Employee compensation – refers to the benefits (cash, DIFFERENCES BETWEEN WAGES,SALARY, PAYROLL AND
vacation, etc.) that an employee receives in exchange COMPENSATION
for the service they provide to their employer. Wages – refers to all pay or earnings that an employer
Compensation Administration – refers to the tasks of gives a worker in exchange for work performed during
compensation managers in designing and implementing regular working hours and days; lowest wage rate fixed
a pay program with a systematic approach to providing by law that an employer can pay his workers.
monetary value to employees in exchange for work Salary – is a regular payment agreed upon in an
performance. employment contract, and it’s linked to the number of
● Management of employee compensation is hours defined in the contract.
called Compensation Administration. Payroll – is the process of paying a company’s
employees, which includes tracking hours worked,
Compensation Administration – is a strategic calculating employees’ pay, and distributing payments
management tool of compensation management and via direct deposit to employee bank accounts or by
HR management to match productivity with cost of check.
labor and employees to get satisfaction of their worth
and values. Compensation – describes the cash rewards paid to
employees in exchange for the services they provide. It
● The goal of compensation administration is to may include base salary, wages, incentives, or
design a cost-effective pay structure that will commissions.
attract, motivate, and retain competent
employees. Note:
● The structure should also appear fair to
employees. Fairness is a term that frequently ✔ Salaries and wages vary depending on nature
arises in the administration of an organization’s of work, location of work, and time of work.
compensation program.
✔ Salaries for those working in cities are higher
COMPENSATION ADMINISTRATION MEANING AND than those who work in provinces.
Employee benefits – are non-monetary value and are Pay Structures – Useful for standardizing compensation
not based on performance but membership. They are practices. Most pay structures include several grades
indirect forms of compensation and are paid with each grade containing a minimum salary/wage and
regardless of the performance. They can determine either step increments or grade range.
their benefits package to be availed.
Salary surveys – compile market and salary data. It
COMPENSATION INCLUDES: includes salary budget averages, inflation and cost of
living data, and typical salaries.
Base Pay – it is the basic compensation what the
employee gets, usually as a wage or salary. PHASES OF COMPENSATION
Commissions – a sum of money given to a salesperson
for each transaction.
Cash wages – It refers to the wages paid to the labor in ● Should ensure incentive for good
terms of money. The salary paid to a worker is an performance which helps to increase
example of cash wages. efficiency and productivity.
● Should be simple to understand by all workers
Living wage – refers to the least amount of money an
● Should be able to satisfy workers which leads
employer can offer to an employee.
to motivation which helps o improve
Minimum wages – have been defined as “the minimum productivity
amount of remuneration that an employer is required ● Should discourage individualism but rather to
to pay wage earners for the work performed during a promote cooperation among the workers at
given period, which cannot be reduced by collective the workplace.
agreement or an individual contract”. ● Should be guided by government policy
Real wages – are the type of wages that take inflation Wages as purchasing power: Wage earners and
rates into consideration. These wage determine the their families form a large and important segment
purchasing power of the individual and the amount of of the market for consumer goods and services.
They represent their only source of livelihood. ● Many establishments are willing to increase their
expenditure for machinery inasmuch as it will
LEVELS OF LIVING contribute to a reduction in the total cost per unit
of output.
● Poverty level - this level are those workers
whose incomes are very irregular due to their ● In a nutshell, machine production does not only
lack of any desired skills they can offer lessen the ratio of labor costs to total costs but also
tends to reduce the actual amount paid in wages
● Minimum of subsistence level - this level are per each unit produced.
those workers who provides the basic needs
but do not provide social needs. EFFECTS ON THE NATIONAL ECONOMY
● Minimum health and decency - this level are ● It is frequently said that we live in wage economy.
those workers who provides meager Not only is the standard of living of workers
(insufficient) provisions for education, affected by the wages they receive and the
amusement, and insurance. purchasing power they have at their command but
doubtless so is the national economy.
● Minimum of comfort standard - In this level, the
● Inability to produce more goods and services due
remuneration of an employee is so high that he
to higher wages without corresponding increase in
can provide for all the basic necessities and meet
the level of productivity exerts adverse and
all the requirements of comfort for himself and
profound effects upon the national economy.
his family members.
● In short, the lesser goods and services and
WAGES AS COST PRODUCTION therefore a lower gross national product.
