Sadvritta Code of Right Conducts in Ayurveda

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Article in World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences · July 2017

DOI: 10.20959/wjpps20177-9575


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1 author:

Ashvin Bhaurao Bagde

Government ayurved college Nagpur


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Bagde et al. World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
SJIF Impact Factor 6.647

Volume 6, Issue 7, 449-458 Review Article ISSN 2278 – 4357


*Bagde A. B., 2Ramteke A.T., 3Godbole M.M., 4Jadhav K.K. and 5Swami N.B.

Assistant Professor, Dept. of Sanskrit Samhita Siddhanta, Govt. Ayurved College,
Osmanabad, M.S. 413501.
P.G. Scholar, Dept. of Swasthavritta, Y. A. M. P.G. T. Kodoli Dist. Kolhapur – 416114.
Professor, Dept. of Swasthavritta, Y. A. M. P.G. T. Kodoli Dist. Kolhapur – 416114.
Associate Professor, Dept. of Swasthavritta, Y. A. M. P.G. T. & R. C., Kodoli Dist.
Associate Professor, Dept. of Swasthavritta, Govt. Ayurved College, Osmanabad,
M.S. 413501.

Article Received on
08 May 2017, The term Ayurveda means „Science of Life‟. It is not only a healing
Revised on 29 May l 2017,
science, but a guide to live an ideal and healthy life style for every
Accepted on 18 June 2017,
DOI: 10.20959/wjpps20177-9575 human being in this universe. Main aim of Ayurveda is to maintain
health rather than treating the disease. According to Ayurveda,
everyone can enjoy healthy life by following certain rules laid by the
*Corresponding Author
Dr. Bagde A. B. science. These various rules are divided into Dinacharya (daily
Assistant Professor, Dept. regimen), Ratricharya (night regimen), Ritucharya (seasonal routine)
of Sanskrit Samhita and Sadvritta (code of good conduct for mental health and social
Siddhanta, Govt. Ayurved
behavior). These rules are very important in the prevention of disease
College, Osmanabad,
and promotion of ideal health. According to Ayurveda, to maintain a
M.S. 413501.
healthy and disease free life everyone should follow these rules. In
Charak Samhita, Acharya Charak has prescribed a list of good conduct which is very
necessary to follow if we want to control the sense organs and to obtain perfect health.
Sadvritta give the detail knowledge about “what to do, what should not to do and also “How
to live”. Following the code of right conducts described in Ayurveda is highly effective in
reducing the life style disorders and helps to live healthy life. Sadvritta is being studied since
long by all Ayurvedists but very few conceptual works has been carried out on it. Therefore Vol 6, Issue 7, 2017. 449

Bagde et al. World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

in this review article attempts are made to explain Sadvritta in details as mentioned in
Ayurvedic literature and its overall effect on human body.

KEYWORDS: Ayurveda, Sadvritta, code of right conduct.

Ayurveda is called as „The Science of living‟. This science deals with various dimensions of
human being. It concentrates on what is required to lead a healthy and normal life. It deals
not only with what is to be done when one falls ill, but also with what should be done to
maintain one‟s health and vigor. Ayurveda contains details about diet, behavior, rules and
regulations which are beneficial or harmful for our life. Ayurveda defined health as an equal
balance of body, mind, social and spiritual well-being. To achieve this, Ayurveda prescribes
certain codes of conduct and this is known as Sadvritta (Code of conduct). Sadvritta
originates from two words “Sad” means good and “Vritta” which means conduct or behavior
or habits includes in our daily regimen. According to Ayurved, to maintain a healthy and
disease free life everyone should follow Sadvritta mentioned in Ayurveda texts.[1] Sadvritta
plays key role in the maintenance of health and prevention of disease. Sadvrittas are
applicable to people of all age groups, at all times and at all places. Sadvritta are regarded as
one of the measures to prevent various types of diseases. It also plays important role in
personal cleanness of body and mind. Continues practicing these principles gives balance and
peace to the mind. This is code of conduct for keeping good and balanced condition of body
and mind. By following these, the person can achieve two aims together such as Arogya
(health) and Indriya Vijaya (control over the sense organs).[2]

In Charak samhita, Acharya Charak mentioned the importance of Sadvritta as the person
who follows the entire code of good conduct, will get healthy life without suffering from any
type of disease.[3] If someone ignores to follow the above mentioned code of right conducts,
then it leads to Pradnyaparadha which is main cause of manifestation of the various
diseases.[4] Therefore one who desires to promote his or her own well being should strictly
follow the entire code of good conduct fully invariably and cautiously.


