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Understanding EEG signals for

arXiv:2301.00948v3 [eess.SP] 26 Apr 2023

subject-wise Definition of Armoni

Kislay RAJ a 1 , Aditya SINGH b , Abhishek MANDAL a , Teerath KUMAR a ,
Arunabha M. ROY c
a School of Computing, Faculty of Engineering and Computing, Dublin City University,

Dublin, Ireland
b Instituto de Robotica para la Dependencia, Sitges, Spain
c Aerospace Engineering Department, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109,


Abstract. In a growing world of technology, psychological disorders became a

challenge to be solved. The methods used for cognitive stimulation are very con-
ventional and based on one-way communication, which only rely on the material
or method used for training of an individual. It doesn’t use any kind of feedback
from the individual to analyze the progress of the training process. We have pro-
posed a closed-loop methodology to improve the cognitive state of a person with
ID (Intellectual disability). We have used a platform named ‘Armoni’, for provid-
ing training to the intellectually disabled individuals. The learning is performed in
a closed-loop by using feedback in the form of change in affective state. For feed-
back to the Armoni, an EEG (Electroencephalograph) headband is used. All the
changes in EEG are observed and classified against the change in the mean and
standard deviation value of all frequency bands of signal. This comparison is being
helpful in defining every activity with respect to change in brain signals. In this
paper, we have discussed the process of treatment of EEG signal and its definition
against the different activities of Armoni. We have tested it on 6 different systems
with different age groups and cognitive levels.
Keywords. Electroencephalography, Armoni, Cognitive Stimulation, Intellectual

1. Introduction

Deep learning (DL) has been very successful in a range of different data domains includ-
ing image classification [4,5,6,45,8,30,31,32,9,27,40,45,42], audio [1,29,2,3], text [11,
12], computer vision [10,34,47], object detection [33,26,28], object segmentation [43,
44,45,46],brain-computer interface [35,37,36], and across diverse scientific disciplines
[39,38]. Intellectual Disability (ID) with DL has rarely been discussed and ID became
a rising problem in modern society. Its negligence can result in the form of psycholog-
ical disorders and symptoms. A person with ID (Intellectual Disability) faces many is-
sues while behaving socially. The sensory response to an impromptu situation became so
long and it suffers to a huge lag. Some methods [13,14] are used for training of persons
suffering from psychological disorders. These methods include clinical therapies [15],
personal assistance [16] and Intelligent System based solutions. These systems need a
proper guidance from a psychological expert to conduct any treatment activity.
In our work, we have used an ’Armoni’ [17] platform for cognitive stimulation of
person with ID. It features 15 activities for training of person with ID. These all activities
are developed under the supervision of psychologists and can be customized as per the
need. It measures the intellectual performance of any person in total eleven cognitive
areas and generates a report for professionals and family. This system is very useful for
training of persons with intellectual disability. It provides a visual-audio interface for
training and offers a touch screen to provide haptic interface for activity access. Every
activity of Armoni is defined in several predictors as: Comprehension, Visuo percep-
tion, Long Term Memory, Visuo construction, Comprehension, Naming Ability, Visual
Memory, and Verbal Memory. Every activity can be associated with one or more than
The Armoni is initially used as a training platform for cognitive purposes. Its ap-
plication is only defined in one-way. The training process relies on the potential of the
activities in stimulation effectively. In case of ID, the effect of any training differs due to
varying perception ability of each individual. The potential of treatment process can be
questioned against the effect of a particular activity. It requires a feedback of the stimuli
response for every activity, which can be used as a parameter to evaluate the effect of
We have proposed a human in the loop method for making training effective. In the
proposed method, the reflections in brain neurons by a particular training activity is being
recorded, analyzed and used as feedback to improve the training process. We have used
the brain signals (recorded in the form of EEG) for the detection of engagement of brain
in the individual. An analytical model is used to classify the input signals into the percep-
tion and impact on brain. This analysis will be used as a feedback to the armoni system
to host the next activity for training. The feedback recommendation is generated by a
dedicated recommendation system. The overview of the proposed closed-loop model is
shown in Figure 1.
The stated process for rehabilitation involves several processes like observation, rec-
ommendation, and training. It is being done is several steps as shown below:
• An Individual will undergo a training process by using touch screen of Armoni.
• An EEG device will measure changes in brain signals.
• Signals will feed to a pre-trained analytical model. The model is trained on stan-
dard dataset made by previous observations for signals versus stimuli changes.
• Model will predict the change in stimuli corresponding to the changes in brain
signal of the participant.
• Changes predicted by the model and current activity parameters (activity name,
response time of user, difficulty level) will be compared for the improvement of
learning procedure.
• Comparison results will be fed to the Armoni Application for change in training
In this paper, we have discussed the method of data collection, its processing, and
relation of EEG signal with respect to different parts of brain. We have converted the
time domain EEG signal to frequency domain signal and break it into different frequency
Figure 1. Schematic Diagram of Proposed Methodology. It uses a tablet based training platform for cognitive
stimulation. EEG headband is used for measuring brain signals. Signals are then filtered and classified to
different dimension of emotions, which is used for generating feedback.

