Improved Procedure For Natural Convection Garlic Drying
Improved Procedure For Natural Convection Garlic Drying
Improved Procedure For Natural Convection Garlic Drying
Vegetable drying is an energy consuming procedure despite the fact that it is the most efficient way to preserve agricultural
products. This study investigates a new way to dry good quality garlic at lower cost. Thin garlic layer was submitted to free
convection airflow at air drying temperature of 40 °C, 50 °C, and 60 °C. Using the slope method, effective diffusivity coefficient was
determined at each drying temperature during the first and second falling drying rate periods. Considering the former, it increased
with increasing temperature. In relation to latter, it decreased with the temperature increase. However, at low drying temperatures,
process keeps on going to very low moisture content; and it develops to an asymptotic value at high temperatures, indicating that
shrinking at high temperature prevents evaporation of some residual moisture. Considered separately, these temperatures do not
reflect the conditions met in solar drying, since in solar systems, air temperature increases during the day with increasing solar
radiation. Therefore, characterization of garlic drying by means of step temperature varying – the first hour of drying at 40 °C; the
second hour of drying at 50 °C, and the remaining time of drying at 60 °C – might better correspond with conditions under solar
drying and result in better understanding of the process.
Keywords: free convection airflow; stepwise increasing temperature; solar drying; effective diffusivity
Throughout the world, garlic is widely used in cuisine. It is a complex phenomenon, which involves simultaneous
is believed that it can also be used as an effective form of actions of heat and mass transfer in the product.
plant-based medicine in many ways and thanks to these Understanding of such a phenomenon is based on a good
properties, it is a very important commercial product. knowledge of the balances between air and product,
The annual world production is approx. 27 million tons and control of the kinetics of the product drying and
and this makes it the tenth most harvested vegetable in the processing.
world. It is predominantly produced in few places, yet it is Multiple studies (Bozkir et al., 2019; Figiel, 2009; İlter et
transported all over the world. Considered under harvest al., 2018; Younis et al., 2018; Thuwapanichayanan et al., 2014;
form, the vegetable mass consists of more than two third Ruhanian and Movagharnejad, 2016; Ondro et al. 2017)
of water. This would induce higher costs in transportation, considered different drying techniques, such as convective
storage and other handlings. Moreover, when the rest period hot air, microwave drying, combined microwave convective
(60–80 days) expires, the garlic sprouts rapidly emerge after drying, vacuum microwave drying, far infrared radiation
dormancy. Consequently, nutritional value in the garlic is drying assisted heat pump, combined drying. Amiri Chayjan
diminished, and due to withering of the stem and trunk, et al. (2012) studied thin layer drying properties of garlic
garlic quality is lowered (Amiri Chayjan et al., 2012). sheets under semi fluidized and fluidized bed conditions.
Drying might be the best way to lower the additional The bed was submitted to convective air at different
costs by reducing the weight to less than one third of the temperatures and velocities. They tested different empirical
initial weight. In addition, low moisture content reduces correlations in order to determine the diffusivity coefficient
microbial and enzymatic changes throughout the storage in the product. Sharma and Prasad (2004) undertook
period, hence, extending the shelf life of the product (Sacilik combined drying of garlic cloves, which consisted of
and Unal, 2005; Barrozo et al., 2001). continuous applying microwave of 10–40 W together with
However, drying is a process involving phase change, hot air at temperature of 40–70 °C and velocities of 1.0 and
therefore, it is a process that consumes much more energy. 2.0 m·s-1. They observed diffusivity dependences on initial
It is a complicated process including transient transfer moisture content, air temperature and microwave power
of mass and heat with certain rate processes, which may at given velocities. Pezzutti and Crapiste (1997) studied
result in modifications in product quality (Al-Neama and changes in garlic flavour during dehydration as a function
Farkas, 2016). In order to optimize the process, knowledge of temperature. They noticed that, at high temperatures,
on the drying mechanisms is essential. Vegetable drying there is a loss of flavour strength. Afriyie et al. (2009)
Contact address: Amor Bouhdjar, Renewable Energy Development Centre (CDER) Route de l’Observatoire Bouzaréah Algiers, Algeria,
Acta Technologica Agriculturae 2/2020 Amor Bouhdjar et al.
