Hsslive-12. Aldehydes, Ketones & Carboxylic Acids

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Previous HSE questions and Answers for the chapter “Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids”

1. Aliphatic aldehydes differ from aromatic aldehydes.

a) Give one example each for an aliphatic aldehyde and an aromatic aldehyde containing seven carbon atoms.
b) Give one reaction in which the above aldehydes differ. (3) [March 2008]
Ans: (a) Aliphatic aldehyde: CH3-(CH2)5-CHO (heptanal)
Aromatic aldehyde: C6H5-CHO (Benzaldehyde)
(b) When heated with Fehling’s solution A and B, heptanal gives a red precipitate, while Benzaldehyde does
2. Nucleophilic addition reaction is a characteristic of carbonyl group.
a) Explain this with specific examples, how the reaction takes place, (2)
b) i) Show the order of reactivity of following compounds in nucleophilic addition;
CH3-CHO, CH3-CO-CH3, H-CHO (1)
ii) Justify your answer. (2) [March 2009]
Ans: (a) The nucleophile attacks the electrophilic sp2 hybridised carbon atom of the carbonyl group. As a
result, the hybridisation of carbon changes from sp2 to sp3 and a tetrahedral alkoxide intermediate is
produced. This intermediate captures a proton from the reaction medium to give the product.
E.g. Addition of HCN.

(b) i) The decreasing order of reactivity towards nucleophilic addition reaction is

This order is due to the electron releasing effect of CH3 groups and steric hindrance.
3. a) Show how aldehyde reacts with the following reagents.
i) NH2CONHNH2 (Semi carbazide)
ii) Zinc amalgam and conc. HCl (2)
b) i) How can you manufacture formic acid from CO? (1)
ii) Suggest a chemical test to distinguish this acid from acetic acid. Account for the observation. (2)
[March 2009]
Ans: a) (i) Aldehydes react with semicarbazide to form semicarbazone.


(ii) Aldehydes when treated with zinc amalgam and concentrated hydrochloric acid to form alkanes.

CH3-CHO + [H] Zn/Hg CH3-CH3

b) i) Carbon monoxide reacts with aq. NaOH to form sodium formate, this on acidification with dil. H2SO4 to
form formic acid.
ii) Iodoform test. When acetic acid is treated with sodium hypoiodite (NaOI), we get an yellow ppt of
iodoform. This reaction is not answered by formic acid.
4. a) Aldehydes and ketones are organic compounds containing carbonyl group.
i) Write a chemical reaction used to distinguish between aldehydes and ketones. (1)

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ii) Aldehydes and ketones can be subjected to Clemmensen reduction and Wolff-Kishner reduction. Name the
reagents in both cases. (1)
b) How will you make the following conversions:
i) Ethanoic acid to ethanol.
ii) Propanoic acid to 2-chloropropanoic acid
iii) Toluene to benzoic acid. (3) [March 2010]
Ans: (a) i) Tollen’s test or Fehling’s test
ii) Clemmensen reduction: Zinc amalgam and Conc. HCl
Wolff-Kishner reduction: Hydrazine & KOH in ethylene glycol.
(b) i) By reduction using LiAlH4 followed by acidification, ethanoic acid gets converted to ethanol.

CH3-COOH i) LiAlH4/ether or B2H6 ii) H3O+ CH3-CH2OH

ii) When treated with chlorine in the presence of red phosphorus propanoic acid gets converted to 2-
chloropropanoic acid.
CH3-CH2-COOH i) Cl2/ Red P ii) H2O CH3-CHCl-COOH + HCl
Propanoic acid 2-chloropropanoic acid
iii) Toluene when heated with alkaline KMnO4 followed by acidification, we get benzoic acid.


5. NO2 is an aromatic acid


a) What is its IUPAC name? (½)

b) Explain the conversion of the above acid to the following:

i) NO2 ii) NO2 iii) NH2

NO2 NO2 NH2 ( 4½) [March 2011]
Ans: (a) 3,4-Dinitrobenzoic acid
(b) i) 3,4 –dinitrobenzoic acid is reduced using diborane (B2H6) followed by treating with H2 in presence of
Pd on BaSO4 (Rosenmund’s reduction) we get 3,4-dinitrobenzaldehyde.
SOCl2 H2/Pd
ii) 3,4 –dinitrobenzoic acid is reduce with diborane followed by hydrolysis, we get 3,4-dinitrobenzyl
i) B2H6
NO2 iiiii) H2O

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iii) 3,4 –dinitrobenzoic acid is treated with LiAlH4 followed by reduction with H2 in presence of Pd, we
get 3,4-diaminobenzyl alcohol.
LiAlH4 H2/Pd
6. Aldehydes resemble ketones in many respects.
a) Give the reason for their resemblance. (1)
b) Give a reaction in which aldehydes resemble ketones. (1)
c) Write two tests to distinguish between aldehydes and ketones. (2)
d) What is Cannizzaro reaction? (1) [SAY 2011]
Ans: a) Because of the presence of carbonyl group in both aldehyde and ketones.
b) Both aldehydes and ketones undergo nucleophilic addition reaction with HCN and form cyanohydrins.
c) Aldehydes form bright silver mirror when heated with Tollens’ reagent (Tollens’ test).
When heated with Fehling’s solutions, aldehydes form red ppt (Fehling’s test). These two tests are not
answered by ketones.
d) Aldehydes having no α-hydrogen atom, when treated with conc. KOH undergo self oxidation and
reduction (disproportionation) to form alcohol and carboxylic acid salt. This reaction is called Cannizzaro
Formaldehyde methanol potassium formate
7. a) Which named reaction is used to reduce CH3-CO-Cl to CH3-CHO? (1)
b) Aldehydes and ketones undergo reactions due to the presence of α-hydrogen atom.
i) Write the name reaction of aldehyde which takes place only because of the presence of α-hydrogen atom. (1)
ii) How will you bring about the above reaction? (1)
c) i) CH2Cl-COOH is a strong acid than CH3COOH. Why?
ii) How will you convert CH3-COOH to CH2Cl-COOH? (2) [March 2012]
Ans: (a) Rosenmund’s reduction
b) i) Aldol condensation
ii) By treating with dilute alkali (NaOH or KOH).
c) i) Due to the electron withdrawing inductive effect (-I effect) of Chlorine atom.
ii) By treating with Cl2 in presence of red phosphorus (HVZ reaction).
8. a) Complete the following: Write down the structures of A, B and C.
i) CH3-CH2-CHO KMnO4 A
ii) CH3-CH2-CO-CH3 Zn amalgam/HCl B
iii) CH3-CH2-CH2-COOH Bromine/Red P C
b) Write down the IUPAC names of A, B and C. (1½)
c) Explain the following reactions. i) Cannizzaro reaction. ii) Esterification. (1) [SAY 2012]
Ans: (a)
ii) CH3-CH2-CO-CH3 Zn amalgam/HCl CH3-CH2-CH2-CH3
iii) CH3-CH2-CH2-COOH Bromine/Red P CH3-CH2-CHBr-COOH
(b) IUPAC name of A is propanoic acid, B is butane and C is 2-Bromobutanoic acid.
(c) i) Cannizzaro reaction: Aldehydes having no α-hydrogen atom, when treated with conc. KOH undergo self
oxidation and reduction (disproportionation) to form alcohol and carboxylic acid salt.

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ii) Esterification: Carboxylic acids when heated with alcohols or phenols in the presence of conc. H2SO4
or HCl gas, we get esters.

9. a) Suggest a method of preparation of benzaldehyde from toluene. (1)

b) Aldehydes and ketones differ in their chemical reactions. How do they react with the following?
i) Tollens' reagent ii) Alcohol. (2)
c) How will you convert propanoic acid into the following compounds?
i) Ethane ii) Butane. (2) [March 2013]
Ans: (a)

(b) i) With Tollens’ reagent, aldehydes form bright silver mirror.

