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Received: 2016-01-26 Accepted: 2016-06-03

Applying Total Quality Management Tools Using QFD at Higher Edu-

cation Institutions in Gulf Area (Case Study: ALHOSN University).

Al-Bashir, Adnan a*
Industrial Engineering Department. The Hashemite University

Abstract: Human power’s quality plays the key role in the growth and development of societies where
the quality of human powers can be enriched with the high quality education provided by the higher edu -
cation institutions. The higher education institutions are hereby an important sector of any society since it
defines the overall quality of human lives. This research will investigate the application of Total Quality
Management (TQM) tools at the higher education institutions; specifically at ALHOSN University. In
this study five tools were implemented at ALHOSN University’s engineering college including: Quality
Function Deployment, Affinity Diagrams, Tree Diagrams, Pareto Charts, and Fishbone Diagrams. The re-
search will reveal that the implementation of TQM tools has a great benefit for higher education institu-
tions where they have uncovered many area of potential improvement as well as the main causes of some
of the problems the Faculty of Engineering is facing. Also, it will show that the implementation of TQM
tools on higher education institution systems will enhance the performance of such institutions.
Keywords: Quality function Deployment, Higher education, Total Quality Management

1 Introduction achieve defined objectives and goals in their

academic, research, and community develop-
The construction of a modern and knowledge-
ment aspects. This has given the institutions’
able society requires governments to draw their
achievements in science, technology, and ser-
attention on the type of education provided to
vices a high importance because of the benefits
their society. This would certainly require gov-
such achievements have on graduates and soci-
ernments to devote their efforts and resources in
ety which puts higher education institutions un-
achieving an educational system of high quality.
der more pressure to enhance their abilities in
Governments around the world are trying to de-
adaptation and development in respect with the
velop strong relationships between the educa-
fast development in both education and technol-
tion sector and the society (Zaman, K. 2016).
ogy (Abou Chahine et a. 2008)
One of the ways in which educational systems
at higher education institutions (HEI) can be de- The usage of such tools would give the higher
veloped and improved is the use and implement educational institution a strong position among
of Total Quality Management (TQM) tools. other educational institutions since it would af-
ford a higher quality educational system in the
Higher education is now a real part of the glob-
competitive field the higher education institu-
alization process in which supply and demand
tion is being competent in. In order to assure
are matched, Qureshei eta. 2014. Higher educa-
that the institution is being competitive enough,
tion institutions are institutions which seek to
total quality management tools allows institu-

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Applying Total Quality Management Tools Using QFD at Higher Education Institutions in Gulf Area (Case Study:
ALHOSN University)

tions to review and assess their performance to Some studies, such as J.Rosa, S.Sarrico and
see whether they follow the required conditions Amaral (2012) study, have agreed on the non-
of learning and teaching (Tarawneh, & applicability of the TQM practices in HEI’s
Mubaslat, 2011). The application of total quality claiming that the difficulty comprises from the
management is done through using qualitative fact that the higher education is a service which
and quantitative tools as means for higher edu- is intangible. On the other hand, many other
cation institutions to assess the performance of studies were against this idea and have highly
the educational institution where they can define supported the idea of implementing TQM prac-
their strengths in order to enhance it and their tices on the HEI’s such as Al-Tarawneh and
weaknesses in order to eliminate them. Besides, Mubaslat (2011) and Abou Chahine, Jammal,
the institution needs to take into consideration Kaissi, and Loutfi (2008). Salameh, Alzyadat
the improvement for the institution over time, and Alnsour (2011) stated in their research that
and compare its performance with the perfor- the traditional administrative methods are no
mance of other local and foreign universities. longer useful for higher education institutions
and it should be replaced by the TQM philoso-
There are many factors that would affect the
phy to improve the performance of the HEI’s.
learning environment and the quality of the ser-
The reason behind the ineffectiveness of the tra-
vices provided by the higher educational institu-
ditional methods stems from environmental
tions. The application of total quality manage-
forces such as growing number of students,
ment at higher education institutions is not an
competition between higher educational institu-
easy task; it consumes lots of time, money and
tions and the flexibility of programs in both
efforts. The total quality management would re-
postgraduate and undergraduate levels which
quire the institution to be fully committed to a
certainly have made the need for effective im-
continuous cycle of improvement and develop-
plementation of quality in higher education
more essential (Najafabadi, Sadeghi, &
As per Tarawnwh & Mubaslat, 2011, applying Habibzadeh, 2008).
the concepts, principles and tools of TQM at
As Abou Chahine, Jammal, Kaissi, and Loutfi
higher education institutions face many prob-
(2008) have showed, the effectiveness of the ed-
lems/obstacles such as the following:
ucational quality would first depend on the
- The difficulty of determining the qual- proper identification of the clients of the HEI’s.
ity of non-tangible educational services Hereby, there are two primary clients: students
in higher education institutions. and other stakeholders such as parents/guidance,
- Most of the higher education institu- business, society, etc; where students are per-
tions focus on introducing and apply- forming a dual role: the role of the client, and
ing several laws and standards to de- the role of the product of higher education.
velop the educational system; however, Salameh, Alzyadat and Alnsour (2011) have de-
little work is done to measure and con- clared that the student satisfaction is the crucial
trol the quality of their system. factor in the success of the higher education and
it must be the focal point in all TQM practices.
- Limited budget and resources
The main objective of this research is to show
the institution or government can afford which the importance of assessing and continuously
leads to the decrement in the performance of the improving the performance of the higher educa-
institutions and the decrement in the quality tional institutions by applying several qualita-
level of its outputs. tive and quantitative TQM tools, and this will
allow determining the areas of potential im-

