PhD Course Work Exam 2024
Research Reviewing & Writing in Relevant Discipline
July. 2023 & March Part Time Batch 2023
Time ~ 03:00 Hrs Paper Code-SURW Max. Marks ~70
‘The question paper is divided in two parts A and B: Part A contains Short answer question and part B contains long
answer type question.
Note:- Attempt any Four Question. #18 OR Wea Aste (4X7=28)
1. Why are literature reviews important?
‘anftear water att recat
2. What is the role ofa literature review in writing your research project?
STU eter stshare eet Fereaet Ht enfcer eaten Ar ra ype BP
3. Whats the structure of a literature review?
‘eae rattan A eee aS
4, Do you think a research is complete without a review of relevant literature Explain?
Fea TERY Tar es eae nee ar aaah & eter HIS aNeT GT BY STA BY AGE?
5. What are 5 good research questions?
‘fer areak ether sear ar Fe
6. — Whyis research useful in the society?
ater ware Haat seat BP
Note:- Attempt any three Question. (GX14=42)
1. How do you write a research proposal?
sare eer secre Soe Foret B?
2, What is the basic methodology for a quantitative research design.
‘ararcaren feet PBomrget & Fare qferat ec het aTB?
3, define research design write a detail note an quantitative and quantitative research approaches.
eae ge a Rok es Tare RATE eT eH RT Ae RE
4. What is a dissertation? How long does it take to write a dissertation? What is the purpose of a dissertation?
How do I choose a dissertation topic? How do I formulate a research question for my dissertation?
vem aiver yer aa By way ether sede Feeney a rere eorer creo ay ater eter apr Seer ara Be HF cam ater weer |
fava ae a? BE aro ater ster & fare war ater waar ae da aR?
5, Write the process of thesis Writing,
ehfger dara ft afirar Fara
6. Write the content of research paper in det
eer or hy areal at fare BeraSunRise University, Alwar
Ph.D. Course Work Exam 2024
‘Computer Application
July 2023-& March Part Time Batch 2023
Exam Time Duration - 3Hrs Paper Code ~ SUCA Max Marks — 70
The Question Paper divided into two parts A and B: Part A Contains Short Answer Short Answer
question and Part B Contains Long Answer type Questions
Note:- Attempt any Four Questiot (4X7=28)
1, What is a computer?
wo we
2, Deference between RAM & ROM ?
RAM siz ROM @ a sie aersit ?
3. WHAT IS Magnetic DISK?
arate Peewee?
4, What is basic input and output system (B.LO.S)?
after gage atte arse ye Peer 3G. 3H.) FATE?
5. What is topology?write the types of topology?
Steatham be chetattst we FAFA?
6. What is flash memory?
wrter Aa aT BP
‘Note:- Attempt any three Question
Explain evolution and applications of computers. What are the advantages and disadvantages of
Seeger Reo: ote oe ah ree wget ote rT ATEN?
Describe role of computers in-business organisation and in trade and commerce
also in banking and finance?
arse aime cer Ta ce ence se aie a Arr aM emrayeR ay fen at awh we
Explain salient features of MS Word and different types of Text ease, What is Generic
structure of Business Report ?
ear a ae RTM athe FARse wae Bare Ato caro we ae UTE
Satter eee Fare?
Short Notes on following:- aafafeer x eftrer ater:
‘a) Components of computer aaa
1) Types and Advantages of Computer Network AER Acar We I wae
¢) Types and functions of Operating System ate fear Frew rare wd at
&) Meaning and Components of Mall Merge AS Hota an ed Wee
imethods to prevent identity theft?
‘What is Computer software and its types ? Expl
Haare AFCA aT HE FAH HEHE ? TTT ‘attr ay det & SIT eae?
in Ms-PowerPoint help to rearrange the Slides?
ater ar cer Fagg a Grea HEY A HS HTT
Ms-PowerPoint #SunRise University, Alwar
Ph.D Course Work Exam 2023
Research Methodology
July 2023- & March Part Time Batch 2023
“Time — 03:00 Hrs Paper Code-SURM Max. Marks—70
The Question Paper divided into two paris A and B: Part A Contains Short Answer question and Part B Contains
Long Answer type Questions,
Note:- Attempt any Four Question. (4X7=28)
‘What is research? What should be the qualities of good research?
