641 3.33 11.0889 3.67 13.4689 3.14 9.8596
9 3.5 12.25 2.42 5.8564 2.83 8.0089 3.43 11.7649
10 3.36 11.2896 2.92 8.5264 3.33 11.0889 3.43 11.7649

11 3.79 14.3641 3.08 9.4864 3.17 10.0489 3.86 14.8996

12 3.21 10.3041 2.5 6.25 3 9 3.14 9.8596
13 3.07 9.4249 2.75 7.5625 3.33 11.0889 3.86 14.8996
14 3.79 14.3641 3.33 11.0889 3.67 13.4689 3.71 13.7641
15 3.93 15.4449 3.75 14.0625 3.83 14.6689 3.86 14.8996
16 3.64 13.2496 3.17 10.0489 3.33 11.0889 3.71 13.7641
17 3.36 11.2896 2.58 6.6564 3.33 11.0889 3.57 12.7449
18 2.93 8.5849 2.25 5.0625 3 9 3.29 10.8241
19 3.36 11.2896 2.83 8.0089 2.83 8.0089 3 9
20 3.43 11.7649 3 9 3.17 10.0489 3.43 11.7649
21 3.93 15.4449 3.25 10.5625 3.33 11.0889 3.71 13.7641
22 3.43 11.7649 3 9 2.5 6.25 3 9
23 3.86 14.8996 3.67 13.4689 3.5 12.25 3.71 13.7641
24 3.93 15.4449 3.83 14.6689 4 16 3.86 14.8996
25 3.57 12.7449 3.08 9.4864 3 9 3.71 13.7641
26 3.43 11.7649 2.92 8.5264 2.67 7.1289 3.14 9.8596
27 4 16 3.42 11.6964 3.5 12.25 3.57 12.7449
28 4 16 3.67 13.4689 3.5 12.25 3.43 11.7649
29 3.79 14.3641 3.58 12.8164 3.67 13.4689 3.57 12.7449
30 3.07 9.4249 2.92 8.5264 3 9 3.14 9.8596
31 3.5 12.25 3 9 3 9 3.43 11.7649
32 2.64 6.9696 2.25 5.0625 2.17 4.7089 2.57 6.6049
33 3.36 11.2896 2.83 8.0089 2.83 8.0089 3.43 11.7649
34 3.86 14.8996 3.75 14.0625 3.5 12.25 3.71 13.7641
Sum 120.47 430.5721 104.09 324.6555 109.16 356.1558 117.40 408.8562

Mean 3.5432 3.0615 3.2106 3.4529

Sources of Degrees of Sum of Mean F-Value

Variation Freedom Squares Squares Computed Tabular
Between Groups 3 4.9736 1.6579 11.5943 2.60
Within Groups 132 18.8745 0.1430
Total 135 23.8480
Result: Significant
Decision: Reject Ho

Table XXIV
Multiple Comparison of the Different Dimensions of Instructional
Practices Using Scheffe’s Test
Mean Mean (F.05)
Between Dimensions F' Interpretation
1 2 (K-1)

Lesson Design Implementation

3.54 3.05 28.5434 7.8 Significant
Mathematical Discourse and
Sense Making
Lesson Design Implementation
vs. 3.54 3.22 12.1734 7.8 Significant
Task Implementation
Lesson Design Implementation
vs. 3.54 3.45 0.9629 7.8 Insignificant
Classroom Culture
Mathematical Discourse and
Sense Making
3.05 3.22 3.4357 7.8 Insignificant
Task Implementation
Mathematical Discourse and
Sense Making
3.05 3.45 19.0210 7.8 Significant
Classroom Culture
Task Implementation
vs. 3.22 3.45 6..2888 7.8 Insignificant
Classroom Culture



The findings which were presented, analyzed and interpreted in the

preceding chapter are herein summarized which could be the bases for

establishing recommendations.

Statement of the Problem


The primary objective of this study was to determine the instructional

practices in teaching mathematics among the public secondary schools of

Talibon II district, Talibon, Bohol during the school year 2016-2017. The

findings of the study will serve as the basis of formulating recommendations to

address the phenomenon.

Specifically, it is directed towards answering the following sub-

problems: the profile of Mathematics teachers in terms of age, sex, civil status,

highest educational attainment, number of years in teaching and school

assignment; the instructional practices of the teachers in teaching

mathematics among its dimensions – lesson design and implementation,

mathematical discourse and sense making, task implementation and

classroom culture.

The study further sought to discover the degree of relationship between

the profile of the teachers and their instructional practices in teaching

mathematics. It also tried to verify the degree of variance on the instructional

practices in teaching mathematics when the respondents are grouped

together according to their school assignment and the degree of variance in

the different dimensions of instructional practices. Moreover, the significant

results of the analysis of variance were also verified using Scheffe’s test.

Null Hypotheses

The study is also focused towards testing the following null hypotheses:

Ho1: There is no significant degree of relationship between the profile of the

teachers and instructional practices in teaching mathematics.

Ho2: There is no significant degree variance on the instructional practices in

teaching mathematics when the respondents are grouped together

according to their school assignment.