ii) With alcohols, aldehydes form hemi-acetals and acetals.
c) i) When propanoic acid is treated with NaOH, we get sodium propanoate. This on heating with soda lime,
we get ethane. [Decarboxylation reaction]
CH3-CH2-COONa + NaOH CaO/∆ CH3-CH3 + Na2CO3
ii) When propanoic acid is treated with NaOH or KOH, followed by electrolysis, we get butane (Kolbe’s
2 CH3-CH2-COOK + 2 H2O electrolysis CH3-CH2-CH2-CH3 + 2KOH + H2 + 2CO2
10. a) Among formaldehyde, acetaldehyde and formic acid, which compounds undergo Cannizzaro reaction? Give reason.
(1½ )
b) What is esterification? (1)
c) Thionyl chloride is preferred to as the reagent to prepare acid chlorides. Why? (½)
d) Write the chemical reaction to effect the transformation of sodium acetate to ethane. (1)
e) Write the IUPAC names of the compounds given below.
i) CH3-CH2-CO-CH3 ii) HOOC-CH2-COOH. (1) [SAY 2013]
Ans: (a) Formaldehyde. In formaldehyde, there is no α-H atom. So it can undergo Cannizzaro reaction.
(b) Carboxylic acids when heated with alcohols or phenols in the presence of conc. H2SO4 or HCl gas, we get
(c) When thionyl chloride is used, the acid chloride formed is pure.
(d) 2 CH3-COONa + 2 H2O electrolysis CH3-CH3 + 2KOH + H2 + 2CO2 [Kolbe’s electrolysis+
(e) i) Butanone ii) Propane-1,3-dioic acid
11. a) Aldol condensation reaction is a special reaction of aldehydes.
i) What is aldol condensation reaction? (1)
ii) Write the structural formula of aldol formed from ethanal (1)
b) Write simple chemical tests and observations used to distinguish between the following compounds:
i) Propanal and propanone (1)
ii) Phenol and benzoic acid (1)
c) Write the names of the reagents used to bring about the following transformations
i) C6H5 COCl → C6H5 CHO
ii) CH3 COOH → CH2Cl-COOH (1) [March 2014]

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Ans: (a) (i) Aldehydes having at least one α-hydrogen atom when heated with dilute alkali, we get α,β-
unsaturated aldehyde. This reaction is called Aldol condensation.


Ethanal 3-Hydroxybutanal (aldol) But-2-enal (Crotanaldehyde)
(ii) CH3-CH-CH2-CHO
(b) i) Tollens’ test. When heated with Tollens’ reagent propanal gives a bright silver mirror.
ii) Reaction with NaHCO3. Benzoic acid gives brisk effervescence of CO2 on treating with NaHCO3.

(c) i) H2 in presence of Pd supported on BaSO4. *Rosenmund’s reduction+

ii) Cl2 in presence of red P [HVZ Reaction]
12. a) Methanal (HCHO) is an aldehyde having no α-hydrogen atom. What are the products formed when methanal is
treated with strong KOH solution? (1)
b) How are the following conversions achieved?
i) Benzoyl chloride (C6H5 COCl) to benzaldehyde (C6H5-CHO)
ii) Acetic acid (CH3COOH) to chloroacetic acid (CH2Cl-COOH)
iii) Benzene to Benzaldehyde
iv) Ethanal (CH3-CHO) to Ethane (CH3-CH3) (1 X 4 = 4) [SAY 2014]

Ans: (a) Methanol (CH3-OH) and potassium formate (HCOOK)


(b) i) Rosenmund’s reduction:

ii) HVZ Reaction:

CH3-COOH i) Cl2/ Red P ii) H2O CH2Cl-COOH + HCl
iii) Gattermann – Koch reaction:

iv) Clemmensen reduction: CH3-CHO + [H] Zn/Hg CH3-CH3

Conc. HCl
13. Aldehydes, Ketones and Acids contain >C=O group.
a) Name the product obtained by the reaction between acetic acid and ethanol. (1)
b) (i) Give any two tests to distinguish between aldehydes and ketones. (2)
(ii) Two chemical reactions are given below:
(1) Identify the products of each reaction.
(2) Give the name of each reaction.

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C=O Zn/Hg

An. AlCl3/Cu (2) [March 2015]
Ans: (a) Ethyl acetate or ethyl ethanoate [CH3-COOC2H5]
(b) (i) Tollens’ test and Fehling’s test
(ii) (1) Propane [CH3-CH2-CH3]
Benzaldehyde [C6H5-CHO]
(2) Clemmensen reduction and Gattermann-Koch Reaction
14. a) Explain aldol condensation taking CH3-CHO as example. (2)
b) Write the named reactions involved in the following conversions:
i) CH3-CO-Cl H2/Pd-BaSO4 CH3-CHO
ii) 2 HCHO NaOH HCOONa + CH3-OH (1)
c) How are the following conversions achieved?
ii) CH3-COOH CH2Cl-COOH (2) [SAY 2015]
Ans: (a) Refer the answer of Question no. 11 (a)
(b) i) Rosenmund’s reduction
ii) Cannizzaro’s reaction
(c) i) CH3-CN H2O/H+ CH3-COOH
ii) CH3-COOH Cl2/Red P CH2Cl-COOH
15. Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic acids are Carbonyl compounds.
a) Aldehydes differ from Ketones in their oxidation reactions. Illustrate with one example. (1)
b) How will you prepare benzaldehyde by Gatterman-Koch reaction? (1)
c) Write the reactions of carboxylic acid with the following reagents. (Write the chemical equations)
(i) Thionyl chloride (SOCl2)
(ii) Chlorine in presence of small amount of red phosphorous.
(iii) Lithium Aluminium hydride (LiAlH4)/ether. (3)
Ans: (a) Aldehydes readily undergo oxidation and form carboxylic acid. Ketones when oxidised using strong
oxidising agent undergo C-C bond cleavage and form a mixture of carboxylic acids.
(b) Benzene when treated with CO and HCl in the presence of anhydrous aluminium chloride or cuprous
chloride, we get benzaldehyde.