Amor Bouhdjar et al. Acta Technologica Agriculturae 2/2020
MR – moisture content ratio
MMMMe e 88 2t2t
MR 2 2exp exp-DDeffeff 2 2 Fig. 2 Temperatures for the four tests undertaken during
MMi iMMe e 44l l
garlic drying
By inserting K to Eq. 4, we get:
4l 2
MR Kt )
exp(-Kt) (5)
ln( MR ) ln 2 Kt
K – slope of the curve obtained from ln(MR)exp versus t
Acta Technologica Agriculturae 2/2020 Amor Bouhdjar et al.
surfaces, friction losses between the fluid and wall surfaces increased with an increase in the drying air temperature
are negligible in contrast to the local losses from expansion, (Fig. 6). However, Fig. 4 shows that, after certain drying time,
contraction and bending (Afonso and Oliveira, 2000). samples exposed to the 40 °C airflow continue to yield some
On the basis of the relation between air density and moisture, while drying rate is near zero for samples exposed
temperature (Incropera and De Witt, 1996) and fundamental to 60 °C airflow. According to several authors (Madamb
principle that buoyancy pressure head must be equal to the et al., 1994; Ortiz-García-Carrasco et al., 2015), products
sum of all flow pressure losses between inlet and outlet, the exposed to high temperatures seem to shrink more and
underlying airflow equation is given by: this phenomenon impacts mostly the product periphery.
Consequently, the pores tend to close and decelerate water
v2 mobility and withhold some moisture as residual moisture
H K i i
g(TH Ta )
2 although the airflow velocity is higher. On the other hand,
with low temperature, drying process continues.
where: Therefore, when the samples were submitted to airflow
TH – airflow temperature, °C at an increasing temperature – at 40 °C for the first hour,
Ta – ambient temperature, °C 50 °C at the second hour, and 60 °C for the remaining time –
v – airflow velocity, m·s-1 it was observed that the drying time is shorter compared
g – acceleration due to gravity, m·s-2 to the previous cases when the temperature was constant
r – air density, kg·m-3 during the whole run (Fig. 5). Moreover, the drying rate
b – expansion coefficient, 1/T decreased steadily throughout the whole process for the
H – chimney height, m constant temperatures.
K – friction coefficient. The right side expresses all local
2g(T T )H
(9) H a
Kt K p t
A – passage area, m2
vo – outlet airflow velocity, m·s-1
Amor Bouhdjar et al. Acta Technologica Agriculturae 2/2020
Fig. 6 Drying rate vs. time for drying under airflow at uniform Fig. 7 Moisture content ratio during drying at uniform
and varying temperatures temperature and fitted model
Moisture content ratio obtained for samples submitted temperature. This explains why there is a rapid decrease in
to a 60 °C airflow in 270 min was identical to moisture moisture content (Fig. 5).
content obtained in 190 min at varying temperature airflow. According to Madamb et al. (1994) and Ortiz-García-
The analytical solution deduced previously considered Carrasco et al. (2015), shrinking of agricultural products
several assumptions, which cannot be met in agricultural occurs when they are submitted to high temperatures
product drying. drying process. High temperature tends to squeeze samples
Therefore, Ruhanian and Movagharnejad (2016) suggest during shrinking. The pressure is mostly exercised on the
semi-empirical solutions, five of which are used mostly outside of the product and closes the pores, not allowing the
in forced convection drying or other form of drying, but, fluid to evaporate. This results in the reduced water effective
to the authors’ knowledge, have not been used in natural diffusivity, implying that some residual moisture might have
convection drying (Table 1). been preserved in the product dried at high temperature.
On the contrary, product dried at low temperature keeps on
Table 1 Mathematical expressions used to describe thin- drying as long as the outside air absorbs the extracted water
layer drying kinetics (Fig. 4).
Model name Mathematical formulation The experimental drying data were used to find out
the most suitable model among the five different models
Newton MR = exp(-kt) proposed by Ruhanian and Movagharnejad (2016).
Henderson and Pabis MR = a exp(-kt) The most suitable fitness of the empirical model to the
experimental data is gauged through the coefficient of
Logarithmic MR = a exp(-kt) + c
determination (R2) and the reduced chi-square (c2), which
Two term model MR = a exp(-k1t) + b exp(-k2t) should be the highest coefficient of determination (R2) and
Page MR = exp(-ktn) the lowest reduced chi-square (c2) (Table 2).