● One frequent raised concern is that cost of the
The Cost of Production – is also called production costs
living wage might be passed onto the
or cost price. It is the total cost sustained by a business
municipality through higher prices for contracts.
to produce a specific quantity of a product. It includes
all direct and indirect costs of manufacturing the
- Cost of production includes: Cost of raw
● Wages are perhaps the most vital single factor
materials, labor (wages), storage, technology
affecting labor and labor relations.
used, maintenance, land.
● It is observed that more often strikes and grievances
RELATION OF LABOR COSTS TO TOTAL COSTS are the result of the inability to agree on what
constitute fair wages.
● The cost of labor relative to total cost of
production is affected not only by the type of ● Low wages place heavy economic, physical, mental
industry and the structural arrangement for and moral burdens on the workers.
processing within it, but also by the methods ● An impairment in management-labor relations
used in production. adversely affect the interests of the general public.
● In general, the ratio of labor costs to total costs
carries inversely with the degree of mechanization. SOCIAL SIGNIFICANCE OF WAGES
Where machines play a major role in the ● Each nation’s system and practices relating to wages
production process, relatively more is expended for represent an outgrowth of its own traditions and
machine replacements, repair, and upkeep, and for mirror its socio-economic structure.
fuel and power.
● People with high income represent a particular
group in the labor force who possess
extraordinary talent, skills, ability and expertise as
Supplemental wages includes:
to be able to command high wages.
● Ordinary workers who receive nominal wages ● Profit-sharing
form the greater majority of labor force. ● Paid vacations (not rendered work)
● Bonuses
● Thus, while our society was formerly believed ● Commission
classless, the different wage rates in the wage ● Tips
structure, help bring about a system ● Over-time pay
differentiated social status.
● At this point, it cannot be denied that prestige
goes to successful people and success in our ● The profit sharing was first devised by a Frenchman
society is closely correlated with income. named EDME JEAN LECLAIRE.
● Therefore, the more skilled and efficient the ● One of his employees was reported to have said to
workers are, the higher wages they receive. him that the participation of the workers in the
profits of the employer is the only way to get free of
the hatred between them under the organization
LECTURE 3: WAGES SUPPLEMENTS system of production.
● This scheme attracted considerable attention not
Supplements – refer to extra remuneration or
only in France but also in England so much so that
benefits received by the wage earners from their
about the middle of the 19th century, their
employers. In other words, supplements constitute
principles were advocated principally by the
remuneration or special privileges received by the
Christian Socialists, who influenced co- operative
employees over or above their ordinary earnings.
societies to apply them to their employees.
PROFIT SHARING - An agreement (formal or informal)
freely entered into by which employees receive a
share fixed in advance of the profits.
● To instill a sense of partnership among its - A bonus payment may be used upon the
employees and thus prevent industrial friction or number of units that an individual or a group
unrest. produces.
● To serve as group incentive. Employees COMMISSION – refers to the compensation paid to an
participate in the profits of the company, they employee after completing a task, which is, often,
are motivated to work harder and help selling a certain number of products or services.
contribute to the success of the firm.
● To provide employee security. - Commission vary in the way they set and pay to
their employees, this includes: straight
● To attract desirable employees to join the commission, salary plus commission, and
organization and moreover reduce turnover on graduated commission.
the part of those who are already members.
● To serve as an attractive means of DE MINIMIS BENEFITS – NOT SUBJECT TO
communicating with its employees its WITHHOLDING TAX
philosophy of sharing the wealth with them.