Ho3: There is no significant degree of variance in the different dimensions of

instructional practices in teaching mathematics.

Research Design

The researcher made use of the descriptive normative survey method

of research in data gathering using a questionnaire patterned from the

standard tool of Dr. Yasemin Copur Gencturk for the Study of Teacher’s

Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching, Instructional Practices, and Student

Outcomes, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois. It employed the purpose-

universal technique. The method is purposive since it intentionally chose

public secondary school teachers who are teaching mathematics subject. It is

universal because all public secondary school teachers of Talibon II district,

Talibon, Bohol handling mathematics subject were considered as

respondents. It utilized descriptive survey questionnaires which determined

the respondents’ profile and their instructional practices.


Presented below are the findings of the study based on the data


Profile of the Teachers. In terms of age, thirteen (38.24%) of the

teachers were 21-25 years old, nine (26.47%) were 26-30 years old, three

(8.82%) were 36-40 years old, another three (8.82%) were 41-45 years old,

two (5.88%) were 31-35 years old, another two (5.88%) were 46-50 years old,

one (2.94%) was 51-55 years old, and another one (2.94%) was aged 56 and

above. As to sex, twenty five (73.53%) were female while nine (26.47%) were

male. It was also found out that nineteen (55.88%) were single, thirteen

(38.24%) were married, one (2.94%) was widowed, and another one (2.94%)

was separated.

As to highest educational attainment, thirteen teachers (38.24%) have

acquired master’s units while eleven (26.47%) got their master’s degree, ten

(29.41) have attained bachelor’s degree, one (2.94%) has acquired doctoral

units, and one (2.94%) has gained doctor’s degree. As to the number of years

in teaching, nineteen teachers (55.88%) were teaching for 5 year and below

(11.76%) were teaching less than a year, three (8.82%) were teaching eleven

to fifteen years and another three (8.82%) were teaching around twenty one to

twenty five years. It is followed by two teachers (5.88%) who were teaching for

six to ten years and another two (5.88%) who were teaching for sixteen to

twenty years. Lastly there is only one teacher (2.94%) who was teaching for

around twenty six to thirty years.


It was also found out that eleven Mathematics teachers (32.35%) were

assigned in San Jose National High School, six (17.65%) were assigned in

Calituban High School, five (14.71%) were assigned in Ponciana E. Leoligao

High School, another five (14.71%) were assigned in Zosimo A. Gulle

Memorial National High School, four (11.76%) were assigned in by Cataban

Integrated School, and only three (8.8%) were assigned in Mayor Catalino Y.

Casoyla Memorial High School.

Teachers’ Level of Lesson Design and Implementation. Teachers’

level of lesson design and implementation has a composite mean of 3.54

which is interpreted as Highly Practiced. It is very remarkable to say that all

the items in this dimension of instructional practices have weighted means

which are interpreted as Highly Practiced. Items 7, 11 and 4 have the highest

weighted means of 3.88, 3.79 and 3.76 respectively. Item 7 which has the

highest weighted mean indicates that the teachers appeared confident in their

ability to teach mathematics. Items 11 and 4 imply that the teachers are

flexible and able to take advantage of teachable moments during discussion

and the instructional objectives of their lesson were clear and they are able to

clearly articulate what mathematical ideas and/or procedures that students

were expected to learn.

In contrast, items 10, 3 and 2 have the lowest weighted means of 3.35,

3.29 and 3.26 respectively but still understood as Highly Practiced. This

means that the pace of teachers’ lesson is appropriate for the developmental

level/needs of the students and the lesson’s purpose. This also suggests that

the teachers’ lesson has a problem/investigation-centered structure and the

design of their lesson incorporates tasks, roles, and interactions consistent

with investigative mathematics.

The composite mean of 3.54 in the first dimension of instructional

practices which is interpreted as Highly Practiced implies that the teachers are

careful in planning the lesson by making the instructional objectives clear thus

making them confident and flexible in teaching mathematics to the students.

Furthermore, teachers were able to create a problem-centered instruction and

make appropriate connections to other areas of mathematics.

Teachers’ Level of Mathematical Discourse and Sense Making.

Teachers’ mathematical discourse and sense making has a composite mean

of 3.05 which is taken as Moderately Practiced. Based on the indicators, items

11, 12 and 5 have the highest weighted means of 3.56, 3.50 and 3.41

respectively, which are all interpreted as Highly Practiced. This means that the

teachers engage their students in meaning making at the end of the

instruction, they are able to productively review mathematics in students’

responses, their students share observations and students listened intently

and actively to the ideas and/or procedures of others for the purpose of

understanding someone’s method of reasoning.


The three least rated items are 7, 6 and 1 which have weighted means

of 2.79, 2.76 and 2.68 respectively, which are all interpreted as Moderately

Practiced. This indicates that students often defend their mathematical ideas

and/or procedures, drew upon variety of methods to represent and

communicate their mathematical ideas and/or procedures, and they often ask

questions to clarify their understandings of mathematical ideas and/or


The interpretation of Moderately Practiced on the composite mean of

the Mathematics teachers’ level of mathematical discourse and sense making

entails that the students are able to evaluate their learning on mathematical

ideas and procedures thus allowing them to be more engaged in meaning

making at the end of the activity/instruction.

