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Brazilian consensus on the diagnosis and treatment of extremities soft tissue


Article in Journal of Surgical Oncology · January 2020

DOI: 10.1002/jso.25847


9 304

24 authors, including:

Ranyell Spencer Maria Leticia Gobo Silva

Hospital Alemão Oswaldo Cruz Hospital A. C. Camargo


Felipe D'Almeida Costa Elton Leite

A.C.Camargo Cancer Center Instituto do Câncer do Estado de São Paulo


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Received: 8 November 2019 | Accepted: 5 January 2020

DOI: 10.1002/jso.25847


Brazilian consensus on the diagnosis and treatment of

extremities soft tissue sarcomas

Ranyell M. S. S. B. Spencer MD, PhD1 | Veridiana P. de Camargo MD2 |

Maria L. G. Silva MD, MSc 3
| Fabio F. E. Pinto MD, PhD 4
Felipe D'Almeida Costa MD, PhD 5
| Wagner S. Cequeira MD6 |
Rodrigo R. Munhoz MD, MSc 2
| Celso A. Mello MD, PhD 2
| Rafael A. Schmerling MD2 |
Waldec J. D. Filho MD, MSc 2
| Tharcisio M. Coelho MD 3
Alexandre V. A. Ambrosio MD 3
| Elton T. T. Leite MD 3
| Samir A. Hanna MD, PhD3 |
Sueli A. Nakagawa MD 4
| Andre M. Baptista MD, PhD 4
Rodrigo N. Pinheiro MD, MSc1 | Jadivan L. de Oliveira MD1 |
Marcelo Sá de Araújo MD 1
| Raphael L. C. de Araujo MD, PhD1 |
Gustavo A. Laporte MD, PhD 1
| Claudio de Almeida Quadros MD, PhD1 |
Alexandre F. de Oliveira MD, PhD1 | Ademar Lopes MD, PhD1

Department of Directory, Brazilian Society of
Surgical Oncology (BSSO), Rio de Janeiro, Abstract
Brazil Introduction: Soft tissue sarcomas (STSs) are rare tumors and constitute only 1% of
Department of Directory, Brazilian Society of
all tumors in adults. Indeed, due to their rarity, most cases in Brazil are not treated
Clinical Surgical (BSCO), São Paulo, Brazil
Department of Directory, Brazilian Society of according to primary international guidelines.
Radiation Oncology (BSRO), São Paulo, Brazil Methods: This consensus addresses the treatment of STSs in the extremities. It was
Department of Directory, Brazilian Society of
made by workgroups from Brazilian Societies of Surgical Oncology, Orthopaedics,
Orthopaedics and Traumatology (BSOT), São
Paulo, Brazil Clinical Oncology, Pathology, Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging, and Radiation
Department of Directory, Brazilian Society of Oncology. The workgroups based their arguments on the best level of evidence in the
Pathology (BSP), São Paulo, Brazil
literature and recommendations were made according to diagnosis, staging, and
Department of Directory, Brazilian College of
Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging (BCR), São treatment of STSs. A meeting was held with all the invited experts and the topics
Paulo, Brazil were presented individually with the definition of the degree of recommendation,
Correspondence based on the levels of evidence in the literature.
Ranyell M. S. B. Spencer, MD, PhD, HAOC, São Results: Risk factors and epidemiology were described as well as the pathological
Joaquim st 94, São Paulo, SP 01508‐000,
Brazil. aspects and imaging. All recommendations are described with the degree of
Email: ranyell.spencer@gmail.com recommendation and levels of evidence.
Conclusion: Recommendations based on the best literature regional aspects were
made to guide professionals who treat STS. Separate consensus on specific
treatments for retroperitoneal, visceral, trunk, head and neck sarcomas, and
gastrointestinal stromal tumor, are not contemplated into this consensus.

J Surg Oncol. 2020;1–16. wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/jso © 2020 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. | 1


multidisciplinary sarcoma, sarcoma consensus, sarcoma reference cancer centers, soft tissue

1 | INTRODUCTION AND METHODOLOGY Brazil, we infer that there are 3400 new cases that arise each year,
and its incidence continues to rise, perhaps as a result of better
Soft tissue sarcomas (STSs) are rare tumors that originate from a recognition and diagnosis. However, no official data have been
primitive mesenchymal cell. They comprise over 80 histological types, collected by governmental entities due to the difficulty of its diagnosis
divided by molecular subtype, and primarily affect the extremities. and the erratic decentralization in the care of these patients.
STSs correspond to only 1% of all tumors in adults.1 The incidence of STS is equal between sexes but varies according
This consensus serves as a manual for the treatment of STSs in to age: 20.7% in patients aged under 40 years, 27.6% in those aged
the extremities. STSs in other areas, gastrointestinal stromal tumors, between 40 and 60 years, and 51.7% in patients aged over 60 years.5
and other histological types that have specific treatments, such as The American statistics show a higher number of cases in Caucasians
Kaposi sarcoma and Ewing sarcoma, will be covered in another (87%), followed by African‐Americans (10%) and other races (4%).5
document, as embryonic and alveolar rhabdomyosarcomas, which are
more common in children, and their treatment extends into
adulthood, with the exception of pleomorphic rhabdomyosarcoma, 1.2 | Risk factors
the treatment of which that has been proposed in this manual is
based on high‐grade adult STS. The treatment of the histological The main risk factors for the development of STS are genetic
subtypes of adult STS, which affects adolescents, can be managed syndromes, immunosuppression, chronic lymphedema, and infection.
according to what is determined in this consensus. Immunosuppressive agents, such as HIV, and the use of immunosup-
On the basis of the rarity of STS, most cases in Brazil are not pressive medications, such as posttransplant and chemotherapy
treated according to primary international guidelines. Despite the medications, are related to the development of Kaposi sarcoma.6 The
differing histologies, in most cases, the treatment of STS is based on presence of chronic lymphedema after mastectomy correlates with
clinical criteria that determine the use of therapeutic methods that the occurrence of angiosarcomas.7
follow a certain order to achieve better functional and oncological The incidence of STS ranges from 12% to 21% in patients with Li‐
results. Some international treatment guidelines have been devel- Fraumeni syndrome—that is, those with mutations in TP53.8 In Brazil,
oped with algorithms to improve the clinical management of patients the pR337H is the most prevalent mutation in Li‐Fraumeni patients,
with STS.2 However, as Brazil is a huge country with regional especially in the southeast and south, and this variant is associated
particularities, we were motivated to develop the Brazilian Con- with several peculiarities, such as high incidence of adrenocortical
sensus on Extremity STS, considering such regional aspects in
defining the degrees of recommendation.
This consensus was produced by the Brazilian Societies of Surgical T A B L E 1 A: Strength of Recommendations—Classification of CDC
System—Adapted from Riechelmann et al3
Oncology, Clinical Oncology, Radiation Oncology, and Orthopedics,
presenting the findings and recommendations of a panel of specialists, A—At least one randomized controlled trial (RCT) of good
based on the degree of expertise and area of activity of those who are methodological quality or meta‐analysis of well‐designed RCT and
without heterogeneity
involved in the diagnosis, staging, and treatment of STS. All topics
B—Small RCTs or large RCTs with low methodological quality or meta‐
were determined by a committee and distributed to members. A
analysis of trial with a high risk of bias
meeting that was attended by all invited experts was held, at which
C—Prospective cohort studies
the topics were presented individually with the definition of the
D—Retrospective series or case‐control studies
degree of recommendation, based on the levels of evidence in the
literature (Tables 1 and 2).3,4 The medical literature was selected from E—Case reports and expert opinion.