This is conceptual type of research. All sorts of references has been collected and compiled
from various available Ayurvedic classics texts like Charak Samhita, Sushruta samhita and
available commentaries on it. Research articles are also searched from various websites Vol 6, Issue 7, 2017. 450

Bagde et al. World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

related to similar matter. All matter is analyzed for the discussion and attempt has been made
to draw some conclusions.

These codes of conduct are classified in to following groups.
1. Vyavaharika sadvritta (Ethical codes of conduct).
2. Samajika sadvritta (Social codes of conduct).
3. Manasika sadvritta (Mental codes of conduct).
4. Dharmika sadvritta (Moral codes of conduct).
5. Sharirika Sadvritta (Physical codes of conduct).

Vyavaharika sadvritta (Ethical codes of conduct)[5]

 Always speak the truth. Try to speak at the proper time with words which are beneficial,
limited, sweet and meaningful.
 Whenever you go out for a walk, always carry an umbrella, a walking stick and a turban
(headwear). Because holding an umbrella prevents the effect of rain, breeze, dust, heat of
the sun, snow etc. It is also good for color (complexion), eyes (vision), strength and
bestows comfort. [6] Same way holding a stick while walking dispels the fear from dogs,
several types of reptiles, wild and horned animals. It prevents exertion and defects. It also
bestows good mind, enthusiasm, strength, stability, courage and valiance. It also gives
support to the body and removes fear. [7]
 Always stop performing physical exercise before getting completely tired. Don‟t do over
exercise. Because proper exercise brings about lightness, ability to work, stability,
resistance to discomfort. It also stimulates the power of digestion.[8] Excessive practice of
physical exercise gives rise to tiredness, exhaustion, excessive thirst, bleeding from
different parts of the body, darkness in front of eyes, cough, fever and vomiting.[9]
 Do not sleep on a bed which is not comfortable. Because comfortable cot relive fatigue,
aggravation of vata, acts as an aphrodisiac, bestow contentment, good sleep and courage.
 Don‟t sleep for too long nor stay awake for a long time in the night. Because Sleep
enjoyed for proper time bestows nourishment, good color (complexion), strength,
enthusiasm and maintains normalcy of the tissues. [10]
 Should not take bath unless free from exertion, not before washing the mouth and nor in
nudity. After taking bath should not wear the same clothes worn before. Vol 6, Issue 7, 2017. 451

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Samajika sadvritta (Social codes of conduct)[11]

 Be friendly to all living beings, pacify the anger, and console those who are frightened,
help the poor, be truthful, peaceful, and tolerated of others harsh words and deeds of
 Keep a smile on your face and should begin the conversation first. Always respect guests
and show hospitality towards them.
 Always remain in the company of teachers, elderly persons and successful person (siddha
and religious) and always give respect and serve them.
 Avoid combing hair in a public place. Do not pick your teeth or finger the nose or ear in
the presence of people.
 One should not laugh loudly and should not eliminate flatus with sound.
 Always covered mouth by hand during coughing and sneezing. Because various types of
droplet infection passed from one person to another person through fluids from mouth
and nose secretions. By covering our mouth, we are blocking the germs that are expelled
during cough and sneeze.
 Do not use unwashed clothes dirty or uncomfortable clothes, clothes worn by others, not
appropriate to the season, occasion or clothes made from unnatural fiber. Wearing of
clean dress promotes desires, reputation, longevity and prevents inauspiciousness. It
brings about pleasure, grace, competence and good looks. [12]
Therefore always wear
good, clean, untorn clothes suitable to the season.
 One should not abandon relatives, affectionate who have helped in times of difficulty and
who know the deep secrets of the family.
 One should not expose genital or sexual organs or parts of the body.
 Should not have relationship with women, friends and servants of bad conduct. Always
reambers do not oppose good people. One should not spend more time in the company of
children, old persons, who are very greedy, idiots despised and of poor mind peoples.

