Mjli 81 Train
Mjli 81 Train
Mjli 81 Train
8 (2011): 1-19 1
Honorary Professor of Psychology
University of Hong Kong
Educational Consultant
All teachers would say that they “teach for understanding” but that
could mean a whole range of levels of understanding. We need to
be rather more precise about what level of understanding we intend
to achieve in our learning outcomes, and to do this we can use the
SOLO taxonomy (Biggs & Collis, 1982).
SOLO is an acronym for “Structure of Observed Learning
Outcome” and it refers to the fact that when something is learned it
grows in complexity:
Train-the-Trainers: Implementing Outcomes-based Teaching and Learning: 1-19 5
1. One or a few aspects of the task are learned (unistructural);
2. More and more aspects are acquired but they are not inter-
related or integrated (multistructural);
3. The hitherto unrelated aspects of the task become related to
form an integrated whole (relational);
4. The integrated whole is generalised to new, untaught and
more abstract domains (extended abstract).
Table 1
The assessment tasks likewise address the same verbs as are stated in
the intended outcomes. When the assessment task is the TLA itself,
alignment is perfect. If the verb is explain, the assessment is in terms
of how well the explanation is carried out. In the explain example,
for instance, the students learned how to explain the topic content
by using peer-teaching and peer-assessment; the teacher could
then use the same rubrics to assess the students summatively as the
10 Malaysian Journal of Learning and Instruction: Vol. 8 (2011): 1-19
A Topic-Based Curriculum
ILO5. Work effectively as a team member in a small-scale
engineering project.”
Grade D C- C C+ B- B B+ A- A A+
Explain Able to identify and briefly Able to identify a number of Able to identify a full range As in ‘Good’ but provides views
write about limited points. relevant points with some of relevant points with details. on possible alternative causes and/
Very little evidence of details. Use these points to Supported by relevant literature. or results depending on changes
using these points to provide a fair reasoning or Points are organized to provide of conditions. Able to link current
provide reasoning to why causality. No evidence of a a comprehensive and cohesive reasoning to situations in real-life
they are inter-related. comprehensive overview reasoning or causality. professional contexts.
of reasoning or causality.
Note: These are generic rubrics that may be modified to suit the explanation of a particular topic or concept.
Train-the-Trainers: Implementing Outcomes-based Teaching and Learning: 1-19