the MEDLINE database. In the absence of sufficient evidence for a B: Levels of evidence—CDC grading system—Adapted from
Riechelmann et al3
clear conclusion, the final recommendation was based on all votes and
consensus among the specialists who were present. I—At least one randomized controlled trial (RCT) of good
methodological quality or meta‐analysis of well‐designed RCT and
without heterogeneity
II—Small RCTs or large RCTs with low methodological quality or meta‐
1.1 | Epidemiology analysis of trial with a high risk of bias
III—Prospective cohort studies
In the United States, sarcomas represent an estimated 1% of all
IV—Retrospective series or case‐control studies
tumors in adults versus 15% in children.1 In 2018, 13,040 people were
V—Case reports and expert opinion
diagnosed with STS, and approximately 5150 deaths occurred.1 In

T A B L E 2 Scheme of adjuvant treatment with chemotherapy and incorrectly lead to associating STS with trauma. The clinical suspicion
histological types to be considered of STS occurs frequently after the identification by the patient of a
Chemotherapy schemes new nodule or the rapid growth of an existing nodule. In this

Ifosfamide and doxorubicin for three to five cycles situation, the next step is to correctly assess and characterize it
through an imaging exam.
Ifosfamide and epirubicin for three to five cycles
Imaging exams are intended to confirm the presence of the lesion
Chemotherapy doses
and provide the information that is necessary for the diagnosis, local
Ifosfamide 9 g/m2 (divided into 3 to 5 d)
staging, remote staging, and biopsy planning.17 Thus, an appropriate
Epirubicin 120 mg/m2 (divided into 2 d)
systematic approach must be in place for the management of these
Doxorubicin 75 mg/m2 (divided into 3 d) lesions. Despite our recent belief in the superiority of magnetic
Histological types resonance imaging (MRI) in the management of these patients, it
Pleomorphic/Undifferentiated sarcoma remains limited in its ability to establish the histological diagnosis of
High‐grade leiomyosarcoma soft tissue lesions, achieving only one‐quarter to one‐third of cases.18
High‐grade myxoid liposarcoma
Synovial sarcoma
High‐grade myxofibrosarcoma 2.1.1 | Recommendations
Epithelioid sarcoma
• Any patient with a suspected soft tissue tumor in an extremity
Malignant tumor of the peripheral nerve sheath
should initially undergo ultrasonography. If the benign nature of
this lesion cannot be confirmed, the diagnostic investigation should
carcinoma in childhood; earlier breast cancer; and a higher continue, ideally in a specialized center (IIIA).
prevalence of papillary thyroid tumor, kidney cancer, and pulmonary Note: Virtually every patient with a deep soft tissue lesion or
adenocarcinoma in relation to the classical form of Li‐Fraumeni. superficial lesion above 5.0 cm should receive care in an
Desmoid tumors are described in 7.5% to 16% of patients with oncological center19 (IIIA).
FAP. 10
We will not consider the treatment of desmoid tumors for this • In a case of suspected or confirmed STS, MRI is the main modality
consensus. for locoregional staging and defining related neurovascular
Hereditary retinoblastoma that is related to germinal mutations structures (IVB). Contrast‐enhanced CT is used for patients with
in the tumor suppressor gene (RB1) and neurofibromatosis with contraindications to MRI and is the most frequently available
mutations in the neurofibrin 1 (NF1) and 2 (NF2) genes11 are method in Brazil (IVB).
associated with an increased risk of developing STS.12 Note: (a) Computed tomography (CT) and X‐ray are used to
Other risk factors for the development of STS are radiotherapy exclude bone tumors, detect bone erosions, demonstrate calcifica-
(RT) and exposure to chemical agents. STSs emerge in areas that have tion, and assist in the diagnosis of ossifying myositis, for example.
received RT for other types of tumors. Frequently, they occur in low‐ (b) Angio‐CT and angio‐MRI do not provide additional information,
dose regions in the periphery of the previously treated area, also which is relevant to neurovascular status.
called the penumbra. By definition, radiation‐induced sarcomas do • Diagnostic confirmation can be performed by excisional biopsy for
not appear before 3 years after treatment and often take decades lesions smaller than 3.0 cm with a favorable anatomical location or
after RT to develop. They are usually high‐grade tumors (90%), of by multiple percutaneous thick‐needle biopsies using 14G to
which osteosarcoma is the predominant histological type. High‐grade 16G20 needles. Incisional open biopsy, provided that it is
undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma, angiosarcoma, and other performed in a referral cancer center, is an option in certain
subtypes have also been described. cases; however, it is a more expensive procedure and is subject to
Finally, a positive relationship exists between intensive exposure potential complications (IIIB).
to chlorophenols and the appearance of STS (odds ratio [OR] = 1.79; Note: Percutaneous biopsy should be performed in a specialized
95% confidence interval [CI], 1.10‐2.88).15 Exposure to industrial oils center and planned by the surgeon to ensure that the biopsy scar is
that are used for cutting metal is also associated with STS (OR = 1.65; removed in the definitive surgery (IIIB).
95% CI, 1.04‐2.61).16 • Remote staging should be performed by X‐ray or chest CT. For
patients with superficial tumors less than 5.0 cm and low histological
grade, a chest X‐ray is recommended21 (IVB). Conversely, tumors
2 | D IA G N O S IS AN D ST A G IN G greater than 5.0 cm, deep in relation to the fascia, from
intermediate‐ to high‐grade, should be staged with chest CT21 (IIIA).
2.1 | Image • Abdominal and pelvic CT should be requested in cases of high‐
grade myxoid liposarcoma, leiomyosarcoma, epithelium sarcoma,
Often, patients report that they have suffered local trauma, which and angiosarcoma22 (VC). MRI can be considered in select cases of
may cause confusion with regard to the origin of STS and may myxoid liposarcoma23,24 (VB).

