HDS - IMWA2015 - Aube - 188
HDS - IMWA2015 - Aube - 188
HDS - IMWA2015 - Aube - 188
Sulphate Control
Bernard Aubé and Douglas Lee
Amec Foster Wheeler Environment and Infrastructure,Canada
The high-density sludge (HDS) process has been the standard in the mining industry for treating
metal-containing acid rock drainage (ARD), providing low metal levels in the final effluent, and
reducing waste sludge volumes compared to other lime based processes. It has been applied for 40
years at mine sites all over the world to meet discharge limits for metals and pH. Recently, various
jurisdictions have introduced low discharge limits for sulphate concentrations that are difficult to
meet with conventional treatment systems. Also, when treated water is recycled, high sulphate
concentrations can cause some undesired downstream impacts. To assist in reducing effluent
sulphate concentrations, the recent trend shows that HDS plants have been constructed with
considerably higher retentions times in the neutralisation reactors. The reason for this increase in
retention time is due primarily to the slow gypsum-precipitation reactions that are the key to
minimising sulphate concentrations. These reactions and their effects are explained in detail in this
paper. Also discussed are the potential synergies between the HDS process and other processes that
treat sulphate more directly. This includes the combination with membrane filtration (reverse
osmosis or nanofiltration), with ettringite precipitation, with ion exchange, and even barium
Although many different biological and chemical technologies exist for treatment of acid rock
drainage (ARD – or acid mine drainage, AMD), lime neutralisation remains by far the most widely
applied treatment method. This is largely due to the high efficiency in removal of dissolved heavy
metals combined with the fact that lime costs are low in comparison to alternatives. Lime treatment
essentially consists in bringing the pH of the raw water to a point where the metals of concern are
insoluble. These metals therefore precipitate to form minuscule particles. A separation of these
precipitates is then required to produce a clear effluent which meets regional discharge criteria. The
solid/liquid separation forms a sludge which, for a high-density sludge (HDS) process, can contain
10 to 30% solids by weight. This sludge can be further processed to increase the solid content and
must be disposed of in an environmentally acceptable manner.
The HDS process has met requirements in the past as the focus for discharge limits has been on
toxic metals and acidity. In recent years, there are more and more jurisdictions also including
sulphate as a regulated parameter, including Chile and Peru. The specifically applied limits depend
on the jurisdiction and often also on the receiver. The limits vary from approximately 2,000 mg/L
(as sulphate, SO42-) in the high end to as low as 10 mg/L in the receiver.
Lime treatment processes alone cannot meet the low effluent sulphate limits and even the higher
limits in some cases. But there are modifications that can be brought to the HDS process which help
minimise the final sulphate concentration either as a stand-alone treatment or in conjunction with
other sulphate treatment systems. In this paper, the lime treatment of ARD is summarised and the
associated minimisation of sulphate concentration is also explained.
Figure 1 Metal Hydrolysis (from Aubé and Zinck, 2003)
Lime dissolution is the first step of the neutralisation process. For large treatment systems,
quicklime is used. This lime must first be hydrated (slaked) and is normally fed to the process as a
slurry. When fed to the process, the hydrated lime then dissolves to increase pH. The two following
equations illustrate these reactions:
CaO + H2O Ca(OH)2
The increased pH then provides hydroxide ions which combine with the dissolved metals to
produce precipitates. The following equations show the precipitation reactions with different
Al3+ + 3OH- Al(OH)3
The resulting water quality contains very low heavy metal concentrations due to this hydroxide
precipitation. Proportional to the precipitation of these metals is the solubilisation of calcium from
the lime. Effectively, for the dissolved ionic balance, Ca replaces the heavy metals in solution. This
leads to the precipitation of gypsum as per the following equation:
Ca2+ + SO42- CaSO4.2H2O
What differentiates gypsum from the metal hydroxides is that the metals precipitate very rapidly
while gypsum precipitates slowly. Most lime treatment plant effluents are super-saturated for
gypsum upon discharge. The reasons for this and the effects that are caused by this slow
precipitation are discussed in greater detail in the following sections.
Another important aspect of gypsum precipitation is that it occurs considerably more readily on
existing gypsum crystals than by nucleation. Metal hydroxide particles readily nucleate in a
solution that contains no solids, given the right pH conditions. Gypsum does not tend to nucleate
but rather to form on a solid surface, preferably on existing gypsum. In clear water, without the
presence of gypsum particles or other solids in suspension, the only existing surfaces are from the
equipment and walls. An initial coating of gypsum forms on equipment surfaces, then these
surfaces act as a seeding location for continued precipitation. This distinctiveness for gypsum
explains why scaling on equipment surfaces occurs more readily in clear water, following solid-
liquid separation.
