Account for the physical conditions favouring deposition at the lower course of a river. deposition. Lakes can store sediment so the absence of
lakes hinders deposition upstream, and more load will
5 be transported downstream. The increase in the
amount of sediment load favours the formation
Use of
English Version symbol deposition.
It is going to account for the physical conditions Weak wave energy is also one of the physical
INTRO favouring deposition at the lower course of a river. conditions. When the river mouth is at the sheltered
bay with a short fetch and a shallow sea floor, the
6 energy of sea waves will be weakened and hindering
The change of channel gradient leads to deposition
at the lower course. As the gradient at the lower course wave erosion. Formation of deposition is facilitated.
is gentle, the velocity of river flow drops, hence
favouring deposition. When river enters lake or ocean, Saline sea water, which led to flocculation, is also a
1 the speed falls drastically. It is beneficial for deposition favorable factor forming a delta. When river flows into
at the river mouth and deltas is formed. the sea, those transported tiny particles (i.e. clay and
silt) coagulate with the salt. They will become heavy
7 enough to sink and deposit. The higher the salinity of
seawater, the more the favourable for the formation of
Active fluvial erosion and transportation help deposition.
deposition actions at the lower course of the river.
Once the erosion at the upper course of the river is
strong enough that many eroded materials enter the The variation of rainfall also favours deposition.
river channel, providing a huge amount of sediment When rainfall decreases, rainfall volume decreases and
load to the river channel. When the amount of load so river energy decreases. When there is a seasonal
2 increases, the energy of the river is reduced, and pattern of rainfall, say during dry seasons, water levels
lowering the speed of the river. This leads to deposition drop, forming low ridges and sandbars and hence
at the river bed of the lower course, forming flood blocking the river flow. During wet seasons, rivers are
8 forced to split into many smaller channels, forming
plains. If the coarser sediment is deposited on the river
banks and continues to be raised, levees will be braided streams.
In addition, different fetches are another factor However, erosion is more active due to the
explaining erosion and deposition occurring resistance and structure of rocks. The
simultaneously. Fetch refers to the maximum southeastern coast of Hong Kong is mainly formed
distance the wave can travel uninterruptedly across by volcanic rock, mainly tuff, which is highly resistant
the water. When fetch is longer at the same time to weathering erosion, forming many exposed
with particular wind direction, more time is for headlands. Moreover, the line of weakness (e.g. tuff
waves to build up its energy. The southeastern part 5 in Ninepin Groups with hexagonal columnar jointing
600 of Hong Kong faces over 600 km Pacific Ocean, long and granite in Shek O with vertical jointing) favours
fetch forms destructive waves with high wave hydraulic action and forms various erosional
energy, causing erosion and landform feature, such features, such as Sea Arch in Nineiin Group as well
as sea arch in Cape D’Aguilar and wave-cut as sea cliff and wavecut platform in Tai Tau Chau.
2 platform in Tai Tau Chau, Shek O.