● Monetized unused vacation leave credits to
employees not exceeding ten (10) days during
the year;
Christmas Bonuses – it is usually paid during prosperous ● Monetized value of vacation and sick leave
times, or when excess profits taxes are unusually high, credits paid to government officials and
the payment of Christmas Bonuses is much more employees;
widespread than at other times. ● Medical cash allowance to dependents of
employees, not exceeding ₱ 1,500.00 per
- When their distribution is contingent upon the
company’s current financial situation, these ● employee per semester of ₱ 250.00 per month;
bonuses assume the aspect of profit sharing. ● Rice subsidy of ₱ 2,000.00 or one sack of 50kg rice
per month amounting to not more than ₱
- The eligibility requirements vary from industry,
frequently payment of bonuses requires one
year of service with the company and ● Uniform and clothing allowance not exceeding
sometimes there are additional attendance and ● ₱ 6,000.00 per annum;
good behavior requirements. ● Actual medical assistance, e.g. medical allowance
to cover medical and healthcare needs, annual
OBJECTIVE OF SPECIAL BONUSES medical/executive check-up, maternity assistance,
and routine consultations, not exceeding ₱
● The practice of paying Christmas bonus is that
10,000.00 per annum;
they promote goodwill, loyalty, and stability
among employees and also provide a means of ● Laundry allowance not exceeding ₱ 300.00 per
sharing some of the company’s income during month;
prosperous times without committing the company ● Employees achievement awards, e.g. for length of
to added costs which would be difficult to reduce service or safety achievement, which in the form of
during periods when profits are not high. a tangible personal property other than cash or gift
certificate, with an annual monetary value not
PRODUCTION BONUS SYSTEM – This system enjoys the exceeding ₱10,000.00 received by the employee.
LECTURE 5: MANAGEMENT INCENTIVES 6. By and large, these professionals are
economically advanced to the point where
Management Incentives - The most important income is valued not only for its purchasing
objectives of a compensation package is to reward power but also for the status it confers and the
efficient performance on the job with commensurate recognition it implies.
pay for efforts and ability and thus help motivate the 7. They are highly mobile.
worker to higher levels of creativity and productivity.
These characteristics help to explain why intrinsic
- Low productivity is one of the most serious rewards are necessary for managerial and professional
problems facing in the country and studies employees and are valuable to them.
showed the frightening fact that this disease is
prevalent in the vital organs of companies- They also emphasize the importance of developing a
management. total compensation package for the individual employee
or for each particular class or group of employees, as for
Managers - Employees tasked with helping your example, accountant, engineers, managers and
company to accomplish its strategic goals and supervisors.
objectives. The incentive plans you use to motivate your
management team will likely play a role in your MANAGEMENT’S LOW PRODUCTIVITY
business's growth and success. A wide variety of
incentive plans exist to help managers stay focused and Management’s low productivity is often caused by the
driven. Consider a combination of incentive plans that lack of understanding of the relationship between
will create a rich compensation package to aid with performance and money. Moreover, managers often fail
retention and achievement. to see that the only way a company can pay more is for
productivity to increase.
MANAGERIAL EMPLOYEES To gain productivity, it is necessary to motivate
managers to pass on the benefits of their ingenuity to
The characteristics of professional and managerial the company.
employees are different from those of factory
employees. Money - Still the primary motivation tool. Regardless of
how the term is used, whether incentive plan or
Lee Danielson found that successful engineers and incentive bonus. It is still basic reward that counts.
scientists have certain distinctive characteristics that
apply to other professionals and managerial employees. - Without rewards (money) or inadequacy of it,
They are: there is laziness and the nasty or hatred desire
to work hard. Unfortunately, however, a
1. They are highly intelligent. considerable number of companies fail to fully
2. They have an analytical frame of mind and a utilize the power of money.
preference for deductive reasoning.
3. As a group, they tend to be more creative and - The concept of MONEY as a motivator is
imaginative than others. anchored on a theoretical base, that is,
4. They are usually both independent and managers who want more pay and who believe
self-conscious. making their departments more productive and
5. As a group, they tend to be idea- and cost-effective will result in more pay, will work
thought-oriented rather than people-oriented. harder and better to get that pay.
- Compensation experts continue to advise 1. Cost and Benefit Analysis - a company before
companies to structure their compensation venturing into such a plan must direct its attention
plans for managers with an incentive plan as its towards estimating the additional earnings that
basis. Such advise is made in the light of present would be realized which then must subsequently be
conditions today. compared with the costs of rewards, administration
of the plan, etc. Moreover, Intangible rewards that
Since executives and manager’s performance is difficult a company is bound to receive should be ignore.
to measure, most companies have no systematic
program with regard to compensation package for 2. Company Analysis - the company should take into
them. Rather, they make subjective determinations account such as factors as current market share,
influenced by the availability of executive and sales growth, profit improvement. Moreover, a
managerial personnel that possess the desired skills, review of sales for the last past three-five years
bonus, profit-sharing, and stock option plans are now including costs and profits by product line must be
being practice to, along with fringe benefits designed to undertaken analyzing cost/volume/profit
increase the real income while keeping taxable income relationships and determining how they are affected
at a minimum. by sales growth and cost reductions.