Note: For the preparation of an adequate imaging report, the • During the procedure, a cytological evaluation or freezing
surgical staging of the tumor should be based on the TNM/AJCC examination can be performed by a pathologist to assess the
classification, and it must contain the following information on the suitability of the sample but not to establish an immediate
MRI20: diagnosis—this practice that should be discouraged.5
1) Size of the lesion, measured in three dimensions • For histopathological and immunohistochemical examinations and
2) Location in relation to the fascia (superficial or deep); conventional molecular pathology techniques, such as in situ
compartment, muscle involvement, extension through the hybridization and sequencing, formalin‐fixed and paraffin‐
fascia and into the skin processed specimens with good representation are usually
3) Contours, well or poorly defined, and presence of satellite adequate. After removal, tissues should be stored for the shortest
lesions time possible in an appropriate container with 10% buffered
4) Signal characteristics, suggesting fat, cystic, or solid lesion formalin. The ideal volume of the fixing agent is at least 10 times
5) Signal characteristics, suggesting myxoid or hemosiderin tissue the volume of the sample. In the case of excessively bulky
6) Description of the presence of peritumoral edema; neurovas- materials, the sample should be at least completely covered by the
cular involvement (proximity, contact, partial, or complete fixing agent. The fixation time varies according to the type of
involvement, incarceration); bone involvement: proximity or material. For biopsies, the fixation time is 6 to 48 hours, and for
invasion (cortex and marrow); lymph node involvement; joint surgical specimens, 24 to 72 hours is recommended. The proces-
extension (capsule, joint space); and the prominence of sing, inclusion, cutting, and staining of the slides should follow the
intratumor veins (presurgical embolization). standard procedures of each pathology service, preferably in
• There is no consensus on PET‐CT. This diagnostic method accordance with national or international laboratory quality
appears to be useful in staging, prognosis, grading, and control programs (IVC).28
determining the response to chemotherapy. 20,26
The recom- • The diagnosis should be made following the most recent World
mendation of this consensus is that PET‐CT can be used to Health Organization (WHO) classification for soft tissue tumors.29
evaluate the results of patients with high‐grade sarcomas who The diagnosis of well‐established entities that are not included in
were initially treated with chemotherapy or to indicate radical the WHO classification should be accompanied by bibliographic
surgery (amputation) after relapse, ruling out remote disease references in the pathological report. The histological grading
(IVB).5,26 should follow the system of Fédération Nationale des Centers de
Lutte Contre le Cancer (FNCLCC) (IIIC). This system that takes
into account the differentiation, mitotic index, and the presence
2.2 | Pathology and extent of necrosis.30
Note: The use of immunohistochemistry and molecular pathol-
After an adequate radiological evaluation is performed, it is ogy examinations should be done wisely, with reasonable use of
necessary to plan the acquisition of material for histopathological diagnostic markers to avoid unnecessary wear of the material.
diagnosis. The amount of tissue material that is obtained has a direct Cases that are difficult to resolve should be referred to a
influence on the accuracy of the diagnosis, subclassification, and pathologist with more specific experience and dedication to soft
grading of tumors and the eventual availability of tissue for molecular tissue pathology (IIIC).31
pathology tests or storage. • For specimens from surgical resections, the general recommenda-
tion is to represent at least one slice per cm of the neoplasm. Data,
such as situation regarding the superficial fascia (ie, determination
2.2.1 | Recommendations of whether the neoplasm is superficial or deep), size, tumor
integrity, and evaluation of surgical margins, should be reported in
• The preferred method to obtain histologic tissue for pathological the pathological report. For the latter, integration with information
examination is imaging‐guided core needle biopsy (IVB). This from the surgical team about the intraoperative findings and
approach aims to avoid inadequate representation—for example, of spatial orientation of the specimen is essential. The identification
the necrotic areas—and obtain the samples that represent the of specific topographies can be performed with surgical wires and
highest‐grade component of the neoplasm in cases of very special dyes. In general, a margin is considered to be compromised
heterogeneous tumors. Incisional and excisional biopsies can be when there is direct contact between the edge and neoplastic cells.
performed in select cases, after discussion with multidisciplinary The distance between the tumor and the nearest margin should
teams. Fine‐needle aspiration is not recommended for the also be reported. When applicable, the presence of lymph node
diagnosis of soft tissue tumors (IVC).2 metastases should be evaluated. When all of the necessary
• At least two fragments should be obtained, ideally three to six.27 In information is available to pathologists, the pathological report
institutions that have a bank of biological material and other must also contain the TNM staging, per the eighth edition of the
diagnostic methods, additional material must be obtained, on American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) Cancer Staging
informed consent by the patients (IVC). Manual.25 For precise staging, whenever necessary, the pathologist

should resort to imaging exams and surgical procedure data sarcomas, synovial sarcomas, clear‐cell sarcomas, and epithelial
(IVD). sarcomas.35,36
• Cases that are subjected to neoadjuvant treatment protocols • The prognosis of STS should be determined in a multifactorial
should provide an estimate of the pathological response to manner, considering the factors that are related to a worse
treatment. There is no single validated system for STSs; however, prognosis, such as age over 60 years, tumor size greater than 5 cm2
approaches that are similar to those that are used for osteosarco- and high histological grade.2,37 In summary, high‐grade histologies,
ma and Ewing sarcoma can be used. It is important to correlate the positive margins after resection or relapse, and depth in relation to
macroscopic findings of the specimen to the radiological aspects to the fascia are considered as the main factors that are linked to
perform a more accurate evaluation.2 worse clinical outcomes.33,37
• Specific symptoms should be properly investigated at the discre-
For a detailed guide and complementary information regarding the tion of the service team. We recommend that all knowledge of risk
parameters that should be included in the anatomopathological report factors be applied to risk stratification and that it be based on the
of biopsies and surgical resections of soft tissue tumors, the protocols of current studies and good clinical practice (IVB).
the Brazilian Society of Pathology and the College of American • Scores and nomograms (such as sarculator38 and MSK sarcoma
Pathologists, available free of charge on the internet, can be nomogram39) that are drawn from the risk factors that have been
found at the following websites: http://www.sbp.org.br/mdlhisto/ cited are found in the literature with strong support. These tools
partes‐moles/, https://documents.cap.org/protocols/cp‐other‐softtissue‐ allow stratification and grouping according to clinical characteristics
biopsy‐19‐4011.pdf, and https://documents.cap.org/protocols/cp‐other‐ in high‐risk, intermediate‐risk, and low‐risk patients and can assist in
softtissue‐resection‐19‐4011.pdf. clinical studies, guide management, and predict outcomes.40 The
recommendation of this consensus is that the use of nomograms and
validated statistical tools lies with the discretion of the assisting
2.3 | Staging and risk stratification team, always remembering their obvious utility (IVB).

