a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Background: Human emotions greatly affect the actions of a person. The automated emotion recognition
Received 8 August 2021 has applications in multiple domains such as health care, e-learning, surveillance, etc. The development
Revised 25 December 2021
of computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) tools has led to the automated recognition of human emotions.
Accepted 16 January 2022
Objective: This review paper provides an insight into various methods employed using electroencephalo-
gram (EEG), facial, and speech signals coupled with multi-modal emotion recognition techniques. In this
Keywords: work, we have reviewed most of the state-of-the-art papers published on this topic.
Human emotions Method: This study was carried out by considering the various emotion recognition (ER) models pro-
Electroencephalogram (EEG) posed between 2016 and 2021. The papers were analysed based on methods employed, classifier used
and performance obtained.
Machine learning
Results: There is a significant rise in the application of deep learning techniques for ER. They have been
Voice widely applied for EEG, speech, facial expression, and multimodal features to develop an accurate ER
Conclusion: Our study reveals that most of the proposed machine and deep learning-based systems have
yielded good performances for automated ER in a controlled environment. However, there is a need to
obtain high performance for ER even in an uncontrolled environment.
© 2022 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
0169-2607/© 2022 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
M. Maithri, U. Raghavendra, A. Gudigar et al. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 215 (2022) 106646
are gaining more research interests presenting augmented real- human and machine there is a need for the computer to under-
ity and mixed reality environments [7,8,9]. Generally emotion is stand the human emotion properly so that it can respond correctly
classified as happy, fear, sad, anger, surprise and disgust based on to a given situation [15].
valence-arousal plane- a two dimensional plane model [10]. These There are many ways by which the emotion can be analysed.
expressions are broadly categorized as positive (happy, surprise) Still images of facial expressions are mostly used for ER. How-
and negative emotions (sadness, anger, fear, and disgust) with re- ever, they suffer from limitations such as environmental factors
spect to the human’s state of mind [11]. Fig. 1 depicts the 2-D (light intensity, distance between user to the camera, background
model for valence –arousal [12]. Besides, the emotion can be mod- changes) and it is highly challenging to estimate the hidden or
elled in three dimensions such as valence-arousal-dominance. The unexpressed emotions. Emotion analysis using biosensors such as
dominance state is used to investigate the degree of control ex- EEGs help in understanding the emotions by directly capturing and
erted by a stimulus. analysing the brain electrical activities. But they suffer from noise
Further it is classified as primary emotions reflecting joy, anger, while capturing the signals [16]. Speech ER is also gaining popular-
sadness, fear, surprise, disgust and secondary emotions that show ity. However, the existing speech datasets are small [17]and most
a mental image associated with memory or primary emotions [2]. commonly using a single language. In multimodal-based ER, more
Multidimensional classification of emotion is possible by the scales than one (most commonly two) modes are combined to improve
derived based on arousal and valence state [11]. Arousal dimension the performance of ER and develop more robust models for real-
ranges from not-aroused to excited state whereas the valence di- time applications. A multimodal approach using the combination
mension is demonstrated on whether positive or negative emotion of facial and speech information are gaining popularity due to its
[2,13,11]. applications in health care sector and human computer interaction
Understanding human emotions is always fascinating. Emotions [18]. The other commonly used multimodal combinations are fa-
play a vital role in decision-making in our life. In some circum- cial expressions and EEG signals, EEG – heart rate – Galvanic skin
stances, human beings can restrain themselves or may not be able response [19], Text -audio -video [20]. Many deep learning (DL)
to express their true feelings. A mentally or physically disabled and machine learning (ML) based approaches have been proposed
person may not be able to show his/her true feelings during treat- for automatic recognition of the human emotions in healthy and
ment at the hospital. An automated way of gathering human emo- pathological people.
tions through a computer aided diagnosis (CAD) tool plays a vi- In the world, approximately 280 million people are suffering
tal role in such a situation. It can play a vibrant role in national from depression. Around 3.8% of the world population is affected
defense during the training of soldiers in simulated environments. by depression out of which 5% are adults and among adults,
The tool can be used to assess the mental conditions in combat sit- 5.7% are people aged more than 60 years. Over 70 0,0 0 0 peo-
uations [14]. The introduction of internet of things (IoT) has given ple die due to suicide every year. The suicide rate has increased
more importance to automated human emotion recognition (ER) and is the 4th major cause of death in the age group between
in smart homes, smart hospitals, and smart cities. During the era 15 and 29 years (https://www.who.int/en/news-room/fact-sheets/
of smart human-computer interaction (HCI) it is very important detail/depression). In India, there are around 57 million people are
to have computational tools which can recognize human emotions suffering from depression [21]. The depressed person has a de-
automatically. Also with the increase in the interaction between pressed mood, feels sad, irritated, and lost interest in activities.
M. Maithri, U. Raghavendra, A. Gudigar et al. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 215 (2022) 106646
Depression is most commonly seen in students. A study on depres- as multimodal, multi-modal, emotion recognition, emotion classifi-
sion among Indian universities found that 37.7%, 13.1%, and 2.4% of cation. As a result of this search total of 214 articles were obtained.
the students were suffering from moderate, severe, and extremely The reviewing of reference sections of relevant articles yielded 131
severe depressions, respectively. This study stresses the need for articles. Certain criteria were set for article selection and hence,
mental health support services to these students immediately [22]. finally, 290 articles were considered for review purpose. We fol-
The automated system can help clinicians better understand the lowed the PRISMA guidelines while preparing this systematic re-
student’s mental health. It helps in the early detection and treat- view [23].
ment of mental illness.
To develop an automated system, it is important to train the 2.2. Selection of the studies for the current review
system using a database. A pool of stimuli normally a video will
be selected by researchers who intend to develop a dataset. The The following criteria were considered to select the papers for
selected datasets were made to watch by volunteers and assess this review:
the video content in terms of positive/negative/neutral emotions. A
- If it provided a method for recognition or classification of emo-
manikin-based or score-based self assessment sheet will be shared
tions based on EEG or facial or voice modality or multimodal
with the volunteers and informed to assess the emotions felt while
study on deep learning
watching the videos. An effort will be made to gather balanced rat-
- If it provided a method for recognition or classification of emo-
ings for each video and the top-rated video for particular emotion
tions based on EEG or facial or voice modality or multimodal
is considered. This forms the ground truth. During the data captur-
study on machine learning.
ing stage, a volunteer will be made to wear an EEG signal captur-
- Studies based on any other technique for the recognition of
ing device to collect the EEG signals.
- Papers in English language only
2. Review objective and collection of articles
Following publications are considered irrelevant to our review
Humans display numerous emotions as a reaction to any ac- paper:
tion that occurred within him/her, or to external stimulations from
- System on chip/Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA)-related
other human beings, nature, or even computers. Due to the ad-
vancement of HCI, it is not only sufficient if a computer is giving
- Review articles
standard reactions for any verbal words or actions. It is also im-
portant for the computer to understand the emotion behind a par- All the relevant articles were initially segregated into 4 folders,
ticular action so that it can respond accordingly. Humans can de- one for each modality and one for multimodal. While segregating,
pict emotions verbally or through facial expression and even there publications were renamed with first author and year for further
can be unexpressed internal emotions that can be captured by EEG analysis. Going through the abstract, they were sorted into deep
signals. This review is conducted to analyze three main modalities learning, machine learning, and other techniques. At every stage of
namely facial, EEG, and voice involved in human ER. Further, the analysis articles which do not meet the above mentioned criteria
objective of this review are as follows: were excluded. The overview of the process is depicted in Fig. 2.