Teachers’ Level of Task implementation. Teachers’ level of task

implementation has a composite mean of 3.22, interpreted as Moderately

Practiced. Based on the factors, items 1, 6 and 5 have the biggest weighted

means of 3.71, 3.59 and 3.44 respectively, which are all interpreted as Highly

Practiced. This means that the teachers give tasks which are focused on

understanding of important and relevant mathematical concepts, processes

and relationship. It is motivating to note that teachers give tasks which

encourage students to think beyond the immediate problem and make

connections to other related mathematical concepts, and they encouraged


students to employ multiple representations and tools to support their learning,

ideas and/or procedures.

The three smallest rated factors are items 4, 3 and 2 which have

composite means of 3.15, 2.94 and 2.47. Items 4 and 3 are interpreted as

Moderately Practiced while item 2 is construed to be Slightly Practiced. This

means that the teachers often give tasks which encouraged students to

search for multiple solution strategies and which successfully created

mathematically productive disequilibrium among students. In addition to that,

the teachers rarely give tasks which stimulate complex, non-algorithmic


The interpretation of Moderately Practiced on the composite mean of

the teachers’ level of task implementation implies that teachers provide tasks

that would develop students’ critical thinking skills and enhance students

understanding of mathematical concepts and processes.

Teachers’ Level of Classroom Culture. Teachers’ level of classroom culture

has a composite mean of 3.49 which is interpreted as Highly Practiced. Based

on the indicators, items 5, 1 and 2 have the highest weighted means of 3.82,

3.79 and 3.74 correspondingly, which are all interpreted as Highly Practiced.

This means that teachers treated wrong answers as worthwhile learning

opportunities, active participation of their students was encouraged and valued

and they respect students’ ideas, questions and contributions.


The three lowest valued items are 3, 7 and 6 which are interpreted as

Highly Practiced and Moderately Practiced. This result recommended that

interactions frequently reflected a productive working relationship among their

students, there is a pleasant classroom climate which encouraged students to

engage in a mathematical discourse and students are often willing to openly

discuss there thinking and reasoning.

The interpretation of Highly Practiced on the composite mean of the

Mathematics teachers’ level of classroom culture denotes that there is

productive interaction inside the classroom since active participation is

encouraged and students are engage to mathematical discourse. However, it

is important to note that students were occasionally open to discuss their

thinking and reasoning.

Teachers’ Level of Instructional Practices in Teaching Mathematics. In

the teachers’ level of instructional practices in mathematics, teacher 24, 15

and 34 have the greatest composite means of 3.90, 3.84 and 3.71 respectively

which are all understood as Highly Practiced. This means that the teachers

effectively and efficiently present the lesson to the class; students are

engaged in meaning making and understand mathematical ideas and

procedures which lead them to justify their learning. This result also assumes

that the teachers give tasks which encouraged students to search for multiple

solution strategies and think beyond the immediate problem and there is a

conducive classroom climate where students’ participation is encouraged.


Teacher 6, 18 and 32 got the least composite means of 2.93, 2.87 and

2.41 respectively which are taken as Moderately Practiced and Slightly

Practiced. This signifies that teachers often incorporate tasks, roles and

interactions consistent with investigative mathematics; they often probe

mathematics in students’ responses and occasionally give tasks which

encourage students to employ multiple representations and tools to support

their learning. Likewise students’ participation is often encouraged which leads

to discussing their thinking and reasoning habitually.

The over-all composite mean of 3.32 which is interpreted as Highly

Practiced directs that teachers are confident and flexible in teaching

mathematics to their students, able to create a problem-centered instruction,

make appropriate connections to other areas of mathematics. It also implies

that teachers were able to let their students evaluate their learning on

mathematical ideas and procedures thus allowing them to be more engaged in

meaning making at the end of the activity. In addition, teachers provide tasks

that would develop students’ critical thinking skills and enhance students

understanding of mathematical concepts and processes. When it comes to

classroom, there is a productive interaction since active participation is

encouraged and students are engage to mathematical discourse but students

occasionally open to discuss their thinking and reasoning.

Relationship Between Teachers’ Age and Level of Instructional Practices

in Teaching Mathematics. There is no significant relationship between


teachers’ age and level of instructional practices in teaching mathematics. This

was attested by the computed chi-square value of 13.5197 which is lesser

than the chi-square critical value of 23.685 at 14 df (0.05). The null hypothesis

was therefore accepted.

This implies that teachers’ age do not affect their level of instructional

practices in teaching mathematics. This is parallel to the study of Shirley M.

Yates (2006) of the Flinders University where she found out that teacher’s age

is not significantly related to their teaching practices.