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Al-Bashir, Adnan

provement and obstacles that it might face

(Tarawneh & Mubaslat 2001).

2 Overview of QFD
A large number of TQM tools are applied in dif-
ferent manufacturing and service disciplines to
improve quality. One of the most common ap-
proaches for assessing quality in higher educa-
tion institutions is the Quality Function Deploy-
ment (QFD). The QFD, which was first devel-
oped by Dr. Yoji Akoa in the 1960’s, is a quan-
titative tool that translates a set of customer re-
quirements into operation requirements to be
met by a new product and process design. The
QFD is applied by using a sort of matrix called
the House of Quality (HOQ) Figure 1, House of Quality

2.1 House of Quality According to Mukaddes, Bagum, Islam, and

Bashar (2010), “Quality Function Deployment
According to Mukaddes, Bagum, Islam, and
helps to maintain a correct focus on true re-
Bashar(2010), “Quality Function Deployment
quirements and minimizes misinterpreting cus-
helps to maintain a correct focus on true re-
tomer needs”. Thus, this matrix allows organi-
quirements and minimizes misinterpreting cus-
zations to prioritize the customer requirements,
tomer needs”. Thus, this matrix allows organi-
identify their position within the market, and
zations to prioritize the customer requirements,
identify their position against other competitors
identify their position within the market, and
(benchmarking). Moreover, Shyamal (2011) has
identify their position against other competitors
stated that relating customer requirements to
(benchmarking). Moreover, Shyamal(2011) has
technical requirements through the QFD support
stated that relating customer requirements to
the idea of work team between design engi-
technical requirements through the QFD support
neers, marketing staff, and manufacturing work-
the idea of work team between design engi-
ers. QFD also support the concept of continuous
neers, marketing staff, and manufacturing work-
improvement since organizations are continu-
ers. QFD also support the concept of continuous
ally required to research and develop in accor-
improvement since organizations are continu-
dance with the changes in customers’ needs and
ally required to research and develop in accor-
the rapid technological changes. Applying QFD
dance with the changes in customers’ needs and
in higher education institutions has hereby
the rapid technological changes. As per
recorded a remarkable success since it is capa-
Qureshei eta. 2012, applying QFD in higher ed-
ble of maintaining a customer oriented service.
ucation institutions has hereby recorded a re-
markable success since it is capable of maintain-
ing a customer oriented service.
3 Methodology
The QFD has been used as a tool of quality as-
sessment and improvement for the Faculty of
Engineering at AlHosn University and as a tool
of benchmarking for some of the higher educa-
tion institutions in the city of Abu Dhabi. The

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Applying Total Quality Management Tools Using QFD at Higher Education Institutions in Gulf Area (Case Study:
ALHOSN University)

QFD was applied by constructing the House of and the market. Hereby, students were encour-
Quality matrix through the following steps: aged to describe their needs in their own words
by having two focus group sessions with both
3.1 Step1: Identification of the cus-
male and female students from the engineering
tomers’ requirements
college at ALHOSN University.
The quality function deployment process starts
3.1.1 Affinity and Tree Diagrams
by identifying the needs and requirements of
customers, or what is called the voice of cus- The students’ and market’s requirements were
tomer, which is certainly considered as the most entered into the customer requirements portion
important step through the QFD process in the House of Quality matrix after construct-
Qureshei eta. 2014. As it has been mentioned ing an Affinity Diagrams as shown in figure 2.
before, any higher educational institution would
have two basic types of customers: the students