The AJCC staging system designates the stage by tumor criteria,

nodal status, metastasis, and histological grade (TNMG).33 The eighth
DI S EA SE (s ee Fig ur e 1)
edition of the AJCC Cancer Staging Manual indicates that the TNMG
staging classification has various T staging criteria and prognostic
groups, depending on the location of the sarcoma, and determines 3.1 | Surgery
the histological grade classification system of the Sarcoma Group of
the French Federation of Cancer Centers (FNCLCC), a three‐level STSs should be treated in specialized centers, guided by a multi-
system that is based on the differentiation of tumor cells, mitotic disciplinary approach, involving clinical oncologists, radiologists,
activity, and extent of necrosis.25,30,33 pathologists, radiation oncologists, and surgeons who are specialized
in the subject. Surgery, with three‐dimensional (3D) resection, is the
basis for the treatment of STS of the extremities and should be
2.3.1 | Recommendations performed by an experienced surgeon, preferably in a Reference
Center for the disease. Studies show that this approach has better
• Molecular markers are not formally incorporated into the staging clinical outcomes.41
system, awaiting further evaluation of their impact on the
prognosis,34 and recurrent or residual sarcomas are subjected to
staging tests using the same system as primary tumors, with the 3.1.1 | Recommendations
specification that the tumor is recurrent (IVC).33
• For complete staging, a complete study of all biopsy samples • Resectability should be evaluated in the preoperative phase, based
(including those from the primary tumor, lymph nodes, and other on imaging exams, the clinical conditions of the patient, and
suspicious lesions) is essential. In the planning phase, clinical staging42 (IVC).
staging is obtained with data from the clinical examination and • The standard surgical procedure is resection with adequate 3D
imaging exams, local and remote, with the focus on the lung. oncological margins—that is, with a normal tissue margin of 1 to
Exceptions are made when the possibility of extrapulmonary 2 cm (IIA). R0 resection should always be sought and is an
dissemination exists, which can occur in cases of myxoid important prognostic factor in the treatment of STS.43
liposarcoma, and specific examinations by imaging of the abdomen Note: When the tumor is not indicated for adequate resection,
and pelvis might be necessary (IIIC).2,33 which occurs when the tumor is close to vessels, nerves, or main
Note: Although lymph node involvement in STS is rare (<3%), bone structures, the preoperative period can be planned ade-
some histological subtypes can evolve with lymph node metas- quately using neoadjuvant or adjuvant strategies with chemother-
tasis more frequently, such as rhabdomyosarcoma, vascular apy or RT, to preserve the limb (IIIA).44‐46

• In the case of atypical lipomatous tumors, which are considered Note: Bone reconstruction with an unconventional stent‐graft
low‐grade tumors with a low risk of local relapse and metastasis, might produce satisfactory results as a comprehensive limb‐saving
the appropriate treatment can be the planned marginal excision and excision strategy for patients with large extracompartmental
without the need for neoadjuvant or adjuvant (IVB) strategies.47 STSs with just an articular bone involvement. The 2‐ and 5‐year
• Major surgeries such as disarticulation or amputation might be the overall survivals are 61.6% and 30.0%, respectively.54
appropriate surgical option to achieve local control and offer the • Reconstruction of motor nerves should be considered when limb
chance of a cure—especially in cases in which there is an invasion preservation surgery is indicated, wherein an important motor
of noble structures that do not respond to neoadjuvant treatment nerve (IVB) will be killed.
for nonmetastatic patients. Vascular or nerve reconstruction • When vascular resection is necessary to obtain adequate
should be discussed individually (IVC). margins after conservative limb surgery, arterial reconstruction
• In cases in which compartmental resection or significant muscle is always the most important procedure to prevent ischemia,
resection is required to achieve free margins, reconstruction with a whereas the need for venous reconstruction is not well‐
local muscle flap or microsurgical reconstruction should be established51 (IVB).
considered at the time of the primary surgery. The main advantage
of this type of reconstruction is that it can be completed in a single
surgical procedure, although the morbidity is increased (IIIC).48 3.3 | Surgical wound complications
• In patients who undergo an unplanned resection or who have
compromised margins that are confirmed in a histopathological report, Preservative resection of STS limbs is a procedure with a high risk of
a new surgical approach (enlargement of margins) should be offered postoperative complications of the wound. Factors, such as diabetes,
when possible.2,43 Residual disease in the surgical bed (macroscopic or smoking, obesity, tumor diameter, location of the tumor in the
microscopic) confers a worse prognosis, and local control is unlikely to proximal portion of the lower extremity, and preoperative RT, are
be achieved, even in combination with adjuvant RT (IVA). predictors of complications in STSs that are subjected to surgical
treatment.55 The use of neoadjuvant RT can increase the risk of these
complications to 30% to 40%, with most complications occurring
3.2 | Surgical reconstruction within 6 weeks of resection.56

Surgical reconstruction is often necessary after resection of STS of the

lower limbs to provide adequate coverage of the wound and allow 3.3.1 | Recommendations
functional preservation of the limb.49 Recent studies have reported
successful esthetic and functional results using free tissue transfer as the • Seromas are the most common complication after surgery for
main reconstruction modality after resection of the limb due to resection of an extremity site. Planned thoracentesis is the
sarcoma.48,50 treatment for most cases. In situations of relapse, whether there is
a concomitant infection should be determined. Sclerosis strategies
with chemical agents can be used, but their recommendation is
3.2.1 | Recommendations doubtful, given the absence of randomized studies (IVB).56
• As Staphylococcus aureus is the most commonly isolated organism
• Repairs with pedicled muscle or fasciocutaneous flaps vascularized and because most anaerobic infections are polymicrobial, the use
free flaps, and vascular or nerve grafts should be used as needed. of antibiotics that cover aerobic and anaerobic bacteria should be
Pediculated flaps have traditionally been preferred for oncological considered in the treatment of these complications (IVB).57
resections, but their use can be disregarded when using neoadju- • In cases of postoperative infections, a planned, multistage surgical
vant RT51 (IVB). treatment can be considered, given the high failure rate with
• Free tissue transfer allows the application of healthy vascularized single‐stage debridement attempts (IVB).56
tissue to the defect while providing the freedom to position the Note: There is no difference in survival, local relapse, or
flap and avoiding elongation or elbowing of the vessels. This metastasis between patients with or without postoperative
reconstructive strategy is recommended for large areas that have infection—that is, a postoperative infection does not confer a
undergone RT or when deemed necessary (IVB). protective effect or increase the risk of adverse oncological
• The flap for bone reconstruction is chosen, based on the location of outcomes after resection of STS.57
the lesion, the level of activity of the individual, the need for
adjuvant therapy, and growth potential. The most commonly
harvested bone flap is the free flap of the fibula, which can be used 3.4 | Limb perfusion/infusion therapy
in three main ways for reconstruction: vascularized fibular flap;
vascularized fibular flap, combined with allograft; and double After being used successfully in melanoma, isolated limb perfusion
vascularized fibula53 (IVB). (ILP) initially showed disappointing results in the treatment of STS.