Relationship Between Teachers’ Sex and Level of Instructional Practices

in Teaching Mathematics. Through Chi-square Test, it was established that

there is no significant relationship between teachers’ sex and level of

instructional practices in teaching mathematics. This was confirmed by the

computed chi-square value of 1.4607 is lesser than the chi-square critical

value of 5.991 at 2 df (0.05). This leads to the acceptance of the null

hypothesis which means that there is no significant relationship between

teachers’ sex and level of instructional practice in teaching mathematics.

It was found out that 7 males and 14 females landed in Highly Practiced

Category, 2 males and one female fell in Moderately Practiced Category, only

1 female settled in Slightly Practiced Category and no one belong to Never

Practiced Category. This suggests that sex has no bearing on the teachers’

level of instructional practices in teaching mathematics.


This result is of great resemblance to the finding of Friend (2006) which

found out that teacher’s sex did not have a significant impact on their

instructional practices. Likewise, according to Johannesson (2004), there is no

evidence that male teachers did any better than female teacher in regards to

their instructional practices specifically in administering discipline. This finding

is also in line with Kong (2008) who declared that there is no relationship

between teachers’ sex and their effectiveness as teachers.

However, the studies of Arbuckle and Williams (2003) declared that

male teachers perform better than female teachers in their instructional

practices especially in areas asserting authority and using meaningful voice

tones during teaching. This is still in contrast with the study conducted by

Mwamwenda and Mwamwenda (2002). For them female teachers performed

better than their male counterparts.

Relationship Between Teachers’ Civil Status and Level of Instructional

Practices in Teaching Mathematics. It was revealed through the Chi-square

Test that there is no significant relationship between civil status and level of

instructional practices in teaching mathematics. This was supported by the

computed chi-square value of 7.3349 which is lesser than the chi-square

critical value of 12.592 at 6 df (0.05). This leads to the approval of the null


There are 8 singles, 11 married, 1 widowed, and 1 separated who

landed in Highly Practiced Category. There are 10 singles and 2 married who

fell in Moderately Practiced Category, 1 single who fell in Slightly Practiced

Category and no one settled in Never Practiced Category. It entails that

teachers’ civil status does not affect their instructional practices in teaching


Relationship Between Teachers’ Highest Educational Attainment and

Level of Instructional Practices in Teaching Mathematics. The finding

shows a significant relationship between teachers’ highest educational

attainment and level of instructional practices in teaching mathematics. This

was proven by the computed chi-square value of 9.5427 which is closer but

greater than the chi-square value of 9.488 at 4 df (0.05). The null hypothesis

was therefore rejected.

This suggests that the teachers’ highest educational attainment

affect their instructional practices in teaching mathematics. It seems that

teachers with higher educational attainment have better instructional practices

compared to teachers with lower educational attainment.

Relationship Between Teachers’ Number of Years in Teaching and Level

of Instructional Practices in Teaching Mathematics. From the tabulation,

the obtained chi-square value of 10.0663 happens to be lesser than the chi-

square critical value of 18.307 at 10 df (0.05) thus, the null hypothesis is

accepted. The result showed that there was an insignificant relationship


between teachers’ number of years in teaching and level of instructional

practices in teaching mathematics.

It was found out that 23 teachers were teaching within 1-5 years, 10

teachers fell in Highly Practiced Category, 12 landed in Moderately Practiced

Category, and only 1 fell in Slightly Practiced Category. Two teachers were

teaching within 6-10 years landed in Highly Practiced Category, 3 teachers

were teaching within 11-15 years fell in Highly Practiced Category, 2 teachers

were teaching within 16-20 years landed in Highly Practiced Category, 3

teachers were teaching within 21-25 years fell in Highly Practiced Category,

and only 1 teacher was teaching within 26-30 settled in Highly Practiced

Category. It infers that the number of years in teaching has no bearing on

teachers’ level of instructional practices in teaching mathematics.

Relationship Between Teachers’ School Assignment and Level of

Instructional Practices in Teaching Mathematics. There is no significant

connection between teachers’ school assignment and level of instructional

practices in teaching mathematics. This was attested by the computed chi-

square value of 8.8036 which is lesser than the chi-square critical value of

18.307 at 10 df (0.05). This leads to the recognition of the null hypothesis.

It was revealed that there among the 6 Mathematics teachers in

Calituban High School, 4 landed in Highly Practiced and 2 settled in

Moderately Practiced Category. Out of the 4 Mathematics teachers in Cataban


Integrated School, 3 fell in Highly Practiced and only one landed in Moderately

Practiced Category. Among the 3 Mathematics teachers in Mayor Catalino Y.

Casoyla Memorial High School, 2 settled under Highly Practiced and only 1

landed in Moderately Practiced Category. Ponciana E. Leoligao High School

has 5 Mathematics teachers, 3 under Highly Practiced and 2 Moderately

Practiced Category. The independent public school in Talibon II district which

is San Jose National High School has 11 Mathematics teachers, 8 fell under

Highly Practiced and 3 landed in Moderately Practiced Category. Lastly,

Zosimo A. Gulle Memorial National high School has 5 Mathematics teachers,

only 1 settled in Highly Practiced, 3 landed in Moderately Practiced and 1 fell

in Slightly Practiced Category.