• Selecting studies related to EEG or voice or facial expression- 2.3. Data extraction
based human ER and analysis of the performance using ML and
DL techniques. On further reading of the individual study, the following infor-
• Selecting studies related to multi-modal human ER and analysis mation was extracted and arranged in an excel file.
of the performance using ML and DL techniques. First author name, year of publication, title, proposed method,
• Analysis of the various features used for experimentation under classifiers, results, dataset details [24,25].
each modality This review is organized as follows: Section 2 provides details
about the collection and selection process of articles considered in
2.1. Plan of action for search and selection of articles this review. Section 3 presents the highlight of different techniques
involved for ER in each modality. Section 4 discusses the combina-
In this work, we used popular research publication databases tion of different modalities used for automated ER. The discussion
such as IEEE Xplore, Science Direct, Springer, Google Scholar, and on various search results obtained, limitations of the study, and fu-
PubMed to search for the research articles related to this area. ture scope are presented in Section 5 and finally paper concludes
Using the advanced search tab of these databases the publica- in Section 6.
tion year range was set to 2016 to 2021. Later the search was ex-
tended to early 2022. The search was done for EEG, facial, voice- 3. Methodology
based, and multimodal ER systems on the same platform and set-
tings. The search for EEG was initialized using the keyword EEG Understanding of mood or feeling of a human being can be
and emotion. Since the search result had both technical as well done through speech signal, physical activity, gestures, facial ex-
as medical-related publications the search words were fine-tuned pression or even with the help of physiological signals such as
with combinations of words such as CAD, automatic, recognition, EEG, HR, SC, and electrocardiogram (ECG). This section provides an
emotion detection, emotion classification, machine learning, neu- overview of three modalities used for human ER, and it is repre-
ral network, deep learning, etc. Further, for voice-based emotion sented in Fig. 3.
recognition, the search was conducted with words such as voice,
speech, recognition, database CAD, automatic, recognition, emo- 3.1. ER using EEG signals
tion detection, emotion classification, machine learning, neural net-
work, deep learning, etc. Sometimes a person’s inner emotion may be different from the
In the same manner, facial emotion recognition-related articles external expression of emotion. Subjective evaluation of self-report
were collected from the database. The search for studies on mul- of a person’s emotions can provide a better insight but there ex-
timodal emotion recognition was carried out using keywords such ist issues related to its genuineness. There is a possibility that
M. Maithri, U. Raghavendra, A. Gudigar et al. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 215 (2022) 106646
Fig. 2. Flowchart of PRISMA model used to select the studies in this review.
M. Maithri, U. Raghavendra, A. Gudigar et al. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 215 (2022) 106646
such reports may provide, how in general one would feel in each ing a support vector machine (SVM) classifier. In another study,
situation rather than providing the details of their true feelings. both time and frequency domain, as well as entropy-based fea-
There is a chance of manipulation or suppression of true feeling. tures, were extracted from EEG signals. They conducted experi-
So to attain a better accuracy in assessing true emotions physio- ments with SVM, ANN, and naïve Bayes as classifiers on the DEAP
logical signals can help [26]. As a physiological signal, EEG analy- dataset and concluded that ANN yielded an average accuracy of
sis plays a vital role in ER as these signals are generated by the 97.74%. They also found that entropy being the best feature pro-
central nervous system (CNS). The brain electrical activities trig- vided an average accuracy of 90.53% [32]. The analysis on the DEAP
gered by a stimulus can be accurately captured by EEG signal mak- dataset by Liu &Fu reached SROCC:0.789, PLCC:0.843 with SVM be-
ing it an important area of research for EEG-based human ER. ing used for training the emotions [33]. A study on ER decomposed
Some of the more commonly used datasets include database for the EEG signals into intrinsic mode functions (IMF). Second-order
emotion analysis using physiological signals (DEAP) and SJTU Emo- difference plots (SODP) were used to extract the features. They
tion EEG Dataset (SEED), DREAMER, and GAMEEMO. These datasets used SVM and multilayer perceptron (MLP) for classification. MLP
are publicly available. Access can be obtained upon request for showed better performance than SVM and attained 100% accuracy
DEAP dataset which consists of 32 subjects’ recordings where each for the classification of High and Low Arousal [34]. Firat univer-
subject watched 40 music videos. Out of the 32 subjects, frontal sity logo inspired study was proposed by a set of researchers. They
videos are also available for 22 subjects. DEAP dataset consists of termed their model as fractal Firat pattern (FFP). FFP with tun-
ratings for arousal, valence, and dominance. A detailed description able Q-factor wavelet transform (TQWT) model developed for ER
of DEAP dataset is available in (http://www.eecs.qmul.ac.uk/mmv/ attained maximum accuracy of 99.82% with SVM [35].
datasets/deap/, [27]). SEED database consists of recording from 15
subjects watching 15 Chinese film clips for emotion positive, neg-
3.1.2. Deep learning-based studies
ative, and neutral. This session was repeated 3 times for each par-
Various deep learning models such as deep neural network
ticipant. The additional details of this dataset is available in (https:
(DNN), convolutional neural network (CNN), long short-term mem-
//bcmi.sjtu.edu.cn/home/seed/seed.html, [28]). DREAMER has both
ory (LSTM), and hybrid of CNN-LSTM models were tested on DEAP
EEG as well as ECG signals. An audiovisua arousal, dominance, va-
dataset. The investigation concluded that DNN has higher learn-
lence stimuli was given to 23 participants and their respective self-
ing rate compared to other models and it attained optimal con-
assessment (SA) was collected (https://zenodo.org/record/546113#.
vergence with smaller number of epochs. This study obtained
Ybt2CGhBw2x). Gameemo is 28 subjects dataset. In this dataset,
the best accuracy of 94.17%, for CNN-LSTM model [36]. Another
each subject was made to play four computer games corresponding
study proposed an emotional model which used channel-wise fea-
to four different emotions namely horror, funny, calm, and boring
tures. These features were fed to LSTM model. The two-class clas-
(https://data.mendeley.com/datasets/b3pn4kwpmn/3, [29]).
sification of valence and arousal attained a classification rate of
Multiple human ER algorithms using EEG signals have been
98.93% and 99.10% on DEAP dataset and the three-class classifica-
proposed recently focusing mainly on ML and DL techniques.
tion achieved 99.63% on the SEED dataset [37]. In a model with
Schematic diagram of EEG- based automated ER approaches is
a dynamic graph CNN for the classification of emotions from EEG
given in Fig. 4.
signals using SEED dataset was able to recognize with 90.4% ac-
curacy for subject dependent validation and 79.95% for subject
3.1.1. Machine learning-based studies independent classification. Experiments conducted on DREAMER
The study for extraction of emotions namely genuine, neutral, dataset attained 86.23%, 84.54%, and 85.02% of average accuracies
and fake/acted smile from EEG achieved maximum accuracy of for valence, arousal, and dominance, respectively [38]. A model
94.3% and 84.1% using discrete wavelet transform -empirical mode used the fusion of graph convolutional neural network (GCNN) and
decomposition (DWT-EMD) with artificial neural network (ANN) LSTM to develop a model called emotion recognition deep learn-
classifier for alpha and beta bands respectively [30]. In this study, ing (ERDL). Differential entropy is used as a feature for emotion
researchers developed a dataset with genuine and fake emotional recognition. Their experiment on the DEAP dataset attained the
expressions. In a model named intensive multivariate empirical accuracies of 90.45% and 90.60% for valence and arousal, respec-
mode decomposition (iMEMD) the time and frequency domain in- tively in subject-dependent experiments while 84.81% and 85.27%
formation were obtained from complex continuous wavelet trans- in subject-independent experiments [39]. Using the time-varying
form (CCWT). Differential entropy and mutual information were spectral content of EEG signals parallel cascades of fuzzy logic-
used as features [31]. This work is verified on the SEED and DEAP based systems were modelled and achieved the lowest root mean
datasets and achieved an average classification rate of 96.3% us- square error (RMSE) value of 0.082. They also stressed the role of
M. Maithri, U. Raghavendra, A. Gudigar et al. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 215 (2022) 106646
the theta frequency band in the recognition of emotions from EEG. audio-video data. The emotional classes considered in this dataset
For the experiment, they developed a dataset with fifteen volun- are: happiness, sadness, neutral, and angry [49]. Another com-
teers with both positive and negative musical emotions as stim- monly used voice dataset is Berlin -EmoDB. It is a German lan-
uli [40]. Stratified normalization was used to train the deep neural guage 10 actors database with 7 emotions and 535 utterances
network. The study on the SEED dataset with the multitaper fea- (http://emodb.bilderbar.info/docu/#download, [50]). Other voice-
ture extraction technique reached 91.6% accuracy for two emotion based database includes Ryerson Audio-Visual Database of Emo-
categories (positive and negative) and 79.6% for three classes (pos- tional Speech and Song (RAVDESS) and Surrey Audio visual Ex-
itive, negative, and neutral) [41]. The textual-based features were pressed emotion (SAVEE). RAVDESS has 12 male and 12 female pro-
extracted from time and frequency domain signals from EEG sig- fessional actor’s data. This database consists of sad, fear, happy, an-
nals. Differential entropy features are fed to the 4D convolutional gry, disgust, surprise and calm emotions (https://smartlaboratory.