Mix Tank
Lime Reactor
The slurry is then contacted to a flocculant solution either via a Flocculation Tank or by providing
turbulence in the conduit leading from the Lime Reactor to the clarifier. A trough with baffles may
be sufficient to ensure proper contact with the small particles. The flocculant serves to agglomerate
all precipitates and promote efficient settling in the clarifier. The clarifier overflow can either be
discharged or recycled as process water as-is or polished prior to the next step. A simplified
representation of the HDS process is shown in Figure 2.
The key to this process lies in the mixing of lime and sludge prior to neutralisation. The fact that the
calcium hydroxide and recycled particles are combined causes the precipitation reactions to occur
mostly on the surface of existing particles, thereby increasing their size and density. The
precipitates from this process are therefore different from those where this lime/sludge mixture
does not occur.
The HDS process presents significant advantages in operating costs over conventional lime
addition, due the increased sludge density, decreased lime consumption, improved metal removal,
and better solid/liquid separation (Aubé and Zinck, 1999). The higher sludge density means less
waste is produced but also that more water is treated and released (or recycled).
shows a summary of HDS treatment plants built late in the past century (sites A to D), in
comparison with more recent plants (sites 1 to 3) that were designed with a focus on sulphate
concentrations. It is clear that the trend applied by process engineers in recent years is to add more
reactors and greater retention time. In case of scaling issues, the reactors are often designed to be
by-passed. This is true of the Geco plant (Site 1), for example, where either of the first two reactors
can be by-passed. The other two examples can have any of the neutralisation reactors by-passed.
A high sludge recycle rate also increases the concentration of gypsum crystals in the neutralising
reactors to help promote additional gypsum precipitation. But the recycle rate can be limited by the
efficiency of flocculant contact and solid/liquid separation; too high a recycle will lead to a high
solid content in the slurry and can make flocculation difficult.
By applying these principles of increased retention time in the reactors where a continuous contact
with existing gypsum crystals is provided by high sludge recycle, the resulting sulphate
concentrations are lower as the slurry reaches the clarifier. There are limitations in the removal of
sulphate in an HDS plant related not only to the kinetics of gypsum precipitation but also to the
chemistry of the raw water. The gypsum precipitation occurs in large part due to Ca replacing
heavy metals as the cation associated to sulphate. Some cations do not precipitate in HDS
treatment, particularly alkali metals such as sodium (Na) and potassium (K). Magnesium may also
remain in solution if the pH control point is less than 10. Sulphate concentrations will be higher in
HDS-treated effluent if the AMD contains significant concentrations of these light metals. The final
sulphate concentration therefore varies from site to site despite applying the same process, as the
raw water chemistry varies significantly.
Some scaling is still likely to occur in HDS treatment plants, particularly in the effluent systems and
reactor aeration systems. The more recent designs allow for maintenance to remove scaling where it
may become problematic. Launders and flow-measuring devices are open or with removable
covers for access to remove accumulated scaling. For the aeration systems in the reactors, the ability
to by-pass a reactor can allow for maintenance while continuing treatment. Large man-doors are
included in the design of the reactors for rapid access. Clarifiers can be equipped with larger access
to facilitate using a small tractor (such as a Bobcat) to remove the accumulated scale. At mine sites
with high sulphate concentrations, it may be necessary to shut down on an annual basis for a week
or two specifically for this clarifier cleaning.
The leading method of control for sulphate in the mining industry at this time is by membrane
separation. These reverse osmosis (RO) or nano-filtration (NF) systems can produce a permeate
capable of meeting any sulphate limit. The greatest disadvantage of this process is the formation of
a concentrate (or brine) stream that often represents more than 30% of the initial raw water volume.
The HDS process can be used to treat this high-sulphate concentrate to greatly reduce the final
waste volume. Treatment of the brine with HDS can provide the required bleed of sulphate in the
form of gypsum in the waste sludge, while the clarifier overflow can either be returned for re-
treatment in the RO or mixed with the RO permeate depending on the target sulphate level in the
final effluent.
The greatest challenge with membrane treatment for sulphate in the mining industry is the
formation of gypsum in the membranes themselves, due to the super-concentration of the brine as
it advances across the membrane. This gypsum precipitate is commonly due to the fact that the
ARD contains sulfuric acid that has been neutralised with lime, thereby feeding a gypsum super-
saturated solution to the membrane from the start. This scaling issue significantly reduces the
service life of the membranes. Gypsum scaling can be reduced by decreasing recovery rates,
backwashing, increasing tangential flow, and/or adding an anti-scalant. Each of these options
increases treatment costs due to decreased discharge fractions (more recycled brine), increased
pressures (higher energy costs), and/or high reagent costs.
Recent advances in membrane materials have resulted in NF membranes that can tolerate very low
pH. In some applications, with a low pH stream containing high levels of metals and sulphate, it is
possible to treat this stream with NF membranes with only particle filtration as a pre-treatment. At
this low pH, prior to lime addition, the solubility level of gypsum is higher and the available
calcium is lower, resulting in a decreased scaling potential in the NF membranes. This results in
considerably higher recovery rates, with concentrate streams of less than 25% of the raw ARD feed.