Analysis of Variance among the Different Dimensions of Instructional

Practices in Teaching Mathematics

Calituban High School. There is a significant degree of variance among the

different dimensions of instructional practices in teaching mathematics used by

Calituban High School teachers. This was confirmed by the F-computed value

of 3.3418 which happens to be greater than the F-tabular value of 3.10 at 3

and 20 df (0.05). The null hypothesis is therefore rejected and the data were

further subjected to Scheffe’s Test to determine as to where the difference lies

among the dimensions.


Furthermore, it was found out that no computed value was greater than

the F-tabular value of 3.10 (F.05) multiplied by 3 (K-1) which was 9.3.

Probable reason for this is the closeness of the F-computed value (3.3418)

and F-tabular value (3.10). Though there is a significant degree of variance, to

determine as to where the difference lies among these dimensions cannot be

further recognize.

Cataban Integrated School. The finding shows an insignificant degree of

variance among the different dimensions of instructional practices in teaching

mathematics used by Cataban Integrated School teachers. This agrees to the

rejection of the null hypothesis. This result was supported by the F-computed

value of 2.2529 which is lesser than the F-tabular value of 3.49 at 3 and 12 df


Mayor Catalino Y. Casoyla Memorial High School. It was revealed that the

F-computed value of 3.5099 is lesser than the F-tabular value of 4.07 at 3 and

8 df (0.05). This means that there is no significant degree of variance among

the different dimensions of instructional practices in teaching mathematics

used by Mayor Catalino Y. Casoyla Memorial High School teachers. This

leads to the approval of the null hypothesis.

Ponciana E. Leoligao High School. There is no significant degree of

variance among the different dimensions of instructional practices in teaching

mathematics used by Ponciana E. Leoligao High School teachers. This was


proven by the F-computed value of 2.1677 which is lesser than the F-tabular

value of 3.24 at 3 and 16 df (0.05). Thus the null hypothesis is accepted.

San Jose National High School. There is an insignificant degree of variance

among the different dimensions of instructional practices in teaching

mathematics used by San Jose National High School teachers. This was

attested by the F-computed value of 0.3502 which is lesser than the F-tabular

value of 4.31 at 3 and 40 df (0.05). This leads to the acceptance of the null


Zosimo A. Gulle Memorial National High School. It was found out that the

F-computed value of 0.8844 is lesser than the F-tabular value of 3.24 at 3 and

16 df (0.05). This means that there is no significant degree of variance among

the different dimensions of instructional practices in teaching mathematics

used by Zosimo A. Guille Memorial High School teachers. Thus, the null

hypothesis is accepted.

Over-all Analysis of Variance among the Different Dimensions of

Instructional Practices. There is a significant degree of variance among the

different dimensions of instructional practices in teaching mathematics. It was

attested by the F-computed value of 11.5943 which is greater than the F-

tabular value of 2.60 at 3 and 132 df (0.05). This leads to rejection of the null

hypothesis. To determine as to where the difference lies, the data where

further subjected to Scheffe’s Test. It was revealed that the pairings that yield

a significant relationship are lesson design implementation vs. mathematical

discourse and sense making, lesson design implementation vs. task

implementation and mathematical discourse and sense making vs. classroom

culture. The rest of the pairings yield an insignificant relationship.


Based on the findings of the study, the researcher arrived at the

following conclusions:

1. Majority of the teachers-respondents are females, singles, and their

ages usually ranges from twenty one to twenty five years old. This

suggests that most of them are fresh graduates from college. As to their

educational attainment and number of years in teaching, acquiring

master’s units and teaching within one to five years gained the most

number of respondents. The most number of respondents are teaching

in San Jose National High School which has the most number of

teachers in Talibon II district.

2. The teachers have highly practiced level of lesson design and

implementation. They always design lessons which reflect careful

planning and organization, incorporate tasks, roles, and interactions

consistent with investigative mathematics, their lesson design provides

opportunities for student discourse, and they constantly portray

mathematics as a dynamic body of knowledge. They also appear


confident in their ability to teach mathematics, flexible and able to take

advantage of the teachable moments, and they are able to create

appropriate connections to other areas of mathematics.

3. The teachers have moderately practiced level of mathematical

discourse and sense making. They habitually review mathematic in

students’ responses and their students often evaluate their learning on

mathematical ideas and procedures thus allowing them to be more

engaged in meaning making at the end of the activity/instruction.

4. The teachers have moderately practiced level of task implementation.

Teachers consistently give tasks which encourage students to think

beyond the immediate problem and make connections to other related

mathematical concepts. In contrast, they seldom give tasks which

stimulate complex, non-algorithmic thinking.

5. The teachers have moderately practiced level of classroom culture.

There is a positive interaction inside the classroom since active

participation is encouraged. However, students were seldom open to

discuss their thinking and reasoning.