recurrent neural network. The proposed CRNN model is the combi- org/ravdess/). SAVEE database has 7 emotions acted by 4 differ-
nation of CNN and RNN with LSTM. They achieved the accuracy of ent male acting professionals. The audiovisua performance was
94.74% and 94.22% for their analysis on SEED and DEAP datasets, recorded and quality is evaluated by 10 subjects (http://kahlan.eps.
respectively [42]. surrey.ac.uk/savee/). This dataset is also used for facial expression-
EEG is a non-stationary signal which cannot be analyzed in ei- based ER as well.
ther time or frequency domain techniques alone. Wavelet trans- Various techniques applied for speech emotion recognition are
form (WT) is one of the efficient techniques to analyze non-linear discussed below and overview of the models is shown in Fig. 6.
signals. WT produces the time-frequency representation of a signal
[43]. Empirical mode decomposition (EMD) is another promising 3.2.1. Deep learning-based studies
feature extraction technique. The amplitude and frequency modu- In a study using ladder networks for the recognition of emo-
lated components are obtained using EMD. These components are tions a denoising autoencoder is used for combining the input
called as intrinsic mode functions (.s). The combination of DWT and the intermediate features [51]. The flexibility of this proposed
and EMD has also shown promising results [30]. Reduction of model is exhibited by implementing sentence-level features and
the feature set dimensionality is another important aspect in EEG was evaluated on the cross-corpus. For within-corpus, this model
based recognition systems. Studies using limited number of leads achieved a concordance correlation coefficient (CCC) between 3.0%
or channels are showing improved performance [[36],44]. However, and 3.5% whereas for cross-corpus it was between 16.1% and 74.1%.
a detailed study on this area is needed to find the optimum num- This model was evaluated on USC-IEMOCAP and MSP-IMPROV cor-
ber of leads/channels required to obtain the highest performance pora. A real-time speech emotion recognition (SER) model was pro-
for ER. posed by considering local and global features from a speech sig-
A study extracted entropy and Higuchi’s fractal dimension nal [52]. The proposed 1D dilated CNN model obtained a recogni-
(HFD) features and applied empirical mode decomposition/intrinsic tion rate of 73% and 90% on the IEMOCAP and EMO-DB database,
mode functions (EMD/IMF) and variational mode decomposition respectively. A system named PCNSE consists of parallel convolu-
(VMD) on EEG signals. Their experiment on the DEAP dataset con- tional layers (PCN) integrated with a squeeze-and-excitation net-
firmed CNN is giving better accuracy of 95.20% compared to naïve work (SEnet) combined with self-attention DRN (Dilated Residual
Bayes, k-nearest neighbor (k-NN), and decision tree (DT) [45]. Us- Network) [53]. The experiments conducted on IEMOCAP showed
ing CNN for automatic recognition has notably increased the per- the weighted accuracy (WA) of 73.1% and an unweighted accuracy
formance of the systems. A study using maximum mutual infor- (UA) of 66.3% and the FAU-AEC database depicted UA of 41.1%. A
mation was proposed by Ghosh et al. [46]. By increasing the ef- study utilized combination of CNN and LSTM. This study proposed
ficiency of the search process the mutual information can be in- a model with four local feature learning blocks (LFLBs) along with
creased. Their experiments using DEAP dataset attained 95.87% ac- LSTM. LFLBs learn local features and LSTM is used to learn the re-
curacy for dominance and 82% for 2 class emotional scoring. liance of these features in long term. This model attained an ac-
Fig. 5 shows the year-wise distribution of papers reviewed for curacy of 91.6% on speaker dependent evaluation and 92.9% on
EEG based emotion recognition. The summary of recent state-of- speaker independent cases using Berlin EmoDB database [54]. It
the-art works related to EEG based emotion recognition system us- has been observed that CNN-LSTM based models are gaining pop-
ing machine learning and deep learning approaches are given in ularity as they combined the strength of both and tackles the weak
Table 1 and the summary of the remaining studies are given in point of each other.
Table A1 in appendix.
3.2.2. Machine learning-based studies
3.2. ER using voice signals A model was developed for speech ER in which root mean
square energy (RMS), mel-frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCC),
A speaker can be identified by using the characteristics of voice and zero-crossing rate are used as acoustic features. It also made
which consists of speech rate, pitch, prosody, and also emotion use of features extracted from different pre-trained deep neu-
[47]. Understanding the right emotion in speech is very impor- ral networks to formulate the hybrid feature vectors [48]. Finally,
tant in every conversation as it has both physical and psycholog- the Relief algorithm was used to select the most prominent fea-
ical influences of the person. An automated system for emotion tures for ER. This study was conducted on Ryerson Audio-Visual
detection and ER has several real-time applications such as voice- Database of Emotional Speech and Song (RAVDESS), Belin (EMO-
based surveillance, e-learning, lie detectors, call canter’s, defense, DB), and Interactive Emotional Dyadic Motion Capture (IEMOCAP)
etc. [48]. Voice-based virtual assistance like Siri, Alexa commu- datasets. With the SVM classifier, the proposed model attained an
nicates with humans by using natural language processing tech- accuracy of 90.21% with EMO-DB dataset. In another study an au-
niques. However, the level of these intelligent personal assistant toencoder was used for reducing the dimensionality of the au-
(IPA) devices can be increased by embedding ER in these devices dio files [55]. They evaluated the system on RAVDESS and Toronto
[16]. Speech ER also has application in the medical field in un- emotional speech set (TESS)database using three classifiers namely
derstanding the emotion of a patient under depression etc. One decision tree (DT), CNN, SVM, and attained maximum accuracy of
of the most commonly used speech signal databases is IEMO- 96% for CNN with TESS dataset. A study used a magnitude spec-
CAP (Interactive emotional dyadic motion capture database). This trum for extraction of Mel frequency cepstral coefficient (MFCC)
database consists of 10 English-speaking actors. It consists of 12 hr without discrete cosine transform (DCT) [56]. The evaluation of
M. Maithri, U. Raghavendra, A. Gudigar et al. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 215 (2022) 106646
this study was performed on six datasets namely Berlin, RAVDESS, classification purpose, this model used SVM, random forest, k-
SAVEE, EMOVO, eNTERFACE, and Urdu datasets. They reported a nearest neighbor’s algorithm, and neural network classifiers. In a
recognition rate of 95.25% with SVM classifier with Urdu dataset. model with broad learning system, 39-D MFCC features were fed.
A model proposed cryptographic structure called shuffle box for The experiments of this model on CASIA Chinese emotion corpus
the generation of features [57]. This model consists of three main achieved 100% recognition rate [59].
stages: tunable Q wavelet transform, twine-shufpat, and itera- A different type of speaker-specific emotion detection model
tive neighbourhood component analysis. A mixed dataset gener- was proposed [60]. This model inspected emotional and non-
ated from RAVDESS, Berlin, SAVEE, and EMOVO corpora with SVM emotional speech with the help of excitation features present in
classifier achieved 80.05% accuracy. A model used deep convolu- the speech. The similarity between emotion and neutral features
tional neural network (DCNN) with automatic feature selection by was computed by Kullback-Leibler (KL) distance. The study was
correlation-based feature selection (CFS) was proposed [58]. This conducted using IIIT-H Telugu emotional speech database, Berlin
model was implemented on Berlin, SAVEE, IEMOCAP, and RAVDESS emotional speech database and attained neutral vs emotional ac-
and for speaker-dependent SER attained the accuracies of 95.10%, curacy of 91.67% for IIT-H database. Most of the studies have used
82.10%, 83.80%, and 81.30%, respectively using these datasets. For CNN-based network for automated feature extraction. But the CNN
M. Maithri, U. Raghavendra, A. Gudigar et al. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 215 (2022) 106646
Table 1
Summary of state-of-the-art techniques developed for EEG- based automated ER system.
