Material characterisation through adsorption is a widely-used laboratory technique. The isotherms obtained
through volumetric or gravimetric experiments impart insight through their features but can also be analysed to
determine material characteristics such as specific surface area, pore size distribution, surface energetics, or
used for predicting mixture adsorption. The pyGAPS (python General Adsorption Processing Suite)
framework was developed to address the need for high-throughput processing of such adsorption data,
independent of the origin, while also being capable of presenting individual results in a user-friendly manner. It
contains many common characterisation methods such as: BET and Langmuir surface area, t and α plots,
pore size distribution calculations (BJH, Dollimore-Heal, Horvath-Kawazoe, DFT/NLDFT kernel fitting),
isosteric heat calculations, IAST calculations, isotherm modelling and more, as well as the ability to import and
store data from Excel, CSV, JSON and sqlite databases. In this work, a description of the capabilities of
pyGAPS is presented. The code is then be used in two case studies: a routine characterisation of a
UiO-66(Zr) sample and in the processing of an adsorption dataset of a commercial carbon (Takeda 5A) for
applications in gas separation.
Material characterisation through adsorption is a widely-used laboratory technique. The isotherms obtained through volumetric or gravi-
metric experiments impart insight through their features but can also be analysed to determine material characteristics such as specific
surface area, pore size distribution, surface energetics, or used for predicting mixture adsorption. The pyGAPS (python General Adsorption
Processing Suite) framework was developed to address the need for high-throughput processing of such adsorption data, independent of the
data origin, while also being capable of presenting individual results in a user-friendly manner. It contains many common characterisation
methods such as: BET and Langmuir surface area, t and α plots, pore size distribution calculations (BJH, Dollimore-Heal, Horvath-Kawazoe,
DFT/NLDFT kernel fitting), isosteric heat calculations, IAST calculations, isotherm modelling and more, as well as the ability to import and
store data from Excel, CSV, JSON and sqlite databases. In this work, a description of the capabilities of pyGAPS is presented. The code
is then be used in two case studies: a routine characterisation of a UiO-66(Zr) sample and in the processing of an adsorption dataset of a
commercial carbon (Takeda 5A) for applications in gas separation.
2.5. Units. When computers work with physical data, units are
often a matter that introduces confusion. Therefore pyGAPS
should carefully handle units and other physical world concepts
such as relative pressure and mass or volume basis.
The following dimensions can be specified for an Isotherm: (a) (b)
the measurement pressure (p), the quantity of guest adsorbed
or loading (n) and the amount of adsorbent material the Fig. 2. Output from the BET area function (a) the BET plot showing the selected
loading is reported on, or adsorbent (m). Each point is repre- points for fitting the equation, as well as the location of the statistical monolayer and
sented as [y n/m at y p], (for example [y mmol/g at x bar], (b) the Rouquerol plot for this calculation.
[y cm3 /mol at x p/p0 ] or [y mol/cm3 , x Pa]).
Pressure can be reported either in an absolute value, in The same isotherm is used to calculate the pore size distri-
several common units such as bar, torr, Pa, or as relative bution of the UiO-66(Zr) sample. This MOF has octahedral
pressure, absolute pressure divided by the saturation vapour cages surrounded by eight corner tetrahedral cages of 1.1 and
pressure of the adsorbate at the respective measurement tem- 0.8 nm respectively. The sample is therefore expected to have
perature. Conversions between the two modes are automatic only micropores. Two methods are available in pyGAPS for
and handled internally. Both the loading and adsorbent can micropore size distributions: a ‘classical’ Horvath-Kawazoe
be reported in three different bases: a molar basis, a mass (HK) method 24 , as well as a DFT fitting routine. The HK
basis or a volume basis. Within each basis different units method is called by using the function in Listing 6. Here,
are recognised and can be easily converted. The conversions the surface characteristic parameters determined by Saito and
5. Conclusions
To summarize, pyGAPS is a versatile and extensible software
package which can be used for both routine material charac-
terisation as well as complex adsorption isotherm processing.
It is easy to install and can run on all major operating sys-
tems. Due to the nature of the code as open source software
released under a permissive licence on GitHub, the framework
is free to use and can be improved by the contribution of third
parties. Together with an extensive documentation, the aim
is to simplify and automate repetitive analysis tasks, as well
as to aid in discovering trends in large datasets.
This work has received funding from the European Union’s
Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the
Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 641887 (project
acronym: DEFNET).
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1.2. Gases. The gases used for the adsorption were obtained from Air Liquide and were of minimum N47
quality (99.997 % purity).
1.4. Carbon dioxide isotherms. The excess adsorption isotherms for pure CO2 were obtained gravimetrically
using a commercial balance (Rubotherm GmbH). Approximately 1 g of dried sample was used for these
experiments. Samples was activated in situ by heating under vacuum. The gas was introduced using a
step-by-step method, and equilibrium was assumed to have been reached when the variation of weight
remained below 30 µg over a 15 min interval. The volume of the sample was determined from a blank
experiment with helium as the nonadsorbing gas and used in combination with the gas density measured
by the Rubotherm balance to compensate for buoyancy.
1.5. Microcalorimetry at 303 K. Gas adsorption isotherms and enthalpies were measured experimentally
using a Tian-Calvet type microcalorimeter coupled with a home-made manometric gas dosing system. S2
This apparatus allows the simultaneous measurement of the adsorption isotherm and the corresponding
differential enthalpies. Gas is introduced into the system using a step-by-step method and each dose is
allowed to stabilize in a reference volume before being brought into contact with the adsorbent located in
the microcalorimeter. At low coverage the error in the signal can be estimated to around ± 0.2 kJ mol−1 .
Around 0.4 g of sample is used in each experiment.
(S1) G. C. Shearer, S. Chavan, J. Ethiraj, J. G. Vitillo, S. Svelle, U. Olsbye, C. Lamberti, S. Bordiga and K. P. Lillerud, Chemistry of Materials, 2014, 26, 4068–4071.
(S2) P. L. Llewellyn and G. Maurin, Comptes Rendus Chimie, 2005, 8, 283–302.
† Electronic Supplementary Information (ESI) available: one PDF file with all referenced supporting information.