6. The teachers have highly practiced level of instructional practices. They

are confident and flexible in teaching mathematics to their students,

able to create a problem-centered instruction, able to let their students

evaluate their learning on mathematical ideas, In addition, they provide

tasks that would develop students’ critical thinking skills and enhance

students understanding of mathematical concepts and processes.

There is a pleasant climate inside the classroom but sometimes

students are afraid to discuss their ideas on a mathematical concept.

7. There is no significant degree of relationship between teachers’ age

and level of instructional practices. Meaning, teachers’ age has no

influence on their levels of instructional practices in teaching


8. There is no significant degree of relationship between teachers’ sex

and level of instructional practices. So, teachers’ sex has no effect on

their levels of instructional practices in teaching mathematics.

9. There is no significant degree of relationship between teachers’ civil

status and level of instructional practices. Thus, teachers’ civil status

has no bearing on their levels of instructional practices in teaching


10. There is a significant degree of relationship between teachers’ highest

educational attainment and level of instructional practices. Therefore,

teachers’ highest educational attainment influences their levels of

instructional practices in teaching mathematics in a manner that

teachers with higher educational attainment have better instructional

practices compared to teachers with lower educational attainment.

11. There is no significant degree of relationship between teachers’ number

of years in teaching and level of instructional practices. This means that


teachers’ number of years in teaching has no influence on their levels

of instructional practices in teaching mathematics.

12. There is no significant degree of relationship between teachers’ school

assignment and level of instructional practices. So, teachers’ school

assignment has no impact on their levels of instructional practices in

teaching mathematics.

13. Statistical computations revealed that there was a significant degree of

variance among the four dimensions of instructional practices in

teaching mathematics used by Calituban High School teachers and the

over-all computation while there was an insignificant degree of variance

among the four dimensions of instructional practices in teaching

mathematics used by Cataban Integrated School, Mayor Catalino Y.

Casoyla Memorial High School, Ponciana E. Leoligao High School, San

Jose National High School and Zosimo A. Gulle Memorial National High

School teachers.


Based on the findings and conclusions drawn, the following

recommendations are offered:

1. It is proposed that the findings of this study be presented to school

authorities, teachers, parents for information, reflection, and decision-


2. The administrators and teachers are encouraged to design and

implement any program that would target on enhancing mathematics

instructional practices.

3. There should be more seminars and trainings with regards to upgrading

teachers’ pedagogical skills and practices in teaching mathematics.

4. Mathematics Area Supervisors are suggested to include updated

effective strategies in facilitating mathematics learning as well as their

practices in teaching during in-service trainings.

5. As much as possible, Mathematics teachers are encouraged to give

tasks which stimulate complex and no-algorithmic thinking.

6. Mathematics teachers must give ample time for students to explain,

justify, and defend their mathematical ideas or procedures.

7. Mathematics teachers should give encouragements to openly discuss

their ideas and share their observations.

8. Mathematics teachers should provide truthful appreciation to students

every time they share their thoughts and views about certain

mathematical concepts, ideas or procedures, and perform a specific


9. Mathematics teachers should connect the lesson to other areas of math

or to other disciplines, and relate mathematics to real life situations.

Everyday applications will help them realize that mathematics is a

practical and useful discipline.


10. Mathematics teachers must provide more practices or drills to students.

11. Mathematics teachers should encourage students to draw on a variety

of methods (verbal, visual, numerical, algebraic, and graphical) to

represent and communicate their mathematical ideas or procedures.

12. Mathematics teachers are encouraged to give tasks which encouraged

students to search for multiple solution strategies and employ multiple

representations and tools to support students’ learning.

13. A parallel study may be conducted using larger and other groups of

respondents and focusing on other variables such as teaching

strategies, teacher’s beliefs, and mathematical knowledge.


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University of Bohol
Graduate School and Professional Studies

January 28, 2017


Director, Graduate School and Professional Studies
University of Bohol

Dear Dr. Tirol:

I am Jo Marie Garcia currently enrolled in Thesis Writing 1 for the 2 nd semester of

academic year 2016-2017. I am pursuing the Master of Arts in Teaching Mathematics
program. I am asking approval from your office on my research titled “Instructional

Practices in Teaching Mathematics among the Public Secondary Schools of Talibon II

District, Talibon, Bohol during the School Year 2016-2017.”
In accordance to this academic requirement, may I further ask Dr. Buenaventurada D.
Libot to be my appointed Thesis Adviser to help and guide me the research process
of my approved study which is a terminal requirement for this degree.

I am hoping for your favorable response over this request.

Respectfully yours,



Noted by:

(Sgd.) GLENN R. ANDRIN, Ed. D., Ph. D.

Thesis Supervisor

Approved by:


Director, Graduate School and Professional Studies

(certified true copy)


University of Bohol
Graduate School and Professional Studies

March 27, 2017

School In-Charge
Calituban High School
Calituban, Talibon, Bohol


I am presently conducting my thesis titled “INSTRUCTIONAL PRACTICES IN

2017” as a requirement for the degree of Master of Arts in Teaching Mathematics.

In this connection, I would like to ask permission from your good office to conduct this
study in your school. I am assuring your office that utmost confidentiality will be
observed pertinent to obtained data.

