Que Final
Que Final
Que Final
User Interface (UI) Design is the link between users and your
website. It includes the basic design elements that need to be
present in order to for someone to navigate your site and make
It is the ever-evolving relationship between a person and the
system that they are using. It includes the way that your website
interacts with users, the overall design, and how information is
There are many different ways that you can look at the user
interface, but the basics always include a communication from a
product to the user and vice versa.
UI Design is all about structure, user manipulation, and
communication. This is one of the reasons it’s so important that
you pay close attention to it. It is the basic building block of
how your website is set up and functions when visited by your
target audience. If it doesn’t go smoothly, problems tend to
follow. Brand awareness also plays a huge role in UI design. By
having all your designs follow the same guidelines, you can
make sure that your product or service can become more
• A well-designed interface and screen is terribly important to
our users. It is their window to view the capabilities of the
• It is also the vehicle through which many critical tasks are
presented. These tasks often have a direct impact on an
organization's relations with its customers, and its profitability.
• A screen's layout and appearance affect a person in a variety
of ways. If they are confusing and inefficient, people will have
greater difficulty in doing their jobs and will make more
• Poor design may even chase some people away from a system
permanently. It can also lead to aggravation, frustration, and
increased stress.
I. Customer Satisfaction
Customer is the key to success for any organization. When
customers feel good using an app, they find joy and feel satisfied.
And this satisfaction of the customers comes from the easy,
creative and catchy user interface design.
V. Communication
Remember that communication is the key to every outstanding
achievement. And your hard work may fail to bring any fruit if
your apps or websites fail to communicate with users because of
poor or low-quality user interface design. You don’t need to bring
something extravaganza; instead, bring the simplest and most
accessible way to reach your users.
VII. Cost-Effectiveness
Unique and comprehensive User Interface Design can reduce a
company’s operation and marketing costs. If your digital product
provides a brilliant and impressive user interface design, the user
will increase automatically. You don’t have to worry about the
extra cost of marketing. Thus, cost-effectiveness can be achieved
by an improvised policy of providing beautiful user interface
X. Vision
Companies hire UX and UI designers at the early stage of product
development to set their vision and mission, and in the long run,
they can communicate with the audiences properly.
The purpose of the user interface is to allow the user to interact with
the website or application (or, more generally in broader design, any
product). Avoid anything that confuses people or doesn’t help them
Keep the primary action front and center and move secondary actions
to deeper on a page or give them lighter visual weight and the right
Classics exist for a reason; they’re timeless and never go out of style,
though they do benefit from modern touches. Think of the little black
cocktail dress or the tuxedo; each are fashion style staples. They’re
simple, elegant, and add a touch of class to the wearer. A user
interface should be simple and elegant.
5) Be Consistent
7) Make It Accessible
UI designs need to take into account accessibility issues. Online, this
often means ensuring the visibly impaired can access and use the
product. Don’t forget about color blindness as well. Roughly 1 in 12
males (that’s about 8%) and 1 in 200 females (about .5%) are color
blind to some degree. Use color to accentuate and emphasize, but
don’t rely entirely on color to communicate information.
9) Flexibility
Create a UI that will work and look great across multiple platforms.
Of course, it may have to be tweaked depending on the form factor of
a device and its operating system (Android and iOS, for example), but
it should be flexible enough to work on anything.
9) Visual Structure
Ans. Currently, six main interaction styles are used. Each of them will
be considered in a special part of the lesson, with examples,
discussion on advantages and disadvantages and design guidelines.
But first, look at the overview:
Application Experience
Have users worked with a similar application (for example, word
processing, airline reservation, and so on)? Are they familiar with the
basic application terms? Or does little or no application experience
Task Experience
Are users experienced with the task being automated? Or do users
possess little or no knowledge of the tasks the system will be
Other System Use
Will the user be using other systems while using the new system?
What is the general educational level of users? Do they generally have
high school degrees, college degrees, or advanced degrees?
Reading Level
For textual portions of the interface, the vocabulary and grammatical
structure must be at a level that is easily understood by the users.
Typing Skill
Is the user a competent typist or of the hunt-and-peck variety? Is he or
she familiar with the standard keyboard layout or other newer
Evaluation Techniques
• Evaluation
– tests usability and functionality of system
– occurs in laboratory, field and/or in collaboration
with users
– evaluates both design and implementation
– should be considered at all stages in the design life
Goals of Evaluation
• assess extent of system functionality
• assess effect of interface on user
• identify specific problems