Agricultural Sciences GR 12 Exam Guidelines 2017 Eng

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2.1 Format of the question paper for the external examinations in Grade 12 4
2.2 Cognitive level weighting 8



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The Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS) for Agricultural Sciences outlines the
nature and purpose of the subject Agricultural Sciences. This guides the philosophy underlying
the teaching and assessment of the subject in Grade 12.

The purpose of these Examination Guidelines is to:

• Provide clarity on the depth and scope of the content to be assessed in the Grade 12
National Senior Certificate (NSC) Examination in Agricultural Sciences.
• Assist teachers to adequately prepare learners for the examinations.

This document deals with the final Grade 12 external examinations. It does not deal in any depth
with the School-Based Assessment (SBA).

These Examination Guidelines should be read in conjunction with:

• The National Curriculum Statement (NCS) Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement
(CAPS): Agricultural Sciences
• The National Protocol of Assessment: An addendum to the policy document, the National
Senior Certificate: A qualification at Level 4 on the National Qualifications Framework
(NQF), regarding the National Protocol for Assessment (Grades R–12)
• The national policy pertaining to the programme and promotion requirements of the National
Curriculum Statement, Grades R–12

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2.1 Format of the question papers for the external examinations in Grade 12

In Grade 12 the formal school-based assessment (SBA) constitutes 25% of the final mark.
It is set and marked internally and moderated externally. The remaining 75% of the final mark for
certification in Grade 12 consists of a national examination which is set, marked and moderated
externally. This external examination consists of TWO PAPERS of 150 marks each. The grand
total is 300 marks.

The basic outline of these papers is indicated below:

Duration: 2½ hours
• Animal Nutrition QUESTION 1 QUESTIONS 2–4
• Animal Production, 45 105
Protection and Control Multiple choice, (35 marks/question)
• Reproduction terminology, Each of the main topics per
matching items and question
term replacement

Duration: 2½ hours
• Agricultural Manage- QUESTION 1 QUESTIONS 2–4
ment and Marketing 45 105
• Production factors Multiple choice, (35 marks/question)
• Basic Agricultural Ge- terminology, Each of the main topics
netics matching items and per question
term replacement

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Basic format and outline of the national question papers for Agricultural Sciences
This section consists of multiple-choice questions, matching items, terminology and term
replacement questions. There must be an equal distribution of marks between the main topics
(Animal Nutrition, Animal Production, Protection and Control and Reproduction) for these ques-
tions. Each of the main topics will be allocated 15 marks.
The following provides an indication of the format, layout, instructions, and number of questions
per subquestion and mark allocation for SECTION A:
There will be four different types of short questions in the following sequence:
Multiple-choice questions:
1.1 Various options are provided as possible answers to the following questions.
Write down the question number (1.1.1–1.1.10), choose the answer and make a
cross (X) over the letter (A–D) of your choice in the ANSWER BOOK.
1.1.11 A B C D
1.1.1 → 1.1.10 (10 x 2) (20)
FOUR possible answers are provided per question and indicated as follows:
A ………………
B ………………
C ………………
D ………………
Matching-item questions:
1.2 Indicate whether each of the descriptions in COLUMN B applies to A ONLY, B ONLY,
BOTH A AND B or NONE of the items in COLUMN A. Write A only, B only, both A and
B or none next to the question number (1.2.1–1.2.5) in the ANSWER BOOK, for example
1.2.6 B only.
TWO answers indicated by A and B in COLUMN A and a description indicated in
1.2.6 A: Heartwater A tick-borne disease transmitted by
B: Redwater the blue tick
ANSWER: 1.2.6 B only
1.2.1 → 1.2.5 (5 x 2) (10)
Terminology questions:
1.3 Give ONE word/term for each of the following descriptions. Write only the word/term next
to the question number (1.3.1–1.3.5) in the ANSWER BOOK.
1.3.1 → 1.3.5 (5 x 2) (10)
Term replacement questions:
1.4 Change the UNDERLINED WORD(S) in each of the following statements to make them
TRUE. Write only the answer next to the question number (1.4.1–1.4.5) in the ANSWER
1.4.1 → 1.4.5 (5 x 1) (5)
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This section consists of multiple-choice questions, matching items, terminology and term
replacement questions. There must be an equal distribution of marks between the main topics
(Agricultural Management and Marketing, Production Factors and Basic Agricultural Genetics) for
these questions. Each of the main topics will be allocated 15 marks.