Figure 2. Affinity Diagram for Customers' Requirements

4 | Int. J. Prod. Manag. Eng. (2016) 4(2), ppp-ppp Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
Al-Bashir, Adnan

Availability of parking lots

Availability of study rooms

Facility Availability of sport clubs and

Availability of food court

Safer and Advanced Labs

Affordable credit hours fees

Educational Fees Affordable book prices

Scholarships and discounts

Improve research opportunities

Availability of distance learning

More practical experience

Strict exam grading

Qualified faculty

Language and presentation skills

Staff availability

Enhance administrative procedures

Language skills

Communication and presentation skills

Students Skills
Managerial skills

Computer skills
Graduation ceremony

Graduation The ability of solving real-life engineering problems

Relations with local companies and factories




Better Class and

Exam Schedules

Variety of

Figure 3. Customers' Requirements Tree Diagram

The affinity diagram previously shown is one of tionship that is hierarchal between events”
the Total Quality Management tools that is (Breyfogle, 2003, p.124). Such diagram made
aimed to summarize the large number of ideas requirements easily arranged to be directly en-
and issues created at the focus group sessions. tered into the House of Quality.
According to Breyfogle (2003) the affinity dia-
3.2 Step2: Identification of the techni-
grams helps individuals in better understanding
cal requirements.
the essence of the problems and breakthrough
solution alternatives. The requirements were This step deals with the technical specifications
then entered into a Tree Diagram Figure 3, that ALHOSN staff and employees would re-
which is used “to communicate a logical rela- quire through the educational process at the uni-

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Applying Total Quality Management Tools Using QFD at Higher Education Institutions in Gulf Area (Case Study:
ALHOSN University)

versity. At this step, a meeting with academic cal requirements would certainly describe the
and administrative staff from ALHOSN Univer- quality of the university’s products who are the
sity was held in order to clarify how customer students. Following are the technical require-
requirements can be achieved; or what is called ments:
the voice of engineering. Identifying the techni-

Table 1. Technical Requirements

Examination skills
Faculty skills Communication skills
Lecturing skills
Hard-working students
Students’ skills
Active research
Sufficient number of teaching staff
Students: teaching staff ratio
Appropriate size of class
Strong library
Sport activities for students
Facilities Engineering equipments for labs
Bigger campus
Good environment for teaching
Entry exam
Students’ evaluation
Exit exam
Faculty selection criteria for recruitment
Faculty’s evaluation
Evaluation for courses
Encourage students to read -

Educational field trips -

Internship -

Time flexibility for faculty -

Decrease the work-load on faculty -

Financial incentives -

Online procedures -

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Al-Bashir, Adnan

3.3 Step3: Quantifying the relative im- +3 Medium

portance of each of the customer
requirements. +1 Week
At this step, the house of quality deals with
finding out the relative importance of each of
the customer requirements.
3.6 Step6: Identification of the interre-
This has been done through distributing a sur- lationship among the technical re-
vey that has a scale from 1 to 5 where 1 repre-
sents an extremely unimportant requirement and
5 represent an extremely important requirement. This step is responsible for building the roof of
The survey was distributed among customers – the House of Quality, the roof which is also
female students and male students from AL- called the correlation matrix is used to examine
HOSN engineering college and 95 surveys were the interrelationships between the technical re-
collected back. According to the results of the quirements. The interrelationships usually deter-
surveys, an average importance value was cal- mined by the QFD team and expressed by vari-
culated for each of the requirements. ety of symbols such as:

3.4 Step4: Performing benchmarking

assessment of the customer re- Represents a positive re-
quirements lationship
This step performs a benchmarking assessment
between ALHOSN University and two of their Represents a negative
competitors within the city of Abu Dhabi; they relationship
would be named as Competitor 1 and Competi-
tor 2. Hereby, we have distributed another sur-
vey to determine the satisfaction level of stu-
dents of each of ALHOSN, Competitor 1, and 3.7 Step 7: Calculations of the plan-
Competitor 2 regarding each if the requirements ning matrix
mentioned at step 1. Another time an average
Here, the students’ requirements planned satis-
value for each of the satisfaction weightings for
faction rate and sales point were set in order to
each of the three universities has been calcu-
calculate the improvement factor and the overall
lated as shown in figure 4.
weighting of each of the requirements.
3.5 Step5: Relating the students’ re- In case of the planned satisfaction rate it was in-
quirements with the technical re- dicated in accordance with the university’s cur-
quirements rent capabilities in providing students with the
This step forms the inside of the House of Qual- requirements they need. The rates used at this
ity and used to detect the relationship between step are the same as those used in step 3. Then,
the customers’ needs and the staff requirements. the sales point were determined based on the
These correlations are determined QFD team importance weighting of the requirement where
and represented using one of the three following each requirement was given a point within the
symbols: range of 1 to 1.5 in such a way that high sales
points are given to requirements which have
+9 Strong high importance weighting. Sales values are
used to add weight to the requirement where it

