DLL Q1 - Week-6
DLL Q1 - Week-6
DLL Q1 - Week-6
School: BOLINAO INTEGRATED SCHOOL Grade Level: Falls and 11 ICT - Steve jobs
GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: ZOTZ C. OSTIL Learning Area: UCSP
DAILY LESSON LOG Quarter: 1 Teaching Dates: October 2-6, 2023
10-11 AM-TWThF/1-2 PM –
Week: 6 Teaching Time: MTThF/3-4PM - MTWTh
C. Mga Kasanayan sa
Explain the role that Explain the role that social Identify the different Identify the different
social groups play in the groups play in the formation types of groups in types of groups in society.
formation of identities, of identities, values, attitudes,
Isulat ang code ng bawat society. Appreciate the
values, attitudes, and and beliefs; and
beliefs; and Describe the organized nature Appreciate the importance of interactions
Describe the organized of social life and the rules importance of in society.
nature of social life and governing behavior in interactions in society. Differentiate bureaucracy
the rules governing society. Differentiate bureaucracy and Mcdonaldization.
behavior in society. and Mcdonaldization.
Content is what the lesson is all about. It pertains to the subject matter that the teacher aims to teach. In the CG, the content can be tackled in a week or two.
II. CONTENT How Society Is Groups Within Society and Formal
Organized Organizations
List the materials to be used in different days. Varied sources of materials sustain children’s interest in the lesson and in learning. Ensure that there is a mix of concrete and
manipulative materials as well as paper-based materials. Hands-on learning promotes concept development.
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Material pages
3. Textbook pages Understanding Culture, Society Understanding Culture, Society Understanding Culture, Society Understanding Culture, Society
and Politics, First Edition, and Politics, First Edition, ADM4, and Politics, First Edition, ADM4, and Politics, First Edition, ADM4,
4. Additional Materials for Youtube, Slideshare, Linked Youtube, Slideshare, Linked in Youtube, Slideshare, Linked in Youtube, Slideshare, Linked in
Learning Resource Portal in
B. Other Learning Resources
These steps should be done across the week. Spread out the activities appropriately so that students will learn well. Always be guided by demonstration of learning by the
students which you can infer from formative assessment activities. Sustain learning systematically by providing students with multiple ways to learn new things, practice their
learning, question their learning processes, and draw conclusions about what they learned in relation to their life experiences and previous knowledge. Indicate the time
allotment for each step.
Recall the topic about Human Review on the previous lesson taken Review on the previous lesson how Recall on the previous lesson groups
A. Reviewing Previous Lesson or Dignity, Rights, and the Common and prepare for an assessment. society was organized. within society and formal
Presenting the New Lesson Good to the Learners organization.
Present the learning objectives to Begin the lesson by defining social Do you have any idea of
B. Establishing a Purpose for the
the learners. group and its importance. Bureaucracy?
Begin the lesson by defining social
organizations and explaining their
importance in sociological study.
Describe the categories or List down the advantages and
groups based on some standards: disadvantages of Bureaucracy.
C. Presenting Examples/ 1. Reference group
Instances of the Lesson 2. Secondary group Is there any means of Bureaucracy
3. Primary group in our Municipality, Bolinao?
4. in –group
5. out– group
Let the learners explain the line, Film showing about Bureaucracy
“Man as a social animal” Note: While watching the video, jot
D. Discussing New Concepts and
down the important ideas in the story.
Practicing New Skills #1
Discuss about Social Class to the https://www.youtube.com/watch?
learners. v=ilPsrAZhXI0
In a small group discussion, let
E. Discussing New Concepts and the learners demonstrate and cite
Practicing New Skills #2 more examples of the groups
within the society.
Activity: What’s New? Is there any application for
Directions: Describe the picture hierarchical position in the
F. Developing Mastery in at least three (3) sentences. government. Why do we need to have
(Leads to Formative Assessment a boss or a leader in the school, office
3) or in government sectors?
Performance Task:
Direction: Interview someone
working in the government or in
private offices.
Ask them about the application of
J. Additional Activities for principles of official jurisdiction
Application or Remediation
in their respective areas? How is
the distribution of work being
managed? Do you adopt
bureaucracy in your department?