The following provides an indication of the format, layout, instructions, and number of questions
per subquestion and mark allocation for SECTION A:


There will be four different types of short questions in the following sequence:


Multiple-choice questions:
1.1 Various options are provided as possible answers to the following questions.
Write down the question number (1.1.1–1.1.10), choose the answer and make a
cross (X) over the letter (A–D) of your choice in the ANSWER BOOK.
1.1.11 A B C D
1.1.1 → 1.1.10 (10 x 2) (20)
FOUR possible answers are provided per question and indicated as follows:
A ………………
B ………………
C ………………
D ………………

Matching-item questions:
1.2 Choose a term/phrase from COLUMN B that matches a description in COLUMN A.
Write only the letter (A–J) next to the question number (1.2.1–1.2.5) in the ANSWER
BOOK, for example 1.2.6 K.
1.2.1 → 1.2.5 (5 x 2) (10)
Only ten items marked A to J are added in COLUMN B as distractors for the descriptions

Terminology questions:

1.3 Give ONE word/term for each of the following descriptions. Write only the word/term next
to the question number (1.3.1–1.3.5) in the ANSWER BOOK.
1.3.1 → 1.3.5 (5 x 2) (10)

Term-replacement questions:
1.4 Change the UNDERLINED WORD(S) in each of the following statements to make the
statements TRUE. Write only the correct word(s) next to the question number (1.4.1–1.4.5)
1.4.1 → 1.4.5 (5 x 1) (5)

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All questions are COMPULSORY and EACH question must be started on a NEW page ('Start this
question on a NEW page').


Questions covering most of the main content areas, numbered 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, etc., with
subquestions, for example 2.1.1.
Content areas are indicated in the annual teaching plan of the CAPS document for
Agricultural Sciences. [35]


Questions covering most of the main content areas, numbered 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, etc., with
subquestions, for example 3.1.1.
Content areas are indicated in annual teaching plan of the CAPS document for Agricultural
Sciences. [35]


Questions covering most of the main content areas, numbered 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, etc., with
subquestions, for example 4.1.1.
Content areas are indicated in annual teaching plan of the CAPS document for Agricultural
Sciences. [35]



All questions are COMPULSORY and EACH question must be started on a NEW page ('Start this
question on a NEW page').


Questions covering most of the main content areas, numbered 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, etc., with
subquestions, for example 2.1.1.
Content areas are indicated in annual teaching plan of the CAPS document for Agricultural
Sciences. [35]


Questions covering most of the main content areas, numbered 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, etc., with
subquestions, for example 3.1.1.
Content areas are indicated in annual teaching plan of the CAPS document for Agricultural
Sciences. [35]


Questions covering most of the main content areas, numbered 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, etc., with
subquestions, for example 4.1.1.
Content areas are indicated in annual teaching plan of the CAPS document for Agricultural
Sciences. [35]


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2.2 Cognitive level weighting

The table below provides a guide for the cognitive level weighting applicable to Paper 1 and
Paper 2. The key verb is used as a guide to judge the appropriate cognitive level of a question.
The context of the question will provide more details to measure the level of difficulty of a question
to place it at the most appropriate level. The marks per cognitive level need to reflect the overall
cognitive balance as a percentage (40% knowledge, 40% comprehension and application and
20% analysis, synthesis and evaluation) for each of the question papers. The cognitive levels will
be scaffolded within a question.