Author &
Sl. No year Methods Classifiers Results Accuracy(ERacc ) Database
1 [262] Multi-scale frequency bands SEED IV: ERacc : 82.75%, SEED IV+DEAP
ensemble learning (MSFBEL) 87.87%, and 78.27%, DEAP:
ERacc : 74.22%
2 [31] iMEMD SVM and k-NN classifiers ERacc : 96.3% SEED, and DEAP
3 [40] Fuzzy parallel cascades (FPC) linear regression (LR), RMSE:0.082 PERSONAL:15ppl
support vector regression
(SVR), and
recurrent neural network
4 [34] EMD and its second order SVM and 2-hidden layer ERacc : 100% - high and low DEAP
difference plots (SODP) Multilayer Perceptron arousal
5 [33] Multi-channel feature fusion SVM SROCC:0.789 PLCC:0.843 DEAP
of EEG signal method
6 [267] TQWT tunable wavelet k-NN, SVM, ANN, RF, four ERacc : 93% SEED
transform and RFE rotation different types of the
forest ensemble decision tree (DT)
7 [277] Topographic (TOPO-FM) and SVM ERacc : 0.8125 ± 0.0173 – DEAP, SEED, DREAMER,
holographic (HOLO-FM) Valence ERacc : and AMIGOS
representation of EEG signal 0.8510 ± 0.0262 – arousal
8 [311] Multiple generator k-NN, SVM ERacc : 84% - SVM SEED
conditional Wasserstein GAN
9 [148] Spatio -temporal feature SVM ERacc : 80.52% - Valence ERacc : DEAP
extraction using CNN 75.22% - Arousal
10 [229] Discrete Wavelet Packet k-NN, PNN, RF RF classifier: ERacc : 85.29% - PERSONAL:19:Left Brain
Transform LBD ERacc : 79.54% - RBD Damagel (LBD), 19:Right
ERacc : 79.09% - NC Brain Damage (RBD),
19:Normal Control (NC)
cannot effectively map the temporal dependencies in voice signals. by data augmentation techniques. It is also observed that most of
It mainly extracts the translationally invariant features [61]. The the studies are done using SVM for classification purposes as they
high-level features of the spectrogram can be extracted by using yielded promising results.
Deep CNN [62]. This is one of the main reasons for low perfor- However, performance of various studies cannot be directly
mance in speech-based recognition systems. This can be overcome compared because different studies have chosen different datasets
M. Maithri, U. Raghavendra, A. Gudigar et al. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 215 (2022) 106646
Fig. 7. Distribution (yearly) of papers published on speech signal- based automated ER.
which vary in size and the number of emotion classes. Fig. 7 3.3.1. Deep learning-based studies
shows year-wise distribution of papers reviewed for speech signal- For the continuous recognition of human emotions Choi
based ER system. The summary of recent state-of-the-art works and song proposed a CNN-LSTM based regressor. They evalu-
related to speech signal-based ER system using machine learn- ated the semi-supervised learning model on MAHNOB-HCI and
ing and deep learning approaches are given in Table 2 and the AFEW-VA datasets. This model is having RMSE (root of the
summary of the remaining studies are given in Table A2 in mean of squared errors) 0.0385±0.0032, PCC (Pearson Correla-
appendix. tion Coefficient):0.53±0.070 for MAHNOB-HCI, and RMSE:0.2185,
concordance correlation coefficient (CCC):0.541 for AFEW-VA[73]
. Recognition rate of facial emotion can be enhanced by consid-
3.3. ER using facial images
ering multiple features. With this idea, a regional-based multi-
feature similarity (RMFS) technique was proposed for the detection
The facial features consists of forehead, eye, nose, mouth, lips,
of emotions. The webcam captured images are pre-processed and
chin, and skin features. When a face displays an expression most
multiple features were extracted. These features are trained with a
of these features show changes thus exhibiting the emotion. By
neural network. This model achieved 98.4% performance for emo-
identifying these feature changes facial emotion detection can be
tion detection [63]. A transfer learning-based approach for CNN
performed [63]. However, as facial expression consists of several
pre-trained networks used Mobile Net, Inception V3, VGG19, and
features and these features vary from person to person, based on
ResNet50 as pre-trained networks. The experiments on the CK+
gender, age, ethnic etc., researchers are using the combination of
dataset with MobileNet attained the highest accuracy of 96% [74].
these features to increase the recognition rate [64]. Usually hand-
In a study, the input images were pre-processed by the Gamma-HE
crafted features were mainly used for ER, and then these fea-
technique and for the extraction of facial points, they proposed a
tures were fed into the SVM classifier [65]. Nowadays, due to the
pyramid histogram of oriented gradients (PHOG) based supervised
advancement of DL techniques, features are extracted automati-
descent (SMD) [69]. The deep learning neural network-regression
cally yielding an increased recognition rate [66,67], [68].These au-
activation (DR) classifier then classified the emotions. This system
tomated facial ER (FER) are becoming popular owing to their ap-
attained an accuracies of 0.9885 and 0.9727 for the analysis con-
plications in the healthcare domain, human-computer interaction,
ducted on CK+ and JAFFE datasets, respectively. A CNN-based fa-
online education, surveillance, etc. [69]. The most commonly used
cial emotion recognition (FERC) which has two parts was proposed
facial expression dataset is Extended Cohn–Kanade CK+ dataset.
[75]. The background of the picture is removed in the first part
It is a combination of both posed as well as spontaneous emo-
and the second part is used for extraction of the feature vector.
tions. It consists of 593 video sequence from 123 subjects pro-
This model uses an expressional vector (EV) to obtain 5 types of
viding 7 emotional state expressions (https://paperswithcode.com/
facial expressions. The performance of the FERC model was tested
dataset/ck, [70]). Another more commonly used dataset for FER is
on Caltech faces, CMU, and NIST datasets. Using 24 digit EV this
Japanese Female Facial Expression (JAFEE). It is a female expres-
model achieved an accuracy of 96%. It can be observed that most
sion dataset with 7 emotional states. It has 213 posed gray scale
of the researchers have used CNN- based technique for FER. How-
images with a spatial resolution of 256 × 256 (https://zenodo.
ever, using only CNN temporal features cannot be captured. Hence
org/record/3451524#.YbYnOb1Bw2y, [71]). The other dataset used
combing CNN with LSTM can produce improved results.
in FER is FER-2013. It consists of 35,887 images depicting 7
emotions with image size being 48 × 48 (https://datarepository.
wolframcloud.com/resources/FER-2013, [72]). The schematic dia- 3.3.2. Machine learning-based studies
gram of facial features- based automated ER approach is shown in A genetic programming model (GP-FER) for the recognition of
Fig. 8. facial expression was proposed. Geometric features and local bi-
M. Maithri, U. Raghavendra, A. Gudigar et al. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 215 (2022) 106646
Table 2
Summary of state-of-the-art techniques developed for speech signal- based automated ER system.