This can significantly reduce costs as the membranes last longer and the use of anti-scalants is
reduced or even eliminated.
The NF permeate can then be combined with the balance of the AMD for further treatment in an
HDS plant, but now the issues with gypsum scaling are reduced. The NF concentrate can be
treated in an HDS process to further reduce the waste stream. If RO is required as a final treatment,
the NF and RO concentrate streams can be combined and treated in the same HDS plant.
Essentially, membrane treatment alone would result in a significant waste stream and still require
pH adjustment. To reduce waste, to present an outlet for sulphate (as gypsum), and increase overall
water recovery in an economic manner, HDS is best used in conjunction with membrane treatment.
Ion Exchange
Another process offered by suppliers for sulphate treatment is ion exchange . In this process, two
stages are applied with very specific ion exchange resins. One example of this process is the GYP-
SIX process (Robertson and Rohrs, 1995). The cationic resin is specific for calcium and the anionic is
specific for sulphate. The regeneration is performed with sulphuric acid on the cationic side and
lime-saturated solution on the anionic side. The process produces gypsum as a by-product (or most
likely as a waste). The proposed IX processes do not treat all contaminants to make the water
compliant for discharge or recycle to a concentrator. One option is the application of the HDS
process upstream of the IX process, and by minimising the concentrations of sulphate, it will be
possible to reduce the overall costs of water treatment.
There are many suppliers presently proposing the ettringite process for sulphate control. This
process has been proven to bring sulphate concentrations low but has the disadvantage of high
costs due to the need for an aluminium (Al) reagent and the production of large volumes of low-
density sludge. This is shown in the formula below.
6Ca2+ + 3SO42- +2Al(OH)3 + 32 H2O Ca6Al2(SO4)3(OH)12.26H2O + 6H+
In some cases, such as the CESR process (INAP, 2003), there is a metal precipitation step prior to
ettringite formation. If the HDS process with an extended retention time in the neutralisation
reactors were to be applied in this initial metal precipitation step, the initial sulphate concentrations
for the ettringite step will be reduced. This would serve to decrease the consumption of the
expensive Al reagent in the ettringite step. This will also significantly reduce the volume of sludge
produced as the HDS process can form a sludge containing more than 20% solids with a significant
sulphate (gypsum) content. The ettringite sludge is viscous and can contain less than 2% solids.
Barium Precipitation
Another well-known process for treatment of sulphate is precipitation using barium (Ba). It may be
possible to integrate Ba into existing HDS treatment systems thereby reducing unnecessary and
expensive capital investments. New systems could also incorporate Ba after lime addition. As a
specific process for sulphate precipitation, Ba is not currently used in the full scale. This is due to
high cost of the raw reagent, as Ba is not readily available in the quantities that would be required.
At a high pH, the addition of barium carbonate can be used to decrease sulphate concentrations via
the following reaction:
Ca2+ + SO42- + BaCO3(s) → BaSO4(s) + CaCO3(s)
It is also possible to use barium hydroxide directly, where the main process reaction would be the
Ba(OH)2 + Men+ + SO4 → Me(OH)n + BaSO4(s)
Me represents the metal components of the effluent stream, typically iron, zinc, nickel, copper,
cadmium, or cobalt. Barium chloride can also be used for sulphate precipitation but this process
will put into solution as much chloride as there is sulphate removed, thus exchanging one problem
with another.
Prior treatment with the HDS process can help reduce the sulphate concentration and thus the
operating costs of the sulphate treatment process as it decreases the consumption of barium.
Recent trends to improve the sulphate treatment in HDS plants involve longer retention time in
neutralisation reactors as a primary modification. The process requires an optimised control of
solids recirculation to provide sufficient gypsum seeding from sludge without negatively impacting
the solid/liquid separation. The ability to access the equipment and by-pass reactors is also
important for maintenance when treating high-sulphate waters.
The HDS process can be successfully combined with membrane filtration either before or after to
control the effluent quality as required and minimise liquid waste from the concentrate. The HDS
process is also uniquely suited to work with ettringite, barium, or ion exchange processes to reduce
total treatment costs and waste management.
Aubé B. and J.M. Zinck, 1999. "Comparison of AMD Treatment Processes and their Impact on Sludge
Characteristics". Proceedings for Sudbury ’99, Mining and the Environment II.
Janneck, E., M. Cook, C. Kunze, K. Sommer, and L. Dinu, 2012. Ettringite Precipitation vs. Nanofiltration for
Efficient Sulphate Removal from Mine Water". Proceedings for IMWA 2012, pp. 206 I-206 R.
Robertson, A. and R.G. Rohrs 1995. Sulphate removal of acid mine drainage water after lime treatment. In:
Proceedings of Sudbury ’95: Mining and the Environment. 28 May to 1 June, Sudbury, Ontario.
Zinck, J.M., 2005. "Review of Disposal, Reprocessing and Reuse Options for Acidic Drainage Treatment
Sludge". MEND report 3.42.3.