bands (Alpha, beta, Gamma, Delta, Theta) as per the range of values. It uses four signals
(TP9, AF7, AF8, TP10) in which two are from left hemisphere and two are from right
hemisphere. Each activity and subject is examined in terms for dominant hemisphere,
change occurred due to activity with respect to normal condition. Each hemisphere and
electrode is compared to define each analysis.
This paper will address the method used till the process of signal processing and cat-
egorization in the process of Cognitive Stimulation. It propose a detailed explanation of
EEG signals into its different components. The rest of the article is arranged as: Section
2 discusses the methodology for the proposed method. In section 3, results for emotion
classification are discussed. Section 4 concludes the problem statement and discusses the
future scope of the problem.

2. Previous work on Emotion Understanding using EEG

Sumethee et al [20] have proposed a review focusing on principles and applications of

EEG in food research. It records the EEG signal from the scalp of different subjects and
noted down the changes occurred in the signal by smell, taste and look of different food
items. This survey is then used to make changes in product packaging and its presentation
in the market. In [21], a short-time emotion recognition technique is used. It boycotts
the use of handcrafted features and proposed a spiking neural network (SNN) to detect
the changes in EEG signals. This method is tested on DEAP and MAHNOB-HCI dataset
and claims an accuracy of 78.9% and 79.4% for arousal detection. In [22], a review of
current trends in EEG based emotion recognition is discussed. In [23], EEG signal is
used to predict emotional state in terms of change in Arousal and Valence and cortisol
content from the saliva is used as a reliable measuring parameter for emotion change. It
suggest the effectiveness of valence measurement in prediction of pleasantness. In [24],
EEG features like Hjorth features are tested on a cross-subject scenario. In [25], the EEG
signal is merged with the voice input to make a multi-modal approach to solve emotion
In every work, the use of EEG differs on the basis of application. In our case, the
subjects are with ID or normal conditions both. We have adapted a left and right hemi-
sphere based analysis to distinguish the mind activities in terms of holistic and analytic

3. Proposed Methodology

This section describes the problem definition for solving cognitive stimulation. It con-
tains collection of brain signals. The breaking of every component in different frequency
components and its impact is discussed. It also discusses the brain structure and the im-
pact of dominance of every part of brain.

3.1. Problem Definition

The training of persons with ID is a tough task because of the absence of reliable feed-
back for its condition. The EEG signals is used for detecting the change in the mind. The
EEG signal reflects the change in mind conditions in the form of change of electrical
(voltage) potential. We have measured signal in terms of four electrodes: AF7, AF8 from
forehead and TP9, TP10 from ear.
In our problem, the EEG signal is used for analyzing feedback from the user. Signal
is converted and processed in frequency domain and it is broken to different frequency
bands. These components are:
• Delta: 0-4 Hz
• Theta: 4-8 Hz
• Alpha: 8-12 Hz
• Beta: 12-30 Hz
• Gamma: 30-45 Hz
After having frequency band component for every signal from different electrodes,
it is necessary to classify it towards the dominance of the hemisphere. Every activity on
Armoni is being defined on the basis of hemisphere dominance and Activity Dominance
with respect to talking activity performed by every subject.

3.2. Brain Signal Reading

A MUSE EEG headband [18] is used for capturing brain signals. It considers 5 electrodes
for reading brain signals. As shown in Figure 2, four brain locations (AF7, AF8, TP9,
TP10) are used to capture signals and one neutral point (NZ) is used as reference for
other electrodes. Out of four, two electrodes (AF7, AF8) are placed on forehead and
other two (TP9, TP10) are placed behind the both ears. The EEG signals are classified as
per left and right hemisphere.

Figure 2. Placement of sensor electrodes. Two electrodes on left Hemisphere: TP9, AF7. Two electrodes on
right hemisphere: TP10, AF8. One neutral or reference electrode on the center of the forehead. AF7 and AF8
are placed on the forehead and TP9 and TP10 are placed behind the ears of the participant.