Author &
Sl. No year Methods Classifiers Results: Accuracy (ERacc ) Database
nary patterns (LBP) are combined for recognition. Multiple experi- posed by Kumar et al., a sub-band of stationary wavelet transform
ments were performed on DISFA, DISFA+, CK+, and MUG datasets (SWT) is considered [79]. DCT is performed on the weighted en-
and 98% accuracy is achieved by the CK+ dataset [64]. A model in ergy of these sub-bands. Pearson kernel PCA is used for the di-
which geometric features were used for the selection of key frames mensionality reduction of features. Then the emotion classifica-
was proposed in a study. From each clip, the discriminant features tion is performed by Gaussian membership function fuzzy SVM
were selected by employing k-means clustering. For the evaluation classifier. This model evaluation was done on JAFEE, CK+, and
of person dependent and person independent cases, using RML, FG Net database and attained 98.9% accuracy on CK+ database.
and SAVEE datasets, the SAVEE dataset for person dependent cases The combination of wavelet gradient with SVM is provided max-
attained an accuracy of 98.77% [76]. It is also suggested that CNN- imum accuracy. Fig. 9 represents the year-wise distribution of pa-
based classifiers have performed better than the SVM classifiers. A pers reviewed for Facial modality-based emotion recognition sys-
model was developed using histogram of oriented gradients (HOG) tem. The summary of recent state-of-the-art works related to fa-
and local binary pattern (LBP) feature descriptors to extract facial cial expression-based ER system using machine learning and deep
features whose dimensionality was reduced by deep stacked au- learning approaches are given in Table 3 and the summary of the
toencoders [77]. The experiments for emotion detection and classi- remaining studies are given in Table A3 in appendix.
fication were conducted on CK+ and JAFFE databases using multi-
class SVM attained an accuracy of 97.66% for CK+ dataset. In an- 4. ER using multimodal data
other study geometric features, landmark curvature, and vectorized
landmark were utilized for extraction of features [78]. Their model Emotions can be expressed using various modalities, thus mak-
combined SVM with genetic algorithm and attained an overall ac- ing it difficult for automatic ER [80]. Currently, most of the au-
curacy of 95% on the experiments conducted on CK+ and multi- tomatic ER techniques are based on facial expressions, audio sig-
media understanding group (MUG) dataset. In another system pro- nals, EEG, and ECG signals. Many works have been done to ex-
M. Maithri, U. Raghavendra, A. Gudigar et al. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 215 (2022) 106646
Fig. 9. Distribution (yearly) of papers published using facial features for automated ER.
plore the emotions using these modalities individually [81]. How- Various studies on multimodal ER are performed using DL and
ever, the researchers are also exploring the possibilities to attain ML approaches are discussed below:
a better recognition rate and develop a more robust ER system
by combining more than one modalities of emotions. Fusion is
4.1. Deep learning-based studies
commonly done in three methods: data level, feature level, and
score level [82]. At the data level, raw data collected from different
The study proposed by Wang et al. considered the fusion
sources are combined and features extracted from these sources
of speech information with facial expression for speech ER. Ini-
are fed into a classifier. In the case of feature level, various fea-
tially, facial ER is achieved by the combination of CNN and RNN.
tures are extracted from input sources, and the relation between
LSTM and CNN are combined by a weighted decision fusion algo-
these features is modelled with the help of a classifier. In the case
rithm to obtain accurate speech ER system. Their study used RML,
of score type of fusion, with the help of a classified data from
AFEW6.0, eNTERFACE’05 database. AFEW6.0 consists of 773 sam-
different sources are sorted into different classes. The scores at-
ples for training, 383 samples for validation and 593 samples for
tained by each class are combined to get the final score [82]. One
testing. The fusion of facial expression with speech signals has in-
of the largest dataset in multimodal sentiment analysis and ER is
creased the SER performance approximately by 5% [17]. In another
CMU multimodal opinion sentiment and emotion intensity (CMU-
study, a method is proposed to integrate EEG and facial expression
MOSEI) dataset. It has 10 0 0 youtube speaker data in 250 different
features to recognize the emotion. Author has proposed a model
topics with six emotions [83]. Another multimodal datset available
with bimodal deep automatic encoder to combine EEG and facial
is enterface’05 which consists of six emotions. It has audio visual
signals coupled with LIBSVM classifier. The dataset was developed
data of 43 subjects [84]. The RML dataset is multimodal dataset
by collecting video clips from different movies and TV shows. Ex-
developed by Ryerson Multimedia Research Lab., Ryerson Univer-
periments on this dataset attained an average ER rate of 85.71%
sity. It consists of 720 samples of audiovisua expressions with six
[81]. A two-stage audiovisua fusion model was proposed in an-
emotions (http://shachi.org/resources/4965).
other study. In this work, spatio-temporal features of visual ex-
M. Maithri, U. Raghavendra, A. Gudigar et al. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 215 (2022) 106646
Table 3
Summary of state-of-the-art techniques developed using facial features for automated ER system.
Author &
Sl. No year Methods Classifiers Results Accuracy(ERacc ) Database
pression were computed using 3D-CNN and CNN-RNN was used 4.2. Machine learning-based studies
to compute features from speech signals. These features were then
fused with a mixture of the brain emotional learning (MoBEL) A study proposed 3D-CNN for extracted features from the elec-
model. Their study on the eNterface’05 database attained a recog- troencephalogram (EEG) and face signals. Bagging and stacking
nition accuracy of 81.7% [18]. A study proposed multimodal ap- techniques are used for the fusion of features. The experiments
proach for SER using speech and text modalities. This study pro- performed on the DEAP dataset reported the best accuracy rate of
posed the combination of multi-level multi-head fusion attention 96.13%, and 96.79% for valence, and arousal, respectively. This work
mechanism and RNN. From speech signal MFCC were captured used the data and score fusion method [82]. A model for iden-
and using bidirectional encoder representations from transform- tifying seven different human emotions by integrating facial and
ers (BERT) text data were fused. Their model was tested using speech signal features was proposed. This method utilizes statis-
IEMOCAP, MELD, CMU-MOSEI dataset. They reported the maximum tically significant features and their experiments on the Crema-D
accuracy of 99.19% using CMU-MOSEI dataset compared to other dataset attained an overall correct classification score of 93% with
models [85]. Further, it is also observed that CNN based feature a deep learning classifier [86]. A model with a deep learning ap-
extraction is depicting improved results than handcrafted feature proach consisting of speech and video using huge database was de-
extraction. veloped. In this system, the Mel-spectrogram of the speech signal
M. Maithri, U. Raghavendra, A. Gudigar et al. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 215 (2022) 106646
Fig. 10. Distribution (yearly) of papers published using multimodal features for automated emotion recognition.
which considered as an image were fed to the CNN, and frames extraction techniques, feature selection/reduction, and then emo-
extracted from video signals were fed to another CNN. The out- tion classification.
put of these CNNs were then fused using two consecutive extreme In the recent years, large number of studies have been proposed
learning machines (ELMs) and then fed to SVM for classification. using DL and ML approaches. Feature extraction plays major role in
The feature fusion technique employed in this method attained an the performance of any automated system. Feature extraction can
accuracy of 99.9% for big data and 86.4% accuracy on the eNTER- be categorized into shallow and deep features. Shallow features are
FACE database. The SVM classifier with multi dimension CNN has the handcrafted features. Though, they have a great impact on the
a great impact on recognition rate[102]. performance of a ML based system, extraction of these features is
Fig. 10 shows the year-wise distribution of papers reviewed for cumbersome and requires sound domain knowledge. Increased fea-
multimodal emotion recognition system. The summary of state- ture dimensionality makes this process even more time consuming
of-the-art works related to multimodal ER system using machine and inefficient in identifying optimal features required for the op-
learning and deep learning approaches are given in Table 4 the timum performance of the ML model. In DL-based model, auto-
summary of the remaining studies are given in Table A4 in ap- matic feature extraction is employed. DL-based techniques such as
pendix. CNN, RNN and auto encoders can be used for this purpose [15].