Religious codes of conduct[13]

 Person should not go out without touching gems, feets of respectable person, auspicious
things and flowers. Always wear auspicious herbs which are protective from evil like
Tulsi, Sahadevi and Rudraksha.
 Everyone should pay respect to the Gods, Cows, Teachers (preceptors) elderly people and
those who have accomplished spiritual perfection. Vol 6, Issue 7, 2017. 452

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 Do not wonder in an unknown place and prohibited area at nights. Do not take shelter at
night time in temples, under holy trees, at meeting place of four roads, garden, burial
ground and places of slaughter house.
 Do not eliminate sputum, flatus, faeces and urine in front of the wind, fire, water, the
moon, the sun and the teachers.

Codes of regarding partaking food[14]

 Eat food by first distributing to other peoples who need it.
 One should take food without talking, without laughing and with concentration. Because
this type of food becomes wholesome for a person.
 One should not take food without wearing precious stones in hand, without taking bath
and with torn apparel. Don‟t eat food without washing hands, mouth, feet and face.
 Do not eat food in an improper place, a crowded place and without offering it to fire first.
One should not take food which is dirty and which is served by unfriendly person or
 Curd is good for health. But intake of curd at night is strictly prohibited. [15]. Because it
blocks the srotas which produces various type of diseases. It has a bad effect on the
impairment of sleep and disturbances in mobilization especially for patients who are
suffering from asthma, bronchitis and rheumatism.
 Do not attend any other work or activities while under the pressure of natural urges of the
body. Because Ayurveda has explained that almost all diseases are created due to stopping
(not attending) to these urges or by enforcing them. [16]

Code towards women and copulation[17]

 Always avoid sexual intercourse with women at the time of her menstrual period.
Because person copulating with menstruating woman loses his vision, life span and
 Avoid the sexual intercourse with woman who is impure, a woman with an ugly
appearance, with bad conducts or manner and also with the women who is suffering from
diseases. Because these types of sexual activity produces loss of semen and aggravation
of Vata dosha.[19]
 One should not indulge in sexual intercourse with a woman who is not friendly or has no
passionate desire or is passionately attached to somebody else or is married to somebody
else. Vol 6, Issue 7, 2017. 453

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 Copulation should not be done in any organ other than the genital organ and not in the
places which are not vagina like mouth, axilla, groin and rectum. One should not also
indulge in sexual intercourse with animals. Because these types of sexual activity gives
rise to Syphilis and other sexually transmitted diseases. [20]
 Sexual activities are also prohibited under holy (religious) tree, near meeting places of
four roads, in a garden and at slaughter house.
 No sexual acts should be performed in morning and in the evening time. Because
copulation during early morning and midnight aggravates Vata and Pitta Dosha. [21]
 One should not be indulged with a woman without aphrodisiacs medicines, without
intense desire and without erection.
 Sex should not be done with woman without taking meals or with excessive intake of
food. Sex should not be done at the place where there is no privacy.

Codes regarding Study[22]

 One should not study, if there is unseasonal lighting, during an outbreak of fire, nor
during earthquake, nor during important festivals, during the solar or lunar eclipse and
during Sandhyas (dawn and dusk).
 One should not study without being initiated by a teacher (preceptor).
 While studying one should not recite words incomplete in sounds nor in high voice nor in
hoarse voice nor without proper accents nor without proper morphological symmetry,
neither too fast, nor too slowly nor with excessive delay, nor with too high nor too low

Code of mental activities[23]

 One should not indulge in any activity without proper examination.
 Don‟t allow sense organs to control you. You have to control them.
 Don‟t postpone the things to be done at the proper time. Don‟t take quick action without
examining it very well.
 Don‟t feel excessively exhilarated in achievements and depressed in loss. Should always
remember normal mode of events happening since the cause of all things are definite and
their effects are also definite. Be confident in the effects of your actions and always
initiate the activity and engage in efforts towards the desired effects.

