Valmet 6000

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10 General

20 Engine

30 Electrical

40 Power

50 Brake

Steering sys-
60 tem and Front

70 Frame and

Service Manual
Tractors 80 Cab and

Groups 10---100

90 Hydraulics

Valtra Inc.

44200 Suolahti, Finland
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22. Fuel system

ValtraValmet-- tractors, Stanadyne injectors

Tractor Type of Ordering Ordering no of Nozzle ope- Adjusting Shims no 1,00...2,00 mm Code C

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injector no of nozzle ning pres- pressure, bar
compl. in- sure, bar (value to be
jector used both with
new and used
6000, 6100 S/736 8366 39956 8366 39957 230+10 240 8366 40104...8366 40122 736
6200 (---K41123)
6300 (---K42118)
6400 (---K42107)
6600, 6800 (---L23516)
8000, 8100, 8200
8400 103 kW (---K34331)
8050 (---L22533)
8150 (---L24138)
8750, 8550 USA
6900, 8000R USA, 6200 USA, 6300 USA, 8150Hi M/423 8368 54755 8368 54757 270+8 278 8368 62000...8368 62020 423
8150 (L24139---)
1. 8. 2000

1. 9. 2002

8550 (---L24115) S/655 8363 40034 8363 39985 230+10 240 8366 40104...8366 40122 655
6250Hi, 6350Hi, 6750Hi, 6850Hi,8350Hi, 8550Hi M/358 8366 59808 8366 59902 270+8 278 8368 62000...8368 62020 358
6200 (K41124---)
6300 (K42119---)

6400 (K42108---)
6800 (L23517---)
8550 (L24116---)
6000-- 8950

6550Hi, 6650Hi, 8050Hi, 8450Hi M/446 8368 54831 8368 54832 270+8 278 8368 62000...8368 62020 446
6400 (L23506---)
8050 (L22534---)

8400 110 kW (K32135 ---L33320)


8450 (L24209---)
8950Hi M/876 8368 54791 8368 54792 270+8 278 8368 62000...8368 62020 876

8400 118 kW (L23130---) M/301 8368 54940 8368 54941 270+8 278 8368 62000...8368 62020 301

Model Code Page
1. 4. 1997
22. Fuel system 6000-- 8750 222 1
1. 6. 1999

Repair instructions B. Bleeding thermostart system

Always remove air from the glow plug fuel pipe when the pipe
Fuel feed pump and fuel filter (Op no 222) or reservoir has been emptied during repair work etc. This
Bosch in ---line pump prevents damages to the glow plug caused by lack of fuel dur-
ing starting.

A. Bleeding fuel system 1. If the reservoir is empty, fill it e.g. with a drip pot through the
breather hole on the reservoir.

2. Open the glow plug pipe connector and drain fuel from the
pipe. Connect the pipe.

C. Measuring fuel feed pressure

Note! Measuring equipment, see page 220/3.

1. Clean the fuel injection pump and the filter and the pipes
between them.

1. Slacken the bleeder screw on the filter head (8200, 8400,

8750 and 8950 have a double filter). Pump with the hand
pump until the fuel flowing out at the bleeder screw is free from
air bubbles. Then tighten the bleeder screw.

2. Fit the gauge at the banjo connection on the pump, as

shown above (between filter and injection pump).

3. Run the engine at low idling for a while and compare the
gauge reading with the prescribed value (0,6 ---1,0 bar).

N.B. If the measured pressure is below the prescribed value,

this may be caused by:

--- faulty overflow valve

--- blocked fuel filter
--- faulty fuel feed pump
--- blocked or leaking fuel pipes or unions

3. Slacken the injection pump overflow valve. Pump with the

hand pump until the fuel flowing out is free from air bubbles.
Tighten the overflow.

4. Wipe off any fuel from the engine.

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Model Code Page
22. Fuel system 6000-- 8750 222 2
1. 9. 1992

D. Checking overflow valve E. Changing fuel feed pump valves

If the fuel feed pressure deviates from the prescribed value, 1. Clean the feed pump. Disconnect fuel pipes to the feed
check the opening pressure of the overflow valve. pump. Remove the feed pump.
1. Connect a pressure gauge to the banjo union in the same
way as in previous instruction C.