Hence the combination of DL and ML-based approaches are gain-
ing popularity with DL for feature extraction and ML for classifi-
5. Discussion cation. CNN’s are best suited for hierarchical data and mainly used
for extracting unlabelled features from images [87]. On the other
The growth of computational power has inspired researchers to side, the RNN’s are more suitable for sequential data and suited
replicate many human activities. One of the prominent researches for speech signals. LSTM can be used for mapping the input se-
in the current scenario is human ER. Identifying user’s emotions quence into a vector of fixed length. [88] LSTM are the variant of
play a vital role in several applications such as healthcare (psycho- RNN used in classification, processing and prediction of time series
logical counselling, anxiety and stress assessment, pain assessment, data.
etc.), e-learning, neuro marketing, neuro economics, lie detection, In this paper, various modalities namely EEG, facial, Voice as
humanoid development, companion robots, etc. [15,14]. However, well as multi-modal-based ER techniques are extensively reviewed
emotion is a complex and dynamical phenomenon. The perception and presented. In EEG modality, IMFs are generated using EMD
of emotion differs for each user for the same stimuli/situation. It is technique and are used for DL-based classifiers to attain better
always challenging to develop a generalized ER system for all users. recognition rate. In voice modality, neutral network-based stud-
Because the performance of ER system mainly depends on gender, ies have shown better recognition rates. In facial modality, CNN-
race, ethnic, and age. Besides, the previous history of emotional based methods have yielded promising results. However, recogni-
events also influences the user’s emotions while recalling activity. tion rates can be further improved with the combination of CNN
There are several challenges in developing intelligent and more ro- and other DL methods. Multimodality is a technique where the ad-
bust ER system for different users. This field of emotion recognition vantages of different modalities are combined to attain improved
in affective computing is started emerging from last two decades performance. Audio-video is the most commonly used combina-
ago and now it is playing a significant role in developing intelligent tion for human ER. It is also observed that deep neural network-
emotion recognition system for variety of applications. Researchers based methods like CNN were used for features extraction followed
have developed several approaches and methodologies based on by shallow networks like SVM for classification purposes. In few
single or multiple modalities to effectively identify the user’s emo- studies, such combination has yielded high ER performances. We
tional states. The CAD tools used for automated emotion recogni- have observed that, SVM has been widely used ML technique in all
tion mainly deal with pre-processing algorithms, stages of feature modalities for ER.
M. Maithri, U. Raghavendra, A. Gudigar et al. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 215 (2022) 106646
Table 4
Summary of state-of-the-art techniques developed using multimodal features for automated emotion recognition system.
Sl. No & year Methods Classifiers Results Accuracy (ERacc ) Database Modalities considered
1 [115] Late-fusion approach support vector IEMOCAP-SD: CC: 0.564 - IEMOCAP, Acoustic and text
machine (SVM) HSF2 + WE, HSF2 + GloVe MSP-IMPROV information
2 [82] 3D-CNN SVM ERacc :96.13% - valence DEAP, COCO EEG and face
ERacc :96.79% - arousal
3 [86] Speech signal, image SVM, deep learning CC score: 93% Crema-D dataset Speech and face
processing, analysis & classification
features extraction
4 [204] Bimodal deep belief LIBSVM ERacc : 90.89% Friends’ data set Speech and facial
network (BDBN) expression
5 [150] 2D-CNN,3D-CNN SVM RML dataset: ERacc : 96.79%: RML, Speech and visual
eNTERFACE05 ERacc : 98.92% eNTERFACE05, features
BAUM-1 s: Racc : 71.26% BAUM-1 s
6 [129] DS evidence theory LS-SVM ERacc : 85.38% - Valance, Personal: 20ppl EEG, ECG
ERacc : 77.52% - Arousal
7 [250] 1D,2D CNN Autoencoder+SVM ERacc: 71.24% Ck+, RAVDESS and Facial images, audio
SEED-IV signals, EEG
8 [178] Six Linear AUC:0.83 Personal: 17ppl
Discriminant Magnetoencephalography
Analysis (MEG), EEG
9 [250] Wrapper based feature k-NN ERacc: 85.18% - valence Personal:18ppl EEG, GSR, and PPG
selection ERacc: 76.54% - arousal
10 [237] Genetic algorithms Optimized extreme ERacc: 93.53% - CK+ CK+, Enterface’05, Visual,audio
learning machine BAUM-1s
5.1. The major findings related to each modality is discussed below camera, area of eye, nose, mouth covered, variation in poses,
etc. [74]. This might lead to the poor segmentation of the region
EEG modality: of interest thus causing poor recognition accuracy.
• Reducing the number of EEG channels can improve the perfor-
• Most of the current methodologies are not suitable to identify
mance as not all channels provide quality information needed the micro facial emotional expressions. Because the expression
for analyzing the emotions [31]. of emotions through facial actions varies for different users and
• Reducing the number of channels can reduce the iterative noise it mainly depends on several factors such as age, gender, ethnic,
which may otherwise decrease the quality of the network [44]. race, etc.
• Considering all the channels of EEG signals may take a longer
• Database updating must also be considered by adding more
time to train a particular network [31]. emotions. Also, well-balanced facial emotion set need to be
used [90].
Facial Modality:
• Due to the type of image segmentation method adopted, most Voice Modality:
of the systems proposed efficiently work for front-facing im-
ages. But this makes it less reliable for adopting them for de-
• Development and analysis of multilingual datasets are needed
veloping a more robust system [89].
for speech ER [58].
• The challenges involved in facial expression recognition involve
non-uniformity in illumination, distance between the user and
M. Maithri, U. Raghavendra, A. Gudigar et al. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 215 (2022) 106646
Multimodal: Gamma bands are more suitable for emotion recognition. Ex-
periments conducted by Li. et al. [95] indicate EEG frequency
• A multimode approach with a combination of facial images, band beta has more effect on mild depression identification.
audio-video signals, EEG signals, and other physiological sig- Hence detailed study on five frequency bands can be performed
nals can give improved recognition rates [89,91,92]. However, to identify the more reliable frequency band for ER.
it is also important to combine them in proper proportions to • Recently, deep learning techniques have been widely used to
yield maximum performance. Too many physiological signals improve the performance of ER. However, the deep neural net-
with many channels may increase the computational complex- works can also be used to investigate the brain functional con-
ity. nectivity patterns during different emotions with graph convo-
lutional neural network (GCNN).
5.2. Limitations of this present study • The use of compact and light weight deep neural network such
as capsule network, 2D capsule network, Siamese networks can
1 We have only reviewed the articles published between 2016 reduce the computational complexity and increase the robust-
and 2021 and early 2022. This review on automated ER can pro- ness of the ER systems.
vide better view on the progress of ER. • The effects of different types of noises and artifacts in EEG data
2 We have only considered the most popular modalities used should be carefully handled to improve the performance of ER
for ER such as EEG, facial expression, and speech. However, system. The common spatial filters (CSP), independent compo-
there are several works which have focused on other physio- nent analysis (ICA), and other similar methods can be employed
logical signals such as electrocardiogram (ECG), electromyogram in EEG analysis.
(EMG), facial electromyogram (FEMG), galvanic skin response • Development and analysis of multilingual dataset are needed
(GSR), and skin temperature (ST) to assess the emotions of sub- for speech ER [58].
jects. • Most of the proposed studies are tested on a database devel-
3 This present study focusses the on existing automated ER tech- oped in a controlled environment. A real-time ER is difficult
niques based on several factors such as methods, classifiers to manage as it is prone to noise and may degrade the per-
and performance obtained. It does not review the applications formance drastically [91,96].
based on automated ER methods. • Usually same dataset is used for training and testing. A model
trained using one dataset must be tested against another
dataset. This type cross dataset testing might increase the ro-
5.3. Future research scopes
bustness of the model. However, this needs a large amount of
training dataset.
• There is a need to develop more robust facial ER system that • Future aspect of a multimode system is shown in Fig. 11. A per-
can efficiently work with side face images and images rotated
son with his/her EEG signal, facial expressions and speech sig-
in any direction [89].
nals are combined and fed to an automatic ER in the cloud. The
• Increasing larger public datasets with more diverse data can
automated ER system will send the outcome to the clinicians at
train the model well and help to obtain accurate results. Be-
the hospital. After manual confirmation with the signals, doc-
sides, if the model is trained with different databases which in-
tors will send the results to the patients. Meanwhile, the test
volve multi-ethnic, different age groups, genders, etc. will help
signals can be used to train the developed ER system.
to develop a robust automated ER model.