- The risk and cost to the company if the program
INFLUENCE OF REWARDS DECISIONS - It has dealt with fails must also be considered.
the subject of the determinants of the distribution of
company’s income. 3. Participation - this plan must be clearly described,
that is, it is limited only to those managers who
DESIGNING MANAGEMENT INCENTIVES - The idea of directly and significantly affect company
that a manager can increase productivity to such an performance.
extent that it warrants being paid twice or even three
times the previous year’s salary often requires a major - In this plan, it is generally important to provide
change in thinking for top management. May companies separate incentive programs for different levels of
overlook is that, in a well designed plan, a substantial management inasmuch as their efforts affect
multiple of the manager’s ends up as a profit. (Small performance of the company in different ways.
Business Report, January 1982).
4. Plan Structure - In this plan, it must be simple, easy
- One of the reason why a number of companies to understand and implement. Any plan that is
do not adopt management incentives plans is a complicated may render the best intentions to
practical one. The productivity of an nothing. Simplicity may be judged on the ease of
organization can’t increase until managers have determining whether managers themselves can
full grasp of the true meaning of what a good easily calculate their rewards on the basis of given
performance actually is. performance levels and bonuses.
MANAGEMENT INCENTIVE PLANS - On the basis of 5. Substantial rewards - The rewards offered under
studies made, there are strong evidences to show that this plan must be fairly substantial. Otherwise.
there are logical connections between managerial pay Managers may not even give it a thought.
and company performance.
6. Sharing Rate - the maximum amount that any one
Any company which seeks to make incentive plans manager can earn should be open-ended, but based
work must take into account the following: upon a percentage of the total profits that will be
paid out. There are those who argue that above a
certain point (never defined) “the man makes the
job” and his rewards should not be limited by a 6. Managers must perceive that as their efforts
“classified” price tag. increase, performance will increase accordingly.
- Normally the “sharing rate” is approximately 10 7. Managers must perceive a high probability of
percent of the increase in profits generated by the achieving rewards.
incentive plan. Obviously, the higher the sharing
rate percentage, the more profits that will be Management Incentive Plans can greatly improve
consumed by the rewards. company profitability. But they must be expertly drafted
and applied. Rewards must be substantial, performance
7. No-bonus Zone - For purposes of stressing emphasis standards must be measurable and accurately reflect
on superior performance, no reward should be the manager’s who can directly influence company
given for marginal improvement. Thus, for profits. Few companies have the in-house expertise and
performance that does not reach a predetermined professional assistance is a must in most cases.
threshold, no bonus is paid.
❖ Properly designed, an incentive plan could boost
- The relationship between performance levels, productivity. Money is a motivator when managers
no-bonus zones and bonus ceilings must be clearly are fairly and amply rewarded in direct proportion
defined and understood by the manager. to their results.
8. Payout Provisions - The matter of payment of ❖ There should be a periodic review of management
rewards should also be clearly spelled out. Receipt incentive plan to see whether it works successfully
of incentive rewards on a deferred basis unless or not. Failure to achieve its goals and objectives, it
requested by managers for tax purposes. Could becomes incumbent on the part of top
defeat the very purpose for which the plan has been management to look into the matter with a view to
instituted. It may make managers lose-enthusiasm instituting needed remedial measures.
on their jobs instead of exerting greater efforts
toward increasing levels of productivity. DEFERRED BENEFIT PAYMENTS
9. Emphasis on Long-term Results - Every incentive Within recent years, large and small businesses alike,
plan must be anchored on long-term company are using deferred benefit payments.
growth and profitability must be its sole basis. Such plans, are used by businesses in the United states
MONETARY REWARDS AS MOTIVATORS 1. To attract and hold key executives and
For monetary rewards to motivate managers to managers;
greater performance, these conditions must exist: 2. To provide them with sheltered investments;
1. Management incentive plans must generate an and
increase in profits greater than the cost of the 3. To ensure financial security.