2. Pump with the hand pump until the overflow valve opens.
Compare the reading on the gauge at the moment the valve
opens with the prescribed value (0,6 ---1,0 bar).

3. If the recorded opening pressure deviates from the pre-

scribed value, the overflow valve should be changed.

N.B. If the recorded pressure is considerably lower than the

prescribed value, there may be a fault in the hand pump or
the fuel feed pump valves.

2. Secure the pump in a vice provided with soft jaws. Loosen

the tappet body from the pump and remove the piston, seal
rings, suction valve and the spring.

3. Detach from the pump body the outlet side threaded con-
nector, in which is placed the pressure valve.

4. Rinse the valves with clean fuel and check the function and
possible wear.

5. Change the valve if needed and assemble the pump using

new o---rings and gasket

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Model Code Page
1. 8. 1998
22. Fuel system 6000-- 8750 223 1
1. 6. 1999

Fuel injection pump and injectors (Op no

223) (Bosch in ---line pump)
Note! Concerning fuel injection pumps with a new type gov-
ernor, see page 223/8. 9025 99000

A. Checking injection timing

Note! The exact time at which the fuel should be injected into
no. 1 cylinder is marked with a punch mark on the flywheel.
There is an inspection hole in the flywheel housing and a hole
for the locating tool. Due to the excess fuel flowing into the in-
jection pump the control rod must be moved to the drive posi-
tion when checking the injection timing. Otherwise the timing
will be incorrect!

Checking method:

1. Clean the injection pump and its surroundings carefully.

2. Remove the inspection hole rubber plug from the flywheel 5. Remove the protecting cap for the control rod on the injec-
housing. tion pump front face. Fit adjusting tool (sleeve for limiting con-
trol rod travel) 9025 99000. The tool moves the control rod to
the ”running position”.

6. Disconnect the delivery pipe for the number one cylinder in-
jector at the pump.

7. Clean the delivery valve of fuel. Slowly turn the crankshaft

in the correct direction of rotation until the fuel level in the deliv-
ery valve just begins to rise.

8. Check if the mark on the flywheel is at the point of the locator

which has been inserted into the flywheel housing. Repeat the
check procedure. If the injection pump needs to be adjusted,
follow the instructions under heading B.

9. Fit the delivery pipe and the rubber plug in the flywheel
housing. Remove the locator and the sleeve which was used
to limit the control rod travel. Start the engine.

9025 99100

3. Insert the locator (9025 99100) in the hole on the flywheel

housing front face.

B. Adjusting fuel injection timing

Important! Adjusting fuel injection timing on 6800, 8750 and
8950 tractors, see page 223/8. Later on all tractors which have
Bosch in ---line pump (G4720 --- (320), G2358 --- (420) and
G5294 --- (620, 634), the injection timing is adjusted according
to instruction on page 223/8.

If the timing is incorrect, adjust as follows:

1. Loosen the retaining nuts (17 mm) of the injection pump

and remove the delivery pipes (17 mm).

4. Turn the crankshaft to a position where the 1st cylinder pis-

ton reaches its compression stroke top dead centre. Then turn
the crankshaft backwards until the timing mark on the fly-
wheel passes the inspection hole.

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Model Code Page
8. 11. 1990
22. Fuel system 6000-- 8750 223 2
1. 9. 1992
9052 48900

5. Use puller 9052 48900 and loosen the gear from the injec-
tion pump camshaft front end.

M 6. Remove the injection pump attaching nuts (17 mm).

2. If the injection timing is retarded, turn the pump anti ---clock- Remove the injection pump.
wise (viewed from the front end of the pump). If the timing is
advanced, turn the pump clockwise. N.B. If the engine is not to be disturbed while the pump is re-
moved, there is no need to secure the pump gear. The gear
3. Check once again the injection timing and set again if rests against the idler gear.

4. When the timing is correct tighten the retaining nuts of the

pump and fix the delivery pipes. D. Fitting fuel injection pump

1. Check the condition of the o---ring between the pump and

the timing gear casing. Change the o---ring if necessary.

C. Removing fuel injection pump

1. Clean the injection pump and surrounding engine parts

and the pipes and connectors on the injection pump.