Cognitive levels, context words and key verbs for paper 1 and paper 2
A Name, State, Give, Indicate, Provide, Arrange, Define, Label,
Knowledge List, Outline, Locate, Recognise, Select
Describe, Identify, Restate, Review, Summarise, Classify,
B Compare, Define, Distinguish, Interpret, Match and Select,
Apply, Calculate, Draw, Explain, Identify, Illustrate, Prepare,
and Application
40% Operate, Practice, Solve, Draw (Sketch), Modify, Adapt, Com-
pute, Discover, Survey, Gather, Prepare, Use, Show
Analysis, Categorise, Compare, Distinguish, Discuss, Examine,
Analysis Investigate, Test, Deduce, Relate, Classify, Contrast, Explain,
Generalise, Predict, Solve
C Arrange, Compose, Formulate, Organise, Plan, Assemble,
Synthesis Construct, Combine, Create, Depict, Design, Develop,
20% Incorporate, Integrate, Invent, Predict, Produce, Structure
Appraise, Assess, Comment on, Critically analyse, Evaluate,
Evaluation Conclude, Interrogate, Judge, Predict, Compare, Score, Justify,
Critique, Recommend


Each of the cognitive levels A (basic knowledge), B (comprehension and application) and
C (analysis, synthesis and evaluation) is mainly determined by the key verbs used in the
questions. The level of difficulty for each of these categories must also be judged based on the
context of each question. The level of difficulty will fall into three different categories for each of
the cognitive levels, namely difficult, moderate and easy. The weighting of these categories
should be equal for each of the cognitive levels.

The contextual issues below need to be considered when assessing a question for its level of
• The detail of the knowledge or concepts required in the responses
• The amount/quantity of knowledge or concepts that is needed in the responses
• The complexity of the knowledge or concepts that is required in the responses
• The types and complexity of skills needed to complete the question
• The complexity of the phrasing of a question
• The level of extended thinking needed to respond to a question
• The basic context of a question

Each of the contextual issues above needs to be carefully evaluated in each question to make a
judgement on the level of difficulty of a question. This classification of questions needs to be
justified by the expected performances and perception of candidates to them.

Refer to previous question papers for some examples in this regard.

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The tables below provide a brief outline of the content coverage for PAPER 1 and PAPER 2.
The total marks for each of the main topics need to be added together for each paper to measure
the content distribution of each paper.

Main topic Mark allocation
• Animal Nutrition 50
• Animal Production, Protection and Control 50
• Animal Reproduction 50

Main topic Mark allocation
• Agricultural Management and Marketing 50
• Production factors 50
• Basic Agricultural Genetics 50

Basic skills linked to the subject:

The skills below are measured in PAPER 1 and PAPER 2. Visibility of these skills gives an
indication of the overall skills required in the subject:
• Ability to follow instructions
• Identifying labels/Labelling/Drawing/Diagrams/Schematic representations
• Plotting and interpretation of graphs/data
• Working out and interpreting calculations
• Organising/Recording and categorising data
• Extraction and/or manipulation and/or evaluation of data
• Hypothesis testing/Formulation/Using scientific methods

Calculations Graphs
Generally the criteria used for assessing Graphs will be assessed according to the following
calculations are as follows: criteria:
• Correct formula • Type of graph (line/bar)
• Substitution of values • Correct heading
• Simplifying of values • Correct units, e.g. price/kg
• Answer and correct units • Correct labelling and calibration on y-axis
• Proportionality (e.g. fodder flow) • Correct labelling and calibration on x-axis
A minimum of two calculations per question
paper should be expected