2. Companies must accept the philosophy that Deferred plans were originally intended as a device for
performance should be rewarded. retirement planning, and this is still the basic purpose of
qualified plans. However, in the case of unqualified
3. Management/shareholders cannot be plans, the primary purpose is one of tax avoidance for
threatened by the possibility that other both current income and estate taxes.
managers will earn more. - Therefore, over the years, the unqualified plan
has become more and more used as a tax
4. Managers must put a high value of money. planning tool for executives and business
5. Money must be tied to performance. managers in that country.
3. Merit Pay – base-pay increase based on employee
Typically, an executive or business managers enjoying performance
high salaries where possible, would defer as much
current income as necessary to: 4. Incentives – cash bonuses based on employee
1. Lower the present tax bracket to a reasonable
rate, while maintaining his present standard of 5. Promotions – base pay increase based on potential to
living, and perform new job
2. Build a retirement fund by providing (including
6. Pay Increases – base pay increase based on length of
growth) 50 to 90 percent of salary at the time of
service with the organization
7. Benefits
To achieve these goals, the deferred compensation plan
may be either qualified or unqualified, and in the case 8. Health and Welfare – payment for injuries and illness
of unqualified plans, funded or unfunded. both on and off the job
FACTORS AFFECTING COMPENSATION Union leaders are often very competent in selecting the
appropriate time to strike as judged by the markets for
External Factors: the employer’s products.
● Supply and demand for employee skills; To strengthen their control over the supply of labor,
● Labor organization; unions seek such goals as union or closed shops,
● Competitors regulation or restricted substitution of capital for labor
● The Economy; through technology, and controlled entry into
● Cost of living; and apprenticeship programs.
● Government Legislation
Collective bargaining agreement – the process by which
Internal Factors: unions and employers arrive and enforce their
● The firm’s financial condition; agreements
● Productivity of the firm - In order to realize the ambition of creating
● Employee some effective power over a labor market, a
● Job Description union had to gain control of the supply of labor
and have the financial resources necessary to
SUPPLY AND DEMAND outlast the employer strength. The union has to
The commodity approach to labor tend to show that a force the employer to negotiate.
wage is a price for the services of a worker or employee.
As such, if a firm desires his services, it must pay a price THE FIRM’S FINANCIAL CONDITION
for such services which are subject to control by the It should be recognized that not a few employers share
worker or group of workers acting in concert with one their bonanza in the form of bonuses with their
another. employees.
As the law of supply and demand indicates the greater If the firm is highly successful, it is good public relations
supply of any commodity and the lesser the demand for to pay their workers and employees above the
it, the price is low. Conversely, if the demand is greater prevailing wage rate. Contented and happy workers
than the supply, the price is high. become sufficiently motivated to work harder resulting
In general, anything works to decrease the supply of in increased productivity.
labor, such as restriction by a particular labor union, All said, ability to pay is an important factor affecting
there will be a tendency to increase the compensation. compensation, not for the individual firm for the entire
If anything works to increase the employers demand for economy or industry.
labor, such as wartime prosperity, there will be a
tendency to increase the compensation. The reverse of PRODUCTIVITY
each situation is likely to result in a decrease in
employee compensation. Productivity goes hand in hand with morale, i.e., if
morale is high, the worker exerts greater efforts
LABOR ORGANIZATION resulting in increased productivity.
Labor unions – represent the vital arm and thus the Productivity is a measure of performance.
strong force of labor organizations. In the structure of
Productivity is the ability of the worker to produce distressed enterprises are granted full or partial
more is circumscribed by the path he has chosen, the exemptions or deferment of compliance for a period to
path that lead to the accomplishment of desired goals. be determined by the National Wage Council.
Job Analysis – is the methodical compilation of study of Job Evaluation - Is a systematic procedure for measuring
work data in order to define and characterize each the relative value and importance of occupations on the
occupation in such a way as to distinguish it from all basis of their common factors (skill, training, effort) for
others. the purpose of determining wage and salary
- Job evaluation deals with jobs, not with people
1. To determine and establish job specifications; doing those jobs.
2. To develop training programs;
3. To evaluate positions in the company; BENEFITS OF A JOB EVALUATION
4. To study work flow and work process for 1. It provides a company with a more systematic
improvement in operations; procedure for determining the relative worth of
5. To determine safety standards each job within the company based upon the
6. To aid in determining cost and value benefits of information contained in the job description and
employee benefits. specifications.
2. It enjoys the advantage of permitting such ● It clarifies the organizational lines of authority and
judgments to be made with the objectivity owing to responsibility; provides a basis of hiring,
the fact that they can be based upon the factual transferring, and establishing lines of job
data instead of relying merely upon personal progression and channels of promotion; and serves
opinions. as a basis for developing a training program.