(c) (i) R-COOH + SOCl2 R-COCl + SO2 + HCl

(ii) R-CH2-COOH Cl2/Red P R-CHCl-COOH
(iii) R-COOH LiAlH4/ether R-CH2-OH
16. a) Write a test to distinguish between aldehydes and ketones. (1)

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b) How will you prepare benzaldehyde by Etard's reaction? (1)
c) How will you bring about the following conversions? (Write the chemical equations)
(i) Ethanol → Ethanoic acid
(ii) Benzamide → benzoic acid
(iii) Benzaldehyde → meta nitrobenzaldehyde (3) [March 2016]
Ans: (a) Tollens’ test
(b) When toluene is oxidised using chromyl chloride (CrO2Cl2) in CS2 followed by hydrolysis (acidification), we
get benzaldehyde. This reaction is called Etard reaction.

(c) (i) CH3-CH2-OH [O] CH3-COOH

ethanol K2Cr2O7/H ethanoic acid

Benzamide Benzoic acid



17. Aldehydes and ketones are the compounds having >C = O group.
a) Choose the IUPAC name of the compound CH3-CH = CH-CHO
(i) Propen-1-al (ii) But-2-en-1-al (iii) Butanal (iv) But-2-en-2-al (1)
b) Complete the following reactions:
(i) HCHO + Conc. KOH ∆
(ii) CH3-CHO dil. NaOH
(iii) CH3-CHO + H2N-NH2
(iv) C6H5COCH3 Zn/Hg + HCl (4)
Ans: (a) But-2-en-1-al
(i) HCHO + Conc. KOH ∆ CH3-OH + HCOOK
(ii) CH3-CHO dil. NaOH CH3-CHOH-CH2-CH3
(iii) CH3-CHO + H2N-NH2 CH3-CH=N-NH2
(iv) C6H5COCH3 Zn/Hg + HCl C6H5CH2CH3
18. Aldehydes, ketones and acids contain >C = O group.
a) Choose the IUPAC name of the compound (CH3)2CH-COOH.

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(i) Butanoic acid (ii) Ethanoic acid (iii) 2-Methylpropanoic acid (iv) Propanoic acid (1)
b) Complete the following reactions:
(i) CH3-CH2-COOH LiAlH4/ether
(ii) CH3-CH2-COOH + SOCl2
(iii) CH3-CH2-COOH Br2/Red P
(iv) CH3-CH2-COOH + CH3-OH H+ (4) [SAY 2016]
Ans: (a) 2-Methylpropanoic acid
(i) CH3-CH2-COOH LiAlH4/ether CH3-CH2-CH2OH
(ii) CH3-CH2-COOH + SOCl2 CH3-CH2-COCl
(iii) CH3-CH2-COOH Br2/Red P CH3-CHBr-COOH
19. a) The product obtained when benzene is treated with carbon monoxide and hydrogen chloride in presence of
anhydrous AlCl3 is:
i) Chlorobenzene ii) Phenol iii) Benzaldehyde iv) Benzoic acid (1)
b) How will you carry out the following conversions?

(iii) CH3-CH2-COOH CH3-CH2-CH2-OH

(IV) CH3-COOH CH3-CO-O-CO-CH3 (acetic anhydride) (4) [March 2017]
Ans: (a) (iii) Benzaldehyde
(b) (i) Toluene when heated with alkaline KMnO4 followed by acidification, we get benzoic acid.

(ii) Benzoic acid when heated with NH3, we get benzamide.

(iii) Propanoic acid when reduced using LiAlH4, we get 1-propanol.