‘thera > wep ated ster ear gor ea TART.
2. Discuss the various steps in conducting a research study?
We ether sreararet Seren ister axed oh PAABrest MUTT ae Tat
3. Describe the contents of research proposal. ?
Seger sere raha att
4, What is a research problem? State in brief the point to be considered in selecting a
subject for research?
‘iter erarear ara iter Sfp Sy crear H Fea fae are are falg wy aah AF aE.
5. What is a Research Design? Highlight the feature of a good Research Design?
Fears Barger ar Bo way sree etter PRgrger Hr Pedra oe wearer STFC,
6. What is Data? Differentiate between Primary and Secondary Data?
‘Ser arab sree atte afactreares Ser dra sie aay.
Note:- Attempt any three Question. (X14=42)
1. A. How do you evolve research design for exploratory research? Briefly analyze?
re mbar ary Fe argent aoe Behr HTT EL
®. Briefly explain independent dependent and extraneous variables in a research design?
fret etter Borger FH carcta aire athe wee TAT Hr aadT A caTTAT HL? er
2. A. Differentiate between ‘Census survey’ and ‘ Sample Survey’? Vfatl oe :
“torre aaron 3A eT aero er eT mT, ee Or
Didwn’ a
B. Analyze multi-stage and sequential sampling? Tee
ag ero Sth aren pha Faeroe ee
3, What characteristics it must possess in order to be a good research hypothesis? Aa
yay area etter GReanerett ater fare gaa ar Paerrare re TART,
4. What do you mean by research? Explain its significance in moder times?
aetna TTA aT A Sev A TTA
15, Why tabulation is considered essential in a research study? Narrate the characteristics of a good table.
(Para ater arearare a ercofranor ay arrerezren aeHY TAT SiTaT BP CH SET arrferanr ay farteany aang?
6, Describe the thesis Structure in detail?
eer aizean ar FEAR A acter He?SunRise University, Alwar
Ph.D. Course Work Exam 2024
Research and Publication Ethics
(July. 2023 & March PartTime Batch 2023)
Exam Time Duration-3Hrs__ Paper Code ~ SURE ‘Max Marks ~50
The Question Paper divided into two parts A and B: Part A Contains Short Answer Short Answer question and Part B
Contains Long Answer type Questions.
‘Note Attempt any Four Question. CRED)
1. What is the relationship between ethics and compliance. Ae
fear atte atepareer ay ere ea ice See
ay Analyze the impact of misrepresentation of data and selective reporting in research,
eget A Ser arora sregAR ae eerareaes PeonfSar a waar a Faw aE
3. what is your learning in research ethies?
supurs afar a aint war ata?
4. Discuss duplicate and overlapping publi |
_gftatie att stare warrerat ox oat te
rt Discuss the concept of publication ethics.? |
verre Afar Fr sae Ux Tah HEY
6 Discuss the impact of publication misconduct?
amrara aparare & waHra oe eat
Note: Attempt any Three Questions. (8X10=30) |
1. Write a short note on:-
A.Research Ethics siafgitret=ffaemres B. Publication Ethies wemreret afer |
2. What are the ethical issues in research and publishing?
appt ath errr afer ae Fae? |
3. Define plagiarism in publication?Also explain the Examples of plagiarism and Why is it wrong?
srararen & arpa andy ait aPtaarier ante eter ANT SeLOT aM ATE SH aI TAT FAT
4. Write a short note on:-
‘A. Intellectual honesty and integrity. atferas Serevent 3th Bearereor
B, Indexing databases, SETH STeFATT Rar |
: ; evmlyp a
5. Write in details of plagiarism software nan eht atic Fer Fah font ee Prev vp
6 What is the standard referencing style? aren eat dtatt aT?
Qu sour pwoply
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