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Applying Total Quality Management Tools Using QFD at Higher Education Institutions in Gulf Area (Case Study:
ALHOSN University)

can be utilized by the university to promote the ments on the customer requirements. The for-
programs and accordingly attract more students mulas used to calculate each of these weights
to the university. are as follows:
The improvement factor was then calculated us-
ing the following formula:
 Absolute weight


 IF: Improvement Factor

 PSR: Planned Satisfaction Rate
aj: row vector of absolute weights for
 SW: Satisfaction Weighting of AL- the technical requirements(j=1,2,…,m)
HOSN University students
Rij: weights assigned to the relation-
 II: Improvement Increment, which had ship matrix (i=1,2,…,n), (j=1,2,…,m)
a fixed value of 0.2
Ci: column vector of importance
Lastly, the overall weighting represented in the weighting (i=1,2,…,n)
last column of the house of quality was calcu-
lated by multiplying the importance weighting m: number of technical requirements
by the sales point and the improvement factor. n: number of customers requirements
3.8 Step8: Prioritizing the technical re-
quirements in meeting the cus-
 Relative weight
tomers’ expectations
This is the final section of the HOQ matrix and
it sum up the conclusion drawn from the data
contained in the entire matrix. This section is of-
ten made up of three essential parts: the target Where:
value, absolute weight and the relative weight.
bj: row vector of relative weights for
 Target Value – is an objective measure the technical requirements (j=1,2,…,m)
that defines by how much each techni-
di: column vector of overall weighting
cal requirement should be improve in
for the customer requirements (i=1,2,
order to meet or exceed the customer’s
…,n), (j=1,2,…,m)
expectation. The target value should
not be determined in vain, the QDF
team should fully understand the cus- Higher absolute and relative weights indicate
tomer needs, the competitor’s perfor- the critical areas where the engineering efforts
mance and the organization’s current need to be concentrated.
performance before determining any of
the target values. The results of applying QFD at the college of
engineering at ALHOSN would be discussed in
The last two rows of the HOQ matrix are the ab- the following chapter: Results and Discussion.
solute weight and the relative weight. Those
weights show the impact of technical require-

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Al-Bashir, Adnan

Figure 4, House of Quality

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Applying Total Quality Management Tools Using QFD at Higher Education Institutions in Gulf Area (Case Study:
ALHOSN University)

4 Results of applying Quality Func- tions with local companies and factories is
tion Deployment at ALHOSN strongly associated with the educational field
trips and internships done by university. The
House of Quality (HOQ) provided in figure 4
The QFD has been used in identifying the char- shows other relationships between both types of
acteristics that needs to be enhanced in order to requirements.
meet customers’ expectations. As shown in Fig-
The roof of the house of quality (step 6) has
ure 4, the customers’ requirements were identi-
shown the interrelation of the technical require-
fied and had included requirements regarding
ments. It has shown that the results of the stu-
the offered courses, facilities, educational fees,
dents’ exit exam are strongly associated with
and others. Similarly, the technical requirements
students’ internships and educational field trips.
(staff requirements) were identified and had in-
Also, it shows that the provision of abigger
cluded requirements such as students’ evalua-
campus would allow staff to have the appropri-
tion, faculty evaluation, etc.
ate number of students in class, provide students
According to the survey done at step 3, it was with sport activities, and possess a larger and
observed that all of the requirements mentioned stronger library which would certainly lead to a
in Figure 4 have got a high rank by students; a better learning and teaching environment. Other
rank of 4 (important) and a rank of 3 (neutral). relationships can be seen in the HOQ in figure
But regarding the satisfaction weighting of Al- 4.
hosn students which was done at step 4, it was
At step 7, it can be seen that many of the cus-
shown that most of the requirements has got a
tomers’ requirements planned satisfaction rate is
rank of 2 (unsatisfied) and 3 except one of the
much higher than the current satisfaction
requirements that got a rank of 4 (satisfied); sat-
weighting of Alhosn students. For instance, the
isfaction with the qualifications the faculty
requirements of advanced labs, practical experi-
have. By comparing the satisfaction weightings
ence, relations with local companies and facto-
of Alhosn University with the competitor uni-
ries have a satisfaction weighting of 3 while the
versities it was noticed that Alhosn satisfaction
planned satisfaction rate is 5. Also, the column
weightings were either behind the satisfaction
of the sales point has included high sales point
weightings of the competitors or similar to those
which the university must use in marketing the
of the competitors except that Alhosn has got a
engineering programs at Alhosn such as the
higher rank in satisfying students with their
qualified faculty which was given a sales point
qualified faculty than Competitor 1 has (rank of
of 5. Lastly, the overall weighting was calcu-
3) and a similar rank to Competitor 2 (rank of
lated to find out that the ability of solving real
life engineering problems, the relations with lo-
The relationship matrix between customer and cal companies and factories, the recognition and
technical requirements done at step 5 shows that the continuous improvement have got the high-
all students’ requirements regarding the facility est overall weighting value. On the other hand,
has a strong relationship with possessing a big- the availability of distance learning has got the
ger campus. It also shows that students who are least overall weighting value which was 3.75.
hard-working and actively research are the stu-
Lastly, the target value was set and the absolute
dents’ who get appreciated. Another observation
and relative values were calculated in the last
is that active research cannot be done unless stu-
three rows in the house of quality. It is worth
dents’ were provided with advanced and safe
mentioning that the higher the absolute and the
labs, appropriate language skills courses to write
relative values of the requirements are, the more
research papers, etc. Moreover, making rela-
technical efforts are needed in those areas. In

