The tropical fruit known as papaya, or Carica papaya in scientific parlance, is prized for its bright orange
flesh and sweet, refreshing taste. This adaptable fruit, which originated in Central America, is now
grown in many tropical and subtropical climates globally. In addition to digestive enzymes like papain
that facilitate digestion, papayas are a good source of vitamins A, C, and E. In addition to its nutritional
advantages, papaya has long been used in medicine and in a variety of culinary preparations, such as
salads and smoothies. Papaya is a favorite among fruit lovers and health enthusiasts due to its distinct
flavor and health advantages.
The Carica papaya plant belongs to the Caricaceae family and is commonly called
papaya. It is also known as papaw, paw-paw, kapaya, lapaya, tapaya, papayao,
papaya, papaia, papita, lechosa, fruta bomba, mamon, mamona, mamao
and tree melon in different parts of the world. Papaya is native to the Caribbean
Coast of Central America and is grown in tropical and subtropical parts of the
world (Babalola, 2019). Among the 31 species that make up the botanical
family Caricaceae and the genus Carica, the papaya species is the most
economically significant and frequently grown species (Biswal et al., 2022). During
the early years of growth, papaya develops a single stem, which can develop into
heavy lateral branches in highly fertile soil, promoting favorable growth conditions
(Sagonoy, 2022). The leaves of a mature papaya plant are palmate with deep lobes
and are supported by smooth, hollow petioles (Babalola, 2019). The stems, fruits,
and leaves of the papaya plant contain a copious amount of latex, although the
source is unclear (Babalola et al., 2023b).
Ripe papaya fruits have a slight resemblance to melons, and they are rich
in retinol and ascorbic acid. Every part of the plant has been found to be important
(Fig. 1). They have been reported to be used in the treatment of diseases just like
every other plant (Adetobi et al., 2022, Otunba et al., 2022, Otunba et al., 2021).
Every part of the papaya plant, including its leaves, fruits, seeds, bark, stem, and
root, can be processed for nutritional and pharmaceutical purposes (Fig. 1). They
are rich sources of antioxidants and mineral ions, and they also
contain phytochemicals and B vitamins (Santana et al., 2019).
Papaya enzymes have been reported to treat arthritis and colon cancer (Babalola,
2019). C. papaya contains biologically active compounds and enzymes (Babalola,
The latex of the papaya contains a sulfhydryl protease, papain, and chymopapain.
Papain is of vital importance because of its inherent proteolytic properties
(Thangavel and Albratty, 2023). It is primarily produced by creating cuts in the
unripe papaya fruit's epicarp, gathering, and drying the latex that leaks out.
Greener fruit produces more active papain (Amri and Mmaboya, 2012). The
functionality of papain is due to its unique structure, which helps in the
comprehension of the mechanism of the proteolytic enzyme and its usefulness for a
variety of purposes (Zlobin et al., 2022). According to Babalola (2019), some
studies indicate that the enzyme helps in the prevention of diabetic-dependent-
heart-disease. Papain is known for its efficiency and less destructive nature
compared to other proteases, making them commonly used in cell isolation
procedures on certain tissues (Aminlari, 2022). It is a constituent of contact lens
solution and is used in clarifying beer, and in the pharmaceutical industry. In a
study by Soleimani et al. (2022), traditional medicine through the administration of
papain extract from papaya leaves is shown to be effective against the nematodes
as papain causes damage to the cuticles of the nematodes.
(Carica papaya L.) originated in the tropical regions of South America, spread to the West Indies, and has
been widely cultivated in tropical areas (Liu et al., 2007; Luan and Liu, 2006). Currently, Latin America,
Asia and Africa are the main producing areas of papaya. Papaya is a tropical fruit with multiple values
such as nutrition, medicine and health care (Liu et al., 2007). As a medicinal plant, the seeds, fruits and
leaves of papaya have been widely used in China. Papaya can protect the liver and stomach from
disharmony (Wang et al., 2013). Studies have indicated that traditional antioxidants such as total
phenolic compounds, total flavonoids, vitamin C, and carotenoid contribute to its pharmacological
activities (Meng et al., 2021; Mohamed et al., 2016). Recently, the overall production and harvested area
of papaya around the world have gradually increased, indicating that market demand for papaya is
increasing (Tang and Zheng, 2010), which is important for papaya cultivation, processing and utilization.
Papaya has promising prospects for planting, storage, transportation, and processing. Combining its own
characteristics and market, it is very important to use papaya to develop products, increase its
additional value, as well as improve its industrial chain. Now, there are more than 10 cultivars of papaya
in Hainan, China, including 'Zhongbai, 'Songbai, and 'Dabai. In general, the extraction, processing and
utilization of biologically active substances in papaya will make a significant contribution to the growth
and enhancement of papaya functions (Qin, 2017), which has a wide range of applications in nutrition
and health care. According to scientific research, diseases such as cancer and aging are directly
associated with oxidative damage. The studies on papaya antioxidation can help to understand the
antioxidant and disease treatment potential of papaya as well as increase the values of papaya industry.