However, the interest was renewed with the addition of tumor • RT can also be considered in select cases of the superficial lesions,
necrosis factor‐α (TNF‐α) to melphalan in ILP. ILP applies high‐dose greater than 5 cm (any grade), and of low‐grade deep and greater
local chemotherapy (melphalan), with TNF‐α and hyperthermia, than 5 cm. In these cases, RT should be discussed in a multi-
which is restricted to the affected limb through arterial and venous disciplinary setting, considering the anatomical location, histologi-
cannulation and a tourniquet.58 cal aggressiveness, and expected sequelae of treatment (IIB).58,59
Recent studies have shown that ILP reduces tumors, rendering Note: (a) In the absence of definitive data, patients with
them passive to resection and that it should be considered in select superficial tumors that are smaller than 5 cm; unequivocally free
cases.59 It can be used as an adjuvant treatment in cases of marginal 3D margins; and intact facial planes are candidates for treatment
surgical resections, in which the RT dose has already been with surgery only.66 (b) To help identify these subgroups, a tool
exhausted.60 was developed by MSKCC—a nomogram to estimate the likelihood
A meta‐analysis and systematic review evaluated 19 studies of local relapse in 3 and 5 years in operated patients, without
on patients with advanced or marginally resected STS who were chemotherapy or adjuvant RT, incorporating five independent
treated with perfusion therapy or limb infusion with or without prognostic factors: age, grade, size, margins, and histology.60
TNF‐α regimens. The study showed no difference between those • RT should be omitted in the rare cases of actual compartmental
who were given TNF‐α with melphalan or not. However, resection, in which the entire lesion is contained in the anatomical
in nonrandomized studies, the level of evidence is generally compartment that has been removed (IVC).2
weak. • In cases of marginal resections or R1‐R2, RT is also indicated, this
decision of which is individualized according to the possibility of
surgical enlargement of the margins and the impact on future
3.4.1 | Recommendation approaches (IVC).2
• In rare cases with lymph node involvement, adjuvant treatment
can be recommended after lymphadenectomy and should be
• When possible, ILP can be used in a neoadjuvant manner reserved for cases with many affected lymph nodes or extra-
(preoperative) to reduce the dimensions of the primary tumor or capsular extravasation. In these cases, the benefit on local control
improve local conditions, increasing the probability of limb should be balanced against the toxicity (especially lymphedema)
preservation surgery.61 However, alpha and melphalan NTT are (IVC).2
unavailable in most centers in Brazil; thus, we do not recommend • There is no consensus on the exact time for initiating adjuvant RT.
this type of treatment outside of institutional protocols with It is recommended that in patients who will not undergo adjuvant
experienced surgeons (IIC).62 chemotherapy, adjuvant RT should be started 4 and 8 weeks after
• Related to neoadjuvant RT, the surgery should be performed
3.5 | Radiotherapy between 4 and 8 weeks after the end of the RT (IVC).
Note: (a) Local control and overall survival are influenced by
Surgical resection with adequate margins that is followed by RT is acute or late local complications, not by the time of RT. (b) The
considered the standard treatment, with excellent rates of local choice of neoadjuvant or adjuvant treatment with RT remains
control and maintenance of limb function and quality of life, without under discussion, and the only randomized study was concluded
affecting the overall survival.58,63 No randomized study has prematurely due to greater surgical wound complications in the
specifically defined the subgroup of patients with high‐grade tumors neoadjuvant group. However, at the late follow‐up, patients in the
who do not require RT. Given the conflicting outcomes of adjuvant group experienced high rates of late grade 2 or 3
nonrandomized trials and the clear benefit in local control that is toxicity, such as fibrosis, edema, and joint stiffness.45 Therefore, a
offered by adjuvant RT in randomized trials, the standard treatment multidisciplinary evaluation is recommended to define the
for most high‐grade lesions remains limb preservation surgery that is treatment sequence, taking into consideration the time between
followed by RT.64 surgery and RT, tumor size, anatomical location, and histological
• If severe complications in the surgical wound can be predicted, a
3.5.1 | Recommendations surgery that is followed by adjuvant RT might be the best option. If
these complications are considered manageable or avoidable, then
• Wide excision, followed by RT, is indicated in high‐grade disease preoperative treatment should be prioritized.67,68
(grades 2 and 3), deeper or greater than 5 cm (IIB). 58,59,65
• For the adjuvant scenario, doses of 60 Gy in 30 fractions are
• With exceptions to be discussed in a multidisciplinary context and recommended for patients who undergo R0 resection and 66 Gy in
in the absence of a consensus among large reference centers, 33 fractions for those who are subjected to R1 resection. For the
tumors that are high‐grade and deeper and less than 5 cm have to neoadjuvant scenario, a dose of 50 Gy in 25 fractions (IA) is
be treated with surgery, followed by RT (IVC).58,59 recommended.2,45

Note: (a) The 60‐ to 66‐Gy scheme in 2‐Gy/day fractions that Note: Alternative regimens should not be considered, even if
were used by the NCI and O'Sullivan is the most frequently used there is a better expectation of response in metastatic disease.
regimen in the adjuvant scenario, whereas the 50‐Gy plan in 25 2‐ Patients who are not healthy enough to receive the combination
Gy fractions per O'Sullivan is the most commonly used protocol in should not have their treatment adapted. They should be monitored
the neoadjuvant scenario (IIA).45,58 (b) For patients who undergo by a more intensive follow‐up regimen (IVB).74
neoadjuvant RT and are operated on with positive margins, the • Neoadjuvant chemotherapy can be indicated for patients with
recommendation is to proceed with an adjuvant boost at a dose of deep, high‐grade sarcomas that are at least 5 cm and not subject to
16 to 20 Gy.58 However, the need for this complementary therapy resection with adequate margins (IIB).46,73
has been questioned by several retrospective series (IIC). Note: (a) The use of neoadjuvant chemotherapy today is based
primarily on a phase III study that compared the standard
ifosfamide‐ and anthracycline‐based regimen with one that
3.6 | Chemotherapy targeted the histological subtype for three cycles.75 The standard
regimen was superior to the other protocols with regard to overall
The value of adjuvant chemotherapy in the treatment of STS survival in all subtypes. (b) Alternative regimens should not be
still conflicting in literature adding the fact that the high hematolo- considered, even if there is an expectation of a better response in
gical and gastrointestinal toxicity associated with chemotherapy metastatic disease. Patients who do not have a sufficient clinical
allows only few patients to be candidates for treatment. profile to receive the combination should not have their treatment
A 2008 meta‐analysis comprised of four studies from a previous adapted. They should have their treatment rediscussed to broach
meta‐analysis published in 1997 and evaluated the value of neoadjuvant RT or radical, nonconservative surgeries.
ifosfamide, combined with doxorubicin, as adjuvant therapy for • The suggested regimens for adjuvant or neoadjuvant treatment
sarcomas, demonstrating a small benefit for overall survival and local and the histological types that are to be considered are shown in
relapse‐free survival in favor of chemotherapy.71,72 However, the Table 2.
study with the most patients, EORTC 62931, was not included, which
did not find any benefit with regard to overall survival with the same
chemotherapy regimen.46,73,74 3.7 | Follow‐up