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Animal Nutrition
Animal nutrition • Compare the external structure of the alimentary canal of a ruminant (cow and sheep) and a non-ruminant Examples of ques-
(fowl and pig) tions in previous
• Functions and adaptations of various structures of the alimentary canal question papers
• Description of the internal structure of the rumen, reticulum, omasum, abomasum and small intestines
Digestion in non- Digestion in non-ruminants Examples of ques-
ruminants • A brief explanation of the intake of feed tions in previous
(pig/fowl) and ru- • The mechanical and/or chemical (enzymes) digestion processes in the mouth, stomach, small intestine and the question papers
minants (cow) large intestine:
• Functions of the salivary glands, the liver, pancreas and intestinal glands (accessory glands).
Digestion in ruminants
• Definitions of rumination, regurgitation and peristalsis
• Explanation of the intake of food and the chewing of the cud (swallowing and re-swallowing)
• The differences in size and functionality of the four stomach compartments of a mature ruminant compared to a
young ruminant
Digestion in the rumen
• Describe rumen microbes as single-celled organisms found in the reticulorumen
• Briefly classify the different types of rumen microbes
Limited examples in
• Specific functions of different bacteria (cellulytic, proteolytic, amylolytic)
previous question
• Describe the most important requirements for normal functioning of rumen microbes/microorganisms papers
• Name the functions of the rumen microbes
• Explain the direct absorption of food in the rumen and small intestine directly by osmosis and diffusion and ac-
tive transport into the blood stream
Components of • Briefly describe the functions (importance) of water, proteins, carbohydrates (sugar, starch and crude fibre) and Examples of ques-
feed fats/oils (ether extract) in animal production and growth tions in previous
• Indicate the basic bio-chemical functions, importance and deficiencies of the macro-elements (calcium, question papers
phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, chlorine, potassium, sulphur) and trace-elements (iron, iodine, zinc, se-
lenium, copper, cobalt)
• Briefly indicate the basic functions and two deficiencies of water-soluble vitamins (B 1 ; B 2 ; B 6 and B 12 / Vitamin
B complex) and fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E and K)

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Digestibility of • Define the digestibility and digestibility coefficient of feeds Examples of ques-
feeds • List the factors that affect/influence/determine the digestibility of feeds and explain their impact on digestibility tions in previous
• Describe the methods used to improve/increase the digestibility of feeds question papers
• Understand the different steps in the calculation of digestibility coefficient, interpretation and implication of
calculated values
Quality of feed, en- Quality of feed: biological value of proteins Examples of ques-
ergy value of feeds • Define the concepts: biological value (BV), essential amino-acid index and ideal proteins tions in previous
and nutritive ratio • Explain the importance of animal proteins in rations question papers
• Evaluate a feed protein in terms of biological value (egg protein and milk protein]
Energy value of feed
• Name the units in which energy value is expressed
• Define and outline gross energy, metabolic energy, digestible and net energy
• Describe the purpose/aims of calculating energy value of the feed
• Identify and draw a schematic representation of feed energy flow
• Use formulae to calculate the feed energy flow and interpret the results
Nutritive ratio
• Define the concept of nutritive ratio (NR)
• Describe the purpose/aims of the nutritive ratio in animal feeding
• Use different formulae to calculate and interpret the nutritive value of a feed
Types of feed • Illustrate the basic classification of animal feeds Examples of ques-
• Define roughages and concentrates tions in previous
• Name the characteristics of roughages and concentrates question papers
• Describe the different types of roughages and concentrates
• Make a schematic representation of different types of animal feeds
• Importance of roughage and concentrates as feeds for different types of animals (ruminants and non-ruminants)

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Subdivision of • Compare and give examples of protein-rich and carbohydrate-rich feeds Examples of ques-
feeds Supplements to rations tions in previous
• Indicate the different ways of supplementing: minerals, vitamins, non-protein nitrogen and growth stimulants question papers
Planning a feed flow programme
Planning a feed • Define and describe a feed-flow programme, maintenance and production ration
flow programme • A brief overview of the Pearson square method (feed formulation)
• Calculate and draw the feed requirements using a single Pearson square method
• Interpret the Pearson square results for feed mixtures
• Conversion of the feed ratios into kilograms and percentages
• Interpret and describe fodder/feed flow/fodder production planning
• Explain the importance of fodder flow/fodder production planning
• Do a basic calculation of a feed/fodder flow program for a group of livestock (number of animals and feed needed
over a period of time)

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Animal Production, Protection and Control