• More types of emotions can be considered. Also, better to have
more balanced dataset for each class [90]. 6. Conclusion
• EEG feature extraction was performed on five sub-band fre-
quencies. Findings of Zhang et al. [93] indicate gamma sub- In this paper, we have reviewed various state-of-the-art models
band is more correlated to emotions thus leading to increased proposed for human automated ER. The summary of the same is
classification accuracy. Studies of Li. et al. [94] indicate Beta and prepared based on methods, modalities used and performance ob-
M. Maithri, U. Raghavendra, A. Gudigar et al. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 215 (2022) 106646
tained. Various machine and deep learning techniques have been these systems in real-time automated ER systems which can per-
employed for automated ER using EEG, facial, speech and multi- form well in uncontrolled environment need to be developed.
modal signals. Our study indicates that, there is significant rise
in automated ER using DL techniques and have yielded high per- Declaration of Competing Interest
formance measures under controlled environment. However, there
are very few models proposed for automated ER in dynamic en- There is no conflict of interest in this work.
vironment where the subjects might be in movement, and sud- Appendix
den switch between expressions are considered. Hence to employ
Table A1
Summary of state of art techniques for EEG based emotion recognition system.
Author &
Sl. No year Methods Classifiers Results Accuracy (ERacc ) Database
1 [125] Deep CNN Bagging tree (BT), support CVCNN, GSCNN, STCNN AUC DEAP
vector machine (SVM), values: 1 -FREQNORM
linear discriminant
analysis (LDA), and
Bayesian linear
discriminant analysis
2 [96] Quadratic time-frequency SVM classifiers with the ERacc : 89.8% - Arousal ERacc : DEAP
distribution (QTFD) RBF kernel 88.9% - valence
3 [274] Single-electrode-level power SVM ERacc : 87.80% - arousal ERacc : DEAP
spectral density 86.91% - valence
4 [186] SVR (Support vector Mean absolute error:0.74 DEAP
regression) and 1.45
5 [314] PNN SVM ERacc: 81.21% - valence, ERacc: DEAP
81.26% - arousal
6 [238] Logistic Regression with Naive Bayes (NB), SVM, ERacc: 77.17% - valence ERacc: DEAP
Gaussian kernel and linear LR with 77.03% - arousal
Laplacian prior L1-regularization (LR_L1),
linear LR with
L2-regularization (LR_L2)
7 [30] Discrete wavelet transforms k-NN, SVM, ANN ERacc: 94.3% - true emotions PERSONAL (available for
(DWT), empirical mode ERacc: 84.1% - fake emotions public):28 ppl
decomposition (EMD)
8 [100] Local cortical activations SVM ERacc: 90.3% - genuine vs PERSONAL:28 ppl
with dynamic functional neutral ERacc: 88.52% -
network patterns neutral vs fake ERacc: 78.82%
-genuine vs fake
9 [226] Black hole algorithm SVM ERacc: 92.56% MAHNOB HCI Tagging
10 [173] DWT and EMD with SVM ERacc: 85.71% BCI Competition 2008
approximate entropy datasets 2b data
11 [118] Time, frequency and wavelet SVM, MLP and K-NN ERacc : 98% - age group PERSONAL:30 ppl
domain features (26–35) - MLP
12 [99] SVM with error-correcting ERacc: 94.79% PERSONAL:18ppl
output code (ECOC)
13 [329] Minimal SVM ERacc: 87.36% PERSONAL:30ppl
14 [28] Discriminative Graph k-KNN, logistic regression, ERacc: 69.67%- DEAP ERacc: DEAP+SEED
regularized Extreme SVM 91.07% - SEED
Learning Machine
15 [127] Kernel Spectral Regression k-NN, naïve Bayesian, SVM, ERacc: 92.7 ± 2.1 – RF & DEAP
(KSR) random forest KSR
16 [307] Dynamical recursive feature least square support vector ERacc: 0.7896 - arousal DEAP
elimination (D-RFE), machine F1-score:0.7991 - arousal
ERacc: 0.7143 - valence
F1-score: 0.7257 - valence
17 [308] Transfer recursive feature linear least square support ERacc: 0.7867 arousal DEAP
elimination (T-RFE) vector machine F1-score: 0.7526 - arousal
ERacc: 0.7875 - valence
F1-score:0.8077 – valence
18 [206] Sparse Linear Discriminant SVM ERacc: 92.26% Non-neutrality PERSONAL:30 ppl
Analysis vs. neutrality ERacc: 86.63%
Positive vs. negative
19 [95] BestFirst (BF), Greedy BayesNet (BN), SVM, Emo_blockbeta band ERacc: PERSONAL:37 ppl
Stepwise, Genetic Search, Logistic Regression (LR), 92.00% AUC: 0.957
Linear Forward Selection k-NN and Random Forest Neu_block beta band ERacc:
(LFS) and Rank Search (RS) 98.00% AUC: 0.997
based on Correlation
Features Selection (CFS)
(continued on next page)
M. Maithri, U. Raghavendra, A. Gudigar et al. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 215 (2022) 106646
Table A1 (continued)
M. Maithri, U. Raghavendra, A. Gudigar et al. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 215 (2022) 106646
Table A1 (continued)
M. Maithri, U. Raghavendra, A. Gudigar et al. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 215 (2022) 106646
Table A2
Summary of state of art techniques for speech signal-based emotion recognition system.
Author &
Sl. No year Methods Classifiers Results: Accuracy(ERacc ) Database
1 [212] F0 contour, Mel-frequency SVM F-score: 84.11% - Arousal F-score: SEMAINE, Wall Street
cepstral coefficients (MFCCs), 66.92% - Valence Journal based Continuous
zero crossing rate and RMS Speech recognition Corpus
energy. Phase II database.
2 [189] eGeMAPS features Deep Belief Networks FAU-AIBO, EMOCAP,
3 [217] Emotion-discriminative and SVM ABC: ERacc : 65.62% FAU-AEC, ABC, EMO-DB
Domain-invariant Feature
Learning Method (EDFLM
4 [291] random Deep belief SVM EMO-DB: 82.32% CASIA: 48.50% EMO-DB, SAVEE, Chinese
networks (RDBN) SAVEE: 53.60% Academy of Sciences
5 [318] DCNN model + DTPM SVM EMO-DB: WAR: 87.31% UAR: 86.30% EMO-DB, RML,
6 [328] DBN +SVM ERacc : 95.80% Chinese Academy of
7 [104] One-Dimensional deep learning (DL) and ERacc : 99.97% - DL ERacc : 99.7% - SVM Private
Conventional Neural SVM
8 [282] Basic prosodic and spectral SVM ERacc: 96% Toronto emotional speech
feature extraction set (TESS)
9 [324] Recurrent convolutional SVM IEMOCAP: WA: 53.6% - RCL+2-layer TIMIT, IEMOCAP
Layer (RCL) MLP
1 [54] 1D CNN LSTM, 2D CNNLSTM Berlin EmoDB: 2DCNN ERacc : 95.33% IEMOCAP, EMO-DB
- speaker-dependent ERacc : 95.89% -
2 [97] Domain adversarial neural MSP-IMPROV, USC-IEMOCAP: ERacc : 71.2% - USC-IEMOCAP,
network (DANN) Arousal ERacc : 60.2% - Valence MSP-Podcast
MSP-IMPROV: ERacc : 70.6% ERacc : 75%
3 [110] Multimodal VAD LSTM ERacc : 91.52% PUBLIC
4 [117] CNN ERacc : 84.30% Berlin emotions dataset
5 [151] CNN-KELM (kernel extreme kernel extreme learning Emo-DB: UA:92.45%, WA: 92.90% EMO-DB, IEMOCAP
learning machine) machine (KELM) IEMOCAP: UA: 57.99%, WA:56.55%
6 [174] Deep sparse neural network HEIM:F1 score: 0.7523 Precision: Sogou Voice Assistant4
model (DSNN), hybrid 0.7614 DSNN: F1 score: 0.4355 (Chinese Siri)
emotion inference Precision: 0.4516
7 [231] Bi-directional long IEMOCAP: ERacc: 72.25% EMO-DB: IEMOCAP, EMO-DB,
short-term memory ERacc: 85.57% RAVDESS: ERacc: 77.02% RAVDESS
(BiLSTM), redial based
function network (RBFN)
8 [235] Dual exclusive attentive ABC: ERacc: 65:02% EMO-DB: ERacc: Interspeech 2009 Emotion
transfer (DEAT) 67:79% Challenge FAU Aibo
Emotion Corpus, ABC and
9 [51] Ladder MSP-IMPROV, MSP-PODCAST: CCC: 0.771 – Arousal USC-IEMOCAP, networks
10 [244] 3D convolutions and IEMOCAP: ERacc: 62.6% MSP-IMPROV: IEMOCAP, MSP-IMPROV,
attention-based sliding ERacc: 55.7%
recurrent neural networks
11 [296] Attentive temporal pooling EMO-DB: WA: 85.73% UA: 82.86% RML, EMO-DB, IEMOCAP
module into a DNN
13 [126] ACRNN IEMOCAP: UAR: 64.74%± 5.44 IEMOCAP, Emo-DB
(average +SD) Emo-DB: UAR:
82.82%± 4.99 (average +SD)
14 [272] CNN+RNN UAR:48.8% EmotAsS (EMOTional
Sensitivity Assistance
System for people with
15 [305] Phoneme and spectrogram ERacc : 73.9% IEMOCAP
combined CNN model
16 [323] DEEP CNN Berlin EmoDB: ERacc: 0.9271 – EMO-DB, IEMOCAP
speaker dependent ERacc: 0.9178 –
speaker independent
(continued on next page)
M. Maithri, U. Raghavendra, A. Gudigar et al. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 215 (2022) 106646
Table A2 (continued)
M. Maithri, U. Raghavendra, A. Gudigar et al. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 215 (2022) 106646
Table A3
Summary of state of art techniques for facial modality-based emotion recognition system.