The antioxidant activity of papaya seeds was examined by analyzing Hainan papaya seed extract and
total antioxidant activity in terms of OH, O2 and H20 scavenging (Zhou and Dai, 2009).
However, there were few studies on the antioxidant activities and active substances present in different
tissues and organs of papaya. The antioxidant activities of the pericarp and pulp were compared (Yuan,
2012); the antioxidant capacities in seeds, leaves and fruits of papaya were investigated (Maisarah et al.,
2013). Nisa et al. (2019) explored the antioxidant activities in leaves of papaya with different varieties in
Indonesia. The anti-cancer activities of leaf, peel, pulp, and seed extracts from papaya were explored
(Hadadi et al., 2018). The active substances in papaya leaves were extracted using solvents, and their
antioxidant activities were explored (Du et al., 2016; Liu et al., 2017a). Certainly, many scholars have
investigated the antioxidant capacity of processed papaya products, such as wine (Liu et al., 2017b) and
sour milk beverage (Chen et al., 2018), providing references for papaya processing and utilization.
Faculty and Administration. This study is beneficial to the faculty, staff and
administration in terms of giving them additional sources of information about the
result of the study in producing a papaya chicharon.
Farmers. The result of this study would be a great value to our local farmers in
which they have a more ideas to cultivate this kind of plant in order to preserve and
gain profit on it.
To have better understanding of this study, the researchers presented here below
the definition of the following:
Papaya. Papaya (Carica papaya L.) is an economically important fruit crop that
belongs to the Caricaceae family and is native to the Mesoamerica region in
America. It is grown worldwide in tropical and subtropical areas (Jiménez et al.,
Chicharon. Chicharon is a Filipino snack dish made with dried up pork rind then
deep fried to achieve a puffed consistency, usually served with vinegar dip.
(Raymund, 2020).
Oven drying.
Steaming. Steaming is a culinary technique that uses the moist heat of simmering
water to cook foods. (Meghan Splawn, 2022)
This chapter contains the review of the existing research related to the current study taken
from books, journals, and online sites that serves as guide and reference to the researchers in
developing research.
(Carica papaya Linn. family Caricaceae) is a small tropical evergreen tree
(plant), and is the only species in the genus Carica (Eustice et al., 2008).
The leaves are broad and the plant contains latex. The plant’s stem is a
hollow cylindrical trunk and bears the leaves on the top (like an umbrella).
Depending on the variety, the plant can grow up to a height between 5 and
20 ft. Once the old leaves fall, they leave behind a scar (similar to a coconut
tree) at the base. Papaya fruits occur in clusters below the leaf canopy, at
the tip of the trunk. The plant contains milky latex, which is a good source
of cysteine endopeptidases (papain, chymopapain, glycyl endopeptidase,
and caricain) ( Annegowda et al., 2014).
One of the biggest industries in the world is food industry. It’s only logical for it to
be that way, since we all need food, and we need it on a daily basis.Food industry
comprises a complex network of activities pertaining to the supply, consumption,
and catering of food products and services across the world. It covers a series of
industrial activities directed at the processing, conversion, preparation,
preservation and packaging of foodstuffs. In the past two decades in the
Philippines, there was an uncontrollable modernization and expansion in the
Philippine food retail industry. It contributes to around 23-24% of the annual Gross
Domestic Product or GDP of the country. Because of the successful innovation of
the food manufacturing industry, the Philippine government gives attention and
considered it as a main priority sector for attracting foreign investors under special
economic zones (Philippine Food Industry). Due to the latest technological
advances, numerous businesses meet the standard, quality and needs of the
customers. Most of the businesses were inclined when it comes to the trends in the
world. Businesses want to attract people especially millennials since their
generation has most people preceding the baby boomers (Fry, 2015). The
proponents made analysis and research in order to come up with a business in the
food industry which is an alternative to pork chicharon, a famous Filipino delicacy
that could lessen the risk of having high cholesterol.
Culinary Uses
Papaya fruits (Carica L.) are consumed worldwide and are an essential
component of the diet because they are extremely beneficial to our health.
Papaya, which is readily available throughout the year in the Philippines, is also
one of the most popular fruits in the country. Although the papaya fruit has
been the subject of many studies, little is known about serving
green papaya as dessert. Sixty people took part in the product testing. The
benchmark test was evaluated by the researchers in collaboration with 40 Bachelor
of Science in Hospitality Management students and 15 faculty
members. Following the benchmark test, 30 students from the School of
Engineering participated in a pilot test. The researchers conducted the final test
after giving the pilot test, and 60 respondents from Biliran Province State
University took part. These respondents were made up of students who used score
cards to assess the qualities of the sweetened papaya dessert in terms of color,
flavor, texture, firmness, and overall acceptability. The study's
conclusions showed that both trials gave the product's quality a high approval
rating. The panelists considered papaya fruit suitable for a dessert. (Mafel A.
Piol, Junard S. Carreon,Vic Marie L. Bornillo,2023)