Banich and Amp [19] have proposed a wonderful definition for human mind by
classifying it to left and right hemisphere. It considers the left and right brain as tree’s
and forest. This concept depicts the nature of both hemispheres. The tree nature means
the objectivity in the selection of task and forest means to treat any problem as a whole.
It means that the left brain focus more on the reason for every move and right brain
considers the essence of the whole problem. In our case, we have considered left and
right hemisphere electrodes as a separate combination.

3.3. Converting Time Signal to Frequency Signal

The processing of EEG signals in time domain is tough and relevant features are not
available in time domain. The signal is being transformed to frequency domain by using
Fourier transform. As shown in Figure 3, the time domain signal from all four electrodes
is being converted to a frequency domain representation.
f requency domain = f f t(time domain) (1)

Figure 3. Time Domain to frequency domain conversion for categorization based analysis.

The frequency domain value for each signal is being partitioned to corresponding
frequency bands. Every frequency band represent to a different degree of entropy in the
mind. The ’Delta’ component represents the most pleasant condition of the mind like
sleeping and deep meditation and ’Gamma’ component represent the most dynamics
condition of the mind. Using this nature of different frequency components with tree and
forest representation will result in the form of a complete analysis.

3.4. Evaluation of changes observed in EEG signals

After calculating band wise information, it needs to analyze that which hemisphere is
more attentive during training. We have considered Gamma wave as a reference out of
five frequency bands because it is more associated with the quick decisions and train-
ing activities. The signals associated with the left and right hemisphere are added for

sumle f t hemisphere = Change in(γAF7 + γT P9 ) (2)

sumright hemisphere −Change in(γAF8 + γT P10 ) (3)

The comparison of gamma waves will depict the dominant hemisphere during any
training activity. This hemisphere selection will leads to calculate the effect of activity.
The effect can be in the form of increase and decrease in γ component.

γchange = γtraining − γtalking (4)

If the change is positive than training activity dominates the mind activity and if
change is negative than training activity does not dominate. The dominance in activities
and hemisphere will help in deciding the next activity used for training.
Table 1. Subject-wise effect of Memory and Puzzle activities of Armoni IVM: Instant Verbal Memory, VP:
Visuoperception, VC: Visuoconstruction, C: Comprehension
Right: Holistic Approach, Left: Analytic Approach
Subject Activity Cognitive Domains Dominant Hemisphere Dominant Activity
Jaume Memory IVM, VP Left Training
Sara Memory IVM, VP Left Talking
Oscar Memory IVM, VP Right Talking
Yolanda Memory IVM, VP Right Training
Gaurav Memory IVM, VP Left Training
Benigno Memory IVM, VP Left Training
Jaume Puzzle VP, VC, C Left Training
Sara Puzzle VP, VC, C Right Training
Oscar Puzzle VP, VC, C Right Talking
Yolanda Puzzle VP, VC, C Left Talking
Gaurav Puzzle VP, VC, C Left Training

4. Results

We have recorded the EEG data on various subjects while training on different activities
from Armoni. It is tested on three Activities (Puzzle solving, memory, Paint or object
Rain) for every subject. Every activity has a specific nature in the form of predictors,
which ensembles that in which way it is going to effect the subject.
Firstly, The subject undergoes through a talking process. The talking process data
is used as reference to other training activities. Every activity of training create changes
in brain signals which are compared in terms of the gamma component of every hemi-
In Figure 4, a report containing the comparison for training and talking activities
is shown. The gamma waves are added first hemisphere wise and compared to find the
dominant hemisphere and after finding the dominant hemisphere, γ waves are compared
for both activities for that particular hemisphere.
In Table 1, we have compared the result for two different activities for 6 different
subjects. The activities used in table are Puzzle and Memory. These activities have dif-
ferent cognitive dimensions for training.

5. Conclusion

We have presented a method for analyzing the effect of training activities used in Armoni.
The analysis of people with ID is presented in terms of the affect of the activity on mind
and the involvement of mind. This study is used in the selection of further activities for
training of person with ID. This work is the first known work in our knowledge for using
EEG for online training analysis and improvement. We have tested it with 6 subjects with
varying mental abilities on different activities of Armoni. In future, this method can be
extended with more specific description of the brain activities and by using a autonomous
process of training.
6. Acknowledgement

This work is done in a collaboration between Instituto de Robotica, IIIT Allahabad, and
URV Spain. All the facilities are provided in the campus of Instituto de Robotica para la
Dependencia, Sitges.

7. Conflict of Interest

The authors declare that there is no financial interests or personal relationships that could
have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.

8. Data Availability

The data associated with current research is available upon reasonable request.


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Figure 4.: Report consisting the changes in different signals.

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