Author &
Sl. No year Methods Classifiers Results Accuracy(ERacc ) Database
M. Maithri, U. Raghavendra, A. Gudigar et al. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 215 (2022) 106646
Table A3 (continued)
19 [161] Local enhanced motion ERacc: 59.02% AFEW, CK+ and MMI
history image (LEMHI)+
20 [89] Viola-Jones face detection, ANN CK+: ERacc: 99.67% JAFFE, CK+, RaFD
21 [196] Reinforcement learning for RAF-DB: ERacc: 72.84% RAF-DB, ExpW, and
pre-selecting useful images FER2013
22 [269] Attention Shallow Model CK+: ERacc: 99.1% MMI: ERacc: CK+, MMI, and
(ASModel), ADModel, and 89.88% Oulu-CASIA:ERacc: Oulu-CASIA
MSDModel 87.33%
23 [283] CNN FER ERacc: 97.07% FER2013 and Japanese
female facial expression
24 [310] CNN+Gabor filters ERacc: 91–92% JAFFE
25 [121] Convolution block attention CK+: ERacc: 96% CK+, FER-2013
modules (CBAM)+VGG
26 [275] Metric-based emotion CK+: ERacc: 99.64% UNBC-McMaster Shoulder
intensity definition and a Pain Expression Archive
deep hybrid CNN (UNBC), CK+,
27 [239] Spatial and temporal CNN BAUM-1s: ERacc: 46.51% BAUM-1 s, eNTERFACE05
eNTERFACE05: ERacc: 43.72%
28 [208] Conditional convolutional CK+ and JAFFE: ERacc: 99.02% CK+, JAFFE, multi-view
neural network enhanced BU-3DEF and LFW
random forest (CoNERF)
29 [68] Semi-supervised learning RMSE: 0.0451 MAHNOB-HCI,
30 [75] CNN ERacc: 96% Caltech faces, CMU, NIST,
31 [245] Temporal Relational Network MLP ERacc: 92.70% DISFA+
32 [255] Transfer learning RMSE = 0.09-valence RMSE AffectNet, AMIGOS
approach-CNN =0.1-arousal
33 [168] DNNs JAFFE: ERacc: 95.23% CK +: CK +, JAFFE
ERacc: 93.24%
34 [260] VGG16 CNN+ Bi-LSTM RNN ERacc +SD: 87.62%± 05.41% - IST-EURECOM Light Field
subject-specific ERacc +SD: Face
80.37%± 05 09.03% -
35 [322] Correlation emotion label ERacc: 84.40% Oulu_CASIA
distribution learning
36 [202] Deep Convolutional Neural ERacc: 92.81% CK+
37 [227] Viola-Jones using Haar-like ELM, PNN ERacc: 88% -ELM ERacc: 92- PERSONAL:55ppl
features PNN
38 [219] Automated marker k-NN, PNN ERacc: 96.94%-PNN PERSONAL:30ppl
placement algorithm
39 [105] Maximum Response-based ELM-RBF CK+ with GSDRS: ERacc: JAFFE, CK+, MUG, SFEW,
Directional Texture Pattern 98.4% (MRDTP) MMI, DISFA, DISFA+
(MRDTP) and a Maximum
Response-based Directional
Number Pattern (MRDNP),
40 [122] FATAUVA-Net, (FATAUVA Reg) MSE:0.1232- FERA2015, BP4D,SEMAINE
valence MSE:0.0954 -
ELM - Extreme learning machine,PNN-Probabilistic neural network, KDEF - Karolinska Directed Emotional Faces, CART – Classification and regression trees.
M. Maithri, U. Raghavendra, A. Gudigar et al. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 215 (2022) 106646
Table A4
Summary of state of art techniques for multimodal emotion recognition system.
1 [81] BDAE feature fusion LIBSVM ERacc : 85.71% Personal: 13ppl EEG signals and
facial expression
2 [160] CNNs and the ELMs SVM Big Data: ERacc : 99.9% Big Data of SPEECH AND
eNTERFACE’05: ERacc : emotion: 50 ppl, VIDEO/IMAGE
3 [116] RF, SVM, logistic ERacc : 73.08% - arousal, DEAP Respiratory Belt,
regression (LR) ERacc : 72.18% - valence Photo plethysmog-
raphy,and Fingertip
Temperature from
EEG signal
4 [132] linear regression, ERacc : 78.20% - CNN RAVDEES
5 [298] Liblinear, REPTree, ERacc : 96.79% - valence, Personal: 39 ppl EEG and video
XGBoost, MLP, RF, and ERacc : 97.79% - arousal
6 [290] Multimodal deep belief LIBSVM, ERacc : 80.89% BioVid EMO- DB EEG and video
network (MDBN)
7 [263] ANN svm RAVDESS: ERacc : 86.36% RAVDESS, VIRI Visible images,
Recall: 0.86 Precision: infrared (IR)
0.88 f-measure: 0.87 images and speech
8 [234] CNN multiclass SVM SAVEE: ERacc : 100% - RF SAVEE, Audio and visual
and RF eNTERFACE’05,
9 [163] STLMBP SVM, 3 Nearest Decision-level (LWF): MAHNOB-HCI Facial, EEG
Neighbour ERacc : 66 0.28% -
Valence, ERacc : 63 0.22%
- Arousal,
10 [215] 2D CNN and 3DCNN SVM Enterface05: ERacc : 92.3% rml, enterface05, Audiovisua
- Arousal, ERacc : 91.8% - baum-1s
11 [312] Audio features and EEG Random Forest ERacc: 83.29% APM EEG, Audio
based features
12 [19] Recursive feature SVM D2 dataset-MFE:ERacc : DEAP, EEG, Galvanic skin
elimination (RFE) and 73.69 ± 0.80% F1-score: MAHNOB-HCI response, heart
margin-maximizing 72.07 ± 0.74 rate
feature elimination
13 [266] A-LSTM SVM, k-NN Protocol one: ERacc: Personal: 23ppl EEG, galvanic skin
72.93% Std. deviation: response,
13.19 respiration, ECG
14 [319] CNN+3D-CNN+DBN SVM RML: ERacc : 80.36%, RML, Audio–Visual
85.97% BAUM-1s: ERacc : BAUM-1s
15 [143] Neural Aggregation k-NN, RF, SVM, BNB: ERacc : 66.8% - MAHNOB-HCI Visual, EEG
Network with CNN – Bernoulli naive Arousal ERacc : 69.38% -
visual LFCC and SampEn Bayesian (BNB) Valence RF: ERacc : 69.21%
- EEG - Arousal ERacc : 67.15%
16 [271] CNN SVM ERacc::83.3% FER-2013, Seed IV, Face, EEG
Personal: 03ppl
M. Maithri, U. Raghavendra, A. Gudigar et al. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 215 (2022) 106646
Table A4 (continued)
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