After the treatment, with or without chemotherapy or RT, the follow‐

3.6.1 | Recommendations up begins. Several follow‐up strategies are used, considering the
periodicity of the exams. The clinical history and physical examina-
tion should look for relapse signs and symptoms or eventual sequelae
• The indications for adjuvant or neoadjuvant chemotherapy should due to treatment.76 Imaging tests are complementary and are
be discussed in a multidisciplinary meeting with specialists and be intended to the study of locoregional and distant relapse.
based on a scheme that includes the combination of ifosfamide and
doxorubicin74 (IIA).
• Adjuvant chemotherapy should be indicated for patients 3.7.1 | Recommendations
with good performance status and no comorbidities, with
high‐grade deep sarcomas that are at least 5 cm and have been
adequately resected, regardless of having undergone RT 46,74 • The imaging tests should be defined by the medical team,
(IIA). considering its care conditions and patient financial status. MRI,

F I G U R E 1 Management of localized
resectable STS. OR, odds ratio; RT,
radiotherapy; STS, soft tissue sarcoma; *,
for high‐grade tumors; **, optional
neoadjuvant OR adjuvant RT for deep
tumors greater than 5 cm with predictive
R1 margin; #, predictive R1 margin or
marginal resection from great
neurovascular boundaries or bone

contrast‐enhanced CT, and even USG can be used for locoregional of the primary tumor rise and the appearance of metastasis or
evaluation, whereas chest X‐ray and CT can be used for routine suspicion for other primary neoplasms, provided that the morbidity
lung evaluation (IVA).76 and risk of the procedure are manageable (IVB).79
• In stage I and low‐grade tumors, consider noncontrast‐enhanced • The value of sequencing techniques using broad panels of genes
chest CT every 12 months in the first 2 years, intercalated with for determining the systemic treatment is unknown in most
simple chest X‐ray every 4 to 6 months and every 6 to 12 months situations, and their routine use is not recommended (IIIC).80
for the subsequent 3 to 5 years (IVB). 76
Chest radiography can be • Research on fusions that involved the TRK gene can be considered,
performed as a follow‐up due to the very low risk of metastases as they are associated with high sensitivity to such agents as
that are associated with low‐grade tumors (IIIB).33 Larotrectinib (approved in Brazil). However, such fusions have a
• MRI with or without contrast and contrast‐enhanced CT can be low prevalence in STSs, especially in adults (IIIA).80
recommended for evaluation of the primary site, preferably 3
months after the surgical procedure, serving as a baseline and
comparison for future examinations. Ultrasonography can be 3.9 | Surgery of metastatic disease
considered for small superficial lesions—to be performed by an
examiner who is experienced in musculoskeletal disease (IVB).33,76,77 Surgery remains the main therapeutic option for the treatment of
• For stages II and III, local clinical evaluation, local imaging (MRI or metastatic disease in patients with ECIV STS. 78 We reiterate the
CT), and chest imaging (CT without contrast, alternated with plain recommendation that all cases that are considered should be
radiography) are recommended every 3 to 6 months for 2 to 3 discussed in a multidisciplinary meeting. 79 The decision for
years, every 6 months for the next 3 to 5 years, and then annually surgery should take into consideration the following factors to
up to 8 to 10 years (IVA).2,33,76 improve the prognosis, provided that the predicted morbidity is
Note: Although the use of MRI to detect local relapse and chest acceptable: histology of indolent course, relapse‐free interval
CT for pulmonary metastases is likely to detect earlier relapses, it greater than 12 months, and up to 5 outbreaks of disease in the
has not been demonstrated that it is beneficial or cost‐effective same organ.81
compared with the clinical evaluation of the primary site and
regular chest radiographs.2
• Further exams or evaluations might be necessary to diagnose 3.9.1 | Recommendations
relapses in common sites and atypical relapses or to clarify signs and
symptoms that are revealed during the follow‐up, and their request • Patients who are indicated for pulmonary metastasectomy
should be made at the discretion of the assisting team (IVA). should have their treatment defined in a multidisciplinary
Note: Nonroutine MRI of the total spine can be considered for meeting (IVB).
myxoid liposarcoma; central nervous system (CNS) MRI or CT can be • The performance of PET‐CT (FDG) should be considered, when
considered for alveolar sarcoma and angiosarcoma; and pelvic CT or available, before performing metastasis surgery (IVC)82
MRI can be considered for proximal end liposarcomas (IVB). Note: In performing pulmonary metastasectomy, the following
criteria should be considered83,84:
◦ Controlled or controllable primary tumor
3.8 | Metastatic disease (see Figure 2) ◦ Predictability of complete resection of lesions in previous
radiological evaluation
Metastases in STS develop preferentially in the lungs. The main ◦ Pulmonary reserve that allows surgery
factors that increase the risk for metastasis are tumor size, depth, ◦ Absence of metastatic lesions in other locations
and degree. Patients with deep, high‐grade tumors that are larger ◦ Absence of superior treatment to surgery.
than 10 cm have a 50% to 60% chance of developing distant
metastasis. We need to drive the treatment, taking into consideration
whether the metastasis is synchronous or metachronic, the volume of • The primary surgery can be performed at the same time to
the metastasis, and the treatment of the primary tumor. metastases resection or later, provided that resection of the
primary tumor is predicted (IVC).84
• We should preserve as much of the pulmonary parenchyma as
3.8.1 | Recommendations possible. The recommended surgical margins are 5 to 10 mm, but
larger resections, such as lobectomy and pneumonectomy, can be
• We recommend that the evaluation of and therapeutic decision for performed (IVC).84
patients with metastatic disease to be performed in multidisci- • We do not recommend performing mediastinal lymphadenectomy.
plinary team (IVB). Its impact is negligible (IVD).85
• Confirmatory biopsy of the first metastasis site is recommended in • We recommend, when possible, video thoracoscopy in cases of
atypical presentations cases and a long interval between treatment oligometrical disease or peripheral lesions (IVB).86