Animal production Animal production systems Examples of ques-
Increasing animal • Describe and compare intensive and extensive animal production systems tions in previous
production • Distinguish between small-scale/subsistence and large-scale/commercial farming systems question papers
Intensive farming Study examples of intensive farming productions including broiler production, battery system, feedlots and a No or limited exam-
piggery ples of questions in
• Describe how factors, like nutrition/feeding, environment, reproduction/breeding and general enterprise previous question
management are used to increase animal production under intensive farming (broiler production) papers
Extensive farming • Study examples of extensive farming productions including sheep farming, beef production and poultry No or limited
production examples of
• Describe how factors like nutrition/feeding, environment, reproduction/breeding and general enterprise questions in
management are used to increase animal production in extensive farming (beef production) previous question
Animal shelter/ • Give the importance or reasons for shelter/housing Some examples of
Protection/ • Identify different structures used for sheltering/housing livestock in an intensive animal production system questions in
Housing • Identify and describe different intensive production systems, like a backyard system, intensive/semi-intensive previous question
system and a free range systems for poultry, pigs or dairy production papers
• Explain the basic housing or shelter requirements/guidelines for an intensive production system, like a holding
shed, feed shed and holding pens No or limited exam-
• Identify and describe the different equipment/tools for intensive housing systems, like feeders, water supply, ples of questions in
bedding and lighting previous question
Behaviour and Behaviour of farm animals Limited examples of
handling of farm • Describe the common behaviour of cattle, sheep, pigs and poultry under various conditions questions in previ-
animals Handling of farm animals ous question papers
• Give the reasons/importance of handling farm animals
• Describe the effect of incorrect handling on farm animals (harm and effect)
• State the basic guidelines for handling cattle, sheep, pigs and poultry
• Identify and describe the different techniques/tools/aids/facilities (design features, e.g. loading ramps, crush,
vehicle) utilised to handle farm animals
• The basic guidelines/requirements for transporting/moving farm animals from one farm to another/abattoirs

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Animal diseases Animal health Some examples of
and protection • Describe the signs of poor health/sick animals (cattle, pigs and chickens) questions in
• Name and describe the methods of testing animal health previous question
• Various methods of administering medicine to animals (cattle, pigs and chickens) papers
• Describe the sustainable use of medication
• Distinguish between infectious, non-infectious and metabolic animal diseases
• Identify and distinguish between the levels of seriousness of animal diseases (chronic, per-acute and acute)
Animal diseases
• Indicate the main micro-organisms causing diseases in animals
• Identify the most important diseases in South Africa based on the mode of transmission, animal host, symptoms
and control measures
Viral and bacterial • Evaluate viral diseases, like foot and mouth disease (FMD), rabies, Rift Valley fever (RVF), avian/bird flu, Some examples of
diseases swine fever/flu and Newcastle disease (NCD) questions in
• Bacterial diseases prescribed: anthrax, mastitis and tuberculosis (TB), etc.: transmission, host, symptoms and previous question
control measures papers
Protozoal and fun- • Indicate protozoal diseases, like anaplasmosis, redwater, heartwater and coccidiosis Some examples of
gal diseases • Describe fungal diseases, like lumpy wool and ringworm questions in previous
• Identify and explain the economic implications of these animal diseases question papers
• Describe the preventative/control measures for animal diseases
Internal parasites/ • Define the term internal parasite Some examples of
endoparasites • Identify and describe the main groups of internal parasites, like tapeworms, liver fluke and roundworms questions in previous
• Describe the life cycles, animal hosts, symptoms and treatment of tapeworms, liver fluke and roundworms question papers
• Explain the financial implications and detrimental effects of internal parasites
• Describe the basic preventative/control measures of internal parasites
External parasites/ • Define the term external parasite Some examples of
ectoparasites • Distinguish between ticks, nasal worm, blowflies, lice and mites as examples of external parasites questions in previous
• Identify and describe the life cycles of ticks (single/two/three host ticks), nasal worm (sheep); and blowflies, lice question papers
and mites (sheep)
• Explain the financial implications and detrimental effects of external parasites
• Describe the basic preventative/control measures of external parasites
Plant and metallic • Identify and describe the maize fungus, poison bulb, thorn apple as examples of plant poisoning No or limited
salt poisoning • Discuss the treatment of animals suffering from plant poisoning examples of
• Describe the preventative/control measures of plant poisoning questions in previous
• Identify and describe common salt and urea poisoning (the symptoms and treatment) question papers
• Indicate the preventative/control measures of salt poisoning
• Describe the basic principles of good health to control animal diseases and parasites/pests
• Indicate the role of the state in animal protection