Sharirika Sadvritta (Physical codes of conduct)[24] Vol 6, Issue 7, 2017. 454

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 Always wear flowers and apply sweet scents (perfumes). Because use of perfumes and
garlands stimulates libido, produce good smell in the body and enhances longevity and
charm. It gives corpulence and strength to the body. It is pleasing to the mind.[25]
 Always wear gems and ornaments. Because it adds to the prosperity, auspiciousness,
longevity and grace and prevents danger from snakes, evil spirits etc. It is pleasant and
charming. It is also conductive of Ojas.[26]
 Follow a routine of oil massage on head, ears, nostrils and feet every day.
 Keep cleaning excretory passage of waste (urethra, anus, vagina, nose, skin etc) and feet
frequently. Clean them with water.
 Always follow a routine of hair cutting, nail cutting and shaving at least three times in a
fortnight. Keep the nails and hair clean and well trimmed each fortnight or as the need
be.[27] Because hand and nail pick up dirt and infectious agent easily as it comes in
contact with various things, so washing of hand and removal of nail at regular interval is
mandatory specially to prevent the diseases transmitted through faecal oral route.
 Have a bath once or twice daily, as the season may be. Because bathing is auspicious and
aphrodisiac. It removes fatigue, sweating and increases self confidence and emotional
well being. Bathing helps to remove dirt and unpleasant body odors from the skin pores,
face and scalp. It promotes vitality in the body and prolongs life. It brings about strength
in the body and is an aid par excellence for the enhancement of Ojas. It also helps to
remain fit and good looking. Bathing improves blood circulation and boosts the immune
 The footwear should be selected as per our physical structure, geographic condition,
season and the type of job. Putting on foot wear is good for the eyes, vision and skin.
Removes discomfort of the feet, bestows strength, good for valour and sexual desire.[29]

There are various other important points in Sadvritta noted by Acharya Charak. But above
these are a few important codes regarding conduct. This shows that Ayurveda is not merely a
science of medicine, but it is really a science of life as well. It teaches us how to live in
society, how to make ourselves happy with happy surroundings, how to make other people
happy and live a long life.

Various do‟s and don‟t described in Sadvritta were very relevant to ancient times. As
centuries passed on, lot of changes have taken place inevitably in the social and religious
customs and behavior, so also in the mode of life of the people. Some of the ancient rules are Vol 6, Issue 7, 2017. 455

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in practice even now, some have disappeared, some are irrelevant to the present day and
some cannot be put to practice at all.

Sadvritta (Code of right conducts) mentioned in Ayurveda are unique. These regimens of
right conduct and behavior will not only help individuals to obtain and maintain their health
but also help to build a most civilized society and nation, worthy of emulation. By
Appropriate utilization of Sadvritta, we can prevent various types of physical and
psychological disorders and can achieve long and healthy life in terms of physical,
psychological and social aspect. In the end we can conclude that Sadvritta is essential tool in
modern era to prevent and eradicate the root cause of various diseases.

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21. Sushruta Samhita. Ambikadutta Shastri, editor. Chaukhamba Sanskrit Sansthan; Chikitsa
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Chaukhamba Surbharti Prakashan, Sutra Sthan, 2007; 8(24): 203.
23. Charak Samhita with Charak Chandrika Hindi commentary, by Dr. Tripathi Brahmanand,
Chaukhamba Surbharti Prakashan, Sutra Sthan, 2007; 8(27): 204.
24. Charak Samhita with Charak Chandrika Hindi commentary, by Dr. Tripathi Brahmanand,
Chaukhamba Surbharti Prakashan, Sutra Sthan, 2007; 8(19): 199.
25. Charak Samhita with Charak Chandrika Hindi commentary, by Dr. Tripathi Brahmanand,
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26. Charak Samhita with Charak Chandrika Hindi commentary, by Dr. Tripathi Brahmanand,
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27. Charak Samhita with Charak Chandrika Hindi commentary, by Dr. Tripathi Brahmanand,
Chaukhamba Surbharti Prakashan, Sutra Sthan, 2007; 5(99): 139.
28. Charak Samhita with Charak Chandrika Hindi commentary, by Dr. Tripathi Brahmanand,
Chaukhamba Surbharti Prakashan, Sutra Sthan, 2007; 5(94): 137.
29. Charak Samhita with Charak Chandrika Hindi commentary, by Dr. Tripathi Brahmanand,
Chaukhamba Surbharti Prakashan, Sutra Sthan, 2007; 5(100): 140. Vol 6, Issue 7, 2017. 458

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