2. Disconnect the delivery pipes and the banjo bolts at the

supply and return fuel connections. Disconnect the lubricat-
ing oil line. Plug all connections.

3. Detach the oil filler pipe/cover from the front cover. Unscrew
the pump drive gear nut.

2. Lubricate the o---ring and place the injection pump so that

the key on the pump shaft aligns with the key slot inside the
gear. Tighten the pump attaching nuts.

3. Tighten the gear nut to 90 Nm . Fix the oil filler pipe/cover.

4. Connect the supply and return fuel lines. Connect the lubri-
cating oil line. Use new sealing washers.

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Model Code Page
22. Fuel system 6000-- 8750 223 3
1. 9. 1992

5. Bleed the fuel system (Op no 222 A). E. Checking/changing delivery valve
6. Adjust the injection timing (Op B).
1. Clean the injection pump, injectors and surrounding parts.
7. Fit the delivery pipes. Disconnect the delivery pipes.

9052 47800

8. If the injection pump is changed or if the lubricating oil has

been drained from the pump, fill the pump with lubricating oil
before starting the engine. Open the hexagonal socket plug
on the governor housing and pour in oil.

Filling quantity: 320---engines 0,3 l

420---engines 0,4 l
620---engines 0,6 l

Same oil specification as in the engine.

2. Connect the pressure gauge 9052 47800 to the delivery

valve holder which is to be checked.

3. Rotate the engine with the starter motor, until the gauge
reading is about 330 bar.

Note! Pressure rises fast, do not damage the gauge. Get

ready to pull the stop control out as soon as the gauge reading
reaches an adequate pressure value.

4. Let the gauge reading lower at first about 30 bar. When the
gauge shows 300 bar, observe the reading during one min-
ute. During this time the gauge reading must not lower too
much (max 30---50 bar). If the pressure lowers faster than
specified, the delivery valve must be cleaned or replaced.

Note! The delivery valve plunger and guide should always be

replaced in pairs.

5. Open the delivery valve holder locking and holder. Remove

the valve spring, plunger and the guide.

6. Rinse the plunger and guide in clean fuel or test liquid and
at the same time rotate the plunger in its guide and press the
sealing surfaces against each other.

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Model Code Page
22. Fuel system 6000-- 8750 223 4
1. 9. 1992

2. Ensure that the throttle lever is in the idling position and that
the engine is at normal operating temperature.

3. Start the engine and loosen the adjusting screw of the addi-
tional spring so that it does not affect the idling speed.

7. Fit the delivery valve into the fuel injection pump. Place the
4. Adjust the idling speed using the adjusting screw to about
spring in place and tighten the holder.
20 RPM below rated speed and lock the adjusting screw (10
Note! Renew the sealing ring and o---ring.
5. Run the engine a few times and ensure that the idling speed
8. Tighten the holder as follows:
remains as set.
--- Tighten first to 30 Nm.
6. Tighten the adjusting screw of the additional spring until the
--- Open the holder about 1/2 a turn and tighten to 40 Nm.
idling speed rises to the rated value. Lock the adjusting screw
--- Open the holder about 1/2 a turn and tighten to 45 Nm.
(17 mm) in this position.

7. Fix the safety caps of the adjusting screws.

Note! Other adjustments (output and max. speed) of the in-

F. Adjusting low idling speed jection pump can only be performed by a specially trained
person who has the necessary special tools and gauges avail-
If the idling speed of the engine deviates from the value given
in the specifications or if the engine revs vary at the idling
speed, adjust the idling speed as follows:

1. Unscrew the idling speed adjusting nut cap (1) and the cap
(2) on the idling speed additional spring adjusting screw.

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Model Code Page
22. Fuel system 6000-- 8750 223 5
1. 9. 1992

G. Removing injectors

1. Clean the injectors and the area around them. Disconnect

the delivery pipes and the leak ---off pipes.

9051 71300

2. Secure the injector in a test bench and check the follow-

--- injector opening pressure
--- the properties of the chattering (creaking) sound and the
form of the spray pattern
--- sealing of nozzle valve against its seat

3. Remove the injector attaching nuts (13 mm) and remove Opening pressure
the injector from the cylinder head. Fit protective plugs to all
connections. If the injector does not rise by hand, use puller Pump a few times to fill the injector. Increase the pressure in
9051 71300. the injector until the chattering (creaking) sound becomes
audible. Read off the opening pressure of the injector. If the
4. Remove the sealing washers from the bottom of the injector opening pressure deviates from the given value (230±5 bar),
location in the cylinder head if they do no come out with the the injector should be taken apart and checked.
Adjustment is achieved by changing the shims. The thickness
of the shims varies from 1.00 ---1,90 mm and they are available
in increments of 0,05 mm. A thicker shim will raise the opening
pressure while a thinner one lowers it. A difference in shim
thickness of 0,05 mm changes the opening pressure by ap-
prox. 5,0 bar. As the opening pressure of the injector drops
slightly after adjustment, the opening pressure should be set
to approximately 10 bar above the value given in the specifica-
tions. This value applies both to new and used injector.

H. Inspecting injectors
Chattering sound properties
N.B. When pressure testing the injectors, it is important to
Testing with a hand powered pump does not create the same
avoid the nozzle end as the fuel jetting out easily penetrates
circumstances as when the injector is fitted in the engine. Only
the skin. Also bear in mind that the fuel ”mist” is dangerous to
with new nozzles are the test results reliable. With used
nozzles, there is no chattering (creaking) sound when the
tester is pumped at a certain rate. This has to do with the de-
sign of the nozzles.
1. Clean the injector with cleaning fluid and a soft brush.
The carbon deposits must not be knocked off or removed in
However, with a rapid pumping on the tester handle, it should
any other way which may damage the nozzle.
be possible to hear the chattering (creaking) sound or/and
see a mist of the fuel jetting out.

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Model Code Page
22. Fuel system 6000-- 8750 223 6
1. 9. 1992

Tightness of nozzle

Press down the tester pump lever until the pressure rises to
approx. 20 bar below the adjusting value. Maintain this pres-
sure for approximately 10 seconds and check whether drops
of fuel are formed on the point of the nozzle. If the injector
leaks, it should be cleaned or the nozzle should be changed. 2

I. Reconditioning injectors

1. Secure the injector in a suitable way.

2. Unscrew the nozzle cap nut. Remove the nozzle and the
parts inside the holder.
3. Clean the nozzle in cleaning fluid both inside and outside.

4. Clean the nozzle holes with a needle (including in cleaning

set 8360 83288).

5. Test the movement of the nozzle valve as follows: 5


1. Fuel inlet 6. Nozzle body

2. Leak ---off fuel 7. Pressure chamber
3. Shims 8. Nozzle valve
4. Pressure spring 9. Nozzle hole
5. Valve stop spacer

Rinse the parts thoroughly in fuel or testing fluid. Pull the valve 6. Before assembling, all parts should be carefully cleaned in
out of the nozzle body to 1/3rd of its length. If the fit is correct, clean fuel or testing fluid.
the valve should be able to slide down in the nozzle body
under its own weight. Turn the valve slightly and repeat the 7. Put the same number of shims back as were fitted earlier.
test. Should the nozzle valve bind slightly, it should be Note possible adjustment of the opening pressure. Assemble
changed. the rest of the injector. Note the position of the spring guide
and the valve stop spacer.

8. Tighten the nozzle cap nut by hand and then to 60 Nm.

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Model Code Page
22. Fuel system 6000-- 8750 223 7
1. 9. 1992

K. Fitting delivery pipes

J. Fitting injector in engine 1. Check the state of the pipes. If there are kinks, damage by
chafing, or if the tapered sealing end is damaged, the pipes
1. Clean the injector sealing surface in the cylinder head. If should be changed.
necessary use a reamer 9101 66000.
2. Fit the pipes without tension and check that they are at right
angles to the union.

3. Fit the clamps for the pipes.

1. Washer
2. Rubber ring
3. Sealing washer

2. Fit the injector in the cylinder head using a new sealing


N.B. The spray pattern from the injector is not symmetrical on

purpose. It is therefore important that the injector is fitted cor-
rectly in the cylinder head. The connection for the leak ---off
line should be facing the valve mechanism.

3. Fit the attaching clamp and tighten the nuts (13 mm) evenly
to 15 Nm.

4. Connect the leak ---off line (10 mm) together with new seal-
ing washers and connect the delivery pipes (17 mm).

N.B. The screw studs in the cylinder head for the injectors
should only be finger tight. If tools have to be used the studs
should be tightened only lightly.

Note! Make sure, that the injector is of a correct type. Wrong

injectors cause malfunctions and can damage the engine.

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Model Code Page
1. 8. 1998
22. Fuel system 6800, 8750
223 8
1. 6. 1999 8950

L. Adjusting injection timing on

6800, 8750 and 8950 tractors
Important! Adjusting fuel injection timing on 6800, 8750 and
8950 tractors and later on all tractors which have Bosch in ---
line pump (G4720 --- (320), G2358 --- (420) and G5294 --- (620,
634), the injection timing is adjusted according to this instruc-

Note! On these tractors the injection starting point in the 1st

cylinder has been positioned with aid of an indicator pin in the
pump governor housing.

2. Unscrew the plug on the side of the injection pump. Take

out the indicator pin.

3. Turn the indicator pin and push it into the hole so that the
groove at the end of the pin points towards the pump.

4. If the pin groove fits on the boss on the governor weight

assembly, the injection timing is correct. Otherwise, turn the
pump to a position where the boss and the pin groove align.

Warning! Do not rotate the crankshaft when the groove end

of the pin is inside the pump, since the pin end damages eas-
ily and metal pieces remain in the governor housing.

5. When the adjustment is correct, turn the indicator pin so that

the groove points outwards (running position) and push the
pin into the hole. Refit the plug.

Note! When checking the injection timing, an electric testing

device can also be used, e.g. Bosch KDEP 1601 according
to the instruction manual of the device.

9025 99100

1. Turn the crankshaft to a position where the 1st cylinder pis-

ton reaches its compression stroke top dead centre. Then turn
the crankshaft backwards until the timing mark on the fly-
wheel is at the point of locator 9025 99100.

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Model Code Page
15. 5. 1996
22. Fuel system 6800 223 9
1. 6. 1999

Manifold pressure compensator on

6800 tractor (Bosch LDA) A

Note! Boost control is fitted also on 8750 and 8950 tractors

which have SigmaPower system. 1

The boost control unit on the governor housing has been

connected via a hose to the engine inlet manifold. At low
revs the boost pressure is low and engine tends to smoke.
The boost control limits amount of injected fuel at low revs
so that exhaust gas emissions are below standard R24.
This adjustment starts at a certain, adjusted, boost pres-
sure. B

The boost control unit membrane is pre ---tightened and air

tight. A spring in the unit affects the lower surface of the
membrane; the other end of the spring rests against the
threaded guide sleeve (2). The spring tension can thus be
changed in certain limits (adjusted in factory).

With thread equipped pin (1) is attached to the membrane.

The lower end of the pin transmits movement of the mem- 3 2
brane via an angle piece to the injection pump control rod

When increased boost pressure presses the membrane

downwards, also the pin moves downwards against the
spring force and allows the control rod to move towards the
greater fuel amount, which is injected into the combustion
chambers. When the boost pressure decreases, the control
rod moves towards the smaller amount of injected fuel.

Important! The boost control unit has been adjusted in the Picture 1. Boost control
factory, and adjustments afterwards are not necessary.
A. Adjustment screw with which is adjusted fuel amo-
unt, which the injection pump injects at low boost pres-

B. The operating pressure is adjusted by removing the

plug and by adjusting wheel B with a screwdriver.

Cold start solenoid

Note! This solenoid is also fitted on 8750 and 8950 tractors.

1. Forced ---feed solenoid
When the engine is started, the control rod must move to for starting
the starting position. This can be done by moving the boost
control lever in the direction of the axle, so that the lever
cannot affect any more the injection pump control rod.
The mechanism functions with aid of solenoid and a cross

The solenoid is energised, when the ignition switch is

turned in a starting position. The solenoid is energised as
long as the starter motor is on. In the starting position, the
solenoid is magnetic. When the solenoid moves to the start-
ing position, a click sound can be heard from the injection

Running position Starting position

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