• For patients with synchronous metastases at the diagnosis, in the STS is a radioresistant disease,90 and in this context, extracranial
absence of extrapulmonary disease, the initial treatment of choice is stereotactic RT (SBRT or SABR), which supplies restricted ablative
systemic chemotherapy. Surgery is indicated to residual pulmonary doses to the tumor while delivering lower doses to adjacent
lesions, especially in cases of stable disease or response84 (IIIB). structures, is an interesting modality for achieving satisfactory
• Initially, the extrapulmonary metastatic disease should not be response rates. Nevertheless, the efficacy of SABR in pulmonary
treated with surgery, for which systemic treatment is the most metastases has been demonstrated in several institutional series.
acceptable. After systemic chemotherapy and evaluation of the This technique effects 2‐year local control rates between 86% and
response, consider a discussion of the case in a multidisciplinary 96%,93 with low complication rates. As it is a noninvasive procedure
meeting (IIA).87 and easy to tolerate, it can be considered as an option other than
• In cases of relapse after metastasectomy, a new surgical approach surgery in the treatment of pulmonary metastases, meeting some
can be offered if the lesions are completely resectable (IIIB).88 selection criteria, such as a progression‐free period after primary
Note: Interval time between surgery and the appearance of new treatment, the number of lesions per lung, and evolution of the
lesions, a fewer number of lesions, and patient performance status systemic disease.92 Another situation in which SBRT is widely used is
are considered factors of good prognosis (IVC).89 paraspinal tumors. Local control rates with this strategy of 85.9%
have been achieved.92 SABR can also be performed in intracranial,
hepatic, intra‐abdominal, lymph node, and subcutaneous lesions.
3.10 | Surgery of primary tumor in metastatic Finally, the nonsurgical option should always be discussed with
disease patient the patient and in a multidisciplinary manner to control the
metastatic disease, without any detriment to the quality of life.
There are no data that indicate the best approach for the primary
tumor in synchronous disease. The primary tumor treatment
directions depend primarily on its size, location, and the volume of 3.11.1 | Recommendations
the metastatic disease. Efforts should be made to preserve the limb,
considering that the prognosis is related to metastases and that the • RT should be considered in the palliation of such symptoms as
oncological principles must be obeyed. pain; bleeding; obstruction; and hollow organs, bones, central or
peripheral nervous system, and viscera (IA).
• The fractionation regimens can vary from a single dose to
3.10.1 | Recommendations treatments in 10 fractions, depending on the location that is
treated, the objective of the treatment, and the performance
• We recommend that all patients with the synchronic disease be status of the patient (IA).
discussed in a multidisciplinary meeting (IVB). • Extracranial stereotactic RT (SABR or SBRT) can be considered
• The treatment sequence should be based on patients' status when local control is desired, especially in oligometastatic patients
performance, the primary tumor volume, and metastatic disease. (synchronic or metachronic metastases), and in situations of
However, our recommendation is that systemic treatment with oligoprogression (up to 5 lesions) (IIB).
chemotherapy be prioritized at the beginning of treatment (IIIB).84 Note: Possible locations for treatment with SABR or SBRT are
• Surgery for primary resection, when indicated, must obey the lung, bone, liver, soft tissues, and lymph nodes.
oncological principles with regard to margin (as discussed), and • CNS metastases follow general treatment recommendations:
RT is considered in neoadjuvant and adjuvant settings for tumors surgery or ablative RT for patients with few lesions (up to 4)
that are not subject to adequate resection (IIB).58,59,65 and total brain irradiation for patients with multiple
• Limb amputation should be indicated only in cases in which the lesions, low‐performance status, or extra‐CNS progression
limb becomes a hindrance to the quality of life and when it is not disease (IA).
possible to preserve the affected limb (IVC).

3.12 | Chemotherapy
3.11 | Radiotherapy
The aim of the systemic treatment of patients with metastatic STS is
RT has a well‐established role in the palliation of symptoms of to relieve symptoms and improve quality of life.
metastatic disease due to its antalgic, hemostatic, and decompressive Certain histologies should be considered separately and follow
function. There are general treatment recommendations and specific specific management algorithms in metastatic disease: rhabdomyo-
recommendations regarding the site of involvement, such as with sarcomas, PEComas, alveolar STS, dermatofibrosarcoma protuber-
bone,90 pulmonary, and cerebral91 metastases. However, in very ans, and solitary fibrous tumors.
specific situations, it can be indicated for palliation and local control This section will describe the systemic treatment options and
of metastases, notably in the case of oligometastases.92 several situations for their use in metastatic patients.

3.12.1 | Recommendations 3.13.1 | Recommendations

Nonresectable local relapse • Conventional doxorubicin continues to be the preferred first‐line

drug in metastatic disease, with no better scheme in terms of
• Consider systemic treatment with preoperative chemotherapy and overall survival to date. The response rate is 10% on average, with
subsequent surgery. The choice of a chemotherapy regimen in this progression‐free survival (SLP) of 3 months and overall survival
scenario should take into consideration the previous use of (SG) of 12 months.
anthracycline and adjuvant ifosfamide (IVB). • Ifosfamide can be used as a first‐line regimen in patients with
contraindications to anthracycline or histologies that are sensitive
Lymph node relapse to ifosfamide, such as synovial sarcoma.94
Note: (a) In a phase III study, two ifosfamide regimens were
• A rare situation with a poor prognosis without standard treatment. compared with doxorubicin alone. The superiority of doxorubicin
Consider surgical treatment, followed by RT and chemotherapy, in over ifosfamide was maintained with response rates of 8.4%, an
sensitive histologies. In certain cases, consider neoadjuvant SLP of 3 months, and an overall survival of 10.92 months.94 (b) The
treatment to avoid mutilating surgeries (IVB). recommended histologies are undifferentiated high‐grade pleo-
morphic sarcoma, synovial sarcoma, and malignant peripheral
Systemic relapse neural sheath tumor.
• Liposomal doxorubicin can be used primarily for patients who are not
• Patients with exclusive pulmonary disease can be treated with candidates for conventional doxorubicin due to its lower toxicity.95
surgery exclusively of the lung if they fit the criteria for metastasis Note: (a) In a phase II study that compared both drugs, there was
surgery. no significant difference in survival.95
• Patients with a relapse interval less than 12 months or with more • The combination of doxorubicin and ifosfamide in the first line did not
than 3 pulmonary lesions should be treated initially with systemic show better overall survival in a randomized phase III study compared
chemotherapy for subsequent surgical procedure evaluation, with doxorubicin alone, only higher local response rate compared with
depending on the tumor response, despite the absence of evidence doxorubicin alone (26% vs 14%) with a higher rate of gastrointestinal
of an improvement in overall survival (IIIB). and hematological toxicity.96 Our recommendation is that the
combination be a therapeutic option in cases of the synchronic
disease with the possibility of resection of the primary tumor and
3.13 | First‐line palliative chemotherapy metastases, after discussion in a multidisciplinary environment (IIIB).

First‐line treatment should be indicated for patients who have not

been previously subjected to neoadjuvant or adjuvant chemotherapy 3.14 | Second‐line palliative chemotherapy
and who present metastatic disease or local relapse that is not
resectable (IA). The second‐line schemes are based on gemcitabine only, have
The first‐line and second‐line regimens are described in Table 2. response rates ranging from 4% to 18% and an SLP and GS of

F I G U R E 2 Management of metastatic
STS. STS, soft tissue sarcoma; *, all patients
go to multidisciplinary team discussion; **,
same principles for nonmetastatic disease
[Color figure can be viewed at

approximately 3 months and 13.9 months, respectively. Gemcitabine derives the greatest benefit is nonuterine leiomyosarcoma, according
in combination with docetaxel, dacarbazine or vinorelbine have to the main studies, including a phase III study that compared
response rates ranging from 12.5% to 16%, SLP ranges from 3.4 to dacarbazine with eribulin.101 The recommended dosage is 850 to
6.2 months, and GS ranges from 16.8 to 17.9 months. 1800 mg/m2 on day 1 every 21 days (IB).

3.14.1 | Recommendation 3.15.2 | Drugs not approved for use in Brazil

• Second‐line treatment is indicated after failure of the anthracy- Trabectedin is a drug that has been used in patients with
cline or ifosfamide regimen in adjuvant, neoadjuvant, or first‐line leiomyosarcomas or metastatic liposarcomas that are refractory to
metastatic disease (IBI). at least two lines of chemotherapy, including anthracyclines. The use
Note: Recommended histologies are nonuterine and uterine of this drug is based on a phase III study that compared it with
leiomyosarcomas, high‐grade undifferentiated pleomorphic sarco- dacarbazine. There was a gain in progression‐free survival of 2.7
ma, undifferentiated liposarcoma, pleomorphic liposarcoma, and months in favor of trabectedin.102 This drug is recommended for
synovial sarcoma. patients with uterine and nonuterine leiomyosarcomas, undifferen-
tiated and pleomorphic liposarcomas, and high‐grade myxoid
liposarcoma. The recommended dosage is 1.5 g/m2 on day 1 every
3.15 | Patients refractory to two lines of palliative 21 days (IID).
chemotherapy Pembrolizumab was evaluated for use in SARC 028. This phase II
study evaluated the use of pembrolizumab in patients with bone
3.15.1 | Drugs approved for use in Brazil sarcomas and metastatic soft tissues. Patients with undifferentiated
liposarcoma and high‐grade pleomorphic sarcoma experienced the
A situation in which the disease progresses despite the first and greatest benefit and were thus evaluated in a phase III study.103 The
second lines of treatment is common. Several studies and drugs are recommended dosage is 2 mg/kg every 21 days (IIID).
being developed primarily for these situations, often supported by
phase II studies. In Brazil, pazopanib and eribulin are approved.
Dacarbazine can also be used as a third‐line treatment in cases of 3.16 | Special histologies
leiomyosarcomas and high‐grade liposarcomas (IIB).
Pazopanib is a tyrosine kinase inhibitor against VEGF, PDGF, and Angiosarcomas have a high sensitivity to taxanes, especially primary
FGF receptors used orally at a dosage of 800 mg per day in patients angiosarcomas of the scalp. Other options for treatment of this
who have failed at least one line of chemotherapy with metastatic
sarcomas, excluding liposarcomas. The Palette study was a rando-
mized, double‐blind phase III study that compared pazopanib with T A B L E 3 Schemes and doses of first‐line and second‐line
placebo in these patients, demonstrating a 3‐month increase in chemotherapy for metastatic disease
progression‐free survival and a 46% reduction in the risk of
Dose Interval
progression, especially in patients with synovial sarcoma and First line
leiomyosarcomas.100 The regimen for pazopanib is 800 mg orally Scheme—one drug
continuously, and the histological subtypes that are considered for Doxorubicina 60‐75 mg/m2 day 1 21 d
treatment are metastatic nonliposarcomas (Tables 3 and 4). Doxorubicin Lipos 40‐50 mg/m2 day 1 21‐28 d
Another drug that has been approved for use in Brazil is eribulin. An Combined scheme

important phase III study compared eribulin with dacarbazine in Doxorubicina 25 mg/m2 day 1 21 d
Ifosfamide 3 g/m2 days 1 to 3 21 d
patients with leiomyosarcoma and metastatic liposarcomas. There was
Granulokine 300 mcg days 4 to 10
no difference in progression‐free survival, but there was an increase in
Second line
overall survival of 2 months in favor of eribulin. There were greater
Scheme 1
hematological toxicity and peripheral neuropathy in the eribulin group, Gemcitabine 900‐1000 mg/m2 days 1 and 8 21 d
in addition to a higher cost. In a subgroup analysis, the overall survival Docetaxel 75 mg/m2 day 8 21 d
benefit was seen only in patients with liposarcomas, not in those with Granulokine 300 mcg days 9 to 15
Scheme 2
leiomyosarcomas. Therefore, eribulin should preferably be considered in
Gemcitabine 800 mg/m2 days 1 and 8 21 d
patients with good performance status and a diagnosis of undiffer-
Vinorelbine 25 mg/m2 days 1 and 8 21 d
entiated, pleomorphic, or high‐grade myxoid liposarcoma.101 The Scheme 3
recommended dosage is 1.4 mg/m2 on days 1 and 8 every 21 days (IA). Gemcitabine 1800 mg/m2 days 1 15 21 d
As a third‐line option, dacarbazine is an older, low‐cost drug with Dacarbazine 500 mg/m2 days 1 and 15 21 d
limited activity in metastatic sarcomas. The histological subtype that Maximum of six cycles.

T A B L E 4 Selected histologies and treatment options For subsequent lines of chemotherapy, in patients who have
Histology Treatment options failed anthracyclines, such alternatives as gemcitabine, dacar-
bazine, pazopanib, eribulin, and trabectedin, which have been
Soft tissue alveolar sarcoma TK inhibitors
evaluated in randomized studies, should be considered.
Solitary fibrous tumor Pazopanib, Temozolomide,
and Bevacizumab Note: Studies that evaluated eribulin and trabectedin
included only leiomyosarcomas and liposarcomas. The survival
Angiosarcomas Taxanes, Anthracyclines
gains with eribulin were restricted to patients with liposarco-
Dermatofibrosarcoma Imatinib
protuberans mas, whereas trabectedin, which seems to have better results, is
not approved for use in Brazil (IIIC).
PEComas mTOR inhibitors
• Ifosfamide is particularly active in patients with synovial
Sarcomas with TRK gene fusions Larotrectinib
sarcoma and is an alternative as a first‐line treatment and for
Abbreviation: TK, tyrosine kinase.
rescue (IBI).

histological type include doxorubicin (conventional or liposomal),

gemcitabine in combination with docetaxel and pazopanib (IIIB).
Alveolar sarcoma has a high sensitivity to tyrosine kinase The authors their colleagues from Brazilian medical societies who
inhibitors, including sunitinib and pazopanib. The recommended helped to do this consensus with their expertise that greatly assisted
regimens are sunitinib 50 mg continuous oral dose for 4 weeks and this study and SSO (society of Surgical Oncology) for providing all the
a 2‐week pause and pazopanib 800 mg continuous oral dose support to publish this manuscript after its presentation at second
(IIIB).100 BSSO/BSRT/BSOC Oncology Week.
The solitary fibrous tumor is an STS that has low sensitivity to
conventional chemotherapy. In cases of advanced disease, for which
surgery is not possible, or metastatic disease, the combination of
temozolomide and bevacizumab should be considered, especially for All authors contributed to the conception, acquisition of data,
a parameningeal location. The drugs that can be considered are drafting and revising of the manuscript. Everyone approved of the
sunitinib,104 pazopanib,105 and the combination of temozolomide and final version of the manuscript
bevacizumab (IIIB).
Finally, search for NTRK fusion 1, 2, or 3 might be indicated in
refractory cases, because larotrectinib is efficacious107 in these cases
of sarcomas with NTRK fusion. The dosage is 100 mg twice daily in a Ranyell M. S. S. B. Spencer http://orcid.org/0000-0002-4497-5964
continuous manner. Samir A. Hanna http://orcid.org/0000-0002-1976-0662
Raphael L. C. de Araujo http://orcid.org/0000-0002-7834-5944

3.17 | Final recommendations

• In light of the possibility of complex treatment plans for patients
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