3. It may permit the improvement of the personnel
program in a number of ways. Job Design - It is concerned with the study of work.
● It provides a useful basis for establishing money Job Enlargement - Simply defined as a horizontal
rates for each job in the organization. expansion of duties and tasks across the same
● It is focused on different wage rates for different organizational level.
jobs and help align them in a desired relationship - Job enlargement is a technique used for
with each other. motivating the semi-skilled or unskilled workers
● It provides a means by which differences of opinions and may be misinterpreted as work overload
regarding wage rates and values of jobs be without a good hike in salary.
discussed openly by the job analyst, the employee - Job enlargement refers to increasing the
concerned and his supervisor. number of tasks to be performed by an
● It provides a systematic process through which new employee to reduce work related boredom.
jobs can be introduces into the job structure
without in any way creating any disturbance or Job Enrichment - The vertical expansion of the roles,
imbalance. responsibilities, authority and activities along with
● It provides meaningful data for other functions such different hierarchal levels.
as company training program, employee placement, - Job enrichment is used for development and
recruitment and selection, and long-range satisfaction of the skilled employees which is
manpower planning. usually taken as a reward of good work.
- Likewise, it provides data for incorporation in - Job enrichment is that motivational tool which
local area of wage surveys to establish value allows more decision making power and work
data regarding job classifications. Responsible related authority to the employees.
firms contribute to the wealth of industry data
by participating in wage surveys and research
METHODS OF JOB EVALUATION 2. Ranking Method - This method involves simply the
listing of the jobs into a rank order from high to low.
1. Point Rating - Under this system it breaks each - It is usually suited for small firms- for the firms
position down by understandable factors that are where the jobs are easily separated into
common to all jobs. This factors is rated fall into four (4) categories such as “office”, “factory”, and
categories. “professional” and when the number of jobs to
be evaluated is not too large.
● Skill: job knowledge, experience, training
education on the job holder. - This method may be by department or the
● Degree of effort: that is, mental or physical. whole firm itself. It involves checklists, paired
● Responsibility for materials, money, safety and comparison, and scientific management.
others. - Whatever method used, it should be a
● Job conditions like working conditions, presence convenient one for the firm and one which the
of hazards, noise, improper lighting, etc. employees fully understand.
- Lastly, this method involves comparing the
Advantages of Point Rating: rankings throughout the firm and resolving
❖ Since it is widely used throughout industry, it inequities.
permits comparisons on a similar basis with
❖ It is relatively simple to understand and to 1. Assures that all jobs have been currently analyzed.
explain to employees. 2. Collect job descriptions for all jobs to be evaluated.
❖ It is the simplest of the quantitative methods of 3. Select and form a ranking committee.
job evaluation. (in a quantitative method, the
4. Select and rank key jobs to serve as benchmarks in
parts of a job are considered and points
evaluating all other jobs.
assigned according to their relative worth).
5. Develop a rank list of all jobs by comparing the
❖ The point values for each job are easily
ranking of each job with that of the key jobs. In
converted into job and wage classes with a
order to measure one job in terms of, or with
minimum of confusion and distortion.
reference to, other jobs, it is necessary to select
❖ A well-conceived point rating plan has factors or features fundamentally prevalent in all
considerable stability- it is applicable to a wide occupations. Even though occupations vary in
range of jobs over an extended period of time. duties, operation routine, equipment and material,
❖ It permits a more objective and definitive the basic nature of all wage can be expressed and
approach requiring several separate and distinct compared by such attributes as “skill”, “effort”,
judgment decisions. Thus errors tend to cancel “responsibility”, and “working conditions”.
one another. 6. Review completed ranking and resolve any
discrepancies or differences between judgments.
Disadvantages of Point Rating:
❖ It assumes that all jobs are equally involved in Advantages of Ranking Method:
the same relationship which is not actually
❖ Simple, less time and paper work.
❖ Can eliminate personalities and is thus superior
❖ It can never be accomplished with complete
to old fashioned rate setting.
❖ It can give practical but rough job classification.
Disadvantages of Ranking Method:
❖ No committee is likely to be familiar with all the
❖ It does not facilitate analysis and can be
❖ Halo effects