V. REMARKS _____Objectives met. Proceed to the _____Objectives partially met due to _____Objectives unmet due to the Other remarks:
next lesson. integration of current events/issues. suspension of classes due to disasters or _____Objectives met. Proceed to the next
_____Objectives partially met due to _____Objectives partially met because the other reasons. lesson.
lack of time. learners wanted to share many ideas _____Objectives partially met due to lack
_____Objectives partially met due to regarding the topic being studied. Other remarks: of time.
integration of current events/issues. _____Objectives unmet due to the _____Objectives met. Proceed to the _____Objectives partially met due to
_____Objectives partially met because suspension of classes due to disasters or next lesson. integration of current events/issues.
the learners wanted to share many other reasons. _____Objectives partially met due to lack _____Objectives partially met because the
ideas regarding the topic being of time. learners wanted to share many ideas
studied. Other remarks: _____Objectives partially met due to regarding the topic being studied.
_____Objectives unmet due to the _____Objectives met. Proceed to the next integration of current events/issues. _____Objectives unmet due to the
suspension of classes due to disasters lesson. _____Objectives partially met because suspension of classes due to disasters or
or other reasons. _____Objectives partially met due to lack the learners wanted to share many ideas other reasons.
of time. regarding the topic being studied.
Other remarks: _____Objectives partially met due to _____Objectives unmet due to the Other remarks:
_____Objectives met. Proceed to the integration of current events/issues. suspension of classes due to disasters or
next lesson. _____Objectives partially met because the other reasons.
_____Objectives partially met due to learners wanted to share many ideas
lack of time. regarding the topic being studied.
Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your student’s progress this week. What works? What else needs to be done to help the students
Identify what help your instructional supervisors can provide for you so when you meet them, you can ask them relevant questions.
A. No. of Learners who earned ____Collaborative Learning ____Video Presentations ____Games ____It helped the learners to understand
80% in the evaluation ____Think-Pair-Share ____Powerpoint Presentations ____ANA/KWL Technique the lesson.
____Small Group Discussion ____Integrative Learning (Integrating ____Decision Chart ____Learners were motivated to do the
____Free Discussion Current Issues) ____Quiz Bee tasks assigned to them.
____Inquiry-Based Learning ____Reporting/ Gallery Walk Other Strategies: ____Learners’ skills were
____Reflective Learning ____Problem-based Learning cultivated/refined.
____Poster-making ____Peer Learning How did these work? .
____Video Presentations ____Games ____It helped the learners to understand Other reasons:
____Powerpoint Presentations ____ANA/KWL Technique the lesson.
____Integrative Learning (Integrating ____Decision Chart ____Learners were motivated to do the ____Collaborative Learning
Current Issues) ____Quiz Bee tasks assigned to them. ____Think-Pair-Share
____Reporting/ Gallery Walk Other Strategies: ____Learners’ skills were ____Small Group Discussion
____Problem-based Learning cultivated/refined. ____Free Discussion
____Peer Learning How did these work? . ____Inquiry-Based Learning
____Games ____It helped the learners to understand Other reasons: ____ Reflective Learning
____ANA/KWL Technique the lesson. ____Collaborative Learning ____Poster-making
____Decision Chart ____Learners were motivated to do the ____Think-Pair-Share ____Video Presentations
____Quiz Bee tasks assigned to them. ____Small Group Discussion ____Powerpoint Presentations
Other Strategies: ____Learners’ skills were ____Free Discussion ____Integrative Learning (Integrating
cultivated/refined. ____Inquiry-Based Learning Current Issues)
How did these work? . ____ Reflective Learning ____Reporting/ Gallery Walk
____It helped the learners to understand Other reasons: ____Poster-making ____Problem-based Learning
the lesson. ____Video Presentations ____Peer Learning
____Learners were motivated to do the ____Collaborative Learning ____Powerpoint Presentations ____Games
tasks assigned to them. ____Think-Pair-Share ____Integrative Learning (Integrating ____ANA/KWL Technique
____Learners’ skills were ____Small Group Discussion Current Issues) ____Decision Chart
cultivated/refined. ____Free Discussion ____Reporting/ Gallery Walk ____Quiz Bee
. ____Inquiry-Based Learning ____Problem-based Learning Other Strategies:
Other reasons: ____ Reflective Learning ____Peer Learning
____Collaborative Learning ____Poster-making ____Games How did these work?
____Think-Pair-Share ____Video Presentations ____ANA/KWL Technique ____It helped the learners to understand
____Small Group Discussion ____Powerpoint Presentations ____Decision Chart the lesson.
____Free Discussion ____Integrative Learning (Integrating ____Quiz Bee ____Learners were motivated to do the
____Inquiry-Based Learning Current Issues) Other Strategies: tasks assigned to them.
____ Reflective Learning ____Reporting/ Gallery Walk ____Learners’ skills were
____Poster-making ____Problem-based Learning How did these work? cultivated/refined.
____Peer Learning .
Other reasons: