High-Efficiency Broadband Light Coupling Between Optical Fibers and Photonic Integrated Circuits
High-Efficiency Broadband Light Coupling Between Optical Fibers and Photonic Integrated Circuits
High-Efficiency Broadband Light Coupling Between Optical Fibers and Photonic Integrated Circuits
Review article
Gyeongho Son, Seungjun Han, Jongwoo Park, Kyungmok Kwon and Kyoungsik Yu*
optical modes, a tight bending radius of less than 5 μm In Section 3, we review diffraction grating-based
can be achieved, which results in ultracompact guided optical coupling. Grating coupling has three representa-
optical components while allowing more flexibilities in tive advantages compared to end-fire coupling: post-pro-
the photonic circuit layout. cessing, such as dicing or polishing, is not required, which
In contrast to the small mode size of the high-index allows in-process wafer-scale optical characterization and
integrated waveguide, the typical mode-field diameters testing; the coupler structures do not need to be located
(MFDs) of standard single-mode fiber (SMF) at telecom- at the chip edges, which improves layout design flexibil-
munication wavelengths are about 10 μm. The difference ity and optical port scalability; and alleviated alignment
in the cross-sectional area between those two waveguides tolerance makes measurement and packaging processes
is about 1000 times, which poses a great challenge to effi- simpler. The grating-based couplers are, however, polari-
cient optical coupling. For comparison, fiber-to-PIC inter- zation- and wavelength-dependent and show relatively
faces for silica-based planar lightwave circuits [12–14] can low coupling efficiencies when compared to the end-fire
achieve very high coupling efficiencies of up to −0.05 dB couplers.
(98.9%) [14] mainly because the integrated waveguides Adiabatic coupling seems similar to end-fiber cou-
and optical fibers are made of the similar silica materials pling but is based on evanescent power transfer through
with low-index contrasts and they have similar waveguid- waveguide tapers and can achieve very high coupling effi-
ing properties, such as mode profile and effective modal ciency, broadband coupling, and compact coupler foot-
index. print. Recent progresses in this method are reviewed in
Significant efforts have been made to improve various Section 4.
aspects of fiber-to-PIC light coupling, and the impor-
tant figures of merit (FOMs) include coupling efficiency,
operating wavelength range or bandwidth, polarization
sensitivity, misalignment tolerance, and scalability. In 2 End-fire coupling
this article, we review three important classes of optical
coupling schemes between optical fibers and integrated Because of its physical proximity between optical wave-
waveguides based on high refractive index materials, guides’ end facets, end-fire coupling (also referred to as
such as silicon, in the near-infrared wavelength range and butt coupling or edge coupling) is considered as the most
compare their performances based on the FOMs. In our straightforward way to connect two different waveguides
classification, the three major fiber-to-PIC light coupling and transfer optical signals between them. End-fire cou-
methods are end-fire coupling, diffraction grating-based pling between the optical fiber and the integrated wave-
coupling, and adiabatic coupling. guide for the chip-scale PIC platform has therefore been
The end-fire coupling methods have been mainly used a well-established approach for relatively low port count
for low-port-count photonic chip packaging. Although connections, and examples include fiber-pig-tailing for
end-fire coupling provides broadband and polariza- semiconductor laser chips [16–18], input and output fiber
tion-insensitive optical coupling properties, it typically connection for optical waveguide-based modulators [19],
requires precise alignment tolerances on the order of and optical switches [20, 21]. Figure 1A and B show a sche-
±0.5 μm for 1-dB excess optical losses [15]. Recent pro- matic diagram of single-mode fiber-to-laser chip coupling
gress and notable achievements in end-fire coupling are and an example of a packaged device, respectively [18].
reviewed in Section 2. Although it is possible to use lenses and other discrete
A Second
securing TH fiber B
Fiber block
Laser chip
code (invar)
Implantation bent
Polymer cladding
waveguide without an intermediate optical fiber. Burns
3D silicon taper
et al. [22] and other researchers [23, 24] also introduced
ICP etching
end-fire coupling schemes between optical fibers and
LiNbO3 (or LiTaO3) diffused channel waveguides. End-fire
coupling methods for InP/InGaAsP waveguides [25–27],
GaAs/AlGaAs waveguides [28–30], and photodiodes
(μm × μm)
Facet size
15 × 10
10 × 4
2 × 2.1
0.42 × 0.22
10 × 10
10 × 6.6
5.6 × 5
3.4 × 3.4
10 × 8
[31, 32] with low wavelength and polarization dependen-
cies were also developed. By using a tapered waveguide
structure (larger waveguide dimensions toward the termi-
nating end), the end-fire optical coupling techniques with
the diffused channel waveguides exhibited low optical
wavelength (nm)
insertion losses less than 1 dB [25]. Researchers have also
employed tapered waveguide structures with larger facet
sizes [23, 26, 27] to extend the effective optical mode dia-
meter, up to the order of 10 μm, and efficiently coupled the
light signal to the glass optical fibers with similar MFDs.
These approaches also show small wavelength- and polar-
ization-dependent losses of less than 1 dB.
Coupling efficiency (dB)
−3.47 ~ −2.22 (−0.86*)
In this section, we start our discussion by introducing
(Section 2.3) and vertically curved and suspended wave-
Tapered fiber
Cleaved SMF
Cleaved SMF
Cleaved SMF
Cleaved SMF
Cleaved SMF
Cleaved SMF
Cleaved SMF
Cleaved SMF
Cleaved SMF
Cleaved SMF
Lensed fiber
schemes according to the major FOMs.
2.1 P
rinciple of operation
E1′ = ∑cE
k 2,k
+ ∫ c β E β dβ, (1)
e1 ∑E2,k
where the expansion coefficient ck can be obtained using
me the Poynting theorem and is given by the following:
re diat
y gio e c
n ( ou
∫ E′ × H dA
x air pli 1 2,k
) ng ck = . (2)
∫E ×H dA
W 2,k 2,k
z av
The overlap integral between the incoming field (E1′) and
Figure 2: Schematic diagram of the end-fire coupling process the kth guided mode is given by the following:
between two waveguides. 2
∫E ×H ∫ E′ × H dA
The input guided mode in the waveguide 1 (E1, for example, the HE11
dA 1 2,k
mode in the SMF); incoming electromagnetic field after passing ηk =
2,k 2,k
⋅ ck 2
= (3)
∫E ×H ∫ E × H dA ⋅ ∫ E × H 2,k ∗dA
∗ ∗
1 1
dA 1 1 2,k
through the intermediate coupling region (E1′); output guided modes
in the waveguide 2 (∑E2,k). Non-coupled radiation modes (Eβ) are not
shown. The overlap integral in Equation 2.3 represents the simi-
larity of the optical field profiles between E1′ and E2,k. In
addition to the field overlap, we need to take into account
modes, and the field profile for the kth mode is given by the partial optical reflections at the interface, resulting
E2,k. Optical coupling efficiencies between two guided from the abrupt changes in the effective refractive index.
modes, E1 and E2,k, can be defined using the optical power Therefore, the total optical power coupling efficiency
ratio as (neff,2,k/neff,1) · | E2,k |2/ | E1 |2. Because of the reciproc- from the incoming field E1′ into the kth guided mode for
ity theorem, the coupling properties are bidirectional, and the output waveguide (E2,k) is finally given by |t2 |2 · ηk. The
the coupling efficiency remains the same when the role of optical power transfer efficiency from the input wave-
input and output is reversed. guide mode (E1) to the field profile in front of the output
The guided mode of the input waveguide (E1) is first waveguide (E1′) can be similarly obtained as described
radiated through the intermediate coupling region after above. When the intermediate coupling region consists of,
partial reflection and transmission (with a transmission for example, free-space, the radiated beam from the input
coefficient of t1) at the end facets of the waveguide. The waveguide 1 (e.g. silica-based optical fiber) diverges with
radiated optical field (E) propagates through the inter- a numerical aperture (NA) determined by the core (ncore)
mediate coupling region and arrives at the front facet of and cladding (ncladding) indices [NA = (ncore2 ‒ ncladding2)1/2],
the waveguide 2. The optical field measured in front of and the full divergence angle is 2θ0 = 4λ/(2 × π × W0),
the waveguide facet is given by E1′, which can be finally where W0 is the beam waist radius. The detailed electric
coupled to the output guided modes ∑E2,k. The coupling field profile with respect to the propagation distance from
efficiency between E1′ and E2,k can be quantitatively the waveguide end facet can be obtained from the diffrac-
obtained from the overlap integral (η) and the transmit- tion theory. Because of rapid beam divergence, when the
tance (|t2 |2). Partial reflections may occur at the interfaces distance between the waveguides is too far, the incident
due to the differences in the effective refractive indices, beam profile (E1′) shows a low overlap integral value with
and the corresponding transmission coefficient is given E2,k and results in a low coupling efficiency to a specific
by t2 = 2(neff,1′×neff,2,k)0.5/(neff,1′ + neff,2,k), where neff,1′ is the effec- output mode. We also need to consider partial reflections
tive refractive index for the intermediate coupling region at the interfaces between waveguide 1 and the intermedi-
and neff,2,k is the effective modal index for the kth guided ate coupling region (E1 and E) and between the intermedi-
mode in the output waveguide. ate coupling region and waveguide 2 (E1′ and ∑E2,k) due to
A typical single-mode optical fiber has only one the different effective indices in each region.
guided mode (fundamental HE11 mode) when considering There exist various strategies to improve the overall
only one polarization state. The incoming electric field optical coupling efficiencies. For example, three-dimen-
(E1′) can be decomposed into the linear combination of the sional tapered waveguide structures can be used to
mitigate the MFD mismatches between the input and Three-dimensionally tapered SSCs have been
output waveguides (E1 and E2,k) and thereby increase the employed in the silicon-based PIC platform for efficient
overlap integral values (ηk). Another way to improve the optical coupling between optical fibers and integrated
coupling efficiency is by lowering the partial reflections silicon waveguides [33–37, 52, 53]. Such SSC structures
at the interfaces (increasing t1 and t2) with intermediate can be fabricated with conventional silicon waveguides
index regions, such as oxide and polymer layers instead on silicon-on-insulator (SOI) wafers using additional fab-
of air, due to the reduced effective index contrast. In rication processing steps, such as polishing [52], etching
addition to using the lower index material in the inter- [34, 36, 37, 53], and gray-tone shadow masking [33, 35,
mediate coupling region, the waveguide itself can be 54]. As shown in a scanning electron microscope (SEM) in
inversely tapered (sharper waveguide tip) to provide Figure 3B, Shiraishi et al. used a metal shadow mask fab-
gradual transformation of the effective index as well as rication process [54] to make a vertical waveguide taper
to obtain lower effective modal index toward the transi- [35]. Starting from the silicon waveguide cross-section
tion region. of 500 nm in height and 300 nm in width, a total taper
length of 2 mm and a final waveguide width of 10 μm were
achieved with a linear taper. The final waveguide width is
2.2 Tapered waveguides close to the standard single-mode fiber MFD. Amorphous
hydrated silicon (a-Si:H) was deposited to extend the ver-
Lateral [46, 47], vertical [48], and three-dimensional tical mode dimensions in the laterally extended silicon
[49, 50] waveguide taper designs have been introduced waveguide. A measured net transmission loss of 0.5 dB
to enlarge the effective MFD of the integrated waveguides was obtained at the input wavelength of 1.55 μm using a
with high-index core materials (e.g. III–V compound semi- lensed fiber.
conductor and silicon). These types of intermediate cou- Although this type of guided mode expansion
pling structures are also referred to as spot-size converters approaches offers good coupling efficiency of better than
(SSCs or mode-size converters) [51] and gradually increase −1 dB and seems straightforward in concept, it requires
the width and/or height of the integrated waveguide to additional dedicated fabrication steps, such as thick
provide a large terminating facet area up to 100 μm2, which materials deposition and etching. It might also occupy
is close to that of the fiber core, as schematically shown in more space when compared to other coupling schemes.
Figure 3A. The tapering angle of the SSC transition region
needs to be carefully designed to prevent unwanted light
coupling to the higher order modes for the tapered wave- 2.3 E
nhanced optical coupling with interme-
guide region. An extended waveguide facet dimension diate waveguide regions
through the SSC can achieve an enlarged electromagnetic
field profile, resulting in a higher mode overlap value (η), Optical mode profiles and their cross-sectional areas
as described in Section 2.1. can be extended not only by expanding the waveguide
reg med
ion iate
y (3D co
tap plin
x er) g W
Figure 3: (A) Schematic diagram of a three-dimensionally tapered intermediate waveguide structure. (B) An example of a vertically tapered
waveguide fabricated by gray-tone shadow masking.
Adapted from Ref. [35], Copyright 2007 American Institute of Physics.
dimensions with waveguide tapers as discussed in the the maximum mode overlap with an input lensed fiber
previous section but also by shrinking the waveguide (MFD = ~5 μm) was calculated to be as high as 94%, and
dimensions, as schematically shown in Figure 4A. When this corresponds to a mode mismatch loss of 0.26 dB. The
the waveguide cladding material has an intermediate total insertion losses with partial reflections and misalign-
refractive index (larger than air but smaller than the wave- ment were measured to be ~3.3 dB and 6.0 dB for the TM
guide core refractive index) and thus provide a smaller (an effective refractive index of 1.51) and TE (an effective
index contrast, the optical modes are less confined to the refractive index of 1.31) modes, respectively [55]. Although
waveguide core as the core dimensions decrease, resulting there is a large index contrast between the silicon core
in larger effective mode areas and smaller effective modal material and the SiO2 cladding layer, the propagating elec-
index. The low-index intermediate cladding layers, such tromagnetic field for the very narrow inversely tapered
as polymer [38, 39, 56–58], SiO2 [55, 59–62], and Si3N4 or waveguide structure resides mostly outside the core
SiON [40, 62, 63] with effective refractive indices compa- region and its effective modal index becomes close to the
rable to optical fibers, can efficiently expand the optical refractive index of the SiO2 cladding layer.
mode dimensions and reduce the partial reflections at the Using a similar approach with a combination of an
interfaces [38–40, 55–63]. The input light gets adiabati- intermediate polymer region and a SiO2 cladding layer, Pu
cally expanded through the inversely tapered high-index et al. reported very low optical coupling losses of ~0.36 dB
waveguide and can be finally coupled to the optical fiber and ~0.66 dB for the TM and TE modes, respectively [39]
with a high coupling efficiency. (Figure 4C). The ultra-low losses were obtained using a
Figure 4B shows an example of an inversely tapered very narrow silicon taper tip whose width was reduced
waveguide coupler, which transforms both the effective from ~40 nm to ~12 nm by silicon oxidation.
mode size and effective mode index between an optical To further improve the fiber-to-chip optical coupling
fiber and an integrated silicon waveguide [55]. The efficiency with intermediate waveguide structures, sus-
inversely tapered silicon waveguide (smaller waveguide pended waveguide structures with low-index cladding
dimensions toward the terminating end) has a tapering materials, such as SiO2 [41, 42, 64–66] and SiON, were
length of ~40 μm, and the waveguide width reduces from investigated [67], as schematically shown in Figure 5A.
~470 nm (single-mode waveguiding condition) to ~100 nm Figure 5A shows a tapered silicon waveguide, surrounded
with a waveguide height of 270 nm. Due to the expanded by a SiO2 cladding cantilever structure, is suspended [65].
mode size at the subwavelength-scale waveguide tip, After formation of the tapered silicon waveguide and SiO2
re term
gio e
n ( dia
inv te
er co
se up
d t lin
ap g
Figure 4: (A) Schematic diagram of an inversely tapered intermediate waveguide coupler with a low-index cladding. The integrated
waveguide core region is represented with blue colors. (B) A typical inversely tapered waveguide coupler with SiO2 cladding layers.
Reprinted from Ref. [55]. Copyright 2003 The Optical Society. (C) A coupler with a very narrow tip fabricated by silicon oxidation process and
its SEM image. Silicon nano-taper tip end (I) before and (II) after oxidation process. (III) Top view of the junction point of a polymer core and
a silicon waveguide. (IV) Cross-section view of the nano-taper coupler.
Adapted from Ref. [39]. Copyright 2010 Elsevier.
re Inte
gio rm
n ed
(s ia
us te
y pe co
nd up
ed lin
x ta g
r) W
z eg
Figure 5: (A) Schematic diagram of a suspended intermediate waveguide structure. (B) An example of an inversely tapered silicon
waveguide surrounded by a SiO2 cladding with a cantilever structure. The SEM images of the fabricated couplers are shown.
Adapted from Ref. [65]. Copyright (2011) The Optical Society.
cladding cantilever structure (13 μm × 10 μm), the under- further improve the coupling efficiencies by gradually
lying Si substrate was etched to form a trench, as shown in transforming the effective refractive index between high-
Figure 5A. The optical power leakage to the substrate was index silicon waveguides and low-index optical fibers [62,
minimized by providing a sufficiently large trench depth. 64–66].
The coupling efficiencies were measured to be −1.5 dB and This type of end-fire coupling with inversely tapered
−1.0 dB for the TM and TE modes, respectively. As the sus- high-index waveguides can achieve efficient optical cou-
pended waveguide structures have an alignment tolerance pling with small footprints and low wavelength/polariza-
of approximately ±2.0 μm for a 1-dB excess loss, which is tion dependencies. Similar approaches in this category
better than other end-fire coupling schemes, it may have include waveguide ribbon layers [68–70], photonic wire
benefits in the fiber assembly and packaging processes bonding [71–73], and free-form lenses and mirrors [74, 75].
[42, 65]. Multi-layered suspended tapering structures can Figure 6A and B show examples of single-channel SSC
A B Mechanically compliant
extension with integrated
Wide end: waveguides
250-µm pitch, low NA
Tapered end:
20-µm pitch, high NA
fiber interface
C Nanophotonic
Figure 6: Optical interfaces for multiple ports using intermediate mode transformation stages.
(A) Schematic diagram of a multi-channel SSC interconnecting multiple fibers and waveguide arrays. Reprinted from Ref. [70]. Copyright
(2011) The Optical Society/IEEE. (B) Schematic diagram of the polymer interface linking an array of standard SMFs to an array of
nanophotonic waveguides. Reprinted from Ref. [69]. Copyright (2014) IEEE. (C) SEM image of a multi-core fiber-to-chip interface using
photonic wire bonds to connect the individual cores of the multi-core fiber to an array of silicon waveguides. Reprinted from Ref. [71].
Copyright (2015) The Optical Society/IEEE. (D) Schematic diagram of free-form lenses and expanders. Reprinted from Ref. [74]. Copyright
(2018) Nature Publishing Group.
interconnects [69, 70]. Multi-port coupling examples using upward when released from the substrate [81, 82]. The
photonic wire bonds and free-form components are illus- overall footprint for the bent waveguide coupler is closely
trated in Figure 6C [71] and D [74], respectively. Recently, related with its bending radius. As highly confined optical
several researchers have exploited subwavelength grating modes in the high-index waveguides allow small bending
(SWG) converters based on high-index materials, such as radii of less than 10 μm without too much radiation losses
silicon [76–78]. By engineering the effective refractive index occurring, the vertically curved waveguide coupler design
of the waveguides, SWG-based end-fire couplings can can be compact and scalable while providing the benefits
achieve coupling efficiencies as high as −0.32 dB (93%) [78]. of end-fire coupling.
For example, out-of-plane optical coupling to the
optical fibers or free-space optical beams was obtained
2.4 V
ertically curved and suspended by stress-engineered Si/SiO2 cantilevers deflected upward
waveguide structures by thermal annealing stress, as shown in Figure 7B [79].
Tapered silicon waveguides were embedded in the center
One of the main disadvantages of the conventional end- of the SiO2 cantilevers. After the deposition of PECVD
fire coupling methods is that the optical interfaces to the SiO2 layer, the SiO2 cantilevers are released from the sub-
input/output fibers need to be located at the PIC chip strate by reactive ion etching and subsequently annealed
edges and the dicing process is required to expose the for stress control. Maximum deflection and tilt angles at
end-fire coupler structures to the optical fibers. However, the end of a 40-μm-long SiO2 cantilever with silicon core
the out-of-plane light coupling can be achieved by physi- in the center are 2.6 μm and 4.7°, respectively. Because
cally bending the waveguides toward the upward direc- of limitations in maximum stress level from the thermal
tion from which the optical fibers are approached [43, 44, annealing process, the bending radii obtained from this
79, 80], as schematically shown in Figure 7A. While pro- method were limited to approximately 100 μm [79, 83].
viding the advantages of conventional end-fire coupling, To introduce higher stress gradients and thereby reduce
such as low wavelength and polarization dependencies, the bending radius of the curved waveguide structure for
this out-of-plane coupling scheme does not require the smaller coupler dimensions, an ion beam implantation
optical couplers to be located at the chip edges. method was applied to intentionally introduce lattice
The bent waveguide couplers can be fabricated by defects. As a result, a bending radius of approximately
introducing stress gradients to the waveguide structure 3 μm was obtained, as shown in Figure 7C [44]. The verti-
so that the waveguide termination region can be bent cally curved waveguide coupler structures showed ~−1 dB
Waveguide 1
Int (cur
erm ve
ed d w
iate ave
cou guid
plin e)
Figure 7: (A) Schematic diagram of a vertically curved intermediate waveguide structure. (B) SEM image of a curved coupler using thermal
annealing. Reprinted from Ref. [79]. Copyright (2009) The Optical Society. (C) SEM image of a bent waveguide coupler with a radius of
curvature of 3 μm using ion implantation.
Reprinted from [44]. Copyright (2016) The Optical Society/IEEE.
(80%) optical coupling efficiencies with tapered fibers collimation of free-space optical beams [86–88] or output
[43, 79] and lensed fibers [44, 80]. light collimation from the laser diodes [89–91]. Coupling
of the laser beam to a thin glass film was experimentally
achieved using a periodic grating structure made from
3 D
iffraction grating-based optical photoresists directly fabricated on the glass film [87]. A
blazed grating structure was also proposed to enhance the
coupling directionality and coupling efficiency [92]. In the 2000s,
with the emergence of foundry-based silicon photonics
Diffraction grating-based optical coupling methods have platforms, grating couplers began to be fabricated on SOI
been proposed, as an alternative solution to end-fire cou- wafers and intimately integrated with PICs using batch
pling, to deal with mode size mismatches between optical microfabrication processes, which enabled scalable sur-
fibers and integrated waveguides in the PIC platforms as face-normal optical interfaces between the optical fibers
well as to provide scalable optical interfaces from the sur- and PIC platforms [93–95]. In addition, polarization-diver-
face-normal direction instead of chip edges [84]. Surface- sity grating couplers were implemented by taking advan-
corrugated grating structures with subwavelength-scale tages of polarization splitters/combiners [96–99], and a
feature sizes are usually patterned in the PIC’s waveguide low polarization-dependent loss comparable to the end-
layer to create a coherent constructive interference con- fire couplers (<1 dB) was achieved [99]. Since 2010, based
dition that diffractively couples the incident free-space on advances in fabrication techniques, the SWG structures
optical beam from the optical fiber into the high-index have been also exploited in surface coupling methods to
waveguides, or vice versa. In 2002, Taillaert et al. pre- improve the coupling efficiencies [100–102] and obtained
sented an out-of-plane coupling method for efficient light polarization-independent operation [103] by engineering
transfer between the optical fibers and planar waveguides the effective refractive indices for different input polariza-
using grating components on a 240-nm-thick GaAs core tion states. SWG-based couplers can also achieve a wide
material with an oxide cladding layer [29]. Because of its 3-dB spectral bandwidth of ~117 nm by tailoring the dis-
out-of-plane coupling geometry, the grating couplers do persion of the grating structures [104]. Moreover, arrays
not need to be located on the chip edges and thus enable of grating couplers and fibers, including multi-core fibers,
wafer-scale PIC characterization capabilities without have been introduced to facilitate large-scale packag-
requiring chip dicing and polishing. The grating couplers ing and multiple-port parallel device characterization
have a typical tolerance value of ±2 μm for 1-dB excess [105–108].
losses [85]. This is a relaxed spatial alignment tolerance In this section, the operating principle of diffrac-
compared to the end-fire coupling methods. tion grating-based optical couplers is first introduced in
Initial works on the integrated diffraction grating Section 3.1. Figure 8A shows an overall schematic diagram
structures have first focused on manipulation and of a typical grating coupler (not drawn to scale). Figure 8B
Optical fiber
Pup Cladding
Pwg Si
re med z
gio ia
n te Pdown
(g co Box
y ra u
tin pl
gs ing
x ) Si substrate
z uid
shows its z-y plane cross-sectional view with the direc- directivity and mode overlap. Additional optical feedback
tions of the diffracted light components. We consider a structures, such as additional backside mirrors, have also
simple case where the grating is composed of diffractive been used to further increase the coupling efficiency. Apo-
elements placed along the waveguide propagation direc- dized grating structures (Section 3.2) and directionality-
tion. Although the diffraction grating-based coupling enhanced grating structures (Section 3.3) can resolve the
schemes can be in principle applied to various materials, major loss factors for the grating couplers, and their devel-
we mostly focus on the silicon-based PIC platform in this opment progresses are reviewed in this section. Table 2
review article. The efficient fiber-to-chip coupling can be lists the performances of various diffraction grating-based
typically achieved using a combination of an adiabati- optical couplers.
cally tapered waveguide region for horizontal mode size
conversion and a grating coupler with a ~10-μm width
similar to the MFD of typical SMFs at telecommunication 3.1 P
rinciple of operation
wavelengths around 1550 nm [95]. The waveguide taper
region connects a single-mode waveguide with a grating Although the analytic framework discussed here is based
coupler and transforms the optical field distribution along on a simple diffraction theory, it can predict various
the width direction (x-axis in Figures 8 and 9) perpendicu- aspects of diffraction grating-based optical coupling
lar to the waveguide’s propagating axis (z-axis in Figures behaviors with reasonable accuracy [116]. A grating
8 and 9). The grating elements diffract the guided optical coupler is usually composed of periodically located mul-
beam out of the waveguide plane, and the diffracted tiple diffractive elements, and the light diffraction angles
optical beam finally couples to the optical fiber’s guided from such optical structures can be described by the con-
mode. ventional diffraction theory and the so-called Bragg con-
The coupling efficiency between the obliquely (or dition [84]. The Bragg condition for wavevectors parallel
sometimes vertically) incident free-space optical beam to the optical waveguide axis (z-axis in Figures 8 and 9,
and the guided light in the integrated waveguide for this and in this section, we assume that the light propagation
basic grating coupler is often limited by two factors. First, direction is toward –z from the integrated waveguide to
some optical losses result from the optical field profile mis- the optical fiber) shows that the difference between the
match between the fiber’s propagating mode and the free- waveguide propagation constant (β = 2π · neff/λ0, where
space optical beam diffracted upward from the grating neff is the effective refractive index of the waveguide and
coupler. Second, when the light transmitted through the λ0 is the free-space optical wavelength) and the surface-
waveguide meets the grating structure, it propagates parallel component of the wavevector of the diffracted
not only to the upper cladding part but also to the lower wave (kz) should be matched to an integer multiple (m)
substrate, which reduces the overall coupling efficiency of the grating’s wavevector (K = 2π/Λ, where Λ is the
toward the optical fiber. To obtain better efficiencies, grating period) and is given by β – kz = m · K. Depend-
grating-based coupling methods have employed arrays of ing on the input wavelength and grating period, multi-
apodized diffractive elements, achieving both enhanced ple diffraction orders can be generated toward both the
Figure 9: Wavevector representation of the Bragg condition for the grating coupler.
(A) Perfectly vertical operation, which generates the second-order diffraction (m = 2) with increased back-reflection. (B) Off-normal operation
only generating the first-order diffraction (m = 1) while reducing back-reflection (black arrow: the propagation constant in the waveguide
region; purple arrow: the reciprocal lattice vector of the grating; red arrow: the wavevector of the upward-diffracted wave; green arrow: the
wavevector of the downward-diffracted wave).
3.1 Uniform grating [29] 2002 −7.2 1550 70 240 290 GaAs substrate
coupler [94] 2006 −2.5 1310 10 200 250 SOI wafer, E-beam
[95] 2007 −5.2 1550 40 220 315 SOI wafer, DUV litho
3.2 Apodized grating [109] 2010 −1.9 (−1.3*) 1520 43 250 60 SOI wafer, ICP-RIE
structures [110] 2013 −1.5 (−1.3*) 1560 30 340 135 SOI wafer, Double etch
[101] 2014 −2.16 1550 40 220 109 SOI wafer, DUV litho
[111] 2017 −0.9 (−0.8*) 1550 37.4 260 60 SOI wafer, E-beam
3.3 Directionality- [112] 2010 −1.6 (−0.97*) 1530 44 380 (160 overlay) 240 SOI wafer, a-Si overlay
enhanced grating [113] 2012 −0.75 1492 30 N.A. 60 Double SOI substrate
structures [114] 2014 −0.58 (−0.43*) 1560 40 250 150 SOI wafer, E-beam
[115] 2018 −0.137* 1550 24 220 (two 110 layers) 65 SOI wafer, simulation
superstrate (diffracted toward the upward direction with approximately given by neff = f · neff, unetched + (1– f ) · neff, etched,
a corresponding in-plane wavevector component of ksuper where neff, unetched and neff, etched represent the effective index
= 2π · nsuper/λ0) and the substrate (downward direction with of the unetched and etched grating slot, respectively [84].
an in-plane wavevector component of ksub = 2π · nsub/λ0), The fundamental TM mode typically shows a smaller
as illustrated in Figure 9. effective index than that of the fundamental TE mode
When the effective optical wavelength inside the wave- [96]. As can be seen from this analysis, the main draw-
guide (λ0/neff ) matches the grating period (Λ = λ0/neff ), the backs of grating-based coupling are its strong wavelength
waveguide propagation constant (β) becomes equivalent and polarization dependence, which limits the operating
to the grating’s wavevector (β = K), as shown in Figure 9A. wavelength range and input polarization states.
In this case, the second-order diffraction (m = 2) corre-
sponds to the back-reflection (kback = β – 2K) toward the
silicon waveguide [117] and inevitably reduces the optical 3.2 Apodized grating structures
power in the first-order diffracted beam (m = 1) toward the
vertical direction (kz = 0). The vertically diffracted optical A variety of apodized grating couplers with spatially
beam also has to go through multiple reflections between varying fill factors and etch depths has been reported to
parallel optical interfaces, such as the silicon substrate, achieve high coupling efficiencies with large overlap inte-
and therefore experiences Fabry-Pérot-type vertical oscil- gral values between the field profiles of diffracted light
lations. Therefore, such a grating coupler design with sur- from the grating coupler structure and the free-space
face-normal diffraction (β = K, kx = 0) is rarely used, and propagating beam from the optical fiber, as schematically
detuned off-normal grating designs are usually employed shown in Figure 10A. In this schematic illustration, unlike
to improve the overall coupling efficiency [118], as shown our previous convention used in the previous section (e.g.
in Figure 9B. Figure 2), we assume that the light propagation direc-
The diffraction angle to the superstrate (θsuper) is a tion is from the integrated waveguides (waveguide 2 in
crucial parameter for grating coupler designs, and the Figure 2) to the optical fibers (waveguide 1 in Figure 2) for
diffraction angle for the first order beam (m = 1) can be simplicity. Due to the reciprocity theorem, this does not
expressed as neff – nsuper · sin θsuper = λ0/Λ. According to change the results. The uniform grating structures cannot
this relationship, the diffraction angle strongly depends achieve very high coupling efficiencies because the output
on the grating period (Λ), the optical wavelength (λ0), beam diffracted through the grating structure has an
and the effective index of the etched waveguide (neff ). The exponentially decaying asymmetric electric field profile
effective refractive index for the waveguide also depends (E1′, top in Figure 10A), rather than having a Gaussian-like
on the input polarization state. When the fill factor of the symmetric distribution (E1′, bottom in Figure 10A) similar
grating is f = W/Λ, where W is the width of the un-etched to the fiber mode (∑E2,k) [119]. When the guided light in the
grating teeth, the effective index of the grating (neff ) is waveguide is diffracted from an apodized grating coupler
with spatially varying non-uniform grating elements, the electron beam lithography and a single-etch fabrication
output field distribution at the grating surface can resem- process.
ble a Gaussian-like shape that can result in a higher mode More recently, a coupling efficiency of −0.7 dB (85.1%)
overlap at the fiber facet [120, 121]. near the 1310-nm wavelength was obtained by dual-etch
Figure 10B shows a shallow-etched apodized grating apodized grating couplers [123]. High-efficiency grating
coupler with an optimized fill factor variation [122]. couplers can be realized with multi-step etching tech-
More specifically, the diffraction grating-based coupler niques [109, 110, 123] and SWG structures [100, 101, 124,
was designed to provide an optical link between the sin- 125]. For example, a grating coupler with multiple etch
gle-mode optical fiber with a 10.4-μm MFD and the fun- depths achieved −1.9 dB (64.6%) coupling efficiency
damental TE mode in the SOI-based PIC waveguide. The (Figure 10C) [109]. Subwavelength-scale diffractive ele-
grating couplers were fabricated from an SOI wafer with ments, such as a photonic crystal structure, can also be
a 340-nm-thick silicon device layer and a 2-μm-thick used to implement a more efficient grating coupler [125].
buried oxide layer. In order to achieve efficient mode
matching and reduce back-reflection, the etch depth
was optimized to 200 nm while the grating element fill 3.3 Directionality-enhanced grating
factor was gradually changed from 0.08 to 0.4 along the structures
waveguide propagation axis. As a result, the apodized
grating structure achieved −1.2 dB (75.9%) efficiency at Directionality (Pup/Pwg) shows the fraction of the wave-
1533 nm [122]. Recently, a high-efficiency grating coupler guide input power (Pwg) that is diffracted to the upward
without a bottom reflector was reported by optimizing direction (Pup). One of the main factors that reduce the
both the grating elements’ fill factor and their periodic- grating coupler’s coupling efficiency is its low directional-
ity [111]. The theoretical coupling efficiency for such an ity because a significant fraction (35% ~ 45% [112]) of the
optimized grating coupler was estimated to be −0.8 dB input optical power to the waveguide is diffracted down-
(83.2%), and the experimental coupling efficiency of ward from the grating structure and becomes lost in the
−0.9 dB (81.3%) was obtained. The samples were fab- substrate, as shown in Figure 9. The basic rule of thumb for
ricated on an SOI wafer with a 260-nm device layer by improving the directionality is to control the interference
between the diffracted and reflected light components, on the SOI wafer, a SiO2 top cladding layer was deposited.
which can be simply accomplished by tuning the thick- Then, the substrate of the wafer underneath the grating
nesses of the buried silicon oxide and cladding layers [114, area was etched, and finally, a bottom reflector layer was
126] to maximize the outcoupled optical power toward the deposited. The maximum measured coupling efficiency
desired direction. was −2 dB (63.1%) with a 1-dB bandwidth of 29 nm. The
Figure 11A [127] schematically shows a method to bottom reflector layer can also be assembled to the grating
improve the directionality with a substrate reflector, structures using flip-chip bonding [114, 134].
which is typically a Bragg reflector composed of alternat- In addition, overlay grating elements can also improve
ing materials with high and low refractive indices, and the directionality by achieving constructive interference
reflects the downward diffracted light toward the upward of Pup and reducing light leakage to the silicon substrate,
direction to improve the directionality. Similar approaches as schematically described in Figure 11C. An epitaxially
have been introduced [113, 118, 127–129]. The reflectivity of grown silicon layer can be used as an additional degree of
the multilayer reflector is determined by the thicknesses freedom to the grating coupler design [112, 115, 135], and
of each layer, the refractive indices, and the number of an example of a SEM image of a typical overlay grating
such layers. For example, grating coupling structures is shown in Figure 11D [112]. The additional silicon layer
with a Bragg bottom mirror made of Si/SiO2 layers were on the un-etched grating teeth introduces an additional
demonstrated, and the measured coupling efficiency was degree of freedom in the grating coupler design, and both
−1.58 dB (69.5%) with a 1-dB bandwidth of 36 nm [127], as the directionality and coupling length of the grating could
shown in Figure 11B. be simultaneously optimized, overcoming the typical
The directionality can also be enhanced by employing trade-off between the directionality and coupling length
a single mirror-like layer. A metal layer, such as an alu- [112, 135]. After the grating structures were defined, an
minum or gold layer, is also usually used to realize such additional silicon layer was deposited and subsequently
a mirror-like layer [114, 130–133], and even an amorphous patterned and etched. When the unnecessary silicon
silicon layer can be adopted as a bottom mirror [134]. After overlay was removed by dry etching, the maximum cou-
the grating structures and the waveguides were defined pling efficiency and 1-dB bandwidth were measured to be
A y B
Pwg Si
Box z
Pdown Si substrate
C Pup D
Pwg Si
Si substrate
Figure 11: Diffraction grating-based optical coupling methods using directionality-enhanced grating structures.
(A) Schematic diagram of a grating coupler with a backside mirror, enhancing the upward power (Pup) using interference effects. (B) SEM
image of an example of the substrate reflector structure. Reprinted from Ref. [127]. Copyright (2009) The Optical Society. (C) Schematic
diagram of a grating coupler with an overlay grating structure to reduce leakage. (D) SEM image of an example of a silicon overlay structure.
Reprinted from Ref. [112]. Copyright (2010) The Optical Society.
−1.6 dB (69.2%) and 44 nm, respectively [112]. In ref. [115], field overlap. However, for the adiabatic coupling scheme,
two grating couplers were stacked by adding a second the optical power transfer from the input waveguide to
layer. Total film thickness was set to be 220 nm, and a the output waveguide continuously occurs through eva-
simulated coupling efficiency of −0.137 dB was achieved. nescent coupling over the waveguide interaction region
Interleaved etching (dual-etch) processes were also where two waveguides’ optical modes spatially overlap
adopted to improve directionality [136, 137]. A bi-level with each other. To facilitate evanescent power transfer,
grating can be treated as a linear superposition of two the waveguide dimensions need to be close to or within
gratings and generates constructive interference toward the subwavelength scale so that the optical mode profiles
the superstrate and destructive interference toward the reside mostly outside the waveguide core region.
substrate [138]. Interleaved etching (70-nm and 220-nm In the early 2000s, many research groups adopted
depth) of a standard 220-nm-thick SOI platform resulted tapered optical fibers for efficient optical power transmis-
in a grating coupler with a coupling efficiency of −1.3 dB sion to silica-based [139–141] and semiconductor-based
and a 3-dB bandwidth of 52 nm [137]. microcavities [142]. For this type of waveguide-to-reso-
Enhancing the directionality is crucial to ensure that nator coupling applications, critical coupling conditions
the grating coupler achieves high coupling efficiencies. between the access waveguide and the resonator are typi-
The design strategies and fabrication schemes for the cally preferred for an optimal balance between the cou-
grating-based optical coupler should be carefully chosen pling loss and the resonator loss, and therefore, it does not
considering the overall fabrication process flows and require complete optical power transfer. Although the sim-
packaging situations. ilarly tapered optical fibers are used for adiabatic coupling
to and from the integrated PIC waveguides, the coupling
regime is quite different from the critical coupling case.