Accordingly, the two-term model, for which different
Fig. 6 shows the deduced drying rates. It was observed constant values are generated, presents the highest
that the process went steadily in decrease for uniform coefficient of determination and the lowest reduced chi-
temperatures. On the other hand, for varying temperature, square (Table 3, Fig. 7).
the drying rate seemed to jump at every increase in
Table 2 Statistical results obtained for thin layer drying models for garlic slices under natural convection at different
Model T = 40 °C T = 50 °C T = 60 °C
2 2
R χ2
R χ2
Newton 9.62E-04 0.98351 0.00313 0.94463 0.00395 0.91622
Henderson and Pabis 3.19E-04 0.99453 0.00189 0.96657 0.00208 0.95591
Logarithmic 1.55E-04 0.99734 2.83E-04 0.99499 1.82E-04 0.99615
Two-term 2.63E-05 0.99958 8.57E-05 0.99849 1.24E-04 0.99738
Page 3.65E-05 0.99924 9.08E-05 0.99745 2.64E-04 0.99261
Acta Technologica Agriculturae 2/2020 Amor Bouhdjar et al.
Table 3 Constants and coefficients for the best-fitted model (two-term model)
Temperature a k1 b k2 χ2 R2
T = 40 0.84535 0.00599157 0.14864 0.05346113 2.63E-05 0.99955
T = 50 0.7988 0.01092964 0.16866 0.00084564 8.57E-05 0.99849
T = 60 0.81 0.01228058 0.136412 0.00054955 1.24E-04 0.99738
Effective diffusivity coefficient determination effective diffusivity coefficient decreased with increasing
Adopting the slope method (Madamb et al., 1996; Caccavale temperature (Table 5).
et al., 2016), the curve of ln(MR) versus drying time generates Fig. 4 indicates that, at 40 °C, the drying process
the effective diffusivity coefficient through the fitted linear continued beyond the point where it has almost stopped
relation to these curves. for 60 °C.
Therefore, the decrease in effective diffusivity might
8 D
be the consequence of pore restriction at the periphery of
ln( MR ) ln 2 eff 2 t (10) samples during the second falling drying rate period.
To minimize the effect of shrinking, samples were dried
So from the plot of ln(MR), we get: under hot air at increasing temperature. During the first
period of one hour, the temperature was fixed at 40 °C,
Slope 4 l 2 during the second period of one hour, the temperature was
Deff (11) fixed at 50 °C, and during the remaining time of drying, the
temperature was fixed at 60 °C (Fig. 5). During this process,
A close look at Figs. 4 and 6 shows that nearly 75% of the effective diffusivity kept on increasing with every
the moisture is extracted during the first falling drying rate increase in temperature (Table 6).
period and the remaining moisture is extracted during the The effective diffusivity coefficient value obtained during
second falling drying rate period. In order to generate the each period nearly corresponds to the one obtained during
fitting function, we will consider the process taking place the first falling drying rate period of the corresponding
following the two periods. For each, we deduced an effective uniform temperature.
diffusivity coefficient. Therefore, the shrinking, which occurred when the
By adopting the aforementioned method, the effective temperature was ramped up, did not have the same
diffusivity coefficients for each temperature were obtained impact when the temperature was increased during the
as given in Table 4. same process. Moreover, the drying time was reduced. The
The effective diffusivity coefficient increased with the moisture content ratio obtained in 200 min under varying
increase in temperature and consequent slight increase in temperature was reached in 250 min when drying at 60 °C
airflow velocity even though it never reached 1 m·s-1. On and in 300 min when drying at 50 °C (Fig. 4).
the other hand, in the second falling drying rate period, the
Table 4 Effective diffusivity coefficients at different temperatures during the first falling drying rate period
Temperature Effective diffusivity coefficient (m2·s-1) R2
40 °C 8.98211E-10 0.99774
50 °C 9.46134E-10 0.99328
60 °C 10.0912E-10 0.99742
Table 5 Effective diffusivity coefficients at different temperatures during the second falling drying rate period
Temperature Effective diffusivity coefficient (m2·s-1) R2
40 °C 4.7627E-10 0.99892
50 °C 3.08954E-10 0.9913
60 °C 2.99015E-10 0.99614
Amor Bouhdjar et al. Acta Technologica Agriculturae 2/2020