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NOTE: For examination purposes diseases will be assessed as indicated in the table below:
Rabies Mastitis Heartwater Ringworm
RVF, Rabies, FMD Anthrax Anaplasmosis Ringworm
FMD, NCD TB Heartwater Lumpy wool
Rabies, swine flu, avian flu Mastitis Anaplasmosis Lumpy wool
RVF Anthrax Coccidiosis Ringworm
FMD, RVF, avian flu, swine flu Mastitis Redwater Lumpy wool

1.Type of animal infected
2. Transmitting agent
3. Symptoms
4. Control/Preventative measures
5. Treatment
6. Economic implications

NOTE: For examination purposes parasites will be assessed as indicated in the table below:
Liver fluke, Roundworm Nasal worm
Tapeworm Ticks, Blowflies
Roundworm, Tapeworm Mites
Liver fluke Ticks
Tapeworm, Roundworm Ticks, Mites

1.Type of animal infected
2. Transmitting agent
3. Symptoms
4. Control/Preventative measures
5. Treatment
6. Economic importance

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Animal Reproduction


Animal Reproductive organs of cattle Some examples of
reproduction • Distinguish between the primary and secondary male reproductive organs/structures questions in
• List the functions of the testes, epididymis, scrotum and the accessory sex glands (vesicular glands; prostate; previous question
Male and female Cowper's gland) papers
reproductive • Describe the process of sperm formation (spermatogenesis) and make a schematic representation of
systems spermatogenesis
• State the factors causing sterility and infertility in bulls
• Identify and describe the primary and secondary female reproductive organs (structure)
• Indicate the functions of the ovaries, Fallopian tubes, uterus and vagina
• Describe the process of ovigenesis/oogenesis and make a schematic representation of ovigenesis/oogenesis
Oestrus and • Define oestrus or the heat period Some examples of
oestrus cycle • Identify and describe the female sex hormones and their respective functions questions in previous
• Indicate and describe the periods/stages/phases of the oestrus cycle in cows question papers
• Noticeable signs/characteristics of oestrus in cows
• Describe the practical methods dairy farmers can adopt to assist with the identifying of cows on heat
Synchronisation of • Define the concept of the synchronisation of oestrus/heat No or limited exam-
oestrus and mating • Briefly describe the various techniques/methods of synchronisation of oestrus/heat ples of questions in
• Advantages and disadvantages of synchronisation of oestrus previous question
• Describe the basic factors causing sterility and infertility in females (cows) papers
• Define mating/copulation and ejaculation
• Describe natural mating by referring to male sexual display/courtship behaviour/pattern, factors that regulate
mating behaviour among bulls and the five main stages of mating/copulation
Artificial mating • Define artificial insemination Some examples of
(Artificial • Indicate the main requirements for successful AI questions in previous
insemination, • List the advantages and disadvantages of AI question papers
embryo • Describe the collecting of semen by using an artificial vagina or electrical stimulation/electro-ejaculator
transplantation • State the basic requirements for semen collection and storage
and cloning) • Describe the characteristics of good quality semen (semen evaluation)
• Describe the dilutants and functions of such dilutants
• Identify the correct time for artificial insemination (timing for AI)
• Indicate and describe the correct technique for carrying out AI