Early works on adiabatic waveguide coupling were
4 Adiabatic coupling based on biconical tapered fibers [143, 144] and conical
tapered fibers [145]. Emerging applications, such as sin-
Adiabatic coupling (or evanescent coupling) can achieve gle-photon-level integrated quantum optics, need very
highly efficient wavelength-independent coupling high optical coupling efficiency, close to 100%, which
between two adiabatically tapered waveguides. In this represent the extreme cases of reliable and predictable
scheme, in order to match the effective modal index, both photon transfer between waveguides. In addition, the adi-
waveguides are inversely tapered to reduce the effective abatic waveguide coupling method can also be applied for
modal refractive index down to the refractive index of the testing and characterization of on-chip photonic compo-
surrounding cladding material(s) (e.g. silicon dioxide or nents [146]. Table 3 lists the performances of various adi-
air). Although the tapered waveguide geometries are also abatic coupling examples.
employed in the end-fire coupling schemes (Section 2.3
[39–42, 56–59, 62–67] and Section 2.4 [43, 79]), the main
difference in adiabatic coupling is that the optical power 4.1 Principle of operation
transfer between the input and output waveguides is
achieved through evanescent coupling. In the end-fire To further improve the optical coupling efficiency of conven-
coupling scheme, the optical power from the input wave- tional end-fire coupling methods, the adiabatic waveguide
guide arrives at the front facet of the output waveguide at coupling scheme uses a longer coupling distance with the
which the coupling efficiency can be determined by the slower transformation of the guided modes with the tapered
Ref. Year Fiber Coupling (TE) efficiency (dB) Operation wavelength (nm) Fiber fabrication Comments
[144] 2004 Biconical −0.223 1565–1625 Heating and pulling Silicon WG/vertical coupling
[147] 2013 Biconical −0.223 1550 Heating and pulling Silicon WG/vertical coupling
[145] 2015 Conical −0.132 (−0.044*) 780 Heating and pulling SIN WG/lateral coupling
[148] 2016 Biconical −7.85 ~ − 4.32 (−1.549*) 780 Heating and pulling Diamond WG/vertical coupling
[149] 2017 Conical −0.362 780 Chemical etching Diamond WG/vertical coupling
[150] 2018 Conical −0.017* 1550 Chemical etching Silicon WG/lateral coupling
input and output waveguides, as schematically shown in fibers were used [143, 144, 147, 148]. The waveguide inter-
Figure 12A. The key idea of adiabatic light coupling between action distance was up to ~25-μm long [147]. Single-sided
tapered fibers and inversely tapered waveguides is to slowly conical tapered fibers can also be used for adiabatic
and adiabatically transform the waveguides modal cross- coupling [145, 149, 150]. For single-sided conical tapered
section along the propagation direction such that the prop- fiber fabrication, a chemical etching method was used
agating electromagnetic field profile remains in a single [149, 150]. In contrast to the biconical fibers, single-sided
eigenmode through the composite waveguide region where geometries can offer better mechanical stability and com-
both the tapered input and output waveguides overlap with pactness suitable for coupling with the PIC chips [145].
each other (e.g. a combination of tapered optical fibers and Highly efficient optical coupling, up to −0.13 dB (97%),
silicon waveguides). To suppress higher order mode excita- was achieved with very compact coupling interfaces [145].
tion and the corresponding optical losses, both waveguides Figure 12B shows a schematic diagram of fiber-to-silicon
should be gradually tapered and fulfill the adiabatic condi- nitride waveguide coupling [145]. By following the adi-
tion [151, 152]. For example, specially designed fibers, such abatic tapering condition discussed in Section 4.1, the
as tapered and pulled fibers with wavelength- or subwave- optical modes can be evanescently coupled between two
length-scale core/cladding dimensions in contrast to the waveguides, as shown in Figure 12C. The reported results
cleaved or lensed fibers in the previous sections, are used have focused on the visible wavelength range operation
to efficiently generate evanescent optical fields. With adi- with silicon nitride [145] and diamond [149] waveguides.
abatically varying waveguides, the optical coupling length High-efficiency optical coupling schemes with silicon
between two waveguides is given by λ0/(neff,1 – neff,2), where waveguides in the near-infrared wavelengths were also
neff,1 and neff,2 are the effective refractive indices of the two proposed with an adiabatically tapered silica fiber whose
eigenmodes [153]. As a result, nearly 100% power transfer full tip angle was ~1.2° [150].
can be obtained between two waveguides when the wave- The advantages of adiabatic coupling include a large
guide interaction length is longer than the coupling length, 1-dB alignment tolerance dimensions up to ~50 μm along
λ0/(neff,1 – neff,2). the waveguide optical axis [149], a wide 1-dB bandwidth
larger than a wavelength range of 200 nm [147, 149, 150],
and very high coupling efficiencies. However, in this
4.2 B
roadband optical coupling in the visible scheme, the integrated waveguides need to be suspended
and infrared wavelength range and surrounded by lower index materials, such as air, to
prevent the optical power leakage to the other cladding
To obtain evanescent coupling between the optical fibers layers, and therefore, additional processing steps are
and the integrated waveguides, biconical tapered optical required as in Section 2.3.
Figure 12: (A) Schematic diagram of the fiber-waveguide coupling scheme. (B) Adiabatic coupling between high-index SiN waveguide
(right) and low-index tapered optical fiber (left). (C) The corresponding cross-sectional of |E |2 obtained from the FDTD simulations at various
positions along the adiabatic couplers.
Adapted from Ref. [145]. Copyright (2015) The Optical Society.
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