(iv) Acetic acid when heated with Conc. H2SO4 or P2O5, we get acetic anhydride.
CH3-COOH Conc. H2SO4/∆ CH3-CO-O-CO-CH3

20. Explain the following:

i) Esterification ii) Tollen’s test iii) HVZ reaction iv) Decarboxylation of carboxylic acid (4) *March 2017+

Ans: (i) Esterification: Carboxylic acids when heated with alcohols or phenols in the presence of a mineral
acid like concentrated H2SO4 or HCl gas, we get esters. Or the equation:
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(ii) Tollen’s test: When an aldehyde is heated with Tollens’ reagent, we get a bright silver mirror.
Or the equation:
R-CHO + 2[Ag(NH3)2]+ + 3OH– R-COO– + 2 Ag + 2 H2O + 4 NH3
(iii) HVZ reaction: Carboxylic acids having an α-hydrogen atom, when treated with halogen (chlorine or
bromine) in the presence of red phosphorus, we get α-halocarboxylic acids. This reaction is known as Hell-
Volhard-Zelinsky(HVZ) reaction. Or the equation:

(iv) Decarboxylation of carboxylic acid: When sodium salt of carboxylic acid is heated with sodalime (a
mixture of NaOH and CaO), we get alkanes. Or the equation:
R-COONa + NaOH CaO/∆ R-H + Na2CO3

21. a) Which among the following reduces Tollen’s reagent?

i) Methanal ii) Propanone iii) Benzophenone iv) Acetophenone (1)
b) Since both aldehydes and ketones possess carbonyl functional group, they undergo similar chemical reactions.
i) Explain the structure of carbonyl group. (2)
ii) Explain aldol condensation with an example. (2) [SAY 2017]
Ans: (a)Methanal
(b) i) The carbonyl carbon atom is sp2-hybridised and forms three sigma (σ) bonds. The fourth valence
electron of carbon forms a π-bond with oxygen. In addition, the oxygen atom also has two non bonding
electron pairs. Thus, the carbonyl carbon and the three atoms attached to it lie in the same plane and the π-
electron cloud is above and below this plane.
ii) Refer the answer of the question no. 11 (a)
22. a) Which among the following does not give red precipitate with Fehling’s solution?
i) Ethanal ii) Propanal iii) Butanal iv) Benzaldehyde (1)
b) How will you bring about the following conversions?
i) Toluene to Benzaldehyde
ii) Benzoic acid to Benzamide (2)
c) Explain Cannizaro reaction with an example. (2)
Ans: (a) Benzaldehyde
(b) i) By Etard’s reaction

ii) Benzoic acid reacts with NH3 to form ammonium benzoate which on heating to form benzamide.

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c) Refer the answer of the question no. 6 (d)
23. Aromatic aldehydes undergo electrophilic substitution reactions. Write the nitration reaction of benzaldehyde with
chemical equation. (2)

24. Briefly describe Gattermann Koch reaction. (2)

Ans: Refer the answer of the question no. 12 (b)
25. How would you account for the followings :
a) Aldehydes are more reactive than ketones towards nucleophilic addition reaction.
b) Boiling point of aldehydes is lower than alcohols.
c) Addition reaction of sodium hydrogen sulphite is useful for the separation and purification of aldehydes. (3x1 =3)
[March 2018]
Ans: (a) Due to electronic effect and steric effect.
(b) Due to the absence of intermolecular hydrogen bonding in aldehydes.
(c) Since the product obtained is water soluble and can be converted back to the original aldehyde by treating
with dil. acid or alkali.
26. Identify A and B in the following equations :

Ans: (a) A is CH3-OH and B is HCOOK
(b) A is CH3-CHOH-CH2-CH3 and B is CH3-CH=CH-CH3
27. How the conversion of carbon dioxide to carboxylic acid can be effected using Grignard reagent? (2)
Ans: CO2 reacts with Grignard reagent in dry ether followed by hydrolysis, we get carboxylic acid.

28. How the conversion of an aldehyde to acetal can carry out? (Write chemical equations) (3) [SAY 2018]
Ans: Aldehyde reacts with alcohol in the presence of dry HCl to give hemiacetal (alkoxyalcohol), which
further react with one molecule of alcohol to give a gem-dialkoxy compound known as acetal.