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Embryo • Identify and define the embryo transplantation/transfer (ET), superovulation, embryo flushing/harvesting, No or limited
transplantation/ donor cows, recipient cows examples of
transfer (ET) • Describe the aims/purposes of ET and embryo flushing/harvesting questions in previous
• List the advantages and disadvantages of ET question papers
Nuclear transfer • Define nuclear transfer/cloning No or limited
(Cloning) • List the aims/purposes of animal cloning examples of
• Distinguish between reproductive cloning and therapeutic cloning questions in previous
• Indicate the advantages and disadvantages of cloning question papers
Fertilisation and • Identify and define fertilisation, pregnancy/gestation, freemartins and placenta
pregnancy • Describe the fertilisation process
• Describe the formation of multiple births (twins) and freemartins
• Identify the phases/stages of pregnancy
• Give the main reasons for abortions
Birth/Parturition • Define parturition/birth and dystocia Some examples of
and dystocia • Signs/Characteristics of a cow approaching parturition questions in previous
• State the functions of the layers covering the foetus question papers
• Indicate the stages/phases of parturition
• Identify and describe the correct birth positions of a calf in the uterus just before birth
• Name the conditions which interfere with normal parturition process
• Describe the principal factors causing the retention of the placenta/afterbirth in cows
Milk production/ • Identify and define the lactation, dry period and milk ejection Some examples of
lactation • Identify and describe the structure of the udder of a cow (functions) questions in previous
• Discuss the milk ejection/milk let down process and hormones involved question papers
• Explain the importance and functions of colostrum for the new born calf
• Identify and describe the interpretation of the lactation curve and lactation cycle (period)

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Agricultural Management and Marketing
Agricultural • Define the market/marketing Some examples of
marketing • Distinguish between marketing and selling questions in previous
• List, identify and describe the main functions of agricultural marketing (transport, storage, packaging and question papers
processing/value adding)
• Price determination and supply/demand
• Define and describe supply and demand
• Explain and interpret the law of supply and demand (the interpretation of the supply and demand curve/graph)
• Identify and explain the factors influencing the supply and demand of a product
• Identify and describe the price elasticity of supply/demand and price inelasticity of supply/demand
Market equilibrium • Define market equilibrium Some examples of
• Interpret a hypothetical supply-and demand curve to indicate market equilibrium questions in previous
• Interpret the market equilibrium question papers
• Describe the development of a market
• Describe the importance of a market with regard to fixed prices, types of buyers and methods to promote
• List the approaches to marketing including mass marketing and multi-segment marketing
• Identify and explain sustainable agricultural marketing (green markets, eco-labelling)
Agricultural Free-marketing Some examples of
marketing systems • Define the concept of free marketing questions in previous
• Indicate the general advantages and disadvantages of a free-market system question papers
• Identify and describe the main channels/options of free-market systems and their advantages and
disadvantages (farm-gate market, fresh-produce markets, stock sales, direct marketing and Internet marketing)
Co-operative marketing
• Define the concept of agricultural co-operatives and their background
• Describe the principles of agricultural co-operative
• Name the types of agricultural co-operatives
• Describe the benefits/advantages of agricultural co-operatives
Controlled marketing
• Describe the concept of controlled marketing
Agricultural marketing chain or supply-demand chain
• Identify and describe a marketing chain/supply-demand chain
• Factors that hamper the marketing chain of agricultural products
• Indicate ways to streamline and improve the agri-business chain
• Briefly describe the role of legislation in the effective marketing of agricultural products

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Agricultural • Define an entrepreneur and entrepreneurship Some examples of
entrepreneurship • Describe the important aspects of the entrepreneur and entrepreneurship questions in previous
and business • Describe the entrepreneurial success factors or personal characteristics question papers
planning • Identify the main distinct phases of the entrepreneurial process
Agri-business plan
• Define and outline a business plan
• Identify and indicate the reasons for drawing up a business plan in the agricultural sector
• Outline the standard format and layout (components) of an agricultural business plan
• Indicate the problems encountered when drawing up an agri-business plan
• Identify electronic resources used as a tool for drawing up an agri-business plan
• Describe a basic SWOT analysis

Factors of production


Agricultural factors Land Some examples of
of production • Identify the functions of land (in economic terms) questions in previous
Land and labour • Indicate the economic characteristics of land as a factor of production question papers
• Describe the techniques/methods of increasing land productivity
• Define the term labour
• Describe the different types of labour in agriculture (with relevant examples)
• Identify and describe the problems associated with labour in agriculture
• Indicate the methods for increasing labour productivity
• Identify the labour legislation (acts) affecting farm workers in South Africa [LRA, BCEA, OHSA, COIA and SDA]
• Describe the standard format and layout (components) of a labour/farm worker contract