10 | Int. J. Prod. Manag. Eng. (2016) 4(2), ppp-ppp Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
Al-Bashir, Adnan

this case study, the requirement of having a big- quantitative tools and techniques that can be
ger campus has got the highest absolute value used in order to implement TQM principles
which is 315, and the highest relative value such as benchmarking, statistical process con-
which is 500.1. trol, quality function deployment, failure mode
and effect analysis, Pareto charts, cause and ef-
5 Discussion fect diagram and others.
The study has revealed that there is a good
7 Recommendations
awareness from top management of the impor-
tance of applying quality practices at their There is a need for big change in higher educa-
higher education institution. In this regard, the tion institution quality management style. TQM
university has given the quality of the programs must hereby be used as a quality system to be
a great attention through implementing quality followed in any institution in order to make de-
standards imposed by the ministry of education velopment. Academic and administrative staff
and the ABET. They also implement some of should be provided with Total Quality Manage-
the quality practices in order to assure the con- ment training courses to assure TQM’s success
tinuous development and the customers’ satis- in higher education institutions. In this regard,
faction such as distributing surveys and getting financial resources must be properly allocated
the feedback so they can develop action plans to for training staff.
The staff should be provided with the necessary
One of the TQM practices that the university skills to practice TQM tools, especially statisti-
must consider is benchmarking in order for the cal control methods so that TQM practices can
university to be one of the best competent be monitored and controlled.
among local and hopefully foreign universities.
The following recommendations were proposed
At this study, benchmarking has been performed
to be implemented in areas that need more at-
through the utilization of the Quality Function
tention to be paid: the provision of a bigger
Deployment matrix and it was seen that the uni-
campus for students and faculty in order to have
versity is still behind other competitors at some
a better learning environment. There is a big
places. Also, the study has shown that there is a
need for establishment of a research center (in-
general feeling that the students are not satisfied
cluding labs) in the university’s campus in order
with the services they are getting; This was con-
to increase the research opportunities for both
cluded from the application of the QFD tool
students and faculty.
where satisfaction weighting have smaller val-
ues than the importance weighting indicating Relationships with local companies and facto-
the university must give the student’s require- ries should be available in order to gain recogni-
ments more focus. tion and provide students with the necessary
practical experience. Moreover, it would in-
6 Conclusion crease the chance for graduated students to find
Total quality management (TQM) is an inte- jobs after graduation.
grated organizational effort designed to improve The university must have selective criteria in
quality at every level to achieve excellence. choosing students. Students who want to regis-
TQM has a remarkable application in HEI’s ter at the university must pass an entry exam; in
where the adaption of TQM will help the higher case of engineering college, the exam should in-
educational institution to maintain their compet- clude questions from math, chemistry, physics,
itive position, satisfy all stakeholders, focus on and English subjects. There is also a need to
the market needs and achieve higher perfor- have an exit exam to verify whether they pos-
mance. There are varieties of qualitative and

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Applying Total Quality Management Tools Using QFD at Higher Education Institutions in Gulf Area (Case Study:
ALHOSN University)

sess the proper qualifications to practice real life variety of courses the student has studied in the
jobs. The exam would include questions from a program.

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