29. Identify the products and give the name of the following reaction :

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C6H5-CHO conc. NaOH/∆ Products (2)
Ans: C6H5-CHO conc. NaOH/∆ C6H5-CH2OH + C6H5-COONa
The reaction is known as Cannizzaro reaction.
30. Explain Haloform reaction. (2)
Ans: Compounds having CH3-CO- group or CH3-CHOH- group, when treated with sodium hypohalite or
halogen in presence of NaOH, we get a haloform (CHX3). This reaction is called haloform reaction.
R-CO-CH3 NaOX R-COONa + CHX3 (where X = Cl, Br or I)
Or, X2/NaOH
31. Identify A, B and C in the following sequence of reactions :
CH3COOH + NH3 CH3COO-NH4+ ∆ A H3O+ B Br2/Red P C (3) [March 2019]
Ans: A = CH3-CONH2, B = CH3-COOH and C= CH2Br-COOH
32. Describe the following with equations : (a) Etard reaction (b) Aldol condensation (4) [SAY 2019]
Ans: Refer the answer of the question numbers 11 (a) and 16 (b)
33. Among the following which is more acidic? (a) HCOOH b) CH3CH2COOH (c) CH3COOH (d) CH3CH2CH2COOH (1)
34. Give a chemical test to distinguish between propanal and propanone. (2)
Ans: Propanal (being an aldehyde) gives the following tests:
i) Tollen’s test: When heated with Tollen’s reagent, Propanal gives a bright silver mirror
iii) Fehling’s test: When heated with equal volume of Fehling’s solutions A and B, Propanal gives reddish
brown ppt.
iv) Schiff’s test: Propanal restore the pink colour of Schiff’s reagent.
The above tests are not answered by propanone (being a ketone).
Iodoform (Haloform) Test: Propanone gives an yellow ppt, when treated with sodium hypoiodite or I2 in
presence of NaOH. Propanal does not give this test. [Only one test is required]
35. Explain the following reactions: (a) Rosenmund reduction (b) Cannizzaro reaction. (2 x 2 = 4) [March 2020]
Ans: (a) Rosenmund reduction : Acid chlorides react with hydrogen in presence of Pd supported on BaSO4, we
get aldehydes. This reaction is called Rosenmund’s reduction.

R-COCl + H2 Pd/BaSO4 R-CHO + HCl

(b) Refer the answer of the question numbers 6 (d)
36. In Etard reaction, benzaldehyde can be prepared by the oxidation of toluene by ________.
(a) KMnO4 (b) K2Cr2O7 (c) CrO2Cl2 (d) CrO3 (1)
Ans: CrO2Cl2
CO + HCl X
Anhydrous AlCl3/CuCl

(a) Identify the Product X (1)

(b) Name the reaction. (1)
Ans: (a) Benzaldehyde [C6H5-CHO]
(b) Gattermann Koch reaction
38. (a) Give a chemical test to distinguish aldehydes from ketones. (1)

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(b) Carbonyl group (>CO) of aldehydes and ketones can be reduced to CH2 group in Clemmensen reduction. Name the
reagent used. (1)
Ans: (a) Tollens’ test
(b) Zinc amalgam and Conc. HCl.
39. With the help of chemical reaction explain the following name reactions:
(a) Aldol condensation (b) HVZ reaction (2 x 2 = 4) [SAY 2020]
Ans: (a) Refer the answer of the question no. 11 (a)
(b) Refer the answer of the question no. 20 (iii)
40. (i) The test to distinguish Propanal and Propanone is ………….
(A) Tollens' test (B) Lucas test (C) Hinsberg test (D) Bromine-Water test (1)
(ii) Which is more reactive towards nucleophilic addition, CH3CHO or C6H5-CHO? Give reason. (2)
Ans: (i) Tollens’ test
(ii) CH3-CHO
C6H5-CHO (Benzaldehyde) is less reactive because of the less electrophilicity of the carbonyl carbon due to
resonance. Or, due to the presence of bulky phenyl group (steric hindrance).
41. Identify the products and name the reactions.
(i) HCHO Conc.KOH/∆ ………………….. (1)
(ii) CH3CHO dil. NaOH ………………….. (1)
Ans: (i) CH3-OH
(ii) CH3-CH(OH)-CH2-CH3
42. (i) How will you prepare Benzaldehyde from the following:
A. Toluene
B. Benzene
C. Benzoyl chloride (3)
(ii) Identify the product obtained when Acetic acid is heated with P2O5. (1) [March 2021]

Ans: (i) Refer the answer of the question no. 12 (b) and 22 (b)
(ii) Ethanoic anhydride or acetic anhydride or (CH3-CO)2O


Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids – Prepared by Anil Kumar K L, GHSS Ashtamudi Page 12

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