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Agricultural Sciences 20 DBE/2014
Examination Guidelines


Capital and Capital Some examples of
management • Define the following terms: capital, assets, cash flow, budgets questions in previous
• Identify and describe the types of capital (with relevant examples) question papers
• List the methods of creating capital
• Identify and describe the sources of finance/credit (long-term, medium-term and short-term credit)
• Indicate the problems associated with capital as a factor of production
• Identify and describe the capital/financial management systems, including financial records, farm asset records
and farm budgets
• Indicate the differences between an enterprise budget and a whole farm budget (example of farm budget)
• Identify the components of a cash flow statement
• Distinguish between the main aspects which are included in a cash flow budget statement
• Define the concepts of farm management/management, strategic farm risk management
• Identify and explain the principles/components of management
• Indicate the general management skills needed to manage a farm business
• Identify and describe the internal and external forces which affect/influence farming businesses
• Discuss the primary sources of risk in farming business
• Identify and discuss the main risk management strategies/techniques (diversification strategies, risk- sharing
• Discuss the law of diminishing returns as applicable to all factors of production – interpretation of graph

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Agricultural Sciences 21 DBE/2014
Examination Guidelines

Basic Agricultural Genetics


Basic agricultural Genetic concepts Some examples of
genetics • Define basic genetic terminology, like genetics/heredity, genes, chromosomes and alleles (homozygous and questions in previous
heterozygous) question papers
Monohybrid • Distinguish between genotype and phenotype, dominant and recessive genes
inheritance • Indicate a monohybrid inheritance/crosses (Mendel's first law: law of segregation)
Dihybrid • Indicate a dihybrid inheritance/dihybrid cross (Mendel's second law: law of independent assortment)
inheritance • Use various methods, such as a Punnet square, genetic diagrams and schematic representations to illustrate
the crosses
• Describe Mendel's laws of segregation and independent recombination of characteristics
• Distinguish between qualitative and quantitative characteristics
The pattern of • Identify and describe the pattern of inheritance that leads to different phenotypes: incomplete dominance, Some examples of
inheritance co-dominance, multiple alleles, polygenic inheritance and epistasis questions in previous
• Define the concept of prepotency and atavism with relevant examples question papers
• Describe the sex chromosomes and sex-linked characteristics (examples)
Variation and • Define genetic terminology, like variation, mutation and selection Some examples of
mutation • Identify and describe the importance of variation and selection questions in previous
• Discuss the external (environmental) and internal (genetic) causes of variation question papers
• Identify the types of mutagenic agents and their effects (changes in chromosome structures)
Selection • Indicate the general principles of selection, like biometrics, heritability and estimated breeding values(EBVs), Some examples of
and compare natural and artificial selection questions in previous
• Indicate the selection methods used by plants and animal breeders (mass, pedigree, family and progeny selec- question papers
tion) and breeding values
• Identify and describe inbreeding, line-breeding with relevant examples, cross breeding, upgrading, species-
crossing, out-crossing and the advantages and disadvantages of these different breeding systems


Genetic modification/ • Define the concept of genetic modification/genetic engineering in plants and animals (with relevant examples) Some examples of
genetic engineering • List the aims of genetic modification of plants and animals questions in previous
• Indicate the advantages of genetic engineering over traditional methods question papers
• Identify and describe the current uses/application of genetically modified plants
• Indicate the techniques used to genetically modify plants/animals
• Describe the potential benefits of genetically modified crops
• Name the characteristics of GMOs
• Indicate the potential risks of GMOs

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Agricultural Sciences 22 DBE/2017
Examination Guidelines


This Examination Guidelines document is meant to articulate the assessment aspirations es-
poused in the CAPS document. It is therefore not a substitute for the CAPS document which edu-
cators should teach to.

Qualitative curriculum coverage as enunciated in the CAPS cannot be over-emphasised.

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