Fin Group
Fin Group
Fin Group
Presented to
Ryle Jan, Fin
Mark luie
Guyabano (Annona muricata) is a small deciduous tropical evergreen fruit tree that is
widely cultivated throughout the world’s tropical climates. The aerial component have many
roles in maintaining human health. The fruits have been extensively used as food confection,
and local communities in tropical Africa and south America have used various preparation,
particularly decoction of the bark, fruits, leaves, pericarps, seeds, and roots, to treat a variety of
The popular tropical tree Guyabano or Gayobana, also known as Soursop is known for its
sweet- sour fruit. It is indigenous to the tropical region of the American and the Caribbean. Our
Spanish conquistador may have brought in to the Philippines, where the word guyabano
nutritional content and myriad uses also known as guyabano. The species is the only one that
can be kept and processed. For the beneficial fruits, guyabano is typically planted as a
commercial crop. It is an alien species in the Philippines, but because of its numerous health
advantage, it is widely farmed throughout the entire nation. Research has shown that the fruit
extracts can stop the development of human breast cancer cells, which has increased demand
Guyabano is commonly consumed in the Philippines, either ripe or fresh, or used to make
juice, smoothies, and ice cream. Additionally, the fruit is occasionally used in baked products
and other delicacies, such as guyabano cakes and tortas. In addition to the bark and leaves
being well known for usage in herbal teas and other therapeutic preparation, the leaves are
occasionally used to tenderize meat (Desk, 2023). (Annona muricata) leaves are used in
Cagayan, Cavite, Mindoro Island, and Zamboanga Del Sur for its anti-fever effects (Stuart,
Traditional pharmacies have used guyabano to treat a variety of illnesses and ailment
since it has several medicinal uses. It has a rich nutritional profile and offers a number of health
guyabano. Your immune system is strengthened by this vitamin, which enhances its capacity to
fight against viruses. Additionally, it encourages the breakdown of free radicals, which can
shield your skin and cell from oxidative harm form the environment. The recommended daily
amount of vitamin C is 215% of what is found in one full guyabano fruit. Numerous more
antioxidant, such as phytosterols, tannis, and flavonoids, are also present in this plant’s fruits
and leaves (National Nutrition Council, 2022). The fruit and juice are used to treat worms and
parasites, as well as to reduce fever and increase breast milk production after childbirth (Stuart,
Since the beginning of medicine, natural product-especially those made from plant have
been utilized to support human health. Plant phytochemicals have been a major source of new
pharmaceutical discoveries during the last century. The biological activities of these compounds
have attracted great scientific interest because of the utility of plant active component in
Utilizing local plants is one of the most significant and frequently and used parts of
Philippine traditional medicine. Due to their integration with local culture and beliefs, these have
grown to be a crucial aspect of providing the Filipino people with safe, efficient, and affordable
important resource. Only a few civilizations still practice traditional and botanical knowledge as a
result of technical improvement in the modern world, which have caused a steady decline in
traditional knowledge. This knowledge has been jeopardized in the Philippines as a result of
Additionally, before the country’s numerous medical and medication development Filipino
relied on and trusted natural remedies including plants, mineral, and animals for their
therapeutic benefits (Baddu el al., 20018). It is clear that plant are the best sources of natural
antipyretics because ethnic people in Luzon have using them as treatment to treat illnesses like
make a powdered drink out of guyabano leaf to test its shell-life, packaging, taste and General
The conceptual framework shows the independent variable, dependent variable, and the
extraneous variable of the study. The independent is the cause which includes the treatment of
coconut peat. The dependent variable is the effect, it is also the outcome variable whereas the
extraneous variable is taken into consideration as it could also influence the outcome based on
the result of the. Through the statistical analysis presented in the study, a direct relationship
Production of Guyaleaf- a
Guyabano and sugar-based
powdered drink
1 .Is Guyabano (Annona muricata) leaves effective as the base in making a powdered
3. What is the level of Guyabano (Annona muricata) and sugar-based powdered drink in
terms of?
A. Shell-life
B. Packaging
C. Taste
D. General Appearance
The researcher hope that the result of this in formulating powdered drink using
Guyabano (Annona muricata) in V. Sagun zamboanga del Sur, Philippines could be of important
to the following:
The Local Agriculture Community will greatly benefits from this study, as this will inform
them of a stand-in organic drink that is simple to prepare and has antioxidant properties that can
The findings of the study will serve as reference material and a guide for future
researcher who wish to conduct the same experimental study will be serving as a guide to other
researcher who would like to pursue the same study for the further development and
The outcome of this study could give significant information about Annona Muicata as
well as the benefits we can get from using Guyabano based –powdered drink which result in
This chapter present the review of related literature and studies that have significant
bearing to current study. Those that were included in this chapter helps understanding and
conducting the study which includes the researcher design, research participant, research
Research Design
This study employed an experimental research design. The purpose of the experimental
research design is to enable to establish a cause and effect relationship. Experimental research
design is a procedure carried out to support, refute or validate. Experimental provide insight into
cause and effect by demonstrating what outcome occurred when particular is manipulated.
Research Environment
This study we conducted in Kabataan National High School. A public school located in
Research Instrument
In this study, the researcher designed a questionnaire for the data gathering process to
achieve the main objective of the study. This research used a closed question and open
recommendation in the questionnaires. A closed question is one that has a pre-coded answer.
Research Participants
The participant of this study were three science teacher of Kabatan Natonal High School
validated the product. One of which male and rest are female.
Measuring Cup
4. After slicing they put it in a clean pot with the water then boil it in 10 minutes
5. After boiling it in 10 minutes the researcher separate the guyabano leaves and the
boil water.
6. Then the researcher put a sugar on the boiling water then mix it then boil it again
Dear respondents: We, the SHS student GAS-12 at Kabatan NHS, are presently conducting a
survey for our research study entitle” Production of guyaleaf- a Guyabano and sugar based
Powdered Drink” May we request your cooperation to be our respondent. Your feedback
insights and participation will be beneficial to the success of our research. Rest assured that
your responses will be kept confidential and your identity will remain anonymous in my report
Age:_____ Sex:__________
Direction: complete the questionnaire below by putting a check mark next to the answer that