I would gladly provide your office a copy of the research findings for your reference.

Hoping for a positive response to this request as it would be tantamount to the

success of this endeavour. Thank you very much and God bless.

Very truly yours,



Thesis Adviser


Director, Graduate School and Professional Studies

(certified true copy)


University of Bohol
Graduate School and Professional Studies

March 27, 2017


Elementary School Principal I
Cataban Integrated School
Cataban, Talibon, Bohol


I am presently conducting my thesis titled “INSTRUCTIONAL PRACTICES IN

2017” as a requirement for the degree of Master of Arts in Teaching Mathematics.

In this connection, I would like to ask permission from your good office to conduct this
study in your school. I am assuring your office that utmost confidentiality will be
observed pertinent to obtained data.

I would gladly provide your office a copy of the research findings for your reference.

Hoping for a positive response to this request as it would be tantamount to the

success of this endeavour. Thank you very much and God bless.

Very truly yours,



Thesis Adviser


Director, Graduate School and Professional Studies

(certified true copy)


University of Bohol
Graduate School and Professional Studies

March 27, 2017

Secondary School Principal I
Mayor Catalino Y. Casoyla Memorial High School
Suba, Talibon, Bohol


I am presently conducting my thesis titled “INSTRUCTIONAL PRACTICES IN

2017” as a requirement for the degree of Master of Arts in Teaching Mathematics.

In this connection, I would like to ask permission from your good office to conduct this
study in your school. I am assuring your office that utmost confidentiality will be
observed pertinent to obtained data.

I would gladly provide your office a copy of the research findings for your reference.

Hoping for a positive response to this request as it would be tantamount to the

success of this endeavour. Thank you very much and God bless.

Very truly yours,



Thesis Adviser


Director, Graduate School and Professional Studies

(certified true copy)


University of Bohol
Graduate School and Professional Studies

March 27, 2017

Head Teacher III
Ponciana E. Leoligao High School
San Francisco, Talibon, Bohol


I am presently conducting my thesis titled “INSTRUCTIONAL PRACTICES IN

2017” as a requirement for the degree of Master of Arts in Teaching Mathematics.

In this connection, I would like to ask permission from your good office to conduct this
study in your school. I am assuring your office that utmost confidentiality will be
observed pertinent to obtained data.

I would gladly provide your office a copy of the research findings for your reference.

Hoping for a positive response to this request as it would be tantamount to the

success of this endeavour. Thank you very much and God bless.

Very truly yours,



Thesis Adviser


Director, Graduate School and Professional Studies

(certified true copy)


University of Bohol
Graduate School and Professional Studies

March 27, 2017

Secondary School Principal IV
San Jose National High School
San Jose, Talibon, Bohol


I am presently conducting my thesis titled “INSTRUCTIONAL PRACTICES IN

2017” as a requirement for the degree of Master of Arts in Teaching Mathematics.

In this connection, I would like to ask permission from your good office to conduct this
study in your school. I am assuring your office that utmost confidentiality will be
observed pertinent to obtained data.

I would gladly provide your office a copy of the research findings for your reference.

Hoping for a positive response to this request as it would be tantamount to the

success of this endeavour. Thank you very much and God bless.

Very truly yours,



Thesis Adviser


Director, Graduate School and Professional Studies

(certified true copy)


University of Bohol
Graduate School and Professional Studies

March 27, 2017

Secondary School Principal I
Zosimo A. Gulle Memorial National High School
Bagacay, Talibon, Bohol


I am presently conducting my thesis titled “INSTRUCTIONAL PRACTICES IN

2017” as a requirement for the degree of Master of Arts in Teaching Mathematics.

In this connection, I would like to ask permission from your good office to conduct this
study in your school. I am assuring your office that utmost confidentiality will be
observed pertinent to obtained data.

I would gladly provide your office a copy of the research findings for your reference.

Hoping for a positive response to this request as it would be tantamount to the

success of this endeavour. Thank you very much and God bless.

Very truly yours,



Thesis Adviser


Director, Graduate School and Professional Studies

(certified true copy)


University of Bohol
Graduate School and Professional Studies

Dear Respondents,


I am presently conducting my thesis titled “INSTRUCTIONAL PRACTICES IN

2017”” as a requirement for the degree of Master of Arts in Teaching Mathematics.

The purpose of this study is to assess your instructional practices in teaching

mathematics. Also, this study will help you undertake significant adjustments in
teaching and will serve as guide or reference for the improvement of classroom

In line with this, I would respectfully ask you to answer this questionnaire. Rest
assured that your answers will be handled effectively and treated with utmost

Your cooperation is highly appreciated.

Thank you and God bless!

Very truly yours,





Thesis Adviser


Director, Graduate School and Professional Studies

(certified true copy)


University of Bohol

Graduate School and Professional Studies


Name : Jo Marie Garcia

Date : March 12, 2017


Time : 3:00 in the afternoon

Venue : Office of the Director, Professional Studies

Adviser : Buenaventurada D. Libot, Ph. D.

Panel : Jerome Magallen, Ph. D.

Glenn R. Andrin, Ed. D., Ph. D., (Chairman)


Director, Graduate School and Professional Studies

(certified true copy)


University of Bohol

Graduate School and Professional Studies


Name : Jo Marie Garcia

Date : September , 2017


Time : ____ in the afternoon

Venue : Office of the Director, Professional Studies

Adviser : Buenaventurada D. Libot, Ph. D.

Panel : Godofreda O. Tirol, Ph. D. (Chairman)


Director, Graduate School and Professional Studies

(certified true copy)


Instruction: Please put a check mark ( √ ) on the box provided and fill in the
blanks with the appropriate information. Your answers will be kept strictly
confidential and will not be identified by name.

Part I: Demographic Profile

Name (Optional): ___________________________
Age : _____
Sex : Male Female
Civil Status:

Highest Educational Attainment:
Bachelor’s Degree
Acquired Master’s Units
Master’s Degree
Acquired Doctoral Units
Doctor’s Degree
Number of Years in Teaching: ________________
School Assignment: ____________________________________

Part II.
by: Dr. Yasemin Copur Gencturk of Illinois University

This questionnaire is designed to help us gain a better understanding of

the different dimensions of instructional practices in mathematics. Please
indicate your opinions about each of the statements below by checking the
appropriate response.

Description Meaning Equivalent

Always The condition is felt at all times 4
Sometimes The condition is felt at certain times 3
Rarely The condition is seldom felt 2
Never The condition is never felt 1

A. Lesson Design and Always Sometimes Rarely Never

Implementation 4 3 2 1
1. The design of my lesson reflected
careful planning and organization.
2. The design of my lesson

incorporated tasks, roles, and

interactions consistent with
investigative mathematics.
3. My lesson had a
structure (e.g. I launched a
problem/investigation and I led a
synthesizing discussion).
4. The instructional objectives of my
lesson were clear and I was able to
clearly articulate what mathematical
ideas and/or procedures that students
were expected to learn.
5. My lesson design provided
opportunities for student discourse
around important concepts in
6. I portrayed mathematics as a
dynamic body of knowledge
continually enriched by conjecture,
investigation analysis, and/or
7. I appeared confident in my ability
to teach mathematics.
8. My instructional strategies were
consistent with investigative
9. My questioning strategies for
eliciting student thinking promoted
discourse around important concepts
in mathematics.
10. The pace of my lesson was
appropriate for the developmental
level/needs of the students and the
purpose of the lesson.
11. I am flexible and able to take
advantage of “teachable moments,”
(including building from students’
ideas – both mathematical and non-
12. My classroom management
style/strategies enhanced the quality
of the lesson.
13. The vast majority of my students

were engaged in the lesson and

remained on task.
14. I create appropriate connections
to other areas of mathematics, to
other disciplines, and/or to real-world
B. Mathematical Discourse and
1. My students asked questions to
clarify their understanding of
mathematical ideas or procedures.
Logistical questions – “may I sharpen
my pencil?” don’t count.
2. My students shared their
3. My students explained
mathematical ideas and/or
4. My students justified mathematical
ideas and/or procedures.
5. My students listened intently and
actively to the ideas and/or
procedures of others for the purpose
of understanding someone’s methods
or reasoning.
6. My students challenged each
other’s and their own ideas that did
not seem valid.
7. My students defended their
mathematical ideas and/or
8. My students determine the
correctness/sensibility of an idea
and/or procedure based on the
reasoning presented.
9. My students made generalizations,
or made generalized conjectures
regarding mathematical ideas and
10. My students drew upon a variety
of methods (verbal, visual, numerical,
algebraic, graphical, etc.) to represent
and communicate their mathematical
ideas and/or procedures.

11. I and my students engaged in

meaning making at the end of the
activity/instruction. (There was a
synthesis or discussion about what
was intended to be learned from
doing the activity.)
12. I productively probed/“pushed on”
the mathematics in students’
responses (including both correct and
incorrect responses).
C. Task Implementation
1. I give tasks which are focused on
understanding of important and
relevant mathematical concepts,
processes, and relationship.
2. I give tasks which stimulated
complex, non-algorithmic thinking.
3. I give tasks which successfully
created mathematically productive
disequilibrium among students.
4. I give tasks which encouraged
students to search for multiple
solution strategies and to recognize
task constraints that may limit
solution possibilities.
5. I give tasks which encouraged
students to employ multiple
representation and tools to support
their learning, ideas and/or
6. I give tasks which encouraged
students to think beyond the
immediate problem and make
connections to other related
mathematical concepts.
D. Classroom Culture
1. Active participation of all my
students was encouraged and
2. I displayed respect for students’
ideas, questions, and contributions.
3. Interactions reflected a productive
working relationship among my

4. Interactions reflected a
collaborative working relationship
between me and the students.
5. I treated wrong answers as
worthwhile learning opportunities.
6. My students were willing to openly
discuss their thinking and reasoning.
7. The classroom climate encouraged
my students to engage in
mathematical discourse.

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